Descendants of Daniel Martin (1745-1829) of Laurens County, South Carolina
S01ne of the Descendants of Daniel Martin (1745-1829) of Laurens County, South Carolina and the Allied Families of Hudgens, McNeese, Rodgers, and Saxon by CHRISTINE SOUTH GEE "He who cares not from whence he came Careth not whither he goes." Printed privately for Kn. Christi.,., S. Gee, ◄01 West Dunt Ave., Greaiwood, S. C. JI:, Xeya Printiq Compaa:,, Greeaville, S. C. 1P6J ii TO MY ANCESTORS By EoLus in the Chicago Tribune ( Copied from the Virginia Gazette) I see you toiling down the tedious years, You bearded, gaunt and bent old pioneers, Sowing and reaping, sowing once again, In patience for an unborn race of me1~. I see you stniggiing in the wilderness \Vhcrc failure meant starvation - rmd success A cabin in the wilderness, rough hewn, rude Caiments of homespun and the humblest food. Tradition scarcely tells me whence you came, I only know a few of you by name! I only know you lived and multiplied Quite profligate in progeny - and died. Yet in my heart I know that most of you Were strong and steadfast and that one or two At least had weaknesses that still may be Traced in the trends of atavistic me. One I am sure was blcst with native wit - I am thankful that he transmitted some of itl That helped him dodge Dame Troubles swiftest dart And meet misfortune with a merry heart. One was rather a worthless wight, I fear, Wno v:hen the bluebird whispered spring was near Forsook his plow - a shiftless slugg:ud one And roamed the woods alone with rod and gun.
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