Gilbert Family
A GENEALOGICA.L l\1:El\10IR OF THE GILBERT FAMILY, IN BOTH OLD AND NEW ENGLAND. BY J. WINGATE THORNTON, ESQ., LL. B. HO~. :\IE:\L OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE HIST. SOC., COR. MEM. OF THE .l'tl.AINE HIST. SOC,: 2\IE:'.\l. OF THE NEW ENG. HIST. GEN. SOC., HON. MEM. OF THE RHODE ISLAND HIST. SOC., FELLOW OF THE AMER. STATIST. ASSOCIATION, HON. :MEM. OF THE NEW YORK HIST, SOC. MDCCCL., PREl?1\.CE. Tnrs brief Memoir ,vas suggested by the labors of Sil✓ IluMPHREY GILBERT, ,vhose life, genius, and estate were de voted to geographical discoveries, principally in North America. He was "THE FATHER OF NORTHERN AND NORTH WESTERN COLONIZATION" in America; in attempting which he lost his life, leaving his opinions and example in posses sion of his disciple and brother, Sir WALTER RALEIGH, who perfected them, and thus became the FOUNDER OF V TRGINIA. These men laid the foundation of the trade and naval power of Great Britain. Among the earliest colonists in Virginia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine were the ~ilberts, to whom these pages refer. It has been the design of the author merely to present a few general facts, which may be of service to future enquirers. [50 copies printed.] Boston~ Ang. 10, 1850. 3 THE GILBERT FAMILY.* THERE is an historical propriety in preserving, in New England, the memory of the services and name of GILBERT, as no one is more honorably or intimately connected with American discoveries, geogra ,-------- phy, and early history. It stands conspicuous among the illustrious names of Raleigh, Drake, Cavendish, Gosnold, Hawkins, and a host of naval worthies ; and, with s~ngular happiness, is joined with the first three named, in lineage, as well as in the less tangible but generous relationship of mind.
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