July 26, 2019 Vol. 123 No. 30
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VOL. 123 - NO. 30 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, JULY 26, 2019 $.35 A COPY 124 Years of Continuous Publication Celebrating Our Anniversary! One hundred and twenty-four ter disappointment, to more it in its 124 years of uninter- years ago, an Italian immigrant remained a great adventure fi lled rupted publication. We have who arrived in Boston when with excitement. There were new never missed an issue, even he was only 16 years old saw ways to be learned as well as when the going was very hard. the realization of his fondest new institutions. There were The moral reward, over the dreams, the establishment of an speculators and exploiters to be years of hard work, came in Italian language newspaper that fought, and a “padrone” system many ways when American would be the genuine voice of that needed to be destroyed. presidents, senators, congress- the increasing fl ow of Italians to There were churches to be built men, governors, and other offi - the United States. The boy was and, above all, education to cials praised the work of the James V. Donnaruma, and the be had. Immigrants took great newspaper in times of war and newspaper was LA GAZZETTA advantage of America’s free edu- peace. The newspaper had to DEL MASSACHUSETTS which cation while learning the process fi ght vigorously against all forms is now published in English as of citizenship. We devoted pages of discrimination in employment the POST-GAZETTE. and pages to that very important and immigration laws, yet on the He remained at the helm of mission! issue of loyalty and patriotism, this well-known publication LA GAZZETTA became a there was never any question. until his demise in 1953, at guide, so to speak, the go- The Italian immigrants, after James V. Donnaruma - Founder Caesar L. Donnaruma which time his son, Caesar, between that brought American a long period of confusion which Publisher - 1896 to 1953 Publisher - 1953 to 1971 took over the reins of running political life to the Italian immi- was often bewildering, accepted the now famous national weekly grant. Many times, our people in full the American concept newspaper located in the North were sent unknowingly to work of school, church and state End of Boston. Caesar was loy- in places subject to a strike and have become an integral ally assisted by his ingenious and were therefore exposed to part of this democratic society, wife, Phyllis, who assumed physical violence on the part bringing to it all the qualities the role of publisher in 1971, of strikers ... in time, the situ- the Italians have always pos- becoming one the nation’s fi rst ation changed as they learned sessed as builders, dreamers, Italian-American women pub- more about the new land of organizers, fighters, artists, lishers. Upon Phyllis’ death in opportunity. inspired teachers and defenders October 1990, their daughter, The Italian immigrant was of both Italian and American Pamela, continued the tradition a hard worker, a thrifty man, ideals. as the third generation pub- a family man. He had pride. Throughout the U.S., espe- lisher of the POST-GAZETTE. As a family, their goal was cially in Boston where freedom LA GAZZETTA, as it was prop- to build a future in America. began over 240 years ago, erly called, was very short on LA GAZZETTA stressed these LA GAZZETTA or the POST- fi nancial means but had a large virtues. We began to publish GAZETTE has played a vital part vision, to give its readers a an all-English section which in history. better and wider understand- became a real forum for discuss- Today, the University of Phyllis F. Donnaruma Pamela C. Donnaruma ing between two countries. ing many problems, and criticiz- Minnesota and the University Publisher - 1971 to 1990 Publisher - 1990 to Present The so-called Italian Colony, or ing discriminating laws while of Florence in Italy have com- As we celebrate our anniversary, “La Colonia,” had to face a vari- advocating Americanization and piled all of our issues from the ety of complex problems and LA responding to community needs fi rst to the current publication we would like to thank our advertisers and GAZZETTA had to understand such as the Red Cross appeals. on micro-film for future gen- subscribers for their loyalty throughout the years. the slow and diffi cult transition A typical Horatio Alger story erations, thereby recognizing of men who, in most cases, had could be repeated by thou- the POST-GAZETTE’s historical We couldn’t have come this far without you! been engaged in agriculture in sands of immigrants and their contribution to this country and their home country. Here, they American-born children who the contribution of our unique had to work in construction, became an integral part of this culture to the people on these factories and restaurants, even- great country, fighting in its shores. We continue to bring tually becoming small business wars and facing every national to our readers the incredible News Briefs owners, and fi nally profession- crisis. It would be impossible stories of Americans from coast- als, heads of business enter- to enumerate here the many to-coast who are the “Builders of by Sal Giarratani prises, industrial leaders, even initiatives taken by our publica- America.” We salute these great heads of state — people to be tion, from its inception as “LA men and women who have made When it Comes to Pressley Remarks respected by others. GAZZETTA” to its present-day a tremendous contribution to Trump is Right If America was to some a bit- format as the “POST-GAZETTE,” our country and heritage. Recently at a N.C. rally, President Trump took on U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s recent remarks concerning Identity Politics. The President stated, that she “thinks Revere Beach Partnership to Host that people with the same skin color need to think the same.” I went back and checked the Congresswoman’s th quote and she did indeed say that we don’t need “black 16 Annual International Sand Sculpting Festival faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” This idea Friday, July 26th to Sunday, July 28th that all blacks need to be thinking the same is offen- sive. Imagine if a white Republican congressman from The Revere Beach Partnership sand sculpting lessons, chil- Alabama had said the same thing about white folks? is proud to announce the dates dren’s sand sculpting lessons, The Democrats and their Destroy Trump media would and theme for the 2019 Revere fi reworks, a drone show, and have been ranting and raving about Republican racism. Beach International Sand much, much more all over the President Trump needs to stop taking the bait. Just Sculpting Festival, hosted at course of three days. let the Squadron keep talking themselves into more America’s first public beach, Sand sculptors for the Master foolish comments. (Continued on Page 12) Revere Beach, established in Sand Sculpting Competition 1896. are as follows; Helena Bangert The annual festival draws of the Netherlands; Dan upwards of 1,000,000 specta- Belcher of St. Louis, Missouri; tors from all over the country Deborah Barrett-Cutulle POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE who come to watch master sand of Saugus, Massachusetts; sculptors compete for the fi rst Mélineige Beauregard of 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQ., EAST BOSTON place prize in the Master Sand Quebec, Canada; Jonathan Tues. 10:00 AM-3:00 PM; Thurs. 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Sculpting Competition. The ‘Jobi’ Bouchard of Montreal, festival also features gourmet 2018 1st Place Winner Canada; Enguerrand David Call 617-227-8929 for more information food trucks, live entertainment, Vanishing Muse by Pavel local vendors, exhibitor booths, Mylnikov (Continued on Page 2) PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 26, 2019 • 16th Annual International Sand Sculpting Festival (Continued from Page 1) of Belgium; Ilya Filmonstev announce that this year’s theme of Russia; Remy Hoggard of for the 2019 International Sand England; Maxim Gazendam of Sculpting Festival is celebrat- the Netherlands; Paul Hoggard ing the 50th Anniversary of of Bulgaria; Sudarsan Pattniak the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. of India; Sue McGrew of Tacoma, The 2019 Revere Beach Washington; Fergus Mulvany International Sand Sculpting of Ireland; Pavel Mylnikov of Festival will serve to provide Julius Caesar, Post-Mortem Moscow, Russia; Rachel Stubbs an artistic representation and used again. They also voted of England; Steve Topazio of celebration of this signifi cant that the Ides of March be called Tiverton, Rhode Island; Abe event of our nation’s history. the Day of Patricide (murder of Waterman of Prince Edward Hours for the 2019 Revere one or both parents) and that Island, Canada; Morgan Rudluff Beach International Sand the senate would never meet of California; Benoit Dutherage Sculpting Festival on Friday, th on that day. Most of Caesars of France; Jaku “Kuba” Zimacek July 26 and Saturday, July th conspirators died an unnatu- of the Czech Republic, and 27 are 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 th ral death within the next three Aleksei Rybak of Russia. p.m., and Sunday, July 28 years. They died in shipwrecks, The 2019 International from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in battle, or by suicide with the Sand Sculpting Festival will Admission is free and open to same dagger used on Julius. also feature the availability of the public. Julius Caesar holds a very lessons from highly-trained, About unique place in the history of sand sculpting professionals. Revere Beach Partnership: Rome and of the world. During Returning, once again, to lead Formed in 2001, the Revere his time, the government at these lessons are Sandi ‘Castle’ Beach Partnership is a 501(c) Rome was not adequate to Stirling and Raymond Poirier of (3) non-profit organization meet the administrative needs Ontario, Canada.