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DEVELOPMENT OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODULE BASED ON PROBLEM-SOLVING OF CULINARY ARTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES UMAWATHY A/P TECHANAMURTHY Malaya of FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA University KUALA LUMPUR 2018 Title Page DEVELOPMENT OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODULE BASED ON PROBLEM-SOLVING OF CULINARY ARTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES UMAWATHY A/P TECHANAMURTHY Malaya of THESIS SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA UniversityKUALA LUMPUR 2018 i UNIVERSITI MALAYA Original Literary Work Declaration Name of Candidate: UMAWATHY A/P TECHANAMURTHY Registration/Matric No: PHA130046 Name of Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Title of Thesis (“this Work”): DEVELOPMENT OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODULE BASED ON PROBLEM-SOLVING OF CULINARY ARTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES Field of Study: INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY I do solemnly and sincerely declare that: (1) I am the sole author/writer of this Work; (2) This Work is original; (3) Any use of any work in which copyright exists was doneMalaya by way of fair dealing and for permitted purposes and any excerpt or extract from, or reference to or reproduction of any copyright work has been disclosed expressly and sufficiently and the title of the Work and its authorship have been acknowledgedof in this Work; (4) I do not have any actual knowledge nor do I ought reasonably to know that the making of this work constitutes an infringement of any copyright work; (5) I hereby assign all and every rights in the copyright to this Work to the University of Malaya (“UM”), who henceforth shall be owner of the copyright in this Work and that any reproduction or use in any form or by any means whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of UM having been first had and obtained; (6) I am fully aware that if in the course of making this Work I have infringed any copyright whether intentionally or otherwise, I may be subject to legal action or any other action as may be determined by UM. Candidate’s Signature Date University Subscribed and solemnly declared before, Witness’s Signature Date Name: Designation: ii DEVELOPMENT OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODULE BASED ON PROBLEM-SOLVING OF CULINARY ARTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES ABSTRACT Problem-solving skills is one of the employability skills required by the industry. However, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates seem to lack problem-solving skills despite having the technical skills. One of the causes to this problem may be due to the insufficient practice in solving real- world problems, even instructors lack the pedagogical skills to teach for problem- solving. Hence, in this study a Problem-Solving Flipped Classroom (PSFC) module was developed for enhancing students’ problem-solving skills. A design and developmental research approach with three phases for needs analysis, design and development, and evaluation, was employed. fIn the Malaya first phase, 831 Culinary Arts students from all the 11 Community Colleges offering Certificate in Culinary Arts were surveyed to identify their levely of problem o -solving skills and their readiness for flipped classroom (FC) implementation. In addition, semi-structured interviews with 10 instructors were to gain insights into their current teaching practices. Findings indicate that students had average levels of problem-solving skills but exhibited high- level of readiness towards FC implementation. Instructors’ seem to follow the traditional culinary pedagogical model which did not seem to develop problem-solving skills.Universit Thus, there was a need for a module to develop problem-solving skills and the FC approach could be used. In the design phase, the elements appropriate for the PSFC module were determined using the Fuzzy Delphi (FD) method. Firstly, semi-structured interviews with six experts was conducted and the data was analysed into themes to design the FD Instrument. The instrument was distributed to a panel of 19 experts for iii consensus on the elements in the module. The consensus was achieved for elements of instruction in nine lessons for real-world problems related to Standards of Professionalism, Food Safety, Kitchen Safety and Kitchen Fundamentals. The PSFC module developed was reviewed by six experts and improved before implementation. In the module, lessons were facilitated by instructors using Telegram, while the instructional materials and resources were hosted on Schoology. The PSFC module was implemented among 30 students in a Community College in the evaluation phase using a single-group experiment. In addition, surveys on students’ perception of the module and interviews with the participating instructor were done to determine the module’s usability. The t-test analysis indicates a significant difference in pre-test and post-test scores for learning, t(29) = 12.458, p < .05 and for problem-solving, t(29) = 17.943, p < .05. Students also had positive perception towards their learning experience and the instructor found the module fpedagogically Malaya and technically usable. The findings show that the module is effective in improving students’ problem-solving skills and learning. The module enablesy instructors o to teach problem-solving using authentic tasks and resources in teaching Culinary Arts. It is recommended that the module could be implemented in other Culinary Arts classrooms to improve students’ problem-solving skills. Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Problem solving, Culinary Arts, First Principles of Instruction,Universit Cognitive Apprenticeship iv PEMBANGUNAN MODUL BILIK DARJAH BERBALIK BERASASKAN PENYELESAIAN MASALAH DALAM SENI KULINARI UNTUK KOLEJ KOMUNITI ABSTRAK Kemahiran penyelesaian masalah merupakan satu kemahiran kebolehkerjaan yang diperlukan oleh industri. Walaubagaimanapun, didapati graduan Institusi Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional (TVET) masih kurang menguasai kemahiran penyelesaian masalah meskipun mempunyai kemahiran teknikal. Salah satu punca kepada masalah ini ialah kurang latihan menyelesaikan masalah dalam situasi dunia sebenar, malah pengajar masih kurang kemahiran pedagogi untuk mengajar penyelesaian masalah. Justeru, dalam kajian ini sebuah modul Bilik Darjah Berbalik Berasaskan Penyelesaian Masalah(PSFC)Malaya telah dibangunkan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah dalam kalangan pelajar. Pendekatan kajian Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan ofyang melibatkan tiga fasa iaitu analisis keperluan, reka bentuk dan pembangunan, serta penilaian telah digunakan. Pada fasa pertama, seramai 831 pelajar Seni Kulinari dari kesemua 11 Kolej Komuniti yang menawarkan Sijil Seni Kulinari telah ditinjau untuk mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran penyelesaian masalah mereka dan kesediaan mereka untuk mengikuti pendekatan kelas berbalik. Di samping itu, temu bual separa berstruktur telah dijalankan dengan 10 orang pengajar untuk mengenal pasti amalan pengajaran semasa. Dapatan kaji selidikUniversity pula menunjukkan bahawa pelajar mempunyai tahap kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah yang sederhana, namun mereka menunjukkan tahap kesediaan yang tinggi terhadap pelaksanaan bilik darjah berbalik. Selain itu, didapati pengajar pula mengikuti model pedagogi kulinari tradisional yang kurang memberikan penekanan terhadap pembangunan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dalam kalangan pelajar. Oleh itu, wujudnya keperluan untuk membangunkan sebuah modul yang bertujuan v untuk membangunkan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan bilik darjah berbalik. Sewaktu fasa reka bentuk, unsur-unsur yang sesuai untuk modul PSFC telah ditentukan menggunakan teknik Fuzzy Delphi (FD). Pertama, temu bual separa berstruktur telah dijalankan dengan enam pakar dan data dianalisis secara tematik untuk mereka bentuk instrumen FD. Instrumen tersebut diedarkan kepada panel yang terdiri daripada 19 orang pakar untuk mendapatkan konsensus mereka mengenai elemen-elemen dalam modul ini. Konsensus mengenai elemen- elemen pengajaran telah dicapai bagi sembilan pelajaran berkenaan masalah dunia sebenar berkaitan Standard Profesionalisme, Keselamatan Makanan, Keselamatan Dapur dan Asas Dapur. Modul yang dibangunkan telah disemak semula oleh enam pakar dan dimurnikan sebelum pelaksanaan. Dalam modul ini, pengajar sebagai fasilitator telah menyampaikan pengajaran melaluiMalaya Telegram, manakala bahan pengajaran dan sumber dihoskan melalui Schoology. Bagi menilai keberkesanan modul ini, kaedah eksperimen satu kumpulanof telah digunakan. Seramai 30 pelajar dari sebuah Kolej Komuniti telah dipilih sebagai kumpulan eksperimen dan didedahkan dengan modul PSFC. Bagi menyokong dapatan, satu kaji selidik persepsi pelajar tentang modul dan temu bual dengan pengajar yang terlibat telah dilaksanakan untuk menentukan kebolehgunaan modul. Dapatan analisis ujian-t menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan dalam skor pra-ujian dan pasca ujian untuk pembelajaran, t (29) = 12.458, p < .05 dan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah, t (29) = 17.943, p < .05. Hasil penilaianUniversity kepenggunaan modul mendapati pelajar mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap pengalaman pembelajaran mereka, manakala pengajar mendapati modul ini mempunyai kebolehgunaan pedagogi dan teknikal. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa modul ini berkesan dalam meningkatkan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dalam kalangan pelajar dan mampu meningkatkan pembelajaran. Modul ini telah vi membolehkan para pengajar mengajar penyelesaian masalah dengan menggunakan tugasan dan sumber yang autentik dalam mengajar Seni Kulinari. Modul ini disyorkan agar diguna pakai