Horse Department Subjects for 2016 Skillathon The Skillathon is mandatory, but not part of the overall project score. The Skillathon will be divided into three age groups. Recognition of the top scores for each age group will be announced at the fair. Also, all youth that score a minimum score, as determined by the Skillathon board, will be entered into a random drawing for various prizes at the fair.

For 2016 all youth are expected to wear exactly what they wear for Showmanship at the fair for their Project Interview. See the Fair Book for complete information. If youth show more than one species, they may choose the species outfit they wear, and let the judge know during their interview. The skillathon will be hands on assessments as much as possible.

1. Horse Safety a. Know how to halter a horse and lead it safely b. Know how to tie a horse with a quick release knot c. Never tie a horse with a bridle/ bit in its mouth d. Know how to approach a horse safely e. Know safe riding apparel--helmet, boots, long pants f. Know what a horse needs when out to pasture or in a stall (horse always needs fresh clean water available) g. Understand how to “read” a horse based on its ears, tail, behavior

2. Grooming a Horse a. Given a basket of grooming tools, be able to select the items you need to properly groom your horse in general b. Given a basket of grooming tools, be able to select the items you need to properly groom your horse for a show c. Be able to explain/demonstrate how you use each item you choose

3. Reproduction System

I. Anatomy A. The ovum or germ cell is produced and nurtured in the until it is ovulated or released into the . B. The ovary is located between the last rib and hip bone in the nonpregnant mare and deeper in the pregnant mare because of the enlarging uterine contents. C. The active ovary will go through four structures. 1. The follicle is a fluid-filled blister that develops on the ovary surface. a. The follicle serves to protect and maintain the growing ovum (egg). b. It also produces estrogen, the excitatory female sex hormone. 2. The corpus hemorrhagicum is a small hemorrhage or blood clot that forms after . 3. The (yellow body) produces the hormone progesterone. 4. The is the connective tissue that appears on the ovary at the site of the corpus luteum. D. The fallopian tubes is the site of fertilization and transports the fertilized egg to the ; its three parts are the infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus. E. The uterus serves as an incubator for the developing fetus. F. Estrogen, progesterone and prostaglandin influence the tone of the uterus. G. The separates the uterus from the and controls the entrance of materials into the uterus. H. The vagina connects the cervix and the . 1. It receives the penis during copulation. 2. It also serves as the passageway for the foal during birth. I. The vulva is the external portion of the mare’s reproductive tract. 1. Wind suckers occur when the vulva lips lose their muscle tone and become loose and pliable. 2. Caslick sutures may be used to keep foreign matter from entering the tract and becoming infected.

II. Various facts about the Reproductive Cycle: A. Gestation length of a mare: average is 340 days; 11 to 12 months B. Normal position of foal at birth C. The estrous cycle is the interval from one ovulation to the next, which is 22 days. D. Estrus (heat) is the period when the mare is receptive to the stallion. E. Ovulation occurs 24 to 48 hours before the end of estrus. F. Estrus usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. G. Diestrus is the period when the mare is unreceptive to the stallion. H. Estrous detection is performed by teasing the mare with a stallion and by observing the mare for signs of behavioral estrus; these signs include tail raising, squatting, and urinating and winking of the vulva.