



• FOREWORDS 2 • Development Agency 3 • WUS Austria • • ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 4 1.1 About ADC 5 1.2 About WUS Austria 7 1.3 Cooperation History 9 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview of Implemented • Projects and Activities • • RESULTS OF ADC-WUS AUSTRIA COOPERATION – HIGH- • LIGHTS IN BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 14 2.1 of 20 2.2 University of Bihać 26 2.3 University Džemal Bijedić in 32 2.4 University of East 38 2.5 44 2.6 50 2.7 University of 56 2.8 University of • 62 CONCLUSION: SUMMING UP THE YEARS • 66 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS • 67 IMPRESSUM Forewords

Foreword by ADA Foreword by WUS Austria

Austrian Development Cooperation has success- leading to improved results and facilitating the After almost 20 years that I have been active in technological development of the in BiH. fully been engaged in acceptance of recommendations at the policy the field of higher education of citizens of Bosnia Before the in BiH since 1992. As Bosnia and Herzegovina’s devel- . and Herzegovina, I am glad and proud to see the officially started, WUS introduced the Bologna opment agenda is driven by the prospect of her results of the cooperation and assistance initiated Process in 2002 – meaning the modification of future integration into the , we stand at the beginning of a new era in and implemented by WUS Austria, which from the the curricula, changing of the methodological have also supported our partners in their efforts to our bilateral cooperation with Bosnia and Herze- very beginning were supported by the Austrian approaches, ECTS, monitoring of quality of new modernize the educational sector. The promotion govina. Both countries have agreed to a gradual Government. 15+, 15 years of cooperation, which programs, all of which were a major turning of youth and making the sector relevant for the phasing out of traditional development coopera- are highlighted with this publication as a final point in solving tasks within the reform processes. labor market were among the targets set. Austrian tion until the end of 2013. manifestation of projects supported by ADA, are Development Cooperation assisted in the imple- ending. This support was continuous and consist- Today, after a series of joint actions, WUS can be mentation of the Bologna process, participated in Ongoing programs will carefully be brought to a ent in accordance with the needs of the academic proud that it has been part of those processes at the development of a Quality Assurance System in successful end and will be handed over to Bosnia community in BiH, and it will hopefully continue the universities, where it managed to contrib- Bosnia and Herzegovina and linked the country’s and Herzegovina in 2013. in another form. ute to restoring and improving the undermined institutions with relevant partners in Austria and quality and restore the concept and system of the EU. We will encourage and support our partners It is difficult to single out one thing that was quality assurance, while responding to the needs to make increased use of existing alternative special. Everything was special, every attempt, of the universities. Good education and continued learning are instruments of Austrian cooperation such as every task, and every step. Today, our friends, necessary preconditions for young graduates to Business Partnerships, NGO co-operation, regional former students and scholars, are distinguished We would like to thank the Austrian Develop- be successful in the national and international co-operation, EU Twinning and loan funding professors, vice-rectors, deans, ambassadors, ment Agency for recognizing the need and for labor markets. Consequently Austrian Develop- provided by the Oesterreichische Entwicklungs- directors, presidents, engineers, etc. Some of them working together in implementing the Austrian ment Cooperation made particular efforts to sup- bank. have taken over, at their own institutions, the Development Cooperation fund. We also thank the port young people and, in doing so, cooperated very activities they were involved in together with Austrian Development Agency staff in Sarajevo with the University Service Austria (WUS We are looking forward to many years of WUS. Those who have had language and for their good communication, flexibility and Austria) and the public universities in Bosnia and fruitful cooperation between Austrian Develop- computer classes, now hold classes as guest understanding. Last, but not least, I would like to Ambassador Brigitte Öppinger-Walchshofer Professor Wolfgang Benedek, PhD, Chairman of WUS Herzegovina. ment Cooperation and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Managing Director of Austrian Development lecturers at prestigious universities around the thank the WUS Austria staff for their enthusiastic Austria Agency world. approach, understanding, learning by doing, and As the principle of ownership is important for moving from chapter to chapter in recognizing us, Austrian Development Cooperation has One of the important steps for Bosnia and the importance of their mission. involved the stakeholders and beneficiaries Herzegovina was the of providing quality in the design and implementation of program - Internet links after the war. Furthermore, and project - activities. This has contributed to projects like Telemedicine, Distance Learning sustainable institutional capacity development Center, eContent, are parts which supported the


1.1 About ADC - Austrian Development Bosnia and Herzegovina signed on 4 Novem- 1.2. About WUS Austria reforming the higher education system in the Cooperation ber 2009 embodies the framework of coop- target countries, with particular emphasis on eration between both countries. This strategy World University Service (WUS) is an associa- the Bologna Declaration. In the course of this process, the context of WUS Austria’s activi- Austrian Development Cooperation promotes sets out Austria’s approach towards rendering tion committed to the promotion of the human ties shifted from one of to that of sustainable development by reducing poverty. assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the right to education based on academic freedom medium term EU-expansion, which now forms Bilateral development cooperation concen- period of 2011–2013. The main objective is a and university autonomy. the framework of cooperation in the field of HE trates on partner countries in Africa, Asia and prepared and successful phasing out of in SEE. Central America as well as in South Eastern and bilateral programs of Austrian Development Since its establishment as a non-profit organi- Eastern . Cooperation. The priorities are education zation in in 1983, WUS Austria has been (higher education and vocational educational working on the promotion of higher education WUS Austria focuses on four core areas: Higher Education Development, Linking Higher Educa- In South Austrian Development training), economic development and employ- (HE) in various countries all over the world. tion and Economy, Arts and Culture and Higher Cooperation supports countries in their social, ment, as well as governance and gender as Since 1994, following the conflict in former Education and Human Rights. economic and democratic development and cross cutting issues. Ongoing programs will be , WUS Austria has developed a helps them prepare for their accession to the carefully brought to a successful end and will regional focus on South Eastern Europe (SEE). While higher education and South-East Europe European Union. The main priorities of coop- be handed over to Bosnia and Herzegovina in remain at the center of WUS Austria’s work, eration with South Eastern Europe lie in the 2013. WUS Austria implements its activities main- the organization is now looking to extend the fields of business and employment, education, ly in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, , scope and geographic focus of its services. environment and the rule of . At the beginning of a new era in bilateral co- and , while some programs operation Austrian Development Cooperation have been extended to many other countries, This refers particularly to an enhanced knowl- edge transfer between universities, the busi- Austrian Development Cooperation with Bos- will encourage and support the Bosnian and mainly in Central, Eastern and South Eastern ness world and society at large, and to WUS nia and Herzegovina Herzegovinian partners to make increased use Europe. To this end WUS Austria has set up of existing alternative instruments of Austrian local offices in Belgrade, Podgorica, Prishtina Austria’s efforts to revive its activities in Africa and America. By virtue of a shared history and intense in- cooperation such as Business Partnerships, and Sarajevo. Today, WUS Austria employs stitutional and economic relations, Austria NGO co-operation, regional co-operation, EU approximately 35 permanent staff and adminis- Within the scope of these projects, WUS has close ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twinning and loan funding provided by the ters an annual budget of 2.5 million EUR. Austria cooperates above all with the Austrian Austria supports the country’s convergence Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank. Federal Ministry for European and Internation- with Europe along with that of other countries Through its continuing efforts in the field of al Affairs, the Austrian Development Agency, in the . HE in SEE, WUS Austria has been playing an integral part in the reconstruction and the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research, the European Union and other (inter) national The bilateral agreement on technical coop- advancement process of HE in this region. organizations, as well as with universities in eration between the of Austria and Following the emergency and reconstruction phases in the 1990s, efforts concentrated on SEE, Austria and the EU.

4 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 5 From Humanitarian Aid to Support to Strategic Reforms of BiH Higher Education

The Austrian Development Cooperation and WUS prevent extreme brain drain. The „Lifeline“ kind of Austria proudly look back at seventeen years of projects have characterized the first out of three successful cooperation focused on support to periods of ADC/WUS cooperation. Higher Education (HE) in BiH. The joint efforts encompassed a variety of different projects which The second phase of our work in BiH can be called all had one thing in common: the belief that the reconstruction and stabilization phase, sustainable prosperity needs the Academia as one which focused mainly on purchasing of infra- of its main preconditions – and that the invest- structure, enabling the start of academic mobility ment in this sector does matter. And – that it did and inspiring excellence through smaller support 1.3 Cooperation History make a difference. projects. This „difference“ is now called „the impact of The third and still ongoing phase of ADC-WUS projects“ and is defined as „change in people’s Austria cooperation is characterized by an lives“. In the HE sector, the change caused through advanced approach initiating and enabling our projects is extremely difficult to isolate from reforms at BiH universities. Through a variety of other influences and to put into a certain time measures such as building up and developing frame. It has been driven by many influences in Quality Assurance structures and systems, inter- the past decades and the results are surely inter- nationalization, linking HE with the economic woven with those of many other initiatives. The sector and modernization of curricula, the BiH story of our cooperation with the ADC and the public HE sector has been strongly supported on BiH Universities is thus told through a number its way towards the European Higher Education of examples and testimonies throughout this Area (EHEA). publication enabling the readers to make their own impression about what we have jointly Almost two decades of ADC-WUS cooperation achieved. have, in our own opinion, been characterized by an approach which stands for sustainabil- The good intentions of the Austrian Government, ity, dignity, quality and a long-lasting friendship now called „Austrian Development Cooperation“, between BiH and the Republic of Austria. have started as an „Academic Lifeline“ Project back in 1994, financed by the Austrian Federal We would like to express our appreciation and Chancellery of the Republic of Austria. In order gratitude to the Republic of Austria for the to implement this and other projects that came immense support given to the HE sector in BiH, and Mag. Nina Beširević, Project Coordinator and Member afterwards, the WUS Austria Office in Sarajevo the “difference” enabled through their support. of Executive Board, WUS Austria was founded in the of the same year. In those turbulent times, Austria and WUS were the first to recognize the urgent need to provide humanitarian aid for academic survival and

6 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 7 Academic Lifeline Program for Bosnia and tion of manifestations such as international Herzegovina conferences, workshops and seminars, as well as events that aimed to improve academic The Academic Lifeline Program for exchange and the reform process of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, by improving educational sector. curricula through purchase of books, teaching aids and helping the restoration of classrooms Academic Mobility Grant / Support (AMG/ and laboratories, aimed at reducing the brain- AMS) drain from BiH and creating better possibilities 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview for students and teachers to continue their The AMG /AMS program served to help break education and work at their home universities. the isolation of BiH universities by assisting of Implemented Projects and Activities teaching staff and students to take part in Ideas for Action (IFA) international scientific events in Europe and around the world in order to reestablish The IFA program aimed at supporting student academic contacts and cooperation. In order volunteers helping to rebuild higher education to make their presence at different interna- in BiH. Through this Program scholarships were tional congresses, conferences, and workshops offered to full-time students at all BiH universi- possible, ADC-WUS Austria provided financial ties for projects proposing cultural and human- support to cover their travel costs. itarian activities and assistance to faculties and students on the basis of voluntary work. Postgraduate Students’ Grants (PSG)

Innovative Students Ideas (ISI) The PSG was a scholarship program for post- graduate students studying at universities in The ISI program aimed at giving the BiH. Scholarships were granted to students students of BiH universities a unique chance to with good performances at their faculties influence their immediate environment at their and who were at the end of their studies. The universities, faculties or student associations. number of scientific publications, frequent The Program supported students’ projects that participation in international scientific events aimed at improving the existing conditions of and three recommendation letters were part studying. of the selection criteria as well. In addition, the social situation of the candidate and the Support to Academic Events (SAE) formal quality of the application were taken into consideration. The SAE aimed at supporting various kinds of academic events or events linked to universi- ties. The program supported the organiza-

8 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 9 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview of Implemented Projects and Activities

Doctoral Studies Support (DSS) Support to Small Projects (SSP) circumstances were given preference in the Academic Cooperation Center for Sarajevo selection process. Students (ACCESS) The DSS program met the most urgent The SSP was an integrated intervention needs of local students in assisting young primarily aimed at sustainable development Establishment of Human Rights Center at The ACCESS center was located in the academics in their postgraduate and doctoral of BiH university institutions through the the University of Sarajevo building renovated with the support of the studies. The Program was developed to provide support of diverse projects such as pro- Austrian Federal Chancellery and Hope ’87 in financial aid to postgraduate students and in curing of laboratory equipment, books, comput- The Human Rights Center project focused on the UNSA campus. ACCESS consisted of a Coun- such a way support the development of new ers and other items and even supporting visiting activities aimed at the development of human seling and Information Center, which advised academic generations. professors. rights education at the University of Sarajevo. students and academics on opportunities of The Center included a library and human rights academic cooperation, exchange possibilities, Visiting Professors Program (VPP) Centers of Excellence Projects (CEP) documentation which was made available to all scholarship schemes, academic events, etc., members of the University, (non)governmental an Internet Café which served as a meeting The VPP aimed at supporting the visits of The CEP motivated faculties to develop organizations, and the public in general. place, but also gave online access to all the in- professors from abroad who came to teach new concepts leading to higher standards of formation sources on the Internet, and a copy courses not available at local faculties in BiH quality in teaching and research as well as to Establishment of WUS Interlink Center at center which assured cheap copying services to and to fill urgent gaps in teaching open up new fields of activities. The BiH uni- the University of Sarajevo students. On the upper floor, there was a library capacities. This part of international scientific versity institutions, at the time, were often and reading room with international literature exchange and cooperation was considered missing the most “hardware” for their “Interlink” aimed at educating students and and magazines, as well as internet access for important for the development of local academic work, such as books and technical establishing direct internet connection for the work in a quieter environment. ACCESS also universities. equipment. CEP provided support in the de- Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, Faculty offered academic and cultural activities, such velopment of centers of excellence at those of Law and Center for Human Rights, in order to as scientific workshops and seminars, as well as Balkan Case Challenge (BCC) faculties which were able to demonstrate they improve their communication with the rest of the concerts, exhibitions, book presentations, etc. had a development plan and a concept of world. Computer and internet courses were regu- The BCC project was an annual internation- making optimal use of the equipment (e.g. by larly held at the center, making it possible for fac- Networking Infrastructure Projects (NIP) al case study competition and recruitment sharing it with other university institutions). ulty staff and students to establish international event with a focus on South-Eastern Europe contacts with other universities, as well as access The NIP aimed at creating and improving (SEE). It aimed at opening up opportunities Excellent Students’ Program (ESP) to databases useful for teaching and research. the internet infrastructure of the universities and new perspectives for excellent students in BiH. The underlying mission of the project from SEE through strengthening links between The ESP aimed at supporting active students Establishment of Unilink Center at the was to supplement current internet projects, higher education and employment and by the and promising undergraduates with yearly covering the support of not only hardware, provision of concrete job opportunities. scholarship schemes. The selection criteria but also software organization and transfer of Excellent students from SEE and Austria had were based on study success and achieve- “Unilink”, a walk-in computer center at know-how. the opportunity to compete in the following ments, relevance of studies for the recon- the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the four academic disciplines: Law Moot Court, struction of higher education and sciences in University of Banja Luka, aimed at providing free Business Case Competition, Model European BiH, as well as the social situation of the ap- internet access to University members, as well Council, and ICT (Information and Communica- plicants. Students disabled in the war who as offering computer and internet courses on a tion Technology) Case Competition. were doing well in their studies despite difficult regular basis.

10 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 11 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview of Implemented Projects and Activities

Support for University Network Program European standards. This program encouraged BiH eLearning - “Fine Tuning” • Strategic and Structural Development (SUN) the faculties to introduce new subjects, and to of Quality Assurance in BiH Higher Educa- apply innovative approaches - in content and The BiH eLearning - “Fine Tuning” program tion 2008-2011 - focused on furthering the The SUN, implemented by WUS Austria methodology - to already existing courses. The aimed at promoting a set of Recommenda- development of quality assurance in BiH and the Interlink Center, aimed at providing CDP placed particular emphasis on interdis- tions by the BiH eLearning Task Force for the higher education. The project represented internet connection to the individual ciplinary teaching, transnational cooperation purpose of showcasing practical aspects of follow up action to previously established faculties which were willing to join the and networking between academics. eLearning in university education and lifelong QA structures at BiH universities and a push academic-cooperation network. This provid- learning. The Recommendations covered a wide forward to the BiH Agency for Higher Educa- ed a useful and long-term investment to the Brain Gain Program / Brain Gain Program range of activities that were important for the tion Development and Quality Assurance. The network infrastructure of a university. Plus (BGP / BGP+) creation of a collaborative environment among project intervention logic followed a specific, BiH universities, as well as between BiH demand-led approach, whereby BiH univer- BiH eLearning “eLearning Program” - The BGP aimed at opening the higher edu- academic eCommunity and universities world sity institutions were given the opportunity to eContent Program (eCP) cation sector in BiH by inviting emigrated wide. propose and implement measures they deemed academic staff to provide courses which were necessary for upgrading their QA systems. The eLearning program was oriented at not available at public universities in BiH. The Degree Development Structure (DDS) raising awareness and promoting eLearn- BGP was an important tool for strengthening ing within the BiH academic community. The the institutional cooperation between higher The DDS project’s main objective was to help eContent Program was a an evolutionary education institutions of BiH and universities install the methodology for developing II and merging of eLearning Program and CDP+, from around the world from which the visiting III cycle degree study programs and to initiate which aimed at transforming suitable CDP+ professors came. the creation of new master and PhD programs processed courses or their parts into online at BiH public universities. Particular emphasis educational content, as a supplementary Distance Learning (DL) was placed on linking higher education and the educational tool. eContent developers were labor market, to the aim of providing better trained in order to assure the sustainability of The DL program was concerned with the appli- career opportunities for graduate students. eLearning centers and make use of eLearning cation of advanced information technologies, infrastructure which was accumulated in the whose focal point was on the service aspect. Quality Assurance (QA) projects previous project years. Above all, the aim was The far-reaching aims of the program were: to further promote the general and specific development and integration of information • Structural Development of Quality aspects of eLearning within the university staff and computer technologies (ICT) in educa- Assurance in Higher Education 2006-2008, and students’ community. tion and teaching, development of flexible financed by the Austrian Development Coop- user-friendly infrastructure, advancement of eration and Government, aimed Course Development Program / Course “digital” education of the academic community at ensuring the transfer of know-how and Development Program Plus (CDP / CDP+) and development of a high-quality teaching expertise from EU experts to BiH Universities content, which could be integrated into the in the field of internal quality assurance (QA) The CDP supported the improvement of current European e-learning process. and supporting them in the development of curricula, with the objective to facilitate the institutional QA guidelines. transition of higher education in BiH towards


is why we have the special honor and pleasure Within the program Austrian Support to to look back at the most important results and BiH Higher Education in 2008-2011 or more experiences in the past 15 years. specifically its component Degree Develop- Modernization of our work and increasing quality ment Structure (DDS) and under the coordi-

of studies at our faculties in the period 1996-2006 nation of prof. Zdenka Babić, the Faculty of HIGHLIGHTS has been to a great extent supported through Electrical Engineering developed a doctoral WUS Austria activities. Some very important study program “PhD in ICT” in close coopera- results were achieved: tion with their twinning partner, University of • (1997) - the project “Implementation of EU Paderborn, and 3 labor market partners. Standards for Quality of Food in the Curricula of the Faculty of Technology and in Practice”; To the aim of designing and delivering a • (1997) - the project “Modernization of the high-quality, market-relevant and Bologna University Library in Banja Luka”; Exhibition of Students’ Projects supported through Process-compliant study program, a number of • (1999) - Establishing the Human Rights Center Brain Gain Program I support measures were made available to the : Professor Stanko Stanić, PhD at the Faculty of Law; applicant Faculty within the ADC-WUS Austria : Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1a, • (2001) – the project “Managing the Sustainable Since the launch of the Brain Gain Program project: expert consulting and guidance in aca- 78000 Banja Luka Network of Student Unions in BiH”; (BGP) in 2002, UNBL used the opportunity of Phone: +387 51 321 174 2.1 University of Banja Luka demic and administrative issues, scholarships Fax: +387 51 315 694 • Participation of students at the Balkan Case inviting and hosting guest lecturers 11 times. for study program lecturers, study visits to EU eMail: uni-bl@.net The University of Banja Luka (UNBL), estab- Challenge, etc. Prof. Milena Stavrić from the Graz University universities, purchase of literature, teacher Web: www.unibl.org lished in 1975, is the second largest university Implementation of the Bologna process in of Technology remains one of the most sought- training activities, etc. in BiH, consisting of 16 faculties and enrolling higher education institutions in BiH has put new after and frequent BGP lecturers, participating more than 17,000 students. Approximately challenges before our University. We manage as many as 7 times as a BGP lecturer at the 600 professors, 400 assistants and 450 ad- to deal with these challenges with the signifi- Faculty of and Civil Engineering. ministrative workers are currently employed cant support of WUS Austria. It is particularly at UNBL. In the academic year 2006/2007, the the case with specific projects related to quality ‘‘After 5 years of participation in the BGP, as a Bologna process was introduced within all its assurance and development of specific curricula, guest lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and study programs. As of 1st 2008, UNBL especially III cycle studies in Information-Commu- Civil Engineering, it is with pleasure that I observe operates as an integrated university. UNBL has nication Technologies at our Faculty of Electrical a remarkable development that took place at 54 licensed study programs and it remains fully Engineering, which was introduced in 2009. my host Faculty. Thanks to the project’s longev- committed to the idea of a borderless for Summing up the results of all these activities, we ity we managed to establish a modern teaching research and knowledge exchange in Europe. conclude that the cooperation was very success- structure in geometry and digital media which ful, useful, highly professional but also pleasant led to 2 workshops resulting in exhibitions of ‘‘The cooperation between the Banja Luka and friendly.’’ students’ works that will also be presented at the University and WUS Austria has continued and CAD Future conference in Liege. Therefore, I lasted since the beginning of WUS Austria op- Rector of the University of Banja Luka, Prof. must emphasize that this was possible only due to erations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). That Stanko Stanić the long-term support by WUS and an extremely friendly and positive atmosphere at UNBL.’’

Feedback by Prof. Milena Stavrić, Graz Exhibition of Students’ Projects supported through University of Technology, BGP Lecturer Brain Gain Program II by 2010 In January 2009 11 Brain Gain Program (BGP) visits successfully held at UNBL Gain Program 11 Brain in ICT” at UNBL – “PhD at the program of development and implementation the 1st doctoral Start of Electrical Engineering Faculty University of Banja Luka


In 1998, WUS Austria first encountered prof. Zdenka Babić from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, as a successful appli- cant within the project Ideas for Action. Ever

since then Prof. Babić has remained a loyal and HIGHLIGHTS avid user of ADC-WUS Austria projects and one of the most tireless reformers in BiH higher education. After a CEP project in 2002, the cooperation continued in 2004-2005 through Course Development Program+ (CDP +) within which prof. Babić, together with her colleague, prof. Ferid Softić, successfully developed two courses: “Digital Image Processing” and Official contract signing for the project Degree Development Structure „PhD in ICT“ in Banja Luka in January 2009 “Electronics Materials and Components”. Both CDP+ courses were later transformed into The final outcome of the project is a developed Assurance Forum at the La Sapienza Univer- eCourses through the eLearning - eContent doctoral program - the first licensed III cycle sity of in November 2007, organized by Program; eContent developed by prof. Babić study program at the University of Banja Luka European University Association (EUA), in coop- for the course “Digital Image Processing” has – which will soon provide its first generation of eration with European Association for Quality been awarded as the Best eContent project in graduates. Assurance in Higher Education - ENQA, the period 2005 – 2007. Today, prof. Babić is European Association of Institutions in Higher a project coordinator of a PhD study program Education - EURASHE, European Students’ supported by WUS Austria. Recommendations of the BiH eLearning Task Force Guide for development of eContent/ eCourses In 2006, within its project Structural De- Union - ESU, and . velopment of Quality Assurance in Higher The intervention logic of the eLearning knowledge databases, locate needed resourc- Education, WUS Austria supported the estab- Program in BiH – Fine Tuning was based on es and use them (e.g. to share text, graphics, lishment of a QA center at UNBL and provided a clearly articulated demand of BiH academic animations, quizzes, audio and video material training for QA staff through study visits to EU community and recommendations of the BiH among universities). universities, seminars and conferences. UNBL eLearning Task Force (eLTF). One of the end representatives, Mr. Miroslav Dragić, QA co- results of the program, which was officially sup- On April 18th 2005, an eLearning Train- ordinator at UNBL and Ms. Blanka Škipina, ported by the BiH Council of Ministers, was the ing Seminar in Banja Luka was successfully QA coordinator at Faculty of Technology, “eLearning Strategy for BiH”. Furthermore, held. Attended by more than 80 participants it conducted a study visit to Kaho Sint Lieven the project resulted in “BiH eLTF Recommen- covered a number of different topics: eLearn- University in from May 28 to 01 dations” – a core document designed to serve ing in academic community, eLearning Devel- 2007. Kaho Sint Lieven University was chosen as a basic guideline for eLearning and eContent opment Strategy for BiH, WEB Based Training based on the fact that Belgium higher educa- development at the level of a university. – Standards in development, packaging and tion reform scored very high (especially with Based on the Recommendations to use the distribution of online content, Digital video in regard to quality assuarnce) at the Ministerial SCORM standard for content packaging, eLearning, Copyrights in eLearning, Recom- Conference in London in 2007. UNBL implemented Learning Management mendations for verification and evaluation of Furthermore, UNBL QA coordinator, Mr. Dragić, Study visit by UNBL representatives to Kaho Sint Lieven Prof. Zdenka Babić receiving her Award for Best eCon- Systems (LMS) and obtained LMS Collaborative ePublications in eLearning process, Transfer- participated at the Second European Quality University in , Belgium, in June 2007 tent project in November 2007 ring traditional course material into eMaterial 2006 2004-2005 2004 – 2005 Software in order to browse and search through Introduction of quality assurance concept at UNBL of quality assurance Introduction of Electrical Engineering the Faculty Zdenka Babić from with prof. A success story: Cooperation in BiH 2004-2005 Program successful participation in eLearning UNBL’s University of Banja Luka


- pedagogical and didactical aspects in eLearn- English language courses, “Career Train- WUS Austria established two Walk-in Com- academic relations within BiH. Furthermore, the - ing, Dynamic Power Trainer – authoring tool, etc. ing Seminar”, “DL courses in Science and puter Centers in Banja Luka - one located established Counseling and Information Engineering”, seminar “Open Society and at the University Computer Center and the Center provided students and academic its Enemies”, “Introduction to Multime- other at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering - population in general with useful information

In 2001-2002, besides support provid- dia”, workshop “Digital Video”, etc. under the joint name of “Unilink”. The equip- on ADC-WUS Austria’s programs, opportuni- HIGHLIGHTS ed through programs for academic mobil- ment was donated by the Austrian Federal ties for studying abroad, scholarship schemes, ity (AMG), visiting professors (VPP), distance Chancellery (OstZusammenArbeit) through cultural events, cooperation with other learning (DL) and infrastructural development Not diminishing the value and impact of WUS Austria activities. The computer centers organizations, etc. (CEP), BiH universities were offered funds numerous CEP projects implemented in the mainly served as free internet access points for organization of courses and seminars period 1997 – 2004 at UNBL, the “Telemedi- for university members, as well as platforms on topics they found essential at the time. cine” project is singled out since it repre- for regular computer and internet courses. In 1997 the underlying mission behind Numerous training activities, targeted at dif- sented pioneer action in the field, not only in ADC-WUS Austria projects was to motivate ferent stakeholder groups (students, teaching BiH, but also in the region. Its first phase was university institutions to develop and adopt staff, administration, management) were - suc implemented in the period 1999-2000, under new concepts leading to higher standards of Counseling and Information Center (CIC) in Banja With the support of the Austrian Federal Luka I cessfully held: “Basics of Microsoft Win- the coordination of Ozren Kordić, MSc and Chancellery, WUS Austria Office in Banja quality in teaching and research as well as to dows, Word, Internet Explorer and MS prof. Milorad N. Stanišić, D. Med.Sci. and it Luka was opened for the purpose of assur- open up future fields of activities. Such action modernization of the University IT laborato- Excel”, “Web Publishing for Faculty Web set the foundations for further improvement ing more efficient coordination of support, was first enabled through CEP – Centers of ry, the University Library, and introduction Developers”, “MS ACCESS for the Faculty of medical teaching at UNBL and Banja Luka increasing the number of project beneficiar- Excellence Projects. At UNBL, 3 CEP projects of EU quality standards and methods of food of ” (creation of a medical database), University Clinical Center. ies, confidence-building and strengthening of were successfully implemented which aimed at control in curricula at the Faculty of Technology.

2001 – 2002 2000 1999 In March In August 1998 In August 1997

formation Center (CIC) for students and academics was founded Publication issued through the CEP project “Telemedi- Unilink Center in Banja Luka WUS Austria Office in Banja Luka Counseling and Information Center (CIC) in Banja Luka II learning, multimedia etc.) topics (distance A series of language and computer courses seminars on various CEP project through the region) concept in Bosnia and Herzegovina (and Support to development of the Telemedicine at UNBL Luka Computer Center was officially opened at the University of Banja the Unilink Walk-in Luka and the Counseling In Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Office was opened at the WUS Austria implementation of 3 CEP projects through Austria between ADC-UNBL-WUS of long-standing Start cooperation University of Banja Luka cine”


‘‘University of Bihać has had the special opportu- In the course of years of ADC support, WUS nity to cooperate with WUS Austria Sarajevo Office Austria strived to bridge the gap between for the past fifteen years. It was a most satisfy- identified problems and priorities in BiH high- ing experience. Many activities were supported, er education and trends in European Higher

but it is more important to mention the not so Education Area by providing training activi- HIGHLIGHTS visible support provided through all these activi- ties to academic community in BiH on various ties. Apart from professional and financial assis- topics in European reform agenda. To that pur- tance in securing numerous relevant experts, pose several seminars, trainings and confer- organizing workshops, study visits and many ences were organized for BiH university staff. more activities, it is the new contacts, bonds and UNBI staff readily participated in all knowledge friendly support that made the greatest contri- transfer activities provided through ADC-WUS bution. Quality Assurance Forums were a great Austria cooperation, some of which were: opportunity, not just for attending, but also to contribute to the development of European • Training “DL Courses in Science and Rector: Professor Refik Šahinović, PhD perspectives which we did through our representa- Engineering” in 2002 in Velenje, Address: Pape Ivana Pavla II 2/II, 77000 Bihać tive. We are proud to be the only BiH University • “eLearning Training” in April 2005, in Banja Phone: + 387 37 222 022 that took active participation in the 4th QA Fo- Luka Fax: + 387 37 222 022 2.2 University of Bihać rum in . Our country was represented • Seminar “Quality Assurance Systems eMail: [email protected] Web: http://www.unbi.ba in the best way and we made our mark in the at BiH Universities” in January 2006, in The University of Bihać (UNBI) comprises sev- European course. Our Quality Assurance activities Sarajevo Brochure on LLL developed for the seminar “Course en faculties (Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, were greatly supported through these projects, • “Train the eContent Developers” in April Development and Life-Long Learning”, February 2007 Faculty of , Islamic Faculty of Edu- and it will not be exaggeration if we admit that 2006, in Sarajevo cation, Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Law, most of our advancements in this field were made • Seminar “Quality Assurance at University Faculty of Technical Engineering and College of possible through WUS coordinated (ADC/ADA of Bihać” in June 2006, in Bihać Nursing Studies) and two institutes (Institute funded) activities. We are extremely pleased with • Training “Curriculum Development and of Technical Faculty and Institute of Econom- the past cooperation with WUS Austria, Sarajevo ECTS Introduction” in November 2006, in ics). Through its institutes UNBI has been main- office, and we also look forward to future coop- Banja Luka taining cooperation with the local industry and eration, being available for all kinds of activities.’’ • Seminar “Course Development and Life- carrying out projects for them. In 2006/2007, Long Learning” in February 2007, in Sarajevo UNBI introduced Bologna principles within its Rector of the University of Bihać, Prof. Refik • Conference “Quality Assurance Systems at teaching and research activities. The aim of Šahinović Universities in BiH” in April 2008, in Sarajevo the UNBI academic community is to continue • Seminar “Development of II and III Cycle developing the University in line with European Degree Programs” in March 2009, in Banja and world standards. Luka • Seminar “Promotion of Doctoral Studies” in March 2010, in Mostar

UNBI institutions remained avid users of Seminar “Development of II and III Cycle Degree the Brain Gain Program (BGP); so far 20 guest Programs”, March 2009 in Banja Luka by 2011 by 2011 UNBI staff participated in numerous seminars, trainings and conferences aimed at development of and conferences seminars, trainings UNBI staff participated in numerous BiH higher education in line with EU trends (BGP) visits took place at UNBI Gain Program In total 20 Brain University of Bihać

20 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 21 2.2 University of Bihać lecturers’ visits have been awarded and successfully implemented throughout the University of Bihać. The majority of the guest lectures were held at the Faculty of

Technical Engineering whereby the most HIGHLIGHTS frequent and enthusiastic BGP lecturer was prof. Salih Teskeredžić whose expertise lies in Contemporary Design, Wood in Contem- porary Product Design, Design and Form Theory. Long-standing BGP cooperation has, among other things, resulted in a clothes design project/workshop ”Made in BiH” and Students’ Works in Wood Design II Students’ Works in Wood Design III an exhibition of students’ wood designs. Study visit to Czech University in , May 2009 Official contract signing for the project DDS “MA in Mechanical Engineering” in Bihać in January 2009 ‘‘Every time students show even greater interest The project Structural Development of ed a paper entitled “Quality as Subjective in the topics we are tackling. Due to absence of Quality Assurance in BiH Higher Education Experience”. In January 2009, the process of develop- all necessary teaching materials, the students 2008 – 2010, financed by ADC and Princi- ment and implementation of a labor market have difficulties in obtaining the valuable infor- pality of Liechtenstein, focused on further ‘‘University of Bihać had a rare opportunity to relevant second cycle study program, MA mation regarding this very ‘live’, contemporary development of human resources and capac- participate in QA forums. It would hardly be in Mechanical Engineering officially started and dynamic field. I am impressed by the interest ity building in the field of QA at BiH universi- possible to have it realized without WUS assis- at the Faculty of Technical Engineering within and thirst for knowledge, the students showed for ties through measures such as study visits to tance through this project. Our institution gained ADC-WUS Austria project Austrian Support their further professional careers in the field, but EU universities, participation at international great insight into the European currents and made to BiH Higher Education in 2008-2011 i.e. its also for BiH textile production in general. ‘‘ QA forums and development and printing of strong connections with relevant key players in Degree Development Structure (DDS) compo- university strategies and institutional QA policies. this field. It also helped us shape and develop our nent. The Master program was designed and Feedback by Prof. Salih Teskeredžić, BGP lecturer own vision and strategy of quality assurance. We realized in close cooperation with Fachhochs- In May 2009, UNBI representatives together were also able to present some of our experiences chule Technikum and a number of labor with their colleagues from University Džemal to the European auditorium which promoted not market partners. Apart from clear guidance Bijedić in Mostar conducted a study visit to only the University, but our country as well.’’ and expertise in the development of a master Czech University in Prague. The participants program, the project team was provided with were very pleased with the study visit and their Feedback by Enes Dedić, QA Coordinator, a number of accompanying support meas- host institution since the Czech University in University of Bihać ures such as study visits to EU universities, Prague is a with excellent equipment procurement, purchase of a web references and valuable experience. Furthermore, the project supported develop- platform, scholarships for lecturers, literature The QA coordinator at UNBI, Mr. Enes Dedić, ment and publishing of the UNBI institutional purchase, BGP visits, and teacher training actively participated in the Fourth and Fifth Quality Assurance Policy. UNBI even printed activities. European Quality Assurance Forums in out bookmarkers containing QA policies in November 2009 and in November 2010 order to make them more attractive and respectively. Moreover, at the 4th European increase their distribution among the academic In line with trends in EU higher educa- Quality Assurance Forum held in Copenhagen, community. tion, in 2006 WUS Austria launched its

Students’ Works in Wood Design I UNBI QA Coordinator, Mr. Enes Dedić, present- project Structural Development of Quality Assur- QA policies published as bookmarkers at University of 2010 January 2009 2006

Further familiarization with QA and development of institutional Quality Assurance Policy at UNBI Policy and development of institutional Quality Assurance familiarization with QA Further center opened at UNBI marking the start of institutional capacity building for QA (QA) Quality Assurance University of Bihać Bihać of at the Faculty for developing and implementing a second cycle study program contract UNBI signed a project in Mechanical Engineering Engineering – MA Technical

22 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 23 2.2 University of Bihać ance in Higher Education 2006-2008, with the Within the project, UNBI used the knowledge (Coordinator: Mirzet Mujadžić) get all the necessary information and material in financial support of ADC and Principality of it gained through various seminars, study visits Faculty of Law one book. Personally, this project was of immense Liechtenstein, which aimed at establishment of and trainings to develop its own QA Guidelines • Security Studies in Transition help to me as a lecturer since I was provided with QA structures at BiH universities. Consequent- entitled „Guide through Quality Assurance“ (Coordinator: Nedžad Bašić) the necessary and valuable bibliography and

ly, the project and its activities led to establish- covering the definitions of basic QA vocabulary videos which under normal circumstances are HIGHLIGHTS ment of a QA center at UNBI, training of the and concepts, QA standards and guidelines in Faculty of Pedagogy very difficult to obtain due to the fact that they QA coordinator, and establishment of UNBI QA BiH higher education, QA systems at UNBI etc. • Anthropomotorics are very expensive. In the end, I want to thank procedures. (Coordinator: Nijaz Skender) Austrian Government and WUS staff for their immense help and cordiality, and especially for From 28th – 31st March 2007, representatives Within projects Support to Higher Education ‘‘The CDP+ project is an extraordinary support to their professionalism and dedication.’’ from UNBI, . Halid Makić and Enes Dedić in BiH 2002-2004 and 2005 – 2007 (financed universities in BiH by enabling the teaching staff conducted a study visit to two prestig- by ADC), four CDP+ courses were successfully at the universities to provide our students with Feedback by Prof. Nijaz Skender, developed at UNBI: ious universities in England: University of the high quality knowledge. Study visits are very Faculty of Pedagogy, CDP+ coordinator Purchased equipment installed in the laboratories of Cambridge and City University London. useful to learn about the current situation of the the Technical faculty According to their feedback, the study visit was Faculty of Technical Engineering: faculties in other countries. Providing support to very informative and successful. • Design Project Clothes print the course material is essential as students From 1999 until the end of 2004, UNBI and • Methods and Techniques of Presentation especially its Faculty of Technical Engineering ate Students Grants (PSG) and Doctoral Stud- very actively followed the work of WUS Austria ies Support (DSS), Academic Travel Support (and its ADC-funded projects) and diligently Program, Visiting Professors Program (VPP), participated in CEP and Small Scale Projects Academic Mobility Grant (AMG). Both students (SSP) actions. and teaching staff of UNBI actively took part in the offered projects and hence 3 students ‘‘With the means provided through various and participated in ESP while 3 professors from the numerous WUS Austria projects, such as CEP and Technical faculty used Academic Travel Support SSP (and finally DDS), Faculty of Technical Engi- Program to attend a conference on EMCO CNC neering purchased laboratory equipment that has machines. largely contributed to implementation of practi- cal teaching and improvement of education and training in the field of textile and wood design, as University of Bihać was founded in July well as robotics, of both students and the employ- 1997 and in 1999 UNBI started participating in ees of the Faculty’s labor market partners.‘‘ WUS Austria-ADC projects – the first of them being Centers of Excellence (CEP) projects Feedback by Prof. Isak Karabegović, Faculty of which were aimed at improving the overall Technical Engineering, University of Bihać teaching process through procurement of nec- essary equipment. First UNBI CEP project was

equipping of the “Laboratory for Training of In the period 1999-2002, WUS Austria pro- Furniture Design Engineers” at the Faculty grams focused on a number of support meas- of Technical Engineering in 1999. ures targeted at different stakeholder groups: „Guide through Quality Assurance” Official contract signing at the Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo for the ADC-WUS Austria program Support to Higher Excellent Students Program (ESP), Postgradu- 2004 – 2007 by 2004 1999 – 2002 Education in BiH 2005-2007 1999

UNBI participated in numerous Centers of Excellence (CEP) projects and Small-Scale Projects (SSP) for the purpose of Projects and Small-Scale projects (CEP) Centers of Excellence in numerous UNBI participated equipping a number of laboratories etc. guest lecturers implemented at at students, academic staff, targeted support measures A number of different UNBI support projects Austria UNBI started using ADC -WUS University of Bihać Four Course Development Program+ (CDP+) courses successfully developed at UNBI (CDP+) Course Development Program+ Four


“The existence of the WUS Austria Sarajevo Within WUS Austria’s project Structural Office was of significant assistance to the Univer- Development of Quality Assurance in Higher sity Džemal Bijedić of Mostar, considering that Education 2006 – 2008, which was financed by this University benefited from programs offered ADC and Principality of Liechtenstein, UNMO

and coordinated by this Office. The possibility to used the opportunity to build its human and HIGHLIGHTS apply for different programs, particularly BGP, institutional capacities for quality assurance was important, having in mind the need Džemal through a number of capacity building and Bijedić University of Mostar has had and still has knowledge-transfer activities such as study regarding its teaching staff. visits to EU Universities, seminars on different All the professors who came to our University came topics within the field of QA in HE, develop- with the desire to support us and they brought ment and printing of institutional QA guide- with them new approaches, fresh ideas and the lines, etc. possibility to establish connections with the insti- tutions where they are currently employed. It also enabled us to be more visible internationally. Rector: Professor Ahmed Džubur, PhD Address: Univerzitetski Kampus, 88104, Mostar The fact that the professors came from BiH or that Phone: +387 36 570 727 2.3 University Džemal Bijedić they used to work at Džemal Bijedić University Fax: +387 36 570 032 in Mostar of Mostar provided the University with the best eMail: [email protected] advocates abroad. Web: www.unmo.ba The University “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar However, the most significant impact this (UNMO) was founded in 1977. UNMO consists program has had is the impact on students. UNMO delegation’s study visit to University TOR VER- of 8 faculties and it employs 250 teaching They benefited from having top lecturers from GATA in Rome, February 2007 staff members and associates. Approximate- around the world. The guest professors introduced ly 12.000 students were enrolled at UNMO student-based and student-oriented lectures that Within the second phase of the project, in the academic year 2008/2009. UNMO’s proved to be successful among students. This also Strategic and Structural Development of Quali- mission is to organize a wide range of edu- had an effect on local teaching staff that used Project promotion through a round table at UNMO in ty Assurance in BiH Higher Education in 2008 – cational processes of different contents and the presence of guest lecturers to improve their September 2006 2011, QA system and processes at UNMO were levels, and perform theoretical, applied and academic records. developed further and upgraded particularly in evolving scientific research, thus becoming It also created a possibility to establish good coop- the field of QA information systems. More one of the leaders in the education of young eration with WUS Austria Sarajevo Office regard- specifically, UNMO together with its partner, experts necessary for the development of ing issues that are addressing higher education: , developed an information economy and society, as well as to promote quality of teaching process and academic perfor- system for regular collecting and monitoring of cultural and social development of region and mance. By applying to different projects, Džemal quality parameters. country. Bijedić University of Mostar and WUS Austria Sarajevo Office became project partners what Feedback by UNMO beneficiaries: proved to have positive outcomes.” “The project is certainly very useful to improve Quality Assurance at Universiy “Džemal Bijedić” Rector of the University “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar, to obtain relevant data. The system Mostar, Prof. Ahmed Džubur significantly reduces the time and therefore costs,

for obtaining necessary information for the Office 2006 - 2011 Development of an institutional system for internal quality assurance Development of an institutional system for internal quality assurance University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar


Project promotion at UNMO in June 2009 Official contract signing for the project “Information Participation of UNMO representatives at the seminar in Sarajevo “Curriculum Development and ECTS Introduction” System for Support of Internal QA at the Universities in September 2005 of Quality Assurance. The information will be used Systematics of Plants (Prof. Ahmed Džubur) of Tuzla and “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar – QA InfoSys” in April 2010 in the future for faster and easier tracking and for which it purchased monocular and (University of Llieda, ) and printing of too long and the outcome of which is uncertain.” monitoring of key performance indicators.” binocular microscopes. attractive scripts, the project team developed Comment by Prof. Dragica Radosav, approved and successfully completed, as a two new courses and upgraded two existing Faculty of Information Technologies, CDP+ The Faculty of Information Technology, Within the project Support to Higher Educa- result of which 5 new courses were developed courses in line with Bologna Process principles. lecturer remaining a devoted user of WUS Austria- tion in BiH 2005 – 2007, a number of seminars at UNMO: ADC projects, once more took full advantage and trainings were held, in which UNMO staff, “Under present economic and social conditions, Faculty of of support measures offered through CDP+ to especially CDP+ stakeholders, readily took part: Faculty of Information Technology the help provided through the CDP+ to academic 5. Principles of Theater Practice with Basic develop and modernize 2 courses: Computer • A series of trainings “Train the eContent 1. eBusiness Principles community is of great importance. This project Concepts of the Art of Acting Systems Architecture (Prof. Safet Krkić) Developers” BiH, April – , 2006; 2. Software Engineering is a true support for development and advance- Project coordinator and course lecturers: Tanja and Web Technologies (Prof. Emir Humo). • Training “Curriculum Development and 3. Software Development Tools ment of the teaching staff and young research- Miletić-Oručević M.A., Christina Mouratidou, M.A. Furthermore for the new course Web Technolo- ECTS”, Banja Luka, November 2006; 4. Information System Security and ers as well as for improving the stock of available The purpose of the project was to create a new gies complementary eContent material was • Seminar “Course Development and Life- Protection literature…I especially like the fact that CDP+ course for students of a newly formed group developed. long Learning”, Sarajevo, February 2007. Project coordinator and course lecturers: Prof. supports specific ideas with very good distribu- for Theatrology and Drama Pedagogy. Through Safet Krkić, Prof. Dragica Radosav, Prof. Vanja tion of funds that completely cover all aspects of CDP+ and its support measures (literature In 2006, the Faculty of Mediterranean Bevanda, Prof. Nijaz Bajgorić curriculum improvement. Work on such project, procurement, script development) this course Agriculture joined the group of CDP+ benefi- Within the project Support to Higher Educa- Through purchase of contemporary litera- in small teams makes the applicable effects rela- has become the main practical training course ciary institutions by developing its course on tion in BiH 2004 – 2005, 2 CDP+ projects were ture, 2 study visits to EU partner institution tively fast as opposed to larger projects that last for 1st year students. 2006-2007 2004-2005 ticipated in 3 capacity-building activities ticipated in 3 capacity-building through Course Development Program +, 3 courses were upgraded and UNMO staff was trained through a couple of a through staff was trained and UNMO upgraded courses were +, 3 Program Course Development through seminars and trainings staff members par than 20 UNMO + and more the Course Development Program developed through 6 courses were University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar


“In these times of non-friendly state policy and trainings were held in which UNMO staff, German teachers in this period…So far three towards education and arts (an unfortunate especially CDP+ stakeholders, readily took part: of our students successfully defended their international phenomenon), the Drama Depart- doctoral thesis and three more are doing their ment of Mostar could not reach the position of • eLearning seminar “Pedagogic ad Didactic research for writing doctoral thesis. Six of our

funding the appropriate printing of this course’s Aspects in Transformation of Traditional students finished their Master degree papers HIGHLIGHTS script, not even in a small number of copies. How- Contents into Electronic Form”, Mostar, and got Master degree certificates and six ever, that same Drama Department wishes to sup- April 2005; more students are in the process of writing port and extend the new Drama Pedagogy/ Thea- • Training “Curriculum Development and their Master degree papers…The above facts trology circle of studies; therefore, both they and I ECTS Introduction”, Sarajevo, September show how valuable was the mentioned gener- are grateful for the printing of seventy five copies 2005; ous financial help given by WUS to Faculty of of the script through the financial support of the • Seminar “Quality Assurance Systems at Humanities in Mostar.” CDP+ project. This intervention on behalf of the BiH Universities”, Sarajevo, January 2006. Comment by Prof. Mustafa Tanović, BGP lecturer CDP+ is extremely valuable and appreciated.”

Comment by Tanja Miletić – Oručević M.A., WUS Austria launched its Brain Gain Pro- Mr. Sanjin Kordić from the Faculty of Faculty of Humanities, CDP+ Coordinator gram in 2002 within the larger program Sup- Humanities used the support provided through port to Higher Education in BiH in 2002-2004, WUS Austria-ADC project Course Development Within the project Support to Higher Educa- financed by ADC. BGP today represents one of Program, within the program Support to High- tion in BiH 2004 – 2005, a number of seminars WUS Austria’s most long-lasting projects and er Education in BiH in 2002-2004, to develop UNMO is one of the BiH institutions which has the course “Methodology and Practice in actively “exploited” its benefits. Until today, 35 Comparative and/or Intercultural History Project promotion at UNMO in May 2003 BGP lectures have been successful completed of South-Slavic Literatures”. at UNMO. Of all the UNMO faculties, Faculty In the period 1999-2001, 5 Small Scale • “Procurement of Equipment for of Humanities remains the most successful Projects (SSP) were carried out at UNMO: Education of Students and Teachers”, and diligent BGP applicant to date, closely fol- 2002 was a busy year for UNMO as it • “Feasibility Study of Real-life Condi- Faculty of Civil Engineering, Coordinator: Prof. lowed by the Faculty of Information Technolo- participated in several WUS Austria-ADC tions for Implementation of Projects for Mustafa Selimović gies. Guest lecturers who were invited through projects and activities: UNMO staff took Constructing Alternative Energy Sources BGP to UNMO came from different universities advantage of academic mobility projects such Using Wind (Wind Turbines) in the City of from all over the world. One BGP lecturer, how- as Academic Mobility Grants and Visiting Mostar”, Study of Mediterranean Agriculture, Under the coordination of Prof. Nurudin ever, stands out; Prof. Mustafa Tanović from Professors Program, and implemented one of Coordinator: Elvir Zlomušića Bijedić, 5 faculties of UNMO (Mechanical En- the New School University in USA came its first Distance Learning Projects. UNMO staff • “Mini Copy-Center for the Languages gineering, Civil Engineering, Economics, Law to UNMO 8 times through the BGP and as of also took part in several seminars which were Cathedra”, Study of Languages, Coordinator: and Pedagogical Academy) applied jointly and 2010 holds permanent residence in BiH. held in Mostar and Sarajevo: Prof. Elbisa Ustamujić made use of Centers of Excellence project to • “Student Copy-Room” targeted at all the aim of establishing a Virtual Laboratory “The BGP and the corresponding project sup- • Seminar “Harmonization of Curricula and students of University Džemal Bijedić in – Local Network for Two Classrooms. In ported the development of “Džemal Bijedić´ Transfer to the ECTS System” Mostar, Coordinator: Elada Hasanagić 1999, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University in Mostar, especially its Faculty for • Seminar “Efficient Participation of Students, • “Procurement of Geo-mechanical and Faculty of Civil Engineering teamed up Humanities a lot… Universities and University Bodies” Equipment (Impact Soil Tester)”, Faculty of again under the supervision of Prof. Nurudin We successfully educated so far more than 120 • Seminar “The Role of Distance Learning in Civil Engineering, Coordinator: Prof. Mustafa Bijedić and used the support provided through Since 2003 - 35 BGP+ have been successfully implemented! 2002 – 2004 In 2002 1999 – 2000 Script developed and printed through CDP+ at the 1997 - 1999 English Language teachers and more than 55 Higher Education”

1 course was upgraded through Course Development Program Course Development Program through 1 course was upgraded and took Project and 1 Distance Learning Program, 1 Visiting Professor 5 Academic Mobility Grants, realized UNMO seminars. part in several Project Centers of Excellence and departments through laboratories Equipping of UNMO University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar Faculty of Humanities, UNMO Selimović CEP to Equip the Department for . a Campus to create the UNMO distributed throughout optical cables were Project, the Network Infrastructure Through Small Scale Projects. established through single network; 2 copy centers were


‘‘University of East Sarajevo (UES) is an integrated Structural assistance to the development “The benefits of visiting multiple forums are very University, very much interested in integration of an internal QA system at UES was provided important, primarily because of trends of qual- of modern concepts with traditional approach through the program Strategic and Structural ity assurance prevailing in the EHEA, and their in teaching and learning of students. Today, Development of QA in BiH HE in 2008 – 2011, application to the University of East Sarajevo, in

University has around 17000 students on 40 with the financial support of ADC and Principal- order to achieve better and quality functioning. HIGHLIGHTS study programs with approximately 1300 employ- ity of Liechtenstein. The program enabled the Direct results are related to the implementation of - ees. The main focus of interest in the last 10 years participation of the QA Coordinator, Nenad certain activities at the university, and the indi- was modernization of teaching process in line Marković, at two European QA Forums: rect results are directed to the personnel respon- with Bologna recommendations, implementa- sible for quality in all organizational units of the tion of Master and Doctoral studies, introducing • IV European Quality Assurance Forum university, in order to create a quality culture research, establishing quality management “Creativity and Diversity: Challenges for across the university.” system and international cooperation. Univer- Quality Assurance beyond 2010”, Copenha- sity of East Sarajevo has participated in many gen Business School, November 2009 Feedback by Nenad Marković, QA Coordinator TEMPUS and other international projects since • V European Quality Assurance Forum at UES Rector: Professor Mitar Novaković, PhD 2000 among which WUS Austria projects played “Building Bridges: Making sense of QA in Address: Vuka Karadžića 30, Lukavica 71123 Istočno 2.4 University of East Sarajevo a very important role. WUS Austria has been one European, national and institutional Apart from aiding UES in the development and Sarajevo of the leading organizations in the reform of HE publishing of important documents – Univer- Phone: +387 57 340464 contexts”, University Claude Bernard Lyon I, Fax: +387 57 340263 The University of East Sarajevo (UES), in BiH and also was the first organization, which November 2010 sity Strategy and Institutional QA Policy eMail: [email protected] established in 1993, is an independent and involved our University in international pro- Web: www.unssa.rs.ba self-governing institution, consisting of 15 jects. UES has excellent cooperation and special faculties and two academies. UES has over relations with WUS Austria and we hope that 25 bilateral agreements signed with partner cooperation will be extended in the future. Priori- universities at home and abroad. UES is a ties for UES are to continue with reforms, putting member of several university networks and in- special attention to development of third cycle ternational associations: European University studies, quality assurance, modernization of Association - EUA, the Network of Central and curricula and research.’’ Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, etc. Rector of the University East Sarajevo, Prof. Mitar Novaković

Instructive workshops - Requirements and Documents Instructive Workshop for Internal Auditors, University

of QA System, Faculty of Production and Management of East Sarajevo, 2010 2008 – 2011 tantly, the establishment of an Institutional Auditing Practice Practice the establishment of an Institutional Auditing tantly, in Trebinje, University of East Sarajevo, June 2010 development of human and institutional capacities for quality management and, most impor Further University of East Sarajevo


• Numerous policy documents on QA were Within the two ADC- funded programs developed Support to HE in BiH in 2004 – 2005 and • Project outcomes and results were widely Support to HE in BiH 2005 – 2007, WUS disseminated within respective university Austria had organized a number of seminars and

communities trainings; their topics were always defined HIGHLIGHTS in close cooperation with all the public BiH “General impressions of this project were that it universities. UES representatives consistently contributed to the reform processes regarding showed great interest in such activities and Bologna Principles at the partner Universities participated in large numbers in all of them. connected with existing and functioning of qual- In the period of three years, the following four ity assurance (QA). In accordance with the real- seminars and training were held: ized project activities, we have established a new system, and developed different documents which • Training “Curriculum Development and Meeting of the QASAP project management team at will have big contribution to the future activities ECTS Introduction” Sarajevo, September Seminar “QA at the University of East Sarajevo”, Febru- Certificate issued at the Seminar “QA at the University University of Banja Luka, April 2010 of universities.” 2005 ary 2007 of East Sarajevo”, February 2007 Feedback by University of East Sarajevo • Seminar “Quality Assurance Systems of - one of the most significant benefits for the BiH Universities”, Sarajevo, January 2006 sity institutions, participation in European QA • Courses “Education of Students and Teach- UES is that it enabled them, in cooperation • Training “Curriculum Development and Forums and a number of seminars on different ers for Inclusive Education” and “Work with their partner – University of Banja Luka, 6 guest lectures were held at the UES ECTS”, Banja Luka, November 2006 topics (e.g. Development of Evaluation Forms, with Children with Special Needs” Faculty to tailor make a sub-project completely aligned through the ADC-WUS Austria Brain Gain • Seminar “Course Development and Life- EU Experiences in University Self-Assessment, of Pedagogy, UES with their specific needs and priorities. To Program (BGP) and all of them took place at the long Learning”, Sarajevo, February 2007 Introducing of QA, etc). Recognizing that By obtaining contemporary literature and that aim UES proposed and implemented the Faculty of Medicine. establishment of a QA system requires the developing new scripts for teachers and project entitled “Establishment of Quality individual commitment of all institutional student, the project aimed at introducing two Assurance System Auditing Practice at the „Our cooperation with WUS Austria through the The establishment of a quality assurance actors, early in the project implementation, new courses, of similar content, but targeted at University of East Sarajevo and University Brain Gain Program has been going on for the (QA) system at UES was significantly facilitated the UES organized a seminar “QA at the different stakeholders with the main purpose of Banja Luka – QASAP” past eight years and during that time we have and pushed forward through a number of pro- University of East Sarajevo” which gathered of adequately training current and future aca- organized visits of Prof. Dr. Milomir Ninković, Prof. jects, one of the first ones being the Structural more than 50 participants – UES professors, demic staff for state-of-art work in elementary The main aim of the project QASAP was to Dr. Nebojša Rajačić and Prof. Dr. Nenad Bukvić. Development of Quality Assurance in Higher assistants, administrative workers, QA coordi- schools. contribute to the Bologna reform implementa- This immensely significant project, funded by the Education 2006 -2008, which was financed nators from other BiH universities, etc. tion by enhancing the existing QA structures Austrian Development Agency, has opened some by ADC and the Principality of Liechtenstein. • Courses “ for Medically and procedures, especially in the field of inter- new horizons for many young people. Thanks It was one of the first international support Compromised Patients” and “Basics of nal auditing practices. A number of outcomes to it we were able to invite renowned experts in measures specifically targeted at strengthen- In the period 2004 – 2007, considerable Gnathology”, Faculty of Dentistry, UES and results were reached in the project: genetics, molecular biology and recostructive and ing internal quality assurance systems across significance was placed on supporting- cur plastic surgery. Numerous contacts have been BiH higher education. UES recognized the ricula development at BiH university institu- Under the coordination of Prof. Ljubomir • Internal auditors - staff members at both established, our young researchers gained new value of the provided assistance and took tions through Course Development Program Todorović, the project aimed at introduc- universities - were trained and officially certi- experience and we have established cooperation full advantage of all the foreseen measures. Plus (CDP+). UES institutions eagerly accepted ing a new modern course designed to meet fied by a Slovenian Institute for Quality (SIQ) with universities at which our eminent scholars As a result, the capacities of the University’s the support provided through CDP+, as a result the changes in understanding demands of • Institutional procedures for internal audit- teach. central QA unit were vastly enhanced through of which 7 courses had been developed and contemporary “Dentistry for Medically ing were developed and established at both Feedback by Dražen Erić, Faculty of Medicine, a number of trainings and knowledge-transfer modernized at four different faculties within Compromised Patients”, especially elderly pa- Until 2008 by 2007 2004 - 2007 universities University of East Sarajevo activities, such as study visits to EU univer- UES. tients, and to stress interrelationships between 2006

University of East Sarajevo Start of structural development of UES capacities for internal quality assurance development of UES capacities for internal quality of structural Start 6 guest lectures were successfully held at UES through Brain Gain Program (BGP) Gain Program Brain successfully held at UES through were 6 guest lectures activities teacher training than 40 UES staff members educated through more 6 courses developed and modernized through Course Development Program + (CDP+) + (CDP+) Course Development Program 6 courses developed and modernized through


for practical work enabled the visualization of pediatrics, pneumatophysiology, dermatology ‘For subjects that comprise laboratory work, - the condylar and mandibular movements and and neurology. By simulating real life situa- purchase of equipment is of paramount impor- occlusal distance during certain activities. tions, the course gave students the opportunity tance. We are the living proofs of that statement. Condylar and mandibular movements were to think analytically and practically. Fundamentally, new concepts of laboratory work

recorded in both healthy individuals and were introduced based on the new equipment HIGHLIGHTS patients with certain signs and symptoms of • Courses “Electronics I” and “Electronics provided by WUS Austria. In addition, it led to temporomandibular disorders, and compared II”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UES a new way of laboratory work organization, not afterwards. Under the coordination of Prof. Vančo Litovs- to mention the influence it had on the rest of the ki, the project was directed at equipping and colleagues who accepted new views and achieve- • Course “Problem-Based Learning in Medi- establishing of a modern Electronics Labora- ments.’ cine”, Faculty of Medicine, UES tory for the purpose of updating the teaching The project idea centered on introducing new methodology and content of two fundamen- Feedback by Prof. Vančo Litovski, Faculty of teaching methodology based on the example of tal courses: “Electronics I” and “Electronics Electrical Engineering, CDP+ Coordinator Digital Pantograph Condylocomp purchased through the Medical University of . “PBL in Medi- II”. The Electronics Laboratory at the Faculty “Experimental Laboratory for Physiology” developed CDP+ for the Faculty of Dentistry, UES cine” introduced a new interactive approach in of Electrical Engineering, which was equipped through CEP at the Medical faculty of UES dentistry and other biomedical sciences. Apart teaching process where problems related to with PC workstations and servers, continues During its long history of supporting higher from lectures, each section of the course dealt pathophysiology, physiology, pharmacology, to serve its purpose and supports students education in BiH, WUS Austria has frequently with a specific problem and encompassed biochemistry and histology were connected in gaining practical experience during their and continually cooperated with the Medical discussion in small groups, centered on the to clinical problems from internal medicine, studies. Faculty, University of East Sarajevo. One of principles of problem-based learning. The the first ADC-funded projects at the Medical course was held in the final year of undergrad- faculty was a CEP, coordinated by dr. Siniša uate studies, as well as within the postgraduate Ristić, which was aimed at equipping an studies. “Experimental Laboratory for Physiology”.

“CDP+ represents an important program of support to higher education in countries intend- Under the coordination of Prof. ing to adjust their study curricula to the Bolo- Danimir Mandić, the Faculty of gna Process. Benefits of taking steps towards the was equipped with a “System for Interac- European Higher Education Area are obvious, and tive Distance Learning” through a Centers programs like the CDP+ should be recommended of Excellence Project (CEP) which was aimed at and welcome.” creating the preconditions for more advanced and continual education of both students and Feedback by Prof. Ljubomir Todorović, CDP+ Co- teaching staff. At the same time, UES staff ordinator took advantage of academic mobility oppor- tunities provided through ADC-WUS Austria Under the coordination of dr. Nedeljka Ivković, projects at the time, participating in 3 AMG the CDP+ “Basics of Gnathology” was aimed (Academic Mobility Grants), 1 VPP (Visiting at improving an existing course through the Professor Program) and 2 Academic Travel Equipment purchased through CEP “Experimental Lab- purchase of much needed equipment and Support Programs. oratory for Physiology” 2003 2001- 2002 literature. Introducing the digital pantograph Electronics Laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo University of East Sarajevo Start of infrastructural development of the Medical faculty through ADC-WUS Austria projects Austria ADC-WUS development of the Medical faculty through of infrastructural Start and sup (CEP) Project Centers of Excellence teaching equipment through Equipping of UES facilities with interactive porting academic mobility and development of UES staff


SVEMO, along with other public universities in assurance systems at SVEMO and the BiH, was given the opportunity to include a larger through the establishment number of teachers and administrative staff, as of an information system for quality assurance, well as students, in the process of adapting HEIs which will be based on agreed key performance

to the Bologna principles. Through study visits to indicators. The project aimed at giving support HIGHLIGHTS selected universities from the EU, workshops with to the development of processes, procedures, EU consultants and the like, SVEMO has gained systems and structures of quality assurance knowledge on how to restructure the universities which would initiate and establish quality of of the EU in accordance with the Bologna prin- higher education offered to students. Apart ciples, and on the challenges and the positive from the development of documents such as aspects of this process, thereby lifting the level “Requirements of the ISQA” and “Creating an of its own performance and quickening its own Architecture and Design of ISQA”, the project adaptation and development. also foresaw the procurement of IT equipment It is through the projects funded by ADC, and Press clip of the official contract signing for the project and development of software for ISQA. Fur- 2.5 University of Mostar coordinated by WUS Austria, that SVEMO estab- “Development of Information System for Quality Assur- thermore, a number of capacity building semi- Rector: Professor Vlado Majstorović, PhD ance - DISQA” in Mostar, April 2010 Address: Trg Hrvatskih Velikana 1, 88000 Mostar lished the University’s Office for Quality Assurance nar and workshops were organized within the Phone: +387 36 337 070 The University of Mostar (SVEMO) consists of and started the process of establishing an insti- project. The benefit of the project realiza- Fax: +387 36 320 885 9 faculties (Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of tutional quality assurance system (QAS). Through Within WUS Austria’s project Strategic and tion was multiple for all users of the quality eMail: rektorat-@sve-mo.ba Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, these projects, an entire series of processes was (external and internal) assurance system, both Web: www.sve-mo.ba Structural Development of QA in BiH HE 2008- Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, initiated in order to establish internal mechanisms 2011, financed by ADC and the Government of at SVEMO and the University of Zenica. The Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Faculty for quality assurance (QA) - from the development Liechtenstein, SVEMO and the University of direct benefit from introduction of information of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of guidelines, manuals, to QA policies and strate- Zenica implemented their joint project “Devel- technology in the quality assurance system had of Law, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering gies - all of which significantly strengthened the opment of Information System for Quality the following stakeholders: management of and Computer Engineering) and the Academy QAS at SVEMO. In addition, SVEMO has built an Assurance - DISQA”. The overall objective the universities and faculties, quality assurance of Fine Arts. Today, over 16.000 students study information system for QA, as a final stage in of the project was to further develop quality boards of the universities and faculties, stu- at SVEMO. The educational process is conduct- establishing a QAS. dents, academic staff and administrative staff. ed through more than 60 study groups at the Truly all of us from SVEMO are pleased to have undergraduate and 30 groups at the graduate participated in the projects coordinated by WUS and postgraduate level. SVEMO is internation- Austria and financed by ADC. On the importance Since 2007, representatives of SVEMO have ally oriented and its intention is to become of ADC’s contribution to the development of HE participated in 3 European Quality Assur- fully integrated into the European Higher in BiH, all public HEIs including SVEMO, can only ance Forums (EQAF), organized within WUS Education Area. speak of with praise. We are sincerely grateful to Austria’s projects Structural Development of ADC and WUS Austria for all the help and support Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2006- ‘‘The University of Mostar has actively they have provided to SVEMO, as well as to other 2008 and Strategic and Structural Development participated in the last 15 years in almost all public HEIs in BiH.’’ of Quality Assurance in BiH HE 2008-2011: projects for higher education implemented by WUS Austria and financed by the Austrian Development Rector of the University of Mostar, Prof. Vlado • 2nd European Quality Assurance Forum- Cooperation (ADC). Through these projects, Majstorović From November 15 – 17 2007, European Univer- sity Association, in cooperation with European Equipment purchased through DISQA project Association for Quality Assurance in Higher 2011 by 2010 SVEMO, in cooperation with the University of Zenica, developed an internal information system for in cooperation SVEMO, based on joint key performance indicators quality assurance Forums Quality Assurance participated in 3 European of SVEMO Representatives University of Mostar


2nd EQAF at University of Rome, La Sapienza, November 2007 Seminar “Promotion of Doctoral Studies” poster Seminar “Promotion of Doctoral Studies” in Mostar, March 2010 Education - ENQA, European Association of discussion forum centered on how current ing of QA through a dialogue among different capacities and competitiveness of each coun- Services, , Doctoral educa- Institutions in Higher Education - EURASHE, internal and external quality assurance ap- stakeholder groups. SVEMO representative try. The main seminar topics covered and the tion at the University of Alicante, Spain by European Students’ Union - ESU, and - proaches take account of institutional diversity Marijana Bandić Glavaš attended the Forum. invited lecturers were as follows: Presenta- Prof. Covadonga Ordonez Garcia, Administra- pean Commission organized the 2nd QA Fo- and support creativity and innovative practices tion of third cycle doctoral studies “PhD in tive Manager of the Language Center of the rum, entitled “Implementing and Using in higher education. The Forum was attended by ICT” at the Faculty of Electrical Engineer- University of Alicante, Quality Assurance Quality Assurance: Strategy and Practice” at Marijana Bandić Glavaš from SVEMO. On March 11 – 12, 2010 a seminar on the ing, University of Banja Luka and Doctoral in Doctoral Studies by dr. Maria Nedeva, University of Rome, La Sapienza. The Forum topic “Promotion of Doctorial Studies” was education at the University of Paderborn, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Business School, was attended by SVEMO QA Coordinator at the • 5th European Quality Assurance Forum was held in Mostar. The seminar was the second by dipl. oec. Ahmet Mehić, Scien- University of Manchester and Linking of time, Jadranko Batista. hosted by University Claude Bernard Lyon I, seminar organized within the Degree Devel- tific Associate at the University of Paderborn, HE and economy-related to the third on 18-20 November 2010. The theme of opment Structure (DDS) project, which was Introduction to the latest trends in 3rd cycle by MMag. Reinhard Millner, Teaching and • 4th European Quality Assurance Forum was the V QA Forum was “Building Bridges: Mak- implemented within the program Austrian cycle studies in Europe by dr. Lucas Zinner, Research Associate, Non-profit Management held at the Copenhagen Business School from ing sense of QA in European, national and Support to HE in BiH 2008-2011, financed by of the Center for Doctoral Studies, Uni- Group, Department for Management, Vienna November 19 – 21, 2009. The IV QA Forum was institutional contexts”. The main purpose ADC. The main aim of the seminar was pro- versity of Vienna, Doctoral education at the University of Economics and Business. organized by the 4 Es: EUA, ENQA, EURASHE, of the event was to foster a dialogue on qual- motion of the doctoral education among BiH University of Manchester, Great Britain by The seminar was open to the wider and ESU and funded by the European Com- ity assurance that bridges national boundaries academic community, and it focused on empha- dr. Maria Nedeva, Senior Lecturer, Manchester academic community in BiH, and was mission. The theme of the IV QA Forum was and leads to a truly European discussion on sizing and discussing the importance of the 3rd Business School, University of Manchester, Doc- attended by over 70 participants. WUS Austria “Creativity and Diversity: Challenges QA in higher education (notably through the cycle studies and quality assurance in new-style toral education at the University of Graz, prepared a questionnaire to assess satisfaction for quality assurance beyond 2010”. The Bologna process higher education reforms), doctoral studies, since high quality doctoral Austria by MMag. Regina Ressler, Deputy Head of of the seminar participants in terms of the March 2010 March

main goal of this event was to provide a and to create a common European understand- education is key to strengthening research Department for Educational and Student seminar organization, topics and lecturers. held in Mostar Studies” of Doctoral 2nd DDS seminar “Promotion University of Mostar


The questionnaire results showed that all the “The aim of the course was to present the Within the project Structural Development particularly drew the attention of professors Within the project Support to HE in BiH participants expressed their sincere satis- organization of medical care, the rational diag- of QA in HE 2006-2008, implemented by WUS and students of this University. 2001-2002, a CEP entitled “Start-up of the faction with the overall organization of the nosis and treatment of diseases and injuries, the Austria and financed by ADC and Liechtenstein Lab for Microbiology for Undergraduate seminar. scientific and contemporary aspects of various Government, SVEMO developed an attractive According to processed seminar evaluation, and Postgraduate Student Needs” was

clinical settings as well as the steps necessary for and succinct guidebook for quality assurance, the lecture held by dr. Matjaž Debevc, from successfully implemented at the Faculty of HIGHLIGHTS the improvement of quality of care and safety entitled “Guide through Quality Assur- the University in on the topic - “Peda- Medicine at SVEMO. Within ADC-WUS Austria Brain Gain Program of patients cared for in such settings. Educa- ance”, dealing with institutional structures gogic and Didactic Aspects in Transforma- The coordinator of the project was Prof. Fil- (BGP) and Brain Gain Program Plus (BGP+), a tional activities consisted of interactive lectures, and policies as well as trends in EU higher edu- tion of Traditional Contents into Electron- ip Čulo, Dean of Faculty of Medicine. The number of courses had been held by Prof. Rue- discussions, workshops, seminars and exercises. cation. Some of the highlighted topics are: defi- ic Form” was found most favorable by the project aimed at introducing quick grading and ben Eldar from 2002 until 2007. Professor El- Students were well motivated and interested, nitions of QA notions and institutions, stand- participants. Furthermore, the seminar was evaluation of written exams (tests) of medical dar, a guest lecturer from the Looevestein enjoyed these activities and benefited from them. ards and guidelines in internal and external attended by 66 participants, who, according to students and other faculties by using the Hospital in Raanana, frequently held I hope that they will assume the roles of agents quality assurance, systems of quality assurance evaluation results, judged the seminar as very optical reader, as well as introducing quality lectures at the Faculty of Medicine at SVEMO of change and strive to apply the principles and and promotion at SVEMO, etc. The peer review successful. control through student questionnaires. on the topic “Medical Care”. According to the practice learned.” of the QA guidelines, conducted by EU expert, students’ evaluation, the lectures were found Reuben Eldar, Chief of Unit at Looevestein Prof. Jože Balič from was successful, relevant to their needs and the Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation in Raanana, very positive. teaching method of the lecturer relatively new. Israel; BGP Guest Lecturer at SVEMO ‘‘The model of quality assurance at the University of Mostar is well structured and oriented at com- mon EU values, rules and practice in this field. Guidebook gives all members of academic com- munity very good help and many advise on how to implement this system. From all this it is clear that University of Mostar is establishing a good concept of quality assurance and that this would contribute to better performance in an accredita- tion process. This all leads to satisfied users, high levels of confidence, good practice and improving of operations. The University will move towards common EU practice in this field.’’

Feedback by prof. Jože Balič, University of Maribor

Within the project Support to HE in BiH 2004-2005 a seminar on the topic of “eLearn- ing” was held at SVEMO on April 19 2005. A lecture addressing the issue of eEducation 2002 – 2007 2006 – 2008 April 2005 2001 - 2002

Dr. Matjaž Debevc at the eLearning seminar in Mostar, April 2005 SVEMO’s QA Guidelines “Guide through Quality Assurance” of Medicine within BGP and BGP+ Eldar at the Faulty Rueben held by Professor Care” Course on “Medical Quality Assurance” through developed and published its “Guide SVEMO seminar held in Mostar eLearning of Medicine, SVEMO A CEP successfully implemented at the Faculty University of Mostar


UNSA. The primary aim of UNSA’s current activ- ities is to raise the quality of its study programs and to create a modern university with Europe- an perspectives which will be recognized as a

respectable representative of BiH on the HIGHLIGHTS international level and a promoter of traditional, historical, cultural, scientific and artistic values from this part of the world.

‘‘The importance of the support which the University of Sarajevo and higher education in BiH in general have received through various projects financed by ADC is especially evident if Rector: Professor Faruk Čaklovica, PhD one takes into account the global economic and Address: Obala Kulina bana 7/II, 71000 Sarajevo social context in which the University had found Phone: +387 33 226 378 itself in the last 12 years. The lack of institutional Fax: +387 33 226 379 capacities needed for the recovery and further eMail: [email protected] development of higher education in various Web: www.unsa.ba aspects (scholarships for students and teachers, mobility support, printing of books and textbooks, laboratory equipment, and alike) was replaced by 2.6 University of Sarajevo the continuity of these projects. In addition, some Celebrating 10 years of BCC at the Rectorate of UNSA of the areas of higher education reform, such as The University of Sarajevo (UNSA) is the larg- the development of the quality assurance system, Since the year 2000, more than 1,000 excel- Within ADC-WUS Austria program Austrian est and oldest higher education institution in have experienced their institutionalization at lent students from 12 countries of the region Support to BiH Higher Education in 2008-2011, BiH. It consists of 23 faculties and academies BiH universities through joint participation of all have participated in the Balkan Case Chal- more specifically, through the component where more than 1,300 teachers and assistants public universities.’’ lenge (BCC), taking advantage of this unique Degree Development Structure (DDS), 2 and cc 1,000 non-academic staff are currently opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge labor market relevant study programs were employed. In the academic year 2008/2009, Rector of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Faruk into practice and present themselves to an developed at UNSA in cooperation with EU more than 40,000 students were enrolled at Čaklovica academic jury board and potential employ- universities: ers. On February 12, 2010, WUS Austria celebrated “10 years of BCC” at the Rec- • “Master in Quality Management in Health torate of UNSA. This was an opportunity Care” at the School of Economics and Business to thank all the alumni, trainers, judges, in Sarajevo in cooperation with the Medical partners, representatives of the academic ; community and all other significant stake- • “Master in Food Analysis” at the holders relevant to the BCC community Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, for being a part of the BCC tradition. The UNSA, in cooperation with the Graz Univer- In February 2010 In February 2008 – 2011

event was attended by over 50 participants. sity of Technology and University of Vienna. of UNSA at the Rectorate the 10 years of Balkan Case Challenge (BCC) Celebrating developed at the School of Economics and (DDS): 2 study programs Development Structure Degree Sciences, UNSA and Food of Agriculture Business and Faculty University of Sarajevo

44 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 45 2.6 University of Sarajevo - In the development of the degree programs Through purchase of contemporary literature, Faculty of Medicine - and its courses, the grantees were supported production of a modern script and purchase of • Course “Human Physiology II”, Coordina- through several measures, such as teacher 30 new cages for rats, covers and bottles, the tor: Prof. Emina Nakaš-Ićindić training activities, literature and equipment project aimed at introducing students to basic

purchase, study trips, guest lectures, etc. laboratory techniques used during the prepa- Through the purchase of equipment - Biopac HIGHLIGHTS ration of laboratory animals for experiments, Student Laboratory System which gave the types of laboratory animals, their rearing, students the opportunity to get acquainted Within ADC-WUS Austria programs Support diseases and therapies, as well as the impor- with important procedures in medical practice to HE in BiH 2004 – 2005 and Support to HE in tance of animals in experimental research and and diagnostics, the project aimed at mod- BiH 2005 – 2007, two courses, successfully de- pre-clinical testing of drugs. This module was ernizing the curricula and teaching method- veloped through CDP+, have been highlighted: envisaged as a precondition for creating future ology at the Medical faculty of UNSA. Official employment opportunities at institutions and recognition of the project’s success was given Faculty of Veterinary Medicine laboratories where work is being done with at the CDP+ Awarding Ceremony in November • Course “Basics of Laboratory Techniques laboratory animals. 2007 whereby the development of the course and Laboratory Animals”, Coordinator: Prof. “Human Physiology II” was awarded as the Mehmed Muminović Best CDP+ in 2005-2007.

Project coordinator, Prof. Emina Nakaš-Ićindić, awarded GENLAB at the Institute for Genetic Engineering and the certificate “Best CDP+ in 2005/2007” for the course , UNSA “Human Physiology II” (Sarajevo, November 2007)

Within the program Support to HE in BiH realization of practical under- and post-gradu- 2002-2004, out of 11 CEP application submit- ate studies for students from several faculties ted by UNSA, one CEP has been singled out as at UNSA. a success story due to its innovativeness and wider impacts. The CEP entitled “GENLAB – Educational Laboratory for Molecular In 2002 WUS Austria, with the financial Biology, Genetic Engineering and Biotech- support of ADC, launched its Brain Gain nology“ was successfully implemented at Program. The idea for the project originated the Institute for Genetic Engineering and in the BiH academic community; more specifi- Biotechnology at UNSA under the coordina- cally it was initiated by UNSA and its Rector tion of dr. Kasim Bajrović. The project aimed at the time, Prof. Boris Tihi, who recognized at establishing a solid educational basis in the need of opening up the higher education practical aspects of molecular biology and bio- sector in South-East Europe by inviting technology, and resulted in the following: pro- emigrated academics from the region to motion of research in the field molecular biol- deliver courses which were not available at ogy, establishment of necessary conditions for universities in BiH. Since then, over a 100 BGP Presentation of project experiences within the DDS “Master in Food Analysis” at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Purchased equipment at the Faculty of Veterinary Medi- engaged scientists from BiH working abroad, guest lectures have been held at the different

Sciences in Sarajevo in April 2010 cine, UNSA and improvement of research conditions for faculties of UNSA. 2004 – 2007 2002- 2004 2001 – 2002 2000 In March

opment Program Plus (CDP+) (CDP+) Plus opment Program 2 courses successfully developed at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Medicine through Course Devel of Medicine through Medicine and Faculty of Veterinary 2 courses successfully developed at the Faculty (BGP) at UNSA Gain Program idea for Brain Inception of the project opened! (ACCESS) Students Center for Sarajevo Academic Cooperation University of Sarajevo ers of Excellence Project (CEP) (CEP) Project ers of Excellence Success story: Infrastructural development of the Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology through Cent of the Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology through development Success story: Infrastructural


staff members of UNSA. The computer center consisted of PCs, modems and other technical equipment and it linked the UNSA Rectorate and the Faculty of Law to the internet, thus

setting the first foundations for the UNSA net- HIGHLIGHTS work. Moreover, WUS Austria, with the funds provided by the Austrian Federal Chancel- lery, regularly financed computer and internet courses. As a result, the faculties and students were offered new possibilities to establish international contacts with other universi- ties and NGOs, as well as access to databases useful for teaching and research.

In October 1994, the National Commit- tee of WUS Austria, with the support of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the European Commission, founded and opened the WUS Austria office in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herze- govina. This was the beginning of a successful Location of the future ACCESS center before renovation ACCESS center after renovation Press clip of Interlink computer center at UNSA cooperation during the time of war, when WUS Austria helped academics in BiH reestablish In March 2000, the Academic Coopera- as internet access for work in a quieter envi- circumstances were given preference in the Through the program Support for Univer- normal academic structures by giving them tion Center for Sarajevo Students (ACCESS) ronment. ACCESS also offered academic and selection process. sity Network (SUN), organized by WUS Austria financial and material support. started its activities. The Center was located cultural activities, such as scientific work- and the Interlink Center, and financed by the in the building renovated with the support of shops and seminars, as well as concerts, exhi- Austrian Chancellery, individual facul- the Austrian Federal Chancellery and Hope ’87 bitions, book presentations, etc. Within WUS Austria’s project Academic ties of UNSA which were willing to join the in the UNSA campus. ACCESS consisted of a Travel Support (ATS) 1999 - 2000, financed by academic-cooperation network were provided Counseling and Information Center, which the Austrian Federal Chancellery, 151 profes- with internet connection. This provided a advised students and academics on oppor- Within ADC-WUS Austria’s Excellent sors, teaching assistants and students from useful and long-term investment to the network tunities of academic cooperation, exchange Students Program (ESP) 1999 -2000, 136 different faculties of UNSA were provided with infrastructure of UNSA. possibilities, scholarship schemes, academic excellent students from different faculties of financial support for the purpose of participat- events, etc., an Internet Café which served UNSA were granted yearly scholarships. The ing in international scientific events abroad, as a meeting place, but also gave online access selection criteria were based on study success such as international and student congress- In May 1997, WUS Austria, with the finan- to all the information sources on the Internet, and achievements, relevance of studies for the es, workshops, annual meetings, etc. Funds cial help of the Austrian Federal Chancel- and a copy center which assured cheap copy- reconstruction of higher education and scienc- provided through this program covered their lery, launched its project WUS Interlink, a ing services to students. On the upper floor, es in BiH, as well as the social situation of the accommodation and travel costs, as well as Computer Center located in the rooms of the there was a library and reading room with applicants. Students disabled in the war who registration fees. Austrian library in Sarajevo which was made 1999 – 2000 1999 – 2000 were doing well in their studies despite difficult 1999 In May 1997 In October 1994 international literature and magazines, as well accessible to all the students and teaching WUS Austria Sarajevo office plate Excellent Students Program: 136 students from UNSA granted scholarships UNSA granted 136 students from Program: Students Excellent financial support to UNSA received assistants and students from 151 professors, Support Program: Academic Travel participate in international scientific events abroad (SUN) at UNSA Support for University Network Program start of computer and internet courses WUS Interlink: Computer and Internet Center opened at UNSA=> office opened in Sarajevo! WUS Austria University of Sarajevo


Rector: Professor Enver Halilović, PhD Address: Dr. Tihomira Markovića 1, 75000 Tuzla Phone: +387 35 300 500 Fax: +387 35 300 531 eMail: [email protected] Web: www.untz.ba

Official contract signing for the project “Information System for Support of Internal Quality Assurance at the Uni- 2.7 University of Tuzla versities of Tuzla and “Džemal Bijedić ‘‘ in Mostar’’, April 2010

The University of Tuzla (UNTZ) consists of Philosophy, Faculty of , and Within WUS Austria’s project Strategic data for all users in the process, and establish 13 faculties (Academy of Drama, Faculty of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education) and 44 and Structural Development of QA in BiH HE a unique database that would function as a Law, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, departments. Approximately 18,000 students 2008-2011, financed by ADC and the Govern- system for monitoring parameters at UNTZ and Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electrical currently study at UNTZ. Around 500 teach- ment of Liechtenstein, UNTZ and the “Džemal “Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar. Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineer- ers and associates are employed at UNTZ Bijedić” University of Mostar applied for ing, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mining, and 237 teachers and associates as outside project funds with their joint proposal “Informa- “The project was very well designed and Geology and Civil Engineering, Faculty of collaborators are participating in the tion System for Support of Internal Quality implemented in accordance with desirable Science, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of teaching and scientific processes. Assurance at the Universities of Tuzla and effects that had to be achieved. QA indicators and “Džemal Bijedić” of Mostar”. parameters are very important to HEIs because they are the main information tools for creating The project aimed at the creation of an effi- corrections and taking directions in developing cient information system for internal quality HEIs and making them work in optimal condi- assurance at the UNTZ and “Džemal Bijedić” tions. In that way of thinking and in the modern University of Mostar, in order to establish a age of IT communication technologies accessibil- unique system of collecting quality parameters, ity to electronic data in desired time has a key role increase the level of accessibility of relevant in making crucial decisions. 2011 UNTZ, in cooperation with the University “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar, developed an information UNTZ, with the University “Džemal Bijedić” in cooperation in Mostar, system for internal quality assurance University of Tuzla


Universities are no different from other big “...It was very interesting to understand the Support to HE in BiH 2005 – 2007 and PhD at the Faculty of Education and Reha- companies except that their main products are process of the licensing at the universities in the financed by ADC, a number of lectures were bilitation, was awarded the 2nd Best Course. educated people.” Spain. During every meeting we had the held by Prof. Ahmed Kovačević at UNTZ. The Awarding Ceremony took place opportunity to ask our hosts many questions Prof. Kovačević, as a guest lecturer from the on November 30 2007 at ACCESS

General Impressions about the project, which were of special interest to our project. We City University London, School of Engineering Center. The Ceremony was also an HIGHLIGHTS Prof. Suad Kasapović, Project Coordinator, also used our visit to see remarkable resources of and Mathematical Sciences, held a number opportunity for CDP+ coordinators to gather University of Tuzla the university campus which is one of the nicest of courses on “CAD and CAM Systems for once again and to exchange experiences. in Spain.” Students of Department” at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. ‘I am very satisfied with the results of the project. Representatives of UNTZ actively took part Report on the study visit to the University of During the project I have learned a lot (especially in a number of study visits to EU institutions Alicante, Prof. Edin Delić, Quality Assurance due to the new literature) and I was stimulated organized within projects implemented by Office, University of Tuzla Within the project Support to HE in BiH to think in a different, progressive and optimistic WUS Austria and financed by ADC. One such 2005-2007, out of 12 applications received way.’ study visit, organized within the project Struc- from the UNTZ and 6 successfully implement- H.E. Werner Almhofer, Austrian Ambassador to BiH tural Development of QA in HE 2006 – 2008, Within WUS Austria’s Brain Gain ed CDP+ at UNTZ, the course “Voice Disor- Comment by the Project coordinator, Prof. Nevzeta Salihović, and WUS Austria team at the took place at the University of College Cork, Program (BGP), implemented within the project ders”, coordinated by Nevzeta Salihović, prof. Nevzeta Salihović, Faculty of Education CDP+ Awarding Ceremony, November 2007 from October 22- 24 2007. Apart from two and Rehabilitation, University of Tuzla representatives of UNTZ, dr. Edin Delić, QA Coordinator and Amir Tokić, Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, representatives of the The seminar “Quality Assurance at University Mostar and University of Zenica also University of Tuzla” was successfully held took part in the mentioned visit. According to on January 26 2007. The main purpose of the evaluation results, the quality of the study visit seminar was to introduce the wider was judged as very successful by the partici- academic community with the principles, pants. procedures and activities of quality assurance in higher education. Three lecturers / speak- Another study visit took place at the Univer- ers from UNTZ and one EU expert were en- sity of Alicante on June 1-3 2009, within the gaged in the seminar: prof. Džemo Tufekčić, project Strategic and Structural Development Rector, dr. Edin Delić, QA coordinator, Enes of QA in BiH HE 2008-2011. Three member of Osmančević, MSc, and Dr. Patricia Georgieva the Strategy Development Team (STD) from from the National Evaluation and Accredita- UNTZ took part in the study visit: dr. Edin Delić, tion Agency in , . The seminar Zehrudin Osmančević and Safet Kozarević. The was attended by over 65 participants, out of purpose of the mentioned visit was to experi- which 95% judged the seminar as successful. ence advanced European systems of quality management and strategy development. The received questionnaire results demonstrate Within the project Support to Higher that all the participants judged the visit as very Education in BiH 2004-2005, out of 2 success- successful. fully implemented CDP+ projects at UNTZ, the Study visit to University of College Cork by representatives of University of Tuzla, University of Mostar and University project 115/TZ/04 “Surface Mine Planning Info desk for the QA seminar at the University of Tuzla 2007 - 2009 2005 – 2007 November 2007 January 2007 of Zenica Representatives of UNTZ visited the University of Alicante and the University of College Cork of UNTZ visited the University Alicante and Representatives Mechanical Engineering within at the Faculty Ahmed Kovačević held by Professor Systems” and CAM Course on “CAD BGP the 2nd best – awarded of Education and Rehabilitation CDP+ “Voice Disorder” successfully developed at the Faculty course – 65 participants, 95% satisfied with the seminar quality at University of Tuzla” Assurance Seminar “Quality University of Tuzla


This competitive process enables all lectur- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Equipment purchased: microscope E400, several segments in the process of develop- ers to apply for projects and improve their “Laboratory for manufacturing systems Coolpix 4500, Epson EMP-51 projector, laptop ment and delivering of eLearning content own courses.”...“WUS Austria is, to my knowl- and robotics” ASUS L3500, stereological nets (eLearning system, video production equip- edge, the only organization in BiH that Coordinator: Prof. Džemo Tufekčić ment and tools, video server, web server,

directly supports the development of universities. Equipment purchased: SCORBOT – ER4u etc.) and for videoconferencing. Furthermore, HIGHLIGHTS Good approach is that WUS offers a range of robot package, SCORBASE license, Robocell In April 2002, University of Tuzla submit- project teams from the Faculty of Econom- projects for which many teachers and students for SCORBOT ER 4u and 2u, Teach pendant ted a project proposal for the establishment of ics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and can apply.” for Controller USB, Conveyor belt, 24 Vdc, DC the University Center for Distance Educa- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering were Servo motor kit for workcell applications, tion Development (UCDED) within the Dis- educated and trained in designing the elec- Comment by the CDP+ Project coordinator, prof. VieeFlex machine vision system, openCIM Off tance Learning Program, implemented by WUS tronic learning content. Today, more than 100 Tihomir Knežiček, Faculty of Mining, Geology – line software Austria and financed by ADC. The project students use Learning sCubes on regular basis, and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla proposal was selected as the best proposal. accessing the eLearning content (online lectures, Faculty of Medicine online tests, streaming video content, etc.), and Project 115/TZ/04 awarded the best CDP+ of 2004/2005 “Purchase of microscopes for teaching Within the project, which was finalized in more and more teachers are developing new Within the project Support to Higher Educa- process in histology” October 2002, the Center was equipped eLearning content for their students. and Design; Mining Survey”, implemented tion in 2002-2004, 2 CEPs were successfully Coordinator: Prof. Zlata Žigić with high-technology equipment needed for at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil implemented at UNTZ: Engineering, received the highest overall score and was thus awarded the best CDP+ of 2004/2005. The aim of the project was to modify two courses studied at the Mining Department in line with European standards. Both courses were designed as the combination of lectures and practical works, with associated distribution. Furthermore, 12 latest scien- tific publications were purchased, 2 scripts developed into official textbooks and sophisticated equipment acquired. With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided through CDP+, financial support by the and by a micro credit organization from Tuzla, the project grantees founded an Educational Resource Center for Satel- lite Technologies at the University of Tuzla.

“CDP+ is an extremely valuable program, not only for curriculum development, but for higher University Center for Distance Education Development Equipment purchased through CEP for the Faculty of 2004 – 2005 2004 April 2002 Equipment purchased through CEP for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tuzla education in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. in Tuzla Medicine, University of Tuzla the best CDP+ of 2004/2005 awarded and Design” Mine Planning “Surface Project of Mechanical Engineering of Medicine and Faculty 2 CEPs successfully implemented at the Faculty opened University Center for Distance Education Development (UCDED) Program: Distance Learning University of Tuzla


whole “WUS-BiH story” for the the shortest time, Within WUS Austria’s project Strategic and but the previous 6-7 years of our cooperation with Structural Development of QA in BiH HE in 2008 WUS are sufficient to say that this is the most – 2011, financed by ADC and Principality of successful part of the project story we have been a Liechtenstein, UNZE and University of Mostar

part of. As a member of the University of Sarajevo, applied for project funds with their joint pro- HIGHLIGHTS two of our technical faculties and the Faculty of posal “Development of Information System Education had been partners of WUS before 2004, for Quality Assurance - DISQA”. but true cooperation started after 2004 with the establishment of the UNZE in its full capacity. The project resulted in numerous positive Here we will not mention all the projects one by outcomes and advancements of QA systems one because there is no need or time for that. at both universities. The project aimed at the We will focus only on what we consider the qual- establishment of an information system for QA ity aspects of the cooperation between WUS and (ISQA), based on agreed key performance in- UNZE, and this is primarily the utmost respect for dicators (KPI), and the further development of academic freedom and responsibility that WUS Rector: Professor Sabahudin Ekinović, PhD processes, procedures and structures for inter- has shown throughout all its activities for each Address: Fakultetska 3, 72000 Zenica nal QA. UNZE and University of Mostar devel- university in BiH, and also for us at the UNZE. Phone: +387 32 444 420, 444 421 oped and adopted a common set of KPIs which Unlike many other projects and activities in BiH Fax: +387 32 444 431 are to be regularly tracked at both universities. led by foreign partners and organizations, WUS, eMail: [email protected] A number of documents were prepared, such its Austrian partners and donors have always as “Requirements of the ISQA” and “Creating Web: www.unze.ba Equipment purchased through the project DISQA and 2.8 University of Zenica placed responsibility for creation and imple- an Architecture and Design of ISQA”. Devel- installed at University of Zenica mentation of the project on the higher educa- opment of ISQA required the procurement of The University of Zenica (UNZE) consists of 7 tion institutions in BiH as key stakeholders that IT equipment and development of software; for its usage were disseminated among respec- faculties and a number of scientific institutions created the project proposals/tasks, participated software for ISQA was and Guidelines tive university communities. The project also such as the Institute of Metallurgy, Institute in the implementation, dissemination, trainings, foresaw a number of capacity building activi- for Mechanical Engineering, Center for Social practical trainings, seminars, etc. with the aim ties such as seminars and trainings on various Studies and Inter-religious projects, Innova- of providing the best benefits for their institu- topics: Key indicators in QA, training the users tion and Entrepreneurship Center etc. Approxi- tions... And all of this has taken place in this short of ISQA, role of IS in QA procedures and role of mately 5,500 students currently study at UNZE. period of time that shall be remembered as the IS in university governance. Seminars targeted UNZE employs more than 500 professors, period of true cooperation between Austria and at university management were focused on assistants and non-academic staff member its organizations with academic institutions in exploring the significance of ISQA for manage- BiH. The UNZE is pleased to have been a part of ment processes, especially for institutional ‘‘In the year marking the anniversary of WUS that success story and we would like to use this strategic planning and its cooperation with Austria work in BIH, on behalf of the staff and opportunity to wish WUS many years of success- responsible government bodies, most notably students of the University of Zenica (UNZE) I ful work in BiH and the region, and to thank the HEA BiH. would like to express my gratitude to the staff Government and people of Austria for their help and of WUS, ADA program and the Government of genuine concern for the academic sector in BiH.’’ Austria who have been behind the whole “good UNZE actively took part in seminars, study Official contract signing for the project “Development story”. Namely, the UNZE, as the youngest Rector of the University of Zenica, visits, forums which were offered through

of Information System for Quality Assurance - DISQA” 2011 by 2010 public university in BiH has been a part of the Prof. Sabahudin Ekinović various WUS Austria-ADC projects. in Mostar in March 2009 for quality system an internal information developed of Mostar, University with in cooperation UNZE, based on joint key performance indicators assurance Austria-ADC WUS through offered seminars, study visits and trainings UNZE participated in numerous projects University of Zenica


SEMINARS: „[La Sapienza University of Rome respresents] “Building Bridges: Making sense of QA in Eu- • Study visit to , • Three UNZE representatives participated in an exceptional organizational model of a higher ropean, national and institutional contexts” , in October 2007. The UCC staff, head- the seminar “Development of II and III Cycle education institution with the highest student (, November 18-20, 2010 ed by Prof. Norma Ryan, Director of Quality Degree Programs” which was held at Univer- numbers in Europe (cca 146 000) thus showing Promotion Unit, welcomed the UNZE del-

sity of Banja Luka in March 2009; that even huge higher education organizations egation, Vice-rector, Prof. Darko Petković HIGHLIGHTS • Six UNZE participants participated in the can be integrated if there is enough knowledge, The UNZE Strategy Development Team and QA Manager, Mr. Ibrahim Plančić, and seminar “Promotion of Doctoral Studies” strength, will and vision to do so “ formulated its university strategy taking into generously shared their experience in manag- held in Mostar in March 2010. account the results of the self-evaluation it ing and promoting quality at UCC. FORUMS had undertaken earlier. The published strategy STUDY VISIT The QA Manager at UNZE, Mr. Ibrahim Plančić, papers outlined the university’s short- and • Development of QA Guidelines for UNZE • UNZE Vice-rector, Prof. Darko Petković and participated in the following European QA medium-term goals as well as action plans entitled „Quality in Higher Education: QA Manager, Mr. Ibrahim Plančić, conducted Forums: aimed at achieving the set goals. Challenges and Dilemmas?!“ The book was a study visit to La Sapienza University in • Fourth European Quality Assurance Forum welcomed and highly praised by three review- Certificate of participation issued after QA seminar at Rome, , in June 2009 to the aim of expe- “Creativity and Diversity: Challenges for In order to ensure sustainability of QA systems ers, one of which, Prof. Christopher Moss, University of Zenica, March 30, 2007 riencing advanced European systems of quality Quality Assurance beyond 2010” (Copenha- and procedures in BiH higher education, UNZE University of , said the following: ties in the course of my work as a Bologna Expert. management and strategy development. gen Business School, November 19 – 21, 2009) developed and published its Institutional ‘‘This book should be essential reading for univer- This lucid presentation should be made available Feedback by UNZE beneficiaries: • Fifth European Quality Assurance Forum Policy on Quality Assurance. sities in Bosna and Hercegovina but also in the in English and other languages to reach a wider region. I shall certainly use it for advising universi- audience. It has the making of a standard work.’’

Seminar „Quality Assurance at University of Zenica“ was successfully held on March 30, 2007. Three experts were engaged in the semi- nar: prof. Slavko Dolinšek (University of Kopar), Ms. Karmen Kern Pipan (Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Slovenia) and Mr. Aleksander Janeš (University of Kopar), who delivered presentations on Internal and External Evaluation, the ROSE Methodol- ogy and the EFQM Excellence Model.

In May 2006, WUS Austria launched its project Structural Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2006-2008 financed by ADC and Principality of Liechtenstein. Support to UNZE was primarily directed at establishing and strengthening the University Center for QA and at training the Univer- sity QA Manager, Ibrahim Plančić through

UNZE QA Manager, Mr. Ibrahim Plančić, at the V EQAF Covers of the Strategy developed by University of Zenica numerous capacity building activities such as: Study visit by UNZE representatives to University UNZE’s QA Guidelines „Quality in Higher Education: 2009 2007 March 2006

UNZE developed and published its University Strategy and institutional QA Policy Policy and institutional QA UNZE developed and published its University Strategy procedures QA trained, staff QA opened, center QA – assurance quality for building capacity institutional of Start developed University of Zenica at University of Lyon in November 2010 College Cork, October 2007 Challenges and Dilemmas?!” at University of Zenica” – 85 participants, 95% satisfied with the seminar quality Assurance Seminar “Quality


• Participation of QA Manager in the 2nd Eu- they are realized at University of Girona and tions, LCD Beamer, UA4 Laser Printer, 20 pow- quality assurance (QA) systems at all public tember 2004. Before 2004, UNZE operated as ropean Quality Assurance Forum “Imple- University of Graz. er surges, Structured cabling of Ethernet Local universities in BiH. To the aim contextualizing an integral part of University of Sarajevo and, menting and Using Quality Assurance: Area Network) the seminar topic and presenting the specific as such, took part in projects implemented by Strategy and Practice” which was organized needs and problems of BiH higher education, WUS Austria and financed by ADC. An example

by the European University Association, in Within the project Support to Higher Educa- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering the Vice-rector for Science, Development of a successful project was a CEP implemented HIGHLIGHTS cooperation with ENQA, EURASHE and ESU at tion in BiH 2005 – 2007, out of 5 applications Metrology and International Relations at University at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials in La Sapienza University of Rome from Novem- for CDP+ received from UNZE, 2 were approved (Coordinator: Nermina Zaimović -Uzunović) of Zenica, prof. Darko Petković, contributed the period 2002-2004, under the “A Step ber 15 – 17 2007. and successfully completed, as a result of to the seminar content by delivering a presen- Forward into the World of Technology and which 4 new courses were developed at UNZE: tation “Developing a Quality Management Science for 21st Century” (Coordinator: Prof. • Participation of UNZE representatives in the The seminar “Quality Assurance System at University Level. Asim Karić). seminar held at University of Girona “EU Faculty of Pedagogy Systems at BiH Universities”, organized by Experience in University Self-assessment”, 1. Applicative software WUS Austria within its ADC-funded project December 12-14 2007. 2. Programming for Internet Support to Higher Education in BiH in 2004- In 2000, University of Zenica was found- The aim was to introduce the BiH QA coordi- 3. ProceduralProgramming 2005, represented one of the first initiatives of ed by the General Assembly of Zenica-Doboj nators and university managers to the process (Coordinator: Samir Lemeš, Equipment pur- its kind; to a certain point, it opened the topic of Canton; UNZE officially commenced its work of implementing university self-evaluations as chased: 2 PC servers and UPS, 20 PC worksta- establishing and strengthening internal as an independent public university in Sep-

Equipment purchased through CDP+ for the Faculty of Newspaper article on the Contracting Ceremony at the Presentation delivered by UNZE Vice-rector, Prof. Darko Centers of Excellence project at Faculty of Metallurgy and Material in Zenica, 2002-2004

Pedagogy, University of Zenica Austrian Embassy for the Progam Support to HE in BiH Petković at QA Seminar in Sarajevo in January 2006 2006 – 2007 January 2006 2004

2005-2007 of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Pedagogy successfully developed at the Faculty 4 CDP+ courses were at BiH Universities” Systems Assurance UNZE contributed to and participated in the seminar “Quality 2004, UNZE participated within WUS Before as an independent public university. UNZE officially started operating part of University Sarajevo as an integral projects Austria-ADC University of Zenica


After more than 15 years of cooperation with We wish to thank the Austrian Development WUS AUSTRIA WORK IN NUMBERS the Austrian Development Agency and work- Agency, as well as all the partner universities ing together on a common vision of improv- in BiH, our WUS Austria staff and our office in SCHOLARSHIPS MOBILITY ing higher education in BiH, we can conclude Graz for their every-day support, and last but that the future of higher education in BiH is not not least we wish to thank all WUS Austria’s Students 267 Academic Mobility Grant (AMG) 207 disputable. The future is based on those who turn friends, members of the academic community Postgraduates Student Grants (PSG) 168 Brain Gain Program (BGP & BGP+) 214 their ideas into action and new visions, as well as in BiH, who have been the wind in our sails Doctoral Studies Support (DSS) 35 Academic Travel Support (ATS) 241 those who are not burdened by the difficult every- and without whom our work would be without day political situation in BiH. We were fortunate purpose. Visiting Professors Program (VPP) 62 to have had the opportunity to work with those diligent, inspired and enthusiastic individuals in FACULTY INFRASTRUCTURE the academic community in BiH. Centers of Excellence Projects (CEP) 45 NEW TEACHING METHODOLOGY Networking Infrastructure Program (NIP) 12 eContent Projects 13 Due to the fact that the higher education in the prewar period was at a high level, when our Support to Small Projects (SSP) 58 professors and students were welcomed all over Support to University Network Program 10 the world, but that BiH higher education in- (SUN) STRUCTURAL MEASURES stitutions lost a lot of their infrastructure and eLearning Task Force 2 human capacities during the war, the finan- cial and project support in the last 15+ years eLearning centers 7 corresponded to the particular needs of the CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT QA centers 8 higher education institutions in BiH. It is impor- Course Development Program (CDP & CDP+) 85 QA university policies and guidelines 8 tant to emphasize that the true dedication and Degree Development Structure (DDS) 4 Specific QA measures at universities 6 recognition of priorities by ADC formed the basis Dino Mujkić, MSc, for continuing processes, development of new WUS Austria Regional Manager in BiH projects, new systems and contacts, as well as for MISCELLANEOUS responding to the needs of the BiH society. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT BCC Sub-competition participants 400 University strategies 7 Courses, trainings and seminars 44




Balkan Case Challenge Finale 2002 21.11.-24.11.2002 Sarajevo Seminar: eContent Production 20.10.-21.10.2006 Tuzla Distance Learning Seminar at University of Tuzla 25.10.2003 Tuzla CDP+: Curriculum Development and ECTS Seminar 21.11.-22.11.2006 Banja Luka Balkan Case Challenge Finale 2004 05.12.-08.12.2003 Sarajevo Quality Assurance at University of Tuzla 25.01-26.01.2007 Tuzla Distance Learning Seminar at University of Sarajevo 28.01.2004 Sarajevo Course Development and Lifelong Learning 14.02.-16.02.2007 Sarajevo Distance Learning Seminar at University of Mostar 06.02.2004 Mostar Quality Assurance at University of East Sarajevo 22.02.2007 East Sarajevo Balkan Case Challenge Subcompetition 2005 26.11.-28.11.2004 Sarajevo Quality Assurance at University of Sarajevo 23.02.2007 Sarajevo eLearning Task Force Meeting 27.12.2004 Tuzla Balkan Case Challenge Subcompetition 2007 16.03.-19.03.2007 Sarajevo Elearning Seminar at University of Banja Luka 18.04.2005 Banja Luka Quality Assurance at University of Tuzla 28.03.-29.03.2007 Zenica Elearning Seminar at University of Mostar 19.04.2005 Mostar eLearning Task Force Meeting 01.06.2007 Sarajevo Elearning Seminar at University of Sarajevo 20.04.2005 Sarajevo eLearning Meeting at University of Mostar 01.10.2007 Mostar Elearning Seminar at University of Tuzla 21.04.2005 Tuzla eLearning Meeting at University of Bihac 2.10.2007 Bihac Balkan Case Challenge Finale 2005 06.05.-09.05.2005 Sarajevo eLearning Meeting at University of Tuzla 4.10.2007 Tuzla CDP: Curriculum Development and ECTS Introduction Sarajevo eLearning Meeting at University Dzemal Bijedic in Mostar 16.10.2007 Mostar Quality Assurance System at BiH Universities Sarajevo eLearning Meeting at University of Sarajevo 06.12.2007 Sarajevo Balkan Case Challenge Subcompetition 2006 03.03.-06.03.2006 Sarajevo eLearning Meeting at University of East Sarajevo 24.12.2007 East Sarajevo eLearning-eContent: Train the eContent Developers 27.04.-28.04.2006 Sarajevo eLearning Meeting at University of Zenica 24.12.2007 Zenica eLearning-eContent: Train the eContent Developers 11.05.-12.05.2006 Banja Luka eLearning Meeting at University of Banja Luka 26.12.2007 Banja Luka eLearning-eContent: Train the eContent Developers Mostar QA System on HE Institution at BiH 03.04.-04.04.2008 Sarajevo Quality Assurance at University of Bihac 19.06.-20.06.2006 Bihac Balkan Case Challenge Subcompetition 2008 19.04.-20.04.2008 Sarajevo Quality Assurance at University of Banja Luka 06.07.-07.07.2006 Banja Luka DDS: Development of 2nd and 3rd Cycle of Degree Program 12.03.2009 Banja Luka Quality Assurance at University of Mostar 14.09.-15.09.2006 Mostar DDS: Promotion of Doctoral Education 11-12.03.2010 Mostar Quality Assurance at University Dzemal Bijedic in Mostar 16.09.-17.09.2006 Mostar


ADA Austrian Development Agency OF SUPPORT TO BOSNIAN & HERZEGOVINIAN ADC Austrian Development Cooperation HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH B/C/S Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian ADC - WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina EHEA European Higher Education Area HE Higher Education IMPRESSUM HEA Agency for Higher Education Development and Quality Assurance HEI Higher Education Institution PUBLISHED BY: WUS Austria SEE South-East Europe AUTHORS: Nina Kovač, Selma Emirhafizović, Jadranka Barić WUS Austria World University Service Austria DESIGN: Admir Bašić, Dado Pokrklić PRINT: Amosgraf NUMBER OF COPIES: 500 FINANCED BY: Austrian Development Cooperation ISSUED IN: May 2011