November 4, 1982

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November 4, 1982 /. -1 Senate passes written comJ}etency test, discontinues health education years, and that problems in the syslem would be eliminated in time. The rec tor was referring to Faculty council reports, which, though accept­ ing the UWT in p rinciple, requesled a number of changes (wilh Lh e exceplion of Arts and Science which accepled Lh e . .. UWT in toto ). l ' : The Fac ully of Co mmerce and . •. r . •.-: Adminislration wanted ils slUdents lO salisfy lhe requirements of wrilten com­ lO:. '_f . pelency before entering Lh eir final . ear. T qe Fine Arls Faculty proposed Lhat },{?~-- its students be give Lh e choice of eilher taking Lh e Lesl or an English/ French course specified by lhe Faculty, and lhal passing lhis course be accepled as equi­ A colourful lecture valent Lo nassing the test. Kun Nassau of Bell Laboralories will The Faculty of Engineering and Lalk on " Colour-ils varied causes" al Compuler Science specified the two 8:30 p .m. on November 11 in room H- changes il considered essenlial to courses required. accepling the UWT. The first would Rector John O'Brien explained to require ils students lo Lake the Lest dur­ Sena le that the cost of implementing the ing the firsl four monlhs after admission test could either be incorporated inlo the to a Faculty program. Libra·ry workers, University University's present deficil or some The second recommendalion stipu­ other operation would have to be cut to lated Lhal lhe required passing be a pay for it. He said it was difficult to grade C- [ signify a clear pass] ralher negotiations heat up pinpoint where the money would come Lhan a C (to be consistenl wilh i-ts own from, since budgeting is an overall grade policy). This change was approved By Lise Marie Bissonnette ·exercise. by Senate. Workers al Lhe Norris Library held a O'Reilly, however, Si:iid it was "cur- It was s.uggested that the University Responding to the Faculty council lwo-hour sludy session lasl Wednesday ious lhal Lhere were olher walkouls al approach the provincial government for reports, the reclor said, "fine luning afternoon to protest the lack of progress other universities on the same day." addilional funding for the UWT, and should wait." If the University wishes lo in local negotiations wilh the Univer- Seebruch, though, said "The walk­ tha t a public relations campaign be implement the lest next year, il must sity, said Matthew Seebruch, a negotia- out had no relation to other public sec­ started to create public awareness of it. work within the . framework of the Lor for the National Union of Sir George tor walk-outs." O 'Brien reminded Senate that Con­ accepted model and allow the variations Willi.ams University .l'.,mp loyees NUSGWUE is negotiating their col- cordia has been working toward the in each Faculty, such as choice of lesl or (NUSGWUE). lective a~reement at two levels- the local creation of the UWT ·for lhe last five See " SENATE" page 7. "We've had no offers yet, or any indi- level and the sectoral level. cation of when she'll (Susan O 'Reilly, DannyHolobow,anotherNUSGWUE the Universi.ty negotiator) meet with · negotiator, said NUSGWUE would like Full-time enrolment rises; us, " said Seebruch. "We deposiLed our lo keep local issues and sectoral issues demands local on September 13. We've isolated from each other. had two meetings since Lhen - one for The sectoral table oversees the mone­ part-time falls queslions about our demands, Lhe other tary issues - holidays, ovenime, leave, Total full-time enrolment at contributed to the high level of to answer them," he said. wages and employmenl security. Local Concordia University in September is regislered studerits, _University officials According Lo O 'Reilly, negotialions issues are lhe non-monetary ones such up 4.9 p·er _cent over last year's figures, . say, chief among them the state of the are progressing at a proper pace. "We as·definilions, union representalion,job according to registration data released economy and the reduced possibilities should be meeling (wilh NOSGWUE) postings, etc. last month by the regislrar's office. for employment. nexl week, at.which Lime the Universily According lo O 'Reilly, "not more On Lhe other hand, part-time Only Commerce and Administration will respond Lo NUSGWUE'sdemands," Lhan one-third is done locally, with two- enrolment is down slightly, by 1.7 per and TESL show enrolmen t decreases she said. • thirds gone sectorally," cent, over 1981-82. for full-lime sLUdenls. The other The current contr<1 cl expires on According lo Seebruch, all of the 20 Thus, 24,596 students are attending program areas are up, from 4.3 per November 30. other unions except for Lhose at Laval the University this year, an increase of cent in Fine Arts (undergraduate) to Seebruch said the study session was have reached agreement on the local 327 students over last year. This 39.1 per cenl in Science (graduate). help because similar taclics had been issues. represents the second highest As for part- time registralions, there used in the pasl with posilive results. He At the secloral lable, negotiations are enrolment in any one year since are decreases in every area excepl Arts, said Lh at in 1979, NUSGWUE held a proceeding but no l to any of Lhe unions' Concordia was established in August, TESL; Engineering, Com puter·science one-hour study session and received liking. According to Seebruch, n o 1974. The largest enrolment in 'the (undergraduale) and Computer Science o ff ers fro m the University shortly unioninthe University secLOriswilling University's history was in the 1980-81 and Fine Arts (graduale). afterwards. - to negotiale under lhe conditions of Bill academi~ year. · For complete statistics, see chart on See " LIBRARY" page 2. A number of fa ctors have page 2. Tenure doesn't stop them from working, D.J. Lawless, University of Manitoba v.-p., says in University Affairs that: " IL will ht- a consolation to some who fear that traditional tenure has negative consequences 10 read a recent reporl in American P.sychologist .. which shows that the publication productivity of psychologists remains at least as high a"rter tenure as it was 2 The Thursday Report . before tenure was granted. Women should be better Magic theatre lo wow kids _repre~ente.d in the University _Magic Thea tre, a play·· for young down to them and are connected by a children fro m ages 4 to 9 years will be - common theme that children can be and To the Editor: presented by students of the Qepartment do anything if they use their imagina­ The Thursday R eport recently/ of T heatre. The 70-m imne performan­ tion and creative energy to mal<e it printed a reply by the S'imone de Beau­ ces have been scheduled at the Chame- happen. This show will tour several voir Institute to the Fahey Report. This ' Jeon Theatre o n Loyola campus for the institutions aro und Montreal including reply included comment on the lack of 1 children of th·e Concordia community, the Montreal Children 's Hospital and_ a ttention paid by the Fahey Committee &~;:;,..,~~~ ' Nov. ·12 a t 3:30 pm and on Nov. 14 a t FACE School. to the matter of the status of women at 2:30 pm. Concordia and suggested that " possibly f, Since the seating capacity of the the Committee members were awaiting Chameleon. Theatre ·is· limited, make the report from the Concordia Commit­ reservatio ns by calling the Department tee o n the Status of Women." We would of Theatre on T uesday, Thursday and LIBRARY continued from page 1. · like to add ligh t tolhat observation. Fridays during the hours 9:00 am to 5: 00 On the Rector's recommendation, the pm on local 582 (482-0230) Admission is 70 , the government's a reduce co·ncordia Committee on the Status of free. · the deficit by cutting back public .a nd Women asked for an opportunity to be The play presents an interesting and unj ust. para-public wages. heard by the Fahey Committee. A.t a The voice of a gradua te studencor noyeJ series of dramatic situations to " We've· received extensive offers ·s~c- meeting of two of our members with which the young - audience is often part-time instructor should be heard as . torally," said See bruch, but explained tha t Committee, our outline of the invited to respond verbally. The 15- readil as that of a senior faculty that the offers were unsatisfactory. Aside d;rection of o ur work and of the issu~s member of administrator. The voice of a member cast under the direction of from the wage rollbacks, Seebruch said with which we are dealing·was received Bruce Duckat and Gerry Gross are chal- woman should be heard as readily as the government also wants university with interest. · lenged to improvise means of playing workers to do more work with less job that of a man. The voice of any 1 Moreover, as a follow-up to this, the ·university member should be heard as inanimate objects, ranging from a fri ed security and less benefits. Committee consulted with us further. readily as that of any other. To have to egg to a room full of furniture, the O 'Reill y said the sectoral table met Time and effort were expended prepar­ say " should be heard" implies that there weather (ther re cyclones, a rain.storm once last week~ twice the week before ing drafts of our report-in-progress is deafness abroad.
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