Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1992 Replay Cluichi CHEANNAIS CHONTAE THIOBRAID ARANN

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Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1992 Replay Cluichi CHEANNAIS CHONTAE THIOBRAID ARANN Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1992 Replay CLUICHi CHEANNAIS CHONTAE THIOBRAID ARANN • •• STAID SEMPLE, DURLAS EILE au, Samhna, 1992 TOMAS 6 SAffOlD Runai £1 roocbtaiRoocbt an Catbaoimoocb It's back again to Semple Stadium today to see if a winner can emerge from these two great hurling clubs. The drawn game was a titanic struggle which, while lacking in forward flair nevertheless showed that hurfing is alive and well and Jiving in Thurles and Toomevara. Although both defences dominated last Sunday, I expect that today's ma tch may weJJ be a more open affair as is often the way with replays. Today also we have a county Junior Hurfing Semi-final between Newcastle and Baflinahinch. The occasion gives both these clubs an opportunity to perform before a large gathering. FlnaJJy I would like to record my appreciation to our great rivals in sport, Kilkenny, for so readily agreeing to the postponement of our National Hurling League fixture and thereby aflowing today's replay to go ahead. Micheal Maguldhlr, Cathaoirleach COiste Contae Tiobraid Arann CLAR AN LAE 1.00 Cluiche Leath-Cheannas Soisear Calslean Nua Y. Balle na hlnse (Newcastle) (Baliinahinch) Relteolr: Michael Doyle (Holycross-8aUycahill) 2.15 Cluiche Cheannas Sinsear (Ath-lmlrt) Tuaim Ui Mheara v. Na Sairsealaigh (Toomevara) (Thurles Sarsflelds) Relteoir: Tommy Lonergan (KlIsheelan) , Past Player, Current President MATT HASSETT (Toomevara) he Toomevara club has given many great names Tto Tipperary hurling .. Wedger Meagher and Martin Kennedy immediately spring to mind, but Club President, Matt Hassett, has carved his own particular niche In the club's history both as a player and administrator. I Toomevara's last victory in the McCarthy Cup to Toome when county senior championship in Tipp beat Dublin in the final. 1960 holds a special place in the That Tipp team included club hearts of Toomevara people colleagues John Hough, Roger everywhere. They conquered Mounsey and Matt O'Gara. the Thurles Blues in Temple­ His playing career over, Matt more, ending a winning se­ contributed handsomely to the Quence stretching back five administrative affairs of the club years, and Matt was a key serving in a number of capacities defensive figure on that team. before being elevated to the The Greyhounds won three presidency. He also served as North senior hurling champion­ treasurer 01 the county board and ships in that period. '58, '60 and was secretary of the North Board '61 and Matt was on all three for five years. teams. As a player and official Matt The triumph in the county Hassett represented all that is championship in '60 meant that best in Gaelic games and it is not Matt led Tipperary in the '61 AII­ surprising to see the Toomevara Ireland campaign and had the club flourish once more under distinction of bringing back the his presidency. , MG - FILE - T IP-4 Dathanna: Gorm Is Or 1 NOEL KEARNS 2. 3. 4. BILL LYNCH GER SULLIVAN JOHN HEALY 5. 6. 7. DAN SULLIVAN MICHAEL RYAN DERMOT HEALY B. 9. PHILIP KELLY MARTIN KENNEDY 10. 11 . 12. LIAM KEARNS EDWARD COUGHLAN BRENDAN HEALY 13. 14. 15. MARTIN RYAN JOHN RYAN MICHAEL HEALY FIr lonad; 16. Mike Kelly; 17. P. J. Lynch; 18. John O'Don nell; 19. Se amul Yoong; 20. Eamon Gleeson; 21. T. J. McLoughlin; 22. Sean Gleel on; 23. Oenll Lenihan; 24. Llam Ryan ; 25. P. J. Ryan; 26. Michael Harrington. THOMAS SWEENEY 2. 3. 4. NIALL POWER PAUDI O'FLYNNN PAUDI SWEENEY 5. 6. 7. DENIS HACKETT BERNARD O'GORMAN JAMES LONERGAN B. 9. ANTHONY O 'GORMAN MICHAEL HALLY 10. 11 . 12. DARREN GOONAN JOHN FITZPATRICK JAMES FITZPATRICK 13. 14. 15. NICHOLAS WALSH MICHAEL GOONAN AIDAN SWEENEY FIr lonad: 16. Anth ony Condon; 17. Michael HaUl nan; lB. Anthony O'Dwyer; 19. Th omas Lonergan; 20. Michael Slattery; 21. John Sweeney; 22. Noel Grant; 23. Fer;at O'Flynn; 24. Robert Hackett Selectors: Fr. C.Kelleher, Anthony Morrissey, Michael Coleman. , T may not have to the county quarter final. Bal1lngarry and Ibeen a long hot Loughmore-Casllelney summer, but It was loll owed and then into last Sunday's decider a long active one against Sarsflelds, again on the Tipperary undecided. Which leaves Hurling front. Ask us wllh today's replay and a final conclusion to Toomevara, If you a year which Toome will have any doubts. recall for many a long Today Is their 19th day. Old I say competitive game of the 'conclusion'? Don't bet year and before you on ItI comment that the league And even If a decision games could hardly be Is reached today, there's taken as seriously as the no rest for the championship, champions, be they remember that only lor Toome or Sarsfields. their league success, Because of the they wouldn't be here Mun ste r Council's todayl Insistence, there's action Nineteen games Is a again next Sunday in the heck of a number lor an club semi-final against amateur learn to lullil. either Erins Own (Cork) There were live group or Kilmallock. league games which Is too much expecled brought Tooma Into the 01 players nowadays? semi-finals and then the Certainly the number 01 final . In the draws Is no help in the championship they had endeavours to complete to go twice before falUng a programme, but on the to Borrls-ilelgh In a other hand, that could be preliminary round. Next avoided too, II, perhaps, came losers group games were extended to matches against seventy minutes, as with Kllruane and Porlroe the Inter county which saw them In the championships. The North seml-Ilnal. There's survival of the fittest no need to remInd what might then come Inlo the happened when they reckoning. 01 course came ujp against Lorrha there is a downside to here. Three limes II took that also. Boards would and defeat at the end of not be reaping the It. bonusses they are at Another crack with present earning, If the Lorrha to decide match schedule was Nenagh 's North reduced appreciably. companions In the race And finance Is for county honours. probably the nub of the whole exercise with the , Victory this time and on players receiving scanl considerallon, even though ills theIr efforts that bring the crowds. II Is gross l y unfair that a championship should run so long Inlo Tippe,a,y the year and maybe a streamlining exercise mighl be considered in reiallon to the way in which the various dlvisionai boards run their fJ.A.A. competitions. Bul any demand for a change wl11 Invariably bring an outcry from those whose Interest is in accumuiating finance with which to Yea,b"k further the Inlerests of the boards, It's ali a vicious circle, isn't It? Meanwhile the players . .. especially Articles, Photographs, etc" the successful ones, are for this year's production overburdened wilh games. The less should be sent immediately successful haven't enough and here to: we are In Semple Stadium on the second Sunday in November bringing a climax to the season, with the LlAM 6 DONNCHU county's showpiece, A long year, yes, bull suppose at the Tipperary Yearbook Secretary end of it whether it be Toome or Ballymoreen, littleton, Thurles. Sarsllelds, that will matter little when celebration lime comes round. Advertising details also available FROM THE GOOD EARTH OF THIS NATIVE LAND COMES ALL THE RICHNESS AND NATURAL, HOMEGROWN FLAVOUR OF ERIN. /E:rinj HOMEGROWN IN THE LAND OF ERIN. 8 ICK EY " Ral­ against St. Vincent's, Dublin, and refereed by Mtier" Byrne. the great Christy Ring. Pres i dent ot On the club Iront he Thurles Sarsfields, was a stalwart member of the great Sarsfields Is one of the best team which dominated known characters club hurling In the In G.A.A. circles, county in the late fifties not only In Tipper­ and ea r ly sixties, winning ten county ary, but much fur­ senior hurling titles in ther afield. eleven years. Indeed, His exploits on the Mickey stili holds a lield are legendary, r ec.ord numbe r o f and In a career that county senior spanned three championship medals, decades, he won ellery fourteen, having begun honour the game had to his collection In the oller both at club and forties. county level. A regular allender at Mickey was a games both inside and member of the outside the county and Tipperary squad which never short of a word in won the '45 All-Ireland any situation, Mickey and he went on 10 play recently accepted the on the three-I n-a-row Invitation by Sarslields learn 01 1949-'51 . He club to become collected his fifth AII­ President and his Ireland senior hurl1ng advice and presence in medal In 1958 when the build-up to the Tipperary beat Galway. county fina l s has Apart from his links helped enor mousl y with Cork through the generate g r eat Tipperary - Cork games confidence and of the period, Mickey enthusiasm In the also was acquainted Thurles camp. with the Leesiders A great favourite th r ough the great everywhere he goes, church tournaments in The Rattler , will be Cork when Sarsfields hoping his team can would draw 20,000 to regain the Dan Breen the Mardyke 10 witness alter a lapse of eighteen their tussles with the years. Incidentally, his Glen, The Rockies and son Paul was a member The Barrs. Sarsfields of the last Sarslields played in five of those leam to win the trophy, tournaments, winning and anothe r son, four, Including one, the Martin, was also a final of which was member of thai squad.
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    Mid-Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1985 ~ CUMANN LUTHCHLEAS GAEL ~ , TlOBRAIO ARANN MEAN 1985 '''.",~, LLE v " ~ NA SAIRSEALAIGH, OUR Reiteoir: Sean o Meachair Printed bV K..,nedy Print Ltd ., The 80rltll Glte, Clonmel. (052123268 / CLAR AN LAE 8 September 1985 At Boherlahan 2.00 p.m. Junior Hurling 1985 Semi·Final Thurles Fennellys V Drom and Inch Referee: Conor Kennedy 3.30 p.m. Senior Hurling Final Holycross -, Ballycahill Thurles Sarsfields Referee: John Maher (Boherlahan -DuallaJ ----------- Best Wishes to Mid Board for Senior Hurling Final Tommy Long Wheel The Square, Cahir ~ ~ Best Drinks Served and Personal Attention Assured ----------- 2 ~ TE ACHTA IREAC HT ON CATHAO IRLEACH Is e rna phribhfeid [ailre a chur TVimh gach eillne go BorhaI' Leathan ar La Ceallnaid Thiobrad Arann Meanoch Stln iOfTUlinr. Taim ag ruil Ie dochas go mbeidh c/ar an Jae inniu or 0011 duJ leis no cluichi Q bIIi againn ceallna. It is my pleasure QJJd pn'vilege as OJaimwn of Mid Tipperary Board G.A.A. to extend a sincere welcome to all of you piayen, officials, referees and especially spectators to Boher/ahan for our Senior Hurling final. On this occasion it is only "gkt to congraw/ate the Boheriahan - Dua/la Club on tkeir recent field developmenrs, building of Sports Centre and new side line sealing to compliment the magnifica", playing field tuld also supplying to-days referee lohn Maher. We look forward (0 a very exciting game to-day between two reams Holycross-Ballycahill and Thurles Sarsjields who have been out of the honours list for some time.
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