Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2005 The Cooked Bacon Company DEW VALLEY FOODS LTD HOLYCROSS ROAD, THURLES, COUNTY TIPPERARY Tel: (0504) 46110 FAX: (0504) 23405 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Proud Sponsors of Thurles Sarsfields and Minor Hurling and Football in the Cathedral Town _______---J r , -------- T..... aolnn wim f:llile _ chur roomh .nd 1976 County SeI'\ior Hurli", dl3m pch III""" I'" Scud Semple Inn"" I pIOf\U!ip. I would hkl! to .~tend " spe· &,=oir cr;lobll~cha an Chonae san e;"'1 welco".,.. to .11 ...-nIle... of the Iom>.,nl OJn ..... r "1"5 mionuor(.).TI .ull Moneypll p>nel .nd to thafok the spot>_ .".m 10 mbeodh Ia mor oom>.nai""ha oors T,ppenI"")' Sur and Youn" of tho aplnn.Gu,m fiuh agus sean or no Iolme >t" at! Rae- I would .1.0 I,~e to thanlu SN""", King p<;lIdh p>i,.., san 0<2ld :a&"" &0 mbeidh VI bUll and his commit," for O<"pno.l", thI. V"l!ry a, na foome .. /e.orT. worthwl,,~ IMlnl 0..« a&li'" Coonty Final day 110. IITI"ed and I W<l¬ubte the ret.. ...... that ~ been " " "')' ~t plum.... 10 welcome you In to :oppoonted for .oo,y's final, and I wI,h you and Semple Sud,um for ...nat i. ,,"->" • veal OCQ your o/Iic.".... fNfIry <u(cess. I would 101.. , 10 ..en. The ocnIor Anal 110. " unique poinl\jJ with thmk all reIerea for <he hup contribution tha, Dram & Inch a;>peannr In thf"r first ever Coun- th~ VOUP of peopiot nWuo 10 me $Q&ins of our ty Sernor Hurl'ill F,nal while Thurfc!.