TIGGE user survey

Q1 Which TIGGE data products have you used to support your research? Please tick all that apply.

Answered: 383 Skipped: 9

TIGGE gridded 93..2% data products 93.2%

TIGGE Tropical 117..0% Trac... 17.0%

TIGGE-LAM 112..3% gridded data... 12.3%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


TIGGE gridded data products 93.2% 357

TIGGE Track Data in CXML format 17.0% 65

TIGGE-LAM gridded data products 12.3% 47 Total Respondents: 383


1 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q2 Please explain briefly (in 1 - 2 sentences) your current research topic using TIGGE datasets:

Answered: 211 Skipped: 181

# RESPONSES DATE 1 verification and valuation an model performace 12/22/2018 1:47 PM

2 I compute multi-model-based aviation turbulence forecasting using TIGGE data and validate it. 12/21/2018 7:06 AM

3 Ensemble precipitation forecast verification studies for hydrological and water management 12/20/2018 11:36 AM applications

4 we assess which circulation regime leads to a more accurate prediction over the Sichuan Basin 12/20/2018 8:44 AM sector.

5 Medium Range forecasts of exterme Rainfall and Temperature using realtime ensemble 12/19/2018 4:01 PM forecasts and model historical forecast data.

6 Used to validate improvements in data assimilation methods. 12/19/2018 1:06 PM

7 No current research undertakings 12/19/2018 9:30 AM

8 generate TC products from ensemble systems 12/18/2018 8:46 PM 9 Verification of forecast from models comparing with observations (GDAS) 12/18/2018 8:23 PM

10 Variability in model forecasts of tropical cyclone size 12/18/2018 7:56 PM 11 study east Asia winter monsoon 12/18/2018 12:40 PM

12 I use the data to study heavy rain, therefore the daily data are needed.But now i can only get 12/18/2018 6:53 AM the yearly data,that was not convenient for me 13 drive crop growth models 12/18/2018 6:35 AM

14 analyze the data to analyze the large-scale of elevated convection 12/18/2018 5:55 AM 15 ocean data assimilation 12/18/2018 5:42 AM

16 Data method assisted prediction 12/18/2018 5:10 AM 17 diagnosis analyses of the interaction between aerosols and climate by using TIGGE datasets 12/18/2018 4:55 AM

18 Indian summer monsoon rain fall prediction and extended range tropical prediction 12/18/2018 4:32 AM 19 Flood forecasting 12/18/2018 1:54 AM

20 Using the ensemble forecasts to drive the hybrid system and using the ecmwf re-analysis as the 12/18/2018 1:20 AM true state to verify the model. 21 my research topic using TIGGE datasets is the regional ensemble prediction and the hybrid 12/18/2018 12:51 AM data assimilation.

22 offshore wind and wave energy forecasting 12/18/2018 12:07 AM 23 Severe Weather and Climate Events including tropical in the South Pacific 12/17/2018 11:44 PM

24 Case study the effects of sea breeze on skin temperature 12/17/2018 9:55 PM 25 using TIGGE datasets to assess utility of ensemble probabilistic products for TCs. 12/17/2018 9:30 PM 26 We use the ensemble-based warning for extreme events - mostly operationally to inform 12/17/2018 6:06 PM humanitarians on what is potentially upcoming and to start to track the skill of the forecasts. http://gpvjma.ccs.hpcc.jp/TIGGE/tigge_warning.html 27 assessing the applicability of TIGGE datasets for runoff prediction by a hydrological model and 12/17/2018 5:39 PM flood inundation mapping and determining flood risk area

28 assessing the applicability of TIGGE datasets for runoff prediction by a hydrological model and 12/17/2018 5:39 PM flood inundation mapping and determining flood risk area 29 Model comparisons and validation 12/17/2018 4:31 PM

30 Higher education, regional model verficiation 12/17/2018 3:36 PM

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31 I am using the TIGGE CXML files to evaluate their utility in forecasting tropical cyclone wind- 12/17/2018 2:36 PM induced impacts to residential buildings. 32 poleward energy transport 12/17/2018 2:03 PM

33 River flood and streamflow forecasting and simulation. 12/17/2018 1:50 PM 34 We are developing a multi-model ensemble clustering tool and we use the TIGGE data to test 12/17/2018 1:20 PM out this tool on past notable weather events.

35 The data was used to study the climate characteristics of north and South America. 12/17/2018 1:05 PM 36 ensemble research 12/17/2018 1:00 PM

37 ansamble predict 12/17/2018 12:50 PM 38 Evaluation of selected NWP models for a case of widespread rainfall over Central and Northern 12/17/2018 12:46 PM Nigeria

39 We are doing research on visualization for meteorological ensemble data, e.g., the robustness 12/17/2018 12:40 PM of clustering, how to ease the use of Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis,... 40 None for now. 12/17/2018 12:24 PM

41 Multi-model precipitation of 12/17/2018 12:17 PM 42 We use the TIGGE data as an application to demonstrate the benefit of a new verifcation skill 12/17/2018 12:17 PM score for in terms of daily forecasts.

43 Downscaling of global forecasts 12/17/2018 11:51 AM 44 The sensitivity of ensemble forcing on ocean models 12/17/2018 11:44 AM 45 I am using data TIGGE do development a research about rain forecast. 12/17/2018 11:28 AM

46 Cyclones predictability in the eastern Mediterranean 12/17/2018 11:27 AM 47 Evaluation of the ensemble forecasts in extreme weather 12/17/2018 11:24 AM

48 Comparison between operational initial value 12/17/2018 11:07 AM 49 predictability of atmospheric phenomena 12/17/2018 11:03 AM

50 predictability of synoptic weather 12/17/2018 11:01 AM 51 I am using TIGGE data to study the sensitivity of the energetics due to the model's 12/17/2018 11:00 AM parametrizations.

52 I was unable to use the file. While converting gribb file into netcdf.i was unable to read file. File 12/17/2018 10:57 AM was empty after extraction 53 Our research is to clarifty medium-range predictability of Arctic sea ice distribution by using the 12/17/2018 10:52 AM data assimilation technique based on an ice-ocean coupled model forced with TIGGE atmospheric forecast data

54 for SurperAnsemble 12/17/2018 10:48 AM 55 Ability of individual ensemble forecasts (as opposed to ensemble means) to explain significant 12/17/2018 10:46 AM changes in near-term energy usage.

56 Assessment of operational ensemble forecast skill to predict wind energy production 12/17/2018 10:45 AM 57 Probabilities of maximum intensity of tropical cyclone occurrences over the south china sea - 12/17/2018 10:44 AM east sea of Vietnam 58 climate change 12/17/2018 10:40 AM

59 verification on historical ensemble forecast to find the modal systematical bias so that to correct 12/17/2018 10:39 AM the operational forecast 60 This study proposes an algorithm that combines ensemble numerical weather‐prediction model 12/17/2018 10:35 AM data and aircraft flight data in a wind nowcasting system for safe and efficient aircraft operation. It uses an ensemble‐weighted average method based on sequential importance sampling (SIS), which is a particle filter method for forecasting the wind field in real time. SIS is applied to the ensemble forecast data and control run data of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and United Kingdom Met Office (UKMO) for the two case studies that use flight data from 72 commercial aircraft flights. 61 Improving rainfall forecasts 12/17/2018 10:33 AM

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62 wind uncertainty used in trajectory flight planning 12/17/2018 10:32 AM 63 numerrical simulation about ocean renewable energy 12/17/2018 10:28 AM 64 I assessed forecast skill for extraordinary Arctic cyclones. 12/13/2018 8:34 AM 65 low frequency variability of certain ensemble properties 12/12/2018 5:33 PM

66 verification of TIGGE models in predicting extreme rainfall events over India 12/10/2018 11:54 AM 67 It is used to comparé thé rainy forecast. By différent model 12/8/2018 9:02 PM 68 Hydrometeorological disaster hazard mapping and prevention. 12/8/2018 6:34 AM 69 Develop a Numerical weather prediction based flood forecasting system for Awash basin, 12/7/2018 3:06 AM Ethiopia

70 Looking at spread in TC track forecasts for comparison with our convection allowing model 12/6/2018 11:59 PM tracks 71 comparison initial value and forecast among operational models 12/6/2018 4:10 AM 72 Short-term extreme weather forecast 12/6/2018 2:36 AM 73 The circulation background of case study. 12/6/2018 2:31 AM

74 hydrologic forecast driven by TIGGE 12/6/2018 1:18 AM 75 I use it for an specific research at my University. I am also working on an article and a paper to 12/6/2018 12:06 AM publish. In each one my methodology is based on bulding meteorologic synoptic maps to analyse and study the phenomenas. 76 Using atmospheric fields to drive the model. 12/5/2018 10:25 PM 77 I have ongoing research on improving tropical cyclone forecast tracks, and in particular, using 12/5/2018 7:42 PM ensemble forecasts for this. The TIGGE database has been incredibly useful for this work.

78 Comparison of different LAMs 12/5/2018 4:01 PM 79 v 12/5/2018 12:17 PM 80 I am involved with looking NWP model performances. Also, the cyclone tracks are analyzed. 12/5/2018 11:47 AM 81 I have used TIGGE to identify systematic error in global forecasts of the PV gradient at the 12/5/2018 11:06 AM tropopause and effects on Rossby waves in forecasts. We have also used TIGGE to investigate mid-latitude flow dependent predictability, evaluating across centres for robust results.

82 To predict the maturity date and yield of crops based on models. 12/5/2018 9:14 AM 83 Doing research on identifying synoptic types and its predictability over Southern Africa. 12/5/2018 7:19 AM 84 ensemble warning products study 12/5/2018 7:08 AM 85 rainfall forecast 12/5/2018 5:54 AM 86 I am using TIGGE data to compare the forecasts for different models and to show their 12/5/2018 5:39 AM performances using the statistical approach. 87 I am currently using tigge gridded dataset from different models like ERA, NCUM etc. 12/5/2018 5:01 AM 88 I have explored TIGGE data in multi model ensemble studies for Indian summer monsoon 12/5/2018 4:19 AM rainfall as well as tropical cyclogenesis prediction in medium to extended range. Thanks to the team for providing the model data freely. 89 Assessment of numerical weather forecasts; Inter-comparison of different model forecasts 12/5/2018 3:53 AM 90 I use the tigge data to drive the WOFOST model for yield estimation. 12/5/2018 2:42 AM

91 Estimation of uncertainty from ensemble forecast. 12/5/2018 1:49 AM 92 comparing the precipitation ensemble forecasts. 12/5/2018 1:48 AM 93 Adiabatic and diabatic water vapor transport from the troposphere to the stratosphere over the 12/5/2018 1:19 AM Asian summer monsoon regions. 94 evaluation of TIGGE data on its performance in forecasting precipitation and circulation 12/5/2018 1:17 AM

95 Hydrologic ensemble forecasts with TIGGE data as main inputs 12/5/2018 12:51 AM 96 We tried an ensemble experiment using a regional atmospheric model, to understand the 12/5/2018 12:18 AM predicitability of some extreme events. 97 Comparison of TIGGE analysis datasets with field observations and reanalayses in the Pacific 12/4/2018 11:59 PM Arctic region. Evaluation of TIGGE forecast datasets in the above region.

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98 To verify results of NWP experiments. 12/4/2018 10:05 PM 99 Ocean forecasting 12/4/2018 10:02 PM 100 Rainfall forecast verification and bias correction 12/4/2018 8:02 PM 101 Predictability study. Investigate the usefulness of ensembles in TC track, intensity and genesis 12/4/2018 7:58 PM forecasts. Also investigate the causes of large forecast errors.

102 I'm using the ensemble forecast precipitation in my research. The research is about forecast 12/4/2018 4:45 PM flow. 103 Retrospective fire growth modelling and analysis of large fire spread days in Alberta, Canada. 12/4/2018 4:40 PM 104 I am using the dataset as an input to drive regional climate driven malaria model for Africa. 12/4/2018 4:30 PM 105 Changes in human health and mortality due to climate change. Extreme temperature events. 12/4/2018 4:00 PM 106 We have clustered tropical cyclone track data and calculated cyclone phase space data from 12/4/2018 3:49 PM TIGGE using regression mixture models and evaluated the atmospheric evolution associated with each cluster. 107 Need next-day, hourly forecast weather values to forecast next-day differences in electricity 12/4/2018 3:30 PM prices. 108 Evaluating utility of historical forecasts at a variety of lead times for a variety of events, including 12/4/2018 3:10 PM tropical cyclones and significant non-tropical storms as well. 109 I am using the ERA5 and CS3 data sets for comparing different models precision. 12/4/2018 3:01 PM

110 Subseasonal to seasonal rainfall forecast over maritime continent. 12/4/2018 2:45 PM 111 Wind energy forecasts combining TIGGE wind speeds with turbine power curve models.We use 12/4/2018 2:16 PM this as a comparator for finer-resolution products. 112 comparing performance from forecast model using different initialization datasets 12/4/2018 1:56 PM 113 We have used Medium Range EPS forecasts from the Tigge Archives for evaluating the skill of 12/4/2018 1:45 PM flood forecasts in basins around the world using a global hydrological model. Focused on basins with differing hydroclimatologies (Rhine, Mekong, Murray, Zambezi, Magdalena, Parana, Colorado)

114 Trying to use them into WRF 12/4/2018 1:36 PM 115 hydrological ensemble forecasting 12/4/2018 1:33 PM 116 Heavy rain fall events are presented basing on ensembles. More is ensembles more is the 12/4/2018 1:28 PM predictability 117 I work on ensemble forecasting. I develop methods to improve forecasts by combining 12/4/2018 1:15 PM ensembles of forecasts, analyses and observational data.

118 I'm studying the possibilities of a multivariate intervariable dependences calibration of ECMWF 12/4/2018 1:13 PM model ensemble during my PhD. 119 river discharge forecast 12/4/2018 1:08 PM 120 hindcasting experiments using 15 days probabilistic forecasts from ECMWF 12/4/2018 1:05 PM 121 Calibration of ensemble to generate reliable forecasts of renewable output (PV mainly). 12/4/2018 1:01 PM 122 Using the TIGGE data to explain snowfall changes in the Tien Shan Mountains. 12/4/2018 12:53 PM

123 Animal movement ecology 12/4/2018 12:52 PM 124 Evaluation of Forecast Performance on Asian Summer Monsoon Low Level Wind and the 12/3/2018 2:01 AM Northwest Pacific Subtropical High and South Asian High Using TIGGE Dataset 125 doing ensemble prediction 12/2/2018 3:37 PM 126 No current research projects using TIGGE. I have previously used it extensively for research on 12/1/2018 6:55 PM precipitation forecasts, and will likely continue using it in the future.

127 Ensemble-based diagnostics of tropical cyclone outflow. Ensemble-based probabilities of 12/1/2018 1:38 PM tropical cyclogenesis. (Future) Pathways to Atlantic tropical cyclogenesis via African Easterly Waves. (Future) Subseasonal predictions of tropical cyclone activity. 128 Bayesian approaches to postprocessing MME forecasts 11/29/2018 10:02 AM 129 I have done some sensitive experiments using TIGGE data in TC Prediction. 11/29/2018 8:34 AM 130 Predictability of heat wave over Indian region 11/29/2018 8:32 AM

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131 weather warning based on ensemble prediction data 11/29/2018 8:21 AM

132 Using TIGGE data to study the forecast sensitivity of high impact precipitation event in East 11/29/2018 8:10 AM Asia for improving the forecast accuracy. 133 Mainly for quantitative precipitation forecast research and extreme events identification. 11/29/2018 8:00 AM 134 I am working on "Abrupt intensification and Dissipation of Tropical Cyclones in the Arabian Sea" 11/29/2018 7:17 AM and used so many data sets to see the correlation between various atmospheric forcing and TC occurrence in this basin 135 assess the predictability of South Korea heat wave 11/29/2018 6:44 AM

136 I'm sorry that I can't open the datasets, so it didn't do any thing for me. 11/29/2018 6:43 AM 137 I am conducting multimodel ensemble using forecasts from three NWP centers (NCEP CMC 11/28/2018 12:49 PM ECMWF) for temperature probabilistic forecasts. 138 probabilistic forecasts using TIGGE datasets 11/28/2018 12:22 PM 139 Scorring the different models in order to determine which is the best for our forecasts 11/28/2018 9:01 AM

140 Experimentations of graphical products in coordination with forecasters in near real time 11/28/2018 8:34 AM 141 Extreme precipitation in china;Probability forecast of precipitation 11/28/2018 7:57 AM 142 S2S research 11/28/2018 2:07 AM 143 Develop a regional ensemble prediction system. We use TIGGE dataset as boundary condition 11/28/2018 1:14 AM of the forecast, and creating the initial conditions for the ensemble members.

144 I used the datasets to investigate during my MSc dissertation the performance of the Ensemble 11/27/2018 7:26 PM Forecast from ECMWF and MOGREPS-G at predicting wind and temperature over Mexico. 145 I am evaluating skills of TIGGE models for precipitation prediction over the Himalayas at range 11/27/2018 5:29 PM medium time scale.

146 Forecast verification using external analyses as verifying datasets. 11/27/2018 5:13 PM

147 Assessment of Model Outputs mainly through project defended by our students concluding their 11/27/2018 3:49 PM three years at EAMAC; the entry level of EAMAC is two years University successful study in Mathematics or Physic 148 Tigger datasets are extremely useful in forecasting tropical cyclones path well in advance along 11/27/2018 1:54 PM with deterministic forecast.. 149 Intercomparison of multi-model ensembles Tests of clustering techniques on multi-model 11/27/2018 1:47 PM ensembles Use of TIGGE-LAM fiells for model intercomparison

150 Multi-model ensemble techinque to improve TC forecasting 11/27/2018 9:22 AM 151 I am using the Tigge dataset to validate precipitation forecasts over Eastern Africa. 11/27/2018 8:09 AM

152 Stochastic ice-ocean modeling and data assimilation 11/27/2018 7:36 AM 153 We investigate the use of wind fields from ensemble members to provide a first guess as digital 11/27/2018 7:23 AM forecasts under tropical cyclone situations.

154 Medium range rainfall forecasting for hydrological applications. Weather driven decision making 11/27/2018 6:47 AM using TIGGE forecsats.

155 QPF and PQPF verification and calibration 11/27/2018 6:11 AM 156 For Disaster prevention system 11/27/2018 6:06 AM

157 At present I am using TIGGE dataset for analysis of model skill in simulating the Indian summer 11/27/2018 5:00 AM monsoon and its variabilities.

158 Predictability of heat wave over Indian region 11/27/2018 4:50 AM

159 Researching using forecast tropical cyclone tracks from ensemble prediction systems to forecast 11/27/2018 3:10 AM the chance of a tropical system being a tropical cyclone (or not), forecast the range of possible intensities (max wind) and forecast a heat map of possible positions. 160 Weather and climate mechanism research 11/27/2018 3:08 AM

161 By using the ECMWF ensemble forecast circulation data and its directly model output 11/27/2018 3:05 AM precipitation (DMO) from TIGGE dataset, we conduct the evaluation of prediction performance of the precipation prediction model.

162 To evaluate the operational forecast skills with TIGGE dataset. 11/27/2018 2:50 AM

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163 - Renewable energy (solar energy) forecast for energy management. - Detection of forecast 11/27/2018 2:25 AM busts using ensemble spread

164 I have used the ECMWF ensemble forecasts to compute the sensitivity of forecast metrics to 11/27/2018 1:22 AM model fields at earlier times.

165 To compute ensemble mean, max and minimum from TIGGE ensembles and inter compare 11/27/2018 12:44 AM with regional model products in terms of ensemble spread

166 Source of comparative NWP forecasts, to assist with the development/evaluation of BoM NWP 11/27/2018 12:22 AM systems. 167 Previous studies using TIGGE datasets are MME technique to improve TC forecasting 11/27/2018 12:18 AM

168 Data assimilation for global NWP 11/27/2018 12:06 AM 169 I work with ECMWF analysis data from TIGGE for validation of global and regional models 11/26/2018 11:29 PM forecasts. I have also examined TIGGE ensemble TC tracks for certain cases.

170 Past weather patterns for safe ship routing. 11/26/2018 11:25 PM 171 tropical weather predictability, impact from assimilating satellite observations on prediction 11/26/2018 10:51 PM skills. 172 I have been using TIGGEE product for flood forecasting, especially with ensemble approaches. 11/26/2018 10:49 PM

173 Initializing MPAS, comparing to GFS initialization. Forcing storm surge model with ECMWF 11/26/2018 10:25 PM ensemble (SLP and 10-m wind).

174 QBO Forecasting 11/26/2018 9:18 PM

175 Numerical weather prediction evaluation Case studies m 11/26/2018 9:17 PM 176 Studying old wildfire history by modelling them in Prometheus wildfire growth modelling 11/26/2018 8:29 PM software with historical weather data(hourly). TIGGE provides me with historical weather data. 177 PQPF calibration 11/26/2018 8:27 PM

178 Data assimilation using the ensemble Kalman filter, forward in time. 11/26/2018 7:30 PM

179 medium-range rainfall prediction over India and East Africa for flood forecasting and hydropower 11/26/2018 7:18 PM optimization

180 Seasonal forecasting. 11/26/2018 7:14 PM 181 I use the inconsistencies between analyses from different centers as a proxy for global analysis 11/26/2018 7:11 PM uncertainty in an attempt to quantify the errors being passed to regional and convective forecasting systems that use global analyses as initial conditions.

182 Hydrological forecasting for South American basins. 11/26/2018 5:51 PM

183 I use TIGGE to investigate global model performance in the Arctic region. Allows me to see 11/26/2018 5:46 PM other global model performance in this region as compared to my research model setup.

184 We are using the TIGGE tropical cyclone track data to study their impact in terms of surface 11/26/2018 5:30 PM ocean currents using HYCOM at very high spatial resolution

185 Currently I am downloading in near real time the TC tracks to compare them with our products 11/26/2018 5:25 PM for forecast monitoring purposes. We also compute TC forecast performance statistics for each NWP 186 Hydrological modelling with TIGGE ensemble forcing. 11/26/2018 5:23 PM

187 I use TIGGE for a range of research projects, many involving graduate students, including 11/26/2018 5:14 PM analysis of Rossby wave dynamics and predictability as well as tropical-extratropical interaction. 188 Uncertainty in global atmospheric analyses and re-analyses 11/26/2018 4:58 PM

189 Application of S2S forecast (and hindcast) in hydropower production : Streching the predictive 11/26/2018 4:46 PM horizon from short-term forecast to 1-month ahead.

190 No current research using TIGGE. 11/26/2018 4:16 PM

191 My interest is on assessment of precipitation forecast from various LAM against ground gauges 11/26/2018 4:13 PM measurements over North and Central Italy

192 Improvement of ensemble forecast statistics through machine learning. 11/26/2018 4:01 PM 193 Ensemble-based DA of TC inner-core. Optimal TC track and intensity development 11/26/2018 3:56 PM

194 Use TIGGE to examine the tropical cyclone related windstorm impact on the East Asia 11/26/2018 3:42 PM

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195 Intercomparison of tropical analyses/forecats 11/26/2018 3:41 PM

196 Hydrological modeling, forecasting 11/26/2018 3:39 PM 197 In prep for the early April workshop, I will be comparing analyses from the various operational 11/26/2018 3:36 PM centers to quantify analysis uncertainty. 198 Regional Climate Modeling, using ECMWF gridded datasets as driving input data. 11/26/2018 3:24 PM

199 We used TIGGE data for Proof of Concept experiments that convinced us to purchase an 11/26/2018 2:54 PM Archive license. 200 cloud vertical structure 11/26/2018 2:47 PM

201 study the relationship between cloud fraction and surface air temperature 11/26/2018 2:47 PM 202 tigge data set extracted to make an intercomparison of different global ensemble systems 11/26/2018 2:46 PM

203 Estimation and visualization of solid mass transfer rates during Saharan (and other) dust 11/26/2018 2:40 PM events. 204 Development of flood early warning methods 11/26/2018 2:34 PM

205 Research on robust aircraft flight planning under uncertainty using EPS forecasts. 11/26/2018 2:28 PM 206 Exploiting ensemble NWP for water use efficiency in agriculture. Forecasting crop and 11/26/2018 2:24 PM reference potential evapotranspiration.

207 Model validation 11/26/2018 2:17 PM 208 Forecasting of extreme precipitation 11/26/2018 2:13 PM

209 ensemble performance studies 11/26/2018 2:07 PM 210 Impact on electricity demand with local temperature forecast. 11/26/2018 1:57 PM

211 I research on cyclone transitions (tropical and extratropical transitions) using TIGGE dataset 11/26/2018 1:56 PM and clustering to improve forecasts and also understanding physical processes.

8 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q3 Please include a list of your journal papers (or DOI), book chapters or any other relevant productivity involving the use of TIGGE archive data. We kindly ask you to use the following format to facilitate a homogeneous citing format:Journal articles: Bougeault et al. (2010) The THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 1059-1072, https://doi.org/10.1175/2010BAMS2853.1Book chapters and technical reports: Jolliffe, I.T., Stephenson, D.B. (2012) Forecast Verification: A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science. 2nd Edition. Wiley and Sons Ltd, 274 pp.

Answered: 114 Skipped: 278

# RESPONSES DATE 1 Li Baiping, Zhi Xiefei. 2012. Comparative study of four correction schemes of the ECMWF 12/22/2018 1:47 PM surface temperature forecast. Meteorological Monthly (Chinese), Vol. 38, No. 8, 2012 2 not yet now 12/20/2018 8:44 AM

3 Quandt, L., J.H. Keller, O. Martius, and S.C. Jones (2017), Forecast Variability of the Blocking 12/19/2018 9:30 AM System over Russia in Summer 2010 and Its Impact on Surface Conditions, Weather and Forecasting. Keller, J. H., S. C. Jones, J. L. Evans, and P. A. Harr, 2011: Characteristics of the TIGGE multimodel ensemble prediction system in representing forecast variability associated with extratropical transition, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L12802, doi:10.1029/2011GL047275

4 i have no paper 12/18/2018 6:35 AM 5 not yet progressed that far 12/18/2018 5:42 AM

6 preparation for submitting to Journal 12/18/2018 4:55 AM 7 Bhomia, Swati, et al. "Multimodel Prediction of Monsoon Rain Using Dynamical Model 12/18/2018 4:32 AM Selection." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54.5 (2016): 2911-2917. Jaiswal, Neeru, et al. "Multi-model ensemble-based probabilistic prediction of tropical cyclogenesis using TIGGE model forecasts." Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 128.5 (2016): 601-611. Bhomia, Swati, Neeru Jaiswal, and C. M. Kishtawal. "Accuracy assessment of rainfall prediction by global models during the landfall of tropical cyclones in the North Indian Ocean." Meteorological Applications 24.3 (2017): 503-511. Jaiswal, Neeru, C. M. Kishtawal, and Swati Bhomia. "Similarity-based multi-model ensemble approach for 1–15-day advance prediction of monsoon rainfall over India." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 132.1-2 (2018): 639-645.

8 Lu, X., X. Wang, Y. Li, M. Tong and X. Ma. (2017) GSI-based ensemble-variational hybrid data 12/18/2018 12:51 AM assimilation for HWRF for hurricane initialization and prediction: impact of various error covariances for airborne radar observation assimilation. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 143: 223-239. doi: 10.1002/qj.2914.

9 Sasaki, W. (2017) Predictability of global offshore wind and wave power, International Journal of 12/18/2018 12:07 AM Marine Energy, 17, 98-109, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijome.2017.01.003

10 Currently have not started publishing the results. 12/17/2018 11:44 PM 11 My papers is under review and after accepting I will share them with you 12/17/2018 5:39 PM

12 None, so far 12/17/2018 3:36 PM

13 no papers yet 12/17/2018 2:03 PM 14 Lamberson, W.S., R.D. Torn, L.F. Bosart, and L. Magnusson, 2016: Diagnosis of the Source 12/17/2018 1:20 PM and Evolution of Medium-Range Forecast Errors for Joachim. Wea. Forecasting, 31, 1197–1214, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-16-0026.1

15 none 12/17/2018 1:05 PM

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16 Agogbuo CN, Nwagbara MO, Bekele E, Olusegun A (2017) Evaluation of Selected Numerical 12/17/2018 12:46 PM Weather Prediction Models for a Case of Widespread Rainfall over Central and Southern Nigeria. J Environ Anal Toxicol 7: 491. doi: 10.4172/2161- 0525.1000491

17 Kumpf et al. (2018), IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 24, no. 1, 12/17/2018 12:40 PM pp. 109-119, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2745178 Kumpf et al.(2019), IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 25, no. 1, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2018.2864901 18 Matsueda M., Nakazawa, T. (2014) Early warning products for severe weather events derived 12/17/2018 12:24 PM from operational medium-range ensemble forecasts. Meteorol. Appl., DOI: 10.1002/met.1444 19 Nakanowatari, T., Inoue, J., Sato, K., Bertino, L., Xie, J., Matsueda, M., Yamagami, A., 12/17/2018 10:52 AM Sugimura, T., Yabuki, H., and Otsuka, N.: Medium-range predictability of early summer sea ice thickness distribution in the East Siberian Sea based on the TOPAZ4 ice–ocean data assimilation system, The Cryosphere, 12, 2005-2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-12-2005-2018, 2018.

20 Martinez-Alvarado, O., Maddison, J., Gray, S. and Williams, K. (2018) Atmospheric blocking 12/17/2018 10:45 AM and upper-level Rossby wave forecast skill dependence on model configuration. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144, 2165-2181, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3326 Martinez-Alvarado, O., Madonna, E., Gray, S. L. and Joos, H. (2016) A route to systematic error in forecasts of Rossby waves. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 196- 210, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.2645 21 Kikuchi, Ryota, et al. (2018) Nowcasting algorithm for wind fields using ensemble forecasting 12/17/2018 10:35 AM and aircraft flight data. Meteorological Applications 25.3, 365-375, https://doi.org/10.1002/met.1704

22 Not yet 12/17/2018 10:33 AM 23 Effects Of Weather Uncertainty In Sector Demand At Tactical Level, 9 de jul de 2018. 12/17/2018 10:32 AM Symposium on Sustainable Aviation 9 – 11 July 2018, Rome (Italy) Effects of Reducing Wind- Induced Trajectory Uncertainty on Sector Demand. 28 de nov de 2017. 2017 Seventh SESAR Innovation Days, 28th – 30th November 2017, Belgrade (Serbia Republic) Robust Optimal Trajectory Planning under Uncertain Winds and Convective Risk. 14 de nov de 2017. 5th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC 2017). 14th-16th November 2017, Tokyo (Japan).

24 I am writing my paper these days 12/17/2018 10:28 AM

25 Parker, T., Woollings, T., and Weisheimer, A. (2018) Ensemble sensitivity analysis of Greenland 12/13/2018 10:24 PM blocking in medium-range forecasts, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc, 144, 2358-2379, https://doi.org/:10.1002/qj.3391 26 Yamagami et al. (2018) Predictability of the 2012 great Arctic cyclone on medium-range 12/13/2018 8:34 AM timescales. Polar Science, 15, 13-23, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2018.01.002 Yamagami et al. (2018) Medium-range forecast skill for extraordinary Arctic cyclones in summer of 2008- 2016. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL077278 27 Journal article is in preparation 12/12/2018 5:33 PM

28 S. Karuna sagar et.al., (2017), Prediction skill of Rainstorm events over India in the TIGGE 12/10/2018 11:54 AM weather prediction models, Atmospheric Research, 198, 194-204. 29 Qian WH, Leung JCH, Luo WM, Du J, Gao JD. An index of anomalous convective instability to 12/6/2018 2:36 AM detect tornadic and hail storms. Meteorol Atmos Phys. DOI 10.1007/s00703-017-0576-z. 30 Cai et al. (2018) Improving TIGGE precipitation forecasts using an SVR ensemble approach in 12/6/2018 1:18 AM the Huaihe River Basin. Advances in Meteorology,vol. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7809302

31 Sorry, it wans't yet published. 12/6/2018 12:06 AM

32 DOI: 10.1029/2018JC014316 https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3225 12/5/2018 10:25 PM 33 Colby, Frank P., Jr., (in review) Hurricane Edouard (2014): Three Versions of NCEP’s Global 12/5/2018 7:42 PM Ensemble Model. Weather and Forecasting. Colby, Frank P. Jr., 2016: Operational Hurricane Forecast Model Track Error Spikes in Hurricane Irma (2017). Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, FL, 16-20 April 2018. Colby, Frank P. Jr., 2016: Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the 2015 NCEP Global Ensemble Model. Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Juan, PR, 18-22 April, 2016 Colby, Frank P., Jr., 2015: Analysis of Ensemble Forecasts for Hurricane Isaac. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Boston, MA, August 3 – 6, 2015 Colby, Frank P. Jr., 2015: Global Ensemble Forecast Tracks for Tropical Storm Debby. Weather and Forecasting, 30, 668-682. 34 b 12/5/2018 12:17 PM

10 / 40 TIGGE user survey

35 Journal articles: Cafaro, C., Frame, T. H., Methven, J., Roberts, N. and Broecker, J. (2018). The 12/5/2018 11:06 AM added value of convection-permitting ensemble forecasts of sea breeze compared to a Bayesian forecast driven by the global ensemble. Q. J. Roy. Met. Soc., submitted. Cannon, D. J., Brayshaw, D. J., Methven, J. and Drew, D. (2017). Determining the bounds of skilful forecast range for probabilistic prediction of system-wide wind power generation. Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 26 (3), 239-252, doi:10.1127/metz/2016/0751. Swinbank, R., Kyouda, M., Buchanan, P., Froude, L., Hamill, T. M., Hewson, T., Keller, J. H., Matsueda, M., Methven, J., Pappenberger, F., Scheuerer, M., Titley, H., Yamaguchi, M. and Wilson, L. (2016). The TIGGE project and its achievements. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 97, 49-67, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00191.1. Gray, S. L., Dunning, C., Methven, J., Masato, G. and Chagnon, J. (2014). Systematic model forecast error in Rossby wave structure. Geophysical Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL059282. Frame, T., Methven, J., Gray, S.L. and Ambaum, M.H.P. (2013). Flow dependent predictability of the North Atlantic jet. Geophysical Res. Lett., 40, 2411-2416, doi:10.1002/grl.50454. Frame, T., Ambaum, M.H.P., Gray, S.L. and Methven, J. (2011). Ensemble prediction of transitions of the North Atlantic driven jet. Q. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 137, 1288-1297.

36 1)Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2015.2507779 2)Jaiswal, N., Kishtawal, C.M. & 12/5/2018 4:19 AM Bhomia, S. Theor Appl Climatol (2018) 132: 639. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-017-2109-6 3)https://doi.org/10.1002/met.1649 4) Digital Object Identifie 10.1007/s00703-016-0436-2

37 Anitha Gera, et al. (2017) Assessment of marine weather forecasts over the Indian sector of 12/5/2018 3:53 AM Southern Ocean. Polar Science., 13, 1-12, ISSN 1873- 9652,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2017.04.003. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1873965216300986)

38 MA Hongyuan,HUANG Jianxi,HUANG Hai,ZHANG Xiaodong,ZHU Deha.Ensemble Forecasting 12/5/2018 2:42 AM of Regional Yield of Winter Wheat Based on WOFOST Model Using Historical Metrological Dataset[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(9):257-266.

39 Tang N J et al. (2019). Characteristic of adiabatic and diabatic water vapor transport from the 12/5/2018 1:19 AM troposphere to the stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau and its comparison with the Rocky Mountains in the Summer. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), in press, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1804.17255.

40 Zhou, B. Q., R. Y. Niu, and P. M. Zhai, 2015: An assessment of the predictability of the East 12/5/2018 1:17 AM Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet based on TIGGE data. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32, 401-412. Niu, R. Y., P. M. Zhai, and B. Q. Zhou, 2015: Evaluation of Forecast Performance of Asian Summer Monsoon Low-Level Winds Using the TIGGE Dataset. Wea. Forecasting, 30, 455–470.

41 Qu B, Zhang X, Pappenberger F, Zhang T, Fang Y. (2017) Multi-Model Grand Ensemble 12/5/2018 12:51 AM Hydrologic Forecasting in the Fu River Basin Using Bayesian Model Averaging. Water, 9, 74, https://doi.org/10.3390/w9020074 42 NA 12/5/2018 12:18 AM

43 NONE 12/4/2018 8:02 PM

44 Yamaguchi, M., and S. J. Majumdar, 2010: Using TIGGE data to diagnose initial perturbations 12/4/2018 7:58 PM and their growth for tropical cyclone ensemble forecasts, Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 3634-3655. Yamaguchi, M., D. S. Nolan, M. Iskandarani, S. J. Majumdar, M. S. Peng, and C. A. Reynolds, 2011: Singular vectors for tropical cyclone-like vortices in a nondivergent barotropic framework, J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 2273-2291. Yamaguchi, M., T. Nakazawa, and K. Aonashi, 2012: Tropical cyclone track forecasts using JMA model with ECMWF and JMA initial conditions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L09801. Yamaguchi, M., T. Nakazawa, and S. Hoshino, 2012: On the relative benefits of a multi-centre grand ensemble for tropical cyclone track prediction in the western North Pacific, Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 138, 2019-2029. Yamaguchi, M., T. Nakazawa, and S. Hoshino, 2014: North Western Pacific Tropical Cyclone Ensemble Forecast Project, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 3, 193-201. Yamaguchi, M., F. Vitart, S. T. K. Lang, L. Magnusson, R. L. Elsberry, G. Elliott, M. Kyouda, and T. Nakazawa, 2015: Global distribution on the skill of tropical cyclone activity forecasts from short- to medium-range time scales. Weather and Forecasting. 30, 1695-1709. Yamaguchi, M., and N. Koide, 2017: Tropical cyclone genesis guidance using the early stage Dvorak analysis and global ensembles, Wea. Forecasting, 32, 2133-2141.

45 I submitted the papers and it has not yet been published. This is in the review phase by the 12/4/2018 4:45 PM editors. Journal of Hydrology Engeneering ASCE. paper: "Flow prediction by fuzzy logic and hydrologic ensemble." 46 Nothing published yet. 12/4/2018 4:40 PM

47 None yet 12/4/2018 4:00 PM

11 / 40 TIGGE user survey

48 Kowaleski and Evans (2016) Regression Mixture Model Clustering of Multimodel Ensemble 12/4/2018 3:49 PM Forecasts of Hurricane Sandy: Partition Characteristics. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 3825-3846, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-16-0099.1 González-Alemán et al. (2018) Use of Ensemble Forecasts to Investigate Synoptic Influences on the Structural Evolution and Predictability of Hurricane Alex (2016) in the Midlatitudes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3143-3162, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-18-0015.1 49 NA 12/4/2018 3:30 PM

50 Private sector work, no citation possible 12/4/2018 3:10 PM

51 No papers yet. 12/4/2018 3:01 PM

52 No publication yet 12/4/2018 1:56 PM

53 As yet in preparation by student leading the work 12/4/2018 1:45 PM

54 Verification of Reservoirs Inflow Ensemble Forecasts Using Three TIGGE Database Models for 12/4/2018 1:33 PM Three Brazilian Large Scale Basins, F. Mainardi Fan, D. Schwanenberg, W. Collischonn, A.H. Weerts, J. Hydrology: Regional Studies 4 (2015) 196–227, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.05.012.

55 Thorey et al. (2015) Ensemble forecast of solar radiation using TIGGE weather forecasts and 12/4/2018 1:15 PM HelioClim database. Solar Energy, 120, 232-243, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2015.06.049

56 Sorry, i can't do this part because i'm in first year of PhD 12/4/2018 1:13 PM

57 work in progress 12/4/2018 1:05 PM

58 M. David et P. Lauret, « Solar Radiation Probabilistic Forecasting », in Wind Field and Solar 12/4/2018 1:01 PM Radiation Characterization and Forecasting, R. Perez, Éd. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, p. 201‑227.

59 Deng H., et al.(2018) Changes of snowfall under warmer and wetter in the Tianshan Mountains. 12/4/2018 12:53 PM Scientia Geographica Sinica, 38(11):1932-1941, http:/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.11.021[Chinese Journal with english abstract] 60 Duriez O, Péron G, Gremillet, D, Sforzi A, Monti F. 2018 Migrating ospreys use thermal uplift 12/4/2018 12:52 PM over the open sea. Biol. Lett. 20180687. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2018.0687 61 Niu, R. Y., P. M. Zhai, and B. Q. Zhou (2015). Evaluation of Forecast Performance of Asian 12/3/2018 2:01 AM Summer Monsoon Low-Level Winds Using the TIGGE Dataset. Wea. Forecasting, 30, 455~ 470. Synoptic verification of medium-extended- range forecasts of the Northwest Pacific subtropical high and South Asian high based on multi-center TIGGE data. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 27(5): 725~741. 62 journal articles: Herman, G.R., and R.S. Schumacher, 2018: Money doesn't grow on trees, but 12/1/2018 6:55 PM forecasts do: Forecasting extreme precipitation with random forests. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 1571-1600. Lynch, S.L. and R.S. Schumacher, 2014: Ensemble-based analysis of the May 2010 extreme rainfall in Tennessee and Kentucky, Monthly Weather Review, 142, 222-239. Schumacher, R.S., and T.J. Galarneau, Jr., 2012: Moisture transport into midlatitudes ahead of recurving tropical cyclones and its relevance in two predecessor rain events. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 1810-1827. Schumacher, R.S., 2011: Ensemble-based analysis of factors leading to the development of a multi-day warm-season heavy rain event. Monthly Weather Review, 139, 3016-3035. Schumacher, R.S., and C.A. Davis, 2010: Ensemble-based uncertainty analysis of diverse heavy rainfall events. Weather and Forecasting, 25, 1103-1122. 63 Weihong Qian, Jing Huang (2019) Applying the anomaly-based weather analysis on Beijing 12/1/2018 6:35 PM severe haze episodes. Science of the Total Environment, 647, 878–887, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.408

64 Komaromi, W. A. and S. J. Majumdar, 2015: Ensemble-Based Error and Predictability Metrics 12/1/2018 1:38 PM Associated with Tropical Cyclogenesis. Part II: Wave-Relative Framework. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 1665-1686. Majumdar, S. J. and R. D. Torn, 2014: Probabilistic Verification of Global and Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts of Tropical Cyclogenesis. Wea. Forecasting, 29, 1181-1198. Komaromi, W. A. and S. J. Majumdar, 2014: Ensemble-Based Error and Predictability Metrics Associated with Tropical Cyclogenesis. Part I: Basin-Wide Perspective. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 2879-2898. Majumdar, S. J., S.-G. Chen, and C.-C. Wu, 2011: Characteristics of Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter adaptive sampling guidance for tropical cyclones Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137 503-520. Yamaguchi, M. and S. J. Majumdar, 2010: Using TIGGE data to diagnose initial perturbations and their growth for tropical cyclone ensemble forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 3634-3655. Majumdar, S. J. and P. M. Finocchio, 2010: On the ability of global Ensemble Prediction Systems to predict tropical cyclone track probabilities. Wea. Forecasting, 25, 659-680. Majumdar, S. J., K. J. Sellwood, D. Hodyss, Z. Toth and Y. Song, 2010: Characteristics of target areas selected by the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter for medium- range forecasts of high-impact winter weather. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 2803-2824.

12 / 40 TIGGE user survey

65 Zhou F., Qin X., Chen B., Mu M. (2013) The Advances in Targeted Observations for Tropical 11/29/2018 8:34 AM Cyclone Prediction Based on Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation (CNOP) Method. In: Park S., Xu L. (eds) Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. II). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

66 https://DOI:10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2018.08.004 11/29/2018 8:21 AM 67 NA 11/29/2018 7:17 AM

68 Lee et al.(2016) Assessment of medium-range ensemble forecasts of heat waves. Atmos. Sci. 11/29/2018 6:44 AM Lett., 17, 19–25, doi: 10.1002/asl.593. 69 Bougeault et al. (2010) The THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble. Bull. Amer. Meteor. 11/28/2018 12:49 PM Soc., 91, 1059–1072, https://doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2853.1 Swinbank et al. (2016) The TIGGE project and its achievements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97,49-67, https://doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D- 13-00191.1

70 No publication 11/28/2018 8:34 AM

71 Nope 11/28/2018 2:07 AM

72 Ushiyama, Sayama, Iwami(2016), Ensemble flood forecasting caused by Talas and 11/28/2018 1:14 AM Roke at Hiyoshi dam basin. Journal of Diaster Research, Vol.11(6),1032-1039.

73 I have included the TIGGE results in my PhD thesis and related article is not submitted yet. 11/27/2018 5:29 PM 74 No publication has been done yet 11/27/2018 3:49 PM

75 Jun, S., Lee, W., Kang, K., Byun, K. Y., Kim, J., & Yun, W. T. (2015). Applicability of the 11/27/2018 9:22 AM superensemble to the tropical cyclone track forecasts in the western North Pacific. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 51(1), 39-48.

76 N/N 11/27/2018 7:36 AM 77 1. Khan, Mudasser Muneer, Asaad Y. Shamseldin, and Bruce W. Melville. "Impact of ensemble 11/27/2018 6:47 AM size on forecasting occurrence of rainfall using TIGGE precipitation forecasts." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19.4 (2013): 732-738. I.F.= 1.694 2. Khan, Mudasser Muneer, et al. "Impact of Ensemble Size on TIGGE Precipitation Forecasts: An End-User Perspective." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20.2 (2014): 04014046. I.F.= 1.694 3. Khan, Mudasser Muneer, et al. "Stratification of NWP forecasts for medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering20.7 (2014): 04014076. I.F.= 1.694

78 Su et al. (2014) Evaluation of TIGGE ensemble predictions of Northern Hemisphere summer 11/27/2018 6:11 AM precipitation during 2008–2012. Journal of Geophysical Research., 119(12): 7292- 7310,https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JD021733

79 Cheng-Chien Liu *, Ming-Chang Shieh, Ming-Hsun Ko, Kung-Hwa Wang, (2018) Flood 11/27/2018 6:06 AM Prevention and Emergency Response System Powered by Google Earth Engine, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 1283 80 Tirkey, S., & Mukhopadhyay, P. (2017). Evaluation of NCEP TIGGE short-range forecast for 11/27/2018 5:00 AM Indian summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillation. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129(3- 4), 745-782. DOI:10.1007/s00704-016-1811-0

81 None. 11/27/2018 3:10 AM

82 Yang Bo, Sun Jisong, Mao Xu,Lin yinjing. 2016. Multi-scale characteristics of atmospheric 11/27/2018 3:08 AM circulation related to short-time strong rainfall events in Beijing. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 74(6):919-934 83 Research is underway 11/27/2018 3:05 AM

84 Still in revision. 11/27/2018 2:50 AM 85 Uno, F., et al., (2018) A diagnostic for advance detection of forecast busts of regional surface 11/27/2018 2:25 AM solar radiation using multi-center grand ensemble forecasts , Solar Energy, 162, 196- 204.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2017.12.060

86 Torn, R. D., T. J. Elless, P. Papin, C. A. Davis, 2018: The sensitivity of TC track forecasts within 11/27/2018 1:22 AM deformation steering flows. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3183–3201, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D- 18-0153.1 Elless, T.J. and R.D. Torn, 2018: African Easterly Wave Forecast Verification and Its Relation to Convective Errors within the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System. Wea. Forecasting, 33, 461–477, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-17-0130.1 Lamberson, W.S., R.D. Torn, L.F. Bosart, and L. Magnusson, 2016: Diagnosis of the Source and Evolution of Medium- Range Forecast Errors for Extratropical Cyclone Joachim. Wea. Forecasting, 31, 1197–1214, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-16-0026.1 87 Nill 11/27/2018 12:44 AM

13 / 40 TIGGE user survey

88 JUN, Sanghee, et al. An Alternative Multi-Model Ensemble Forecast for Tropical Cyclone 11/27/2018 12:18 AM Tracks in the Western North Pacific. Atmosphere, 2017, 8.9: 174. Jun, S., Lee, W., Kang, K., Byun, K. Y., Kim, J., & Yun, W. T. (2015). Applicability of the superensemble to the tropical cyclone track forecasts in the western North Pacific. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 51(1), 39-48.

89 Ying, Y., and Zhang, F.. (2017) Practical and intrinsic predictability of multi-scale weather and 11/26/2018 10:51 PM convectively-coupled equatorial waves during the active phase of an MJO. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 3771-3785, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-17-0157.1

90 A. Thiboult, F. Anctil, M.H. Ramos, How does the quantification of uncertainties affect the quality 11/26/2018 10:49 PM and value of flood early warning systems?, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 551, 2017, Pages 365-373, ISSN 0022-1694, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.05.014. Thiboult, A. and Anctil, F. and Boucher, M.-A., Accounting for three sources of uncertainty in ensemble hydrological forecasting, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2016, 5, 1809--1825, 10.5194/hess-20- 1809-2016

91 Journal article: Pandya, et al. (2014) Using Weather Forecasts to Help Manage Meningitis in the 11/26/2018 7:18 PM West African Sahel. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 103-115, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-13- 00121.1. 92 None yet 11/26/2018 7:11 PM

93 Journal articles: FAN, F. M.; SCHWANENBERG, D. ; ALVARADO, R. ; REIS, A. A. ; 11/26/2018 5:51 PM COLLISCHONN, W. ; NAUMANN, S. (2016) . Performance of Deterministic and Probabilistic Hydrological Forecasts for the Short-Term Optimization of a Tropical Hydropower Reservoir. Water Resources Management, p. 1-17. SCHWANENBERG, D. ; FAN, F. M. ; NAUMANN, S. ; KUWAJIMA, J. I. ; ALVARADO, R. ; REIS, A. A. (2015). Short-Term Reservoir Optimization for Flood Mitigation under Meteorological and Hydrological Forecast Uncertainty. Water Resources Management, p. 10.1007/s11269-. FAN, F. M.; SCHWANENBERG, D. ; COLLISCHONN, W. ; WEERTS, A. (2015). Verification of inflow into hydropower reservoirs using ensemble forecasts of the TIGGE database for large scale basins in Brazil. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, v. 4, p. 196-227. NAUMANN, STEFFI ; SCHWANENBERG, DIRK ; KARIMANZIRA, DIVAS ; FAN, FERNANDO ; ALLEN, CHRISTOPHER. (2015). Short-term management of hydropower reservoirs under meteorological uncertainty by means of multi-stage optimization. AT-AUTOM, v. 63, p. 535-542. Book chapters and technical reports: FAN, F. M.; TUCCI, C. E. M. ; SIQUEIRA, V. A. ; COLLISCHONN, W. ; BUARQUE, D. C. . DOCE RIVER FLOW FORECASTING FOR SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT. (2018) In: RUI C. VIEIRA DA SILVA; CARLOS E. M. TUCCI; CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT. (Org.). WATER AND CLIMATE modeling in large basins 4. 1ed.Porto Alegre: Brazilian Water Resources Association, 2018, v. 4, p. 54-92.

94 We have not submitted any paper for now on that topic. 11/26/2018 5:30 PM

95 NA 11/26/2018 5:25 PM

96 Zsoter, E., F. Pappenberger, P. Smith, R. E. Emerton, E. Dutra, E. Wetterhall, D. Richardson, 11/26/2018 5:23 PM K. Bogner and G. Balsamo, 2016: Building a multi-model flood prediction system with the TIGGE archive. Journal of Hydrometeorology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-15-0130.1.

97 I have 2 papers in review at present and will provide citations once they are accepted. 11/26/2018 5:14 PM

98 None yet, Working on my Ph.D. 11/26/2018 4:46 PM

99 McDaniel, R.L., C. Munster, C., Nielsen-Gammon, J. (2017) Crop and location specific 11/26/2018 4:16 PM agricultural drought quantification: Part III – Forecasting water stress and yield trends. Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric. Biol. Eng., 60(3), 741-752, https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.11651

100 None as of yet 11/26/2018 3:56 PM

101 Journal articles: [1] Falck et al (2018) Improving the use of ground-based radar rainfall data for 11/26/2018 3:42 PM monitoring and predicting floods in the iguacu river basin. Journal of Hydrology, 567:626–636, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.10.046 [2] Tomasella et al (2018) Probabilistic flood forecasting in the Doce basin in Brazil: Effects of the basin scale and orientation and the spatial distribution of rainfall. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 0(0):e12452, 2018/11/26 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12452

14 / 40 TIGGE user survey

102 Hamill, T. M., and Scheuerer, M., 2018: Probabilistic precipitation forecast postprocessing using 11/26/2018 3:36 PM quantile mapping and rank-weighted best-member dressing. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 4079-4098. Also: Online appendix 1. Hamill, T. M., 2018: Practical Aspects of Statistical Postprocessing. Chapter 7 in Statistical Postprocessing of Ensemble Forecasts (Elsevier Press). Hamill, T.M., E. Engle, D. Myrick, M. Peroutka, C. Finan, and M. Scheuerer, 2017: The U.S. National Blend of Models for Statistical Postprocessing of Probability of Precipitation and Deterministic Precipitation Amount. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 3441-3463, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-16- 0331.1 Swinbank, R., others, and T. M. Hamill, 2016: The TIGGE project and its achievements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 49-67, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00191.1. Rabier, F., A. J. Thorpe, A. R. Brown, M. Charron, J. D. Doyle, T. M. Hamill, J. Ishida, B. Lapenta, C. A. Reynolds, and M. Satoh, 2015: Global Environmental Prediction. Book chapter from WMO World Weather Research Program book Seamless Prediction of the Earth System: from Minutes to Months. Hamill, T. M., and R. Swinbank, 2015: Stochastic forcing, ensemble prediction systems, and TIGGE. Book chapter from WMO World Weather Research Program book Seamless Prediction of the Earth System: from Minutes to Months.

103 None as of yet. 11/26/2018 3:24 PM

104 No publications. 11/26/2018 2:54 PM

105 no 11/26/2018 2:47 PM 106 Wang Haibo et al.(2018). Effects of different cloud overlapping patameters on simulated total 11/26/2018 2:47 PM cloud fraction over the globe and East Asian region.Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 76(5):767- 778,doi:10.11676/qxxb2018.027

107 Descamps et al. (2014) PEARP, the Météo‐ short‐range ensemble prediction system, 11/26/2018 2:46 PM Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141 : 1671 – 1685, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.2469

108 I have not yet published using Tigge data but I did with previous data in that case COSMO- 11/26/2018 2:34 PM LEPS

109 González-Arribas, D., Soler, M., Sanjurjo-Rivo, M. (2017) Robust Aircraft Trajectory Planning 11/26/2018 2:28 PM Under Wind Uncertainty Using Optimal Control, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 41 (3), 673-688, https://doi.org/10.2514/1.G002928 González-Arribas, D., Sanjurjo-Rivo, M., Soler, M. (2019) Multiobjective Optimisation of Aircraft Trajectories Under Wind Uncertainty Using GPU Parallelism and Genetic Algorithms. In: Andrés-Pérez E., González L., Periaux J., Gauger N., Quagliarella D., Giannakoglou K. (eds) Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control With Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 49. Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-89890- 2_29 González-Arribas, D. et al. (2019) Robust Optimal Trajectory Planning under Uncertain Winds and Convective Risk. In: Air Traffic Management and Systems - III (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering), Springer. 110 Pelosi, Medina, Villani, D’Ursod, Chirico (2016) Probabilistic forecasting of reference 11/26/2018 2:24 PM evapotranspiration with a limited area ensemble prediction system. Agricultural Water Management, 178, Pages 106-118, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2016.09.015 Medina, Di Tian, Puneet, Pelosi, Chirico (2018) Probabilistic forecasting of reference evapotranspiration with a limited area ensemble prediction system. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 502-517, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2016.09.015 Pelosi, Medina, Van den Bergh, Vannitsem (2017) Adaptive Kalman filtering for postprocessing ensemble numerical weather predictions. Monthly Weather Review, 154, 4837–4854, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-17-0084.1 Chirico, Pelosi, De Michele, Falanga Bolognesi, D'Urso (2018) Forecasting potential evapotranspiration by combining numerical weather predictions and visible and near-infrared satellite images: an application in southern Italy. The Journal of Agricultural Science 12, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859618000084

111 Luitel, B., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, Verification of the skill of numerical weather prediction 11/26/2018 2:13 PM models in forecasting rainfall from U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones, Journal of Hydrology, 556, 1026-1037, 2018. Nayak, M.A., G. Villarini, and D.A. Lavers, On the skill of numerical weather prediction models to forecast atmospheric rivers over the central United States, Geophysical Research Letter, 41, 4354-4362, 2014. Lavers, D.A., and G. Villarini, Were global numerical weather prediction systems capable of forecasting the extreme Colorado rainfall of 9-16 September 2013?, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(24), 6405-6410, 2013. 112 n/a 11/26/2018 2:07 PM

113 Gerossier, A., Girard, R., Kariniotakis, G., & Michiorri, A. (2017). Probabilistic day-ahead 11/26/2018 1:57 PM forecasting of household electricity demand. CIRED-Open Access Proceedings Journal, 2017(1), 2500-2504.

15 / 40 TIGGE user survey

114 González-Alemán, J.J., J.L. Evans, and A.M. Kowaleski, 2018: Use of Ensemble Forecasts to 11/26/2018 1:56 PM Investigate Synoptic Influences on the Structural Evolution and Predictability of Hurricane Alex (2016) in the Midlatitudes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3143–3162, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D- 18-0015.1

16 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q4 Overall, how satisfied are you with the TIGGE dataset as a research tool?

Answered: 215 Skipped: 177

Diissattiisffiied 2..9% ((6)) Dissatisfied Neiittherr sattiisffiied Dissatisfied 2.9% (6) norr diissattiisffiied 2.9% (6) Neither satisfied 4no..4r% d i (s(9s))atisfied

4.4% (9)

Verry sattiisffiied 50..0% ((1103)) Sattiisffiied Very satisfied 42..7% ((88)) 50.0% (103) Satisfied 42.7% (88)


Very satisfied 50.0% 103

Satisfied 42.7% 88

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4.4% 9

Dissatisfied 2.9% 6

Very dissatisfied 0.0% 0 TOTAL 206

# PLEASE LEAVE ANY COMMENT: DATE 1 I think TIGGE is an extremely valuable initiative for fostering increasingly effective, reliable, and 12/20/2018 11:47 AM responsible use of weather forecasts. EPSs, multi-model ensembles, and combinations thereof, are the way to go, also for hydrologists and water managers.

2 the data resolution is rather high,which is helpful for the research. 12/18/2018 7:09 AM 3 very good 12/18/2018 6:38 AM

4 queue for a long time 12/18/2018 5:15 AM

5 The ensemble forecasts can have more levels, which will be more benifit to our research. 12/18/2018 1:24 AM

6 Very valuable datasets 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

7 Would like to generate hourly a daily data 12/17/2018 9:59 PM 8 N/A; our interaction as a user has been in operaitional forecasting for the WMO SWFDP. 12/17/2018 7:36 PM

9 Data access is very slow. 12/17/2018 6:42 PM

10 We would love to have some skill measures be available in addition to the raw data, to know 12/17/2018 6:09 PM where in the world we should research further.

11 Way to retrive Tigge data at single time become more complex 12/17/2018 1:05 PM

12 slow defection 12/17/2018 12:52 PM

13 Its my first experience with TIGGE. The data were easiliy accessible. 12/17/2018 12:28 PM 14 Instead of net radiation, it would be helpful to keep the short wave and long wave separately. 12/17/2018 11:49 AM

17 / 40 TIGGE user survey

15 in theory it is very easy to get the data, but if one needs large amounts of forecasts it becomes 12/17/2018 11:04 AM nearly impossible. It is MUCH easier to get historical NCEP forecasts.

16 I came to know from a forecast agency that their original forecasts are at 0.12 degree spatial 12/17/2018 10:37 AM resolution but on TIGGE, the spatial resolution is 50 km. Its not clear how to download original data without any interpolation.

17 Requesting data and approval is taking too long time 12/10/2018 11:58 AM

18 I was satisfy when i was at african Desmond but i have difficult to acced data 12/8/2018 9:26 PM

19 Long queuing time for downloading data 12/6/2018 2:43 AM 20 The data is easy to download, and easy to find. 12/5/2018 7:45 PM

21 It enables research on predictability using ensembles in a way that was very difficult before from 12/5/2018 11:12 AM academia. 22 sometimes a little bit slow 12/5/2018 7:09 AM

23 Thanks for providing the data freely, it is very usefu multimodel dataset for the research 12/5/2018 4:24 AM scholars.

24 The data sets are extensive and highly useful. Such a provision furthers research to a new level 12/5/2018 4:07 AM without which it would not reach. It helps overcome multiple hurdles researchers face to establish and provide convincing evidence for their hypothesis with small data sets.

25 Not able to handle the grib format. Expecting them in netcdf format or easily convertible to 12/5/2018 1:51 AM netcdf.

26 The qu 12/5/2018 1:29 AM 27 When we check the data in netcdf format, variable names are sometimes problem, maybe the 12/5/2018 12:27 AM names were too long. 28 Extremely easy to assemble and compare various diverse datasets from around the world that 12/4/2018 3:16 PM are otherwise hard or impossible to locate and access in an efficient manner.

29 The Archive is excellent, though at times it is very slow 12/4/2018 1:58 PM 30 I would like that TIGGE data be organized to easy run WRF. For example: Soil Temperature 12/4/2018 1:47 PM you make an average of 2 different levels, may keep it separated will be great. Same for Soil Moisture I'm not actually dissatisfied, at all, just to get your attention. Thanks for your time.

31 (mars) download not always stable 12/4/2018 1:35 PM 32 Please collect data from India also 12/4/2018 1:32 PM

33 sometimes download can take a long time, although it's understandable given the amount of 12/4/2018 1:07 PM requests and data 34 The wind forecast could be improved upon (better temporal resolution) 12/4/2018 12:55 PM

35 Maybe add more vars in future 11/29/2018 8:43 AM

36 I am downloading data.After completing download I will use this for my phd work 11/29/2018 8:40 AM

37 Any software for analyzing the data sets would be provided to apply for studies. 11/29/2018 7:32 AM

38 It's great to have open access dataset for users. 11/28/2018 1:26 PM 39 TIGGE global forecast data are up to 200hPa level. We are greatly appreciated if it includes up 11/28/2018 1:23 AM to 50 hPa level. 40 MARS surver several time busy (pending my download job). 11/27/2018 2:36 AM

41 Great way to introduce people to the TIGGE database! 11/26/2018 11:06 PM

42 Make available the daily data for the global model to avoid to have to download the whole 11/26/2018 9:30 PM month when we need just one run

43 The output is great, but there are very long wait times to retrieve data, up to 12 hours per 11/26/2018 7:37 PM request.

44 TIGGE database is fundamental for many of my researches. 11/26/2018 5:55 PM

45 Hydrological variables (e.g. runoff) would be important! 11/26/2018 5:26 PM

46 TIGGE is a unique and invaluable tool that permits analysis of both dynamical processes AND 11/26/2018 5:16 PM predictability.

18 / 40 TIGGE user survey

47 Interface and Data download sufficiently accessible from the perspective of a neophyte in 11/26/2018 5:03 PM programming, with a bit of digging. Contact information was appreciated, managed to ask question and receive answers. S2S phase 1 was a godsend in including a rather large Hindcast Bank, even if models are rather heterogenous (members, forecast dates, frequency of forecast). Can't wait for Phase 2 approval and improvement (if it comes)

48 Would be good to have high resolution deterministic models included 11/26/2018 3:48 PM

49 I hope that ECMWF continues to support TIGGE, as this data, I believe, has facilitated many 11/26/2018 3:44 PM contributions to the literature, and I expect this to continue

50 These data are really important for hydrologists like me. Having such a database, including past 11/26/2018 3:00 PM predictions, is essential for research

51 I would be great to make the ensemble upload in one time (i.e. to upload the control member in 11/26/2018 2:57 PM the same time as the rest of the ensemble).

52 I am not satisfied of TIGGE-LAM for the following reasons: - variables such as radiation are 11/26/2018 2:30 PM missing - changes in model structure are not updated (e.g. COSMO-LEPS is still stored with 16 members, while is running with 20 members since December 2016.

53 I would improve the manual access to the dataset (data portal) and adding more variables and 11/26/2018 2:00 PM levels

19 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q5 How satisfied are you with the TIGGE documentation?

Answered: 216 Skipped: 176

Very satisfied


Neither satisfied no...


Very dissatisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Very satisfied 25.13% 49

Satisfied 61.03% 119

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11.28% 22

Dissatisfied 2.56% 5

Very dissatisfied 0.00% 0 TOTAL 195


2 I find it difficult to know information on the background models used for a product (e.g. perturbed 12/18/2018 5:53 AM atm.forcing)

3 . 12/18/2018 4:41 AM

4 Nil 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 5 The TIGGE data is easy to access and also free of charge which is good especially for the 12/17/2018 12:54 PM research community 6 The guidelines for data retrieval for large datasets are there, but for me it was not straight 12/17/2018 12:48 PM forward to implement a script for retrieving the data. However, I do not know how this could be improved/made easier (this was early 2017)

7 I adapted an example script to download the data. 12/17/2018 12:28 PM

8 Because model descriptions are not updated. 12/13/2018 12:53 PM 9 Some of the technical nuances of accessing mars are inconsistently presented on the ecmwf 12/12/2018 5:42 PM web pages. It took a lot of digging to find answers. 10 Documentation is clear, and relevant. Especially useful is the help for downloading data sets. 12/5/2018 7:45 PM

11 Could not get details. For example, the meaning of steps... 12/5/2018 1:51 AM

12 Need to be updated more frequently. Want to see the history of the system configuration of 12/4/2018 8:13 PM each center.

20 / 40 TIGGE user survey

13 I Just registered but never used 12/4/2018 4:26 PM

14 Maybe more examples as to how to download data, using Python and especially R (lacking the 12/4/2018 3:34 PM last capability so far, right?)

15 Did not use 12/4/2018 2:20 PM 16 lack of example to manipulate the data 12/4/2018 1:03 PM

17 It could be useful to have someone external write those 12/4/2018 12:55 PM

18 Some more detailed examples would be helpful. 12/1/2018 1:42 PM

19 More examples of how to efficiently request data might be useful 11/29/2018 10:08 AM

20 NA 11/29/2018 7:32 AM

21 I think it's useful for beginners. 11/28/2018 1:26 PM 22 could be more detailed 11/28/2018 8:37 AM

23 I find it difficult to find clear documentation for when Tigge requests go wrong. For example, I 11/27/2018 8:24 AM was trying to download forecasts with overlapping lead times which apparently fail, I found out after some trial and error. Also for defining an areal sub-grid, I would recommend putting that as an option immediately. This greatly reduces the file sizes. I did find out about the 'area' keyword, but it's not easy finding this information. Also, the highest resolution at which the data can be downloaded is 0.2 (ens) and 0.1 (hres), but this is not really stated anywhere. At least, I could not really find it. 24 There are some broken links (YOPP WMS for example) 11/27/2018 8:01 AM

25 The documents are so simplified that it is hard to understand. 11/27/2018 2:58 AM

26 Would you please update "Model description". 11/27/2018 2:36 AM

27 It seems that the documentation changed since I used it, so I'll comment about my initial 11/26/2018 11:06 PM experience. It used to be a bit tricky to find ones way into the documentation. I initially found a bit confusing the mars/python documentation. Maybe examples should have been presented earlier in the documentation for the users with basic needs to be able to retrieve their data. Nonetheless, the documentation was already quite exhaustive and very useful. After a quick look on the new doc, it seems that the issues mentionned above have been already adressed. Maybe a link to the web api page from the data portal would be a plus.

28 Very easy to understand 11/26/2018 9:30 PM

29 I had not found it until I saw the link on this survey 11/26/2018 7:19 PM

30 I like TIGGE documentation. But I had some trouble with data formats. 11/26/2018 5:55 PM

31 Contact information and a bit of digging was sufficient to cover what I could not find at first 11/26/2018 5:03 PM glance.

32 It is very difficult to keep track of the model upgrades as some of them are not even mentioned 11/26/2018 3:46 PM in the documentation (or even they might be not the same as the documentation.) A more organized documentation of the model upgrades and other related information would be appreciated. 33 Could be better explained for users with less technical experience. It was sometimes not easy 11/26/2018 3:00 PM to understand variables without reading more detailed documentation 34 Sometimes, the ensemble documentation is not the current one 11/26/2018 2:57 PM

21 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q6 How satisfied are you with the TIGGE-LAM documentation?

Answered: 207 Skipped: 185

Very satisfied


Neither satisfied no...


Very dissatisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Very satisfied 23.17% 19

Satisfied 53.66% 44

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 21.95% 18

Dissatisfied 1.22% 1

Very dissatisfied 0.00% 0 TOTAL 82


2 good 12/18/2018 6:38 AM 3 Nil 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

4 Never used TIGGE-LAM data set. 12/4/2018 8:13 PM 5 I Just registered but never used 12/4/2018 4:26 PM

6 I have not used TIGGE-LAM. 12/4/2018 3:54 PM 7 Data descriptions on the ECMWF portal are good. 12/4/2018 2:20 PM 8 It could be useful to have someone external write those 12/4/2018 12:55 PM

9 It is difficult to find information regarding the configuration of some of the LAM models. 11/26/2018 5:16 PM 10 see above 11/26/2018 3:00 PM

11 Documentation is confusing and not updated 11/26/2018 2:30 PM 12 never read 11/26/2018 1:59 PM

22 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q7 How do you access TIGGE or TIGGE-LAM data? Please tick all methods that apply.

Answered: 212 Skipped: 180

Data Portal 63..7%


Web API 50..9%

50.9% mars command 115..11% on ECMWF... 115..11% 15.1% TIGGE tropical 110..8% cyclone data... 110..8% 10.8% Other (please 6..11% specify) 6..11% 6.1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%


Data Portal 63.7% 135

Web API 50.9% 108 mars command on ECMWF computers 15.1% 32

TIGGE tropical cyclone data portal 10.8% 23

Other (please specify) 6.1% 13 Total Respondents: 212

# OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 via ECMWF tigge data downloat portal 12/18/2018 4:41 AM 2 Very valuable information and data sets 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

3 GIFS-TIGGE products directly via MetConnect Pacific (web portal for the SWFDDP); although 12/17/2018 7:36 PM no images showing at the moment.

4 Did not use TIGGE data 12/17/2018 6:25 PM 5 TiGge is very important 12/8/2018 9:26 PM 6 from NCEP server 12/5/2018 1:50 AM

7 I Just registered but never used 12/4/2018 4:26 PM 8 Do not use 12/4/2018 1:24 PM

9 mostly mars commands when sending multiple requests 12/4/2018 1:07 PM 10 we will use just wget, this is to easy use for our work. 11/27/2018 5:59 AM 11 ECMWF-provided python script 11/26/2018 10:28 PM

12 Honestly, it'S all sorcery to me. I don'T know. 11/26/2018 5:03 PM 13 Mars command outside ECMWF via python interface. 11/26/2018 3:51 PM

23 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q8 Via the Data Portal you can browse and explore the TIGGE and the TIGGE-LAM archive. How satisfied are you with this interface?

Answered: 210 Skipped: 182

Diissattiisffiied 2..7% ((5)) Dissatisfied Neiittherr sattiisffiied Very satisfied 2.7% (5) Verry sattiisffiied norr diissattiisffiied 24..7% ((45)) Neither satisfied Very satisfied 1n10o..r4 d%is ((s11a9t))isfied 24.7% (45) 10.4% (19)

Sattiisffiied 62..11% ((11113)) Satisfied 62.1% (113) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES

Very satisfied 24.7% 45

Satisfied 62.1% 113

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 10.4% 19

Dissatisfied 2.7% 5

Very dissatisfied 0.0% 0 TOTAL 182

# PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR RATING OR LEAVE ANY COMMENT OR SUGGESTION FOR DATE IMPROVEMENT: 1 Earlier we can download the data with required date and model options but now the date option 12/18/2018 4:41 AM is not given which is not very convenient 2 Its is well constructed and organized 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

3 Looking to generate hourly and daily data 12/17/2018 9:59 PM 4 can't get data at single time like before 12/17/2018 1:05 PM 5 Sometimes response times are quite slow (experience from 2017) for selecting everything 12/17/2018 12:48 PM (probably due to the fact that availability was checked in the background) 6 mars is the superior way to access 12/12/2018 5:42 PM

7 Satisf 12/8/2018 9:26 PM 8 TIGGE archive doesn't support downloading single day of data, but a whole month 12/6/2018 2:43 AM

9 Easy to use and navigate. 12/5/2018 7:45 PM 10 It is great to see all the data available for the range of dates requested. 12/5/2018 11:12 AM 11 I cannot find the date selection on the data portal website now, only month selection. 12/5/2018 9:27 AM

12 unable to extract for selected region or for selected period 12/5/2018 1:51 AM 13 OK. 12/5/2018 12:27 AM

14 I Just registered but never used 12/4/2018 4:26 PM

24 / 40 TIGGE user survey

15 The portal is good for obtaining data, but it would be better if it could be downloaded for times 12/4/2018 3:54 PM other than a whole month.

16 It can be difficult to navigate to the TIGGE-LAM area and view past user requests if you have 12/4/2018 2:20 PM logged out of the ECMWF portal.

17 Do not use 12/4/2018 1:24 PM 18 I have some problem to download from mars some ECMWF ensemble data's at some 12/4/2018 1:18 PM forecasting horizon. 19 Not intuitive 12/4/2018 1:03 PM

20 Would be really useful if settings were retained when switching between eg. control & perturbed 11/29/2018 10:08 AM forecasts, levels etc

21 data takes a huge time to get download 11/29/2018 8:40 AM 22 download file very slow. 11/29/2018 8:06 AM

23 It takes time to select many parameters at a time. Also download size is limited. 11/27/2018 5:37 PM 24 need to include more models in TIGGE-LAM need to support not-ECMWF grids to retrieve 11/27/2018 1:51 PM TIGGE-LAM fields 25 An option to select the lead time "from [...] to [...]" ? 11/26/2018 11:06 PM 26 Easy use 11/26/2018 9:30 PM

27 I like the portal 11/26/2018 5:55 PM 28 Very statisfying in showing available data. Could use some QoL improvement in browsing said 11/26/2018 5:03 PM data. 29 Some aspects of the interface, such as having control and perturbed members separated are 11/26/2018 3:44 PM unhelpful given my data access patterns. My recollection is that also if you download a month of data and then return to download another month, the web form doesn't remember the values previously entered, e.g., which lead times, which variables. It might be nice to have the persistence of previous entries as a default. 30 overall it is OK. Maybe TIGGE and TIGGE-LAM could have a unified access 11/26/2018 3:00 PM

31 It should be improved to facilitate download 11/26/2018 2:30 PM 32 I would improve the data access by making it more flexible. 11/26/2018 2:00 PM

25 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q9 With the Web-API you can download gridded TIGGE/TIGGE-LAM data programmatically. How satisfied are you with this service?

Answered: 205 Skipped: 187

Diissattiisffiied 4..11% ((6)) Dissatisfied Neiittherr sattiisffiied Dissatisfied 4.1% (6) norr diissattiisffiied 4.1% (6) Neither satisfied 1n14o..r4 d%is ((s2a11t))isfied Verry sattiisffiied 14.4% (21) 37..7% ((55)) Very satisfied 37.7% (55)

Sattiisffiied 43..8% ((64)) Satisfied 43.8% (64) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES

Very satisfied 37.7% 55

Satisfied 43.8% 64

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 14.4% 21

Dissatisfied 4.1% 6

Very dissatisfied 0.0% 0 TOTAL 146


3 This service is very important and mad it very easy for accessibility 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 4 Many times the internet does not support Wep-API, by the way, I'm in China 12/17/2018 1:05 PM 5 It is better if we can download the data in plain binary format. 12/17/2018 12:48 PM

6 Its difficult to check data available 12/17/2018 11:31 AM 7 sometimes very slow, requests can go stale in an unpredictable way 12/17/2018 11:04 AM

8 There are some gaps in the retrieval efficiency docs (e.g., control versus perturbed forecasts 12/17/2018 10:54 AM being on different tapes). Overall, it seems entirely possible to ask users for their entire needs up front, and have the most efficient chunking of the request determined by the server. This would make it easier for TIGGE servers and downloaders.

9 The API needs to extend to validation of parameters and steps and needs to be usable as a 12/17/2018 10:54 AM bare definition in other programming languages. 10 mars is the superior way to access 12/12/2018 5:42 PM 11 T 12/8/2018 9:26 PM

12 Satisfied with the programming parameters, but Too long queuing time for downloading data 12/6/2018 2:43 AM 13 I'm in China and I find the speed is somewhat slow. 12/5/2018 9:27 AM

26 / 40 TIGGE user survey

14 sometimes very low spped for downloading 12/5/2018 2:48 AM 15 The download tasks always queued and waiting very long time. 12/5/2018 1:29 AM 16 I Just registered but never used 12/4/2018 4:26 PM

17 Lately, downloads have been taking a long time. (Perhaps the queue is longer now). 12/4/2018 3:54 PM 18 not always stable (sometimes downloads take too long) 12/4/2018 1:35 PM

19 Do not use 12/4/2018 1:24 PM 20 But the download speed is a little slow 11/29/2018 8:43 AM 21 I think I will try this method later. It looks very good. 11/28/2018 1:26 PM

22 It is very convenient. 11/27/2018 5:37 PM 23 There are some days where my requests hang and are aborted on my end. I would love the 11/27/2018 5:14 PM ability to programatically cancel these requests to the API so they are no longer being queued if I need to stop the request for whatever reason.

24 When you make a mistake in the request, it can take hours (queue time) to notice the error. For 11/27/2018 8:24 AM example, I specify format netcdf put in the output filename I forgot .nc. Then, I cannot read the file because it was not saved correctly and renaming the file doesn't fix the problem. I know they are silly errors, but it's a waste of the waiting time. Perhaps, you could evaluate the request on silly errors like these?

25 I was very satisfied, but there was a recent change to the Web-API that means that if I want to 11/27/2018 1:25 AM download pressure level data, surface data, and PV-level data for all ensemble members+control forecast, I have to run the same command 6 times. 26 Being queud for weeks may be a bit frustrating. 11/26/2018 11:06 PM

27 Very long wait times to retrieve data. As it recommends getting data one date at a time, looping 11/26/2018 7:37 PM through several dates takes days to retrieve all of the data.

28 This is awesome! 11/26/2018 5:48 PM 29 We are used to code our daily download routines via ftp and wished we could ftp the data 11/26/2018 5:38 PM

30 Must be child's play for an expert, but even for an unexperienced user, instructions were clear 11/26/2018 5:03 PM enough that i could manage after some time. Thanks for that.

31 The biggest problem is the time waste in queue. As, my request are split by day/variable/run (so 11/26/2018 4:06 PM request data are very small) the waiting time is consequent compared to the time needed to perform the request. 32 I have not used personally but it is very important to have! 11/26/2018 3:00 PM

33 The button that generates WebAPI json is brilliant. Saved lots of time and avoided many help 11/26/2018 2:57 PM desk inquiries.

34 It should be improve to facilitate download 11/26/2018 2:30 PM 35 Request may take a long time 11/26/2018 1:59 PM

27 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q10 What would be the most important improvement to the TIGGE dataset? Please provide details on the desired variable, resolution, frequency etc. and specify how important this improvement is to you.

Answered: 177 Skipped: 215

Increasing the 3..9 spatial/temp... 3..9 3.9 Data 3..4 format/post-... 3..4 3.4 Increasing the 3..3 frequency of... 3..3 3.3 Adding a 3..2 specific new... 3..2 3.2

Other 2..9

2.9 0 1 2 3 4 5

EXTREMELY VERY MODERATELY SLIGHTLY NOT AT ALL TOTAL WEIGHTED IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT AVERAGE Increasing the 32.53% 40.36% 16.87% 7.23% 3.01% spatial/temporal 54 67 28 12 5 166 3.92 resolution

Data format/post- 22.36% 29.81% 22.98% 11.80% 13.04% processing (e.g. 36 48 37 19 21 161 3.37 NetCDF/derived indices)

Increasing the 20.89% 25.95% 24.05% 18.35% 10.76% frequency of the 33 41 38 29 17 158 3.28 forecasts Adding a specific new 10.69% 36.48% 26.42% 11.95% 14.47% variable 17 58 42 19 23 159 3.17

Other 19.05% 22.62% 21.43% 4.76% 32.14% 16 19 18 4 27 84 2.92

# COMMENTS FOR "OTHER" DATE 1 Easier interactive sub-setting and downloading. Access to codes and documentation of products 12/19/2018 4:06 PM on TIGGE museum

2 I request to kindly make the download option available as per date requirement. Like if I have to 12/18/2018 4:41 AM download the the forecasts initiated on a particular day that can be possible. It was there earlier but now the month option is only given. 3 Increasing more levels. 12/18/2018 1:24 AM

4 Nil 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 5 Adding more years 12/17/2018 9:59 PM 6 Provide verification information. 12/17/2018 6:09 PM

7 make it easer to get complete historical forecast sets 12/17/2018 11:04 AM 8 Increasing bandwidth of MARS servers. 12/17/2018 10:54 AM

28 / 40 TIGGE user survey

9 Many times the time frequency is not clear whether the rainfall is accumulated or I need to read 12/17/2018 10:37 AM only 24, 48 etc. for daily rainfall. It would be great if you can provide that information along with the data. 10 It would be valuable to extend the dataset prior to 2008, perhaps by including ensemble 12/12/2018 5:42 PM reforecasts. 11 Maybe provide a better solution for huge data downloading. 12/5/2018 10:29 PM 12 Initially there was a provision to choose the start date and end date..but now it has been 12/5/2018 4:24 AM removed and only monthly data is available. Anyway provision is there using python script. still to make it user friendly it will be good to start that option again. 13 good 12/5/2018 2:48 AM 14 It would be great if real-time data could be downloaded for free (the US NOAA models are 12/4/2018 3:34 PM free)... 15 increase speed of requests so that we can get access to data faster 12/4/2018 1:07 PM

16 I will check in detail, will provide more informed feedback later. 12/1/2018 1:42 PM 17 the download speed is a little slow 11/29/2018 8:43 AM

18 Keep data accessing more fast. 11/29/2018 8:06 AM 19 TIGGE global forecast data are up to 200hPa level. We are greatly appreciated if it includes up 11/28/2018 1:23 AM to 50 hPa level for the use of downscaling by regional model. 20 management missing data 11/27/2018 9:25 AM 21 MetOffice ensemble size decreasing few years ago, I hope it revert. 11/27/2018 2:36 AM

22 Ensemble interpolation from different model 11/27/2018 12:49 AM 23 The queuing time is sometimes very long 11/26/2018 9:30 PM

24 No missing forecasts please 11/26/2018 5:26 PM 25 Already stated in S2S phase 2 improvements (so, nothing new) but what I am most eager about 11/26/2018 5:03 PM is homogeneity in S2S model parameters. Mostly Frequency of hindcast (1/day, 1/week, 2/week, etc.) but also Hindcast period. Currently, multi-model averaging application is limited by the lowest common denominator in forecast length and years span. I would rather have 30 years of hindcast at 2 forecast per week rather than 12 years at 1/day. 26 Earlier on in my responses I indicated that there were some web-form issues, i.e., not 11/26/2018 3:44 PM remembering my previous entries. That would make data access easier. But overall I am very satisfied (Tom Hamill, [email protected])

# COMMENTS FOR "INCREASING THE SPATIAL/TEMPORAL RESOLUTION" DATE 1 Most of turbulence diagnostics which can diagnose small-scale of turbulence are composed of 12/21/2018 7:28 AM the spatial and temporal gradients of meteorological parameters (U, V, T, etc).To diagnose the small-scale turbulence using the diagnostics computed by NWP model, the spatial/temporal resolution is very important. 2 for use as input to hydrologic models (of small and medium size catchments) for analysis of 12/20/2018 11:47 AM critical precipitation events Increase of both temporal and spatial resolution of precipitation of interest. While realising that skill at higher resolution may be lower.

3 DSW, Dlw, t2m,q2m, u10,v10, spres, precip are required to run my ogcm 12/18/2018 5:53 AM 4 for advance tropical cyclogenesis in the near real-time 12/18/2018 4:41 AM

5 As for temporal resolution, diurnal cycle should be resolved in sub-seasonal forecasting (e.g. 12/18/2018 12:18 AM daily mean of wind vector is not enough for sub-seasonal wind power forecasting). Longer forecast lead time of winds may be useful for sub-seasonal forecasting of wind and wave power. 6 Information is very scares from the ocean and would prefer more ocean observations in the 12/17/2018 11:58 PM tropical south Pacific 7 Would be great to help better represent extremes - which is what we are looking for in the Red 12/17/2018 6:09 PM Cross. 8 A few more vertical levels would be helpful for looking at the forecasted profile of the 12/17/2018 1:26 PM atmosphere. 9 I came to know from a forecast agency that their original forecasts are at 0.12 degree spatial 12/17/2018 10:37 AM resolution but on TIGGE, the spatial resolution is 50 km. Its not clear how to download original data without any interpolation.

29 / 40 TIGGE user survey

10 But simply regridding the data is not useful. If the simulations made with high resolution would 12/10/2018 11:58 AM be helpful

11 Prefer higher vertical resolution 12/6/2018 2:43 AM 12 Higher resolution data sets are always helpful for looking at secondary variables like 12/5/2018 7:45 PM deformation, vorticity, etc. 13 Higher than 0.1 degree would be better. 12/5/2018 9:27 AM 14 drive the crop model 12/5/2018 2:48 AM

15 I feel that it is better there are more vertical levels. Particularly, single level above troposphere is 12/5/2018 12:27 AM needed to forcing for the variabity of troposphere. 16 this is important for studies of small river basins. 12/4/2018 5:01 PM 17 Increasing resolution of rainfall and temperature data will be useful for disease modeling 12/4/2018 4:36 PM

18 As model forecasts increase in real-time resolution (both spatial and temporal), increasing the 12/4/2018 3:16 PM archive resolution to match is crucial to being able to transition research to operations. When necessary, it is also possible to degrade the resolution to match older data for comparison, thus providing a best-of-both-worlds option (even though, admittedly, not a perfect solution due to different resolution degradation methods)

19 Interested in evaluating skill in smaller catchments to understand the potential of forecasts in 12/4/2018 1:58 PM countries where LAM forecasts are less available

20 see area of application 12/4/2018 1:35 PM 21 I would like to use the data for atmospheric dispersion (air pollution), but the time step of 6h is 12/4/2018 1:23 PM too large. Also, on the vertical, I believe there are not enough levels, especially near the ground where all gradients matter a lot for air pollution simulation.

22 ECMWF ensemble model at 0.1° could be great but maybe unaccessible i guess 12/4/2018 1:18 PM 23 wind forecast / wind records 12/4/2018 12:55 PM

24 (see above comment -- this applies in both places) 12/1/2018 6:57 PM 25 A finer grid, even though interpolated, would at least provide a 'standard' interpolation & permit 11/29/2018 10:08 AM fairer comparison between studies where interpolation is required. 26 Show local details. 11/29/2018 8:06 AM 27 It will be helpful by providing higher resolution data for isobaric level through increasing 1 time if 11/28/2018 1:26 PM possible. 28 Most of the GCM has resolution higher than 0.5 degree, I hope TIGGE can provide more higher 11/28/2018 1:23 AM resolution than 0.5 deg. 29 Having both the spatial and temporal resolution as high as the operational version is very 11/27/2018 8:24 AM important for validation purposes. We apply the ECMWF forecasts in East-Africa for agricultural purposes and would like to validate our products using the same data with the same resolution (from the Tigge archive)

30 For ocean modeling near the coasts 11/27/2018 8:01 AM 31 cape every 6 hour 11/27/2018 3:15 AM

32 JMA is very low spatial resolution, please increasing the resolution. 11/27/2018 2:36 AM 33 The number of pressure levels is too few. 11/27/2018 1:25 AM 34 Would like (a lot) more pressure levels for the ECMWF analysis for model validation work. 0.5 11/26/2018 11:37 PM degree resolution is fine. 35 I always used a downscalled version of the ECMWF product for my applications (streamflow 11/26/2018 11:06 PM forecasting) 36 To make the downscaling easier and the use of regional model more easy for poor country in 11/26/2018 9:30 PM term of meteorology ressources 37 I could test the importance of resolution on the forecasting. 11/26/2018 5:55 PM

38 Speaking for S2S only (the product I use): In terms of balancing ressources, I think at the 11/26/2018 5:03 PM moment more gain would be made by increasing frequency of forecast or hindcast period length than focusing on Resolution Grid.

39 Data on additional vertical levels 11/26/2018 4:59 PM 40 I 11/26/2018 4:06 PM

30 / 40 TIGGE user survey

41 Additional levels in the vertical would help in the development of ensemble-based DA systems. 11/26/2018 3:57 PM 42 Resolution its self isn't important, but would be good to identify the best guess deterministic for 11/26/2018 3:48 PM short-range process understanding. 43 Resolutions of 1/2 degree would be useful if they could be preserved for key variables like 11/26/2018 3:44 PM precipitation and 2-m temperature. 44 Would be nice to have, spatial resolution of 2-3 km, temporal resolution of 1 hr or even 5 min 11/26/2018 3:00 PM but I understand that there are limits. Please provide as much resolution as the original models deliver in space but if possible hourly in time. 45 For research on aircraft trajectory prediction and optimization, the temporal frequency would be 11/26/2018 2:40 PM the most important improvement by far (in the 0-24hr period), as doing interpolation with 6-hour gaps creates important errors. Better spatial resolution would be obviously nice but it is not as important as it is much higher in relative terms. 46 The current low resolution of the archive limits studies to large scale dynamics. By going to high 11/26/2018 2:21 PM resolution: surface/point forecast studies become more feasible. # COMMENTS FOR "INCREASING THE FREQUENCY OF THE FORECASTS" DATE 1 increasing frequency of the forecasts may be useful for probablistic forecasting. 12/18/2018 12:18 AM 2 No one fully understands the formation of the tropical cyclones and their behavior 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 3 Again useful for extreme events, but not as big of a priority. 12/17/2018 6:09 PM

4 especiall ECMWF ensemble 12/17/2018 1:05 PM 5 Three hours time step would be useful for some of my intended areas of research 12/17/2018 12:54 PM

6 I will be able to use increased frequency of forecasts to study energetics of small transient 12/17/2018 11:06 AM eddies.

7 I came to know from a forecast agency that their original forecasts are at 0.12 degree spatial 12/17/2018 10:37 AM resolution but on TIGGE, the spatial resolution is 50 km. Its not clear how to download original data without any interpolation. 8 good 12/5/2018 2:48 AM

9 subdaily for rainfall and temperature will be useful for some biology of mosquito 12/4/2018 4:36 PM 10 Additional data is always useful, if reasonably available. 12/4/2018 3:16 PM 11 Would be interesting but not key 12/4/2018 1:58 PM

12 wind forecast / wind records 12/4/2018 12:55 PM 13 Particularly for eg. wind speed forecasting (& other highly temporally correlated variables), 11/29/2018 10:08 AM postprocessing may benefit from more frequent forecasts 14 I think 2 cycles per day for ensemble forecast is OK. 11/28/2018 1:26 PM

15 Output from 6-hourly runs (if available, e.g. ECMWF) would be very useful 11/27/2018 8:09 AM 16 06z and 18z ECMWF analyses would be helpful, though i don't think those are something that 11/26/2018 11:37 PM is generated in the first place. 17 It’s depend on the season and the variable but one hour frequency will be a huge improvement 11/26/2018 9:30 PM

18 See previous. Furthermore, The heterogenous Frequency of hindcasts in S2S portal was the 11/26/2018 5:03 PM most limiting factor in selecting models to include in my study. I went with 4 models of the available 11 for this reason. 19 I mostly use hindcasts in research, so for me it is less important. 11/26/2018 3:00 PM

20 For my usecase, the frequency is sufficient, but others may need a higher frequency 11/26/2018 2:45 PM # COMMENTS FOR "DATA FORMAT/POST-PROCESSING (E.G. NETCDF/DERIVED DATE INDICES)" 1 Perhaps should not be important, anyone can do format conversion, but still, offering more 12/20/2018 11:47 AM formats increases ease of use, and, therefore, may further increase number of users. 2 netcdf is preferred 12/18/2018 5:53 AM

3 netcdf is convenient. 12/18/2018 12:18 AM 4 These data formats and derivatives are extremely important and with current improvements in 12/17/2018 11:58 PM ICT one can develop programs to manipulate data and do research. 5 Extremes indices are very useful to us. 12/17/2018 6:09 PM

31 / 40 TIGGE user survey

6 NetCDF would be helpful, since it is easier to use/alter in Matlab or Python 12/17/2018 12:48 PM

7 Plain binary (either big- or little- endian) 12/17/2018 12:48 PM 8 NetCDF format will be very useful in postprocessing of data easily via using tools such as CDO 12/17/2018 11:06 AM and NCO etc. 9 NetCDF is far more portable than GRIB 12/17/2018 10:47 AM

10 Many times the time frequency is not clear whether the rainfall is accumulated or I need to read 12/17/2018 10:37 AM only 24, 48 etc. for daily rainfall. It would be great if you can provide that information along with the data. 11 NetCDF format is preferred 12/6/2018 2:43 AM

12 good 12/5/2018 2:48 AM 13 Ensemble members can be controled within a netcdf file may be useful. Although I have not 12/5/2018 12:27 AM checked recently, grads-readable netcdf is very welcome. 14 this would facilitate the use of the data. I needed it. 12/4/2018 5:01 PM 15 NetCDF 12/4/2018 4:36 PM

16 We always need to post-process locally into netcdf. The cfgrib project from ECMWF may 12/4/2018 3:16 PM alleviate some of the needs of this initial post-processing, but the increase in consistency and organization of the netcdf vs the grib is well worth the value and additional storage costs for us.

17 I am happy with the grib format 12/4/2018 2:00 PM 18 Nice to have, but I feel that the base data is the most important. Most scientists will typically 12/4/2018 1:58 PM develop their own scripts 19 I'm not sure if it is possible to read grib file using fortran in a relative simple way without transfer 11/28/2018 1:26 PM to binary format. The method I know is complicated. 20 I would really appreciate it if you could download in netcdf format with overlapping timestamps. 11/27/2018 8:24 AM e.g. now there is an error when downloading more than 4 ensemble forecasts per day, because from the 5th onward timestamps overlap. This would not be necessary if there was an extra dimension to the data: modeldate and leadtime. 21 The metadata are more precise in NetCDF. It would avoid a number of misunderstandings. 11/27/2018 8:01 AM

22 Long-term archival of data is useful in validation of other regional ensembles 11/27/2018 12:49 AM 23 It’s making easier the post processing because most of the reliable software such as ncl or 11/26/2018 9:30 PM python use netcdf format 24 NetCDF data file access would be helpful 11/26/2018 7:24 PM

25 YOU converted me into adopting NetCDF. It'S clean, easily navigable too. It's perfect. A few 11/26/2018 5:03 PM years ago I had to deal with Grib. From an inexperienced user, that was a nightmare.

26 Some problem exists with netcdf (for e.g. when requerring different dates and lead_time 11/26/2018 4:06 PM corresponding to the same valid time).

27 CF-compliant netCDF allows comparison with the CMIP archive and hence comparison of the 11/26/2018 3:48 PM ensemeble of climate and NWP models

28 NetCDF and text file export options would be great to have. Why text file: it is still the most 11/26/2018 3:00 PM flexible. Reading a time series for the entire period available for a grid point would be really helpful for smaller scale investigations. 29 I'm only interested in the ensemble-mean, which I don't think is available from TIGGE. 11/26/2018 2:36 PM

# COMMENTS FOR "ADDING A SPECIFIC NEW VARIABLE" DATE 1 downwelling short wave and long wave radiation at ocean surface 12/18/2018 5:53 AM 2 the customize option while downloading is very important and convenient 12/18/2018 4:41 AM

3 Wind speed at 100m above ground level and sea level may be useful for wind resource 12/18/2018 12:18 AM forecasting.

4 To use WMO grib2 format 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 5 downward/upward short-wave and long-wave radiations 12/17/2018 11:49 AM 6 vertically integrated variables might be useful in avoiding downloading several variables and 12/17/2018 11:06 AM performing numerical integration by the users. 7 Many variables from, e.g. KWBC, are missing. 12/17/2018 10:54 AM

32 / 40 TIGGE user survey

8 I came to know from a forecast agency that their original forecasts are at 0.12 degree spatial 12/17/2018 10:37 AM resolution but on TIGGE, the spatial resolution is 50 km. Its not clear how to download original data without any interpolation. 9 Vapor pressure 12/5/2018 9:27 AM

10 SIF data? 12/5/2018 2:48 AM 11 The profile of diabatic heating data, include the latent and sensible heating data. 12/5/2018 1:29 AM

12 Increase the vertical resolution at initial times of forecasts so that JMA Global model can be run 12/4/2018 8:13 PM from the initial condition of ECMWF for example.

13 All the variables I require are already available. 12/4/2018 4:46 PM 14 Don't have any particular ones in mind - key state variables throughout the volumes and surface 12/4/2018 3:16 PM parameters are our key uses, but additional variables could open the door to other creative projects we've not yet imagined.

15 As I said before, adding the levels with which the average of ST is made, will be a really good 12/4/2018 1:47 PM improvment. Same for SM.

16 Categorize the nebolusity, you just add Total Cloud Cover, but maybe adding High, Medium and 12/4/2018 1:18 PM Low Cloud Cover could represent a very high interest to help statistician to create nebulosity simulation tools. 17 The advance that would make the most difference for me would be to have sufficient variables 12/1/2018 6:57 PM and vertical levels to use the TIGGE GRIB files to initialize WRF model simulations. Currently, the number of variables and vertical levels makes this not possible. 18 Access of Vertical Wind Shear would be made more easy to be computed. 11/29/2018 7:32 AM 19 It would be better to add some variables for convective forecast, such as BCAPE other than 11/28/2018 1:26 PM CAPE. 20 Perhaps wind radii of tropical cyclones 11/27/2018 8:09 AM

21 1- wave variables (significant wave heights, direction, surface stokes transport). Would be 11/27/2018 8:01 AM important for ocean models. 2- atmospheric chemistry at the surface, in particular nutrients (nitrates, phosphates) would be important for ocean ecosystem modeling. 22 several diagnostic variables widely used in weather analysis 11/27/2018 2:58 AM

23 Incoming solar radiations 11/26/2018 11:06 PM 24 Preciptable water It’s a really good variable we use now for the forecast and it has a good 11/26/2018 9:30 PM impact and it’s very reliable 25 Integrated vapor transport, and a product where both the control forecast and the perturbed 11/26/2018 7:37 PM forecasts can be accessed together. 26 provide access to ECMWF reforecast dataset 11/26/2018 7:24 PM

27 Runoff would be very important for hydrological modelling 11/26/2018 5:26 PM 28 Kindex or LiftIndex would be grate 11/26/2018 4:06 PM

29 More cloud variables (fraction and optical depth). Would allow intercomparison of this important 11/26/2018 3:48 PM meteorological parameter.

30 Relative humidity and global radiation are both important for hydrology, the first must be derived 11/26/2018 3:00 PM often from other variables

31 absolute solid mass in kgm-3 11/26/2018 2:45 PM 32 Having publicly accessible data on things like forecasted Convective Precipitation (CP) or Total 11/26/2018 2:40 PM Totals (TT) would be useful in order to do research on trajectory planning under convection without usage of HRES forecast samples.

33 100m wind speed or radiation for renewables forecasting 11/26/2018 2:21 PM

33 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q11 What would be the most important improvement to the TIGGE- LAM dataset? Please provide details on the desired variable, resolution, frequency etc. and specify how important this improvement is to you.

Answered: 109 Skipped: 283

Increasing the 3..4 spatial/temp... 3..4 3.4 Data 3..2 format/post-... 3..2 3.2 Increasing the 3..11 frequency of... 3..11 3.1 Adding a 3..11 specific new... 3..11 3.1

Other 2..7

2.7 0 1 2 3 4 5

EXTREMELY VERY MODERATELY SLIGHTLY NOT AT ALL TOTAL WEIGHTED IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT AVERAGE Increasing the 23.81% 34.29% 17.14% 3.81% 20.95% spatial/temporal 25 36 18 4 22 105 3.36 resolution Data format/post- 23.53% 22.55% 24.51% 5.88% 23.53% processing (e.g. 24 23 25 6 24 102 3.17 NetCDF/derived indices)

Increasing the 19.61% 23.53% 27.45% 6.86% 22.55% frequency of the 20 24 28 7 23 102 3.11 forecasts Adding a specific new 15.53% 32.04% 22.33% 5.83% 24.27% variable 16 33 23 6 25 103 3.09 Other 12.50% 22.50% 23.75% 3.75% 37.50% 10 18 19 3 30 80 2.69

# COMMENTS FOR "OTHER" DATE 1 Data is power to understanding our environment and using the data to protect lives and property 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

2 Adding forecasting area (like east Asian) 12/17/2018 1:05 PM 3 Never used 12/5/2018 10:29 PM

4 Does not apply to me. (ALL tigge-LAM) 11/26/2018 5:03 PM 5 have a very long term perspective on these data archive! Please keep from 2013 or even 11/26/2018 3:00 PM extend backwards if data are available. 5-6 years is still short if we consider rare events! 6 na 11/26/2018 2:50 PM # COMMENTS FOR "INCREASING THE SPATIAL/TEMPORAL RESOLUTION" DATE

34 / 40 TIGGE user survey

1 Not all high resolution modelling is required to accurate do weather and climate forecasting, but 12/17/2018 11:58 PM there is a need to find these optimal resolutions for each regions

2 https://de.indymedia.org/ 12/17/2018 3:37 PM 3 I Don't use TIGGE-LAM 12/12/2018 5:42 PM

4 Never used 12/5/2018 10:29 PM 5 this is important for studies of small river basins. Precipitation is more important for me. 12/4/2018 5:01 PM 6 help improve modeling of micro environment of mosquito breeding habitats. 12/4/2018 4:36 PM

7 to be used on small catchments 12/4/2018 1:11 PM 8 Some new features could be seen by increasing the spatial resolution. 11/27/2018 2:58 AM

9 Would be nice to have, spatial resolution of 2-3 km, temporal resolution of 1 hr or even 5 min 11/26/2018 3:00 PM but I understand that there are limits. Please provide as much resolution as the original models deliver in space but if possible hourly in time. 10 For research on aircraft trajectory prediction and optimization, the temporal frequency would be 11/26/2018 2:40 PM the most important improvement by far (in the 0-24hr period), as doing interpolation with 6-hour gaps creates important errors. Better spatial resolution would be obviously nice but it is not as important as it is much higher in relative terms.

# COMMENTS FOR "INCREASING THE FREQUENCY OF THE FORECASTS" DATE 1 This is very necessary to keep abreast of the evolving weather and climate situations 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 2 I Don't use TIGGE-LAM 12/12/2018 5:42 PM 3 Never used 12/5/2018 10:29 PM

4 Would enhance usefulness of models for backcasting wind generation which is recorded at 12/4/2018 2:20 PM hourly or higher frequency. 5 In my opinion the current frequency is OK. 11/26/2018 3:00 PM # COMMENTS FOR "DATA FORMAT/POST-PROCESSING (E.G. NETCDF/DERIVED DATE INDICES)" 1 Must meet WMO data formats for easy access and assimilations 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

2 I Don't use TIGGE-LAM 12/12/2018 5:42 PM 3 Could be readily applicable 12/7/2018 3:11 AM

4 Never used 12/5/2018 10:29 PM 5 The GRIB to NetCDF conversion works well for global data via the TIGGE portal. I think it is 12/5/2018 11:12 AM very important for the use of TIGGE-LAM that the same capability works for TIGGE-LAM data via the portal.

6 this would facilitate the use of the data. I needed it. 12/4/2018 5:01 PM 7 Easy to download and the data is light 12/4/2018 4:36 PM

8 NetCDF and text file export options would be great to have. Why text file: it is still the most 11/26/2018 3:00 PM flexible. Reading a time series for the entire period available for a grid point would be really helpful for smaller scale investigations. Other indices than provided should be calculated by the users (at least in science)

# COMMENTS FOR "ADDING A SPECIFIC NEW VARIABLE" DATE 1 Hourly output is most desirable for real time forecasting 12/17/2018 11:58 PM 2 Wind vectors 12/17/2018 9:59 PM

3 I Don't use TIGGE-LAM 12/12/2018 5:42 PM 4 Nwp with higher spatial and temporal resolution 12/7/2018 3:11 AM

5 Never used 12/5/2018 10:29 PM 6 I have not used the TIGGE-LAM dataset. 12/4/2018 4:46 PM 7 not used 11/28/2018 9:08 AM

8 cloud-cover every 3h wind-speed at 100 m height every 3h (both for renewable energy 11/27/2018 1:51 PM purposes)

9 Again runoff 11/26/2018 5:26 PM

35 / 40 TIGGE user survey

10 Relative humidity and global radiation are both important for hydrology, the first must be derived 11/26/2018 3:00 PM often from other variables

11 Having publicly accessible data on things like forecasted Convective Precipitation (CP) or Total 11/26/2018 2:40 PM Totals (TT) would be useful in order to do research on trajectory planning under convection without usage of HRES forecast samples. 12 -Radiation - Air humidity Are relevant for forecasting evapotranspiration 11/26/2018 2:30 PM

36 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q12 Overall, how satisfied are you with the TIGGE Tropical Cyclone Track Data in CXML format?

Answered: 194 Skipped: 198

Diissattiisffiied 11..43% ((11)) Verry sattiisffiied Neiittherr sattiisffiied Dissatisfied Neiittherr sattiisffiied 20..00% ((114)) nor dissatisfied 1.43% (1) norr diissattiisffiied Very satisfied Neither satisfied Neither satisfied 20.00% (14) 1n12o..r8 6d%iss ((a9t))isfied

12.86% (9)

Sattiisffiied 65..711% ((46)) Satisfied 65.71% (46) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES

Very satisfied 20.00% 14

Satisfied 65.71% 46

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 12.86% 9

Dissatisfied 1.43% 1

Very dissatisfied 0.00% 0 TOTAL 70

# PLEASE LEAVE ANY COMMEN OR SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: DATE 1 It may be possible to add some explanation of what data sets are used for and how they are 12/19/2018 1:14 PM used in different models.anyway,thinks for your work!

2 good 12/18/2018 6:38 AM 3 Satisfied with the current data format and access 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

4 Data chunk size may be increased 12/5/2018 4:07 AM 5 Please give combine the documentation for each dataset. 12/5/2018 1:29 AM 6 There are differences in the data among the centers. For example JMA only tracks TCs in the 12/4/2018 8:13 PM west Pac while others provide tracking information for TCs over the globe. Some centers include TC genesis information while others track TC after it becomes a tropical storm intensity. Some coordination will be needed. In addition, more variables related to TC structure (max wind, wind radii and asymmetry) and precipitation will be beneficial for various studies which include the development of impact-based forecasting products and evaluation of model outputs. 7 The ECMWF TIGGE track data contains missing data at some times for many ensemble 12/4/2018 3:54 PM members. For example, a forecast may have data at 0 through 108 hours, but be missing data at 114 and 120 hours, before having data again at 126 hours. Fixing this would be a substantial help. Also, some of the global ensembles no longer produce forecast data for the Tropical Cyclone Track Data archive.

8 CXML is kind of a complicated format to use, though this isn't the fault of TIGGE. 12/1/2018 6:57 PM 9 It has been a long time since I used it (2010), and several improvements have likely been made 12/1/2018 1:42 PM since then.

37 / 40 TIGGE user survey

10 all the centres don't use exactly the same rules to code cxml 11/28/2018 8:37 AM

11 Would be good if the longitudes of TCs for western hemisphere are notated in the same manner 11/27/2018 8:09 AM for different models

12 The CXML forecast is difficult to use. It would have been better to use ATCF format. 11/27/2018 1:25 AM 13 I will have to check this out; didn't know about it 11/26/2018 10:28 PM

14 Thank you ! 11/26/2018 5:03 PM 15 While I don't currently use this, I could envision using it in the future. I don't know if you have 11/26/2018 3:44 PM similar data for ECMWF reforecasts, but that would be the data that I am most likely to seek.

38 / 40 TIGGE user survey

Q13 If you found any obstacles to use the TIGGE data or have any other suggestion for improvement please let us know:

Answered: 51 Skipped: 341

# RESPONSES DATE 1 Some TIGGE data often has missing data. 12/21/2018 7:30 AM 2 have not 12/20/2018 8:53 AM

3 I think the daily data is needed. 12/18/2018 7:13 AM 4 no 12/18/2018 6:39 AM 5 ok 12/18/2018 5:54 AM

6 none 12/18/2018 4:58 AM 7 I request to kindly make the download option available as per date requirement. Like if I have to 12/18/2018 4:41 AM download the the forecasts initiated on a particular day that can be possible. It was there earlier but now the month option is only given.

8 It took much time to download the TIGGE data. I would suggest to increase the mirror servers. 12/18/2018 12:25 AM 9 Will do as soon as I discover and discrepancies 12/17/2018 11:58 PM

10 Yes some variables are not included, and adding daily and hourly data 12/17/2018 10:00 PM 11 Never use TIGGE data 12/17/2018 6:25 PM 12 It would be amazing to have real-time forecasts. 12/17/2018 6:09 PM

13 None, works fine. 12/17/2018 3:37 PM 14 ok 12/17/2018 2:10 PM

15 no 12/17/2018 2:04 PM 16 None 12/17/2018 11:07 AM 17 As mentioned earlier, would be fairly easy to write "most efficient chunking" logic on the server. 12/17/2018 10:56 AM Would make it easier for us to submit requests, and make it much less likely that a few inefficient requests would clog up the system. 18 Many times the time frequency is not clear whether the rainfall is accumulated or I need to read 12/17/2018 10:37 AM only 24, 48 etc. for daily rainfall. It would be great if you can provide that information along with the data.

19 None 12/17/2018 10:34 AM 20 data request and availability for download is taking too long time. IF the data download for years 12/10/2018 12:00 PM could be very useful for the climate study. Since the data portal request has some limitation, it is very difficult to download.

21 Internet connexion is not good 12/8/2018 9:29 PM 22 Not so far 12/7/2018 3:12 AM

23 Long queuing time for downloading data 12/6/2018 2:43 AM 24 Better to provide how to calculate other variables using current variables. 12/5/2018 10:32 PM 25 The website changed a number of years ago, requiring the use of scripts to download multiple 12/5/2018 7:46 PM data sets. I haven't made this change yet. It's a very minor issue. 26 none 12/5/2018 7:10 AM

27 Not yet find any problem. 12/5/2018 5:09 AM 28 No other suggestions. 12/4/2018 4:47 PM

29 I think the main obstacle at times is the download speed as it can be slow; so we set up multiple 12/4/2018 2:00 PM scripts to run at the same time. This likely is less efficient. It may be good to have some guidance on how to make downloads more efficient as that is likely possible. 30 Satisfied 12/4/2018 1:34 PM

39 / 40 TIGGE user survey

31 I have some problem to download some ECMWF ensemble data's at some forecasting horizon. 12/4/2018 1:18 PM

32 higher resolution 12/4/2018 1:11 PM 33 The interface is not super friendly, in particular it's difficult to decipher the layer numbers 12/4/2018 12:56 PM 34 The dataset has been a fantastic research tool! My suggestions on the survey are not meant to 12/1/2018 6:58 PM be a criticism of the existing dataset, only a suggestion for how it could be even more useful, yet I recognize that it would require an even larger amount of storage space for an already-huge dataset.

35 Queuing time can be very long & it's not always clear how to create a more efficient download 11/29/2018 10:09 AM request to improve the issue

36 I am happy to use this data sets.But downloading data is taking large time. 11/29/2018 8:42 AM 37 no,it's convinient. 11/29/2018 8:38 AM

38 too long queue time after submit data request through web-api from China. 11/29/2018 8:14 AM 39 As model system updated frequently, will it possible to provide some information on the version 11/28/2018 1:28 PM of the systems that produce the data during different periods? 40 More support for TIGGE-LAM data (e.g. possibility to retrieve subdomains) 11/27/2018 1:52 PM 41 missing data 11/27/2018 9:25 AM

42 TIGGE could advantageously be adapted to ocean and sea ice forecasts. 11/27/2018 8:01 AM 43 None 11/27/2018 6:08 AM

44 yes,I'm glad to do so. 11/27/2018 3:18 AM 45 No. 11/27/2018 2:59 AM 46 Please see my comment about recent change to the Web-API that means I have to run the 11/27/2018 1:26 AM same command six times. 47 No problem in handling data 11/27/2018 12:49 AM

48 Very long wait times to access data. 11/26/2018 7:38 PM 49 N.A. 11/26/2018 5:55 PM

50 mentioned above 11/26/2018 3:01 PM 51 no 11/26/2018 2:52 PM

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