Durham. Stockton-Upon-Tees
DIRECIORY.] DURHAM. STOCKTON-UPON-TEES. 301 Appointed by the Tees Pilots. Stockton ; Charles Metcalfe, I 1 Hard wick terrace, N orton *Robert Hood I *Henry Soppit road, Stockton; Thomas Golightly, The Green, Norton, Appointed by the Stocktoo Shipowners. Stockton; Joseph Smith, Post Office chambers, Mill lane, George Craggs I *Francis Binnington Stockton ; Thomas William Pybus, County Court, Bridge Appointed by the Middlesbrough Shipowners. road, ~tockton; William Hedley, Yarm; J. Goundry, *John Mowatt Lennard I *James Hogg Saltbnrn; J. Paling, Cannon street, MUdlesbroug-h; J. (vice-chairman) I Joseph Taylor Menzies, R. Southeran & J. FlaviJl, Sed,£efield; William Treasurer, Eugene Wethey Walker, Middlesbrough; David Speight, Redcar Pilot Superinteqdent, James Harris, Middlesbrough Custom House, Bridge road, Thomas Robert Owen, supt. ; Those markell thus • are the Examining Committee. John Kirkpatrick, assistant examining officer; A. E. 0. Vice-Consular Agents. Michael Kelly, out-door officer & acting examining officer German Empire (consular agent). Wm. Hunton, 56 High st & T. M. Goldie, out-door officer (znd class) Dispensary, Alms houses, High street, G. M. Hogg, .1\l. B. Netherlands & Portugal, William Hunton, 56 High street ,c.lll. medical officer ; Eugene E. Clephan, sec Insurance· Agents. Exchange Hall, High street, Duncan Robert Malcolm, sec :British Empire Mutual Life, J. Calvert, 14 Inkerman street; Fire Brigade (Corporation & Volunteer), West row, Edward J. W. Cuthbert, 26 Mandale road; B. Lofthouse, 5 Lorne Stephenson, eaptain; Geo. W. Appleby, supt.; C.J.Seaman street ; J. Thompson, Prince Regent street & Frank Appleby, engineers; Geo. Maughan,chief fireman Caledonian Fire & Life, Stothart & Park, Back house's Bank ; Free Public Library, Wellington st. T.
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