
C-7 u (onuou d from pact. RS -ls s on that "people don't come along to see the Faces for the had sound quality, I hope not anyway. because we've some terrible nights I'm probably the worst culprit be- When cause I know damn well I sing really out of tune live you're throwing the microphone stand about and running about, you do tend to go off the beaten track sometimes "

1975: Stewart records "" in America, and says. "The title speaks for itself, now that I'm living in the U S Well. I'm not actually living in the U S. at the moment. I'm Congratulations Rod living out Of a suitcase "

1976 The Groups recruited "Its not a question of on your well deserved successes picking the best musicians. it's exactly the same as picking a football team -you don't pick a load of names. you blend what you think is going to work together And I was lucky. it and may they continue another 10 years. worked first time off " 1977 Stewart records "Foot Loose 8 Fancy Free" with the group and admits. "I was really drying up when it came to making I'd wanted to be surrounded by a group of musi-

cians that I could live With and breath with -and these are Best Wishes from all of us at the guys "

1978. Stewart releases " Have More Fun" and sets out on a marathon world tour. Looking back on 15 years in CONCERTS WEST rock'n'roll he recalls "When I left school. the Only ambition I had was to play football But somewhere along the line I must have fallen in the wrong people who turned out to be

the right people in the long run. and turned to music I haven't regretted anything I've done It was definitely the best choice "

CREDITS -Editor Earl Paige. Assistant Editor Susan Peter son Art Mimi King. Fran Fresques Cover photo and Irve %back stage shots, 4, 10 (Band '79). 21 22. by Dagmar Spiral thanks Billy Gaff, Tony Tune. David Fellerman. Top Bolling Publications, 11 Ox lord C rcus Ave.. 231 Oxford St London W 1. Wrnterland Z Productions Warner 7 and Bros P°

CONGRATULATIONS ON THE FIRST 10 YEARS AND A TOAST TO THE NEXT 10 YEARS from Ludo Debruyn & Alain Ragheno LION CONCERTS Ltd. Jan van Rijsuycklaan 112 20(0 Antwerp, Belgium Tel. 031372060 Telex 34170
