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Student Number 140119457 Programme MA TESOL Supervisor Student 140119457 Number Programme MA TESOL Supervisor Dr. Helen Sauntson Module Code MEL040 Module Title Dissertation Dissertation Gender representation in Bahraini English Assignment Number 1 Title textbooks: a critical discourse analysis Word Count 11,929 First Attempt Yes York St John University institutional repository and digital archive Deposit agreement 1. Covered work I would like to deposit my material in the York St John University institutional repository and digital archive. Material – henceforth referred to as Work – is covered by this agreement. 2. Non-exclusive rights Rights granted to York St John University through this agreement are entirely non-exclusive. I am free to publish the Work in its present version, or in future versions, elsewhere. However, I agree that York St John University may, without changing the content, translate the Work to any medium or format for the purpose of secure storage. 3. What depositing in the institutional repository means I understand that Work deposited in the York St John University institutional repository and digital archive becomes openly accessible via the Internet. This audience is comprised of a wide range of individuals and institutions. I understand that, once a Work is deposited, a citation to it will always remain visible – although I, as the author, retain the right to update the Work. Removal of the item can be made after discussion with the York St John University archive team. Full details of the archive’s operational policies can be found at I agree as follows: that I have the authority to make this agreement and to make available the Work in the manner described above; that I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the Work is original and does not, to the best of my knowledge, infringe upon anyone’s copyright. Signed Date 12th May 2016 GENDER REPRESENTATION IN BAHRAINI ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS By WAFA ALSATRAWI Supervised By DR. HELEN SAUNTSON Submitted to York St John University Department of Language and Linguistics as a part of the requirement of the MA TESOL Word Count: 11,929 12th May 2016 Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................ i ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................ ii Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review .................................................................................................................. 4 2.1: Gender vs. sex: what is gender? ................................................................................................. 4 2.2: Gender socialisation vs. gender identity: what is normal? .......................................................... 5 2.2.1 Gender socialisation: Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory: .................................................. 6 2.3: The power of language in gender socialisation ........................................................................... 9 2.4: Representation of gender in text ............................................................................................... 12 2.4.1 Gender and text: .................................................................................................................. 12 2.4.2 Gender and textbooks: ........................................................................................................ 13 2.4.3 Gender and English textbooks in Asian contexts: ................................................................ 14 Chapter 3: Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 17 3.1: Review of methodological precedents ...................................................................................... 17 3.2: Design......................................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.1 What is CDA? ........................................................................................................................ 18 3.2.2 The Backpack series: ............................................................................................................ 18 3.2.3 Ethical and validity issues: ................................................................................................... 19 3.3: Procedure of data collection and analysis ................................................................................. 20 3.3.1 Description: .......................................................................................................................... 20 3.3.2 Interpretation: ..................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.3 Explanation: ......................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 4: Results and discussion ......................................................................................................... 28 4.1: Description ................................................................................................................................. 28 4.1.1 Visibility: ............................................................................................................................... 28 4.1.2 Firstness: .............................................................................................................................. 30 4.1.3 Adjectives: ............................................................................................................................ 31 4.1.4 Activities: .............................................................................................................................. 32 4.1.5 Semantic roles: ..................................................................................................................... 34 4.2: Interpretation ............................................................................................................................ 37 4.2.1 From word level to text level: .............................................................................................. 37 Surface of utterance ................................................................................................. 37 Meaning of utterance ............................................................................................... 39 Local coherence ........................................................................................................ 40 Text structure and ‘point’ ......................................................................................... 40 4.2.2 Textual situation: ................................................................................................................. 41 Situation of text ............................................................................................................ 41 Intertextual context .................................................................................................. 42 4.3: Explanation ................................................................................................................................ 43 4.3.1 Determinants: ...................................................................................................................... 43 Institutional determinants ............................................................................................ 43 Societal determinants ................................................................................................... 45 Situational determinants .............................................................................................. 45 4.3.2 Social effects: ....................................................................................................................... 46 Institutional effects ....................................................................................................... 46 Societal effects .............................................................................................................. 46 Situational effects ......................................................................................................... 46 Chapter 5: Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 48 References ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Appendix1: ............................................................................................................................................ 58 Appendix2: .......................................................................................................................................... 370 Appendix3: .......................................................................................................................................... 374 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses sincere appreciation for the supervisor of this
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