בס״ד The Teachings of improve myself!" In this way, Menachem M. simply through pleasantness Schneerson (Jason Aronson, Weekly Aaron This and warmth, Aaron 2000) The Sages tell us it is encouraged the Jews of his through love of one's fellow week's Torah reading tells us June 28- July 4, 2020 of the passing of Aaron, generation to feel close to the that the Temple will be 6-12 Tammuz, 5780 brother of Moses and High ideals of the Torah. The word restored. By striving to be Priest of the Jewish people for used in Ethics of the Fathers disciples of the Rebbe in our Torah: -: forty years. The Tanya (The for "ordinary folk" generation, and of the chain of Numbers 19:1 - 25:9 basic text of Chabad teaching, is beriot, meaning Sages reaching back to Aaron Haftarah: Micah 5:6 - 6:8 written more than 200 years "creatures." This is explained and Moses in the past, we will ago by Schneur Zalman as meaning that Aaron's bring the Redemption. By Tali PARSHAT of Liadi.) relates that when example was to love everyone Loewenthal CHUKAT - BALAK including "creatures," that a tzaddik, a righteous person, Who’s Afraid of Big We have Jewish passes from this world, all his means, people with very or her spiritual achievements negative behaviour, as if their Bad Og? Believe it or not,

Calendars. If you would like one, continue to have an effect in only redeeming feature is that there was a time please send us a the realm of the living. They he or she was created by G-d. when Moses was afraid. Yes, letter and we will become a powerful source of Yet the path of Aaron is to the greatest leader of all send you one, or blessing for all those "who find the hidden good that time—the man who fought

ask the follow in his way." This exists within all. (See Tanya, and vanquished Pharaoh, split Calendars Rabbi/Chaplain to means that if we study what Part 1, ch. 32, 41b.) The the sea, challenged the angels

contact us. Aaron stood for and emulate Sages tell us that Aaron on high for the rights to

him to the best of our ability, worked to bring peace the Torah—this spiritual Do you have family between people in general, becoming his devoted colossus was afraid. Who and on the outside disciples, we will benefit from and especially between what could possibly frighten struggling? Divine blessing in his merit. husband and wife. He found Moses? At the end of the Please contact or And a blessing from G-d is ways to patch up quarrels, Torah portion have them contact always a good thing... What sometimes by subterfuge: if A of Chukat (Numbers 19:1– our office to learn was Aaron's teaching? We and B were in conflict, he 22:1) we read more about our find this clearly expressed in would tell A how much B that G-d reassured Moses, family programs. the first chapter of Ethics of likes him, and tell B that he “Do not fear him.” Why did You and they are the Fathers: "Be amongst the heard A singing his praises... Moses need reassuring? The

Family Programs Family not alone, we are disciples of Aaron—loving We can imagine Aaron—a story is this. here to help. peace, pursuing peace, loving man of infinite sincerity, who The Israelites were about to ordinary folk and bringing stood for peace and love and go into battle against Og, king We offer free Grape them near to Torah." The succeeded in engendering of Bashan, a mighty warrior, a Juice and Matzoh Sages tell us that Aaron these ideals in the lives of man who was literally a giant. for you to be able to devoted himself to carrying other people. And Moses was afraid to such make the blessings out the command "love your The Lubavitcher Rebbe, an extent that the Almighty every Shabbos. fellow" to the highest degree. whose yahrtzeit, the 3rd had to assuage his fears. Why Please have your The Midrash relates how he of Tammuz, is always did Og inspire such dread in chaplain / Rabbi attracted people to the observed in proximity to this the great prophet? Surely contact us to enroll teachings of the Torah. He week's Torah reading, had Moses had dealt with more (available to all never got angry if people similar goals. Through his formidable threats in his teachings and personal Grape Juice & Matzah & Juice Grape prisons). failed to meet the expectations career. According to ,

example he taught a path of of Jewish law. He would meet the story goes back many Hyman & Martha Rogal Center a person who was somewhat recognizing the inherent years. Og (or, according to 5804 Beacon Street lacking in his observance of potential for good in each some commentaries, the Pittsburgh, PA 15217 and greet him with a person. The Rebbe taught that ancestor of the current king) 412-421-0111 this wholesome perspective Fax: 412-521-5948 smile and a warm reception. escaped from battle during the www.alephne.org On leaving, the man would itself strengthens that person's days of Abraham. This [email protected] think to himself: "If Aaron the power for good and for refugee then came to High Priest greets me so positive action. (See Aryeh Abraham and informed him of warmly he must think I am a Solomon The Educational his nephew Lot’s capture in very worthy person. I must Teachings of Rabbi battle. Abraham immediately

IN JEWISH HISTORY went into action, fought the kings who had Monday, June 29, 2020 --- 7 Tammuz, 5780 captured Lot, and successfully rescued him. Says Passing of Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz (1805) Rashi: Moshe was afraid to do battle with Og, for Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz of Nikelsburg (1730-1805) was the rabbi of Frankfurt and the author of Sefer Hafla'ah and Sefer HaMikneh -- commentaries on the merit he had acquired when helping Abraham the -- and Panim Yafot, an exegesis on the Torah. Rabbi Pinchas and his might stand him in good stead. In other words, the brother Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke were students of the Mezritcher Maggid. They were fact that Og had done a kindness to Abraham all amongst the first adherents to the Chassidic movement to hold rabbinic posts in those years ago might be considered of such . The famed Rabbi Moshe Sofer, known as the Chatam Sofer, considered special significance that he would be spiritually Rabbi Pinchas to be one of his main teachers. protected from harm in the merit of Abraham, the Purim Ostroh (1792) beneficiary of his good deed. But was it really The Jewish community of Ostroh (in what is now western Ukraine) was miraculously such a good deed? The same Rashi (in his spared when a Russian army led by General Suvorov attempted to breach its walls, commentary on Genesis 14:13) informs us that claiming Polish insurgents were present inside. To commemorate the miracle, the day Og’s motives were not altogether altruistic. of 7 Tammuz was established as a local day of rejoicing, and a special scrollin which the story was inscribed was read each year on this date. Apparently, by telling Abraham that his nephew According to legend, two cannons that struck the great Maharsha synagogue caused Lot had been taken captive, Og was actually no harm. The two cannons were thereupon displayed in the synagogue for all to see. hoping that Abraham would attempt to rescue his (Yalkut Volhynia,issues 2–3) nephew and be killed in battle, so that Og could then take Abraham’s beautiful wife, Sarah, for Tuesday, June 30, 2020 --- 8 Tammuz, 5780 himself. Hardly an act of magnanimous Spanish Inquisition Abolished (1834) righteousness! Why would Moses be worried On July 15, 1834, the Office of the Spanish Inquisition was abolished by the Queen about the spiritual merit of conduct tainted by Mother Maria Christina, after nearly three and a half centuries. However, the right of such ulterior motives? The answer, it would seem, public worship (including permission to mark places of worship and advertise is that although Og’s motives were far from religious services) was not granted to the Jews until 1967. unselfish, the fact is that he had done Abraham a kindness. Abraham was grateful for the Wednesday, July 1, 2020 --- 9 Tammuz, 5780 information and was, in fact, successful in saving Jerusalem Walls Breached (423 BCE) Lot from his captors. So, although Og’s reasons The Babylonian armies of King Nebuchadnezzar breached the walls of Jerusalem on the 9th of Tammuz in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE); King Ziddikiahu of were less than noble, the end result of his deed Judah was captured and taken to Babylon (Jeremiah 39:5. A month later, the capture was good, and Abraham considered it a favor. of Jerusalem was completed with the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of That’s why Moses was afraid that Og’s spiritual all but a small number of Jews to Babylon). Tammuz 9 was observed as a fast day credits might protect him. And that is why the until the second breaching of Jerusalem's walls (by the Romans) on the 17th of Almighty needed to put Moses’ mind at ease: Do Tammuz, 3829 (69 CE), at which time the fast was moved to that date. (Talmud, not fear him, for into your hand have I given him, Rosh Hashanah and Tur Orach Chaim 549) his entire people and his land. It is an incredible lesson in the power of chessed, acts of loving Shabbat, July 4, 2020 --- 12 Tammuz, 5780 kindness. That one good turn, performed so many R. Yosef Yitzchak Born (1880) years back and out of sinister motivation, could Tammuz 12 is the birthday the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak cause Moses himself so much anxiety is surely Schneersohn of Lubavitch (1880-1950). This is also the day on which he was proof positive of the awesome and long-term liberated from exile to the Soviet gulag 47 years later (see below). Liberation of R. Yosef Yitzchak (1927) positive effects of a single act of kindness. On the 12th of Tammuz of 1927, the sixth Lubavitcher rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Clearly, from a spiritual point of view, deeds of Schneersohn, was officially granted release from his sentence of exile to Kastroma goodness and kindness have the power to protect in the interior of Russia. Twenty-seven days earlier, the Rebbe had been arrested by us from harm. Performing a single act of agents of the GPU and the Yevsektzia ("Jewish Section" of the Communist Party) for compassion, or helping someone in need, really his activities to preserve Judaism throughout the Soviet empire and sentenced to does have the capacity to shield us. In the end, we death, G-d forbid. International pressure forced the Soviets to commute the sentence are not only helping them, but helping ourselves. to exile and, subsequently, to release him completely. The actual release took place Let this story inspire us to be a little more on Tammuz 13, and Tammuz 12-13 is celebrated as a "festival of liberation" by the considerate to each other, and a little more helpful Chabad-Lubavitch community. Tammuz 12 is also Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's birthday to those around us. And may our benevolence (see above) Passing of R. Jacob ben Asher (the Tur) (1348) protect us and our families from any harm. R. Jacob ben Asher, son of R. Asher ben Yechiel (the Rosh), was one of the most By Rabbi Yossy Goldman prominent Torah scholars in medieval Europe. His classic work on Jewish law, Arba’ah Turim (known also as Tur), covers every area of Jewish life (in the post-Temple era), presenting the various opinions of previous authorities along with the author’s own decisions. A host of commentaries were written on this work, including one by R. Yosef Caro and another by R. Moshe Isserlis. These two commentaries formed the basis for the (Code of Jewish Law), the definitive guide to Jewish observance until today. R. Jacob also authored a popular commentary on the Torah, uncovering layers of hidden meaning in the text by way of gematria (and other close analysis of the texts).