Lista Rossa Ortotteri

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Lista Rossa Ortotteri > Pratica ambientale > Liste Rosse / Gestione delle specie 19 > Lista Rossa 07 Ortotteri Lista Rossa delle specie minacciate in Svizzera Edizione 2007 //^^^////////^^^^??^›››^^››;;,,,,;;,,,,›^^^^^/^^^^^^^^^^^›;;,;;,›????/;››^^›^^^^››;^^////^^^;›^^^^›››››››››;››;“““““,;››//^^^›,,,,;›^›;›› ^^››^/00?//^^^/^^//››››››››;,,,,,;,,,,,›^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^›››^?/?//^^››^^››››››;››^//////^^??^^^››››^^^^^^^^^^;;;;,,›^^^/^^››,,,“,›^^^›› ^^››^/??/^›;›^^^^?/^››››››;,,,;;›;,,,,;›^^^^^^^^/^^›››››^^^/?////^///^^^^›››››;›››^^^^^^//??^^›^››››^^///^^^//^››››;,›^^^^^^›,““““,›^^^/^ ^^›››^^/^““““;;;//^^^^^›››››››^^^›;,,,;››^^^^//?//^;,,;›^//////^^//////^^››››››;;›››››^?00?^^››››;;›^///^^^^^^^^^^›››^^^^^^^›,““““,›^^›^/ ^›;››,›^^›““““;/?›,,››^^›;›^^^^^››^^›››››››^^???/^›,^/////^^/////?????//^›^^^^›,,,;;›?0?0^››››››;›^^//////^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^›,“““,›^^›››› ^^››››››^›““““/?^“,,;;;›››;,,›^^^^^^^^^^^^^^///^/^^^^^^^^›^//?00???/////^›^^^››,,,›???/^›››››››;,;^^^^^^///^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^›;;›››^^››››; 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