ISSN 0739-~482 SPRING 2006 Roonoke Cfty Albflc Lb-cry l:iiii~ ,,,., ~slnla ~~ . ----:""" -:""~..-- ---- .-1.- ------.:::: ...._ ~ ..._·_~.411.\ Virginia Appalachian Notes Danville eBrlstol • Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society Roanoke_, Virginia SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SO CIETY INC. Calendar Year 2006 Officers and Executive B oard Area Code 540 email address President Pamela B. Young 342-2367 pmyoungOO
[email protected] Vice-President Elaine Powers 519-2817 c\
[email protected] Record Secretary Susan Hays 884-3497
[email protected] Corresponding Secretary Mickey Prescott 985--075 1
[email protected] Treasurer Don Vaughan 989-8645 .
[email protected] Membership Jim Nelson 725-5303
[email protected]. VAN Editor Needed Tm.mediate Past President Gene Swartzell 774-3856
[email protected] VAN Editor Emeritus Babe Fowler 563-1733
[email protected] Committees Computer/Labeler Don Vaughan 989-8645
[email protected] Program Elaine Powers 529-2817
[email protected] Historian Babe Fowler 563- 1733 fowlervw@cox. net VAN , Exchange Quarterlies Virginia Room Staff Publicity Karen Kappesser 977-0067
[email protected] Book Reviews As Signed The SOUTHWESTERN VffiGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. is a tax-exempt corporation under section 50l (c)(3) of the Federal Income Tax Code. Section 170 of the Tax Code provides for the treatment of contributions to the SVGS as a deductible contribution by the donor. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to the SVGS may be deductible for Federal estate gift tax purposes, if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 23106, and 2522 of the Tax Code. MEMBERSHIP: Each SVGS member will be rnailed a copy of the "Society's" quarterly, tile VJRGlNIA APPALACHIAN NOTES (V AN).