PAGft 6-fc Torranoe, California THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, TORRANCE HERALD, » Art Drama I . •' —— Time" J I •!- . . ' II II • "Swing !...<.. In rf Goes J - • West • Ci . USIC Old . mema ..''••• ......

Bad Fire Starter Quintuplet Film RHYTHM RIEJES THE BANGE WAVERLY, Ran. (U.P.) Mrs Bverett' drained a bucket o "kerosene" from a barrel to Team Plays Nursemaid to Prize Unparalleled As start a fire. She had forgotten the kerosene had been replacec In Cross Country Jaunt Fine Amusement with gasoline. She escaped with painful burns. ' They haven't; gpt the Coyptes alhglhg 'Ml-Dl-Ho, but In In the picture that is the en almost every other way the Old West has gone swing In tertalnment scoop of the year, WALT LINCH 5»lng CrpBby's latest, ''Jlh.ythm on the Range," scheduled Darryl F. Zanuck makes movie tp open Sunday at the :ftlaza Theatre, Hawthorne, with star? of the first ran.k pf the ai^d Bob Burns In central roles. world's front-page darlings, as Crpsby, Frances Farmer the Dionnc Quin "Rhythm On the Ra«ge" he presents tu,plets in their first full length makes a cowman out of B4) feature, "The .Country Doctor," and opens Its story. .When Is >yhich comes Sunday to the Tor- crooner buys a prize bull af a ranee Theatre for a three-day rodeo in 's Madison Star In Famous run. Square Garden, then starts W^st Adapted from an original with the animal In a bo^ car. story by diaries ®- BHHe- &*1' German Novel man, "The reels that follow, a rol­ cago newspaper In the Country Poptoj" finds its drama licking romance Is punctuated Jean Harrow's newest starring in the ijife-and^deatft conflict that by the -playing of vehicle, "Silzy," in which the a' physician eternally wqges in Burns; swing music 'by Louis popular actress Is supported by the Canadian wilds in h|s unsel­ Tp Ityake a Long Prima's world-famed band, West­ fish work. It is wjth ro­ ern songs, and the antics of will be the attraction on the mance, brightly alive with de Tale Short Jean Harlpw and Franc%t Tone In "*W" Crpsby, Burns, the hull, Miss Plaza Theatre's screen starting llghtful humorous touches, fresh We 'know of a young lady Martha Itaye, new today. with the an.iics, the crooning But not In this scene. "," ping Cro»by's screen art sl)p,uld. pome easy to Farmer, and of a In a nearby town who has Love-making as a screen comedienne "find " Adapted from the sensational and the play of the world's most musical hit of the season, Is the story of the experiences had four husbands and she's Jean Harlow for the popular MrG-M star who. her a prize bull and travels West. The picture Theatre Warren Hymer and George E. npvel by Herbert Gorman famous babies. crooner who buys only 24; we have dpzens pf latest appearance starting today at the Torrance James "Suzy" is the deeply romantic Hershqlt, beloved charac starts Sunday at the Plaza Theatre, Hawthorne. older than Rovers! Stone, together with Jean girls In 'this towrf in ''Suzy," haa had no leas than 16 dlfiterent screen to the yarn story of an American girl who star, is the doctor of the pic who haven't had even Angels," Burke, ado; thuggery ter that Her love scenes with Ben Lycjn in "Hell's by trailing Crosby and Miss becomes enmeshed in the war­ ture, a herbip, self-sacrificing Gets His Bears Old Money Good ; one. Step, In -and took our system in Europe. and ill r the picture which first brought* Farmer across "the continent time spy physician who fights pain, MONTICELLO, Utah (U.P.) HONOLULU (U.P.) Money used cars over when passing kidnaping'the who di­ fur-trading: post her nation-wide attention, are with the idea of George Fitzmaurice, in, a Canadian ' San Juan County issued by the Hawaiian .inon,-'; priced right. demanding ransom'from of Greta darbo's Roy Musseman, still Indelibly printed in the Theater girl and rected two the archy before the islands beftame j SEPTEMBER her wealthy father; Rpbfert H.pll- greatest hits "Mata Hari" anc Because his nephew, Michael veteran trapper, is one of memory of early picture fans. in his love for of a U. S. territory in 1,900 may be i 1936," a sparkling oway. Lucille Webster Gleaspn "As You Desire Me" directed Whalen, persists last who makes a profession Clearance $ale Her second screen lover was "Gaieties of rug­ produc­ Lang, daughter of the bears. He recently com-, redeemed at face value, ac'cdri-; musical revue conceived by Gene appears as Miss Farmer'3 Miss Harlpw in the new June trapping ten*; Brown in "The Secre't Arizona aunt. . . . post's manager, and because plcted a two-months hunt in ing to W, C. McGpnftgle, John Mack Stone and featuring- thirteen dis­ ged tion. t'orial treasures buti'it is >ybrt^! Beery. In Farmer are notorious spy is which he got two large speci­ TEACHERS Six," starring Wallace tinctive acts, ia announced as Crpsby and Miss Although the and far more to collectors. j attraction together when the girl, one of the principal, figures tempts to . get. a hospital mens. , - and quick succession other pictures the Greek theater thrown not for his people, 1931; "Iron September 8 to 13. fleeing from a society marriage, In the drama, Miss Harlow, as needed supplies 'ollowed during from- he incurs the displeasure of the Man" in which she was teamed "Laff That Off" Don Mullaly's stows away in his box car. B.y Suzy, unwittingly uncovers evi­ the latest on foot, and by auto leads to a woman company powers. Without re­ STUDENTS with £/ew Ayres; "Public amusing comedy, is railroad, dence which or heroism, PARAMOUNT STUDIO as holding the stage and trailer, the pair fight their counter-spy's execution and the gard for his record ATTENTION! Snemy" with Mason revival, manager ousts him which placed froin Sept. 8 to 20. This modern way .to Arizona, hauling the hull the post of Stage and Screen CAR ler lover;- "Goldie" from his position. .... SEE THESE ler in the arms of Spencer piece pf mirth makes three with them. a young.'army officer. OFFfifiS' FOR SCHOOL a rovy returns to her He is broken and dispirited Ages BARGAINS tfracy; "Platinum Blqnde" with hilarious laugh hits in Bob Burns has his screen de­ Miss Harlow attend Classes For All TRANSPORTATION where "Potash who screen work after starring roles when he gets a call to Dancing Robert Williams; and "Three for the Mason but as Crosby's cowboy pal, wife and goes to Instruction In All Types of JQ Walter Byrpn. and Perlmutter" and "The.Whole storm by the dyna­ in three successive pictures, John QualHn's 28, !^r»hain d»1 Wise Girls" with is taken by her,' never suspecting the phe­ Coupe.:...... «? *-*«' Town's Talking" were recent mite Miss.Raye. Their .romance, 'Wife Versus Secretary" in for Pleasure of Performance Standard Miss Harlow's ninth leading with Clark nomenon he is going to witness. DANCE! '28 Ford Ford in "Beast too, has a transcontinental which she appeared and. man -was Wallace Passes," 'Ben W. and Myrna Loy, "Riff­ tn a sequence that is the high- Standard Coupe...... $149 the City"; her tenth, Chester "The Devil touch. It begins aboard a pas­ Gable drama Through One's Health of subtle 'satire on modern Is raff" with Spencer Tracy, and spot of the picture for Profit 28 Stndebaker Morris in "Red Headed Woman." Levy's senger train in which Burns the five tiny mites |N MOOSE HALL $149 religion, comes to t\ie Musart,- same ranch. 'China Sqas" with Gable and and comedy, STUDIOS LOCATED Sport Roadster....'..... And then Miss Harlow was heading for the S$e brought to 'the world,- and 1951 CARSON 1820 South 'Figueroa, beginning the Range" intro? . 28 Oldsmoblle catapulted to stardom after Sept. 9. "The Devil "Rhythm On the doctor begins the fight to Sedan...... $149 his, Wednesday,' such song hits as "I Can't VwO'DooT took her in Passes" scored a. triumph in duces keep them alive. '29 DeSoto 6 arms in "Red Dust," a screen Escape From You," "The House Water Spectacle As the film nears.its close, we $199 New York and abroad and prom­ Jill," "If Coupe .....::...... >erformance which to this d£y Los ' Angeles -audi­ That Jack Built for Witness the fame and rewards ises to win Sing It You'll Have At Boulder Bum '30 ftfudebaker $199 tliss Harlow believes has been ences with its scintillating', wit. Ypu Can't that are heaped on the happy Dictator Sedap '...... : ier best. announced to Swing It," "Empty Saddles," (lector as his little charges pros­ Holdayers are also Hand From' '29 Dodge 6 After "Red Dust" came Wal- the --Experimental theater, 'I'm An Old Cow per and grow. And, at the $239 at Grande" and "Roundup the post Sedan ..,':...."...... ace Beery to share her em- 7512 Santa Monica boulevard, the Rio Poulder Dam's canyon wall out­ height of his happiness, '30 Dodge 6 in the all-star picture, "The Miracle at vVerdun" Lullaby." held Friday, manager relents and gives his $259 jraces where let system will be of Sedan ...... Dinner At Eight.*' 'Th£ 'popu- continues ' to make this distinc­ The1 song "Rhythm On jhe September 11, reports the Auto- conse.nt to the romance 80 Chrysler 77 government-sponsored Range," current hit penned ifjy C4H- haien rand Miss Lang. - ', . :$285 tive' little mobife Club of i Southern,, pic­ Sedan ...... 1...... ring 'team demanded a '"repeat" showhouse '.'The.Mira.cle of Richard Whiting arid Walter fornia. A key pressed "by "Presi­ The screen story of the 33 tVlllys Holiywbojl" with Its amazing In­ Bullock, was inspired by the pic­ dent Roosevelt on the other side ture, which was directed Thursday, :»Friday, Saturday, Sept. 10-11-12 Sedan .'..: ...... $295 'Hold ypur Man." novations; The Theatre; of the ture. . . . ; . I . of the continent will open the Henry King, was written And Slim ,Sum- 33 Dodge The blonde star's 13th picture Magic , Strings, 3834 Wilshire valves and ' release 'a flow of Sonya Levlen. Trunk'^edan ...... $525 retains "Snow White to rival Niagara. merville, Dorothy Peterson and gave her Lee Tracy as her 12th boulevard; water expected pf '34 Cheve. Master Bomb­ and the -Seven Dwarfs" .Wednes­ LOOI. Focusing attention upi The spectacle -of all twelve Robert" Barratt, "as members Spreen lover, in "BJpnde cast,; occupy promi­ Trunk Sedan -...... -- shell," the comedy of a tem­ day and Saturday matinees, and on- the rapid return to world valves .flowing at capacity will the all-star 34 Nash 6 ' dent Harlow H. Curtice of the history of county RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF Many More Guaranteed n "Riffraff." Bulck Motor Company summar­ fair which opens in Pomona Now, in "Suzy" Miss Harlow the last year's employment Sept. 18, the annual "Pink Bargains pic- ized Your Car In Trade caches her 18th featured and wage rolls as recorded at Sheet" is off the press and be­ Payment ure. and her 15th screen lover factory. ing mailed to hundreds of pros­ Low Down she has the Bulck the Easy Monthly Payments Gary Grant. In fact, During the year, total payrolls pective exhibitors thruout wo leading men, $24,153,000, an in­ West. ' ' - . AH With Our 90-Day amounted to icing one of them. crease of more than $9,000,000 Anothpr important announce­ Written Guarantee over the corresponding 1934-5 ment is that of the club meet­ Freight Volume pn Rise production period.. This was a ings scheduled to be held in cpn- TOLEDO, (U.P.) Freight ton- gain pf -6,9.8 percent. junction with the fair. The h>t, lage in Toledo, considered a Average employment over the includes the California Breeders WAWER G. UNCH and Rare and Fancy Fowl Club; DOPGE PLYMOUTH measure of general business pf ndustrial activity, has been run- Calitornia Australorp Club, 2 p. Open Evenings Till 9, ahead of a slml- July 31, 1935 tn., Sept. 20; White Ply­ 6 ijng 4Q percent 12 months ended Sundays Till ar period last year. Dollar vol­ of 9,329. This was an increase mouth Bock-Club; West Coast 300-312 So. Catalina ume of business has been about of 4,232 or 45.3 percent. Turkey Breeders, 1 p. m., Sept. Phone 5788 25 percent above last year, as With payrolls. Increasing 59.8 24. and others. To.still further REDONDO BEACHf seen in bank debits. percent as against a gain of 45.3 stimulate interest in the show percent in employment, each these clubs are offering special Buick employe averaged 10 per­ ^0 their rnenibevs Jn a(*" cent more in earnings than In ditipn the Cornish Breeders' the previous year. Club of California, the' Paplfic , The executive said that output Cornish Fowl Club, the Ply­ of Bulck 1£36 models totaled mouth -'Rock'Club of America, Wyan- 173,435 inclusive of export and Five darling babies born at once, and and the 'California White It happened hi Canada! Clufc.'are also offering spe­ Canadian shipments, which com­ from "The Country Doctor," Fox picture which stars dotte by this scene cial' prizes to 'its me.mber ex- pared with 63,985 cars built the Dlonne Quintuplets, shows Slim Summerville, Jean Hersholt "THE BENGAL TIGER" CALIFORNIA Bulck di little amazed at the stork's bounty! h^lfora,. with BARTON McUANB and . "The .Friendly Family Theafre" months. ^^ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 10-11-12 FACES" and FRANCHOT TONE in "FORGOTTEN JEAN HARLOW BEFORE and AFTER' with HERBERT MARSHALL and "SUZY" BUYING AN ELECTROLUX GERTRUDE MICHAEL' ' ' and HUGH HERBERT an4 PATRICIA ELLIS in "THIRTY-SIX HQV&S TO KJLL" a woman Here is the same woman OlORlA STUART Left is a picture, of ELECTROLLjX with BRIAN DONLEVY v and AFTER a hew fUGHT who has bpught an "ordinary" re­ in her kitchen. Cost SURPRISfe at 20" was installed ShPWf—^vaN 9 p, M. "Love Begins frigerator. She was not very of operation fell to practically 2 .Complete Friday Evening Magic Screen You-PIay - - We Pay happy about it. Her food did not nothing, she could buy food_ for keep well, the mechartjsrn often a week ahead, and the sjlent, WeO.:, Sept. 13-1445-16 mechanism made' her Friday, Saturday, Sept:: V7»18-1,9- Suiiday. Monday, TueeUny, broke down, and her power bill steady Thursday, and BOB' BURNS in As food and kitchen quiet and pleasant. Friend BING-CRO6BY was out of sight. growl, buys "RHYTHM ON THE RANGE" costs rose, friend hubby hubby has ceased to power for his wife with with and BOB BURNS made an awful hpwl, said "let's little presents saved. •—AND— "RHYTHM ON THE RANGE" do something about it." the money "CRASH DONOVAN" TORRANCE PLUMBING COMPANY with JACK HOLT "Half Angel" 1418 MARCELINA F. L. Parks, Prop. PHONE Wad. Eve.— W$ COME EARLY <$$— Poors Open 6 p.m.