TWELTS MONDAY. De c e m b e r s8. i9 4 t ^mtrbratrr Sttraitto Hrralb Averaga Dally Clrealatloa Th« WdRtiier For the Month oC Noveodier, U 4S FatneaM a< D. R. WsqlIteBnnaa Sunset Circle of Past Noble Lieut. Morrison Finishes Advanced tary routines and procedures on re­ She wU^ be assigned to fill a non- 7,814 mi Town Grands will meet tonight with Manchester porting Tor duty. She was chosen combatant Army job now held by a DON’T STAND FOR ITl endlnff and additional volunteer workers officers of Knights of Pythias. skl, 134 Hilliard street. Americans Withdraw Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Morri­ Is Our Business Red Armies Thrust Ida parenta, Mr. and Mra. Tuesday, January S will be needed. Our boys are fight­ son. He has served previously at ‘This Corps member was given RECORDS ' B. Oamey of 71 Garden ing on so many fronts, and this is Meeting Pines Civic Association four weeks basic training in mlll- SEAMAN one thing their mothers, relatives Fort Bragg, N. C., Camp Blanding, Mnst be tamed la tor sal­ FiS;, Camp Shelby, Miss., and at at home of Gilbert Saegaert, 72 and friends can do for them. The Linnmore Drive. Speaker, Town vage If yon want to keep Arnold Pagani FUEL & SUPPLY CO. Trap Touhy Gang .‘laitoent Alfred Raffa, aon of women may come or leave any Miami Beach, Fla., where he was Treasurer George H. Waddell. playing the new ones. Sneoessors to Seaman Coal Co. 174'/, Spruce St. Tel. 5790 and Pola Coal Co; ' |4r. and Mra. Louia Raffa, of 226 time Wednesdays convenient to commissioned on December 9. In Wednesday, January 6 PAINTING AND 3V]« each paid for old rec­ Foi*ward on Front From Hills Captured civilian life. Lieutenant Morrison' ords IrrespoctlTe of quantity. I, tirtar Oak atreet la In town from them, providing a coverall apron Work on Red Cross Surgical PAPERHANGING Two Members Killed ’ aUorida ^ r the- Chrlatmaa hoU- and something to wear on their was a bookkeeper and clerk. dressings suspended during the Leads Federal Agents | He will return to California heads. holiday will be resumed on Good Work. RcMonsble Rate*. And Five Others Cap­ I January 2. this date at the American Legion KEMP'S In Capturing Gang Girl Scouts of Troop 12 of the hail, between the hours of 10 a. RAYMOND FISKE Inc. tured; Not Single FBI Second Congregational church, and Engagements ra. and 4:30 p. m. 76S Main St. Tel. 8680 300 Miles Today nan George Plane, now lo- Phone 3384 Man injured in Battle. Near Medjez-El-Bab at 'Norfolk, Va., la home for their mothers will have their Saturday, January M pahort furlough. He found condt- Christmas party at the church to­ Kenton-Kilday C. L. of C. Silver Tea at the «■ I on the train ao heavy that it morrow evening at seven o'clock. Y. M. C. A. Chicago, Dec. 29.— (/P)— Everyone is urged to be present. Mrs. Irene Kilday, of .W Flat- Severe Casualties |raa neceaaary for him to atand bush avenue. Hartford, announces Russians Are , Reported The “Terrible Touhy” gang bm Norfolk until Washington. Men in Navy [Brings Order Allies Deepen Nazis Shift Manchester Assembly, No. 15, the engagement of her daughter. Smashing Through Na­ described by FBI Chief J flicted Before Wit 1*1 C.. was reached. Miss Winifred M. Kilday, to David Public Records Order of Rainbow for Girls, will zis’ Outer Defenses to drawal; Germans R« have a business meeting this eve­ M. Kenton, son of Mrs. Mary G. Show More Out Of Fight Edgar Hoover as “ the most Wedge ill Jap Plane Chief tambera of the Sisterhood of ning at 7:3C at the Masonic Tem­ Kenton of 22 West Center street, Capture Nalgony, 3 vicious and most dangerous port Upsurge of Fighuj j>le Beth Sholom are invited ple. The initiation ceremony plan­ and the late Francis H. Kenton. Warrantee Deeds attend the meeting of Hada* Coming! ned for tonight will not be exem­ Camillo Gnmbolatti to John and Miles South of Ko- the country has ever had ing Along Front |^*ab, at the Temple tomorrow eve- Faith Now For Supplies! Lines in Buna From Libya plified. The books will close for O’Keefe-Tucker Ruth Q. Johnston, property on was smashed by the FBI last South; Attack oi at 7;30. A buffet supper will the year at this time and out- Lucian atreet. telnikovski Where! ■ nerved In celebration of the Mr. and Mrs. CTharlcs L. Tucker night and early today, two '^tanding dues should be settled. of Bissell street announce the en­ Helen Leveille to Earl J. Thom­ Germans Brace ior Officer • in • Charge o/1 Centralized Control by Japanese Warships Shell Kairouan Repulsed; M'ttiday of Henrietta Saold, foumi- as, property on Florence street. members by killing and five Kesselring Sent to Don of Hadaaaah, women's Zionist gagement of their daiiphter. Mias I.^arjorie M. Tucker, to James F. Wallace I. Hutchinson to Ernest A GREAT JANUARY Terrific Struggle, j Chaplains’ School Say8\ War Production Board Allied Lines for Five Yanks Enter Gafs aRaniaatlon of America. J. and’ Mildred Irwin, property on by capture. Announcement of the Front Reenuse of O'Keefe, .Tr.. .son q f Mr. and Mrs. round-up, in which not a single Hours; Counter • Al- ^ Police Court James O’Keefe of Hartford. Cornell street. GIVEN WITH CASH SALES Religious Response Breaks Chaotic Scram­ His Failure to Halt London, Dec. 29, L^XUibert B. Calvert, Jr., aon of Marriage Intention SALE OF Moscow, Dec. 29.— (/P)— FBI man was injured despite a taek Also Is Futile. and Mra. Robert B. Culvert of An application for a marriage Col. Gen. Nikolai F. Vatutin’s Greater in Service. ble for Materials. | gun-battle with the two felons British Air Attacks. United States troops were ar Fhelpa Road, has arrived at SeahurR-Thomp.^on license is on file in the town ALL- DAY TUESDAY who were slain, was made by Hoo­ dferaon Barracks. Mo„ for a Russian Armies of the south ver at offices of the FBI. He said Allied Headquarters in Austra­ ported today to have with-j Driver Is Held Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thomp­ clerk's office by Ir\-ing Traub of Norfolk, Va., Dec. 3 9 - (J*)—A Wright Field. Ohio. Dec. 29—(J*) London, Dec. 29 ig’) —A well- •bne In the 355th 'Technical son of Van Buren avenue. West 833 Park street, and Joyce L. he had been in Chicago, where the lia, Dec. 29.—(/T) —Allied troops drawn from the hill positioE thrust forward today along a Marine on a transport talked —Centralized control In the War posted foreign source said today l.^haol Squadron of the U. S. Army Hartford, have announced the en­ Sacher of 69 Sterling street, Hart­ IN THE DRY GOODS DEPTS. gang was rounded up, since Sun' have deepened their wetlge in the Corfw. A graduate of Man- In Auto Death gagement of their daughter. Miss ford. 300-miIe front spread fan- atheism all the way from the Unit­ Production board over the fiow of day and the seizure represented that Nazi Field Marshal Albert .six milefl northeast of Med-j Japanese lines In the Buna area Kbater High school in June of Mae E. Thompson, to Arvid H. ed States to the Solomon islands, materials to war Industry has weeks of careful planning and Kesselring had been shunted from jez-EI-Bab which they won ir FUR wise from Novaya Kalitva, of New Guinea despite desperate he enlisted several weeks .Seaburg, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ONLY but later when under fire at brought order Into what previ­ timing. his air command in the Mediter­ fierce fighting Christmas dayj ' and has been at Fort Devena.' ArWd H. Seaburg of 54 Walker just south of Rossosh, at the enemy attempts to the Al­ Local Man's Car Struck Guadalcanal told his chaplain: "If ously was a rather chaotic scram­ J. Edgar Hoover, FBI chief, Hunted Since OcL t ranean to a post on the Don front street. Miss Thomp.son attended edge of the Ukraine, to Kich- was in direct charge of the round­ lied trap with a long Naval shell­ communique from th« this keeps up. I’ll be thinking the ble for critical supplies. Brig. Gen. The gang bad been hunted since emen of Manchester are Pedestrian Who Dies Hartford Junior College and Mr. kino, deep in the windswept up of the "Terrible Touhy” gang Oct. 9 when Roger Touhy, leader ing and a futile counter-attack, in Russia because of the Axis fail­ United States War De A. W. 'Vanaman said today. nested to meet at Orange Hall O f His Injuries. Seaburg attended Suffield Acade­ Kalmyck steppe*. Where this way you do.” which was sma.shed by the FBI In of the gang that ruled Chicago’s General MacArthur’s headquar­ ure to halt the R.A.F. in Ubya. ment said the withdrawal lit at 7:30, from whence they my and Brown University. They front cut* acroM tbe Stalingrad'* The incident was related today Vanaman , commands the Ma­ Chicago last night and early to­ ters announced today. This source, who must remain made "after Inflicting severe march In a body to the Dou- are both employed by the Hart- The JWHALC COM teriel Center, at Wright Field, the day. Japanese warcraft, probably ualties on the enemy.” Gets COATS by Capt. C. A. Neyman, U.S.N. Tikhoretsk railway, the Russians (Contlnned on Page Two) anonymous, said Kesselring's re­ ia Funeral Home, to pay a flnal In town court this morning Roy ford-Connectlcut Trust Company. AAAMCHISTta COMH- reported smashing through Nasi officer-ln-cbarge of the Na'vy huge technical laboratory and stibmarinea, sent shells into the ported removal followed com­ broadcasts said that Nasi troop iilbute of respect to John Robin- M. Manchester, of 41 Delmont outer defenses to capture Nagol- Chaplains' school at the Norfolk planning agency for Air Forces Allied lines at Buna village for plaints by Marshal Rommel that had captured the height, and of 70 Spruce street who died street, was held in bond of $500 Gauruder-Kenton ny, three miles south of Kotelnl- Naval Operating Base, as an illus­ planes and equipment, where Ideas five hours yesterday, an Allied lack of proper air support result' ported an upsurge of fight ay afternoon. in connection with the death of tration his assertion that re­ are transplanted into actualities communique reported, In the first along the front to the south. On4 Mrs. Marj G. Kenton of 22 West Watch For The Date kovski, where the Germans braced ed in the rout of his forces by the Richard P. Hatfield, 68, of 310 for a terrific struggle. ligious response among Naval per­ and then submitted to exhaustive Naval shelling by the enemy In British Eighth Army. broadcast said an American atj Hilliard street at Memorial hos­ Center street announces the en­ ce W. Rush, son of Mr. tCJIOUSC^SON. Close* In From Three Side* sonnel is far greater In the Second tests to prove their worth. Wallace’s Proposal the New Guinea war. JThe com­ Kesselring was said to have been tack in central Tunisia west gagement of her daughter. Miss Mrs. William Rush of 214 pital Sunday afternoon as a result World War than in Its predecessor Talking to a grroup of reporters munique said the shelling caused Kairouan had been repulsed, Ruth Catherine Kenton, to Henry INC The Russian onsurge closed In succeeded' by Field Marshal Erwin Main atreet, came home for of injuries received In an automo­ from three sides of Kotelnlkovskl. of 35 years ago. permitted to visit the field and no damage. another reported that UnitI bile accident which occurred on Lawrence Gaiiruder, son of Mr. Von Wilzelten, who previously and the present week, the Important raU line citadel, Face To Face With ReaUtle* its laboratories, Vanaman said the Jap* Launch Counter-Attack had teen reported sent to North States troops had entered Broad street Saturday night. The and Mra. Joseph Oauruder of 691 The Valuable Premiums You Get for Your Green been commissioned a second and stood .aatride some highways "Officers and enlisted men of new arrangements with WPB does The bombardment began at Africa to direct Vichy forces there some 200 miles below Tunis, utsaant in the corps of engi- continuance was until January 27. Main street. East Hartford. The JWHALC CORB Stamps Make Shoppinii At These Stores Extra Profit­ not increase civilian control over For World Council midnight, and at the same time, the road to Sfax. before the Allied landings.' Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, medical ex­ o f escape at Its rear. the Navy are face to face with rs, having graduated on Dec. MANCH8STER COMM* able. Locked far In the rear o f this realities these days,” Chaplain aircraft production, but "it does In the Buna airstrip sector to the Second Bint of IMsfavor New Blow* At Supply Linn from the Officers' Candidates' aminer, after an examination stat­ Gelzwich-Fracchia Russian arc of steel. Field Mar­ establish greater order in that right, Japanese troops launched a Meanwhile British subz il. Port Belvolr, Va. He is a ed that death was due to a frac­ Mr. and Mrs. Loui.s Fracchia, DO YOU WANT TO they now know In Washington ex­ counter-attack, but were beaten and long-range United States tured skull. shal Fedor Von Bock’s 22 Nari di­ Continued on Page Hire* (Oontlnoed on Page Two) luate of Klngswood school and of 122 School street, announce the vision* remained surrounded be actly what they are doing before Seen Trial Balloon back by American and Australian itig fortresses and Lockb* College Engineering school. Edward Scott was fined $5.00 engagement of their daughter. START THE they ask us to do the impossible.' forces in a fierce engagement, Ughtnings dealt new bknra *t and costs for intoxication. Scott for* Stalingrad within an encir Mias Enes Fracchia. to Richard clement which the Russians dally Little More Than Oueas . _ headquarter* reported. Axis lane* of supply by sea was arrested Wednesday night at Getzwich, son of Mr. and Mra. NEW YEAR BRIGHT? Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ward of report drawing tighter. Schedules for production always Planned Global Econ­ Then Allied trm ps smashed for­ Navy to Lift land. lid. Mass., have returned hia home after a domestic fracas. Fabian Getxwich, of 162 Birch Students Told have been fixed after joint mill-1 J- * k J C C S ward and drove a wedge deep In­ The Admiralty announced Richard Gilbert was fined $5.00 This huge force still Is capable after spending the Christ- street. of furious resistance, and Russian tary-WPB consultations In Wash-1 omy Program Viewed to the Japanese defensive line at least two more Axis supp holiday and week-end with and costa for operating a motor ington, be said, but heretofore an along the narrowing coastal atrip. ships had been sunk and two i vehicle without a license. Gil­ dispatches indicate that it showed Not to Quit In Congressional Quar­ Ban on News family of their daughter, Mrs. no signs at sudden weakening. It accurate knowledge of the "billa No Quarrel To the left, in the Sanananda probably destroyed off th* ■ k J. Btraughan of East Cen- bert was found not guilty o f pass­ Evan Nyquist of Stephen street i t u r i t k and 8oputa track area, some Jap­ coast of Tunisia and along ■ a former mail carrier at the Cen^ is supplied by air only, and the of material,” the exact and specific ters as Test for Ad­ ■treet. ing a atop sign at Charter Oak material requirements, were lack-1 anese snipers and a listening post Italian coast near Naples. and Main street at 8 o'clock Wed­ ter post office, has been transfer Russians reported shooting down UCCONVILLE the German transport planes like Schools Yet ing and the schedules were little | dress to Congress by were reported wiped out while Al­ Of Casualties P-38 Lockheed lig h t nesday night. red from Fort McClellan, Ala., to IV l ----- FtOklSTS On Control iMeriin W. Cunningham, son of Seattle, Wash. He may be address­ clay pigeons. more than an educated gueas. lied troops kept up relentless pres­ struck across the -hrandth of ~~ Anne Cunningham of 9 Cook Drunken Driver Fined CKtCNHOuses t- NUKSimis ‘Our contracts were based onl Roosevelt on Jan. 7. sure against strong enemy resist' nlsia In a strafing attack on Joseph Parla, 19, of 163 Middle ed at the Embarkation A. P. O., PHONt $94; - JOJ woOOfiftlOOC Sf Growing Wider Dally it, who graduated December Seattle. Battlefront dispatches described Those Uncertain About ance. Aircraft and artillery joined Lists of Dead, Missing man truck columns moving from the Candidate officers' Turnpike West was convicted of H««<> Say, Agency in hammering at the Japanese gasoline and equipment along drunken driving on Thursday, OUR JANUARY the corridor which the Red Army Washington, Dec. 29.— (/P) Military Status Are And Wounded May Be __ school at Fort Monmouth, has driven between this trapped said Vanaman. "Then, if WPB said And Armed Services fortifications. road between Tripoli and Me \ J., has been commissioned a Dec. 24 and fined $100 and costs. —Vice President Wallace’s Score Three Direct Hits nine, 50 miles southeast at Parla was arrested by Officer Ray­ force and the main German Army Advised to Return to ‘Sorry, we can’t give you that Printed or Broadcast id lieutenant in the Signal much,’ well . . .” he ahrugged. Heavy B-24 bombers, ranging port of Gabes. mond R. Griffin for lights and as growing wider dally while the Not Fighting Over ; proposal for a world counci . I of the U. S. Army. He re- Russians. expanded their hold Colleges After Holiday ‘The new setup does introduce a off to attack at New Britain, In Full in Future. Allied headquarters in No led. to Port Monmouth, today found to be unfit to drive. Munitions Production. after the war to direct a plan Africa said they destroyed 311 . Joseph Phillips of 91 Autumn across the middle Don steppe and greater degree of order Into the scored three direct hits with 500' , ir a ten-day leave of absence, flow of materials, and we now man truck* street. Frank Varrlck and Clar­ along the Stalingrad-Likhaya rail Washington, Dec. 29—(iP)—Col ned global economy was pound bomba on a large cruiser at Washington, Dec. 29— (/P)—The •e is, a graduate of Manchester have a more realistic program Washington, De£. 29 — — Rabaul. The ship burst Into flames The War department connnv " jh and Trade achools and prior ence Powers, received suspended line. lege student* who are uncertain viewed in some congressiona Navy formally announced today Th* front la composed of these than ever before.” There has been no fight between and was probably destroyed, the que reported at least 13 other hia Induction In the army on judgment for intoxication over about their military statu* and that for the first time since the “1110, 1642, he was employed by the holiday. NOTICE three related operations: Vanaman’a command includes the War Production Board and the quarters today as possibly communique said. Hazy weather 1— Southwest of Stalingrad, wondering what to do after the the multi-million dollar plant at prevented accurate observation of war began its casualty lists of (ConGnoed on Page Fear) Western Electric company. Leonard' T. L^nd of 362 Hart­ armed services over control of mu­ trial balloon” for President where the Red Army has moved holidays were advised today to: Wright field, with several thou­ damage in a low-level attack on men dead, missing and wounded ford Road was found guilty of vio­ within Ught artillery range oI nitions production or control of The Beethoven Glee Club will lating the rules of. the road and Due To a Shortage of Ingredients "Go back to school and stay sand civilian employes and offi­ Roosevelt’s, address to Con- the harbor. may be printed or broadcast in Kotelnlkovskl, closing In on three cers, and four districta—western the civilian economy, in the ex­ Allied bombers also struck at It its rehearsal tonight. The fined $1.00 and costs. The arrest there until actually called into gress on Jan. 7. Wallace, who was full, without area restriction, and scheduled practice period will was the result of an accident on sides of the town. at Santa Monica, middle western pressed opinion of W P B ' Chair­ known to have consulted with the the airdrome at Gasmata in New We Will Close From A second Russian force has knif­ military service.” at Wichita, central at Detroit and Britain. the Army said that it would adopt i» held Monday evening, January Hartford Road Wednesday night. WktteSIde man Donald M. Nelson. president while preparing his the same policy. Flashes ! I In connection with the monthly ed Into the Kalmyck steppe to the Dr. Francis J. Brown, consultant eastern at New York—which more One intercepting enemy fighter Ignatius Sheridan, a transient Nelson today authorized report­ speech, said in a broadcast com­ The restriction that casualty (Late BolletinB of the Cff) W in ) tUinesB meeting. worker, was found guilty of in­ south, fanning out over a vast area for the American Council on Edu­ than double the number of em­ was shot down during a bombing and taking Kichklno, 42 miles ers to make public some off-the- memorating the birthday of lists would be made available for toxication and paid costs of court. Thursday Night, December 31 To cation, termed this the wisest plan ployes. Woodrow WUson last night that attack on Laivai and Guiloro in Lieutenant Harry Howland who north of EUlsta, the Kalmyck capi­ —regardleas of whether students Has Three Functions record statements made by him at Timor, the communique said. publication or broadcast only in Nszia Slay Mot* Poles Hearing Is Postponed the new freedom for which Wil­ the home localities of the listed been stationed recently in Testimony was heard in the tal. belong to the enlisted reserves or The command has three func­ a press conference last Thursttey. B-248 also strafed and bombed London, Dec. 26—(JV—Th* Monday Morning, January 4. Would Close Second Trap adding the stipulation that he not son fought was “the forerunner men, except in ceases where there York city, left for Miami, case of Paul Carlson of Gardner are subject only to Draft board tions: Ebcperlmental engineering, of the Roosevelt New Deal of 1933 the Finschhafen airdrome. Ush government In exile lorlda, after spending a Christ- A third force has driven up in­ action. the greater proportion of which be quoted directly. One Japanese float plane raided was natlfnal interest, was first today that in * new Nazi street, charged with drunken ■t... side the Don elbow northwest of and of the world-wide new democ­ announced personally by Pres* furlough at his home on driving, but Judge Bowers de­ To Consider Selection Is done at Wright field, and pro­ Aj^mlta Misconceptions racy which is the goal of the the harbor area at Merauke, palgn of extermination in Fo ■ land street. Kotelnlkovskl. where the Russians curement and production, both There have been misconceptions Dutch New Guinea, causing slight dent Roosevelt Dec. 12, 1941. 170 Potes had been slain in s i clared that he wished to hear ad­ were reported yesterday within 45 Meanwhile, a new educational United Nations in this present The new policy, worked out ditional witnesses and the trial committee meets today to consider top staffs at Wright field, but de­ and lack of understanding, he ac­ struggle. damage, the communique added. gle vUIage, Kltow, where the | miles of a juncture with troops centralizing their work, particular­ knowledged. but he declared he primarily by the Office of War In antq slfiw'ed mdstance to was postponed until the desired selection of an estimated 350 col­ Task of Generation formation in the interest Of fuller witnesses can be secured. from the north. This would close ly In the production division, to was absolutely certain there now overlordship. The report sa Davis a second trap around the Nasis to leges and universities to be used "The task of our generation— British Forces Retwh war news coverage, was applied to Carlson was arrested Dec. 24 at the district offices. A large was no opposition In the services had been 107 public hanglBga the east. in the specialised training pro­ the generation which President Navy Casualty List No. 19. to be 8:45 p m. by Deputy Chief Joseph Reg. 5 7c and 59c gram recently announced ^ the amount of the experimental work to the production scheduling work Vicinity o f Rathedaung towns in central Poland. 3—The fight around MUlerovo, also is done by commercial labora- newly undertaken by his produc­ Roosevelt once said has a ‘rendez­ released for publication in mom • * • A. Prentice after CarLson had Army and Navy. vous with destiny'— ” he said, "is New Delhi, Dec. 29— — Ad­ ing papers of Thursday, Dec. 31 stnick a parked car on Charter 42x36” 45x36” 42x38V2” tion vice chairman, Charles E. vance elements of the British Bevlsea Manpower Need* Home Bakery Auburn (OoBtlnaed oa Page Poor) The committee, appointed by (Oonttnoed oa Pag* Two) so to organize human affairs that and made available for radio WashlngtoB, Dec. 36—(JV-W a Oak street ow-ned - by Margaret Wileon. former president of Gen­ Cannon Duralite Percale and Manpower Commissioner Paul V. no Adolf Hitler, no power-hungry broadcast at 8 p. m. in all time .Manpower Commissioner Paul BEAUTY Harrison of 46 Rus.sell street. McNutt, Is composed o f seven col­ eral Electric Company. (ConGnued on Page 'Two) 519 Main Street Manchester Control of the civilian economy war mongers, whatever their na­ zones, December 30. .McNutt revised from 20JS00,00B i Ltidy Pepperel Percales lege presidents and two laymen, tionality, can ever again plunge Reaaons Not Explained 19,300,000 today his esGnantn Beauty expressed In sim­ experienced in government and an objective which some con­ Percale Sheets Court Decides q gressional and other sources have the whole world into war and There was no official statement the number of persons that will I plicity. Beauty bom of educational work. See N Labor bloodshed.” sympathy and true under­ attributed to Lieut. Gen. Brehon explaining the reasons behind the needed In war Indust:^' by the standing. John Burke Fu­ In Issuing his advice to students. Somervell, chief of the Army’s Senator Wheeler (D., Mont.), Trust Curbs new policy. of next year. On the other neral Home is a friend you Office Tangle Brown, who sat in on the military- Law Changed Service? of Supply—has never promptly commented that the Today’s formal announcement he'Baid that esGmates on the i can turn to for guidance Anderson BALSAM-WOOL INSULATION IS GUARANTEED TO SAVE FUEL Seconds Pillow Cases educational parleys prior to the been a fundamental Issue In the re­ people of this country must put a merely said: "Restrictions con number of persons to be In when help is needed most. joint Army-Navy special training I lations between WPB and the stop to "bureaucracy and regi Yet ill Force tained in Paragraphs 1, 2. 3.~4 and military services and in all 5 of previous memorandum cover The serenity and beauty of Lieutenant-Governor to Army, Nelson declared mentation" or face the prospect el Greenhouses lege youuu were up m me air I filer*.Differ About u Methods* of losing their democracy. of 1943 had been revised npw Is always In keeping with Succeed to Control over whether they should return ers See Failure Arnold Says Nation Anti- from 62.500.000 to 64,500,000. There always will be differences Some senators declared post­ * • • the dignity and solemnity Artistic to school after the holidays. war program makers should be (Continued On Page Two) O f Wisconsin Affairs. Rewriting Attempts. I m long as strong men Trust Laws Now Sus­ of the occasion. Tlie man­ |,ady May Have TuiUoa P*ld chary about drafting a detailed Named French Commander ner In ivhich every detail Members of the enlisted reserve! ^ i I have charge of the various aspects Floral Arrangements . I ot the program, he went on, but blueprint for the peace until they pended Is Erroneous. London, Dec. 29—(^7—Beni Is handled is in accord­ Madison, Wls., Dec. 29 —M’) Washington, Dec. 29— —Ad- these differences have had to do know what kind of governments said the French Army -hendqn ance with your every wish. The state Supreme court ruled to­ (Continued On Page Three) British Subs ters in North Africa announoed i We stand ready to offer for PqiperdI ministration supporters predicted with methods of getting the job and men they will have to deal Washington. Dec. 29. iJ’j — HEAT with at the conference tables. day that Gen. Alphonse Join, day that the 80-year-old Republi­ dignified service-when you failure today for any attempts by I flone, not on the main objectives. Thurman Arnold, head of the Jiis- nier military aide to Gen. Aug need It. can Lieut. Gov. Walter 8. Good' what they termed "reactionary J*** Usk is to p t agwment on Wallace said that "obviously the Weddings, Funerals, United Nations must first have tice Department's Anti-Trust di­ Sink 2 Ships Nogues, governor-general of M<| Percale land should take over “the powers ' the main objective and how to rocoo, had been appointed YOUR HOUSE Admits Slaying elements" to rewrite the nation's achieve it; and Nelson said it was machinery which can disarm and vision, says there is a widespread and duties” of governor of Wis­ later laws in the next Congress. mander-ln-chlef of French for Anniversaries All first quality Cases. Stock upi now at this his honest judgment that the keep disarmed those parts of the but errohfous notion among some In North .Africa. Juin thus wo low price. Fine qq^Iity percale Cases that will consin on Jan. 4, filling the vacancy Senator- Mead (D-NY) asserted Two Others Probably Est. 1922 Of Little Girl businessmen that the anti-trust succeed Gen. Henri Glraod wl wear for years. Limited quantities! • caused by the dsatb of Gov.-elect that legislation setting up * basic (Continued on Png* Two) (Continued on Page Three) laws have been suspended or abro­ has replaced Admiral Darlaa 40-hour week In industry would Destroyeil in Med iter- 15.3 Eldridgre Street Orland 8. Loomis, a Progressive. gated for the duration of the war. high commissioner in North withstand any assault in view of raneun Sea Attacks. ca. He was Vichy’s turn Goodland, who was re-elected to Former Convict Held 'general public knowledge that While to a "certain and well-de­ &7 E.CENTER 686« Phone 8486 Us third term as lieutenant gover­ fined extent our anti-trust laws in-chlet in North Africa when this legislation does not limit the armistice was signed at ' Alg FOR LESS CANNON nor, will succeed Republican Gov. After Confessing to total hours in which a may have had to yield to the emergen­ London. Dec. 29— * DURALITE CASES Loomis died of a heart ailment $ 1 . 9 8 the later picture appeared again House Small Busineas committee, Mediterranean and have probably If First Quality Dec. 7, Cincinnati, Dec. 38— (/P)—Act­ Makes Hit With President they have by no means been Two Dead In Flood* In * letter In which Senator Bailey Birmingham, .Ala.. Dee. in 42x38V^ Size The determination of a succes­ permanently discarded. destroyed two others, the Admir­ ing Detective Chief Patrick (D-NC) criticized Chairman Paul —Small streams receded INSULATE sor to the govemorsUp was placed Hayes announced today Anthony McNutt of the 'War Manpower The letter, dealing generally alty announced today. 8 2 .3 9 I St. Louis, Dec. 29—(JV—The Read .As Part of Sermon larger ones spread over before the .Supreme court At­ with the problems of small busi­ British War Relief XT h.H ***#*.*.,• commission for his refusal to con- first Ume Miss Helen Griffin ever Th* President and his wife Three of the enemy shifts were territory today as Alabama ' YOUR ATTIC WITH GUARANTEED torney General John E. Martin on Treat, 87, had confessed the imposition o f union InlUs- ness, was made public In part to­ sent a poem to a newspaper It heard It realKMj$ of the hit in the Gulf of Hammamet, on Sd two dead and many Gi LADY PEPPERELL Dec. II; arguments were heard by Christmas rape alaylng of 10-y**r tlon fees and dues upon war plant day by Patman. the east coast of Tunisia. A com­ t th* court on Dec. 14 and Dec. 21. clicked. I Washington Revi^nd Anderson’s of dollars In damage In floods old Helen Seller*, whoae tedy I worker*. President and Mrs. Roosevelt Deportment's Policy munique said a small supply ship the northern and western p*r High poarPs RoUng w*s found beneath an abandoned yesterday made public sermon in a Christmas morning The department’s policy, Arnold loaded with gasoline and another The high court ruled: heard It read and now they want service. They had* a chuckle 'and of the state.. .A moimtain PERCALE CASES freight shed last Saturday. I McNutt In copies. e plained, w^as to suspend proceed­ cargo ship were sunk and a tank BALSAM-WOOL 7 2 x 1 0 8 ” "On and after the fourth day of which the latter asserted responsi­ expressed their appreciation of the er was torpedoed and beached. which trapped hi* automoWI* In 42x36” — 45x36” And as soon as the pretty, 26- ings under anti-trust statutes the highway between Blr $ 1 . 8 9 January, 1948, there will be ‘T m guilty,” Hayes quoted the ble labor leaders were trying to jingle by asking for copies. v’hen either the secretary of .war Another British submarine, vacancy In the office of governor year-old private secretary calms and Chlldersburg someMnie BINGO If First Quality man who served two prison terms control "the occasional Irrespon­ Last night the St. Louis Rev­ or of the Navy believed prosecu- striking along the Italian home S eed ed ATTIC INSULATION and such vacancy reeults In the for aex-criniea. "I took the girl out sible leader who encourages prac­ down she's going to send them erend Anderson received the presi- coast near Naples, was reported to day night brought death to devolution of the powers and tijn would interfere with the war John M. KeUogg. staGoned at Double Green Stamps Given With of the saloon. She followed me tices of extortion." denUsl request from her son. She effort. The War Production board's have attacked and probably sunk $ 2 .1 9 duties of the office upon the lieut­ for three aquaret walking behind Interpreted ns Approval a medium-sized, laden enemy sup' Benning, Oa., and John M. ^ Tonight at 8 O'Clock Cash Sales in Dry Goods Departments enant governor for the residue of hardships—of ratioDlng'-“.Kris': which de. ««■ o " ” " ' power to grant certain exemptions son, 78, Bli inliighnm, COSTS SO LITTLi—SAVES SO MUCHI me." Bailey said he interpreted Mc- The poetess’ reaction? from the laws, Arnold added, has ply vessel. AU Day Tuesday the term ending on the first Mon­ “I had been drinking, Every-[Nutt’s letter as approval of the scribes a wartime visit from San­ when he stumbled Into doop ' day in January, 1945.” thing went black.” Imposition of Initiation fees In ta CHaua, la written in the meter ‘T m terribly excited. It was the been exercised sparingly and cau­ from his porch. ORANGE HALL The tribunal dismissed conten­ Rad Penlated la Denials cases not involving large sums of 'The .Night Before Christmas.” first time I ever sent s poem to a tiously. Germans Claim 13 FOB FKE n m U T I M FK l MWNM fRO NUMTMNh U U Slight misweaves or oil spots or uneven hems. Otherwise, Arnold asserted, the jracMda Now Divided Evenly Between British War No cuts, tears, or holes. We guarantee these tions of attorneys who opposed Police moved Immediately to I and declared a manpower policy It was printed In The St Louis newspaper. I wrote It for a pai>er Cargo Ships Sunk .Treasury Balance ilfedkf and th« Various Service Funds of the Nation’s Goodland’s claim to the governor- place murder cluirges a^natlbaaed on such a premise' was |filobe-I^mocrat Dec. 12. my sorority slaters put out and anU-trust laws "are fully as oper- Wasiilngton, Dec. 26— sheets just the same length of service as the first ahto by hUding: Treat who until this morning had I doomed to "failure. The Bev. Ada Stone Anderaon th* glria liked It so much that aGve and effective today as they Berlin (From German Broad- poslUon of the Treasury, Da*. The W . G. Glenney Co. quality. Fine quality Lady Pepperell p e t^ e . Th« JWHAL-C CORK That Governor Hell, through the persisted In denials that he knew Mead, before leaving tor New] clipped the poem and mailed It to sent It to The Globe-Democrat. have ever been.” with the division Receipts, $83,353,568.07; . Afhriiwdati posslng of the powers to the lieut anything about the slaying. her son, Howard Stone Anderson, "I certainly am gding to send ‘‘especially vigilant to see that the j casts) Dec. 29—(J’),—The German 25'Cents Coal. Lumber, Masons’ SappUes, Paint Limited quantities! a n c h is t m o n n York for the rest of the holidays, penditur^t 336 NO. .MAIN ST. TEL. 4148 MANCHESTER M C - pastor of the First (tongregational balancs. |8.306,788,|0Ltft, JCcnttnasd «a Phg* Xhi«*x (OobUmmA SB Tag* Zhroa^ (OsBttBaad sa'TB gs ZhrsaX oburcb la WMblngton. •a Fags Xhieax (CoatlBued Os Fsge ThreeX ' (Contisiied on Fag* Throe)' 3 / HANOI EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29.190l MANCHE8TEB EVENING HERALD. MANCJHESTBR. CONN. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29.1941 1 P A G E m

tumad blond wltn paroxide. A a. m. yeatsrday. He aald a fifth decides whether or not the requir­ regional hands, laying "this would week law has slowed down pro- bottia at peroxida w o found in tha iiAn was there part o( the time. '^Rush Seen Allies Deepen Navy to Lift ed aanterlala can be aUocated to Nazis Shift Wallace’s Propogal leavs to any federated world or­ du^on of munitions: flat. . "Of course I didn’t know who To Cut Down us. ganization problems Inv^'vlng Hired Farm . Students Told "Twenty million war workers Begin Inquii Tha FBI had takan an apart­ these men were,” Battagllia said. Budgeting Best Adviiee broad prindples and those pi^cU- going home to families embrac­ ment directly across the hall from Meteriels Allocated For World Council Wedge in Jap "They didn't say what their occu­ Ban on News "We’ll assume th at they O. K. ' Plane Chief col matters which affect oountllM ing thirty million more perSbns Foodstuffs the gang’s in the six-flat building. pation was but they treated me Draft Clerks of different regions or which offebt Labor Cut Not to Quit provide the answer tq. this ques­ On Range In It they stored an arsenal of fine; gave me $1 and |2 tips and K. We then get the general sched­ ule, through Gen. Echols (MaJ. From Libya Seen Trial Balloon the whole world.” ^ tion," Mead contended. "These Lines in BuW tear gas, machine guns and high $3 on Christm as.” To Be Given for 1943 In the couree of hie diecusslon workers and their > families know GroeeriM^ ^Report powered rifles. Of Casualties About 86 in This State Gen. Oliver P. Echols, AAF Ma­ Hundred Unable Schools Yet He said Federal agents rented terial Command), and WPB allo­ of a planned global economy, Wal­ that they put in 48 hours, many To Determine Why Snpej Moved Famlllefi From Floor rooms about a weak ago. (Oontianed from Page One) (Oonttanefl From Pago On#) lace t)imed to the domestic fu­ much more, every week. I There Is No (Costtnned from Dags In addition, they moved families Neighborhood residents said the (Onntinned tram Page One) To Be Dismisged on cates the materiale. Our produc­ Get Workers for (Oontiaoed from Pago One) ply in Massaehusetttl tion division then figures where ture with the assertion “it will be C)an’t Be Confused from the second floor to the third Federal agents '' must have made ^ ' Large Damages world which would break tbe Vital to moke sure that anqther "These workers and their fam­ in Evidence. forces pushing into western -Burma so that they could be evacuated TTie casualty Hat may be printed Jan. 1, It Is Reported. tha plenss can be built, end fixes The report on Kesselring was \ Must Be Watched Care-1 O sn sTime Jobs. Not Being Distributed^! elaborate plans for last night's the second recent indication that peace." period of unemployment does not who will be affected by the new ilies can’t be confused by propa­ have reached the vicinity of Rathe- through a sky-light in the event foray. Automobiles with motors or broadcast In full." the schedule—so many planes a Should Punlah Leodera come on.” He pointed out that it military training program will not SPbutford. D«c. 2»-i(4V-No rush daung, approximately 2S miles The numbered paragraphs re­ Hartford, Dec. 29—{/P)—State month from ‘A’ factory, so many he had fallen into disfavor, Ths fully By All During' In ClVll SuitS Storrii, Dec. 29—(iP)—The hired ganda that a law which requires Boston, Dec. 29— (J5 —Whltol it was necessary to besiegt ths running were parked at strategla- Moscow radio said on Nov. 18 that He added that "we must make had been euggested that “Congress be called for some time yet, he extra pay for is a law to food iltena (J«v*lop«>iiey carefully. Also necessary, he said, waa the Industries of city and farm he thought ail the Institutions (■The Paris radio quoted Bang­ and one 30-30 rifle. All were load­ a sentence Imposed in 1932. In his "3. M agazises whose publica­ in each area. mobile accident were filed today senting almost one fourth of the Way Hystem Works are.” second, escape in 1936 he pulled a ers on the two North African Better figure out ybur income tax "machinery for preventing eco­ We must have a national system 'would cooperate. - • Sullivan told reporters last! kok reports that other British ed and extra rounds of ammuni­ tion oover the nation in general , Conies From Washington in Superior Court by Judge P. B. nomic warfare. of Job placement. We must have estimated number of farms em­ Show More He referred to the experience troops had reached the Chindwin master switch which threw the fronts. pronto if you haven't done so al­ ploying regular workers. For the The ACE consultant said that night that the range oil distribu-j tion were uncovered. shall use only such names as have Robinson said the entire pro­ Because of Italian demands that O'Sullivan. International Court Probable ^ definite plans for the conversion of lUi coffee rationing to prove river valley in another push In the hunt so far. Hoover relat­ prison Into while he Nelson Sees ready because it’s going to be a group of 1,298 farm s reporting, the under the Army-Navy program, tion system worked like this: at ample supplies are made national significance or Interest. gram originated in Washington their home defenses be strength­ Jolt. And renfember, there’s leas The suits arose from the colli "Probably there will hgve to be key industries to peacetime work.” the enlisted reserves whose aca­ Faith Now The large companies import through the Chin hills of Burma to ed, the Federal agents have found climbed a 33-foot wail with a ‘!4. Local radio atatloas shall and bad been passed along to the Sion February 4, 1941, between an an international court to make de He concluded that the w ar "ivlll number of workers had dropped lavailsble as soon as the program the north. This was not confirmed $13,533.27 of money hidden by the cleverly contrived ladder. He waa ened, this source said, the Germans chance th at you’ll get a rise in during the year from 3,291 to demic term (quarter or semester) into the state. nes effective. use only those names whose next officials of each state. Reasons as are expected to send back at least automobile and a truck and trailer cisions in cases of dispute,” Wal­ have been fought in vain if we in They pass it on to a Jobber. officially, but the communi­ gang In various place.s. Several recaptured in January, 1937. No Quarrel pay in 1943 (what wltlv wage and carrying a ,55-ton shovel along 2,502, a decline of 24 per cent. ends in' 1942 are entitled to anoth­ (Continued from Page One) The State OPA chief said il, par­ the first accident. year a total of 1,618 workers left ends in 1943 are free to go back to Neyman •■laid. "Grim prospects le long in advance was to head national algniflcance or Interest." as the growing shortage of avail­ to face the new Allied threat from ticularly, or you'll run short. world system evolves will bave .questions as government versus school and finish it. confront them. tailer. the' recent tendency on the ish. tives began Dec. 16 In Minneapolis ter he was caught attempting to The formal memorandum to able men, completion of work on Celina LaBrie, administratrix of enough flexibility to meet chang' business," as he said the war had these farhis, a number equal to 46 Airdrome Attacked Twioe (Oontbined fm n Page One) the aoutb. 3. Budget your food — such per cent of all workers left these ”No student who is s member of ”I am constantly privileged to The retailer sells it to a ped^J of many consumers to buy when Nelson, using the name of blow a safe in the Swedish CTub press and radio editors was issued the occupational questionnaires, the estate of Remeo LaBrie of ing circumstances as they arise." brought forth a new type of indus­ dler. The bulletin also disclosed that Seeger, was arrested in the Henne­ In Chicago. things as meat, butter and milk Hartford, fatally injured in the farms, a number equal to 46 per the enlisted reserve will be called see with what frank acknowledge­ canned goods in view of the after Secretary Knox had said at elimination of some and simplitica- Without well-planned and vig­ trialist who was willing to cooper­ ment of eternal values many of The peddler distributes it to pri-i the R.A.F. had twice attacked the pin hotel. Stewart was arrested on E.acnpe of the seven despera­ merging of viewpoints was In bet­ Whale oil is used almost ex­ RK well as sugar and coffee. Vol­ second crash, was awarded $12,- cent of all workers employed a to active duty under this program ving shortage of these items. a press conference that the Navy tion of other forms requesting clusively in the United States in untary rationing in use of all com­ orous economic reconstruction, he ate with the government "in carry­ these officers and men face the'vale homes in quantities .smallei Most Declare Supplies Important Japanese airdrome at a Chicago street Dec, 19. does from Statevllle. Oct. 9, was data and the anticipated Increased ter .shape today than it has ever 840.50. George W. P. Andeerson, ing out socially desirable pro­ year ago. Half of them went to until at least two weeks after Msgwe yesterday in a follow-up would employ the tame policy as making soap, according to tho De­ modities may help prevent compul- said, a scries of economic storms industry.' about a quarter of them complt*??on of his first academic uncertainties of their Naval and than the others could or woul Iforeover, Mr. Bowles said, Hoover said he could give no in- one of the most spectacular in Il­ the Army. j, use of the so-called Manning been. H artford was awarded $36,000. He would follow the war—"inflation grams.” to a heavy aerial assault-.on the formatmn on other phases of the linois penal hlatory. The FBI en­ partment of Commerce. •sory rationing of more items. waa the driver of the first car and tn the armed forces and the rest term or semester which ends in patriotic service. I have had senior "’ith, registration for ration Book Not Contained In Code tables by Industry. To illustrate his point about Now’s the time to cut down your and temporary scarcities, followed officers come to me for supplies of Sullivan added that there ma; /o, 2 covering the new point sys- same objective Sunday. Magwe is cose w'hile it was under investiga­ tered the search Oct. 17 when, The tables list essential and atrong men clashing, Nelson took suffered injuries which were "ex­ to other farms. 1943,” Brown said, "and of about 120 miles east of Akyab, The reatrictlons on publication waistline. And to plan a victo^ by surpluses, crashing prices, un- them may not be called for along Bibles, prayer books, hymnals and;!^** even other handlers along of rationing, consumers will tion. He promised the bureau ironically, Touhy and Banghart non-essential occupations and are programs not connected with the tremely critical, painful and per­ British Press Comment The information wa-s compiled liiv. The first of ^ese attacks was would ’’very vigorously run down and broadcast were imposed by garden in your back yard to pro­ manent.” en.ployment, bankruptcy and in by Prof. Paul L. Putnam, chair­ time after that.” religious helps Just before sailing avs to declare the supplies of ra- were charged with failure to reg­ the Army and Navy, and are not to be used by war Industries to Army or Navy: High octane goso- some cases violent revolution.” Agrees Supply .Adequate ned foods on hand, and corres- made' by a formation of Blen­ anyone who aided the gang since ister for Selective Service. Hoover vide fresh vegetables. Matilda M. Anderson, wife of Generally Favorable man of the Farm Labor committee System Taken Timti It was time they could ill afford contained in the voluntary code make regular reports to local 1 ne and rubber. (Rubber Director Will Cut Size or Pay- He suggested that the United London. Dec. 29 — (iPi — 'Vice to spare from the incessant pres- Agreeing that the supply WZ Bg value of coupons will he heims, which were reported to the break from Siateville.'' had-described them as "two of the boards covering men in each cate- William M. Jeffers in a report to George, received $250 for damage ot the State Defense council, and "It takes a great deal of time adequate for the present despit have dropped bomba on a runway of censorship for newspapers. The Taxes; The first 1943 effect of to the car. States could provide "guidance, president Wallace’s proposal for will be used as the basis of a 1943 s((re and drive of readying ships ___ ted. Surrounded by newspapermen most desperate and dangerous Office of Onsorship does not at­ gory. Nelson recently demanded top technical advice and in some cases to set up such a system as this, the comparatively few deliverie ^Jtoanwhile, in Washington, ra- and among grounded aircraft and flanked by G-men who helped the new tax bill will be to cut Passenger Gets $4J)87 world peace and welfare council program to recruit additional and it would not be surprising If and . men for the tasks and -dan­ criminals at large.” tempt to censor official announce­ The non-essential workers or priority for the synthetic rubber capital investment to help those gers at sea.” Gov. I.a'verett Saltonstall tele 'Bg authorities indicated that Hurricane fighters then shot up smash the Touhy gang. Hoover The seven who apparently had down the size of your paycheck as William N. Hines, Hartford, was after the war drew generally farm workers from the ranks of many of the enlisted reserves phoned the Research division the airdrome in a low level as­ ments of the Army and Navy, nor those which can readily be replac­ plant construction program, de­ ----- NOW PLAYING------of Jan. 1. On that date the "vic­ awarded $4,587.38. He was a pas­ nations which are just starting on favorable comment from the Brit From the 80 or 85 chaplains in aacessary they would “freeze” read oS the criminal records and four pistols smuggled in to them, ed and who otherwise qualify for claring that other Important pro- the path of industrialization." city people, to replace high school were not called for several the Petroleum Administration aale of all canned goods to sault. backgrounds of each of the men say how they are to be presented tory” tax starts digging into your senger in the Anderson car as ish press today, although the boys and girls in farm Jobs, and months,” he added. the nation's peacetime Navy, the commandeered a garbage truck in to the public. draft purposcii will thus gradually gi-aiM, Including high octane gaao- lothor oi "THE THIN MAN'^ number has soared to approxi­ Washington and said that, aa ill widespread panic buying, Hurricanes also were' reported captured or killed. the pri.son grounds, drove to the pocketbook—6 per cent on all that was LaBrie. Exchange Proposed Laborite Daily Herald professed to to train women for full-time farm As for the "strictly civilian stu­ result, Robert Hull would arriv to have severely damagea a Ja­ There waa no modification of be drained off., were in such direct competi­ eaiH IIU NASIMITT you make over $12 a week. The Anderson car. the memor­ In opposition to what he called see "the calculating viewpoint of mately 700, many of whom have leans generally appear to be Probation and parole figured In mechanical shop, forced a guard Today’s order does not affect work. dents,” Brown pointed out that here today tn study the situatlonl g the government’s appeal panese river steamer on the Irra­ the voluntary censorship code re­ tion for materials that he was not (The deduction which your em­ andum of decision sUtes, crashed "high tariff, penny pinching, iso­ big business” in his address last Wage% Show IncrmiNeH been equipped for their new work the histories of most of them and to unlock some ladders, then drove personnel of the draft headquar­ hopeful of completion "before the McNutt recently estimated more aVthe Chaplains’ schoi I here, the In addition, approximately hoaraipg, they added, waddy. Hoover declared "I emphasize quest that information about cas­ ployer makes from your pay may hcadon into the caterpillar treads lationist policies,” Wallace pro­ night in' Washington. One question on the survey con­ regional OPA inspectors hav to a tower in the prison wall. ters at Hartford. danger deadline.”) Declaring that such a view "it than 1.50,000 medical, dental, vet­ only one in the United State(i. admitting that buying Ix)sa of one I'.ghter in these mention of these paroles because There they fired on the tower ualties obtained from next of kin, not come out exactly to 5 per cent of the shovel which extended over posed an exchange of "post-war cerned farm wages and the re­ erinary, engineering and other been assigned to Investigate avea have developed in some operations was acknowledged. before release of official casualty Bound To Be In Oppoeltlon g la sW e y ’* of the excess—that’il be because the center of the road. Judge surpluses for good, for peace and too much in evidence for our lik­ turns indicated increases from 23 Course Covers Eight Weeks range oil problem. I think it stinks.” guard, Herman Kross, wounded ing," the paper said that Wallace special science students would be The school was established last I of the country which, if con- He said be believed In "parole list^, be confined to local publica­ The heads of two such programs he's using a scale of deductions O’Sullivan declares that there for improving the standard of liv­ to 26 per cent. Farmers who an­ kept in school through a new tem­ A fter a day of waiting liesid iilm, climbed up the ladders, seiz­ tion or broadcast and that no de­ MUM DONIEVY drawn up by the government to were lights on the front of the "stresses the fact that 'export February and Chaplain Neyman might require quick and decently administered" but con­ ed two rifles, ammunition Kross’ are bound to be in opposition to ing of so-called backward peo- swered this question reported that porary draft deferment order. In empty pumps, a number of ic action. Americans Destroy tail be published or broadcast. Brings Order each other. Nelson sold, because to vnoNica lAEC S(n,pllfy his arithmetic problems; tractor but nothing to indicate to ple.s.” m arkets’ will be opened by improv­ was placed in charge with a staff demned the practice of "turning pistoL and the keys to Kross’ au­ they were paying men. with board addition, the manpower chief said of regular Navy rhaplains to as­ diers corhplained to Sullivan tha Halag Own System es’ih man his own Job is the moat in any case, it'll add up to the Anderson that ar unusually large Granting that there must be co­ ing the living standards of back and room, an average of $49 a they obtained no range oil. Three Jap Planes rats like these loose on the streets tomobile. It was parked outside a u n LADD object waa headed his way and ward races. plana are being made for the gov­ sist him. The course covers eight Another check of local food With American Air Forcee in to Indulge in gunplay against in­ important one. The man in charge same thing in the long run.) operation between the United Na­ month a year ago. but are now In the Charlestown section, indicated for the second the wall. The convicts went down Uncharted Reef Hit Out Of Fight Remember, too, that this deduc­ partially blocking his half of the "It may well be." The Daily ernment to finance the college weeks, six of which are devoted to China, Dec. 27— (Delayed)—(JP)— nocent citizens.” the tower stairs and sped away of rubber, for example, says we PLUS tions after the war 'to establish paying $62. Men with families schooling of a number of civilians academjc instruction and two to lice acted upon the residents’ alnoe the announcement Sun- Brig. Oen. Claire L. Chennault’s must have rubber regardless of tion (which is in addition to the highway. "The inevitable occur- and maintain a permanent peace. Herald added, "that Mr. Wallace were hired a year ago for an av mands for oil by obtaining night that sales of canned The Touhy raid. Hoover said, in the car. By Battleship I HENRY 1 LYDON In one per cent for social security) red,” Judge O'Sullivan comment­ in these comments was merely a a well aa service men. practical field work under exper­ fighters and bombers destroyed brought to 24 the number of (ier- Thereafter they slipped through anything else; Nelson said he "Henry Aldrich. Editor” Senator VVheeler told reporters he erage of $48 a month, with house "It is obvious." Brown said, truckload of 300 gallons. It are running about normal, Washington, Dec. 29—(/P)—Sec- | For Supplies Won't reduce the amount you have ed. acting up to his reputation as ienced chaplains. distributed at the police station three enemy planes, probably sons killed by the FBI in the last an elaborate police block­ retaiy of the Navy Knox said to- 1 agreed—that you can’t win the did not believe any such result and "privileges,” while , the aver­ "that the military leaders are anx­ Protestants, Catholics and Jews only a few grocers declar- to pay on your regular income tax LaBrie was thrown out of the could be reached through regimen­ shrewd politician. . . . Whether five-gallon tins. marked off two others and created ten years while capturing 55,000 ade. On Dec. 18 Chicago police day that very early in the war an war without rubber, but he added THURS. - FRI. AND SAT. car to the pavement. Anderson age now ia $98. ious to get as many educated men receive the same training -con­ that there was some evidence havoc among Japanese ground (Ointlnaed from Paie One) on March 15 and later due dates in tation of free enterprise. that be so or not. The Daily Herald In spite of the labor shortage, extra buying. Retailers have criminals. This has been accom­ credited the Touhy mob with hi­ American battleship had struck | you can certainly lose the war if ----- ALSO — »- 1943. The rebate-credit provision remained behind the wheel and does not agree that the secuiity of as they can and the sensible ducting service.s, counseling men, forces in a aeriea of sweeps plished, he said, with the loss of jacking an armored truck carry­ an uncharted reef but had long you don’t have hundred-octane was there when a car driven by "As I read Vice President Wal­ worst in Connecticut since the thing for the average youth to do discipline and the basic duties of eCfecting a rationing system against enemy bases In Burma tories under materiel center au- of the victory tax provides for an lace's plan, farmers, labor and new markets for exploitation days of World W ar 1. I^rofe.ssor their own for a month to six only 13 agents In gun battles. ing $20,000 near a w ar plant in since been repaired. gasoline. NEW YEAR’S EVE adjustment at taxpaying time in j Arthur Kaufman, Hartford, crash- should be a prime consideration in is to stay in school ns long a.s Naval officers, administration of and western Yunnan province to­ "Beet Talent" Used the West Chicago suburbs. Tbe secretary was asked at a pervision. The programs conflict right business must all be regimented Putnam pointed out that the farms possible.” .saciaiiients as they are condition­ I by limiting sales to one can day. As Vanaman explained the op­ 1944 and annually thereafter. | rd iuto the Anderson car, shoving after the war as well as during the planning the post-war settlement. s particular vegetable or fruit The "best talent" In the FBI "It looks as though the Touhy preae conference regarding reports down the line. Both types of plant MIDNIGHT SHOW! So you’ll hare to finance your fhe car onto LaBrie. He died three Nothing could be more fatal to the reported a 4 percent increase in ed by service requirements, han­ For the fourth time in eight participated In the raid. Hoover gang has come out of hiding to that such a mishap had occurred, erations of the center, the Experi­ use the same valves, same heat days later. war to accomplish the desired re­ the number of cows, and 11 per dling of libraries, athletics, relief ("aiV n customer. days a flight of American bomb­ Income tax out of_ reduced pay- sults.” said Wheeler, a leading peace than to encourage dividend- 'On other scarce commodities, said, and expressed gratitude to get a stake," said Lieut. Thomas and he replied, ■ “I don't think mental Engineering division, head­ exchanges, same instruments and checks. On net income, after ex­ 'The tractor-trailer waa driven seekers to believe they will find it cent increase in the number of agencies, recreational and welfare ers escorted by fighters went the.Chicago police department for -velly at that time. ed by Brig. Gen. F. O. Carroll, many of the same components. by George W. Alexander. Somer­ non-interventionist before Pearl laying hens and a cash crop acre­ See No l^ibor activities, cooperation with physi­ as bacon and butter, sales after the huge Japanese airdrome there's any barm in saying that in emptions and contributions, etc., Harbor. highly lucrative to support plan­ been restricted to quarter "admirable” aid in bringing In the the very early stages of the war "starts with the Idea that comes Nelson said his Job was to recon­ the rates will total 19 per cent in ville. an employe of the Hall com­ ning of world prosperity.” age which showed no decline from cians. correspondence and inter­ at Lashio in Burma and added ap­ Touhy mob. from the needs of the service. We cile these points of conflict so that pany. "Germany tried that before the the previous year. Three fourths views, preaching and reading. half pound weights and, in preciably to the destruction al­ one of the battleships did hit an ' the lowest brackets (6 per cent critical was The Daily Liiw ('h alites atores, only to regular cus- Leading the hunt in addition to Factor Will Move uncharted reef and was repaired a have to be a Jump ahead of what all important programs move for­ normal, 13 per cent surtax) war. establishing the greatest bu­ Sketch, which declared: ot the farmers said they expected ready done. the Air Forces are going to need reaucracy the world had ever to maintain or livestock Bers. Another American force deliv­ Hoover were Assistant. Directors long time ago.” ward together and we get hun­ Seek Smaller Payments "There is no suggestion of isola­ 'The voluntary ration plans In- C. A. Tolson, E. J. Connelly and With More Freedom in the future—not Just In planes, dred-octane gasoline to keep the What can you do to ease your known. It led to dictatorship and numbers and crop acreages in (Continued From Page One) AT FIRST ered two devastating :ow-level at­ Ciucago. Uec. 29—w'l -John No Details Given Poem Makes Hit tionism in Mr. Wallace’s confes­ 1943. by the stores themselves Richard Glabln; In.spector Myron He gave no detail of the' occur­ but in all equipment. planea flying at the same time we situation? Well, if you’re paying unless the people of this country sion of faith. There is no thought SIGN OF A asimi tacks on Japanese troops and a (Jake the Bai’ocr) Factor 'is go- "We were thinking four or five put a atop to bureaucracy and ^ DRAND c A i not entirely satisfactory, ac- supply concentrstlon at Mengmao Gurnea; Spencer Drayton, special rence nor did he say where it oc­ get rubber to keep the mechanized on a mortgage, try to got it re­ of chaministic high tariff poli­ told reporters "fifty million aver­ to one grocer, since there ,ng to visit a lot of places he years ago, for instance of planes Army rolling. Such clashes are financed, with smaller annual pay­ regimentation after the war. our on the Burma road. 30 miles agent-ln-charge of the Washing­ .labn'i. . been In lately. curred. Willi Roosevelt cies.” Brili8li Subs age Americans know there is no hlng to prevent the public ton, D. C., office, and W. G. Ban­ The reports about which the th at would fly 500 miles an hour, not fighting, he said: they are the ments. democratic republic will be lost to The Sketch called Wallace the across the Salween river in west­ Inionned of the capture of them and totalitarianism will fol­ prohibition against any man work­ shopping at several etores ern Yunnan province. nister, special Bgent-in-charge of secretary was told were that the although the practical tactical rubs that inevitably occur when Make sure that you get full ad­ ’’champion of the eentiiry of the me buying a can of soup or some Koger f'uuhy and Basil Banghart, plane of that day was one capa­ vantage of the rebate-credit pro­ (Continued from Page One) low in Its wake.” ing more than 40 hours a. week, All Planes Return Safely the Oklahoma office. incident had occurred in the South strong men are doing their Jobs common man,' as against those of Sink 2 Ships despite efforts of .some to make it USE _etable a t each. Borne (ood mer- kVhu liad kidnaped him for ransom ble of around 300 miles an hour. for all they are worth. Whenever vision of the victorj’ tax so you Concrete Details Unwise Although terrific anti-aircraft Hoover said the FBI was not n 1933. r actor kissed his wife Pacific. his fellow rountrynien who hail appear that the basic 666 TABLETS, SALVE. N0$E DROPS w menem ^uuits also said they suspected fire damaged three bombers and InvesUgattng the Statevllle pri.snn The secretary also said, in re­ We have now some designs that there is complete harmony, he can apply the credit against your copies to President and Mrs. Senator Burton i R.. Ohio) said the future aa 'the American cen­ at more than one member of a break because It wqs out of his ^aoilani.y, orucred a whopping are astounding, some you might added, we are not doing enough. Income tax in 1944. he thought it was "wise to think tury’.” (Continued from Page One) slightly wounded at least two ..1'caKi.a.ii. and gave the bellboy an sponse to other questions, that the Roosevelt.” oily was buying in the store Jurisdiction. With a smile he say were impossible—airplanes, Never Fundamental Conflict To do this, figure out the credit about the things to be done after “It would indeed be premature.” the same time, but, they added, crew members, all the planes re­ oye-popping tip. Navy did not plan to release its you’ll have coming (25 per cent The poem: high command declare<( in a spe­ turned safely to their bases. said the FBI was Interested in the enlisted men over 38 as the Army flying backward, and that kind of In the same sense, there has Twas the night before Christm.^s the war. but unwise to go Into con­ The Daflv’ Telegraph declared edi­ was nothing they could do gang only because of violation of Tne louny mob claimed it was thing—but we’ve got them, in de­ never been fundamental conflict of the victory tax for a single per­ crete details at this time.” torially, "to assume that all sec­ cial coniriiunique today that in a out i t Out on an early morning recon­ aanied in tti'e factor kidnaping intends to do where possible in the son. up to a limit of $.500; 40 per and all through the house two-day running attack Axis sub­ naissance flight, Capt. Grant Ma- the , selective service law by cases of men who were drafted. He sign and In experimental models.” between WPB and the Army on The only one able to stir was a Burton said he thought "thase tions of the American people, even One local grocer, warning that changing their address without .md Koger foully waa reported to The Procurement section, under who decides what the Army wants, cent for a married man, up to a things which must be done to win marines had sniH.sher! a convoy lie buying won’t do consumers hony of Vallejo, Calif., started off .,ave snom that' ' some day he'd explained that such a policy would $1,000 limit, plus 2 per cent for mouse. since Pearl Harbor, are yet as bouiid south from Britain and what proved to be a 'uad day for notifying their draft board in flee­ not apply to ths Na'vy because the Brig. Gen. A. E. Jones, takes the when it is wanted, and where It Is the next battle" should be separat­ acutely impressed by the logic of By good, pointed out that thoseJ „eliie the score, iso wuen I'ouny, wanted. Nelson said—that is each dependent, up to $100 each.) The rest of the family, from Papa sunk 15 cargo ships totaling 85.- Now Open For Inspection the Japanese by peppering a train ing from Ststeville. | ideas after they have become ac­ ed from "those that can take events as ourselves., Attempting to do any hoarding -j.ingnart and nve other convicts Navy has not heretofore taken strictly a Job for the fighting Then see that you spend that on down. . OOfl tons as well as a destroyer near Mamyo, in Burma. He added that Banghart was in men through Selective Service and tualities, and goes shopping among Were soundly asleep after hiking time,” with care to avoid any they have moved far. and last will probably consume the ..’em. over the wall at Statevllle the manufacturers. All contracts forces. much in 1943 for: and a corvette among the escort­ "I atrafed it from the end to the addition a federal fugitive. , i therefore would not be affected by from town. di.scu8sion now that might cause night’s broadcast by Henry Wal­ ing vessels. foods before the ration plan engine,” said Mahoney, "and on ..eniientiaiy last Uct.' 9, Factor for air forces equipment are W PB's Job. however, is to te ll 1. Life insurance premiums (on friction among the United Nations into effect anyway. I Ail three men captured a t the ..ent mto semf-retirsment. the recently announced Selective insurance in force on Sept. 1, lace . . . was a good example of Three other ships received tor­ my second pass the whole train ' Kenmore avenue place were i signed here, and the amounts run the services whether all such pro­ r and possibly hinder, the war effort, the efforts being made by leading Factor lives on ths north side Service policy against drafting grams are posaible when Iqmped 1942). The buses went flying right past pedo hits, the broadcast said. The tvaa clouded In steam and smoke.” j asleep when the FBI turned on ' men over that age. to millions of dollars a month. them pell mell Wallace's speech, which had American state.«nien to educate Oottas Smuggling W’orry and wnen intormed that the fugi­ Prepares Speoifleationa together with tbe eaaential needs 2. Reduction of outstanding been announced 10 days ago by climatic sinkings were said to 30 New the speaker system that could be tives had hidden out on tne ,.P)—Sec­ and exercises supervision over the Nelson said he believed full un­ EVENING ..17c-33c-44e overseas to reach listeners' in the were arrested and charged ISelson Surremlers retary of the Navy Knox reported derstanding had now been arrived If your payments for the.«ie taking a rest. the Atlantic," The Daily Telegraph London said that the convoy was 1th smuggling S3 pounds of serving in SUteville a 99-year contracting manufacturers, to a items don’t equal the total credit United Nations, eneniy countries added, “that prospects'of a stable American and that it had been “Johnson-Built today that "a completely satisfac­ great extent through the district at; that WPB’s production execu­ THURSDAY NIGHT coffee across the river. (Continued from Page One) term for the kidnaping of John W ithout Utruggle tive committee headed by Vice allowance, the rest will become The kids sn((ggled close in 65-de­ and neutrals of both hemispheres. and enduring peace depend large­ followed until it was near the (Jake the Barber) Factor in 1933. at. Paul, i)ec. 2o- uPj—Mathew tory formula” had been worked offices. The latter also perform 7 P. M. TILL 2:30 A. M. French (perhaps French North out for - restoring a measure of Charman Wilson provided a meet­ post-watj credit (in the form of gree heat Gives .Answer To Critics ly on the extent to which the Uni­ Factor described Banghart as the .N'viaon, one ot the men who es­ a number of other functions, such 7:30 P.M. Till 2:30 A. M. government securities which will The vice president answered ted States proves willing to play a African) coast. Northwest gang circles during the most cruel of his captors. civil control, in the Territory of as renegotiation and adjustment ing place for the ereminatlon of And dreamed they had icicle toes caped irom prison in Illinois with bear no interest and which you on their feet; , critics who said he favored “hav- part Tn its maintenance, commen­ (The high command conimuni- prohibition era. and six others Hoover said the Touhy mob was ,h)ger Touhy and Baaii (The Owl) Hawaii which was placed* under of contracts, and provision of new coiiflicta, and that there was no Last Show 12 Midnight! opposition from ths services te ths won’t be able to transfer or cash The baby, in dreams, bounced a i’ American farmers give away surate with her power and re- que, as recorded in New Tork. .said fought and clubbed their way out the most vicious in criminal his­ uangliart, decided to be a good military government following tae manufacturing facilities. All Seata After 9 P. M. until after the war). •sourcea. . . , siiyiply that it was a convoy sail­ Hornes^ of Statevllle penitentiary near tory, overshadowing the Johi. Dll- Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor Tbe initial step toward putting type of production scheduling and synthetic ball a quart of milk a day to every in­ M a h ie u 's Doy when Minneapolis City De­ mesMng that Wllaon propo^ to Thursday. 60c, Tax Inc. In any case—budget your spend­ And saw plastic soldiers march habitant of the world” and who One of Wilson’s Mistakf^s ing south from England, i Joliet. linger and Barker-Karpls gangs in tective Ed Ryan and agents ot the Dec. 7, 1941. Wright field's production and pro­ ing. so you won’t get caught Touhy and his first lieutenant, many respects. He said Riat final arrangements do. ‘ on the wall. referred to his suggestions as "One of Woodrow Wil.son’s mis­ LocalPfl on Rpiiton, Braiifonl aiul Durkin Sim is in '^lanrliPHlpr. 183 Spruce Street h B1 entered his room at the Hen­ curement staffa to work is taken short. "Utopian," "soggy sentimentality’^ takes after the la^t war was to lay Perfee-t .\tlem lanre l^m'ord Basil Hugh (The Owl) Banghart, Secrecy clouded all movements nepin hotel in Minneapolis at ,S:3U for taking this step would be "an­ by the tactical command in Wash­ Rationing: The need for budget­ a desperate criminal who boasted of the FBI until Director Hoover nounced shortly.” In his sleep Papa uttered to Santa and the "dispensing of milk anti undue emphasis on sentimental in­ p.m. Dec. 16. ington, which decides how many ing use of fuel of), sugar and cof­ honey.” ternationalism in his endeavors to Shelton (A*! - Friends of Miss These houses huill under F. H. A. inspeclion will stwin l>e ready for occupancy. A "no Jail can hold me,” surrender­ wag ready to lay the entire story A spokesman for the FBI here The secretary attended a con­ pip nes. and of w hat types, will be this plea, Ethel Smith claim for her the Sauerkraut, ^ fee already Is apparent. When "If you’ve any old tooth-paste He asked waa it "Utopian to persuade his countrymen to ac­ down payment now will permit the buyer to the wallpaper and effect his or her ed to FBI agents this morning of the hunt and capture before the today said Nelson had been located ference at the War department needed during a certain period to canned goods are rationed after national Sunday school attendance largest can...... IO C public. The first indication that yesterday of representatives of the FUN — MUSIC AND GAIETY — IN OUR tubes bring them to me.” foi’esoe that South America. Asia cept their share in the manage­ without a shot being fired. With in AiinneapoUs and officers sent to accomplish a planned undertaking. January you’tl have to budget ment of world affairs. record. Sunday’s session at the own color scheme. them wae Edward Darlak, 32, something was stirring came when his room round him lying on a bed^ War, Navy, and Justice depart­ "Suppose," said Vanaman. "they And Mamma, delirious, smiled in and Africa will in the future ex­ a Federal agent walked into the ments. . them, too. perience a development of indus­ "That mistake is not being re­ Methodist church Sunday school serving 199 years Imprisonment when ^ia door was forced. He decide we need 5,000 planes of the GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY When the new nation books her bed completed 40 years of .erfect at­ Seedless for the murder of a policeman. Summerdsle district police sta­ Security Problem Discussed As lislons of coffee beans danced try and agriculture comparable to peated this time. The appeal moat reached lor a gun under his pillow, P-2000 type (there isn’t any such MINIMUM $2.00 PER PERSON come out shortly after the first of likely to Influence the American tendance- 2.080 Siindavs for her. Raisins. Last night two other members tion, told the desk sergeant an im­ then'thought oetter of it and -ur- 'The problem discussed, he said. plane, of course). That decision is In her head. That has been expelienced in the portant raid waa coming off and the year, you’ll have to get ac­ past In Europe and North Ameri­ people ia one founded on practical Consider these outstanding advantages 2 lbs. for...... J t w Q of the gang, Eugene Lanthorn, rendered without a atruggle. Involved first, the preservation of referred to WPB. which then asks INCLUDES FOOD AND DRINKS quainted with “point rationing"— better known by his alias of James that the entire block should be military security around America's The’nylons that hung by the chim­ ca? Is it soggy sentimentality to and prudential considerations,” barred to automobiles and pedes­ Nelson who has been held by the us in production here what the re­ GEORGE SMITH’S MUSIC Ifn probably be applied first to All papers gave the speech O'Connor, and 8 t C^alr Mclner- FBI here since his arrest will Gibraltar of the Pacific, and sec­ quirements will be. We supply that ney were rare. »’old out hope to those millions In trians. ond, the desire on the part pf meat after canned gooda—which Europe and Asia fighting for the great prominence. Typical of the [1] Lot Located in t»ne t»f Manches­ Choice of .T Plans. Farina. ney, were ehot down when they ptvbabiy be returned to JoUet, lU., Information to WPB, which then WITH TONY. OBRIGHT AND HIS XYLOPHONE will call for careful budgeting. Indeed, if you find some, 8t. Nick headlines were: 20-oz. p kg...... attempted to eSoape from a hiding Reporters gained entry to the prison. . many people to restore as large a put them there; cause of human freedom, our free­ ter's Finest Residential .Sections. F. H. \. F'inanced. I wC Norwood apartment building degree as possible civil control. Point Scale Not Figured Tet News Chronicle—"U. S. Prom- place surrounded by FBI agents. When he escaped be was servuig Essentially, point rationing The packages wrapped up in “V" dom? Is it the dispensing of milk Previously Mathew NeUion, whose where O’Connor and Mclnerney Some activities, Knox said, and honey tc pictui:e to their to Take a Hand in World’s [2] Steam Heat. Cit.VjJias Service. were slam, some four hours after a 20 year term for robbery, hav­ ENDS TODAY: means that certain items in a ra- shapes and seals. Post-War Tasks.” correct name is Martilick Nelson, naturally can be most effectively Walter's Restaurant Said Hirohito 'and Hitler are fast minds the possible blessings of a Pancake Flour, m the shooting. The bodies were re­ ing been committed in November, "FOOTUOHT SERENADE” cw^Xioned classification (m eit, forex- Express - "Allies Will Clean up [:i] Plumbing. Near Mus System. alias Harold Seeger, and William 1939. He also waa serving a flat 20 handled by the civil authorities Formerly Dante’s (At The Center) on our heels. higher standard of living when the SO-oz. pkg...... Iw C moved and the agents departed, and will be put into civil hands as "KID GLOVE KILLER” ample) will "cost” more in cou­ Nazi Poison Schools; Tariffs for Ste.wart had been captured secret­ still silent. year sentence as a habitual crimi­ pons than other Items. A pound of v/ar is oyer and their own produc­ 'New' Nations.” [4] Fireplace. Near Churches. Schwils ■ and ly by the FBI. quickly and fully as possible. And out in the pantry, in sarcastic tivity has increased?" The fugitives who fell into the nal. His true name is Martllck steak might take eight points in Daily Ifail—”ir. S. Plan to Re- [.i] Two Largein ie Rw>ms .\vailahle On Minutes Walk From Center of Captured In Apiu’Unent 'Nelson. Lieut. Gen. Delos C. Emmons is sham. World .Actually Smaller Shemeld Milk, G-men’s trap had been occupying coupons .where a pound of ham­ civitize* Germany’s Children.” FIAKORN Flw» .Manchester. Touhy, Banghart and Darlak commander of the Army’a Hawai­ Stood saccharin candy, and Jelly The world t(xlay, as measured Second 8 tall cans . . . . jC w C a two-njom third floor apartment. burger might cost only one point. were captured early this morning Agents had taken roofns a short ian department and military gov­ and Jam, b" travel time, Wallace said, is in an apartm ent a t 5116 Kenmore ernor of the territory. The Navy’s Circle Actually, the point scale for meat CORN MUFFIN distance down and across a wind- MANfMI STTR hasn't been figured out yet. It’ll While an egglesa and butterless, ecbially smaller than waa the NOTH: Steam heat, brass plumbing and ga.>s,.service in new: construction are nowr avenue without- a shot being fired. Ing hall. To Protect Youth interest arises from the fact that sugarlesa rake, United States of 1787, and it is in Trust Ciirlts Libby Peaches, ^ ^ ^ Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, com­ WED. AND THURS. depend on the supply—the scarc­ out for the duration. Their presence in these htiusifs gives them extra, The FBI had erected floodlights TT>eere were peepholes drilled in est items will have the highest With its gay decorations, denfed that kind of world that (he United MIX largest can ... O U C about the building to guard the door of the room used by the mander in chief of the Pacific Dtamerwore Free Te the Lodlesl mSBBWBIHMWnigWfRir it was fake. Nations soon must decide upon outstanding values. From War’s Evils fleet, is also si^reme commander point value.' ' Yet ill Force against any slipaway In the early agents. Their quarry evidently Monty Woolley And these values will be c)iang- the guiding principles of ' the morning darkneas. Agente manned came up the stairs, unsuspecting for the entire Pacific area. C TA TFI ncKETS now oh sail There waa Sis In her Wack suit, worldwide new democracy they TENDER AND CRISP. Libby’s the roof of the building and others, H artford, Dec. 29—(IP)—A rep- As ed os conditions change and some ALL ONE PRICE DOWN PAYMENT Corned Mutton, last nli^t. Itenns become scarcer or more and Bud _^wearing winga. hope to build. ((Vintinned from Page One) Com muffini with that real heavily armed, were posted across Residents surmised Utst the resentstivs of the ..Connecticut plentiful. Reminding us gravely of war e Now the United Nations, he home-made texture and fla­ 12-oz. c an ...... ths street. waiting agents opened their door, Humane Society will patrol Hart­ Wife Brings Suit bitter stings; said, "are groping for a formula w ar effort is not used os a pre- vor. ‘That’s whit FIskorn 35c ford streets, taverns, bus stations, In all things, the best advice we . A loudspeaker system was in­ called upon the fugitives to halt or h a r t f o r d ^SH O U R stage SHOW can offer is: Budget, budget budg­ But old Santa, that Jolly Ameri­ which will give the greatest pos­ tense for their evasion.” gives you. Anybody can make stalled to call out orders to the surrender and that probably the amusement centers and other pub­ can elf. Despite precautions, Arnold de­ lic places in an attempt to protect For Non-Support e t sible liberty without producing them because there’s nothing Niblet Style l O — hiding desperados. gangsters went for their guns. Said "We won't let them put anarchy and at the same time will clared. there will be casualties to' do but Just add egg and At 6 a.m., ths floodlights flash­ Obviously the agents let loose the city’s youth from some of the »850 Com, c a n ...... I< 9 C Uncle Sam on tbe ahelf!” *5950 nu. give so many rights to each among small business concerns milk. And every baking gives AND UP ed on and ths O-men called to s withering blast. The hallway "evil consequences incurred by the (And I think he exclaimed, present war situation." New Haven, Dec. Dr. member- nation as to Jeopardize and "many thousands” of them the same delicious results be­ rouhy, Banghart and Darlak; woodwork, plaster and doors were Robert F, Kurz, 47, awaiting trial Admits Slaying though my hearing la hiird) the securjty of all “are being crowded out of exist­ SwaetPeas, "Corns out through the front shattered by ohotgw and ma­ This was announced today by cause the ingredients are pre­ J. Seth Jones, central manager of on a charge' of second degree mur­ "Happy Christmas to all, and to "As territorj previously over­ ence.” cision-mixed. A package of Monthly Principle., Interest. Insurance and 16k». can...... I H C door. Corns out backwards and chine-gun slugs. Tha bannister der of his 27-yesr old sweetheart, all a 'B' card." run by the Germans and the Japs In the process of building an with your bands up. Banghart, you was splintered. The whole scene the society, who said ths repre­ Of Little Girl Flakorn makes 12 to 18 com Taxes Included. sentative will cooperate with local Mrs. Jessica Garrup, today waa is preoccupied by tbe forces of the armed force quickly and effective­ muflins, and we feel sale in Paymeul coma first" was blood spattered. named defendant in a $5,000 son- lOir toil -fMIVIII HIRRV'STANLIY WtRH ly after the bombing of Pearl police and social agencies In the United tiations, measures of relief claiming you will tay thay’ra * ^ Bottle Caps, Walt For Rsoponse One of the slain gangsters evi­ support Superior Court action by (OrattMMfl trsns Pago One) 37.98 Harbor, he aald. "giant institu­ For tsn minutes, ths agents, dently tumbled over the bannister attempt. Periodic reports will also Court Decides ’ ' and rehabilitation will have to be the beat you’ve ever tasted. IgroMpkg.... X 7 C be made to a committee to be ap­ his wife, Mrs. Margaret Kurz. undertaken," Wallace said> "Later, tions . . . were literally flooded flngsrs on triggsrs, waitsd for a to the second floor. 'The other ap­ Kurz Is held at New Haven with large orders” and the small response. parently rolled down the winding pointed by the Hartford Defense The "break” appeared to have out of the experience of ' these Council, he said. county jail In Ucu of $25,000 ball, Office Tangle temporary measures of relief, there busineas unit, "rightly or wrong­ Then the door opened and Bang­ stairway to the aamc level. pending a Jury trial in January. Roddy McDowoR • Aaae Baxter resulted from a change of con* Mrs. Clara Dean Marshall, one- science, Hayes sold. Detectives will emerge the poeeibUttiei and ly, waa largely ignored ...” Meat, hart bande overhead, backed cau­ Apartment Rented Dee. 10 Ume case supervisor of the Hart­ He has been in custody since Oc­ As major contributing causes of Can Be Seen By Appointment Only tiously through ths door. Anthony Battaglia, manager of ------PLUS ------said they noticed yeeterday a (GoutinuM truoi Foga One) the procUcaliUei of more perma ford Family Service Society, oaid tober 27, tbs date of the siiootlng. LAUREL * HARDY hi gradual lessening of bravado, par­ nent reconstruction.” the economic condition of small Agents reached out from their the building a t 1256 Leland Ave„ Mr. Jones, has been attached to Mrs. Kurz stated In her petition busineaa, Arnold listed the short­ apartment door facing that of the said O’Oonnor rentsd an apartment ”A-HAUNTUfO WE ticularly aa Treat seemed to grasp . Home Rule GuMliig Principle the humane aociety's irtaff to car­ that she and the accused chiro­ WILL GO” the fact that-pneumonia wae part­ enont governor, has no authority The guiding principle, Wallace age of basic raw materials, com­ ^Boiled Ham, gangsters’, grabbed .him and Dec. 10 under the name at "P eter­ ry out the duties. practor were married Juna 16. petition for and "maldistribution wheeled him Into their apart­ son,” and McNemey moved In with ly responaible for Helen’s death, to contin^ In office after tnaugur- suggested, should be “the maxi­ They follow a auggestion in tha 1087i but wore estranged a t tha fame 24 to 36 hours after she was al d a y ^ ' mum of home rule that can' be of" manpower, the "congestion of ment where hs w o manacled. him. study of ths effsqt of w ar icondl- time of Mrs. Oarrup’s death. STARTS FRIDAY ROARINO HOME FROM attacked. T ^ t Goodland will serve for maintained along with the mini­ government procurement and pur- Next they called for Touhy to BattagUa identified Touhy and tions on childraa and adolaacanta Ths accused man’s wife said two'years and no apecial election cliaslng and their channeling into coma out and then Darlak. All Banghart, from pictures, as men THE FIOHTINO FRONTSt mum of centralized authority that William F. Johnson In the city recently made by Mlia that ha bad sot fully supported The petroleum industry ia the be held. muot come into existence to give the large unite of industry^’ and aumendered •without a struggle. v/ho later moved in but left ^ rist- Helen D. Pigeon, nationally known ber In the pest, and had “only BROAD STREET BUILDER - r REAL E.STATE PHONE 7426 Touhy wore brilliant red paja- ‘FLYING FORTRESS’ RE5ERVID SEATS 'V.° l;“ bulwark of the economic atructuw That Governor Hell has no the necessary protection." ^ the orders of limitation, exclusi.m mas Day, visiting the place sev­ abeial reaeareh worker, for the mads periodical contributions to­ ,of 'Venezuela, according to the flower to All the vacancy by ap- He emphasised that purely re and freezing issued by war agen- m o and Ua black hair had beaal eral tiimso siaos and M lata as 0 With RICHARD GREENE Buy U S Wiif Bondi J Stomps CouncU Of Social A^enaies. ward ber Support.” • m iiP TOMMY TUCKEIlSf MUilKSHK ilOWs lartm it «C Commaraai ' x , poinUnent. glonal problema ahouM be loft in idea. /. t . ( f '-S'V- ' f ■■■


Sian battalion hit the center of the Fmns’ Svlr river front be­ Ir Awaiting Call Obtain Data Starts W ednesday at the Q rcle tween Lakes Ladoga and Onega' Helen Keller Obituary 18 Year Olds od Prices Go High yesterday, but was repulsed with Wavell Odd Mixture a loss of 150 dead. Smaller So­ On Fuel Oil News From Manchester’s Neighbors viet assault units were reported In Hartford Deadline Set On Caribbean Island dispersed elsewhere. Deaths Of Poet and Soldier Ib Shown Air Raid State Officials Making So Far 93 Have Reiris- of the second wedding anniversary tion, is spending the holiday recess A Three Are Hurt of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weller of South Coven I rv with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ____ r » , , „ f _ -I - TTila brings to more than 21.000 Survey So As to Re­ Mt. Pulaski, III. Mrs. Weller is L. Schweyer. ISeS line to L iHCK gf J^^g aoIOiers reported Warning System and Is Robiii80ii Crockett tered Here; Thrci; Men from another source, that he ia a| Works Ajnong His War great admirer of Browning. the former Doris Waltz, daughter Dr. James F. English, Superin­ m i i n n i f l f f ! W e e k l v ■I**" »" region since Dec. 12. Weddings Thrilled, She Says. port oil Situation. Leave for Deveiis. Beyond that he is a man of | In Auto Crash of Mr. and Mrs. John Waltz and the Some of the Army boys who are S n i p p i l ^ s * I Twenty Unks and other arms Dies Early Today Maps at Headquarters; tendent of Congregational Church­ simple tastes and is keen on home | couple are spending the holidays in at their homes on furlough are es in Connecticut, was the speaker ’ a g e s o f S u g a r W o r k - were dcatroyed, the newest com- Hartford,, Dec. 29—(/P)—Backed this city, their first trip east slnte Corporal Robert Wiley from Geor- Smith-Webb Hartford, Dec. 29. — (/T) — The Thursday, December 31, at 5 On * Sunday While j life. Lady Wavell is with him | at the CongrccBtionai church Suiv- long, nervous fingers that brought by assurances of "full coopera­ here in New Delhi. Truck and Cur Cdllide in their marriage. g i; Harmon Cochrane, Kansas; dny morning. Next Sunday the AT««ge $7.60.! JtnaoUoa CSianoea Better Robinson Crockett, of 29 Edger- p. m. is the deadline for registra­ Helen Keller a world she never tion” from Federal, State and Re­ Operations Are Quiet. Weil, there you have Wavell—a j Wednesday Corporal Bert Nye, New York; service will be In charge of the I The nlght'a fighUng also was re- Miss Margaret Isabella Webb, gional fuel agencies, acting State ton streot, died early this morn­ tion of youths for Selective Ser­ The annual' basketball ganie be­ has seen or heard, today introduced man of many Interests and an odd Vernon Center; Acci­ Claude Porter and Ward Allen, Rev. Loon H. Austin'of North By JosepS D jnM j ported to have brought new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fuel Administrator Wealey A. ing at wie Manchester Memorial vice who have attained the age but wholly likeable mixlui=e- of tween the Rockville High school Maryland. her to the operations of the Hart­ of 18 years by that time. To date By DeWitt Mackenzie Coventry. Communion will be ob­ , smashes down through the middle Lee Webb of 755 North Main Sturges is conferring with repre­ hospital at the age of 76. Mr. soldier and poet. I dare say that [ dent Caused kv Ice. team and the Alumni will be play­ Walter Yoiinp, with the Smith Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec. 29. ford air raid warning system., 93 have registered with the local New Delhi, Dec. 28—OP;— (De­ served. , I Don corridor leading toward Ros- street, was married Monday, De­ An honorary member of the sentatives of fuel companies today Crockett had been in failing health in due course we will see him in ed on Wednesday night at the and' Wesson Co., In Springfield, -The Hlnimum Wage board. board. Others who will have layed)— When you catch a fam­ The local troop of Girl Scouts ^ , .... 4u . I tov, increuing the Russians’ cember 18. to Ernest David Smith, State Defense Council’s air raid to obtain first hand data on pres­ since last Blaster. Born in North­ battle action again. It ia hard to[ Rockville, Dec. 29.— (Special.)— Sykea Gymnasium. The girls’ spent the holiday and week end has been invoaUgatlng the j gf uniting that Army with Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. ent fuel supplies. ern Ireland, he had been a resi­ reached 18 years by Thursday of ous commander in chief working varsity team will also play a team were entertained at a ‘ luncheon protection division, Miss Keller this week and have not yet regis­ believe that the Japa are going to Three persona were injured yes­ with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Le- ■Ituation in Puerto Rico, re- 1 the forces fighting west on the Smith of 41 Foster street. came here from her home in West- The conference, one of a series dent of this town for 52 years. For among his wrar maps at head­ be allowed to camp indefinitely in representing the alumnae. Monday afternoon at the home of tered rnuat do so before ' five quarters on a Sunday morning terday afternoon in a two-car ac­ Doyt. their leader, Miss Margaret Jacob­ this autumn that the aver- Stallngrad-Ukhaya railway and The ceremony was performed at port to learn how the warning cen­ of meetings designed to clear the many years he was employed in I Burma or On the road to Mandalay. [ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rood of 3:30 p. m., in Trinity church. the silk printing department at o’clock Thursday afternoon. while military operations In his cident in Vernon Center, on the son. annual wage of sugar work- with the columns around Kotelnl- ters worked. She was accompan­ still obscure picture of Connecti­ The local draft board did not ex­ Scotland arc the parents of a kovski. Towson, Md„ by the Rev. Henry ied by Miaa Polly Thomson, her cut's resources, will lead to a com­ Cheney Brothers. He also had theater are virtually at a staml- road leading from Ogden’s Comer 9170.60. pect the registration of 18 years atlll and most army men are glad to the Center. The accident was daughter, Carol Elaine, born Dec. ^ ^ e y said that the average The noon war bulletin reported B. Lee. who Used the single ring companion for 29 years. plete running Inventory of both oil served as a constable around the Columbia 7 at the Windham hospital. Mrs. mills. Previous to enterli» the old men to go over 100 In this to have a little well-earned rest PoKce to Help caused by slippery roads. People in the United States ari ' worker had 148 days of em- that In the middle Don area "our ceremony. Miss Mildred B. Webb, "1 am thrilled” Mias Keller ex­ and coal supplies. Rood was formerly Miss Helen the cleanest on earth If the 1941 employ of C?heney Brothers he was town ba.sing it on the state total your natural Impression is that Gustav A. Heth, 24. of 1.30 East 5Uaa Gladys M/^Bioe nent jrearly and that he earn- troops pursued the retreating en­ claimed after she had gone through Seen as the first concrete step in expectation of 10,000. CTrlckmore of South CJoventry. per capita soap consumption of emy and killed about 300 German the Hartford warning center under assuring fair distribution of fuel, grounds keeper at the old golf you have encountered an energet­ Main street, waa driving toward 575-12, WilUniantlo Division '$119 average in the harvest On Their Birthday Get Shelters! Ogden's Comer when hla car Miss Eloise Schweyer of Sar­ 29.4 pounds is a criterion, says ths officera and men, set fire to four the guidance of Charles A. Welch, Howard Conn the inventory is expected to be links on East Center street. ic individual. to balance what he lost in After December 31 youths must Well, Utat’s the way I caught skidded on a curve and crashed in­ gent CJollege of Physical Educa­ Department of Commerce. dead keason. Thirty-six per tanks” and captured more military chief air raid warden. "I had read compiled from records now ..ept Mr. Crockett was a member of register with the local Selective The annual business meeting of a great deal about it, but 1 didn’t Manchester Lodge of Masons, and Britain’s Gen. Sir Archibald P. to a ti'tick driven by George E. nt of the workers earn more supplie.*!. Howard Conn, aon of Mr. afid separately by municipalities, fed- Service board on the day on which Monty Woolley and Anne Baxter in a tense dramatic scene Moses, 65, f the Green Circle, Tal- the Columbia church has been In another sector on that front, realize how marvelous it was.’’ Mrs. Thoma.s Conn, of Knox street, cial agencies, dealers and indus­ the Britlsh-American Club. He Wavell—who certainly needs no [ Iab8achu8ett8 Plan fo r called for Friday evening, Jan. 1 an average, the maximum be- they become 18 years of age. If Introduction to the American pub­ from their latest picture. "The Pied Piper,” co-starring Roddy cottville. Heth told Patrolman the Russians claimed that 400 more Miss Keller’s words were repeat­ has enlisted as an Aviation Cadet trial concerns. was a charter member of their birthdays fall on a Sunday at 8 p.m. in the chapel. A t this 9251. ed by Miss 'Thomson, while the fa­ lic or any other public. Or, to be Those Lacking Fuel] McDowall. The co-hit at the Cir cle theater stars Stan Laurel and Arthur Francis who investigated of the enemy were slain in a pow­ in the Naval Air Corps and is Brigadier General Brice P. Dls- Company No. 3 of the Sbuth Man­ or holiday they must register on Oliver Hardy in the nafflesl comedy they ever made, ”A Haunting time reports of the post year will pplementSry sources ouch as mous blind, deaf and once speech­ chester Fire D ^tartment. more accurate, that’s the way that as he approached the curve he s m erful blow that dislodged units try­ waiting to be called to active duty. que, assistant district coordinator the following day. Announced in Detail. be heard, and officers will be I Jobs tike the sale of fruits less writer, held two fingers at her* He leaves tv. a daughters, Mrs. Wavell caught me and the man­ We Will Go.” pulled his car to the right to allow ■brought an average family weekly ing to stem the Russian advance. He is a graduate of the local high of the office of solid fuels, assured Three more local men left for I'oom fo " the tmek and as he did elected for the coming twelve Counter-.Atlack Violentl.v companion's lips, nodding enthusi­ Emil Plitt, with whom he made ner of it waa rather unusual. CONTABIOUS COLDS school, from which he graduated Professor Sturges in New York Fort Devens, Mast.., today from Boston, Dec. 29—(>P)—If lack of months. The customary supper _Bome to 97.60 whereof 66 per astically. his home; and Mrs. Edward Mc- I had dropped in at his head­ so the wheels struck a patch of ice The latest official statement also In 1940. At the time of his enlist­ last night that his office will co­ the local board area. They had fuel drives you from your home, nnd the machine skidded into the wi,i not be had this year because liOant la spent for food. One per cent said that in the Caucasus the Ger­ Relayed Tn Miss Keller Elaney of Dorchester. Mass.; two quarters on another errand and eo for medical attention and 85 ment he was employed at Pratt A operate with the Connecticut plan. been held for further physical and you have no relatives or truck. of existing conditions. mans counter-attacked violently Miss Keller moved slowly Whitney Aircraft. To Explain UetaiU sons, Robert O. Cirockett of Port­ check-up when they reported at took the opportunity to suggest Check tip On Gasoline Lost its yearly goes for education. that an interview with India’s neighbors to take you in, you have George Andrews, 19, of 93 Union Mrs. Guy Stutzman and sons southeast of Nalchik last night, at-’ through the maze of telephones, Details were not revealed but land, Maine, and Howard E„ of the Hartford induction center and 250,00 Estimated Jobless while Mr. Welch explained the pur- commander in chief at some future simply to notify the policeman on st)eet, and George Dodson, 38. of 35 have recently moved to Leomin­ tempting in a tank assault to dis­ are expected to be summarized in the U. S. Army. He also leaves for that reason are one day later the beat to obtain the shelter of­ Fi'snklin street, passengers in the ster, Mass., to be nearer relatives. NOW SPREADING! ; This summary of figures does not lodge the Red Army troops from pone of each. Miss Tomson,. re­ French, Gen. Charles dc Gaulle's one sister, Mrs. rtebecca Wright, In reporting at Fort Devens. date would be appreciated. 1 had Coupons Now After Crash Ikicluds the more remote territories peating his words, relayed them to headquarters announced today. It a radio talk Wednesday at 7:30 fered by the state of Massachu­ Heth car. were treated for cuts Tire certificates for the week their entrenchments in captured p.m. by Governor Hurley and Gov­ and one brother. Alexander Crock- Forty left here yesterday for the in mind of course that the task Iters there are an estimated 250,- Miss Keller by tapping her palm said the flag of the Fighting of getting to see one of these setts because of the oil scarcity. and bruises. Moses reported pains ending Dec. 26 were issued as fol­ positions. ernor-elect Raymond E. Baldwin. ett, .both of Manchester. reception center at Devens. The liliOO Jobless. and fingers. With her left hand, French was raised last night i.i military czars sometimes is like TheA I8C policeman willWSU UVvSAj’ notify police I a TT * in his back and shoulder. lows: Isaac White, one grade 2 This attack, the Russians ssid, Coal supplies here, meanwhjiie, The funeral will be held Thurs­ three men who left today are: headquarters, which tn turn will [ D O m c P e r s O I lb A r e LlM lllg 10,000 Gullons Burns Both vehicles were towed away, The war really hasn't brought a was repulsed with the loss of 300 meanwhile, Mis.« Keller felt the DJibuti. The Vichy radio announc­ trying to drive a camel through tire; Ray Mathleu, one grade 3 are generally sufficient for this day afternoon at 2 o’clock from Philip J. Sullivan, Act. Corp. notify the local evacuation offi­ no arrests being made. tire, and one passenger tube; Jos­ 1 of new money to Puerto Rico, Germans. telephones, the switches and maps. ed last night that French and Brit­ the T. P. Holloran Funeral Home. John J. Jackson the eye of a needle. As Tank Cars Backed ish troops had entered the colony. year although some dealers have cer. The evacuation officer will Children’ s Books ; Workers Sand eph Jaswlhskl, two passenger re­ have been some Army and The newest advances southwest She Interjected frequent com­ 175 Center street, with burial in George D. Forbes, Jr. Therefore I wa.s surprised when ,avy projects, but those employed ments. On the political side, Gen. reported Increased demands rang­ my suggestion waa placed before find a warm place for you as near Into Idle Engine^ Employees of the Public Works caps; CKhi'Ics German, one pas­ of Stalingrad placed the Russians ing up to 50 percent over last De­ the East cemetery. Rev. Gibson The local Selective Service OPA Issues Warning. Dopartrhent were busy throughout I- only a fraction of the avall- in position to speed their cam­ "Fifty sirens!’’ she exclaimed, Charles DeGaulIc, leader of the board received notification today the great man forthwith and waa as possible to your home, probably senger recap. cember's figures. Labor, however, Daniels, acting pastor at the Cen­ in a scb(X>lhouse or other build­ yesterday sanding the slippery Ue labor. paign of slicing up the Axis divi­ and. informed thta the water de­ Fighting French, in a broadcast that it must reduce its clerical astonished when he replied: Providence. R. I.. Dec. 29—(/P— Mrs. Julia German has received last night asserted the hour had continues scarce and those who ter Congregational church, will ing. Hartford. Dec. 29—i/P)—Remov­ roads. The fine rain of the morn­ ■nie food prices here soared all sions before Stalingrad and in the partment would be notified at once conciuct the service. staff by one as of anuary 1. The "Bring him right in.” Fire which started after a 25-car word that her son Alexander is tst summer and this autumn un- of emergencies, .she nodded. "That come for uniting all anti-Axis had not stocked their bins last That is the procedure as an­ al of coffee coupons from children’s ing which froze, made sanding in­ stationed in New Guinea. Caucasus, and to cut decisively the Friends may call at the funeral staff now consists of four women Praised by Keitel train of loaded tank cars backed effectual and many cars were ftU the Puerto Rican dollar drop- few routes of supply left the ene­ M n. E. D. Smith, Jr. is very important.” Frenchmen in a temporary gov­ fall may find deliveries delayed in and it will be necessary to retire Now that represents action and nounced last night, by State Public war ration books, may result in some cases, a survey revealed. home from 7 o’clock this, evening Welfare Commissioner Arthur G. into an idle engine in the Crans­ stalled at varioua points. The selectmen have announced to about half its 1940 pur- my. She grew enthusiastic as she ernment "until such time a.; the one of them. The board will meet possibly was one of the charac­ the loss of coffee privileges, the ton yard of the New Haven rail­ sister of the bride, was maid of nation herself may be ablq to ex­ A heavy demand for cannel coal, until the hour of the funeral. Rotch. f c e plan had been announC' Whistles Arrive that the upper hail will be closed IMtoBlng power. Both AMA 'and Advances of from 13 to 15 miles learned more and more of the air later in the week to take action teristics which Field Marshal Gen State OPA warned today after road early today consumed 10,000 for the winter because of the fuel PA are now attempting to regu- honor. raid warden’s duties. “They miot press its sovereign wishes.” a bituminous fireplace coal, is re- ed previously in broad outline by At the meeting of the Vernon yesterday put the Red Army at The bride wore a street length Hugh J. Oalhoun on this order. Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the Ger­ learning of instances in which' this gallons of gasoline in one tank Defense Council held Monday eve­ oil shortage. For this reason the. Bts the supply of essentials at Gremyachaya, 12 miles northeast be among the bravest in the DeGuiille P ^ s e s Giraud norted here as householders seek man high command, had in mind Gov. Leverett Saltonstalli dress of blue crepe with corsage DeGaulle praised Gen. Henri to supplement curtailed oil sup- Hugh J. Calhoun, a former resi­ Rotch emphasized that "no one has been done. car. set an engine ablaze and ning, it was announced that the Grange held its last meeting in the 1 prices—this month OPA suc- of Kotelnikovski on the railroad ..orld,” she said- when he wrote in a magazine Just Local war price and rationing heavUy damaged four freight cars lower hall, and at that time voted Medically-Supervised Tests in setting the rice ration of of red roses, and her attendant ______Giraud. successor to the assassi­ olies by using fireplaces constant­ dent of Manchester, died yesterday will be taken from their homes un­ 300 whistles have arrived tor the that angles up toward Stalihgrad; wore blue crepe trimmed with ! at the Meriden hospital, from before Hitler precipitated the boards will be asked to examine loaded with merchandise on a Air Raid Wardens. At the pres­ to hold meetings only once a Itivo pounds weekly a* the ten at Verkhne-Kurmoyarakaya, 18 nated Admiral Jean Darlan as ly. dealers stated. Churches Unite world conflict: less they ask for help. high commissioner of North Afri- Conversions to coal and popula­ bums received in an accident last "Mass evacuation, such as re­ carefully all books of those who parallel track. ent time, the Wardens are allowed month tor the present because of eenta. legal prices whereas the miles northwest of Kotelnikovski: “ English generals are all cou Leslie AbslI. 59, of 126 Connec­ transportation and heating diffi Show How Simple Home Plan b la^ marketeers had been charg- . Vaiiks Withdraw I ca. tion increases are described as (he September, while employed as a movals from their home commun­ were not 15 years old on May 4, to stop traffic during a blackout at Krilov. 28 milea southeaat, and To Save on Fuel nervation in thought except one— 1942, to determine if coupon No. ticut avenue, New London, Conn., and it was felt that the whistles culties. The next meeting will be from eleven to twelve cents at Nikolski. 38 miles sopthcast. The bride was graduated with I He declared "the union of the main reasons for greater coal lineman for the Connecticut Power ity to other communities, ia not honors in the 194IB class o{;,Man­ company. Wavell—but he is eo clever that 27. or others which may be desig­ a breakman suffered burns of the were necessary, in addition to held on Wednesday, Jan. 27. CUT SICKNESS FROM COLDS MORE THAN 50% An early communique today said From Hills Near ! whole empire in the war is no sale.s. be may make up for all the rest contem;gIated,’’ be added in a Butter and Eggs High chester High school and is em­ I longer merely desired and desir- f War production board officials Bom In Manchester 55 years statement. nated for coffee, have been used face and scalp and was treated at warning residents of lights show­ Mr. and Mra. Roger Isbell of that "the enemy is sending special New Britain. Dec. 29—(iP)—The In any great war in which Eng­ when the new books are issued. local hospital. He was one of a ing. "Meetings of the deputies will Butter sometimes sells at 91-25 detachments to cover up the re­ ployed by the Connecticut Gen­ I able, but perhaps soon will be re- continue to recommend conversipn ago. he had lived here until about "The only place to take them ia New York and Mr. and Mrs. James rawer csM tl. . . ShsTtor esMsI. . . S0« Isss stekossa frsoi ssMsI eral Life Insurance company. The Mecljez-El-Bal) ‘ allzabie.” thirteen years ago. South Congregational church, said land may be engaged.” Boards will be required to report crew of trainmen who worked be held this week when they will Grimm ot Bridgeport spent the pound, and eggs at a dollar a treat of Ilia troops." to coal and have relaxed require­ In any event, within three min­ to schooihouses or other buildings —that’s the certified record of Vicks Plan in ■ great medically- bridegroom graduated from Man­ Another sign of greater French ments for obtaining grates. He leaves four daughters, Mary, to be the largest In membership in violations to the State OPA. auccessfully to uncouple the tank be distributed. Christmas holiday with Mr. and Move 87 to 58 Mile* utes of broaching the subject if they have no relatives or neigh­ Whether the practice is wide­ supervised winter test among 2650 children. Right in your own Two months dearth of potatoes chester High school tn the same unity was seen in a letter to De- Householders are advised to con­ Edith, Agnes and Alice Calhoun; New England of this denomina­ bors to take them in,” Rotch said. cars that did not Ignite. Birth Mrs. Hubert Collins. In four days, the Russians re­ (Continued from Page One) was receiving a cordial handshake spread is not known but it is pro­ Damage $3,000 to $10,000 Private and Mra. Leslie Brookes home, this easy guide may do less—or it may even do more foe you relieved by shipments Just class as his bride, and prior to Gaulle from Vice Admiral Emile sult a heating engineer plumber to two sons, Hugh, Jr., and Peter, all tion, today accepted an invitation The administrative set-up, he Christmas guests of Mr. and ported, they had moved from 87 to from General Wavell. He motioned bable that some violations will be Benjamin F. Bardo, railroad su­ are the parents of a aon. lycslie and your family. But with colds on a rampage, this tested plan is cer­ re Christmas. One houMwife 53 miles in their thrusts toward his enlistment with the U. S. Muselier, former commander of avoid delays in obtaining and in of Meriden. He also leaves three of the First Congregational church declared, will work this way: Mra. Donald Tuttle were members .iy ve'elclcs destroyed in to hold Joint Sunday worship in file to a chair and perched himself uncovered, it was believed. perintendent, estimated damage Albert, born on December 26 at tainly worth trying today 1 Ckt full details in your package of Vicks. avs this correspondent three ap- Kotelnikovski and their flanking Army Air Corp.s was a sophomore y the Lightning and Curtiss P-40 the Fighting French Naval forces, stalling proper conversion require­ sisters. Mrs. George CI!haraberIaln The Evacuation division of the ot Mrs. Tuttle’s family: John declaring he was ready "to accept the later church because of the on the edge of the table. A bright Remove Coupons In Stores between $5,000 and $10,000 exclu­ New Haven. Piivate Brookes, son on Christmas and said they arms promised F strategy that may at the Alabama Polytechnical In­ .'l.ghters. Only one of the fighters ment. and Mrs. Robert Fox of Hartford Massachusetts Committee on Pub­ Hutchinson and daughter, Miss the first she had beei. able any active post at sea or on land fuel situation. The South church light from the window back of This practice, it is pointed out. sive of the gasoline which had a of Dr.-and Mra. George S. Brookes by-pass the city. stitute at Auburn, Ala. He is was lost. Shortage to Continue and Mrs. John Norris of Ware­ him emphasized the lines of his lic Safety will be responsible for Bertha Jane, Maxwell Hutchinson IT'S EAST— HERE'S WHAT TIM 00 ^ End in a month. now employed by the Pioneer in the fight against the enemies house Point: two brothers, Peter uses oil for heating and the First can only continue if grocers do not retail value of $1,900. The tank of this city, is at present stationed Since Dec. 12. the Soviet Infor­ Spitfires also were said to have The shorter hauling distance in­ strong face and incidentally made seeing that shelters, with heat and bother to examine books and re­ in South Dakota. and sons. Maxwell, Jr., and Ckiyler, Oov. Rexford Guy Tugwell has Parachute company. of France.” volved in supplying Ccmnecticut F. Calhoun of Porter street and church uses coal—with the bins light, arc ready. cars were consigned to the Shell mation bureau said, 19.000 Axis shot down a Meascrschmitt 109 a dazzling rainbow of the great move the coupons themselves. Un Oil company in Fall River, Maas. Council To Meet and Calvin Hutchinson all of An Obnrot A Few Simple Health when your head is aD stullied op urging a diversion of fertile troops have been slain on this The cpuple will make their Early last spring Muselier re­ with coal was cited a.s the reason Patrick J. Calhoun of Oak Grove full. The South church is said to The Red Cross will aid with its dover: also Mrs. Keeney Hutchin and two Junkers 88’s out of a for­ bank of ribbons which covered his scrupulous individuals or those The collision opened a scam in There will be a nseeting of the Rulee. Live normally. Avoid ex- from a mean head cold. Vidu Fisigar lan d to other foods, but front, and 270 German planes. 427 home for the present with the signed his Naval *Command and his for continued and adequate sup street. have the largest Congregational Mbtor Corps and Canteen Service, Va-tro-nol relieves distress, makes mation of 12 planes, with a loss broad chest like Joseph’s coat of ignorant of the ruling might thus, the tank car, which caught fire, Common Council this evening at son and daughter Eleanor, Mrs. cesses. Eat simple food. Drink tanters argue that this would be tanks and 877 trucks have been de­ bridegroom’s parents. post on the Free French National plies. Fuel oil, however, is haul­ Funeral services will be held at Sunday school in the world. but will not be responsible for Herbert Hutchinson, and Mrs plenty of water. Keep eiimination brtothing easier.) •tmful to the Puerto Rican post- of 4>nly one Spitfire. committee, and later declined to The South church was formed many colors. receive more coffee than they spilling gasoline to the ground. A 7 o’clock with Mayor Raymond El stroyed. “Two or three enemy fighters ed much greater distances and in the J. J. Ferry and Sons Funeral Speaking of chests, there’s noth­ costs. should. Hunt presiding. David Toomey and children, Laura rcgulu. Get plenty of. rest aikl sar sugar economy. The figure Includes 2,000 report­ become inspector general of the insufficient tank cars to deliver home, 88 East Main street. Meri­ by dissident members of the First spark fi'om an engine or a lantern. David, and Michael ail of Bolton sleep. Avoid crowoi and people The Agriculture department FitzjErerald-Keane attempting to attack one of our ing "chesty’’ about General Wavell Will Dlsburae State Fund Just what will be done if viola­ Bardo said, was believed to have Meeting H a Cold Does De- ed slain in yesterday’s fighting. A fleet. quantities formerly by tankers in den, Thursday at 8:15 a m. and at church in the pre-Civil war period The welfare agent in the muni­ who have colds. [ aUrtad a survey recently to deter- Miss Mury T. Keane, daughter airfields were shot qown,” the after a disagreement over aboli­ though his own distinctions, plus tors are revealed has not been de­ ignited the gasoline. As the gaso­ The Men’s Club of the Rockville Cleveland'Collins of W’ethers oelop,or. . Slipo Mr communique added that 3.500 Ger­ of Michael Keane of 55 Andover communique declared, "and an en­ losing New T>'pe Bomba dicate that a serious shortage will St. Joseph’s church in that city at the fact that his father and grand' cipality will disburse .state funds termined although it appears cer­ Baptist church will hold a buainesa field was the guest of his sister FreemutiFreemutione.tah tmlae the acreage needed to make mans surrendered yesterday in the German. Stuka planes were re­ continue, oil men believe. Trans­ nine o’clock. tion. line ignited, an explosion occurred {the island self-sufficient on com, street, Hartford, became the bride emy bomber waa also destroyed, father were generals, might excuse for any costs incident to the care tain that coffee privileges o f the meeting this evening at 7 ;30 o’clock Miss Myrtle Collins for CThrlstmas At Firet Sni0le or clinic-tested Vicks same area. ported today to have used new- portation and not production of oil Interment will be in St. James’s Mayor George A. Quigley and which rocked the neighborhood. Sneeee, put few VapoRub on back, as well as on [rice and beans, but nothing has this morning of Lieutenant Joseph all by P-38’s.” the Board of Education will confer him if he did throw his weight of evacuated families. individual who secured coffee on a at the church social rooms. and over the weekend. a The northern flanking »rm on R. Fitzgerald, U. S. Army, .son of type bombs - described by one IS the chief problem. It was em­ cemetery this town. The city or town is expected to child's book .and the grocer that Fractured Pelvis of clinic-tested throat and chest. VapoRub pene­ Been accomplished along this line Smash Anew at Docks phasized. tomorrow on the mayor’s proposal about a bit. J Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lyman trates to the cold-coiiiMted upper the Kotelnikovski front was only Police Sergeant Michael F. Fitz­ Flying fortresses smashed anew British officer as "sliver balls that Not Sdf-Oentered furnish the shelters and to pay for sold the coffee will be suspended. Mrs. Alice Kington of Hale I Vicks Va-tro-nol up eC, 45 miles away from the Red Army crackle and seem to explode in the Kerosene stocks are still low made yesterday tck cl(»e schools and daughters Carol and Jane each nostrU. Use as bronchial tubes with toothing Island Under Siege gerald and Mrs. Fitzgerald of 21 at the docks and harbor of Sousse during January and February and My guess is that he's not self' the heat and light. Is Easy to Dete«ct street is being treated for a frac­ spent Christmas day in Manches­ progressing down the Moscow- Brainard Place. air"—in an attack on a British here although not as serious as in Rotch said some families might directed in package. This spedal- medidnal vapors. It stimulates Far from sudden war proeperi- yesterday without loss. Funerals operate them in July and August. centered, but rather one who likes It is comparatively easy to de­ Bolton tured pelvis at the Rockville City ter at the home of Mr. Lyman’s throat, chest, and back aurfsoea Rostov railway from the middle Thre ceremony was performed column in the El Agheila area in Boston were many retailers are be moved to boarding houses, with Iinspital. This was caused by a iied medication is expressly de­ Ity, Puerto Rican economy has The communique said that "our The mayor expressed apprehension humanity. That idea is rather sup tect these violations, it was point brother Harry Lyman. signed to aid your natural defense like a wanning poultice. This vitally siffected. It is an ia- Don, where it had executed a sim­ at nine o’clock In St. Justin’s Libya. unable to secure supplies. ported by the fact he always is the state bearing tjie cost, except ed out, since in order to secure war 5lra. n yde yiarshall fall on East street, Saturday night. patrols In the northern area were Boston officials have set up John Robinson over the prospects of obtaining During the past few days let­ against colds—and if used in time, penetrating-stimulating action Iland under siege, victim of a ilar by-paaaing tactic on Millero­ church. Hartford. The bridal at­ in contact wfllTi the enemy during The Ministry of Information among his troops looking alter that if a family is able to pay for ration book No. 2 the present book Phone 4052 Mrs.^Kington is a prominent mem­ works for hours to relieve miseries vo, another important railway evacuation centers in schooihouses Funeral services for John Rob sufficient oil or coal to keep pupils ters have been received from the V^-tTO-ix)l helps prevent many [blockade almost as much as was tendants were »Mias Kathleen the nlghta of Dec. 27-28.” quoted a British tank officer as warm. their welfare and has reserved ac its own foodstuffs it will be ex­ must be submitted. Offending gio- ber of Burpee Woman’s Relief . colds from devefoping. (Even of colds . . . cvm while you tietpl center. Keane, sister of the bride, and saying that every can of gasoline to care for those who cannot dou­ Inson, of 79 Spruce street, who following Columbia service boys in [Britain in 1940. It added that "both sides yes­ died Saturday afternoon at the The mayor also recommended commodatlons in his own home for pected to obtain food at a restau cers can be traced through indivi­ Corps of this city. The flanking arm south of Ko­ John F. Fitzgerald, brother of the r a tnick 'VM riddled with shrap­ ble up with friends or relatives rant. A request is made for blood 0|>en House thanks for their Christmas boxes; H m Pueilo Rican Legislature, terday briefly shelled the other’s Memorial hospital, were held tO' closing some churches and holding several officers—any officers— dual violators. Issurance of the donors with Type 2-Moss or A NOTIi It the mlwrsble triDptoms of tbs cold srs not rsUcTtd proiiwUy— [In an October special session, ap- telnikovski was in a position to bridegroom. nel after one of these bombs ex­ should the fuel problem become The commi.ssloner added that second ration book will be held up Mr. and Mrs. Homer Waltz of 53 Jasper Woodward, Ray Roop. It~ mors serious trouble seems to tbresten'-riea received in a whether tn the armed forces or in said. They reported more than petroleum products, was announc­ in aerial fighting over North S':!!). The body was sent to Wood- wrappers. , was on him—the car ia still miss­ Richard Rich of Bolton Center. within 100 miles of Rostov at the ed last night by the War Produc­ Italians Report beating Christma.s Day, it waa an­ stdi6k, Canada, for burial. The de­ the factory, maintain your mag­ ing. "I thought it was a Joke so r mouth of the Don on the Sea of 1,000 Germans killed and 800 tak­ Africa. It said a British sub­ The meeting was called by the Storrs, Dec. 29.—{/P — A policy Albert Giglio. known to his tion Board. The purpose, said nounced today by Deputy Chief ceased had been employed at Che­ OPA and follows conferences here nificent efforts, every qian doing didn’t report it," he said ruefully. many Bolton friends as Sammy, Takes This Opportunity To Wish |.Asov. en prisoner in yesterday’s fight' marine was sunk in the Mediter­ Heavy Air Activity Thomas J. Hickey, head of the de­ hie utmost at his Job, the end is for 1943 victory gardens in Con­ ing. WPB Chairman Donald M. Nel­ ranean. ney Brothers as a watchman for between members of the Industry I aimed to turn the Joke on them will report for induction in the Millerovo. 120 miles north of , Rome : From Italian Broadcast), tective division of the Hartford I sure.” necticut, it was announced here to­ and wait for them to return it." U. 8. Army on Thursday. iBoetov, was virtually surrounded, "The Germans are bringing up son, is to "assure a fair distribu­ The Germans said their subma­ the past ten months. and Meredith Kohiberg, bead of day, will be drawn up next Mon­ tion of the limited quantities of Jec. 29.-—f(P)—The Italian com­ Police Department. ' the agency's tobacco section and If that is a correct estimate of 1 and the Russians announced that reinforcements with the object of rines had sO'hk 15 cargo ships, i Because of their youth, each day at a meeting in New Haven. consumers' goods available under destroyer and a corvette in a two munique reported heavy air activi- formerly connected with the Otee the pooitlon—and my constant its Friends A. they had stormed sttlemeht after stemming our advance, but under boy being 45 years of age, and as study of the varioua theaters leadc H':;me gardens, imhool gardens, the blows our men they are a war economy.” (lay running attack on an Allied t_ on both the Libyan and Tunis­ Hospital Notes tobacco company here. Mr. Kohl- aettlement southeast of the town, 01 is the custom with Juveniles, their me to believe lit is— then we should com.nunity and factory gardens, suffering huge losses,” the war convoy bound from England to­ ian fronts yesterday and said berg and OPA accountants ex­ [penetrating to the we.sU-rn portion names were not discloked. odd that Wavell is given credit for olaus for sur^rvising beginner- bulletin said. ward North Africa. Three addi­ Axis forces had dispersed Allied amined the records of shade grow­ gardeners and information on fer­ ] of the StaUngrad-LJItliaya railway. The hoys were picked up Mon­ Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Jen­ tightening the defenses of India at Sixty planes, too, were destroy­ tional ships of the convoy were armored units In a local action in ers and handlers both here and in tilizer, seed and chemical iuppiies I That line crosses the Donets river Roundhouse Fire day and after beitig questioned. nie Fletcher, 273 Adams street; a moment when the threat from and Joins the Rostov-Moscow main ed yesterday, the Russians’ said. reported to have been torpedoed. Mrs. Lavina L. Brown, 230 Hack­ i :w York to provide a basis fot will be discussed. ^'It'said Allied air tosses both Hitler and the Japs was line at Likhaya, 70 miles north ot Twenty-four ships wTre The terse announcement by the tlon home. T l^ ' questioning was matack street; John Gleason, Ver­ the proposed price ceilings. Speakers will Include Samuel H. [Rostov. Is Mad Bedlain conservative Allied command of eight planes, including two shot resumed today. non; Mrs. Daisy Marshall, 35 Named to represent the indus­ grave. Graham, chairman of the Agricul­ HAPPY NEW YEAR wrecked in the Stalingrad area, down while trying to intercept an The general showed a friendly 3—On the Ukraine front, the 25 were destroyed or damaged on "vigorous patrolling" in Tunisia, Cambridge street; Hamilton An­ try at the conference are William ture committee of the State De­ [ Russians reported the capture of along with reports of intensified Italian air cnifvoy, and declared derson, 5 Taylor street; Peter S. Fuller, president of the Shade Interest In my own activities and fense Council; Mrs. Leslie R. Mat- an enemy airdrome by Soviet air­ Detroit, Dec. 29—(/P)—Locomo­ Chertkov, 30 'miles northwest of bombing of Axis bases, were seen that Axis planes destroyed or dam­ Riemer, 191 Maple street; Mrs. Growers Agricultural Association; asked about my ’ experience in the tliewB of Fairfield, repreeentatlva men, and five were brought down tive whistles and the sirens of fire aged a large number of Allied 1 Millerovo and battlefront dis- in air fighting, the early commu- by unofficial quarters in London About Town Myra M. Comins, Ekuit Hartford; Oliver Thrall o f the Connecticut last war. When I told him I was o f the Parent-Teacher Association; atches said other nearby towns engines shrieked in a mad bedlam aa a signal that the time for a re­ vehicles in the desert area of south­ Mrs. Stella Smoluk, 59 BiHell with Gen. Sir Archibald Murray, David A. CHarkc of Milford, repre­ New German counter-attacks ern Libya. Shade Farmers Association; Al­ ad been won back under the Red i West Detroit last night as a newed offensive was. ever njtarer. street; Leo Rowe, 58 Birch street. bert Newfleld Jr., Perome H. Kohn 1 -w in retirement but then British sentative of the Farm Butsau Fed­ g were reported both in the Velikie spectacular fire swept part of a A British submarine was sunk Food stamps will be sold banner in a continuing advance. Luki and the Rzhev areas, as well In one skirmish, the Allied com­ morrow and Thursday at Admitted today: Mrs. Anna Pet­ and George F. Gershel. oomnuuider in chief in the Middle eration; Mrs. Sherinan K. Ives of Our New Hours Effective Jan. 1, 1943 Dispatches from the middle Don" ■iichiean Central railroad round­ mand reported yesterday, a patrol in the Mediterranean, It said. erson, 114 Charter Oak street Earn, for a time in the desert Morris, representative of the State as southwest of Nalchik, but these house. Manchester Trust Company. —• • ^ front said that the Germans, were were repulsed, the Russians inflicted casualties and took pris­ Discharged yesterday: Ernest fighting on the Sinai peninsula, Grange: Mra. Peter Cascio of ’ rushing up reinforcements, but At least 12 locomotives, aome oners in attacking an enemy de­ Reports Gafsa- Milks Cow In Hotel Lobby Peterson, 239 Middle Turnpike; Grants Stay Wavell siniled and remarked: Weat Hartford, repreaentatlve of claimed, with hundreds of Ger­ steamed up and ready to puff out ! that the Red Army was striking mans slain and many tanks tachment on the MedjesrJil-^b— Mrs. Wendell Broadwell and in­ *T oent a letter to Murray in the Federated Garden Clubs; State I so swiftly these new Nazi troops knocked out. into service, were damaged. Twen­ Tebourba road, and another patrol Entered by Americans Raleigh, N. C.—(/P)—Some of fant, son, 280 North Main street; On Sentence England two days ago.” , Senator John Chriatensen of Wind­ I had no time to get into position. ty-four pieces of fire fighting drove off Axis units without loss to Berlin' (Frtim German Broad­ tl.e gueata of a hotel' here must Bernard Lyona, 17 Starkweather AIWiby*s Chief M Staff ^ sor, representative of the Con- equipment, answering four alarms, -qecticut Vegetable Growers Aaso- The weather was described as itself. casts), Dec. 29.—(/Pi — The Berlin have been a bit startled when, street. The commander in ifiiief said he I extremely cold. Snow in some i \ « x i s Declare Red fought the flames for an hour be­ French Continue Advanre radio said today that United Discharged today: Waltei Ted- hod not served with Murray but ctntion, and Dwight J. Minor of fore gaining control. The Morocco radio, meanwhile, upon entering the lobby, they saw ford, Andover; Sylvia Schatoneid- Bristol, chairman of the Con- I places was deepening. States troops have entered Gafsa, a man milking a cow. It was part New York, Dec. 29—(/P)— The hod served with Irield Marshal tO Attacks Repulsed announced that French forces were er, 19 Newman street; Mrs. Ed­ necticui USDA War Board. ThrSfFriday 8 A. M. 9 P. M. in central ’Ttiniala, some 200 milea On the Kotelnlkovski front. Red With the FBI taking part, an in­ of 4J>e program of the Fanners Jury that convicted three heade Viscount Allenby, who succeeded I Star said German counter-attacks Berlin (From German Broad­ vestigation to determine the cause continuing their advance below southeast of Tunis. ward Dziadua and infant son, 26 of "Wine, Women and Song” ol Murray. Aa a matter of fact casts). Dec. 29—(A>)— The high Pont du Faha on the southern flank Cooperative exchange, bolding a Clinton street. from carefully prepared defense of the fire was being conducted meeting at the hotel. presenting an indecent ehoW' Wavell was AUenby’s chief o f staff ' poaltiona were beaten down, and command declared today that today by the railroad and the fire of the Tunisian front despite Gafsa is deep inland, far behind Birth: Today, a aon to Mr. and should have seen, the revue in the onj haa omrltten a notable biog Seven Natives Axis forces had repulsed new So­ counter-attacks by reinforced Axis the tetive Tunisian fronts, but the Mra. George Liong, 247 Autumn fleeh first. Supreme Court 'Justice. I the Russslan drive continued. It department. Officials said they had TripletB Register For Draft raphy ot that famous soldier, who reported that the retreating Ger- viet attacks in the Terek area of discovered no evidence of sabotage. troops which they said had driven Jlerman report may mean a new street J. Sidney Bernstein bolds—and the was by way of being Wavell’s Fatally Shot I mans were abandoning undamaged the mid-Caucasus, in the Don- their lines back slightly at one Allied thrust toward the Gulf of Death: Today, Robina'>n Crock­ trial Judge should have gone, too hero. sagur Saturdays Volga corridor and within the Don point. Point Du Fahs is 30 miles Gabes coast to try to prevent any National City, Calif.—(JP) — ett, 29 Edgerton atreet *■ Uie 8 A.M. to 10 P. [.jpau and equipment. There’s trouble coming up for the The fact that they saw no evi­ This undoubtedly accounted tor Deepest PenetratioB bend.------War Labor Board south of Tunis. poasible Junction between the’ ene­ dence beyond the spoken word and the fact that Wavell was greatly Pretoria, Union of South Africa, ("‘Instead of 11 P. M. as previously aiinounced)s The Germans said today that a "Numerous prisoners have been my's Tunisian Army and Marshal Axis. Alvin, (^Ivln and Malvln 60 Aviation Cadeta some gestures by witnesses led Dec. 29— (iP)— Seven natlvea werq oar The deepest reported penetra- Gross, 18-year-old triplets, have interested when I told him I have, •“ “ ««oa. through the Kotelnikovski de- Russian force encircled for several taken, two 4-lnch guns were cap­ Rommel’s forces from Libya. Hartford, Doc. 29— ()P)—A group Justice .Bernstein yesterday tc fatally shot and a white aoldidr Gives Up Control n-gistered for the drafb And they In Allenby’n own hard-writing, on system was at Nagolny, days in the Don bend was routed tured, several tanks were destroy­ ot 60 Army aviation cadets will grant a motion tor a certlficaU expression of appreciation of the stabbed to death in a riot at miles south of the city. yesterday with heavy losses. ed and one enemy plene wee ehot mean business. "As long as we all leave Connecticut January 7 tor of reasonable doubt staying execu­ compound near Pretoria lost Arraste Oa Increase get In, we’re glad to —and AlUed generollskmo of the lost The Russians also hold Maior- (By Russian accounts it was the down by French fire," said the Fort Devens and from there, as tion of a six-month Jail aentenc* war. Marshal Foch, which Allenby night ” ^*«i»toaa. Washington, , Dec. 29.—(JP) — there won’t be many Japs or Ger­ alna and a half miles to the Germans who were encircled in State, county and municipal gov­ commuidque. "In the region part of a New England contingent Impoaed on Isidore H. Herk, pro­ gave at the time of the French sol­ The riot Mtowed a meeting of the Don bend sector.) northweet of Teroub e raid Hartford, Dec. 29.—(jf)— Don’t, mans left when we get through,” of 400 will go to the air corpa natives employed by the Pretoria liweet and Karalchev, a few ernments assumed final responsl- think Just because Hartfort police ducer. dier’s death. I must remember to Dependable east, all but ringing the city brought in aome 20 priaonera, in­ said Malvin, the talkin’est triplet. classification center at Nashville, send Wavell a photographic copy municipality to demand immediate It Pays To Buy At Your llllty today for controls over made 86,085 aneets in a year that Tenn., to atari their training. I drive that has carried them wages and salaries of their 3,000,- cluding two officers. We suffered Drowns in the Thames of that historic document when payment of higher wages. Reds Thrust Heavily no lossea.” Hartford is a very wicked city, for Studeata to Be Given Ixhum Three armored cars and a de­ the railroad from Stalingrad 000 employes. 68,502 were tor illegal parking. get home. m Mtter Axis 'counter-at- Against Finnish Line^ FighUng French forces driving Violent ()uake Reported New London, Dec. 29.—(A^—Ola) You know General Wavell oa tachment of troops were summon The authority, held by the War up 'from Lake Chad in Equatorial Chief Charles J. Halllaaey In his Johannesburg, Dec. 29— (IPi — Berlin, (From German Broad­ —Buy W ar Helsinki, Dec. 29—(/P)— Extend­ Labor board and tha commissioner Ekigblom, . 25 South, etret*!. New soldier. Maybe you don’t know he ed after police, foiled to quell the Local Package Store— ^But Africa alab are continuing to ad­ annual report to thS police board Students who left school to serve casts), Dec. 29—OP)—The German disturbance with teor-gaa bombs. onniBuniqus saM ing the scope ef the Soviet effeit' of internal revamm Bnca Nov. )2, York city, was drowmed In th< not only baa done much biographi­ ■•t battlM “•ur vance south of Fezzan. aoma 590 last nifkt S6l4 that total arreats in the armed forces at the Union radio reported today that the Jena TItames river early this morning cal writing but at this moment is A soldier stabbed by natives died l i W - sive. Red Army traeps have tknist vas ralinqulshad yaftaiMay as a milea balow Tripoli in aouthwast- Jitnqped 96,078 as eoqiaared to the of Sw th A M ea will ba grantoil thalr way farward heavUy against Finnish Unes after observatory had recerdad 6 “vary The police said Engblom was em- engaged in compiling on anthology en route to a hospital. BC(]uel to a recent decision by em Libya, tha BrazaaviUe radio 1941 total ef 50,010. In addition to 9200 In cash and a loan ^ 9600, violent earthquake" early this a number of popula­ montlu of relative Inactivity, a WLB that it had no right to rule p loy ^ on a dredge in mld-atrean o f poetry. The troopa opened fire and 50 Bonds And Stamps First. te Incom- said last night. the 68,502 erresta for illegal park­ repayable In 15 years, to enable morning, believed to have been and fen overboard while cllmblni Admirer of Browalng natlvea were wounded beside the Finnish communique disclosed to­ in labor disputes Involving state Jains FIgfaUng French Uws 2.000 cniiiay day. ing 1,000 were arrested in a stop- them to resume their studies after centered on the Dalmatian coast. onto the craft from a row boat The general didn't tell mp that, seven killed. Six soldiers were and municlp^ agencies and ttatir French Somaliland in East Af- The 6

/ I '■ V7 -rTfr^r?.^' .Yiff“ ' ' y. .< ;7 aThtj^. 7r^j5T^^ • ••.;- ■ ••,• ” •-t^■'- • ” T' , ' or?- > •' • '■'' nPi' V't '

• ^ ■■■■■ ■ ■ • '■ ’ - I ■„"- * ‘ ■ ■ \ ' ; • -, ■- ■ . ■ : ^' - M A N C H E S T E R E V E N I N G H E R A L D . M A N C H E S T E R , C?CFNN. T U E S D a t , DECBittBElt 29,|194»

8 t X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. Cr"’V TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 194> Scalding Leads cidentally scalding herself Auto Death Stresses Safe kettle of boiling water. the Rusaiana who have already ted no crime, '^ e r e was no law, Germs Protect Selves The accident. Medical UbinrlifBtfr slaughtered more men than Hitler except laws o f patriotism .and Dfiily Radio Proi^am s To Fatal Shock Walter Nelson said, caiuMfi- Women Traill heart attack. ; could ever put under arms. WhaV good aenae and faimeas, to pre­ Mountain Units Learn ToU Halved Driving Rules Washington in Wartime Eaaters Wat 'finis Mrs. Warner spilled the wfi the Ruselans are actually doing ia Coftiins IRrrald vent them from trying to pile in­ By Jack Stinnett As Engineers To Escape, Antibodies Cromwell, Dec. 29.—(>p)— Mrs. on her chest and abdomen magnificent enough; it doesn't to their pantry and cellar enough trying tb move the kettle fr POBUSUBO BT THB To Fight on Fast Skis Better Record Made in Gas ami Tire Shortage Mary Louise Warner, 90, a widow, : p r in t in g OO.. INC. need continual exaggeration to canned goods to last them for the Washington— Since ito govern­ 'figures come from? The Census stove. Necessitates More Cjire- died o f shock and a heart attack She' leaves a son and th| It Bluali Straat win the respect and the gratitude duration of the war. Those who ment agency, official, or even off- Bureau. Two-Thirds of Quo^ of Networks Now Preparing State in Decem ber Able to ^ Greater Lauds ItanohMtar, Conn. yesterday about an hour after ac­ brothers. THOMAS PBROUSON of the rest of the world. havie actually done this are few. the-record observer can come close two hits on that rock near the top Than in November. Harm to Man as Re- fnl Attention to Autos. Oaneral Hanncor when , the Census Bureau was 60 Enrolled for In­ Men ami Mules Being Meanwhile, however, we obvi­ but their policy of getting their to answering this question, it steaming up for the 1940 census, of that hill. See i t t ” Poundad Ootobar I. Ilt l Lieut. W. O. Ncsbit of Van For New Year’s Programs suit of Inimtinization ously need some accurate yard­ hog’a abare early has played its might be worth stating; Why. in I spent man>» hours hobnobbing tensive Course. Trained for War’s New System Hartford, Dec. 29—"Gas ration­ Pubilahad B*an Bvantna Bxcapi Wyck, S. C., checked by field Hartford, Dec. 29— (O — Just Bniidnya and Holldaya Bntarad at stick of our owm, if we are to keep great part in creating the short­ the name of common sense, hasn't with the men who" were to make one-half aa many people were Process. ing and tire shortage have reveal­ analyses of that checkup. They Hardest Kind of But* phone with the observation detaH tha Poai Oirica at Hanehaatar. level heads about the real prog' ages which necessitate the ra­ the Census Bureau L n given the New Haven, Dec. 29— (/Pj— Two- high above. He barked out the New York. Dec. 29.— 00— As the that the time required, 90 minutes, ed the full importance of special <^nn. aa Sarond Olaat Hall Uatlar responsibility for handling the de­ had "facts” on everything under killed during the highway safety thirds of a quota of 60 women tie in Colorado. elevation and deflection and gave year begins to fade, the networks vas difficult to clear on the net- By Howard \V. BlakeNlee DeinantU of Army, ress of the Russian winter cam­ tioning to come. And there was luge of questionnaires which have, the sun: birth rate, employment, campaign in December as-in the rules for safe winter dflvlng." ac­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES students have been enrol led,-Dean the order to fire. w irk in mld-aftemoon... .Abbott Associated Press N<-lenre Editor , Ona taar b» Mall ...... i....l».0 « paign. Take these astronomical nothing that could be done about as a result of the war effort, machine tools, farm labor, car Samuel W. Dudley, of the Yale are getting ready their annual re­ and Costello are moving their NBC corresponding period of Novem­ Leiid-LeaHt*,, W orkers cording to Motor Vehicles Com­ ownership, factory production, B.v Leif Eiirkson The hits were where Major Bloomington, Ind., Dec. 29 - m Par Month by Mall ...... } It Russian claims aa fact, and you them. flooded big business, little busi­ School of Engineering said today, Donovan promised. view broadcasts, with some added Thursday night show from 7:30 to ber,. the State Highway Safety missioner John T. McCarthy. Blnala Copy ...... j 01 ness and Individuals? food consumption and a thousand Camp Hale, Colo., Dec. 29— (JF) Signs that germs . can vaccinate Require Point Ration. * FIRST l^^lTvarad Ona Taar ...... St 00 must believe that the war is Now the situation is changing. for training as aircraft engineer —In a narrow, clod-scraping val­ embellishmenta. 10 o’clock when Bing Crosby cuts commission learned yesterday "No matter what rationing card The biggest home front noise in other things. assistanta at the Vought-Sikorsky themselves against man much as ley cut in the highest range of The first comes tonight at 9:30 1 to half an hour next week. ’I^ls from ^Its Safety Campaign com- he vaccinates himself against you hold,” Commissioner Mc­ MEMBER OF about over. It isn't over, by any These hoarders, when they apply Washington today Is being made Now, they said, on a basis of division of The United Aircraft Hartford, Dee. 29- —In a de­ TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS trends, the 1940 census should the Rockies, men and mules of the for an hour on CBS, under the Utle | will eliminate the repeat f w the them have been discovered at In­ Carthy said, "this winter your car means. It isn't even near being for their general rationing books, about this questionnaire inunda­ corporation. far west which has been going on tailed explanation of the point ra­ means vital transportation—trans­ Tha Aaaoolatad Praaa la azclualaa- tion. The Baltimore Sun recently show thus and so. The margin of U. S. Arm y’s mountain troops are Fuel Supplies used in past seasons, "Twelve Gratified at the apparent suc­ diana University. ty antlllad to tba uaa or rapublloa- Jan. 4, the women will start an portation that Kelps you do your over. will be asked to declare their uncovered a new high In the ques­ error (in spite of depressions, the being trained and toughened for Crowded Months.” It will be a at the later time. cess of the drive, Thomas D. Han­ Vaccination means that the tioning system beginning Feb. 1, tlon of all newa diapatchaa cradliad eight weeks course of intensive part in helping win the war. You NATIONAL It is possible to gain a trust­ present slocks of canned goods. outbreak of World War II in Eu­ war’s hardest 'kind of battle, general review of 1942 In drama ley, chairman of the committee, germs are able to immunize them­ State OPA Director Chester to It or not otharwita oraditad In tionnaire tide when it reported training in the engineering, sci­ thla papar and alao tha local navt rope, etc.) was never mori. tha’n a mountain warfare. To Be Listed Tuning tonight, NBC, 8—Olnny pojnted out that the driving mile­ selves against some of man’s na­ need your car to get through safe­ worthy impression of events on Many of them have. In the* past, that a Washington department ence, and management war train­ form In March of Time style. Bowles declared in a broadcast pnbllabad haraln. scant few per cent — in most in­ The mountain troops are new Simms Shows; 8:30— Horace age is estimated at about the same tural defenses. The defenses are ly and on Ume when you use it. All ricbta of rapnblloatlon or the Russian front. The way to made no secret of their hoard. store had on hand a 13,400-pagc, ing program, conducted by Yale On New Year’s Eve there will last night that the demands of the SUPER'MARKETS pile of O PA regulations, directives stances less than one per cent. in Uncle Sam’s Army. The or­ be two more. A t 8 MBS presents Heidt: 9— Battle of Sexes; 9:30— for the two periods, while poor known as antibodies. These anti­ BriiNh Up on Ruirn tpaelal diapatchaa haraln ara alao do it ia to ignore how many Ger­ university in cooperation with the armed forces. Icnd-lease, and war rata nr ad Now, under the new rationing sys­ and questions. Involving more On most important facts, the Cen­ der creating them was issued just Sturges Orders Full "1942 In Review” for an hour in Fibber McGee and Molly: 10— Bob weather, extension of the dim-out, bodies are possibly man’s best de­ "Since we can’t get new cars or New Haven Y.M.C.A. Junior col­ production workers require such a mans the Rusaians say they killed tem, they will be asked to tell ra­ than 11,000,000 words of legalistic sus Bureau would have no greater 13 months ago. In November, which are to be Included voice re­ Hope; 10:30— Red Skelton. and longer nights made driving fense against infectious diseases, new tires except on priority, we Full aaralea cllani of N E. A margin of error today. lege under the auspices of the U. 1941, Gen. George C. Marshall Running Inventory of CBS, 8- Ughts Out Drama; even more hazardous during De­ that is his best germ-killers. set-up. are all fearful of accidents that Sarvira Inc yesterday and today and this tioning officials, who may be language. cordings of some of the outstand­ The Census Bureau, as a fact­ S. Office of Education. picked Brig. Gen. Onslow S. Rolfe, 8:30— A1 Jolaon and Diana Barry­ cember. A vaccinated germ, by escaping "Certainly we cannot begrudge might deprive us of our vehicles,’ week, and keep your eye on cer­ their neighbors, what they pos­ .-\ll College Graduates Oil and Coal in State. ing men In the year’s news. our armed forces and our Rus­ f a h c y p i» » ' I Publlthtra Rapraaantatlvaa, Tha One case illustrates my original finding organization, has no poli­ then a colonel in dusty Oklahoma, A somewhat different idea in re­ more; 9—Burns and Allen; 10:30— Compared with the preceding the antibodies, is able to do a the commissioner .continued. "For Jnllna Matbawa Spaclal Agancy— tain spots on the map. So long as sess. "All are college graduates of December, the figures showed a man greater harm. This protec­ sian Allies the food they need to question; Several agencies (OPA, tical axe to grind. A full-time Bu­ to organize thorn. views is that scheduled for NBC Talk, Sen. Ge^ W. Norris. this reason'l ani sure all responai Naw Tork. Chicago. Detroit and reau organization (it still would high caliber both in training and drop in fatalities of 60 per cent. tion which the germ appears to fight our war." he declared. Boaion the Germans stay in these spots, It will be then that the natural 'The Rubber Administration, and They moved this month into Hartford, Dec. 29— (/P;— As one at 11:30. Editors and editorial BLU, 7:30— Pop Concert; 8:30— ble drivers will gladly brush up on O D T) had to know something number thousands of employes ability,” said Dean Dudley. Camp Hale, their own training Highway travel for this year is acquire explains possibly the thing "And certainly, we can not be­ their winter driving knowledge.” they are still in position to con­ instinct of the hoarder will come of the first steps in dividing up writers In various parts of the r uffy’s and Rochester: 9— Famous MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF about the tire situation in the than during census years) "Women are interested in the base. Located 9,500 feet above Jury Trials; 9:30 — SpoUlght judged to be 40 to 50 per cent which physicians know as an in­ grudge our own under-privileged The commissioner said that In CIRClIIJtTloNS tinue their war against Russia for Connecticut’s fuel supply fairly. country are "To report on the families the food wliich they can face to face with its first definite country. Questionnaires were could gather all the facts that course for a variety of reasons. sea level in a mountain-wallod bands; 10:15— This Nation A t less than last year. crease in virulence of disease adequate traction and reduced a long time to come. And when have to be known in prosecuting We have some married women Emergency Fuel Administrator state of the nation,” among them 14 Deaths In Month germs. For example, flu, colds, now afford to buy for the first T U R lW Tba Harald Printing Company. opportunity actually to violate a printed. valley that’s snow-covered seven vision are the major hazards of William Allen White of Emporia, War. time.” Inc., aaaumaa no Qnanolai raaponal- the Germans have actually been Then some bright clerk in the the war effort in one-tenth the with husbands in the Army, who months of the year. Camp Hale Wesley A. Sturges last night or­ The figures of the Motor Vehi­ pneumonia and other infectious winter driving according to re­ blllty tor typographical arrori ap- law. I f the hoarder reveals his Kan. There will be pickups from MBS, 7:15—Johnson Family; 8 He “guessed’’ that meat ration­ Budget Bureau asked why this in­ time used by the questionnaire themselves wish to aid the war ef­ ia the nation’s highest military dered a complete running Inven­ cle department submitted to the diseases are comparatively mild search of the NaUonal Safety taring In adTartlattnanta tn tba driven from one of these spots, stocks, and surrenders the stamps the (Christian Science Monitor. — Pass In Review; 9:30— Murder ing might likewise start "some­ Banehaatar Bvaning Harald. formation wasn't available at the method and, having the contacts fort. We have women skilled In camp. tory of all fuel in the state, both commission showed 14 deaths for on some years, more virulent on Council. He heartily endorsed the there you will have a signal Rus­ Boston and from the New York CTllnic; 11:30— Melody Hall. time around March 1” UNDIR U LIS OVER 1* LIS they^ represent, no permanent rubber division of the Department constantly at theii; fi.igcr tips, peacetime occupations who are First of the mountain troops to oil and coal. the first 27 days of this month, others. following recommendations of the y Times among others. This incresse of virulence has Points to Flexibllll.v Tuesday, December 29 sian victory. In many of these harm has been done. But if the of Commerce. A check proved that could also disseminate regula­ now caught xn the growing war­ get settled in the new camp was The Inventory will be taken as What to expect Wednesday: three In Hartford, two in Bridge­ council; - tions. Also oh New Year's eve at mid­ port, two in Hamden and one each been thought of as if the germ’s Pointing out the flexibility of spots, the Russians themselves it was. Where did the facts and time occupuatlonal readjustment. the pack artillery, now equipped soon as po.ssible by the State De­ NBC, 11:30 a. m.—Snow Village; On snow or ice-covered roads, boarder lies, planning not only to And we have students who simply night In place of ita usual danc­ in seven other communities. sting became more poisonous. The the "point system.” developed in drive aa slowly as necessary . to have characterized the German po­ with Jeeps and toboggans as well fense Councils Fuel committee, 1:15 p. m.— Sketches In Melody; England,' Bowles mphasized that LI keep his pr^ent stocks but to bty^ want a better job. The age-span in' party, CBS is to put on anoth­ That compares with 28 traffic Indiana experiments indicate that keep control of your car at all We’re Suckers If We Don’t as mules. The pack artillery has with the help of municipalities, 4— Rose Bowl Kickoff Luncheon. It would do no one any good to sition as "hopeless.” Still, meas­ some of the foods supplying this oi the group is quite Inclusive, er of ita occasional "American deaths in the first 27 days of N o­ the germ may remain just as mild, times. 4 7 “ 4 3 new stocks as well, he is theli been in service since it’s first ac­ Federal agencies, and industrial CBS, 9:15 a. m.—The Sym- start hoarding now in anticipation It wag Vice President Henry some members being from 30 to Scene" broadcasts. By the use of vember, the campaign committee but do more damage, that is be­ When snow and ice prevail, put ure the Russian campaign by committing a crime. Thia fact, HEALTH AND DIET element?” tion in 1898 in the Philippine in- concerns. Once taken, it will be phonettes; 3:30 p. m.— Philippine of rationing. Wallace, generally described as an 60 years of age, while the largest microphone VlslU to cities and pointed out; and 34 deaths for the come more virulent, because man’s on tire chains even if it does take asking yourself whether or not Answer; Phosphorous Is found surtection. kept up to date by recording sup­ Rlzal Day Program; 4:30—Orange "I am sure all can sec how fool­ 1942 MW iMw rsgultliofli on your feodi tliil you nsvsf we imagine, should give serious in: Pears, apples, cherries, plums, group is between 20 and 30." towns all over the land this one is first 27 days of December, 1941. immunizing machinery fails to a few minutes. This is the worst drsimsd of s yMr ago. - - Coiling Pricu and Rationing, Idealist, who last night aptly ex­ the Germans are still in these po­ ADVICE May Be Toughest Job plies and sales^ Bowl. Preview; BLU, 10:30 a. m.— ish it would be to do any extra pause to people who, up until thia figs, strawberries. a p r 1 c.o t s W ill Receive I*ay ti depict the country in wartime. A full report of the campaign stop him. po.ssible time for tr-ifflc tie-ups. tor oxamplo. Wo lako this opportunity to thank all our pressed the supremely practical The, assignment to the moun­ Aasured o f Cooperation Baby Institute; 12:30 p. m.— Farm | Alterations Never Seen buying," he declared. sitions. oranges, huckleberries, cocoanuts, Enrollees will receive pay while including recommen­ Cheek Equipment cuitomari who m willingly cooporatod with ui. 1943 Ume, have merely thought ot rumlshed by the McCoy tain troops is just a new job for A fter being aasured of complete and Home Program; 4— Club Germs are so small that the "In the first place everyone ia teason why the people o f this One of them, of course, is Sta- almonds, chestnuts, oatmeal, corn- studying in New Haven and dur­ ' The audition previews, in which dations for far-reaching changes (Tieck windshield wipers, de­ will >aa lurthar rationing M foodi and wo aik you all to themselves as good and clever Health Service the pack artillery’s men and cooperation by State OPA Direc­ MuUnee. MBS. 12:30— Navy alterations which would cause going to be assured of getting his country, tn their own self interest, meal, rice flour,' macaroni, wheat ing an additional 16 weeks ot thg BLU network planned to audi­ in safety policies, was submitted frosters. and lights regularly be­ continue tha Mma fine ipirit of eooporation lllngrad. Another, some distance mules, but it may be the toughest tor (Jhester Bowies, Administrator School of Music; 3:15— Shady Val­ them to become more virulent — fair share once rationing goes in­ E providers for themselves. Address comniunIcationB to The flour, artichokes, beans, peas, training at Vgught-Sikorsky's tion prospsctlve Broadway plays, to the commission. Its executive cause they do deteriorate— and BAUSt be committed to Internation­ to the west of Stalingrad, is the they’ve yet tackled. Their task Sturges went - to New York yes­ ley Folks; 5:15—Quaker Cnty committee will study the recom­ either by immunity or otherwise— to effect. 1. Herald, Attention McCoy asparagus, cauliflower, pumpkin, Stratford plant. Housing facilities terday to confer with Federal have been discontinued after one "And second, the local rationing you can’t avoid a hazard unless al cooperation following thia wax, is to deliver the heavy-hitting Serenade. mendations at its next meeting. never have been seen. The new Ws wMi ysw • Hspplsr, VIctsrisu* Nsw Year. railroad center of Mlllerovo. Rus­ Health Service. potatoes, cabbage, cheese, beets, will be provided in the dormitory official.s. One of his visits was broadcast. The explanation wras board according to ,the regulations you edn see It. % why, although a quarter century punch of 75 millimeter ffowltzers "This year, Connecticut has evidence was found with parame- sians are reported to be all around spinach, celery, milk and eggs as of the Weyllater school at Milford, against any foe the mountain to Brig. Gen. Brice P. Disque, will have to take tne proper num­ Share your car and reduce traf­ been given the safest Christmas cla, one-cell, pin-point size ani­ fic. Also, remember it takes three ------STORI HOURS:------ago we were not ready for accept­ it. well as in other foods. This min­ and at the New Haven Y.M.C.A. troops may meet In this global assistant district coordinator for ber of tickets out of ration bonks season it has experienced for mals that live in quiet or stagnant to 11 times normal distance to OpM Wedfiesdey IvM iint until 7 p.m. ance of President Wilson’s princi­ Uainlng Weight eral is apparently a constituent of A few women are still being en­ war— in the Alps, the Caucasus, the Office of Solid Fuel, to find to make up for the various pro Another such key position is Connecticut 1080 many years,” Hanley declared last water. Under a microscope they stop on snow or ice without Anti­ most of the tissues of the body. rolled for the course, the first or­ tl)e Balkans, or the Himalayas. out what hard coal supplies could 1380 ducts which have been stored.” CU m 4 Thursday IvM iint (Nsw Ysir's Evs) at I p.ak ples, we ought to be more ready the fortified point of Rzhev, in the night, commenting that the drive are big and easy to see. They are skid chains on tires. The problem of the Individual ganized at Yale to train women The American mountain outfits be available for those who convert WTIC Kilocycle* for them now. WDRC Kilocycle* seemed to have achieved its alo- much like germs. They are single- Don’t waste gas and don’t grind ------7- SHOP lARLYI ------— central front. It, too, is virtually suffering from underweight is Just Questions and Answers at an engineering level. J. M. Hall, that .go into action in this war from oil to coal. cell animals, and multiply by di­ gan: “Give Connecticut Safety for Named Evacuation Officer rubber off tires trying to get out The people o f the United States as Important to him as to that (Douche After Manstruatlon) of Vought-Slkorsky’s engineering While Administrator Sturges is MILK FED surrounded by Russians. So, to Yankee will be complete, self-sufficient Tuesda}', December 29 Christmas.” viding into two. of drifts, or by climbing slippery person suffering from overweight, Question: Mrs. L. D. writes: department, is Interviewing appli­ striking forces. They Will have studying the fuel situation, as he Tuesday, December 29 Like germs, paramecia can then, Mr. Wallace^ aaya, “were In the west, is Velikie Liuki. So is By A. H. O. P. M. Hartford, Dec. 29-—(/Pi— State hills with tires that spin. Put on FOW L 4-6LB AVa who is trying to reduce. Those "Here is a question I have often cants at the engineering personnel ski-riding, rock-climbing infantry. was instructed to by Gov. Robert P M. cause the formation of antibodies. the position of a strong, well-arm- Staraya Russa, which the Rus- 3:00— Da'vid Harum. 3:00—The Story o f Mary Marlin. Defense Administrator Wesley A. chains or get a tow. who are underweight-are very sen­ wanted to ask. Should my unmar­ office ■ of Vought-Sikorsky in They will have quartermaster A. Hurley last Saturday, the gov­ The discovery that the paramecia POft ROASTINa sd pioneer dtisen who thought be siana once thought they were go­ The Legislative Council, the sitive about being called skinny Stratford. 3:15— News. 3:15— Ma Perkins. Sturges today announced the ap­ Street and highway department* ried daughter take douches after companies, medical units, and Sig­ ernor and Gov.-Elect Raymond E. 3:30—Pepper Young's Family. can also immunize or vaccinate U, theoretically thoughtful continua­ and many will refrain from going menstruation for cleaning pur­ 3:20— St. Louis Matinee. Wreck Toll pointment of Clinton M. O u ik will do their best to keep primary 4-5 LI AVa could defend himself against rob- ing to capture last wdnter. And, nal Corps sections equipped and Baldwin are preparing a radio re­ 3:45— Program from N. Y. themselves against these same CHICKENS tion in Interim of the 1941 session, out on the beaches in a bathing poses? Should a married woman 3:30— Key'ooard Concerts. antibodies was made by Dr. Tracy shank. 59, of New Canaan, as re­ roads open, but the shortage of bera without going to the expense at the extreme north of the line, trained to supply them in terrain port to be given to the people of 4:00— Backstage Wife. labor and’ machinery for anow re­ has brought forth a miserly grist suit because of this hypersensi- who has borne four children take 4:00— News. M. Sonnebom, associate professor gional evacuation officer of region FRESHLY impassable for trucks or wagons. the state at 7:30 Wednesady eve­ 4:15— Stella Dallas. Rises to 36 moval will make a difference thia and bother of Joining with his the Germane are atlU besieging of legislative proposals for the in- tlvenes.s. to their physical appear­ douches after menstruation?” ning. 4:15—Afternoon Melodies. ' of zoology. to succeed Henry B. Spelman LI Quotations 'The pack artillery batteries, car­ 4:30— Lorenzo Jones. who resigned recently to become year. Be prepared also to find less HAMBURG GROUND Iwlghbors in Betting up a police Leningrad, although the Russians enning General Assembly, chief ance. Answer; There is no need for a This report is expected to be 4:4!)—W ar News. Paramecia w#re Injected into rying their howitzers broken down 4:45— Young Widder Brown. supervisor of air raid . protection sand on the highways than laat forces to uphold civil law. They among ita recommendations being douche at the completion of the the first specific analysis of the 4:55— National News. rabbits. One of the first results have, many times, proclaimed Let me point out here that any in pieces for mule pack loads, will 5:00— When a Girl Marries. for the State Defense council. year. K S T ca rriR one for the permanent adoption of reader who has lost, considerable ment.srual function in either case. We are learning to ration ma­ move right behind the infantry to state’s fuel position, and Is ex­ 5:00— Ad Liner. Inquest to Be Held Jan. waa exactly like that which fol- atood for decency in International themselves on the verge of lifting 5:30—News. 5:15— Portia Faces Life. CUTS 1* the 9 o’clock closing of the polls weight over a short period of time The healthy vagina is self-cleans­ terials and we must learn to ra­ cover and support Infantry attacks p e c ts to Include the gist of Ad­ 7 on Canadian Pacific lowa the injection or other entry PORK CHOPS affairs, but in tha world of prac­ that siege. inaugurated laat November. ing and does not require douching tion manpower. 6:39— ^The Scoffer and the Scrap. 5:30— Just Plain Bill. of dlaeaae germs into a healthy should consult a physician and with accurate, destructive, 75 mil­ ministrator Sturges’ findings of 5 :45— Front Page Farrell. tical international politica the net What the real optimists about The 9 o’clock voting hour had have an examination without de­ at the end of menstrual period. In — President Roosevelt. limeter shelling. the last few days. 6:45— Ben Bemie. animal. The rabbiU’ blood formed 6:00— News. Railroad Crash. effect of' their action or lack of the Russian army, those observers its successes and Ita failures. lay, aa there may possibly be some some instances, married women Colonel Learning to Ski 6:00— News. antibodies against the paramecia. Among Its failures must be list­ are advised to use douches after If we are to save civilization,' 6:05— W ar Commentary. 6:15—Road to Victory. Thia antibody became so potent MMNTOHI action was anarchy and the loss who believe it is fast becoming serious underlying cause for the Ruddy-faced Coi. David Ruffner, 6:30— Strictly Sports. Almonte, Ontario, Dec. 29.— (.JP) ed the fact that the population sudden loss of weight. However, I me.ntsruation, but only when their that (drafting youth) is the only whose vocabulary is specific and 6:10— Sports. that it took only 20 minutes to at millions o f lives and hundreds Hitler’s match and master, are 6:15—Treasury SUr Parade. 6:45—Lowell Thomas, commenta­ —The death toll in the collision of APPLES of the defense Industries, sup­ may be able to help those who are physicians And some abnormal load which we can follow. sulphorous after 26 years in Arm y paralyze further paramecia placed at billions o f dollars in m second hoping and waiting for is the —Secretarj- of War Henry L. 6:30— Frazier Hunt, News. tor. a troop train with a local here in the rabbit blood. One part of COAL STOVES NATIVI posedly so keenly interested in habitually thin and who are striv­ condition present which makes mule outfits, commands the Camp 6:45— The World Today. 7;0O_Fred Waring in Pleaaure Sunday night rose to 36 today as COOKPM World War. newrs that Hitler has been forced returning Oovernor Hurley to ing to put on those added pleasing thia course seem advisable. Ktimson. Hale pack artillery. So he can Hollywood the serum from rabbit’s blood in APPLES 7:00— Amos *n’ Andy. Time. Dr. Smirle Lawson, chief coroner 4,000 parts of water was enough to give up one of these key points office, were not Interested in pounds. (Heavy Feeling) keep up with his men, he’s learn­ DiAMlOU "The sturdy pioneer citizen, I should reckon there were 100 7:15— Harry James. 7:15— News of the World. for Ontario, announced that an to paralyze a paramecium. A ll thia the election at all. They were The amount of food consumed Question: Matilda H. Inquires: ing to ski. Colonel Ruffner claims Sights And Sounds proud o f hia own strength and in­ he la so obviously determined to (ires going fine as we set off for 7:30— Am erican'M elody Hour. 7:30— Come On and Dance. inquest would be held Jan. 7. was the way in which human or y ^ V A I L W E Man * 0-* 0^ the people for whom the change does not always have an effect in "W hat causes a woman of middle- he's terrible, but Lieut. John Jay, PEARS hold. That, when it happens, will home. 8:00— Lights Out. 7:45— H. V. Kaltenbom. The speeding troop train splin­ animal bodies react to Infectious dependence, needed to be robbed was adopted. When they failed adding weight to the body, and age to have a heavy feeling across his instructor, reports the colonel — — By Bobbin Coons —American-born gunner iii Polish 8:30— A1 JolBCMi. 8:00— Johnny Presents. tered three rear w <^en coaches germs. and beaten only once by bandits be a fact which will speak for it­ to appreciate the fervent ges­ we have all seen families where the lower back? Have always is going all right. been healthy in every way. The R. F. -.quadron describing Kiel 8:55^-CecU Brown, News. 8:30— Horace Heldt’e Treasure of a Pembroke-Ottawa train The next step was the so-called Read These FACT5“ GRAPES self, without any propaganda ex­ tures made toward them, that the thinnest member possibly had C?oIonel Ruffner admits the Hollywood—Walt Disney ex­ standing at the station here, filled to be ready to cooperate with his heaviness grows worse along to­ raid. tends a gracious hand to Latin 9:00— Geo. Bums A Grade Alien. Chest. vaccination or immunizing of the PLOMDA waa a lot o political labor lost. the greatest appetite. Most cases jeep, bn which dismantled howit­ with holiday home-goers. Scores GENERAL SOMERVELL soys: law-abiding neighbors. I believe aggeration. So, to keep your feet ward night, especially if I have 9:15—Boys C?holr of Oolumbus, 9:00—BatUe of the Sexes. paramecia. Dr. Sonneborn diluted FOR The Democrats missed their of under-weight are caused by a zers are strapped just aa on a American in "Saludos Amigos," were injured, officials of the Ca­ ‘‘Only by tho combinod aavinga of M s* • 4- 70's on the ground, keep your eye on been on my feet a lot during the V iot of us. including public o f­ the first film result of the South Ohio 9:30— Fibber McGee and Molly. the rabbit asrum which had been GRAPEFRUIT the United States also has learned real cue; what they should have lack of assimilation, or a lack of mule saddle, are "great little ma­ nadian Pacific railway listing at of Americam in motorins and in H EAT­ the map. day. When it becomes worse, it is ficials. are going to have to stretch American tour he made in 1941 9:30— Suspense. 10:00— Bob Hope. lethal to paramecia, until it no M ItH her lesson and that she la willing sought at the special session the intestines to absorb the nutri­ chines." He t^as no sentimental least 118. ING can enough gatolina and oil ba di- more like a dull nagging ache our muscles and our minds to win. with his party of artists and ar­ 10:00—^An American in Russia. 10:30— Red Skelton and Company. longer killed them. A fter a few HObVI'i was a law giving labor a week tive value of the food which is stubbornness to make him deny One of those Injured—Joseph vortad to meet Army demanda. CRANBERRIES to assume a responslbiUty propor­ than a heaviness. Sometimes 1 — Wendell W’iUkie. tisans. 10:30— Charlie Spivak. 11:00— News. days of this treatment, in- test to vote, or, better atlU, making eaten. The most important point that Jeeps aren't effective from Roach of Renfrew, Ont., died In a I "Tba Army urgaa all Americana to bawa tionate toTier strength." wake up in the mornings free It’s the kind of band, one imag­ 11:00— News. 11:15— Dance Music. tubes, the paramecia became com­ It compulsory for labor to vote which the underweight person moving up guns in a hurry on any hospital early this morning. gasoline and FU EL OIL to provide tha BUNCH Revels As Usual? from it, but it comes on along Stories of Japanese atrocities ines, that our southern neighbors 11:05— Sports Roundup. 11:30— Polish Orchestra. pletely immune. The rabbit blood That’s our situation, concisely and vote the Democratic ticket. should ob.serve is that the object trail that won’t stop them. To Gall Eyewitneesee vital necemitiee for tha macbaniiad might CELERY about eleven o’clock." are not just talk, but for me to have been wanting. There’s 11:10— Quincy Howe. News. could no longer kill them even This nation's observance of Among the successes to be first and foremost should be to in­ "The jeeps help out my mules,” Dr. Lawson said that at least i that anil cruah the Azit.” p u t Either we win thia war to Answer: There are several pos­ relate, specific Incidents would en­ friendliness in it, and humor, and 11:15— Frank Sinatra, Songs. 12:05— Roy Shleld’a Orchestra. when used in former lethal con Christmas, In war time, without credited to the 9 o’clock voting crease the health, rather than to the colonel says. "They haul the have it stay won, or we abdicate sible'causes of the heaviness you danger lives of thousands of more appreciation—and none of Holly­ 11:30— Xavier Cougat Orchestra 12:55— Newa. dozen eyewitnesses as well as rail' centrations. GOVERNOR SALTONSTALL toys: hour was the fact that, even with increase the weight. guns as far as they can go. Then way employes, would be summon­ TU R N IP S 3 serious deviation from past cus­ describe aihong them being pro­ Americans still in Shanghai and wood’s past mistakes in the mat­ 12:00— News. Lasts Long Periods "Thara ia impaftding a ahortaga of fuel oH from responsibility as soon as the its three hour handicap, it per­ my mules take over and go right ed to the inquest. , tom, was explainable because If the health is increased, a lapsus (or sagging of the organs), hoping to get home. Other trav­ ter of a pretentious, grandiose Tomorrow’a Prognua In further ways these immuniz­ of major proportidna arbiefa may make iZ n iU taiy victory has been mitted the state election result to natural Increase in, weight will fol­ on by," (Jolonel Ruffner observed Tomorrow’s Program The second fatal railway wreck pelvic congestion from bladder, or elers who returned with me told proudly, making walking gestures "good neighbor" policy. A. M. ed paramecia reacted like the impouible for large numban of pertont to S Q U A S H 3 ^ achieved, leaving the future to its Christmas itsielf is something hal­ be known at an hour earlier than low. Just keep that in mind. If 6:00— Reveille, Agricultural Newa in (Janada in two days killed five uterine trouble, and weakness of me far more than I can safely tell. with his hands. What we see is Disney and A. M. germs which became \1rulent haat their homaa or placaa of abode auffi- lowed and sanctified above and any other recent state election. In you build health, you will conse­ 7:00— News. men yesterday when two freight own beat salvation—a course the muscles across the lower — .Miss Mary E. W’alther, mission­ When the pack artillery bits party skipping around South 6:25— News. When germs become more viru­ ciant for tha protection and preaarvation return for.the extra time granted quently build weight. | 7:10— Shoppers’ Special. trains crashed head-on near of health." which will mean another war, a beyond any strife or sorrow; The back. It is suggested that you re­ ary to China. snow or slopes that stop the mules, America with a color camera. 6:30— Reveille. lent, the added killing power some­ 9 K Q o o d i them, the voters let the politicians ‘'VVcll,'' you might ask "how do ------1 7:20— Youth Center Program. Nipissing, on a curve. Nipissing very manner In which w / cele­ port to your doctor for examina- the men push on with snow shoes, Cutting the "live action" of ^the 6:55— News. times last* for long periods, occa­ THE WAR PRODUCTION BOARD ia generation from now. and newspapermen k n o ^ the re­ I go about building good|health?” 7:30— Robart Furriers Program. is about halfway between North -tion. A careful examination should Riveting is merely basting. You pulling their gun pieces on tobog­ film there are four animated story­ 7:00— Morning Watch. sionally for years. With the para­ urging everyone along tha Atlantie Sea­ •wsOMi *ys, CroUasa Whnot. Whsls W lisat. Ptain Ry* brated showed- thoughtfulness of sult in time for a good 'night's The answer to that is of'^course to rivet a plane as you baste a dress. 7:40— Bond Clothes Program. Bay and C^allander. There ia nothing visionary or sleep. uncover the cause in your case. gans. The blasts of howitzer fire telling sequences. 8:00— Newa. mecia the immunity— or increased board, who poaaibly can, to convact from others; many of us stopped, many adopt dietetic and living habits Along the seams. 7:55—Nows. YOUR 1%-LI I A Impossibly idealistic about pro­ • • • ' 8:15— World News Roundup. virulence — has lasted through oil to coal for heating. MOMi MM That any o f these results can which will bring the body organi­ crack out from amazingly hard-to- 8:00—News bf the World. CHOICE LOAF I U « times, in the holiday whirl to —Constance Walker, designer ot get-to spots on the Csmp Hale Donald Duck, intrepid North 8:30—Women’s Radio Bazaar more than 280 generations. This $47*1 DARK BREADS posals that we do our best to be woven into an argument for zation to such a state of perfection 8:15—Shoppers’ Special. measure the pleasant .things aircraft machine tools. reservation, in empty canons and American tourist, explores tba with Nan Clarke. means tb|ough trillions of para­ make sure that this war is the the permanent continuation of the that it will begin to function nor­ 8:30— News. Ice Jam Blasted PLAIN OR on lonely ridges where prospectors wonders of Lake Titicaca, one of 8:55— Program Parade. mecia. In germs the virulence is *Utio *^am o4U DOZ around ourselves against the un­ 9 o’clock voting hour is. however, mally. Briefly, those who are un­ 8:35— Shoppers Special. SUGARED last of, Ita kind. In his discussion To the defeat of such tyrants long' ago hunted bonanzas. the highest bodies of water in the 9:00—Music WhUe You Work. sometimes brief. In the paramecia DOUGHNUTS 13< pleasant things loose in the a matter of some doubt. derweight first should adopt hab­ 8:55—Singing Neighbor. o f such proposals last night, the (German, Italian, Japanese)—to Showing how bis guns operate world, bordering Peru and Bo­ 9:15— Funny Money Man. To Prevent Flood too in some cases the immunity CARAWAY H.AVOU0 Unquestionably, if condi­ its of regularity in every phase of 9:00— Press News. RAISIN LOAR LOAF I 5 * world; and the note of religious the removal from this earth of the in mountain snow, Colonel Ruffner livia, and meets a wonderful llama 9:30—MWody Time. disappeared after a few genera­ Ulmmi moRimiG S IRISH BREAD Vice President was speaking only tions should parallel those of 194‘2, living. Meals should be eaten at Injustice and inequalities which 9:15—Utica a Chippella Choir sanctity was always present. ordered out mule and jeep bat­ for some wonderfully suspenseful 9:45— Gene and Glenn. tions. in general and suggestive terms, another exception to the rule regular hours and those meals 9:45— Victory Front. create such tyrants and breed new teries and a man-pulled battery adventures on a suspension 1Q;00— Melod}^ Tima. Honesdaie, Pa.. Dec. 29.— (/P\ The next step in the investiga­ CUSTARD ANGEL CAKE jAc^f 39* There’s a difference between the would be a routine matter, simply .should be well balanced and should 10:00— Valiant Lady. and his main purpose, like that ot wars—this nation Is wholly dedi­ using snow shoes and toboggans. bridge. 10:15— ^The O’Neils. Dynamiters blasted an ice jam in tion is to find out how the im­ Now Available for CIVIIIAH USE spirit of Christmas, however, and because no politician would want be taken to a point to satisfy hun­ cated. 10:15— Stories America Loves. avery other leader who recognizes The jeep battery roared away on "Pedro” relates the’’ lusty ad­ 10:30—Help Mate. the Lackawaxen river last night munity of the paramecia is trans­ CHIKOIATE FUDGE CAKE EACH 2 3 * to take responsibility for refusing ger. Avoid stuffing and avoid over­ 10:30— Amanda of Honeymoon By arrangement with and permissioa of the the spirit of New Year's. The -President Roosevelt on third an- the road out of camp and then ventures of a little mail plane 10:45— Young Dr. Malone. and prevented another-flood In this mitted. that the problems of peace are to, grant it. But meeting a war­ eating of the so-called fattening nlversa ly of war. W ar Presduction Board and the W a r Depart­ spirit of the latter holiday is tra­ headed across a flat o f unbroken flying the Andes. There waa the __ HUl. 11:00— Road of Life. northeastern town There is a possibility that the RAISIN POUND CAKE EACH 2 9 * Just as important as those of war, time emergency and adopting foods. If actual hunger exists be­ 10:45— Bachelora C2iildren. paramecium imnuinlzed himself by ment, the famous W A R M M O R N IN G coal ditionally one of wassail, and lit­ permanent change are different snow. The Jeeps stalled a little in mail plane, the papa— and the 11:15—Vic and Sada. of 6,000. which counted 25 deaths was to stimulate realization and tween meals, it is a good plan to Q— Why are men over 38 years We would be most negligent if fe-matl plane, the mama, and 11:00— Clara Lu-N-Em. 11:30—Program from N. T. w'hen the river spilled over its acquiring a mechanism by which heater, thousands of which are being used in tle else. Normally, we try to be things, and the emergency is one have a large glass of milk. This a snow-filled ditch, but the men thinking and a willingii'ess to re' old excluded from the draft? we did not have a good lUng at pushed and hoisted them loose. little Pedro, the baby. "E l Oau- 11:15— Second Husband. 11:45— David Harum. banks last May 22. he is able to manufacture a' chem­ Army Camps throughout the nation, is now that is certain to end. When it should be sipped slowly and if pre­ bringing Germany to her knees by as gay anti aa frivolous and as ir­ A —Experience has shown that, Then the jeeps, bouncing and cho Goofy” takes a noted dog- 11:30— Bright Horizons. 12:00—Medley Time—Hal Kolb, Mountainous piles of ice, jammed ical which protects him against being made available for essential civilian use. Sponslbility among the people ot does end, the arguments based on ferred, a quafitity of orange juice concentrated use of air power and responsible as we can. Those re­ over a period o f time, they can’t lurching on spinning wheels, climb­ hand from deep in the heart o f 11:45— Aunt Jenny’s Stories. organist. by a 24-hour rain, had dammed up the omtibodies. As there are only S ell SoMico -QtoovUoi thia country, who must have a it will be at an end. And what may be. m(xed with it. we intend to give it a full test but The heater that has received such nationwide take it under field conditions eith­ ed a steep and snow-filed shelf Texas, clap-clap, straight to the 12:00 noon— Kate Smith Speaks. for a mile behind a temporary a few parts to this single-cell ligious observances which are other argument will then be lelt Those Who arc underweight fre­ P. M. acclaim from thousands of users. N ew andi voluntary impetua toward the er mentally or physically as well we must also be prepared to go train. The trail ended on the ridge argentine’ plans for some gaucho P Ms 12:15— Luncheonalres. bridge in the center of the town mal, 1* it likely that the site of held are beautiful and worth for a permanent increase in the quently have a systemic poison­ out, fight and occupy. different — has superior patent feature* — re-| right kind of peace if It is ever to as younger men. crest and that’s where the jeeps life. Goofy, o f course, can’t take 12;15^Big Sister. 12:30— Marjorie Mills. and the river waa lapping at the of auch manufacturing can be lo­ election expenses of every com' ing, or Auto-intoxication and this -—John i . McCIoy, assistant secre­ S O D ASerformahce. vw« be achieved. He is not, as those munlty in this state? should be remedied by seeing that tary of war. iffX)—News.» not draw most of us. Light, liquor Q—Does a married man with Mules Carr}’ Pack Loads ariously.- 12:45— Our Gal ^ n d a y . 1:15— Aunt Jenny’s Real Life I above normal level, when hastilyi Paramecia aomet(mes multiply 24' i-L» who are already bent on sabotag­ Well, of course, we cynics all of the organs of elimination are TESTED AND APPROVED; By ANTHRACITE INDUSTRIES two children, whose Income is $700 The mules, each carrying 320- The ^ "Watercolor of Brazil” 1:00— News. Storlea. mobilized state highway crews be­ by matTtlff as well as by cell-divi- * RAG and song, these are what the know there will be one argu­ working in harmony to cast out I ’ve had experience with women 1:05—Do You Remember LABORATORIES • By BITUMINOUS COAL UTILIZATION FLOUR.rros,21 ing the peace have deliberately per year, pay an Income tax? pound pack loads o f gun pieces or I number, besides introducing Jose 1:30— Big Sister. gan blasting a. channel to carry aion. The later reproductive proc­ average American normally ment, even if it isn't openly ex­ the toxins which have been accu- in industry before. You just have misinterpreted, bent upon having A — Yes. His tax will be $4. ammunition and led by a white- I Carioca, the Brullian parrot who ' 1:15— Ma Perkins. 1:45— Rhythms o f the Day. off the pent-up water. ess requires no mating. If the COMMITTEE • By HOUSEHOLD SEARCHLIGHT TEST­ PINT pressed. , The increased expense qnulating in the system. Frequent to have good supervision, that is seeks. suited soldier on foot, moved over I knows a few things wise D. Duck 1:30— Vic and Sade. 2:00— Hartford Hoateaa Program The dynamiting continued sev­ paramecium mates, he loses hia ING LABORATORIES and by auny thouaandt of naors. JAR Americans give their, milk to Hot­ of a longer election day repre­ showers or baths will keep the all. S A L A D ^ » 3 2 We do not think it amiss to sug­ Q—What ball . player hit four the same terrain under command doesn’t, contrives to be one of the 1:45— The Goldbergs. with Jan Minor. eral hours and early today police immunity, unless the mating take.s tentots. To the contrary, he is sents the increased cost of hir­ pores of the skin open to aid in —Mrs. EUnore M. Herrick, retir­ home runs in a doubleheader, with of (Japt. Carter S. Vaden of Rich­ most beautiful and imsfteative of 2:00— Young Or. Malone. said the flood threat had been place in the rabbit serum. If it CHECK THESE AMAZING FEATURES: 44-OZ I gest that, this year, these are ing election workers.- The proc­ this end. and if constipated, the 2:30— Medical Talk. appealing directly to the Common two of the three hit in the second ing regional director. National mond, Va. ' all Disney imageries. ' And so 2:15— Joyce Jordan— M.D. eliminated. occurs Inside the serum, then the PKG things we can do without. We ess of hiring election workers use of the plain warm water irri­ Labor Relations Board. 2:35— Little Show. 1. S«mi*oytomotic, tf.'k ald t lira 24 la 24 hadrt M caM sense and the Intelligent self in­ game coming with the bases full? The mules were alow, compared "Saludos Am igos" must be listed 2:30— W e Love and Learn. In low-land sections, anxious immunity continues in the off- waaHtar; aavaral daya ki Mild CAKE FLOUR Is a pleasant way of dispensing gation once or twice a. day will 2:45— Day. Dreanla with Bud 2. HeM* 100 10*. co«l. would think it possible and fitting A —Jim Tabor, Boston Red Sox with the jeeps, but they pushed as eminently worthwhile enter­ 2:45—L ife Gan Ht BeautifuL householders had moved belongings spring. waatbar. > 20-OZ* terest which produced and built a little political patronage. Few help to relieve that. Regular We are not fortunate above all Rainey. ! for this America at war to dis­ third baseman, tied two major steadily on without any halt. And tainment—a short feature that from the first floors of their homes. ji. turn* any kind at coal, (atiHira* 11. Yoar kama la WARM aaarY PKGS thia country. It is not a question politicians have ever opposed breathing and physical culture ex other nations because of our 2:55— News. Crowds gathered in the streets and cita, OMamifiaiH or li^nita) ceka MORNINO wKan yaa awakaa ra* P A N C A K E 2 pense with the purely wasteful league records when he accom­ the .mules don’t need any man seems shorter than it is. Of iKiqwal*. fordlaai of tka waalkaf. of us having to have big hearts any proposition which gave ercise should be indulged in, espe­ plished the feat in a doubleheader natural resources so much as In the atmosphere waa tense until and frivolous, and to welcome them more of the public’s money cially upon arising in the morning. made trail. T'hey’ll follow where- Inaugural Ball Hurley Tliaiiks 4. NO CUNKIKS/anlv tin# aik. 12. Solid a«*d aukslanfial. yat aaal and hazy ideals in order to take against the Athletics, the character of our Institutions ever a trail-breaking mountain Disney also is offering two word spread that the Jam had been ia aa^araaca. i o i l l la fhra SARS to spend, especially when the One of the most important and people.- 5. Yaa f*a«4 ttart a lira but aiKt a S O A P NNAST TOILtT this new year on a note of so­ July 4, 1939. horse can lead them. shorts: "D er Feuhrer’s Face” and broken. yaar« af'tarvka. our proper place in the world. We purpose, like the sacred one causes of underweight la lack of vaa* briety. — A lf M. LAndon.” Colonel Ruffner wouldn’t work "Education for Death." In the Not to Be Heki **!'**'*® I.abor for .\id 12. Law ia firat cact — aaala aaaak LGE' Shall be suckers If we don't. of holding an election. Is beyond sufficient rest. Whether due to 4. A«*«*ra« tabatantial hdol tavlnft. lata la ata. Q-^Nortb African Moslems, in out the man-pulled toboggan bat­ former D. Duck goes through a MNAST M A N U lA T iD ^ It should be a good evening for all question. . dissipation or over indulgence, Found in Home 7. Tha only baatat at iH kin4 tm 14. Malariala, warkaioaakla oaarai^ S O A P PKCSS communicating with American of­ Because religious values are at tery as he did the jeeps and mules nightmare of heiling to the tune us to sit in our homes, soberly That’s tfic only reason we can keeping late hours, or whether it stake in this war, it Is worth fight­ Drop ill Measles tha world load- ficers, date their letters “1361." of the popular song h it Hartford, Dec. 29— (>P)—For the 15. Pataalad coavlfM^iaa ariacialaa think o f why the change in Con' is brought about by over-work, or "These heroes,” he explained, New Haven, Dec. 28 — (4>i — t. Rtquira* la«» a tt a n lla n thaa Judging The Russian Gains measuring our hopes for the new W h y’/ ing. The religious values at stake “ were just Issued their snow shoes. In the latter, suggested by moft furnacai. aad aiot^ala utM aaaura aiara DOO POOD RMX 14.1 PKG nectlcut’s voting hours should be insomnia, this is still one of the benefit at those who are atlU ap­ Darien, Dec. 29— (45— An elec­ New of Connecticut," organ of campkla *€amkualiaa wilk fm A — Because Moslems start their are tha freedom of the Individual Oregor lUemer’s book, Disney Cases Reported D A N D Y year against the tragedies and made permanent. Since that may commonest causes of underweight. They’ve got to team how to han­ Labor’s Non-Partisan League, an­ 9. Haata all day and aM a««Hl wifb* awaariar radialiaa and aiara aaa* The winter madness of having calendar with the Hegira, which conscience, the dignity o f the in­ takes a tumble; if fie must con­ plying ^or tickets to the. usual in- tric light company meter reader, out ratuallna laiaad kaal. disappointments of the past. It be ail the reason the politicians It has been said that it is hard­ dle them." (Jolonel Ruffner affec­ nounced today receipt of a letter OlHYDRATiD Soviet Russia win the war for us refers to the flight of Mohammed, dividual man and the universality tionately refers to ail his men as vert his unique medium to seri­ augural ball, CapU Clarence G. entering a home here yesterday, should be a good evening for ua will require, perhaps the people er to, put on weight than it is to from Oovernor Hurley expre-a-slng OOO ro o D founder of their religion, from of the moral law. . heroes. ous propaganda, he should keep Hartford, Dec. 29 — (IP) — The WHO MAY BUY 1« Perfiona aub»titutinK a coal-firad heatipc Btova lot B O V E X la again upon ua, and it is not pre- and taxpayers should be given take it off, but whether you want Wahlberg of the Governor’s Foot called the police when he found thanks for aid given ’him during oil-ftred heaUnt aquipment- Thi* includa* parson* who racaivad lotarim fual to conaerve gas and rubber and Mecca to Medina in Arabia. —Rabbi Israel Goldstein of New It serious There is nothing funny, State Health department re{K>rted ciaely our fault. U the Rusaians chance to vote on the voting to gain or lose weight it is neces­ Camp Hale’s infantry has been Guard emphasized again last night water running from broken radia­ the election. oil ration* (or u*a ia l^ tara aftar Julsr 21. 1943. 'WORCIITIRIHIRB York. about the education of Nazi chil­ today that 211 new ca.<haaa kiai at aaaa. jBa«h has long ainoe been annihi la.; Frank Farmer-Itha Martin, Army two months and he’s han­ dering horse are jarring *nor'" 't'» a parade from the club to the Cap­ townspeopls. , I —(IP)—One hundred and thirteen and too few interested manufacr WITH RATION STAMP No 27 soul is controllsd by ths words he that the material, with instruc- tor at OarroU College, w ilT b e a think that’s what many thought­ Odessa, Tex.; James W. Barr- dling a pack mule. A surprising In the grimn-'ss. and reality that itol; the inauguration at the Cap­ Uncashed checks more than two United StatM Arm y snllsted men ■ffirers. 0»s Connecticut wing |UiMtioned articles have commit- the human body needs phospho- sign over the door which read: mated at $94 mltlion, according to MaJ. James F. Donovsp of N ew ­ wide variety o f industries, says Commsros aa satisfactory. \roua. Oould you print the at "Mumpa." J ^ Department ot Coffunsrea. ton, Maas., said, "wa’ll glvs jrou the Dapartmant of Oonunaroa.

tw tI%' /Lfcf " ' f *{' 'JM

8IGHT MANCHESTP.R e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CO.»N. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1942 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1V4» PAGE ■iSlI tAtWWaiMHIMM. Rec Senior Loop Promises Lots of Ac tion This Evening terns Of YnieresilShopping With Judy VTo Local Women ! -IlMMWJWWItrWIVINintWWIWWHimillWWniMlWWWtWIVIWWWIVWWWVWWWKWn:'^ 9 J i Advertlsement- Advertlseinent- Advertlsemept— Advertisement— Georgia Favored Graham Picks 10 Top Sport Thrill»6f l942 Grocers Seeking add to icing Just before spreading Turning the Leaf on cake. i By Dillon Graham Athe National league batting championship, Ray Robinson’s string of | Glass, Paper and Plastics Now By Margaret E. Hangsler AP Features Sports Editor boxing triumphs and Henry Armstrong’s toxlng comeback. Turning the leaf that the New Over Stout UCLA Job-Hunting Women - New York, Dec. 29.—'What were spbrts’ top performances of the 'Ihere were Auburn’s upset of a great Georgia football team, COr- | Win Over P. A. A. C. Replace Things ‘You Can’t Get’ Cotton Dressew on Sale at Wards Year brings nelius Warmerdam’s succession of world record-breaking pole vaults, | There is a tremendous selection To the worn old book, year, the 10 leading episodes or exploits T the swimming triumphs of Betty Bemis, the unbeaten, untied march . FOR THE Is turning our back on a tired Many warrant consideration on the grounds of drama, excitement ,.a regular old-fashioned woven- of cotton dresses for sale at Mont­ Are On The Spot Sinkwich Gets Ankles Qr|(yg ApC Out of the Tulsa football clubi Paul Governali's sterling and practically ’ Keolsch Explains By Marguerite Ypong gomery Wards just now in broad­ past and the calibre of their feats. 'Those incltide Betty Jameson’s triumphs unaided performances as a football passer, Joe Louis's quick knockouts ' HKA Service Staff Writer ' wood clothes basket— on wheels, NEIV With its fear and distress and Ready and Odds Soar Glenn Davis and with a handle shaped and cloths, seersuckers, chambrays, in the two*’ top women’s golf tournaments, Barney Ewell's third con­ In hts two boxing appearances, the Redskins’ upset of the mighty Chi- ' Rockville Did Not PlaJ New York— Clothes hamper into etc., in prints, stripeA florals to • strife. measured for easy maneuvering. EAR, Job hunting for ^irls who have »of the girls who will be graduated 3 to 1; Bmins Say secutive triple In the IC4A track championship, Johnny Beazley’s fine cago, bears, Alsab’s fine racing and his two triumphs over Whirlaway, | •eery toter . . . co m husks into , manufactured item was, of make sweet house frocks to,wear finished school is a snap. About in later years—years when women For Duration the victories of Ted Schroeder and Pauline Betz In the National singles ; Last Week; CavaUc It’s writing that counts in the rookie pitching which was climaxed with two world series’ wins, A1 Rated Among aplace grate . . . paper in to; course, born of wartime "carry- all winter. Best of all they are on the only trouble they are having won’t be needed so desperately.“ Final Score Counts. tennis championships, and many others. sale, the $1.98 and $2.29 for $1.77, book of life. Blozis’ continued domination of all shot-putters to conclude a three- You might choose any of these but here are our 10 best and why Play Shamrocks. BK dishes . . . there’s the war i your-purchase” practice. is deciding whjch Job to take. And that is that they must make I the $1.64 for $1.17. Don’t miss out It’s the message you pen each The welcome mat Ls out for good on their jobs, ^ve their em­ By Frank Frowley Says Dumont year college career unbeaten, Ernie Lombardi’s fine comeback to win we select them; __ home to Mrs. America. Few people realize, what inroad.s Nation’s Best Games Tonight fflie slasa gate, Just set out in the metal shortage is about to on this buy! All sanforized mate­ day, W'omen in almost every businesa, ployers no reason to wish they Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 29— (,P)— rials. It’s whether the page be rosy industry, and profession. had men in their places. Junior League ____*ent stores here, is hailed ' make on household articles. Due HELLO THERE:— U.C.L.A.'s Bruins are coming up i right now arc kitchen changes hued Staid old law firms which They must bend over backward to the Rose Bowl game against Nation 6-7- Rockets vs. Tigers. gboppers, who’ve vainly ran A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR READERS and although Only Two More Days of Watkins’ Or touched with a sullen gray. Realizes Every­ Bonita Union Star Is Senior League. ^dked second-hand shops for rea- which "really amount to some­ wouldn’t have had a woman's to make even the most prejudiced Georgia cocky and confident and thing." For instance, only eiglit 1943 looks like a year of hard work and hardships ahead, may we Year-End Clearance name cluttering upon the door a employers see that women can in their best physical condition of one Knows War Is (M At 7—Rockville vs. Chutes. 4y-priced grates .... the have the courage to strive in freedom’s wake. Over 150 bargains in furniture, It’s what we teach as we numbly Tops; Is All-Around At 8—P. A. vs. Grocers. ones. Incidentally, that last kinds of kitchen utensils can be write. I few years ago are taking in wom­ forget them-selves in their jobs, the year. Merchandise is scarce in many instances, but substitutes are con­ lamps, rugs and draperies in Wat­ And Even Brooklyn At 9—Cavaliers vs. Shamr fb»r were practically given away. produced under new regulations. And what we, please God, may en lawyers. can concentrate on their work, get Coach Babe Horrell says he is Athlete; Prep Star Miss Carson selected the exhibit stantly' gaining in popularity and in the spirit of sharing this war kins’ Year-End clearance sale. Twice as many hospitals are along with their associates, and well pleased with the way his Wednesday Night lUica. annealed six times, makes we are accepting them and making things do. learn; Is Not Funny Now. 6:15—Mohawks vs. Wolverine IFfoodlooklng job. It’s reported pieces on the basis of those regu­ There were over 600 square yards What really counts, as the New admitting women internes as took a.ssumc responsibility as well as squad has progressed in the past Headed for Service. lations rather t^tan on the basis of We ask you to watch your column this coming year for all the of 9 and 12 foot broadloom carpet them a year ago. men. two weeks. He thinks Georgia Is At 7—Panthers vs. Swisher*. to take rougher handling thai} Year dawns. Los Angeles, Dec. 29—Ray Du­ 7:45—Blue Juniors vs. Fr what pre-regulation articles may news possible on changes in merchandise and for help in stretching when this sale opened. There are War industries are glad to get Just because jobs are plentiful, entitled to be the favorite on the Los Angeles, Dec. 29— All foot­ iron. ycur rationed food. We will find out all that is possible so that you Is what comes after—the turn! Five. llOmnnat and groceries go-cart still be found in stock. just two days left in which to G’bye now. women to do "men’s work.” they shouldn’t flit from job to job, basis of its rebord. admits the mont announces that, insofar as ball talk in southern California The museum consulted a War may learn aa much as there is to know in the art of stretching take advantage of this grand sale White collar girls are being but should make an effort to get Southerners’ aerial game has him the National Semi-Pro isn’t confined to the Rose Bowl Keolach Explaina ||» the big hits among many hov- recipes and making clothes and food suffice .your family needs. It will be- noticed that Rockvil| lI'Bumbers in a collection of ob- Production Board substitutions ex­ at discounts of 50 per cent or welcomed into government jobs. into the right work and try ta worried no end, but believes the Congress la concerned, gaga are game. port. He vigorously urged transi­ And here are a few specials for this week! more. However, all sales are ab­ Even the army has decided that advance where they are. Bruins will give a good account of All Pacific coast coaches and is scheduled to play the Par llets useful in wartime; in this out until the war ia won. chute team at 7 o’clock. J* 's edition of the Museum of tion. He said that present tem­ solutely flnal and all merchandise it can make use of women—so They have a wonderful oppor­ themselves. writers are talking of fleet Glenn Art's annual displty of porary availability of chromium, Glitter For Glamour for ,\n “ All- p . offered "as ia" and subject to there Is the WAAC to relieve a tunity for smoothing the path for In talking to players of both "Fana are serious-minded now,” Davis, called the greatest player Keolsch explained why he was cranberries \i and apples down here last week but could n4 jWce “ under $10" Christmas copper, nickel, tin, aluminum, and Out New Year’s Eve!” ^ through food chopper. Quarter prior sale. Be s\ire to take advan­ soldier of some non-combatant women who come after them— squads one gets the definite Im­ says the president of the semi-pro- out of a southern California high everything shown was se- Incite objects "deludes the pur­ You’ll like the wonderful col- ■ whole oranges and' lemon. Re­ tage of these values! duty. and they mustn’t pass it up. For pression there Is a healthy mutual i'essionals. "Even the Brooklyn The St. Louis Cardinals G under Haegg — be­ Sammy Snead-because, Gloria Callen— because school in any season. ” give any reasonable excuse wt[ his team failed to show. The| by strict standards of use- chaser into a false of se­ lection of smart / ’’eye-catcher” i niove seeds and put ttirough food Everywhere women are wel­ wome.n won’t always have things respect but a supreme confidence Dodgers weren't funny once the — because this spirited, cause the swift Swede after previous blowups this tall and pretty Performing for little Bonita nation entered the war.” 1 2 3 4 had been a death in his family i ^ i, appropriateness of de- curity, and results to luifortunate frocks seen at BecK’s, 846 Main chonner.chopper. Add siiearsugar and svnin syrup come. Never before have girl their own way, as they do today. by each in the ultimate result. speedy squad of athletes, was the No. 1 runner of the that him the National Nyack, N. Y. mermaid, just Union of La Verne, young Davis and worthiness in relation to pressure on war agencies for di­ street, Manchester’s newest Wom­ graduates found doors opened so As soon as the war is over they F'lne Ground Game Everybody acquainted with Gag- was responsible for 339 of his he went to Boston to make funer and blend. Chill in refrigerator year, perhaps of several Open and the P. G. A. arrangements. His team production. Hence, substi- version of materials vital to the en’s Shop. Sequin and jewelled a few hours before serving. wide to them. will be in competition with men No amount of argument could ster Dumont's sense of humor re­ sparked by rookie stars, put out of high school, won the team’s 4^8 points. He scored 237 ites for metal loom very large in rmaments of our armed forces.” trims in becoming styles and gay Grandma Had A Few Remetnber: Y’ou Are On the Spot again, and any faults they show convince the Bruins, for instance, grets bis decision to conduct the on a stirring stretch drive decades, because he broke crowns, he finally proved to National A. A. U. back- himself, pa.ssed for 102. notified by him of the game aij One springtime dS.scntial you’ll colors and two-tones a.s well as There is one thing they ought now AS individuals later will be that they don’t have a better run­ promotion of baaeball in Army 10 world records at dis­ his critics that he could win Bill Schroeder of the Helna they promised to come down • dlspUy.. To Clean Cp Y'our Floors After to cut down a huge Brook­ stroke swimming cham­ play. *Vsople who make these things miss is wire-mesh window screens. bewitching black to make you Your New Year’s FostivlUea to remember, though, for the sake held against them as women. ning attack than Georgia, flatfoot camps, Industrial plants and small lyn lead, win the National tances from a mile to 5000 a major tournament, be­ pionship for the third Olympic Athletic Foundation, who But —they're making new ones of towns along saner lines. There Is has selected all-star preparatory I regret that this happens (Isct to having them called 'sub- feel gala at New Year’s and all Have you tried Frankie Sinkwich and Charlie Rutea' and their objections make non-essential plastics. winter, $8.98 to $16.98. Do stop Tricks Up Her Sleeve Trippi to the contrary notwith­ nothing serious about baseball, so league pennant and upset meters and because he came cause he out-shot a strong straight year, and because teams in California for years, con­ said Jeff, "arid there is noth' lot of sense,” remarks Alice M. Instead of rubber sink stoppers, the new product why shouldn't Dumont continue to the mighty New York Yan­ closest to the mythical 4- field to win the Profession­ she shattered 19 records siders Davis the finest high school can do about It. I am, ho\^ and see them! . called PREEN until he begins to walk. The first standing. Some of them want to traon, who presides over the ex- the museum shows a neat, white Maybe the horse and buggy.j.wrinkles, she’d coat her face with shoes should have broad toes and know who beat them on a dry make a show of it? He has more kees in the world series. minute mile with his 4:04.6. al Golfers’ Association title. and was never beaten. player he has ever teen, and he ever, getting the boys together plastic plug. Also a plastic plaa^ that waxes and remembers Orv Mohler and Gaiua see if they intend to finish'but Utton. "In nearly every case, Hitm Che^setfea days are coming back. Maybe a mixture of honey and lemon, soft soles. Shoes that lace give field after Oct. 3, when the Navy orlginailty and a greater flair for a new object is really a replace- terer’s knife which turns out to be cleans in one op­ priorities will take some of your, If the bloom to grandma’s Pre-Flights Of S t Mary’s turned showmanship than Larry Mac- Shaver of Southern California season. There are several ang (Serves 4 to 6) C u ttin g better support to the ankle than \ St fame, Johnny Petrovich and boats to this side of the question andj int and cheaper than the orig- a nice, flexible replacement for eration. No more beauty products. Who cares cheeks wasn’t natural, it was next button shoes. Be sure baby’s shoes the trick. Well, nobody. Phail and Joe EngeL ■1. Many do the Job as well or the rubber or fine steel dish- One quarter cup cold water. 1-2 need to clean first to it. She simply scrubbed her Several years ago, Dumont sent of others who made collegiate hia- intend to have everything cle Even so, you won’t be an ugly allow room for his feet to grow. You have to listen to their ar­ tory. •a better, offering new con- scraper. Also a new top for glass can condensed tomato soup, 1 en­ and take a second duckling. Grandma was a beauty cheeks to a blush with hot water a marathon runner, Woodrow Up as soon as possible.” C orners gument. too, about a team with a An all-around athlete, Davis Is a Plenty Action Tonight nlence or better appearance.” jars, made of compressed paper, velope plain gelatine, 1-2 pdekage operation to wax—just use Preen and she never heard about priori­ and a washcloth. She didn’t need stout running attack stopping the Woodruff, to deliver a letter on lingly, the comhuska on which screws on smoothly and cream cheese, 1-4 cup salad dress­ and one job is all that is necessary The economic situation in Spain foot to each of the (Jongress’ 48 natural runner, weighing 174, The game that promises a lot | ties! rouge. Georgians. They come up with standing just short of six feet. He e doormat do not crumble when tightly. And a pretty blue paper ing or mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon Inexpensive, too, at the Johnson In her romantic days she Grandmother’s hands were kept You will save cleaning bills on has improved somewhat but there state commissioners—the message fireworks this evening is betwe this: Auburn 27, Georgia 13. Au­ has negotiated the 100 in 9:9, Grocers, scheduled at 8 o’clo iped on, nor do they soak up powder compact with a mirror prepared mustard, 1 tablespoon Paint Co., 65c a pint, $1.10 a whipped up most of her beauty lily-white this way. Every time heavy draperies if you go over is still large unemployment, ac­ burn gained 355 yards on the to be read at the opening of each t dirt Southern highlun! and a good > atch. Just manufac­ lemon juice, 1 cup ground left­ quart. The Johnson Paint Com­ cording to the Department of consistently does it In 10 flat. Both squads want this victory, preparations right in the kitchen. she washed her hands, she dried fabric with the upholstery attach­ ground, didn’t complete a single state tournament. Baseball Prospect, Too iple make the mats, which can tured and not yet available in re­ over boiled or baked ham. pany also wish to extend a Happy Perhaps you can take a few tips j them thoroughly by plunging her ment to your vacuum cleaner Commerce. cause it means a spot to- head pass and held Georgia to 37 yards Davis is a fair basketball play­ the fast moving (Cavaliers I for the pre-wsLT mat of metal tail stores, the compact looks and Combine soup lyith 1-2 cup wa- New Year to all the readers ot from her: let’s go to Godey’s Lady hands into a bowl of dry oatmeal. every week. Occasionally take rushing and 190 passing. A St. Louis sporting goods deal' hemp. The grocery carrier is works like lacquered metal. er and a potential major league play the cocky Shamrocks in te. and heat; Soften gelatine in Judy’s column. Book and see. If they happened to be the least them down, preferably on a Top This One er wrote requesting heatedly that baseball luminary. His base-run­ cold water and dissolve in hot he be mailed no more promotional final tilt tonight. The facial mask which kept bit rough, she rubbed them well bright, windy day. hang over the In rebuttal, Georgia ha.s this to ning already has attracted scouts, This league ia playing the soup. cheese and blend in Keep Menu Patriotic on New grandmother’s skin, lovely and with cow’s cream. And sometimes clothes line and give them a good offer: Five passes were dropped, literature. He added that it was but they are politely shooed away mustard and lemon juice. Add overflowing the waste baskets. Du­ of basketball the fans like to Year’s Eve smooth sounds like the morning she went to bed wearing big mlt- brisk brushing on both sides. three in the end zone, that would from the Davis domicile, where on the court, rough, tough end fa soup to cheese mixture, slowly, Lots of fun and a toast to the porridge. She boiled a handful of tens made of Turkish toweling have pulled the game out of the mont sent the dealer two more the chief topics today are war stirring constantly. Cool: when charging every second and a lot | New Year—yes, certainly. But oatmeal in water and when cool after she had covered her hands Save leftover cooked breakfast fire. One member of the Georgia baskets, has been writing ever Whirlaway — because Ted Williams— because Don Hutson, Green Bay Holy Cross’ football and football. body contact*. It Is evident mixture begins to thicken, fold in with a mixture of oatmeal and since. Streamlined! let’s begin with, a full understand­ enough spread it on her face.' cereal to serve up for next day’s contingent thinks Auburn, on its the long-tailed red rac­ the lanky Boston Red End — because he was team— because the Cru­ Davis’ father Is manager of a the boys are taking this op mayonnaise or salad dressing and ing that General Eisenhower s Other times she beat up the white milk. lunch; >811(0 cold cereal and fry game that day, would have beaten There were so many teams en­ 5 6 7 8 bank at Claremont, where ia ait- ground ham. Turn into individual the most feared player in saders, badly bejiten several tunity to get toughened up for | forces In Africa need great of an egg and lathered her. face Egg Shampoo until crisp and brow'n and serve anybody. Potertially, Auburn bad tered in the national tournament er’s many triumphs made Sox outfielder w o n the uated Pomona College. So bright call to the colore and intend to DC akirt, one Jerkin and a vari- j molds tljat have first been rinsed amounts of food. So do all our with it. No, she didn’t have black­ She was proud of her crowning with syrup, honey, or preserves. a great team. one summer that Dumont started him the biggest money-win­ batting professional football, one times and rated little is the future of this most sought in the best shape possible ' of blouses can be your stream- | in cold water. Chill. Unmold on scrapping allies. Therefore, keep heads. Once in a while she put a glory too. While she didn’t sham­ Strictly in its own behalf Geor­ game at 6 o'clock in the morn ner In turf history with a and home run champion­ that no rival could stop, be­ chance against a Boston prep star that, it Is understood, they go. wardrobe for the wlnterl cri.sp salad greens and serve with yonr party supper patriotic. thin layer of cream on her face poo as often as the modern girl gia cites the record: 2,661 yards ing. Those attired in pajamas were even the Pomona coaches have ad­ Had the Caveliers showed does, her hair was kept clean by To retain the rich red of beets $560,911 total that bettered ship for the second year, cause he w a s the pro College eleven that was and allm-fltting Jerkin can ! extra dressing. Use unrestricted foods. If every and held her head o v tf a basin of and purple of red cabbage through gained rushing, 2,291 passing; av­ admitted free. Time was taken vised him to enter a larger school, stuff last year that they ore daily brushing. Her shampoo was out for free coffee and doughnuts Seabiscuit’s old record, be­ and because he also took league’s high scorer, and be­ hailed as the mightiest in where his talents would be recog­ ~ I o f durable corduroy, gab- ; household in the United States boiling water to let the steam re­ the cooking process, add a little erage gain, 429.5 per gqme. In five ting out this season they or flannel. Blouses can be | Evening Bugs In a Wide Choice said, "Well, we can splurge a bit move impurities. a couple ol eggs, whipped to a of the 11 games played the Bull- during the customary seventh­ cause he was named the the runs batted in honors cause he caught more the land, provided the nized. Pomona offers no athletic have gone on to the New Engl) froth and then rubbed into the lemon juice, vinegar or cream of inning stretch. Some 3,000 turned Inducements. able cottons, smart check- I The Dewey-Rlchman Co. have jusi for tonight, there would be Rain Barrel Beauty tartar to the water in which they dSgs gained more than 500 yards; horse-of-the-year for the to become the league’s first passes, and more touchdown year’s biggest - upset by champlonahips. The Ree la The good old rain barrel was a roots of her hair. She let this dry out. Davis accounted for 40 points .’^flannels, colorful foulards or ' just received a splendid and en­ millions o f pounds less food for are cooked. in one the net was more than 600. second successive season. triple winner since 1934. passes, than any player in soundly beating the Eagles. swell place to apend on I help to grandmother’s flawless before she washed the egg and Dumont had baked a 500-pound as Bonita walloped big South ticing new shipment of lovely the boys who are fighting for us. Plan Air Attack history. and Director Brown haa So let’s eat the American way on complexion too. She wouldn’t dirt out with warm water and a Furthermore, th* Georgians, cake in 1939 to celebrate the Pasadena High, 41-12. He scored bleacher seats in poaltlott ittem No. 8263 Is In sizes 12, evening bags. Of shining metallic little borax. If you’re one who has been 28. passed for two other touch­ U , 18, 20; 40. Size 14 Jerkin New Year’s Eve. think of washing her tender, skin from 0>ach Wally Butts down to ITOOth anniversary of the game. handle 500 or more fans. untarni.shaWe materials and also with hard water. If no rain water Grandmother’s bath usually pouring vitamins down the sink He offered a piece to each person downs. d sikirt require 3H yards 39-inch in black. Grand for yoiir New Make the supper menu substan­ tlw last sub who won’t get into Bill Smith— because he V A Frankie Sinkwich — tial, not fussy or over-delicate. were avarable, she used a pinch consisted of a cupful of cornstarch (water in which vegetables have attending a game in the national 2% yards 54-lnch. Short Y'ear's festivities. been cooked), lose no time about the New Year’s game, will have won three A.A.U. out­ I W because this standout ■The crowd will want big eata and of borax to soften hard water. added to the tepid water. It made to be shown that their passing tournament, packed the park. 9 blouses, 1% yards 39-inch minding your ways. Utilize them passer, punter, and runner, d . j little frills. Have a tray of assort­ When she*got suntanned (which her skin as smooth as velvet. Some game can be bottled up. Butts says door championships, setting Adams Wants From The Conn. Dairy and wasn’t often) she bleached the of the famous beauties of her day in soups, hot and chilled, in grav­ For several years, Dumont has an American record in the start of a strong Georgia Hockey Star For this attractive pattern, send Food Council: This Spanish ed good crackers to go he anticipates a close game. Some with them. Have a tray of as­ tan and freckles with buttermilk. were more luxurious in preparing ies, stews, and chilled and sea­ of the players think it will be been trying to interest several ts, plus 1 cent for postage, Cheese Fondue is a perfect mam soned vegetable juice cocktails. 220-yard race and world University eleven, was foot­ To Join Na^ sorted non-restricted cold cuta Sliced cucumbers soaked in skim their baths. Of all things, they close; ottsers figure U.C.L.A. can­ sports editors to attend the open­ ball’s player - of - the - year, iMina, with your name, address, dish. milk, or a dash of lemon juice in sdded crushed strawberriCA or ing of the national tournament, records in the quarter- and Keeps Going number and size to 'The 1-2 cup minced onion such as liver sausage, sliced not possibly cover all the Georgia tongue, liver loaf. A great bowl fresh milk were also her standbys floated rose petals in the bath Your baby doesn't need shoes pass receivers and that sooner or which is always held in Wichita. half-mile races, and because because he set a new mod­ r Herald, Today's Pat- 1-4 cup minced green pepper for bleaching. At the first sign of waterT ' He sent them passes to the 1943 these performances stamp­ ern record of 2,187 yards Americans Ace Jockf Bcrvice, 106 Seventh avenue, 1 cup mushrooms of salad made of mixed greens later LaMar (race horse) Davis, such as lettuce, romaine, chicory, Van Davis, George Poechner, or event as a Christmas present with ed this 18-year-oId son of a for total offense (rushing Yank Boyd, Old Timer, m York, N. Y. 1 cup whole-kernel corn Optical. Science instructions that a package was Regrets fnabiUty 1 cup canned tomatoes sliced celery leaves, chopped green any one of several others are go­ Hawaiian policeman of Irish and passing) in leading the rou’n appreciate the extra help pepper, a little onion, grated raw hag designed glasses so at- ing to get behind the Bruin safety being forwarded under .separate Is Still in Harness for D can find and all the new pat- 3 tablespoons butter cover as a reminder. The package ancestry, now enrolled at Bulldogs into the Rose Enter Anv Branch. 1 1-2 cups milk carrots, hard-cooked eggs, with tractivejjf that you no long­ men for a touchdown. Boston Bruins. Miown in the Winter Fashion French dressing, can be served in Wayside Musings These expressions of opinion contained a bottle of pop and a Ohio State University, as Bowl, and because he won available at 15c per copy, 2 cups soft bread crumbs er need worry about your were culled from the rival camps sack of peanuts. one of our greatest swim­ All-America rating for the By ElUott Chaaa 1 1-2 cups grated cheese small wooden bowls to everyone’s for this book with a 15c pat- delight. appearance when you wear only yesterday, so they represent Dumont gave One-Eye Connel New Haven, Dec. 29—The old New Orleans—Johnny Ad 1 teaspoon salt WhAt Can I Do To Hetp* mers. second year. both will come to you for 25c out complaining. Share avail- them. the current outlook. ly bis first job in 1941. The fa guard neither dies nor surrenders America’s No. 1 jockey, 1-8 teas[>oon paprika le for postage. •A Sale of Wallpaper at McGill’s Each of US left here at home are -able transportation with friends AI Outside the camps, however, the mous gate-crasher was stationed— in hockey. his 4-foot 8-inch frame on Dash pepper Bring your prescriptions account only: "There isn’t «no h. . Room lots of wallpaper growing constantly more aware of and neighbors. . . , Cheerfully ac­ impression generally prevails that of all places—at the pass gate. This little human Interest story 1 tablespoon butter to U8 and let us show you is about a hockey player named of me to get in the armed containing from eight the necessity of contributing some cept rationing of whatever the Georgia has too many scoring Dumont bobbed up with the elec­ 3 eggs, separated. tangible effort to help win this government feels Is necessary in the attractive frames avail­ guns for a Bruin team that may tric eye for calling balls and Red Sox Plan ’Bama Tackles Irwin (Yank) Boyd, who may I’m always too short." Partially cook the vegetables to twelve rolls of paper justly be classed - among the old There’s no little-man de from 50c a bundle up, war. As 1943 approaches, it be­ order that our soldiers and other able. get two touchdowns for Itself but strikes, the pneumatic plate dus Football Season HAIRDO FOR add 3 tablespoons of butter. Di­ hoove* the women of America at service men may have enough of reveal an old pass defense weak­ ter and the jack-in-the box micro­ guard. in Johnny Adams. And tor | vide mixture into 6 individual or sale at McGill’s Paint ALL KINDS OF champion, he’s curiously witbo .Shop, 645 Main street, in a wall­ home, to look nsore thoughtfully everything, and in order that chil­ ness. The betting odds were 3 to phone to air arguments at the Training Site Might Like T Boyd who 1^ well and favorably baking dishes, or in one large but­ OPTICAL REPAIR WORK known to a 'host of American dash, as plain and blond aa PATRIOTS paper clearance sale. A ma^el- into what their part of w'lnnlng dren and Allies in European coun­ 1 on G e o ^ a once again, mainly plate. He tried night baseball with Bows Out Friday tered casserole. Pour milk over the war is to be. Thinking along tries may also have food. . . . Try because tnl medicos looked at phosphonu-cover^ equipment and Hockey League fans, turned pro­ Kansas wheat country from whif bread crumbs and let stand until ous opportunity to paper that fessional with the Boston Tigers he comes. In the first 11 dajra room that needs brightening up theae llnea we think perhaps you'll to stay well by observing health Sinkwich’s injured ankles after foul lines. Will Use Tufl's Indoor Crimson Tide Key Men milk is absorbed. Add cheese, sea­ for- practically nothing. agree with us that the following rules so that you can stay on the . yesterday's practice and said defi­ Don’t stop now, Ray Dumont. By Harry Grayaon of the then Canadian-American racing here, he rode ■ 16 wii sonings, 1 tablespoon melted but­ <. Holy Cross story a fairy tale and Against B. C. State League back in 1927. He also but "couldn’t rightly rememh resolutions should be made this job. wheraver you are, in business, The Dewey- nitely he would play. Baseball is crying for ideas, the Cage at Medford to NEA Sports Editor bounce 'Bama in a comeback. ter and well-beaten egg yolks, 1943 in our effort to preserve our played with the New Haven Ea­ his 1942 grand total of 234. You can eat your cake icing and in the home or on the assembly Sinkwich O. K. people for escape entertainment. New York, Dec. 29—Who do But Frank Thomas had been Varied Views.* mixing lightly. Fold in stiffly love and understanding of Amer­ line. . . . When summer arrives Jeff Cravath, University of Condition Players. gles and Philadelphia Ramblers in “If there's any one thing beaten egg whites. Pour on top still have your sugar left. Honey you like in the Bowl games? The waiting for this year for some the same league. puts me across,” Johnny says, ‘ is one of the answers. ica. start a Victory Garden and can all Southern California coach, also time and it is no fault of hLs that of vegetable mixture. Bake in a By John Wilds Today, at 34, Boyd is back in a knowledge of horses. . Whanl (Courage to face the hundreds o f you possibly can spare. . . . Save Richman Co. looked at Sinkwich and the Geor­ By Harold C'laassen answer here is Georgia, Tennessee, Georgia stayed in the Union. The moderate oven. 350 degrees F., Uncooked Honey Icing humdrum everyday tasks which Jewelers Stationers Miami. Fla.. Dec. 29 — —Ala- the National’ Hockey League with was 10 .veara old I was dri%'lng| (For 2 8-Inch layer cakes) tires, gasoline and vital transpor­ gia team as they went through a Layden Asks New York. Dec. 29—i;pi—Al­ Texas, Alabama and the East over Tide has had everything but luck for 30 to 45 minutes or until deli­ seem small but add up to a big de­ tation by stkylng home aa much Opticians light scrimmage. Said Jeff: bania’a tackles figure Boston the Boston Bruins, having been team of plow plugs for my One egg white, 1-2 cup honey, though all is chaos right now, in­ the West in the most worth while and the worst of that has to signed recently by Manager Art outside lola, Kansas.” cately browned and a clean knife feat for the Axis. . . . Learn to re­ as humanly possible. . . . Buy all "Whew! They look plenty good to change. Coach Denny Myers is going to Inserted in the center comes out pinch salt, 1-2 teaspoon flavoring. arrange our meal schedules and dications are that the 16 major show of ail. make his ends bite off more than Ross to take the place of Herb The elder Adams used to Place unbeaten egg white in the war bonds you can afford. me. T b e /re fast and big. I hope Baugh^s Side East has two, of the slickest clean. Serves 6. our meql requirements to make Quite a long list of resolutions somebody has warned Babe Hor­ league baseball teams will do their U. C. L. A. comes close to being they can chew in the Orange Bowl Cain, riglh winger, who is side­ feed from his farm to horsemi bowl. rotary or electric beat­ passers who ever threw a football lined with a twisted knee. at the county fair. He baui| the most of rationed foods for the for 1943 and no doubt you can add. rell.” 1943 spring conditioning within a a one-man club and Georgia can Paul Governali and Steve Fili- football game Friday. er. As soon as you begin to beat best nutritional benefits for our Myers drew some back talk A member of the Boston Bruins Johnny, too, and one day son New Year Cards in so Many vigorously, slowly start adding many more, but In all events, let’s Said Sinkwich: ” I feel pretty Pro Football President home run’s length of their own throw in Sinkwich; Trippi, the powicz, and a running game and Dlfferont Types families. . . . Conserve foods, try to keep our chins up as high from the big 'Bama linemen be­ and Detroit Red Wings at various body asked the kid if he’d U| honey to egg white. Add pinch of good. I missed one game as a ball parks. Davis boys and a half dozen oth­ line to rqatch. Andy Kerr's out­ short, snappy hairdo saves A fine assortment clothing and materials In the home as the banner of our courage flies. sophomore because of a sprain. cause of his preolctlon last week times during his long rink career, to ride a race. It started salt. Continue beating until honey IT AM INS Wants Starts Reply ers to offset any super-human fit has the Big Ten touch and that Boston’s. T-formation attack Yank p^l^aps thought that his abruptly as that. Now there’s.l and hairpins. It’s fluffy, 8263 of New Year cards . . . Keep up our appearance. . . . In doing our part to keep Ameri­ I’m going to play against U.C.L.A. Boston’s Red Sox already have then some. stands in peaks. announced that their sweating out efforts by Bob Waterfleld. would provide a spectapular show professional days were over when special Johnny Adams day at ' Bing, east-to-eare-for. Try at The Dewey-Rich- Savie time for 'Voluntifer Work. . .. can freedom as bright and shining It’s my last game for Georgia, and Before Acting. One man hasn’t stopped Georgia Things aren’t bright for the If you want a richer icing, cut Don’t spread Idle rumors. . . . for the Miami crowd if the Boston the American Association disband­ county fair, and even a John Feather-Cut "Shapered” to inan Company for as it has always been and as it SPELL maybe you think I don’t want it process will be done at Tufts Uni­ since Sherman. W est. . . . not even in Golden Gate ’ head... leatunrd at; Gets Island for Cigarettea marshmallows in quarters and Learn First Aid. . . .-4Walk with­ versity, at nearby Medford, prob­ College ends could handle the op­ ed this .season. Adams handicap. the whole family, must; always bel to be a good one.” Chicago, Dec. 29— (;P)—Sammy Notwithstanding the trip, the i Park, posing tackles. friends and ncigli- ably the most northern point any However, Boyd regained his Sees 10-Year Career Baugh, backfield ace ot the Wash­ climatic change, sight-seeing and | From the four top Tide tackles amateur card and played for the In 1936 Johnny galloped out | THE Oklahoma City-— i/P) — Capt. ^ A bors. Just racks VICTORY major league club ever has used ington Redskins, has been asked to whatever psychological advantage came words today which seemed Research Club in the Senior On­ the bushes and won 180 race* ■ *;LILY BEAUTY SALON Charles Nissen. w-ith the Army in and racks of attrac­ We salute the farmers of America, who Camp Dix Tops for a training site. ti explain to EUmer ^ yd en , CMmmis- is enjoyed’ by the-Bruln-s in their | ]\ | > | u y F i n e B o X C U S to spell a busy afternoon for the tario Hockey Association, where finish about sixth In the nat Maude TurkingtOn, the South Pacific, may just-stay tive and artistic cardli to send Just help to keep ns a nation of nallk-drinkem, i^nd it la likely the other clubs first Rose Bowl adventure, the . . Boston flankmen. the sentiment yon desire. sioner ot Professional Football; will follow suit. he was performing when Art Ross The following year he lad Proprietress there after the w ar’s over. He’s military and cIvtUaa! For the nutrition New London Five ■election is Georgia by anything | “All year,” remarked All-South­ signed him up for the Boston Club. field with 265 winners. Cl Main 8t. Manehester swapped a native chief out of an Carry Your Pa(:kages and vitamin content In milk helps keep why he failed to Join his team for Two rumors were rife in base­ from the circumference of a peach ! With Coast Guards eastern Don Whitmire, “we’ve In his first appearance of the “Trouble Is," he says, “yoo So many liked the orange and oar army on the march, oar civlilsui* on lU game Sunday with the Na­ ball circles today: 1—That ODT to a country mile. i been playing against teams that Tel. 7484 island—with a package of cigar­ season In a Bruin uniform, Boyd hanged up a lot in this busia Cranberry relish here is another the Job. For superior mllk'-try Bryant A By The Associated Press tional League all stars in Phila­ disector, Joseph B, Eastman, soon Tulsa and Glenn Dobbs have used two men against a tackle— scored the opening Boston goal a.s I figure In 10 years I’ll be too ettes. "That chief thought of you’ll enjoy, too: By Mrs. Anne Cabot CbspnBan’s Vitamin “ D” Mllh, pranced New London, Dec. 29. . —The delphia. . may issue a second order, definite­ outstripped' all the records in the New London, Dec. 29—iJ";— without much success. the surprising Boston Club, beaten to ride. • everj'thing,” he wrote the folks. Criinl>erry .Apple Relish \\ under The Sealtest System of Labora­ Coast Guard Bears’ "eight-game Layden said last night that he ly banning extended travel by the books—against everything but a ” 1 don’t see how- one man Everyone is carrying small 1 Tliough listed among the minor only once in 16 games, tied the "Four years ago a two-ye ” I saw three native gills sunning (Makes 1 1-2 quarts) tory Protection. winning streak was snapped last had telegraphed the Redskins baaeball clubs during the spring good club. '' Icolleges in intercollegiate ath­ against a tackle is going to do any Chicago Blackhawks, 4-4. ducked through the liiside Four cups fresh cranberries, packages—and large ones also, good.” themselves on the beach. There night by the Camp Dix basketball pass-master for a roport on his sb- season; 2—That Commissioner K. Tenneaace’s young . team im­ letics, the U. S. Coast Guard acad­ While in New Haven, Yank was with me at Del .Mar. Broke apples, ^ p a red and 'cored, home from the shops. It’s request­ ' ' ORDER FROM team, 66 to 56, in a special game sence ffom the game, which the M. Landis will call a joint major proved with experience. The Vol- | emy. whose normal peacetime en­ "All you’ve got to do is to throw always in there giving the "old leg. Things went aloag lUSTER BROWN’S are cocoanut groves ■ and crystal a fake at them,” chimed In Leon oranges.N^lemon, 1 cup sugar, ed by the government, by the shop for* service-men. The Army boys Redskins Iqat 17-14. More than league meeting to study the situ­ unteers were seasoned against | rollment is 125 radets. rates college try.” and now he is being until 1940 when a Chicago blue lagoons. It’s one mile wide cup com syrup (dark or White), BRYANT & CHAPMAN CO. had powerful help from Ed Sad- $.50,000 in receipts for the pro- ation. much better competition in the' Fichman. jiVEN FOR “ TEENERS” keepers and fits in with the total among the majors in boxing. Mitchell Olenski was^ brief and rewarded for his keen zest for the fell an -he left the starting and two miles long. The cigar­ or 1 cup maple syrup or 1-2 cup TELEPHONE 7697 lowski, former Seton Hall and bowl encounter were turned over Landis couldn't be reached in tough Southeastern Conference | Since they began boxing in game which he played up to the He got up and stepped on my ettes, Nissen said, cost 11 cents. honey. , conservation program! Make your­ to the point: Kate Smith O ltlcs center, and to the United Seaman Service. CThicago, his home declaring only than "Dilsa bumped into. 1930, the Cadets have won 31 hilt every moment he Was on the and 1 had to suck soup bet self a suitable and good-looking Mike Bloom, former Temple and The Commissioner, also League that he was ”on a train” but re­ Unless Henry Frnka’a men for­ "I don’t believe one end can meets, tied four and lost 22, with take any of us out. We’ll give ’em ice. — my teeth for eight weeks.” bag of three-fourth's yard of dark Guard, who President, said he did not want to fusing to give his destination. get completely'everything but the schedules including such oppo­ comment on the Baugh case until William Harridge, president of winning way, and catch the Knox­ a fit even if there arc two against blue or bright plaid wool, denim, took off their Army uniforms long nents as Yale, Harvard, Army. us.” Champion ,4t Placid enough to score 22 points apiece. ‘T get the story from Baugh and the American League, also could ville kids with mouth agape in sailfCloth. Corduroy or brightly Syracuse, M.I.T., Maryland. West­ Conseri'ative Jack McKewen Last NighFs Fighi have a chance to weigh evidence not be reached but his Chicago of­ New Orleans, it looks from.„here ern Maryland, Rutgers, Catholic, promised that “We’ll be in there Lake Placid, N. Y.. Dec. 28— ()P) After-Christmas striped bed ticking. Swing the sad­ PRE-INVENTORY SALE from other quarters." fice released a statement which as though the only major unde­ ,^nd Toronto, as well aa others. trying to atop ’em, anj'way." The —Ola. the young Norwegian dle-bag, over your arm—it will Layden said the league could said in part that "nothing can be feated team in the land will climb ' Of the schools met at least touted ’T" holds no terrors for jumper who is the 'ITnited States By The Associated PreflsJ hold your packages, knitting and punish Baugh ff it found he was done untn the spring training pro­ on the bandwagon and become twice, only Syracuse and Army the stalwart youngster. ski champion, ia captain of a Chicago—Johnny Lawer, 1C at fault In falling to report, either grams are straightened out. It the Just another one of the boys. Norse team which will oppose a CLEARANCE SALE your rubbers. syiCTORY have all-winning records against "We’ve never played against it." C?leveland. outpointed Tito Thyll Boudoir Lamps by a fine or suspension, or both. clubs believe they can train at If the Texas Steers will realize Coast Guard. ' Whitmore remarked. "But we’re U. S. contingent in the collegiate 156, (Chicago, (2). To obtain pattern for Saddle He added, however, that he bad an home there's a possibility that the that Georgia Tech magic works The academy made the Eaa’ ern not afraid of it. After all, if it winter program that gets under Baltimore--Billy White. 147^ RAYON AND RABBIT HAIR open tmind on the mlxup. and opening of the season (now set for only when opponents make mis­ way Tuesday., Bag, (Pattern No. 5310) send 10 REGULAR 111.95! NOW intercollegiate boxing fraternity were invincible, eve ybody would Baltimore, outpointed Billy would reserve any comment until April" 13) may be delayed a cou­ takes. Dana X. Bible’s beys should use it. Washington's Red Skins Ola, who escaped from his rigaf, 152 1-2. Baltimoir*, (10). | cents In coin, your name and ad­ BUY come home first behind the spank­ sit up and take notice In 1837 Nazi-occupied homeland, uses later. ple of weeks.” \ hen the Cadets defeated Yale ■topped the Chicago Bears, didn’t Washington- Buddy Ko ANKLETS dress and the pattern number to U N IT E D Baugh was reported to have Two request* from National ing combination of the tightest they?” only his first name to avoid pos­ 185. McKeesport. Pa., knockad League officlala for prompt action defense In the land and a sound at New Haven, 5 to 3, the first sible reprisals on members of his Anne Cabot, The Manchester Her­ STATES been unable to make transporta­ time Yale had been beaten in its "I like the single wing, myself,’’ _,eon Ford, 200, BalUmore. (2). , Gorge<)U!« Color As.sor(ments In All Sizes. $9*95 a pair tion connections to reach Philadel­ In binding a way out of the quan­ offense spiked by McKay and family. He now is stationed with own gym In a quarter of a cen­ put in McKewen. Holyoke,' . Mae*. — ald, 106 Seventh 'avenue. New phia from his Rotan, Tex., home in dary prompted (’ resident Ford f5eld. Olenski observed that mapy a Norwegian military outfit at Hours :1 9 A. .>1. to 5 P. M. tury. Toronto. Thomaa, 160, Springfield, York City., Enclose 1 Cent postage WAR time for the game. Layren said the Frick to aay that "all cluha should ’ While the record may not Indi­ Boston plays are aimed at the outpointed Warren Petararik' CLOSED NEW YEAR’S DAY AND for each pattern ordered. discussion relating to Baugh’s ab­ work in unison and it would be a cate a i much, there were signs tackles with pile-driving Mike Catches Own Punt New York, N. Y„ (8). SATURDAY. JANUARY 2nd. ONDS sence from the pro champions’ good idea to arrive at a conclu­ that Georgia Tech caught oppon­ Weather Clear Holovak carrying the ball. Anne Cabot’s Fall and Winter lineup bad m in im i^ the sacri- sion as soon aa poesibie.” ents hsvtM slther off ye»ra or “That’s just where I want ’em AND N#w York—^iP)—Durtag ths C Pop pmaas Btala ' Album now available—contains fleea 60 athar pr* trl4 Mar* made Mqeli ot tha eenfuatoo baa fo* davs- fMladclPhta^onnie Mack re- to bit," he added. CHENEY BROTHERS REMNANT ea w that the Philadelphia Atkle-

Sense and Nonsense YOUWCRI lOKfUl^ t COULD WHY DID VOU GIVI SUWITHCYU I 1 MAD A J 0 8 WITH THEM A UNI LIKC IN9l€T THAT IMAN ; m w THAT, UNOA PHItl [DU 00 MOUR ^ 1^ A City's Wants &assified for rour Benefit We bought gold; DeftadtiOM F tn t Flappar--l’m rafumisblng you've PUT voun stuff WHEN Japa bought Junk- our guaat-room. Polo—An outdoor game full cf Second Ditto—How lovely! wcoo oveR 5 horseplay. First Flapiwr—An old school Teacher—Which trav^a faatar ~iad Bey—Your next door neigh­ —beat or dold? frtand of mine la coming to visit Lost and Found 1 Automobiles for Sa|e 4 Moving—Truck'jig— Situations Wanted— Rooms Without Board 59 bor’s offspring. me. I'm dying to ace her again. Junior—Beat. Excuse—Something Thomas Ed­ Storage 21) Female 38 Teachar^Why'do you aay that? Second Ditto—How lovelyl Manchester FOUND—CONCXIRDIA Lutheran 1937 OLDSMOBILE 4 door aedan. FOR RENT—LARGE HEATED TulaneStar GOP to Name ison never invented. Junior—Booauaa you oah catch First Flapper—She’s in deep Sunday achool pin, on Summit Needs minor repairs, 1150.00. THE AUS-nN A. CHAMBER.- REFINED, COMPETE.NT, reliable room, twin beds. Men preferred. Cynia^—One who knows the price ^ Evening Herald ' a coM. mourning. A rieh young widow. Street. Telephone 6623. Call Man. 2-0734. , local and long distance mdving middle aged woman would like Tell 5874. 63 Garden street. of everything and the value of Second Ditto—How lovely!! Return load system, ,Tumlture Reaches Top Minor Judges nothing. UlMsilicd AdvwtiseBients PONTIAC (6) 1939 four door work a.s housekeeper. Write Box Germany win crack up only LOST — PAIR. DOUBLE LENS storage. Dial 6260. B, Herald. . FOR RENT— ATTRACTIVELY Newspaper—A portable screen iDMint (tiz avzrac* word* to ■ **°* sedan. Radio: heater, signal when we crack down. PatriaWo Mena itlala, Bumbara aad abbraviatloni glasses; also pair dark green furnished well heated room, con­ behind which man hides from the lights, like new Inside and out. tinuous hot water. Tel. 3105. Just cut yourself short on sugar. lb aaant as a word aad ooaipounii pLneber glasses in Lowry and Repaiptig 23 Will Play Seguara for State Leaders to Accept woman who is standing up In the And be saving of fats and rds as two words Ulnlmara eon Joyce glass case. Finder please An exceptional automobile, $645. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 He Btaggered up the walk with atreet car. ^rleo or threo Haas Terms $7.44 weekly. Trades SAWS OF J^L KINDS tiled, set. FOR RENT—ATTRACTIVE heat­ Sugar Bowl Tennis Recommendations of a alUy gita and faltering step. She grease: taa# raiea aer day tor transieai cull 2-0784. Happy Home—One in which the Then we’ll sweeten our oeffee with taken. No red tape. Demonstra­ ana repaired, cord wood saws WANTED- DOG IN exchange for ed room for gentleman, centrally saw him a block away: wife aaka her husband how to pro­ Maottee Hareb IT, ISST LOST—CHILD'S POCKETBOOK, tion at your home by appoint­ gunim^,^power and hand lawn good home in country. Call after located, 2 n.inutes from bus line. Title Today. The Local Leaders. W ife — Henry, you’re drunk freedom, 6 p. m. Tel. 6,532. nounce a difficult word and then, And butter our bread with Cash Cbarg* containing sum of money ami ment. Telephone Finance .Mana­ jiowpTs iverhaulcd. and sharp- I^rotestant family. Phone 5033. again. accepts his Interpretation without ■Contacutlva Uays...| 1 etai S ctr gloves, in Stale Theater. Finder ger of Brunner Sales Co.. 5191- By Kllint Uhaze Hartford, Dec. 29—(/P^—Republi­ Husband—Well, If I ain’t I've peace. Hotntecuilva Days...! t otsll otr enetl Stored all winter no extra FOR .SALE MALE AND female question. please Phone 7512. Rev/ard. 4588-2-0135. New Orleans, Dec. 29—(/pi—Earl spent ten bucks for nothing. —Mra. W. L. H art ...... Ill otslll at# >'liarge. Axes, knives, shears, and canaries. Phone 3977 or csll at Boarders Wanted 59-A can state leaders have decided to F All orders for Irrecolai ineertiont skates sharpened. Capitol Grind­ Bartlett of Tulane makes hia fifth accept the recommendatlona of OUT OUR WAY BY J. R WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HOOPLM LOST—BEAGLE HOUND puppy, CHEVROLET 1941 convcrtlWil^ 131 Cliai’ter Oak street. Small wonder a wife bccomea a Old Maid Kitty—Yes. in my day Remember Pearl Harbor and ‘■‘111 be eharaed at the one time •■aie ing Co., 38 Main. Tel. 7958. VV'A.NTED— MEN AND WOMEN liseelal rates foi long term eeery in vicinity of South Bolton. An- coupe special deluxe, radio^/M- bid for the Sugar Bowl singles ten­ local leaders on the selection of nag when she is' hitched to a hus­ I’ve said ”No" to dosens of men! never forget It! Ty adeerttsing gteen upon request roomers and boarders, home cook- :wers to name "Tiny” . Black, cellent tires, red leather./black MUWKRS SHAKHKNKU, repair­ nis title here today against Ecua­ minor court judges by the 1943 band with the dlspoaltion of a Old Maid Katty—What were Buy War Bonds and Stamps tUl WELL, MV MA ^ 6POTT-TT.' L1«TKN TO TUtS ^ JA K E H AS y ou o u g h t ! Ada ordered before the thlro oi white and brown. Telephone 8375. Wanted— Pets- f l meals, continuous hot water, the Japs all regret It. SAID SH E DIDN’T Iftb day will be charged only foi top. very clean, priced fpr a quick ed, shear grinding, key titling, dor's Francisco Seguara, who, Ihst General Assembly. mule. they selling? ncttb; Kno w in g N ou'RB n u t s ' ALL t h e LUCK Reward. Poultiy—Stock 41 and showers. 330 Adams street. WAWT AKirTHIKlO TD 0 * A aotual ouiaber ol times the so .sale, $995. Terms, $P2 weekly duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. year, hammered Bartlett out of This means, it was reliably ABOUT w o r g e s . i ^ h l b c t e d -"-PROBABUW posred, charging at the rata sarn- Tracies taken. Notape. Open Boss—Why did the new file THATS BY THE t h a n k f u l / b«t as allowaace oi rerun'’ * can overhauled. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl WA.VTED TO BUY beef cows, stated today, that Democratic THS a r t i s t i c MfySTERPlECE- LOST —LADY'S GOLD wnsl 'till 8 p. m. T>i^phone Finance street. the semi-finals. elerk leave? STOVE-SHE SAID JUST HAPPEN­ HE COULD made on sis time eds stopped watch on black ribbon. Reward. calves and pigs for slaughtering. Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 judges and deputy judges in the FUNNY BUSINESS Manager of Bninner Soles Co. Bartlett yesterday defeated Bill Stenographer—The auditor aak- SHE LIKES TO DO FE R SOUR MAHTEI., v^ilTR ED ALOK^S h ave g e n t j i irrer the tlfth day. Call 4080. Will pay good price. Manchester town, city and boroughcourbs will 7No "till forbids": display lines not 5191-4588^()135. PIANO rUNI.NG and repairing. WANTED— RELIABLE Jewish Talbert of Cincinnati In the semi­ ed her to let him look at her pink H E R OWM BEST CHRISTMAS WISHES DURIM S A NOU ONE OF Slaughter House. Tel. 2-0294. finals. .scoring an upset over the be replaced by Republicans unless LOST— BLACK Leather wallet Player piano specialty. John families to care for new-born ■Ups. CODKIM’.' w h o o p e e 3 A K E ! SALOON *Tbe aaraid will not be resp*msit>le 1941 t o NTIAC 2 DOOR aedan. nation's fifth-ranking playgr 4-6, other arrangements are made lo­ THE OTV HALL nr more than one Incorrect Inser- Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street babies and very young children r o LIKE To SET M.W containing some money, Social 1 9 ^ ^ on tia c 2 door aedan, 1939 6-1, 7-5. cally between the two parties. F IR E _ d r i n k i n g laa of any adeertlsemeni ordered Security. Number 004204666 and Tel. 4219. Building Materials 47 for periods of six months to one ' My Favorite dst more than one time. ^dnUa’c deluxe aedan. 5 late After coming from behind the This procedure has been decided HANDS ON THAT papers. 116 Benton street. year. We pay $7.00 a week board ? FOUNTAINS -The Inadvertent omloaion ol in- ^ model Chevrolets. 5 late model NEW CONVERTIBLE TOPS, cel­ FOR SALE—USED LUMBER, all Tulane player hung on In the third upon at meetings of state leaders Luck and pluck go hand In hand. SCOUNDREL/ C.O.D irrerl ouhliroHon of edveriisiiia Plvmouths, Cole Motors. Tel. luloid replaced in curtains, all sizes, also farm tools. L. E. Clark, and provide medical care and .set with a flat backhand to the in the past few weeks, although Pluck is luck’e big brother; rill be recilfled only by oanfellstion LOST— FOUR WEEKS ago, plcf clothing. Apply by letter. Hebrew if the charge made foi the service 4164. kinds of leather work. Chas. Lak- 844 West Middle Turnpike. deep corners which took some of the detaila of the plan have not Luck will never come along fashioned gold neck cham-"' in Women's Home for Children, 185 been worked out. Meanwhile, with­ Unless you bring the other. Manchester, very impM’tant to ing, 90 Cambridge street. Tele­ the fire out of Talbert's brilliant All muii conform 1937 G. M. C. 3-4 TON panel truck. phone 4740. Westlxmrne Pasrkway, Hartford, net;,game. Bartlett seemed awed in the party a movement for a SB Style,, copy and lypograohy wiiti owner. Tel. 8-0835. Rc^-ard. Conn. lisgufatlons enforced bv the piiniian- Good motor, very clean; $245.00. Garden— Farm— Dairy at first by Talbert's volleys but as constitutional amendment enabling Junior—^There's a woman ped­ a and they reaerve the right to LOST—4 MONTHS" OLD black Terms and trades accepted. Brun­ vV ANTED I'D TUNE, repair and Products 5U his own improved he gained con­ the governor to make all minor dler at the door. Jit. revise o» relect any copy con- and tan Scotch shepherd pup. ner Sales, 80 Oakland street. regulate your piano or player fidence. The telling set was tied at court appointments has already Dad—Show him in, and tell him Jdered oblecilonable piano. Tel. Manchester 5052. FOR SALE— GREEN Mountain Apartments, Flats, started. to bring his aamples with him. ’ CleOBINO HiMlRb—ClaaslBad ads Answers to/fiame of Snooky. Tel. 5191. 2-2 and 4-4, finally at 5-5, before potatoes, field run. not graded, Tenements 63 Talbert's placement shooting went >'«»rly Dosea Vsosncles / i bo published seme day must oe Please rctilfn to H. Hansen, 256 FOR SALE—1935 PLYMOUTH elved by II o'clocS noon Saiur- Hackmatack street. Reward. $1.15 per bushel a* the place, less to pieces. About a dozen vacancies, filled It la common sense to be thrifty irs ID-io. aedan, $50.00. 1934 Buick aedan, Help Wanted— Female 3-5 10c If you furnish bags. Also yel­ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ Bartlett downed Jim Evert of by Governor Hurley since the 1941 . . . If you save you are thrifty. $25.00, 1935 Dodge sedan, $25.00. ment. Adults preferred. Available Legislature adjourned, also will be . . , War bonds help you to save If’ Telephone Youi Wunt ^de DEFENSE COUPLE, room, board, low Globe turnips. 8’rank V. Wil­ Chicago in the quarterfinal Mon­ Announcements 2 1927 Model T coupe, $35.00, Brun­ liams, 1632 Tolland Turnpike. Jan. 1st. Inquire Sam Yulyes day, 6-3, 6-0, after Evert received affected by the GOP decision to and help to save America. .. . Buy Adt Arn ncc*pl*0 private bath, in exchange for wo­ Shoe Shop. 701 Main street. ihOBA At »bA CHAKOhe ftATE CIVAB ner Sales. 80 Oakland street, man as housekeeper, salary. .Man a first-round default from Cali­ take the minor courts. Governor your 10 per cent every pay day, WANTED—RIDE TO HarUord, tel. 5191. hurley appointed DemocraU to the lAova aa a eonvcnetncA to Adycr* to work out. Call Manchester FOR RENT—THREE furnished fornian Ted Schroeder, who didn’t ifA. but tbA CASH KATIflB^wtn bt between 8 and 8 30 by January Household Goods 51 arrive to defend his Sugar Bowl minor court posts which were not ■Visitor—Do you think times are cADttd Ai FUUl PATMBNT It 1st. Call r.t 113 Summer street. 2-0103. rooms. No children. Tel. 82.54 or FOR .SALE ELECTRIC refrig­ crown. filled by the last legislature and getting better? tid At tbA bUAlOAAl OfflOA dO Of OA* Telephone 8933. Heating— Plumbingr— after 9. 7247. which expire early in the next ses­ Pastor—Oh. yes; decidedly. We nr# thA AAVAntb du7 fottowing tht GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. New erator. Inquire at 374 Summit By far the most colorful per­ InAAftlon of AACb Ad OtbAfWHA Roo6ng 17 Model Laundry, Summit street. former of the tournament has been sion. Governor Baldwin will give are getting a much better class of !• CBAROE KATB will b# eollACj* street. Tel. 2-0086. these jobs to Republicans, it was buttons in the collection plates L No rAAOonAiWIIty foi orrort lo Automobiles for Sale ED COUGHLIN—REPAIRS OF Wanted to Rent 68 Segura, whose two-fisted forehand WAN'TED— WOMEN for floor knocked off Ensign George Phyor learned. They include the two New now. Ncnr ilobboood Adt will bo AASumAd ado all types of roofs. 390 Woodland WINDOW SHADES. VE.NETIAN llr ACCUfACy CAHOOt bo CUAfAU* FOR 8AL&-1940 3-4 TON Ford maids and laundry work. Apply blinds. Get our low prices on Hol­ WANTED TO RENT—Three, four, of Pittsburgh in the quarterfinal, Britain judgeships, a county com­ EVEN street. Phone 7707. Housekeeper. Manchester ’ Me­ missioner place in Fairfield county truck, stake body, in good condi­ land shades, and high flrade or five rooms with garage, re­ then ousted Jack Cushingham of [K^NTIOM lodes of Ctesoifliationa tion, good tires. Maurice French. morial hospital. Venetian blinds. Phone 8819 tor filled couple. No children. Call Rock Island, 111 , 6-2, 6-0. is also involved in the program, Segura't given any oppon­ Governor Hurley having appointed , rn o . ,itbe ...... Telephone 8609. , WANTED - TWO WOME.N or special prices and samples. Capi­ 5805. lHAABASADtA ooaoaseoosdoaoao* W ent here more than three games in James Powers of Bridgeport as an T m m o u % pa? d MARTMM ARTHUR A. girls for Manchester Laundry, 72 tol Window Shade Company, 241 Vaeaii«iiV*a»w»Yi riAAAt 0 a o a o a a • • • • • • • • • * * * * ? North Main street. Open eve­ one set. interim appointee. ibt a e e a a a e a a a a a a a a a a • V Maple street. Houses for Sale 72 There were no reversals of form a n of TbAbkO a a aaa aa a a a a a aa S nings. DO FOU HAVE AOE^CATE in the quarterfinals, Talbert beat­ JBIOPIOID eeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa O KNOFLA FOR SALE- READY FOR occu­ a a a aa aa a a a a a a a ing Red Backe of the University of ood Poood 1 INSURANCE? Help Wanted— Male 3ti VV’E WILL SELL furniture, and "It's the weekly poker party at Jones’ house— the gang’s BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Hold On BY EDGAR MARTDYI inCABOOtA ...... a J For rugs, stoves and other household pancy, 4 room house, 2 unfinish­ Pennsylvania 6-2, 3-6, 6-2, and » V a • e a e a e a a a a a a a«a a a a * See WANTED JANITOR. Center goods at the lowest prices in ed rooms or second floor. Vincent Cushingham taking Roy Bartlett Sports Roundup all carrying extra pants and shirts!" AataaeobOea Marcin. 136 Bissell street. Tel. of Tulane in straight seta 6-1, 6-3. OLVVt .1 HATE. TO HA-OE. TD TIAPT A 6 A\v:i,E>OOTG>’. 1 VCJElV E. O N S C H A ^ G t ’O 1 Va50N»'T ’e>E. .pnr HIra * 3972. Rex hot water heater. Tel. 3634. ing station were stopped 6-3, 6-4, three-letter men—O. D. T.— s—Ssmea—Btoraga .... in Hartford,-Doc. 29 i T' Mis.s by Talbert and Charles Mattman comes from the Travel Travail HCM' J ralaa—Bleyelas ...... Ji Genevieve R. Conlon of Bridgeport of New York. T I Aotos—Motoreyelta ... IT Salesmen Wanted 36-A the Toronto Maple Leafa went aad PaataaalaBal Servieew 10 OLCOTT ST. FOR SALE - ROPER gas range. was named by Gov-Elect Ray­ The other doubles semi-final through to play a couple of week­ ____ Barvlaaa OBarad...... 1* WANTED Practically new. Call 6700. mond E. Baldwin to be his person­ match went to Earl Bartlett and end hockey games. . . . The saga Bshold Ssrylesa OBarad ....U -s MANCHESTER SALESMEN—If 'gas rationing' has put you out of busines.s get al secretary when he takes over Jack Tuero of Memphis. Tenn. Involves a group of big-hearted [dlgjM^oa tract lag ...... it 2-Famlly House of 5 rooms each the gubernatorial chair. She has They defeated Evert and Cushing­ ' -Maraorloa ...... 1* and bath. Lower floor now va­ in touch with us immediately as Machinery and Tools 52 pals who saved up gas to drive Of roetore ...... 1* AT ONCE been his secretary for eight years, ham 6-3, 6-4, for the right to meet the players from Toronto to Wel­ .gasMBg—Booting _ 11 cant Steam heat with oil burn­ our .salesmen are permitted 8,600 including the two of his previous Talbert and Mattman today in miles of travel yearly and wc need USED OLIVER “ 7" tractor with land, Ont., icy roads that caused oooooaeooaa 1* er. All Improvements. On bus­ term as governor. the final. Experienced a man in the Manchester area at mounted plowc. Oliver plows, har­ them to miss the local train at lag ...... 1» line, 5-car garage. Work shop sANI Storage .. to and poultrj’ house 80x40, 3-stor>' once to sell our essential line of rows. manure spreaders. Dublin Welland, and eventual arrival at aTME^&AiGiS*^ Sorrlao a a gra #30* A Tractor Company. Willimantic. Buffalo just in time to make a •Papartag ...... ^ Stenographer high. 1 I-S acres land, some liquid soaps, cleauers, floor treat- Mrrloaa » fruit. nents, machine dish washing four a. m. train for New York, HOLD EVERYTHING where they played Sunday night...... a...... SS Telephone 8-OS.SS Hartford compounds, deodorizers and dis­ Wanted— To Buy 5S 1 ___ 'O^lng—Oaanlng .. infectants t< churches, hospitals, . . . Maybe it was worth while Ooods and Sarelea . . . . . s> Cheney Brothers F. W. HILL —you should have heard those ■ naalaaaa Sarvlea .<«>. *• Employment Bureau schools, office buildings, factories, MALE HELP WANTED! ■anMHaaal 561 Nabuc Avenue war plants, clubs, lodges, hotels WANTED— USED single bod. Call i 15.500 New York fans when the sad Claaaaa ..:.....»v it Hartford Road East Hartford and restaurants. 30 day free trial 3408. • i Rangers finally beat the Leafs. iMtmetleaa ...... *> plan and amazing demonstrations Experience Not Necessary . . . Then there's Coach Everett o o o a a o o o a o a a a a a« aiapaa a a tS* A .''helton’s explanation of why Wy­ .OrsBsatla TO make orders come easy. We pay laatraetloBa M 30 per cent commission daily on Rooms Without Board 59 oming is here bo play basketball WASH TUBS Wotta Man BY ROT Cl PlMiMlal Apply in Person while Colorado had to call off its _ ___ -Mortgagaa ' . . . li all approved orders—with full FOR RENT—1 SINGLE AND I eastern trip; “Colorado applied aaaa Oppartaaltlaa ...... Ti credit on all mail order and no double room for gir! or couple, for transportation and got turned CAPTAN EAtVib Am iOdlKS, COLONEL. I tlUNNO.SlP, BUT MITH HER? YES.SIR.SHES M ELU. CAfTAw! \ NOTICE hlfW S UPSTICK So r^ye ...... SS charge backs. Permanent position OM e n : e . dobs that WAPWY that WANTED continuous hot water, 3 minutes down; we just get on a train and HE'S DOViAlSTAIRS 10 SEE M9U. HE'S HE WANTiS TO KNOM A KNOCKOUT, Wanti^ .Poasala SS with steadily increasing income— from South Main street. Call LYDALL & FOULDS PAPER CO. came." WHAT HE SHOULD H E T i ? TOO S pTURE LADV spies MBRRtV Waetad—Stala ...... SS as 90 per cent of all buyers repeat CAPTUBBP AM ENEW691{5I(* — 2-1614. ' floHf DO WITH HER fSREArSCCTT.' F SO, you HAVE TALfiMTS THOTWR Saen WaBtad ...... St-A their orders several times yearly. 615 Parker Street Iflp Waatad—Mala ar Ptmala SI Girl for Telephone Switchboard Some customers to start with. Just Plane Scared s______IkBaata Waatad ...... Frank Kavanaugh, Cornell U. itastlont Waatad—Pemala . . . TS Protected territory. Hustlers can itoAtlona Waatad—Mala . . . . SO earn up to $100.00 a week. Apply trainer, says he doesn’t mind sit­ plqymaat Ageacleo ...... SO and Billing. Apply in Person, at once for details. Sanitation ting on the bench with Football lAw atook—Peto—Powitry— EMvision, Consolidated Paint A Coach Carl Snavely, who is apt Voblcloa BOYS to get excited at the crucial mo­ ega Bird#—Pota si Varnish Corporation, 1831 Willey X dyra Btocb—Vablelaa ...... Sf Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. ments, but when it comes to rid­ aaltry and Bappllaa ...... S» ROGERS PAPER MFG. CO. ing in an airplane with him its rsatad —Pata—Poultry—Stock se WANTED! For Desirable Courant another matter. . . . While they Par gala—niaewllaaoeae Corner Mill and Oakland Streets . Help Wanted—Mate or were on a recent air trip, the pi­ SrttcUa Pot Sale ...... *1 Routes In All Sections ata and Aoceaaortaa ...... Sk Female 37 lot turned over the controls to 7 /2-W ulldlag llatarlala ...... s’l of Manchester. To Be Sold! Snavely. . . . "I was kind of t ■ i««i e*> aw aiaviet. aia , u, ata. u. a e«r o,r. diamonds —Watetaea—Jewelry SO scared,” Kavanaugh confessed. Slectiical Appllencee—Redlo.. SO WANTED—GENERAL help for N Apply tiPuel and Patd ...... woolen mill. Apply Matson Mill “What if all of a sudden he “I'll bat thoaa ara aoma of tha *Take fare of yourself, Sally—I’ll be worrying about you srdan—Farm—Dairy Product# 60 Inc., South Glastonbury, Conn. Here’s a rare opportunity! We are offering for thought up some football play? *miUtai7 eirclaa’ Fva laad Hartford Courant in that war plant while I’m in a nice safe tank!” Buaabold Ooods ...... SI immediate sale, a brand new 4-room home located on He would have forgotten what he about!” i,ltaeblnsry and Tools ...... S» Office was doing.” lusleal Instrumenta ...... SI In 1942, American farmers al­ Green Road opposite Phelps Road. This is not the I n iiiw jrr^ ) tice and Store ISquipment .. . St LOCAL MANUFAQURING most doubled their acreage In soy Slate Theater Building CQPIL ^9*2 sv am Siavtct. iwe. t. n. aec. u. s. PATJ??g„. Blais at.tbe Stores ...... So Courting Trouble JNERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Tearing Apparel—Pure ...... S* beans. Tel. 6520 ordinary type of home. The house is 34 feet long and llWantad—To Buy ...... St While the N. C. A. A. ■■busi­ .Beard—Hntclo—Reeorta provides 4 large rooms. An open stairway to the second ness" meeting tomorrow is sup­ Reetaaraals PLANT REQUIRES floor permits adding 2 more rooms. The well landscaped posed to be merely a routine af­ LOOKING BACK TOWARD PAST YBAR8, IT 19 EASY TO ALLEY OOP Yeah, VTiat About It? BY V.T. HAMLIN [llRooma Wltboui Board ...... 0^ SEE THAT A VERY CONSIDERABLE...... Boarders Wsoted- ...... SO-A lot has frontage of 60 feet. The owner has been trans­ fair, some difficulty may develop I'Country Board'—Resorts...... S' about the basketball rules. . . . OW,VEH...DOC SENT US TH A T'S THAT’S COHlsiA HAFTA WATT AN’BVTH’VOm f-BotsIs— Restauranis ...... S ferred to Boston and he has placed a bargain price on Pointing out Uiat his organization TD FIND RUBBER TO GOOD,_\NE’D> ASPELL...MEBBEYOU OOKtT WHY HAVEKST 'iW tiWanted—Rooms—Board ...... SI WANTED Help can't ‘Treeze” the Vules without L Real Befate Par Rent EXPERIENCED the property. F. H. A. financing is available. To in­ KAAKE UP FOR TH’ SHORT­ BETTER LET KIOOW IT, B U T YVE’V E GOT SHOVYEOUPTD If^partmcnta. Fleis. Tenmienta SI the agreement of the high schools, x V / AGE CAUSED BV TH’ HtKA K H 05M A MESS RIGHT HERE, GIVE US dONlE liBusInssa Locations tor Rent .. St spect please call Y. M. C. A. and other groiips, Jim " VYAR-OvKi’ BY GUhA, A B O U T IT THAT’S GOTTD BE H B J > ? l^douses For Rent ...... SI A t Once! Wanted St. Clair of Southern Methodist, Huhurban S'oi Rent ...... Si OOOLA.X THIKJK I ’VE RK3H T CLEAKJED UP ummet Homes For R en t...... 8 who heads the court committee, AVOAV.' FIRST.' 'Wanted 'o Rem ...... S> ROOM AND told New York writers yesterday: Reel Eeiale Far gala WAR "I don't believe rules should be ' Spartment Building for-Sals .. S; TELEPHONE Robert J. Smithy Inc. frozen If there are certain changes Buglnaae Property tor Sale .. . 1i 'Parma and Land tor S a ls ...... 1> BOARD to be made.” . . . Incidentally,, [jBeuaes for Sale ...... 1> WORK 963 MAIN STREET TEL. 34.50 - .5343 the officials concerned won’t say ,j>te tor Sale ...... 7> For Girls and Women Girls and Women to Oper­ yes or no on whether they’re even dlogort Property tor S ale...... It ate Power Sewing Ma­ Real Estate and All Lines of Insurance planning an ^ C. A. A. basket­ lubarbsn for Sale ...... II Worklnu On War ball tournament next spring. J ^ea) Btiata tor Exchange ....- It OPERATOR Production. chines. No Experience IwFantsd —Real Ettite ...... II Aaetina—l,cgal Ratlcea Necessary. Knilcee ...... II Must Be Alert, Capable and Courteous. Today’s Guest Star lit CHENEY BROS. Gene Kemper, Topeka (Kas.i CHENEY Capital: "No one is prepared to Employment Office guess It will come out ttet way, FOR INTERVIEW CALL 2-1.51.5 AND ASK 156 Hartford Road BROTHERS but the decision of Uncle Sam to FOR EXTENSION 1 plant officer candidates in some ...... IMPROVEMENT HAS BEEN MADE IN THE V /i-ir Telephone 4141 Employment Bureau 200 colleges may merely do some Hartford .Road juggling of athletic talent. Here's WEAPONS OP MODERN WARFARE hoping Washburn, Kansas and Kansas State get an overdose of BY MERRILL BLOSSEl Big Ten football players.” ^C K L E S AND HIS FRIENDS Everybody’s Doing It SD RYDER Little Man With Big Ears BY FRED HARMAN WAffTED Service Dept. , o r r y r lasmutk bi THERE'S A tA N C E lDONrT\ 1 LOST-BIAS! Although “varsity" athletics at L e t s c a u t h e b a r k b r s , S . M * ', 'C A U S E ^ Ho l d o n , r e o -'1’ ve 1 the Navy Pre-Flight schools are Do n t lea v e u s N o w . Ma b e l / P l e a s e c t a v , VouU. m a g n o u a . is NOM/A AI HE SOtCOL BOOSE-' WAT'^T IT-' WHY 6 C3W SIDES GOTtA IDEA'.' LE’S 1 yDU'RI OUR LAST SERVANT AMO MABEL— TUERE'LL H AVE -To RVTHBR, AND SEE IF Wff, I’LL FLIP ACDlM TD for cadets only nowadays, the CAN BORBOV MAGNOUA. WELDER/ANO SOESS EITHER. C0ULD8>’ T IS H EADS TAKE H\r\ SK IP E North Carolina outflf will be al­ w e V H < s a r ^ ------^------3 —— BE A _ WHAT 1 AM/ 6EE V4HO TAKES THAT CDlHi T O fO O U W(»l«aELS lowed to use a few officers in its GUESTS / SoRRy — BUT rvs OF t h e i r . TFEIR CDOK / TuRht UP SUCKERS.' 16 to 45 games at New York and Philadel­ ^ J ^ W A S H ! FACES YOUR­ TAILS phia. . . . And Coach Dyka Raase SELF, I GUESS/ iHATS A TO WORK IN RETAIL FOOD STORE won’t have much to worry about GOOD IDEA. until Ous Broberg, the former ZULA! Dartmouth ace, la g^wduatad. . . . T Sergt Frank Strafaci, the golfer, 5 DAY— 42 HOUR WEEK sends word from down under: EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL "These Ausaiee arc bold in their play and more often than not get GOOD SALARY AND away with apectacular ahota." REGULAR ESTABLISHED INCREASES . . . Maybe they’ve been taking __ 4 lessons from MacArtbur. . . . It Aiiuly Wednesday — Mr. McLaughlan could be juat a coincidence, but a lot of the boxen entering Ckilden STOP-AND-SHOP Qlovea toumamenta from the 663 BURNSIDE AVENUE — EAST HARTFORD South PUlna Aray Flying sdiool at Lubhpek, Tex., have juat flnlsb- McIiaafM SyaJicatr, lac. ad their Commando tralwlna* i 1

J#;- .' V ;'r^ 7,-p ^ -L.K '»,.■■ ' ■■I- ry*.' 1 ' $

TWSLVB TUESDAY. DECEMBEB 29.1942 UlatirbrBtrr lEitrafno HrroUt C ire a b tio n AvexMgs D a ily 'File WMflmv For tha Moatk at November, 1942 Foreeeet of Weather Rin i mi be so arranged to eliminate any JIJJ ^ A- -1^ _ <^>#6 ifi 1 -----A A A .a______MI.B rO. A A A A 1 U: S. All in Readiness fire hazard. Tbe entire dance hall Tall Cedars Church Party 7,814 Modstale to heavy rein thla aft- About Town Rationing Data Recreation has been blacked out In the event For Legion Dance of an air raid teat Member ol the Andlt l i ernoon, ending tosilgtat; net moeh lAtlSLltrilFRlPl^ ItltPtttttll I IPPHLI change In ternpenUnre; freeb to Seat Officers Plans Ready There are still some reservations Bweaa of Ohealatlaas strong (vlnde along coast. I p . OaOnUtla. ot 7S Eldridgs Center Items left for the affair and those desir­ B>n"*** Bleu, of 40 Camp* Here’s Information Toil Will Want To Have— Fumished Victor Bronkie, general chair­ ing the best of those now avallaliie * Manchester-^A City of Village Charm [ road. Waltar R. Smith, of 132 By Local War Price and Rationing Board, No. 112.16 Walter J. Wilkinson Tonights Wide Variety o f Activi­ can call 3642 and make arrange­ ...Idte atraat, Henry H. Scott, of 6-9—Junior boya' game room man of the New Year’s Eve party ments with Steward Marcel Donze. i CMmrold atioet, RiuaeU B. WU- (Olaaalfled Adveetlehig oa Pnga U ) The office of War Price and Ra-.^les by Jan. 16, 1943. All holders Takes Chair as Grand open E. S. and W. S. ties Is Arranged for at the Liegion Home, Thursday The affair was opened to the gen­ VOL. LX n „ NO. 76 M.4NCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30.1942 (FOURTEEN -PAGES) PRICE 'THREE CENTS o f SI Mather atreet, Feuty A. of "A " books must have tires in­ 6- 7—Small gym open for boxing ..barinl and Eugene Oarbarinl, tioning Board 112.16 is located in night, stated thla morning that eral public yesterday morning. spected every four . months, hold­ Tall for Ensuing Year. E. S. New Year’s Eve. every precaution against any un- Andover, are now atatloned at the Lincoln school, opposite the Kabrick's orchestra oi* Rockville / ers of "B” and "C” books every 7- 8— Small gym open for hand­ forseen Incident had been taken will furnish music for dancing 1 U. S. Army Medical Replace- post office. Office hours are as fol­ Walter J. Wilkinson Was last ball E. S. ■t Center, Camp Pickett, Vir- two months', not less than 30 days Final plans for the New Year’s > re of within the past ten days. from ten o’clock until three In the’ General Giraud Inspects U. S. Troops lows: Monday—9:30 a. m. to 5:30 apart. 6- 7—Boyrf Junior basketball Decorations, fireproof treated, will morning. Osano will do the cateiw t igtata, n ie y are undergoing inten* night Installed Gpand Tall Cedar, league games E. S. Eve party and Watchnlght Ser­ Americkn Troops r«l«irpliy8lcal, mlliUry and apecial- p. m.; Tuesday, closed to the pub­ Sugar of Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedara of not hang from the celling but will Ing. Sugar ration stamp No. 10 is 7- 8—Women’s plunge period vice at the Center Congregational Soviet Winter Drive lic all day; Wednesday, Thursday J'lsed medical training. Upon com- Lebanon, In ceremonies held In the E. S. church have been announced by ■^•letion of training they will bo and Friday, 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 valid through Jan. 31 and is good p. m.; Saturday, 9:30 a. m. to for three pounds of sugar. Indus­ Masonic Temple. Former District 7-8— Bowling alleys reserved for Mrs. Arthur Illing, president of •■ligned to hoepitala or to uniU on Representative James O. Baker Miss Whittaker's group E. S. the Women's Federation, the or­ SPECIAL SERVICE Seflghti^ fronU. 12:30 p. in. The office will be trial and institutional u.sers of su­ Within 40 Miles closed all day this Friday and Sat­ gar may now obtain their January was the installing officer and he 7- 10—Senior basketball leagueganization which la sponsoring the games E. S. program. for folk* who naad urday. and February allotments. Those was assisted by Past Grand Tall CASH One eaae at whooping cough Ray Warren. 8- 10—Bowling alleys open E.A S. wide variety of activities have Bags Major Trophy, applying after Jan., 5 will have a ^waa reported thla week in Man- Gasoline ^’CONSIDERING s loen? Don’t borrow unnoeoMerily— All ■TA.” "B," and "C" coupons percentage deducted for each day been planned to appeal to all the I ^iw ter, according to the bulletin Tomorrow; members of the church family. but if s loan U the bast solution to your problam, wo Of Tunisian Port now have a value of three gallons beyond that date. at the SUte Health Department 6-9—Junior boys’ game room Dick Ranney and his band will want to aerva you. If you ntml axtra cash for laaional 9o other new caaea of communica- each. For the present at least, no The time limit for obtaining play for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. aipaniot, naadad clothing, to pay old bills or for madical War Ration Book No. 1 ha.s been open E. 8. and W. S. 'M e dilieaaoa were reported here. relief may be obtained for the cut John Pickles and Mr. and Mra. axpaniaa h a m a t i* preparad to larvo you promptly. In value of gasoline coupons, on extended to January 15. Persons 6-6:45—Junior boys’ plunge pe­ Direction Kew Britain reported 172 new riod E. S. Fred Carpenter are In charge of Employad woman and amployad man who naod cash Important Rail Cit ! caaee of meaalea during the week. advice from Washington. The No. wishing to obtain War Ration auction, contract and whist. TTiere can gat a loan of $10 to >300 at A«*snaf on thair tigna- Toward 3 coupon in the "A” book expires Book No. 2 when it is Issued early 6- 7—Small gyni open for hand­ ball E. S. will be table and door prizes. Mr. tura alona. Saniibla monthly paymantt. A loan of 1100 on Jan. 21, on which date most in 1943 must have Book 1 before co«ti $20.60 whan promptly rapaid in 12 monthly eonsecu- Given in Reuters Dis> CJorporal Edward W. Breen re^ 7- 8—Small gym open for boxingand Mrs. Raymond St. Laurent Yank Tires ‘tamed to Fort Devena yeatcrday "C" books will also be renewable. applying for Book 2. and Mr. and Mrs. John Lamber- tiva inatallmantt of $10.05 aach. C'offe« E. S. patch; No Further Kotelnikovski Falls Int| after apending the week-end at Motorists must write license num­ ton have arranged for a variety of Wa walcoma all application!—avan if you’re naw in tha ber and state on back of each Coupon numbered 27 on sugar 6- 8:30— Boys’ Junior basketball Ida home on Alton atreet. league gamea E. S. other interesting games. neighborhood or on a naw job. Como in or phona ua. Word About Situation F or R ubber New England Area Russian Hands; coupon. ration card is now good for one Supper to Be Served Operators of commercial vehi­ pound of coffee, next coupon will 7- 8—Women’s beginners 'swim­ other Red Column The Ladiea Aid aoclety of the ming class E. S. A delicious buffet supper, to be Near Medjez - El • Bab. cles who have not as yet received become valid on Jan. 1, 1943. served during the evening, is be­ _ CJovenant-Congregatlonal church Certificates of War Necessity from Fuel Oil 8- 9 -r— Women’s Intermediate tering at Gates of I will hold its annual meeting at the swimming class E^. S. ing planned by Mrs. Leon Bradley, London, Dec. 30.—(/P)— Small Shipments Going the Office of Defense Transporta­ Period 1 coupons on fviel oil ra­ with the help of a large Committee. STATE THEATER BUH.DING Is Hit by Ice Storm other Gty in Mid^ ■ parsonage on Spruce atreet, to­ tion may obtain a " T ' ration good tion sheets are no longer valid. 8:30-10—Ski Club gym period United States trooiw wepe re­ E. S. An opportunity will be given to 2nd Floor Phone 8180 To Four or Five East morrow evening at 7:45. until Jan. 31. 1943, after which ad­ Period 2 coupons are good until who attend to make a con­ Don Corridor to R< 8-10— Bowling alleys reserved D. R. Brown, .Mgr. License No. 891 ported in a Reuters dispatch justment will be made in accord­ January 26. Period 3 coupons, for­ tribution toward defraying the today to have advanced to Coast , Countries as Mr, and Mra Fred E. Kelah of ance with the ODT certificate. merly scheduled to become valid for Miss Spillane's group E. S. expenses of the party. Reserva­ Damage Estimated Un­ tov; Newest Objectii 40 Clinton atreet left Sunday Holders of certificates are isstied on Jan. 6, may now be used and 7-10- Bowling , alleys re.served tions should be made by Thursday within 40 miles of Gabes, Payment for Crude, Foriiier Aniliassador j for men’s senior league W. S. officially ta $ 1 ,0 0 0 , Not Named in Repoi afternoon for La Junta, Oolo., to rations through March 31, 1943. are good until Feb. 20, Period 4 morning with Mrs. Arthur Illing strategic Tunisian port which To Germany Dies be present at exerciaea there on Tires from Feb. 7 to March 26 and Peri­ or Mrs. Eugene Lckr. lies approximately midway Washington, Dec. 30—(4’)— As 000; Trees, Wires Fall ^January 4, when their son, Fred Tire inspections for passenger od 5 from March 13 to Oct. 1. Watchnlght Service between Axis-held Tripoli part payment for that future sup­ Moscow, Dec. 30.- Kelsh wUl receive hla winga and cars must be completed by Jan. Coupons valid thus far are worth The Watchnlght Sel^rice will be­ Under Loads of Ice. The Soviet winter offensh be commlaaloned a aecond lieuten­ 31, 1943, and for commercial vehl- ten gallons each. Special Session gin at 11:30, with Rev. Gibson and Tunis. The direction of ply of crude rubber expected from ant in the Air Cbrpa. Mr. and Mrs. the advance waa not atated, but the southern republics, tbe United has bagged its first inajc Daniels in charge. The CYP club Worce.ster, Mass., Dec. 30. Keiata expect to be absent from Walter 4. Wilkinson has arranged an impressive can­ delayed field dispatches received States is permitting small ahip- trophy, the key railroad cit last night discloaed that an Amer­ town about two weeks. Of Town Court dlelight ceremony. Warren Wood, ments of rubber tires and tubes to — (/P)— One of the worst ice of which tt Emergency Doctor Jack Gordon, who left yesterday church organist, will present a NOTICE ican Task Force was operating on storms in more than two dec­ Germans captured £o Water Division morning for Fort Devens, Mass., the Bouthern Tutlisian fronts and go to four or five countries on the General Welfare Center No. 41 brief recital. Mrs. Bclledna Nel- eaat coast of South Africa. ades today gripped central months ago to the day, ' will meet tonight at the Eaat Side Dr. George Lundberg of thej for assignment to a post of duty Paul Carlson Is Found •son Mansur, a member of the told of . a recent raid on Maknassy, Manchester Medical Associa­ with the U. S. Army, was installed Due Ta a Shartage af Ingredients 65 miles northwest of Gabes and Board of Economic officials said and western Massachusetts even now another Red Ar Bscreatlon Center, weather per­ Chaminade Club, will render a today the shipments are "In line mitting. A t this final meeting of tion will respond to emergency Had Busy Year Senior Deputy Grand Tall Cedar Not Guilty of Drunken solo, "How Beautiful Upon the 40 miles from the coastal road and parts of New Hampshire, column; is battering at tt calls tomorrow afternoon. by proxy and the office will be fill­ Mountain,” by Parker. and railway, in which 21 Italians with our policy to share with ' the year, officera wUl be elected. Latin America our shortages as Vermont and Maine, bringing gates pf another city in the ml^ ed pro tempore while he continues Driving. The public is cordially invited to We Will Clase Fram were captured. die Don corridor to Rostov, in the service. this service. Strangers or new­ There was no further word con­ well aa our surpluses.” damage estimated unofficially Charles Willumitis who recently Much New Pipe Laid in They added this "share and Russians said today. The Mrs. Harriett Horan of Har­ Other elective officers installed In a special session of Town comers in the community will be cerning the situation northeast of at $1,000,000 and causing midday communique did not ^anlisted in the U. S. Army, Ord­ South End as New Resi­ were: especially welcome. Thursday Night, December 31 To Medjez-El-Bab, where footholds share alike’’ agreement stemmed havoc to trees and electric lines inance department, left yesterday riett's Beauty Salon entertained r’ourt yesterday afternoon at 1 from the policy enunciated by the newest objective but repor the members of her staff with a Junior Deputy Grand Tall, Roy gained by the Allies upon a ridge approaching that of the 1938 hur­ that Col. O n . N. F. Vatutln’a ‘for Fort Devens. Mra. Willu- dences Are Built. Warren; Scribe, Joseph Canade: o’clock, Paul Carlson of Gardner six miles from the town In fight­ Sunrmer Welles at the Rio confer­ ricane. Rain froze as it fell and mitla, the former Miss Mary dinner party last night at her Gen. Henri Honore Giraud, successor to Admiral Darlan as high commissioner of French North and gions had smashed heavy count home. 'The occasion served 'as a Treasurer, WiKiani M. Anderson; .ntreet was found not guilty of Monday Morning, January 4. ing CSiristmas eve and Christmas ence last January. the resulting coatings of heavy Ice |i-Rukua, will make her home with How many tires are being ex­ West Africa, marches past the Stars and Stripes as he reviews Americans troops in Casablanca, Mo­ attacks in the drive toward delayed Christmas party and as a The town's water department Tnistee, three ye'ar.s, Joseph E. drunken driving. Carlson was ar­ First Ration day were disclosed in an Allied rocco. This picture was radioed from London to New York. were more than trees and wires tov, after having yielding ^her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael birthday party for Mrs. Edith has had a buay year extending Lutz. communique yesterday to have ported and to what countries was could stand. Wind in some sec­ ; Rukua o f Buckland. rested December. 24 at 8:45 in a not disclosed. slightly in one sector. Gryzb, a member of the staff. ' pipe in the many new develop­ Appointive officers installed hoi'se at 310 Charter Oak street been relinquished. tions added to the damage, but ments. At the largest develop­ were; Number Shipped Restricted weary crews of roadmen managed Push Toward ZimovnUd ' Officera-elect of Manchester following an accident near that Penalty Here Erroneously Identified But officials emphasized that Battlefront dispatchea rep Private Harold McLegan who ment. now nearing completion Preceptor, C. Leroy Norris; location in which a parked car. (The Associated Press errone­ to keep most main highways open. will meet tonight at eight la connected with the motor divi­ between West Center street and Guide, Richard McLagan; Sentinel, the number allowed to leave this Yankee Planes that Russian tanks and infoat t’d o ^ at the home of Wilbur T. owned by Margaret Harrison of 48 Davis ously identified tbe forces in this country is restricted to meet the Cut Off Fram Power sion at Camp Edwards la home for Hartford road, the pipes are being William Dowd; fTiaplain, Rudolph Drinking by Soliiiers were pushing on from Kot ittle, Spencer street, to make Russell street waa damaged. The Local Man Arrested for 'Withdrawal aa American. Tbe Al­ "minimum essential needs” of the More than a dozen towns were ski toward Zlmo'vnlkl, 42 mllei a week's furlough. laid by the general contractor. Swan.son; Chief Ranger, William lied commtmiipie, issued first In for the Grange program for Trouble in getting pipe has been arresting officer wps Deputy Chief recipient countries. In addition, cut off entirely from light and the southwest along the rail Hunniford: Band Leader, Edward of Police Joseph A. Prentice. Speeding; in Vermont Washing^ton and then from Allied Attack Fleet power. Some major plants en­ year 1948: The new officers met elsewhere, but Manchester be­ Ogram; Chief Sidonian, Walter the importing nations have been NevHe Henderson, British to TIkhoretsk. Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzger­ Carl.son was brought to the headquarters In North Africa, gaged on war contracts in west­ sir 1 be installed at the next meet- ing in an area where homes were Kohls. Home Bakery required to put into operation a Not Serious Problem envoy to Berlin . during the Mu­ These reports said Koteb ald of Blssell street have received Loses His Gas Book. o f the Orange Wednesday police station and was given regu­ said they were "our units." Ear­ rationing and conservation system ern Massachusetts were forced to ski fell in a night attack aft«r word from their son Donald who being built .for defense workers, Following the installation pro­ lier dispatches concerning the at­ nich crisis and at the outbreak of fdvenlng, January 6, at the Ma- more favorable action waa taken. lation testa by Captain Herman 519 Math Street Manchester sitnilar to that in effect here and Of Jap Ships suspend temporarily for lack of Red Army had closed in on is in the Marines and is located on gram the members adjourned to Schendel and was booked on a Believed to be the first penalty of tack and bolding operations said power. It was necessary to evac­ the war. died last night at his [ Sonic Temple. and island in the Southwest Pa­ Most of the work has now been the dining rooms of the Washing­ board officials make sure that Coast to Coast Survey home in his sleep. sides. It Was described as Utt charge of drunken driving when he its kind in Connecticut, Local they were executed by a famous The United States has contract­ uate ' several families from homes with N a zi^ a d , shot and bay cific. In the letter he tells of not completed with the exception of ton Social club where a chicken a failed to respond to the tests to British guard regiment.) Flood Threat Too British War Relief work- la king supper was served by Chef ar Price and Rationing Board ed to buy the entire exportable Sink Two Vessels in Made by Office of made heatleas by electric line fail­ ed in the la^ flerce assault. only meeting Thomas Dannaher, the new pipe line to be laid in the the satisfaction of the officer. French troops in central Tunisia ures. [;t?0oms in the British-American former clerk of the Town Court, Alexander Jarvis tract on Cen­ Osano. The meeting was well at­ 1:'2.16 of Manchester has revoked surplus of crude rubber from 16 Advices froin the front said Lclub on Maple street will be closed Physician Testiflea and American forces to the south Latin American countries and Is Strafing and Bomhing War luformatiou to The New England Telephone O rm an high c^ m a n d was 1 but they are now tentmates. ter, Adams and Middle Turnpike, tended despite adverse weather the gasoline ration of John Turner, were reported advancing slowly in To Busy War Former Envoy rtomorrow and again Friday, New conditions. Carlson maintained that a blow sending machinery and men into Company reported that 260 of its ing into the b a tO for the Mid west. n his head, which rendered him Jr., of 84 Hackmatack atreet as a a three-way drive upon tbe coast­ Assault; 150 Mor? Get Accurate Facts. f^Tear’a day. The workrooms will During the year 12 new hy­ result pt the latter’s arrest and long-distance lines were down and Don area heavy \reinforce« tvopen next week on the regular Second Lieutenant J. Raymond •ompletely unconscious, made it al road. Mud generally, bogged that 22 towns could not be reach­ yhea, who graduated on December drants of the Eddy type were in­ conviction for speeding in Burling- (Contbmed oo Page lagbt) Jap Soldiers Killed. from the deep rear m d count . Mhedule, Wednesdays and Fridays mpoaaible for him to follow the the main Allied forces near ’Tunis. Washington, Dec. 30.— (j7*) Plants Now ed by telephone from Boston. Dies in Sleep 23 from the Officers' Training stalled; also eight old type hy­ on, Vt.. on Dec. 8 last. tacking so violently that i.Crom 10 a. m. on. drants were replaced. Also laid tests given by the police satisfac­ The French forces supported by — •The Office of War Informa­ The Western Massachusetts pressed the Russiaa nnita School at Camp Lee, Va., is home Must Chaufije torily. Carlson's testimony was Turner was convicted of operat­ Allied tanka and planea, were re­ Washington, Dec. 30 — f.T5 — were 2.266 feet of large sized pipe a ’ ing a motor vehicle on U. S. Route American aircraft, operating from tion, whose investigators EHectrlc company said that only temporarily in some places. Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Elliott on a ten-day leave. He was form­ orroborated by Dr. Jacob A. ported to have cut an important Streams on Upper Ohio three of the towns it served In At His Home The midday war bulletin ack erly cashier with the Internal to replace pipe that had been in No. 5 at a speed in excess of the December Pay Henderson field on Guadalcanal, in avs returned to Elmira, N. T., use for sometime and found to be 'egal, who had attended Carlson road south of Pont-Du-Fabs, 30 traveled more than 12,000 Hampden county were receiving edged that the Russians had P.evenue department at Hartford. Back to Coal hortly after the accident, and legal speed limit of 50 |)ii!es per miles south of Tunis, yesterday, the Solomons, strafed and bombed Watershed May In­ after a visit with Mr. Elliott's too small for present needs. a fleet of enemy cargo ships off the miles in a coast-to-coast sur­ power—Ware. Hardwick and Gil- driven back at one point in. .mother and sisters on Henry tated that he had received a blow hour, to wit, at a speed of sixty and to have beaten off a violent Middle Don, but said that the ! miles per hour. Under Section 8104 Under Victory island and sank two enemy vessels, vey of drinking conditions in terfere with Produc­ bertvllle — while in adjoining Sir Nevile Henderson 111 ^afreet, and Mrs. Elliott's people in Chairmen of standing commit­ on the nose which could have German counter attack except in Hampshire county the towns of Army had attacked anew and tees of the American Legion auxi­ renldercd him incapable of respond­ c) of Ration Order 5-C, the local the Navy department reported to­ and around Army camps, re­ I Hartford. Mr. Elliott is spend- Ration Board Here Ad­ one. sector where the Nazis were day. tion of Armament. atfield, Hadley, Worthington, For Some Time; Fate­ stored the position. I Ing six months in Elmira In the liary, are ren inded to see that ing to the police tests at the time board has no alternative but to re­ said to have advanced slightly at ported today: “ There is not "Four hundred enemy Manchester vises Action as Fuel Is voke Turner’s gasoline ration on Simultaneously, the Navy, In its Chimmington, Plainfield and Ches­ ^Interests of his employers, the their reports to district and de­ of his arrest. the coet of heavy losses. Tax by RuUng excessive drinking among terfield were entirely cut off from ful Days Preceding six disabled tanks were left on ' partment, chairmen are sent before Most of the trial was held In the the receipt of a certified copy of communique, reported that Army Pittsburgh, Dec. 30—(JP) — Up­ ^jHdrtford Empire company. Dale Book Getting Scarcer. Freaoh Improve Poettlen end Marine troops had killed more troops, and drinking does not con­ light and power. War Told in Book. battlefield.” the bulletin January 1. morning session yesterday and the judgement of conviction. This French headquarters in North stitute a serious problem." OWI surging streams of the upper Ohio "Our units captured 30 trucks i has already been filed ■with the than 150 Japanese with a los^ of Sections of Northampton also Mrs. Charlotte M. Johnson of SO Judge Bowers expressed a .desire Africa said another force of their Wages and Salaries Re­ said it undertook the survey "to river waterslKd threatened today were affected and all ot the large quantities of shells Tonight Due to the critical shortage of to hear other witnesses and the board, by J. C. Cadett. Motor only four men killed and one London, Dec. 30— {IP)—Sir Na- I Myrtle atreet states that the baby, troops, farther south between wounded. Investigate rumors which have to Interfere 'with production of Waves" quartered at Smith Col­ mines." ^ Jon Harvey Gould, bom recently Public Records Grange officers meet at home of fuel oil supplies in the, all special 8es.sion was held at 1 p. m. Vehicle In.spector of Windham ceived in 1943 to vlle Henderson, former British Of the battle for the newest! Wilbur T. Little, Spencer street to Plchon and Kairouan, had im­ The attack on the cargo vessels pained wide currency, and to pro­ several large industrial plants as lege were forced to get up without Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gould of users of fuel oil who can convert Carlson was represented by Judge County in Vermont. proved its position. This force vide the American people with ambas.sador to Berlin, died In his point, the communique said make plans for New Year. Harold R. Garrity. Be Considered Income occurred at Wi-kham anchorage they passed flood stage and neared light this morning. Most of them [ Titusville, Florida, is her great Warrantee Deed their facilities to coal are urged to la driving toward tbe coast at honest and accurate information “X unit, smashing enemy Tomorrow on the southeast coast of VangUnu more dangerous lugh-water marks. were late for breakfast. The fire sleep at his West End home last ndson, and incidentally her The Manche.ster Corporation to do so as soon as possible. War AJCls-beld Souaae. Regardless of Period. about the millions of men who are alarm system waa out of order and ance, advanced and is fighting i Annual meeting and election of % island in the New Georgia group By the time the muddy, swirling night. the approaches to a big great grandchild. William G. Johnson, property on Price and Rationing Board 112.16 British patrola operating doing their patriotic duty in the fire officials asked that Boy Scouts officers of WSCS of South Meth­ Grool Advanced of the Solomons, approximately Monongahela and Allegheny rivers He had been ill for some time. place.” Crestwood drive. pointed out today that fuel oil ra­ Plan Dedication against Marshal Rommel’s troops Washington, Dec. 30—(JP)—The 120 miles northwest from Hender­ armed services." be stationed at all fire boxes. Members of the Soroptimist club odist church. reached the 29-foot level at their Henderson was ambassador to Mlllerora in Tight Nboee Winifred J. Ham to John R. Al­ tions issued to users who haVe west of Wadi Bei El Chebir, a Treasury, It was learned authori­ son airfield. f'oncluHions of Investigators Baby Born In Taxicab [have received invitations to the Annual meeting Ladies Aid So­ converted their equipment must To Sergeant’s Rank Libyan gu|ph itaelf 180 miles east confluence here, four above the Berlin through the Munich crisis (The Army of .the Middle len, property on Tanner street. The communique reported also The investigators concluded flood warning stage, U. S. Weather In Northampton, a baby daugh­ jc-ju ter dinner and installation of Quitclaim Deed ciety Covenant Congregational be returned to the Board office in Of Service Flag o f Tripoli, destroyed some enemy tatively today, haa ruled that the and at the time of the outbreak holds Millerovo. about 125 mill church at 7:45. ^ that fighting Marines,^in an ex­ that; Forecaster W. S. Brotzman had ter was born to Mra Fred Selwitr the new club at Malden, Mass. The Ernest McCormick to John R. the Lincoln School. vehicles yesterday, a Cairo com­ new victory tax must be withheld of the war with Germany. Thursday, December 81 change of artillery and mortar fire, revised his prediction of a crest in a taxicab en route to the hospi­ Henderson described those fate­ r 'air is informal and will be held Allen, property at 23-25 Newman Manchester has twenty-two us­ Fort Myers, Fla.—The gradua­ THIS IS AN ACTUAL C4SE— munique said. from all wages and salaries paid destroyed an enemy mortar and a 1. The sale of 3.2 beer in Army (Oontinned on Page T m ) New Year's Eve party American camps is a healthy and sensible for the fifth time. tal. Mother and daughter were re­ ful days in a book, "Failure of a at the New Femwood, Dartmouth street. ers of fuel oil who bum In excess Dedication of a service flag for tion and promotion to sergeant of Naval torpedo aircraft were de- in January, even though part of machine-gun position. ported to be doing well. Legion at Legion Home. of 10,000 gallons per year. All arrangement. The fact that there He estimated the waters would Mission." published in 1940. [street. Malden, January 4 at 7:00 Administrator’s Deed boys of St. Mary’s Episcopal William E. Groot, son of Adrain It Can Happen to You! dared to have sunk a southbound all of the money was earned this The text of the communique, No. Poultry farmers ki western British-American club party at these have been sent Conversion is vastly less drinking among sol­ reach to slightly past the 32-foot Since 1941 he had been a group Ip. m. Acceptances should be in by The estate of Albert and. Lucy church serving with the armed Groot of 86 Linden street, Man­ Axis merchant vessel off Pantel- month. 233: Massachusetts lost chicks in in­ clubhouse. ‘ Survey Reports and these must be forces, will take place in the par­ HERE ARE THE PACTS: This large old single-family diers in this war than in the last mark—only a foot or two below commander, or colonel, in the I December 31, January 2 at the Latawlc to Anton and Mildred chester, Conn., has been announc­ laria Island while bombers sue- In other words, a man paid "South Pacific: (All dates are the line where many war buay fac­ cubators when electric power fail- I latest. Saturday, .Isnuary 2 filled out and returned to the local ish hall. Sunday afternoon at four dwelling was remodeled, without any exterior changes, —a fact almost universally agreed Home Guard. Re waa 60 years old. Latawic, property on Ash street. Installation here of Grand Lodge ed at AAF Flexible Gunnery monthly on the first of the month tories would feel immediate effect. Flashes! Board office not later than Tues­ o’clock. An informal reception for Sthool, Fort Myers, Fla,', by Col. into three kitchen-dinette apartments. Total income: (Coatinued On Pago 'Ten) will find a victory tax nick taken (Continued on Page Fonr) to by commanders and civilian au­ Henderson declared in February, officers of Knights of Pythias. day, Jan. 5, after which they will mothers of the service men will thorities alike—may stem in part New December High Likely (Continued on Page Four) 1941. that "when Hitler has noth­ (Late Bulletins of the tJP) Wtra)| Sunday, January 8 Del mar T. Spivey, Commanding $130! out o f his pay envelope this Fri­ Spokesmen at the Weather Bur be forsvarded to the Office of Pe­ follow. ' day, despite the fact that he work­ from this sale of beer in camps. in^ more to offer the Germans Dedication of service flag at St. troleum Coordinator for War at Officer of the southwest Florida eau predictAl the fl/xxiwaters like­ Mrs. Annie I. Smith, of 172 East aerial gunnery school. Here’s What You Can Do! ed for the money in December. The In the last war camps were bone when he realizes he has been Mary'a Epi.scopal church at 4 p. m. Hartford. More than half the re­ Center street is chairman of the ly would establish a new high for cheating them, he will crack and Buy Canned Goods Normally Tuesday, January 5 Sergeant Groot haa just com­ nwre Is n serious shortege of bousing space for wsr workers 3 Cable Plant same is true of all salaries paid on Fire Sweeps December over a period of 75 Author Admits Washington, Dec. 80.—^ ports have already been received. committee arranging for the af­ which yon esn help solve — to your own and your oonntry’a Friday. (Continued on Page Four) scuttle himself.” PINEHURST Meeting Pines Civic Association It is expected that question­ pleted an intensive five week’s years. There was no indication Price .\dniinlstnitor Leon He fair, and a cordial invitation is ex­ advantage — by making repairs and additions In your horns The Treasury ruling was based Strove for Friendship at home of Gilbert Saegaert, 72 naires will be sent out in the near tended to all interested, especially course of instruction In the opera­ however, that they wpuld approach son said today that a Linnmore Drive. Speaker, "Town future to all users of fuel oil who tion of the large guns that arm that vrtll mean new Uvlng space for workers and their families. Workei*8 Die Inc. Stores Destroyed; Es­ since 1936 in strategfje areas were Full Responsibility for ful evolution in Europe and Ger­ plan to ration canned goodfi Willis ditures, 8394,018.310.60; net bal­ All orders received up to noon on Wednesday deliv­ this date at the American Legion Uon, a close study of the mechan­ every Individual.” many’ will find she has no more February. Earlier OP.\ of Students Purchase Cost, Lomber, Masons’ SuppUes, Paint Suffer Skin Disease. Wages and salaries received in timated Loss^ Million. ance, 810,156,706,846.70. (Continued ,Dtt Page Fonr) Concealing S o 1 il i e r . sincere and I believe more o.seful ered Wednesday afternoon. Orders received- from hall, between the hours of 10 a. Engagements ism of the .30 and .50 caliber ma­ t MAIN ST. TEL. 5125 MANCHESTER expressed confidence that, m. and 4:30 p. m. Wednesday noon until 7 p. m. delivered Thursday morn­ chine guns, instruction in methods spite the tremendous job to Saturday, January SO S7,761 in Stamps of estimating the speed and dis­ White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 30—(/P) (Conttnoed on Pmg« Fonr) Syracuse, N. Y.. Dec. 30— (JP>— Miami, Fla., Dec. 30—i/T*-—Ur­ (Continued on Page Four) done, point-rationing would st ing. C. L. of C. Silver Tea at the —Three war workers are dead, 11 At least one man perished and 16 during F'etoruaiy. tance of a plane, rifle and machine others have been stricken by de­ sula Parrott, the author, today Y. M. C. A. Jarvis-Hadden gun practice on ground ranges, stores were destroyed in a fire « • • generation of the liver and 560 took full responsibility for helping Mr. and Mra. Francis F. Hadden, training' in the operation of modem early today which swept the four- System to Eliminate Cost E .elusion Ban Upheld Store Closed All Day Friday... 01 24 St. John street, announce Pupils in the public schools ir have suffered a skin disease from May Separate story Empire Hotel block with an a former fiance band musician to Germans Claim Manchester from September tt and complex power turret operat­ working with chemicals used in Albany, N. 1.. Dec. *0.—(J the engagement of their daughter, ed guns, and finally, practice firing estimated loss of 81,000.000. leave an Army stockade where he Constitutionality of Now Yo Mias Irene Harriet Hadden to December 7 purchas^ war sav' treating cable lines at two Hudson Twenty of 100 residents of the Of Middleman Is Favored was being punished for going ab­ New Year's Day Ings stamps to the value of |7,- from a plane at a target towed be­ river plants, Westchester county rixll rights law prohibiting Frank LeRoy Jarvis, son of Mrs. hind another plane. Gangster Pair 97-year-old hotel were unaccount­ sent without leave. 19 Ships Sunk elusion from a theater of anys YMCA Archie Jarvis of 502 Adams street, 761.14. On December 7 a specif health authorities said today. ed for, police and fire officials said The 40-year-old writer made 'a effort was made to sell stkmpa and Health Commissioner William A. Washington. Dec. 30.—\/P)—V is-' holding an admission ticket and the late Archie Jarvis. Mrs. Groot, the former. Miss after a check of hotel records. At As an example of the spread statement to newspapermen dur­ upheld today by the .\ppellata ( STORE OPEN ALL DAY . the sale on that day amounted to Holla said two fatalities occurred least a half dozen patrons were ualizing the establishment of a between farm and market prices, ing a preliminary hearing at Miss Hadden is a graduate of 82,602. Anne Cavagnaro, Is now residing Touhy and Banghart Report Four ^lore Sink vision. New 1'ork State Su MLnehester High school and is in the Anaconda Wire and Cable rescued from windows. Several Federally-financed marketing sys­ Fulmer said sweet potatoes for which United States Commission­ V Since thi|t time the pupils have at Ft. Myers, Fla. Sgt. Groot was company in Hastings and one in court. The court ruled tbe For tem through which consumers' er R. E. Davis bound her over to SATURDAY ■ employed by the Travelers Insur­ formerly employed at Cavey’i May Be Sent to Differ^ were injured or overcome by which the farmer receives only iii^M from KemiianU Sixth Street Theater edrpor been savliig and buying more the Habirahaw Csble and Wire smoke. would pay less for their food and two cents a-pound are retailing at the Federal grand jury under $1.- ance Co. Mr. Jarvia la employed stamps and with the money that Grill. and the Select Operating by The Alexander Jarvia Co. corporation la Tonkera, nearly two ent InstitiiUons Now. Of Undetermined Origin farmers would receive more, * six cents. 000 bond on a charge of aiding a Of Azores Coiivov. Schedule many received at Chrlstmaa they months ago. |tany, Inc., of New York City, The announcement was made at The fire of undetermined origin Chairman Fulmer (D., S. C.) o f, “The difference," he contended, soldier to desert. Wednesday Meat Specials: * are to make further purchases. V. F. D1 Lustro, manager o f the nc right to refuse ‘ Robert family reunion Christmas din­ Chicago, Dec. 80 — Iff) — The broke out shortly before midnight the House Agriculture committee "goes into the cost of private So nervous that she had to ask Berlin ( From German Braail- LAMB PATTIES ...... ib. .I5c Tonight Another report will be ^ven next ALICE COFBAN Anaconda plaat, asserted that "as said today the committee would her attorney to open a package Christie of Schenectady 6:15— Rotary Dinner. ner at the home of Mias Hadden's month. arch-criminal team ot Roger Tou- in a flve-and-10-cent store on the transportation facilities, commis cast.s). Dec. 30- tJP< - The German to a showing of “ Panama Hat OLD FARMS SM^SAGE PATTIES ...... lb. 49c (Knows As Queen Alice) far aa I know no death cases can hy and BaaU "The Owl” Banghart undertake a study of the propos'al of mints, Mrs. Parrott told of 6:30—Girl Scout Troop meeting. grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George SPIKITUAL MEDIUM hotel's ground floor. It raged out ston men’s and brokers’ profits and high command said tod^ay that ay ’17. 1941 in New York city, be directly attributed to working may have made their last foray In shortly after Congress convenes driving the soldier, with whom FRANKFURTS AND SAUERKRAUT 6:30-7:30 — Junior Ba.sketball Pepler, of 106 Harbison avenue, SevenHi Oanghter of a Seventh Son of Control for three hours. other unnecessary distribution U-boats had sunk fbu?‘ ships, to­ judgment of 8500 for tbrlstle ' in this plant.” time together. next week. she had been friendly for some taling 21,000 tons; from ".scattered CHICKEN CHOPSUEY ...... ib. 39cLeague. Hartford. Born With a VeU. Only known casualty was Frank charges, but the farmer doesn’t approved. . Oeean la Two Forms Conaorta In crime for many Steele, retired New York Central Tbe investigation, Fulmer said, get a cent of It, and most of the months, out of the stockade con­ remnants of a convoy smashed Noodles Free. 7:30-8:30 — Senior Basketball Readings Dnily. Including Sunday, cealed in the rear seat of her au­ t '• » » practise. Pirates. Fine Stock is Food for Freedom! Tbe new occupational disease, years before their sentence. In 1934 railroad engineer, night fireman in would be to determine how much middlemen services are absolutely off the Azores" and that other Knowles-Murphy RESERVATIONS 9 A. M. -to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ of the nation’s food bill goes to tomobile. Finns Comply With Order 8:30-9:30 — Senior Basketball ment. In the -Servloe o f the Peo­ caused by one toxic chemical com­ to the same prison, the two des­ the hotel. unnecessary." submarines had sunk 15 ships, to­ Washington, Dec. 80—(J W « Have Just Received a Shipment of Nevins’ Natural Mr and Mra. Willie P. H oyt of pound, manifests Itself in two peradoes, whose capture yesteifday "middlemen,” but out of It proba­ “I have only one thing to say,” Suicides. ple for SO Veers. Get Maximum Weight and Quality in Your Fire Chief Gdotge C. Winter Favors Cooperative Rystem she told newsmen. taling 79,000 ton.s, in the North land today complied with a SI ______Color Oranges. / 29 Bigelow street have announced OPEN form a Dr. H<81a said. Some work- by FBI figents completed the made what .he termed a "conserva­ bly i^tiuld come recommendations Fulmer said he (avored estab­ and South Atlantic. 6:30—All Bowling Alleys taken the engagement if their daughter. 169 Chorch Street, Hartford, Coaa. Not Soldiers Fault dc|»rtmcnt ^order closing the by Talcottville church and Norton Phoae 6-0097 Livestock by Feeding ers-ara afflicted with atrophy of roundup o f seven escaped con­ tive estimate—that the damage for overhauling the entire mar­ lishment of a cooperative market­ (These enemy claim.s wore not nish Information offices in Miss Mercedes Myrtle Murphy, td for keting set-up. "Nothing of this was Private Electric. the liver through tbe blood stream, victs from the Btateville (III.) waa one million dollars or more.” ing system under which formers Michael Neely Bryan’s fault. He confirmed from ent ernment grading and pricing of “I waa afraid the guard would terday that U-boats had sunk 15 dralined to‘ speculate on the , with Chivee and Parsley — Bulk Cream Cheese. and Mra. Harold Knowles of New for food produced by our farmers. 6:30-7:30—Boys, 7-12, Wood­ York City, and grandsifc of Mrs. EVE PARTY OLD to the chemicals to discover forcement officials completed fi­ Cunningham, elevator man. said their products would be a part of shoot and kept right on going. ships, lotaling 85.000 tons, as well sibllity of a break In reUtleas^ work. MOON’S FEED whether additional onea might nal details for the return to prison he ^ried in vain to reach after he Too many people long have had the system, which also would han­ "We were only going out for as a destroyer and corvette in a tween the two cou,.tries. * H. B. Adams of Willlmantlc. He the idea tbe farmer was getting Order Your New Year’s Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens 7:30-8:30—Boys, 7-12, game attended the University of Con­ •t RECORDS have affected Uvsra Dr. Holla aald of five of the escaped convicts— was awakened by smoke in hia dle packing, canning suuj other dinner. We meant to get back convoy bound south from Britain.) American minister to At Once A s the Supply of Grade A Stock Available room. necticut for two years, and will Maat ha taiM d hi for sal­ such a degeneration might not be­ two were slain by ra i agents ^— room.' Flames forced him to flee the money, when as a matter of incidentals. sooner, but it was difficult. The Berlin radio reported today Arthur Schoenfeld, already wni Be Limited! 6:30-7:30—Intermediate Basket­ graduate from the military acad­ vage tt yon want te kbep For livestodc and Poultry come serious In soma viettma ior there was a possibility thst Bang- the building, he said. fact there haa been a spread o f aa “Under this system, which "The officer In charge of the that a German surface raider, been recalled to Washlngtea months. hart may be transferred to a Fed­ Police Station Damaged much as 200 per cent between tbe would operate similarly , -to the stockade trusted me, and was identified only aa an auxiliary consultation.” ball practise. emy in June. pl^lBg taa aew oaea. • • • 7:30-8:30 — Intermediate Boys, It Is expected the wedding will LEGION 8^e each paid btr old tee- Holla aald measures had been eral penitentiary. The City’s police station and price a farmer received for his nianner in which large chains now right. When I got the car keys It cruiser, had spnk 187,000 tons of Woodwork. take place at West Point some­ ords irreapectlve a t qaaatity. taken in both plants’ to prevent Confeie About Baagbart Board of Q uestion building, produce and the pkice the con­ operate, the farmer would be hia was just an . impulse.” shipping “overseas” during 1942. Norwegian Minister Killed 7:30-8:30— Badminton, Pratt 4c time in June. HOME the disease from spreading, and J. Edgar Hoover, dlreetor of tbe which abut tbe hotel, were dam­ sumer paid.” own middleman,” Fulmer assert­ Bryan formerly of German­ (The broadcast named none of Stockholm, Dec. 89— {/Pi 1 Whitney Group. that no new casts bad been re­ FBI, who led agents in a spectac­ aged BlignUy. Thirteen city Jail Moat of this spread, he assert­ ed. “Part of the profit that now town, Tenn., haa been turned back the ships declared sunk. Neither ports from Oslo said 'Piru'/iii Groce n/he. Jonas Ue, minister s< / ^ ir" M A . M ern c c T 8:00—Meeting T. M. C. A. Board Phone 3642 KEMP'S ported In the last two ws^ks. It ular raid oa a north side apart­ prisoners were traiuferred to tbe ed, went to “ middlemen who, like goes to the middlemen would go to over to military officials. did It indicate the scene of the 3C1 MAiN STRElI ' of DirMtors. Larsen’s Feed Service was aald that Anaconda ^>eat ment yesterday to effect the cap­ Ononondaga county Jail. leeches, are sucking the money the fanner, who would receive Mrs. Parrott said Bryan, a raider’s operations.) MaJ. VIdkun Qidsllagfo After 10 O’clock Ine. 6:30—All bowling alleys taken Read Herald Advs. '8 DEPOT SQUARE TEL. 5406 more than $50,000 to guard woric- ture of Touhy. Banghart snd Ed- The fire-wrecked block la loca­ out of the consuming public and higher prices for his products, and guitar player, formerly waa a The Berlin radio reported texlay government, had kaea 768 Main St. Tel. 8660 Russian gnerrillas oa tlw [by Wednesday Night Laagua. In the Momitig. ted at Salina and .West Genesee letting the farmer take the blame part of it would, go to the con troaU f Sitimti Im ite dBWBtow^jNotoib V|Qg lUcR jfipd j/aiam i' ' wlMk oMMild. nov tCoBUww) Ob \(CoBtiBiieil M fk g a Mlgfetj) L