Translator's Note
Notes Translator’s Note 1. The battle was between Mahmoud wad Ahmed, a Mahdiyya Amir, and the Ja`aliyyn, who were and still are the inhabitants of Matamma, in July 1987. The Mahdist Amir wanted the inhabitants to vacate the town for his troops, which they refused. They ended up murdered and enslaved by the Mahdists. See Mohammed Said Al-Gaddal, Tarikh al-Sudan al-Hadith 1820–19555 (Cairo: al-Amal for printing and Publishing. 1992), 208. 2. See chapter 5 in this book. 3. See the Encyclopedia Brittanica Online, http:// /EBchecked/topic/25025/Anglo-Egyptian-Condominium, where it is stated that “the governors and inspectors were customarily British offi- cers, though technically serving in the Egyptian Army, and key figures in the government and civil service always remained graduates of British universities and military schools.” However, de jure (legally), the Sudan was never a British colony. 4. Robert S. Kramer in Junius P. Rodriguez, The Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery, vol. 1 (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1997), 381. 5. Ibid. 6. E. A. Wallis Budge, The Egyptian Sudan, Its History and Monuments, 2 vols. (New York: AMS Press, 1976), 225. 7. See Mohammed Said Al-Gaddal, Tarikh al-Sudan al-Hadith 1820–1955 (Cairo: al-Amal for printing and Publishing, 2002), 209. 8. Flora Shaw; Khalifa ‘Abbas al-’Ubayyid, trans., al-Zubayr Pashaa (Cairo: Sudanese Studies Center, 1995). A translation of Flora Shaw’s inter- views with al-Zubayr Pasha in Gibraltar published originally in “The Contemporary Review.” 9. Izzeldin Ismail, Al-Zubair Pasha Wa Dawrihi Fi Al-Sudan Fi Asr Al-Hukm Al-Misri, Tarikh Al-Misriyyin, edited by Mahmoud al-Gazzar (Cairo: al-Hay’aa al-Misriyya al-Amma Lilkitab, 1998), 310–312.
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