Nos. 13-895, 13-1138 In the Supreme Court of the United States ────────────────────────── ALABAMA LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS, et al. Appellants, v. ALABAMA, et al. Appellees. ────────────────────────── ALABAMA DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE, et al. Appellants, v. ALABAMA, et al. Appellees. ────────────────────────── On Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama ────────────────────────── BRIEF FOR APPELLEES ────────────────────────── LUTHER STRANGE Alabama Attorney General Andrew L. Brasher* Solicitor General Dorman Walker Megan A. Kirkpatrick Deputy Attorney General Assistant Solicitor General BALCH & BINGHAM LLP John J. Park, Jr. Post Office Box 78 Deputy Attorney General Montgomery, AL 36101 OFFICE OF ALA. ATT’Y GEN. (334) 269-3138 501 Washington Avenue
[email protected] Montgomery, AL 36130 (334) 242-7300 Counsel for Appellees
[email protected] Gerald Dial, Alabama Senator, and Jim Counsel for Appellees McClendon, Alabama Alabama and Jim Bennett, Representative Alabama Secretary of State October 9, 2014 *Counsel of Record i QUESTIONS PRESENTED Appeal No. 13-1138 and Appeal No. 13-895 have been consolidated for a single argument. This brief addresses the following questions: 1. Whether the plaintiffs proved that Alabama’s legislative redistricting plans for the House and Sen- ate unconstitutionally classify black voters by race on a statewide basis, even though they did not show that race was the predominant factor motivating the legislature’s decision to place a significant number of voters within or without a particular district. 2. Whether the plaintiffs in Appeal No. 13-1138 have standing to challenge the House and Senate plans. ii PARTIES All parties are listed in the two appellants’ briefs. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS QUESTIONS PRESENTED ...............................................