March 6, 2014 ISSUE 5

The NB Duke of Edinburgh’s Award


We will be hosting a Preliminary Training Workshop and Practice Journey May 23 & 24 at the Yoho Scout Reserve, Yoho Lake near Fredericton, for registered participants. Participants of all levels will receive all Preliminary Training required, including safety precautions and emergency planning, first aid, map reading, compass work, wilderness code of behavior, cooking (menu planning and meal preparation), knowledge of equipment, site selection, and any other training appropriate to the Adventurous Journey. Training will be tailored specific to each of the Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels. Participants will camp overnight to complete their Practice Journey requirement.

The event will begin May 23 at 5:30pm and will conclude May 24 at 5:00pm. The cost is $15 per participant plus food which participants will plan and prepare themselves. Transportation to and from the site will be the responsibility of the participant. Each participant will also be responsible for their own camping gear (refer to page 13 of your Expedition Guide for equipment list). Please bring your Record Book and Expedition Guide with you. Duke of Ed t- shirts will be on sale for $15.00 each.

Registration will be limited to 50 participants. The registration deadline is May 9, 2014

Group leaders are strongly encouraged to attend with their participants. You are invited to take part in this great opportunity to meet other Leaders, Board members, and volunteers, to share experiences, and to receive or refresh your training while enjoying a lovely spring weekend at beautiful Yoho Lake.

Leaders and independent participants, please contact Keith Barr to confirm your spot. You can phone (506) 455-7583 or email at [email protected]. Further information (specific for the different levels) will follow for interested participants.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will be tentatively hosting its 2014 Silver Award Ceremony and Gold Pin Presentation Saturday, November 8th at 2:00pm at the New Brunswick Legislature. We look forward to honouring the accomplishments of our Silver and Gold Award achievers!


We are excited to announce that a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award society has been started at the University of New Brunswick! If you are a UNB or STU student, be sure to connect with this group to join with other Duke of Ed participants in pursuit of their Award. You can contact the society by email at [email protected] or look them up on Facebook:


Jane Woodworth was presented with her Bronze Award November 4 by her MLA, . Also pictured is DOE President Stephen Trueman. Congratulations, Jane!

Cassandra Boulanger was presented with her Bronze Award November 25 by her MLA, . Congratulations, Cassandra!

Lauren Ryan was presented with her Bronze Award December 13 by her MLA, Brian MacDonald. Also pictured to the left is DOE Board member Doug Johnson. Congratulations, Lauren!

Zachary Dilworth was presented with his Bronze Award October 11 by his MLA, . Congratulations, Zachary!


We would like to congratulate all of the participants who have achieved Awards so far this year.

Bronze Award Achievers: Emily Donovan Eleanor McSporran Taylor Wilson Ethan Schewaga Alex MacMullin Mackenzie Roherty Perry Jay Peterson Katelyn Denbow Christie Stelling

Silver Award Achievers: Michaela Woodrow Julia Reid Jasmine Audet Matthew Roberts Karim Fagir Daniel He Dennis Thibodeau

Gold Award Achievers: Dawn Roy Holly Burns


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – Canada has started a “Spirit of the Award” series on their Facebook and Instagram (@dukeofedcanada) accounts to feature volunteers/staff who help make the Award happen. These pictures and captions are meant to be simple portraits of Award volunteers/staff living an aspect of the Award in their own lives, for example, doing a skill, adventure, fitness, or service activity that they enjoy personally. This is a great way to show aspects of the Award in action and also give recognition to those who help make the Award happen across the whole country.

To submit a photo for the Spirit of the Award, send the photo to [email protected]. Please include a brief caption with your name, Award role, and short description of the activity and location of the photo as is relevant. Let’s get our fabulous New Brunswick leaders recognized!

Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!!!