to Joix the Oceans

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to Joix the Oceans position tha i Gib RECIPROCITY HITCH. SUFFERING HAMBURG. TO JOIX THE OCEANS. In 1891 wa over 1,800,000 tons, and 80 a more cotnmamVnt AT per of the wheat was exported by raltar. cent results forcsocn Germany Bald to Have OflVired Itrlbe t Cholera Still Claiming Victim Poor l'eo sailing vessels and a largn proportion Among the beneficial Have tho KeelpriMiltjr Treaty With Sau plo Much Dlatreeeed. drawing together o J'caalblo Plnn for Buildlnar the Nic- of it passed around the Horn. The are a mure practical Pomlng-- Annulled IIamduho, Oct 8. There have been parts of the vust domain 4. A aragua Canal Nioarngua canal by shortening tho of tho rcinoto New York, Oct curious story ninety-eigh- t fresh cases of cholera here of world and a firmer cohesion of about United and reciprocity route to Atlantic ports would not only the the States yesterday, thirty-on- o deaths und 159 .Address tb a Committee Appointed by widely-separate- d sections of the of save producer cost of freight, but the was put in circulation in this city yester- 873 Conventlou In Cue the feel- burials. In tho hospitals persons the 8t. Louis of canal S3 per ton United States, added to a stronger day. The governments of Great Britain, Work Prellinlua- - the revenue of the at are under treatment In Altona there tb Imiurnw $3,000,000 on ing of neighborhood and community Germany and so story had Hm Already Accomplished. toll would be nearly Italy, the ran, were nino fresh cases and five deaths wheat alone. It is shown that there between the Atlantic and Puulfio sea- observed with a burning jealousy the '' boards. The consummation of the yesterday. The committee appointed by the No- - are 500.000,000 thousand feet of mer- great advantages which' tho Americans The Hamburg council has asked for tional Nicaragua Canal couvention at chantable timber in Washington and work, whose feasibility has already were reaping from the reciprocity treaty demonstrated, is asserted to be of permission to borrow 10.000,000 marks its meeting1 in St. Louis, June S and B, Oregon, to the value of which over S3 been with San Domingo, and hod entered to western to be used in tearing down condemned to prepare an address to tho American per thousand feet would be added by far greater importance the into a common conspiracy to destroy buildings Suez canal is to and erecting others in their .people giving' information as to the cheap water transportion via the Nic- hemisphere thun the that treaty. places. is said no prece- Although the theaters are : feasibility of the Nicaragua canal and aragua canal The gross addition to the eastern. It that Just what part Great Britain and full and shows beer can bo cited upon which to pre- the variety and its commercial and other advantages the valuo would amount to the enor- dent taly had taken or were to take in these saloons have done a heavier dict the future of American commerce rarely to the United States, has Just finished mous sum of 51,000,000,000, even at this maneuvers was not quite plain in business, the Buffering in the city when gateway of the Intcr-Ocean- io the preparation of such address. The low estimate of S3 additional. The the the story as it was given out but is extreme. Ilammerbrook to- canal across Nicaragua shall be open In .committee is composed of John S. fruit industry of California would the deeds of Germany were indisputa- day nine persons died of typhoid fever. Jones, Arkansas; quadruple in two years from the open- to it bly set forth. Germany, it appeared, of ACCOMrLISHKX Induced by insufficient nourishment Ohio; W. ing of canal for business, PREL1M1NAHY WORK had offered to Ullses Ileurcaux, presi- Converse, of E. Millsap, the the examination of strata Seven of thom were in the families of Mississippi; and refrigerator steamers would All surveys and dent of San Domingo, an annual bribe prominent hanker of Capt fast removal have been com- clerks who have been discharged on ac- S. II. deliver from California to requiring of 850,000 for life if he would declare .J. F. Merry, of Manchester, la.; frnlt been con- count of the lull in trade. The speedy New York in ten days, to pleted. The jetty has the reciprocity treaty with the United Hawkins, the railroad president of harbor of Greytown revival of business has not come as "Georgia; presi- Liverpool in fourteen days, and structed and the States abrogated. Capt Ambrose Snow, restored so vessels of was expected. Many shops open of New York board to New Orleans in eight days. The has been that "It is true," said the Dominican con- dent the of trade fourteen feet draft have an easy en- daily, yet no general trade resump- v. men- and and ex-Go- mountains of the Pacific coast are rich sul here, "that the countries here transportation, John trance. Extensive wharves, landing tion has been effected. In the S. Tillsbury, Minnesota. in lead, copper, silver, and gold, while tioned have made a demand in San Do- of places and permanent buildings have whole city 9,000 clerks are without em- The address is supplementary to the the plateaus and valleys afford a cereal mingo, in which they claim that under ployment shipping district duruble, and been constructed, temporary camps In the a . belt with a soil more a clause to be found in former treaties resolutions adopted by the St. Louis erected, a telegraph line made, the similar state of distress prevails. In- convention, which pointed out the ad- more favorable seasons for seeding and each is entitled to receive all the favors phy- any world, canal cleared of timber for twenty fant mortality is increasing. The vantages of the canal and urged its harvesting than part of tho from San Domingo that are or may be sicians of food comple miles, and a railroad twelve miles in fear that the scarcity .construction, ownership and control and the committee thinks the extended to the most favored nation. and clothes among the unemployed will tion of the Nicaragua canal is only length constructed and equipped. Tho being the case, San Domingo by the American people rather than biggest dredging plant in America, "That result in a scries of minor epidemics na- needed to develop that country to pro was naturally alarmed. The attitude tho EnglUh, French, or any other formerly used at Panama, has throughout tho winter. position duction of gigantic proportions and that of Germany was especially dangerous, tion. It takes the that a been purchased, and over a mile of the -- double the copulation of the Pacific our tobacco is with Hamburg, canal, joining the Atlantic and Pacific dredged. The exclusive as trade LAVACA BAY GALE SWEPT. coast in a few years. The cotton-gro- canal has been where we were threatened with a duty for steam navigation of A most commercial, strategic, ing sections of the gulf states have un franchiso the would have been fatal to our busi- Furious Storm Great Uainago to j important and Lake Nicaragua that 8hlppi-4-le . says dergone a depression, and the commit- San Juan river ness. England and Italy we did and patriotic reasons, and that for naviga- For Galvestos, Tex., Oct S. A news -- of Each is most tee believes nothing could be of and an extensive plant the if we should the subject a canal the that acquired. The not care so much. Still, special from Port Lavaca says: Last tion company have been be compelled accede demands hus acknowl- to to the night a furious gale swept Lavaca bay. government of Nicaragua we would have to send company complied of the tripartite It was the most severe hurricane since edged that the has London. For this grant, which provided all our sugar to the the memorable one of 188(1. with the canal United States would rcimpose the 52,000,000 must be expended the The harbor was full of boats, as that was sent to see Secre- it mm is shown that the amount sugar duties. I was meeting day for the fish and oyster first year. It tary and conferred with him on HWr4.,rt4t'S money spent to date on the enter- Foster men's union. The wind sprang up from of subject and we had a long talk. prise is over S8. 000, 000. The enterprise the the northeast early in the afternoon leading men "Were you instructed to say to Secre- and continued to increase In velocity is indorsed by the business Heureaux country, will be ju- tary Foster that President until an hour after midnight of the and that it see treaty was main- diciously economically managed would that the During the evening there were signs and it he was promised an annuity assured by character of the board tained if of an approaching storm, and a few the 875,000 year?" was asked. "No, who, by the of of a I boats put down into Chocolate bay for of directors, charter the answered consul, smiling, accountable to the gov- wasn't" the better harbor. At 1:30 o'clock the company, are know no suggestion of United States. The "and as faros I wind had attained its highest velocity ernment the was made. do know secretary of interior has the power ever I that and continued there until after 3 in the the the American minister to Hayti, Mr. 5' mlm to make public all the details of the morning.
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