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60 cents | http://www.ntucthisweek.org.sg | MICA (P) 295/10/2007079/10/2008 21 AUGUST 2009 Live And Let Live PM Lee Wary Of Cracks That Divide ake no mistake about it. All that Singapore has accomplished in 50 years of self- governance and all the best laid out plans will be kaput if polarising race and religion factions are allowed to rear their ugly Mheads. All it takes to open the Pandora’s Box is one case wrongly handled “that escalates into racial or religious confl ict”. Speaking at this year’s National Day Rally on 16 August 2009, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong warned that of all the divides, be it between rich and poor, between National Archives of Singapore Archives National Singaporeans and new arrivals, “the most visceral and Maria Hertogh Riot in 1950... There was massive destruction of property and the loss of 18 lives. dangerous fault line is race and religion.” PM Lee had also dwelt on the economy, healthcare To solve such problems, to live peacefully and shaping together the future Singapore. As for racial together, we need good sense and tolerance and religious harmony, he said: “This is an unusually serious on all sides and a willingness to give and take…” and heavy subject for a National Day Rally. Normally we talk “ about babies, hongbaos and bonuses. No bonuses tonight with people becoming more religious because religion is a but a bonus lecture on a serious subject.” positive force in human societies. He made it abundantly clear that everything will come “It provides spiritual strength, guidance, solace and a to nought if holier-than-thou religious zealots were left to sense of support for many people especially in a fast-changing their own devices in imposing their fervour on others and and uncertain world. But at the same time, stronger religious stoking the fi res of racial or religious supremacy. fervour can have side effects which have to be managed Beneath the seeming bliss and harmony are carefully, especially in a multi-racial and multi-religious society.” subterranean forces that could rock the boat at the drop of PM Lee highlighted three risks: Aggressive preaching or a hat as has happened in the past. PM Lee said sweeping proselytisation, where one pushes one’s religion on others the issues under the carpet will not solve things: “Yes, causing nuisance and offence. Intolerance, where one does we are in a good position. But, yes, we are aware of the not respect the beliefs of others or not accommodate others sensitivities. Yet, from time to time, we have to discuss who belong to different religions. Exclusiveness, where one it honestly but tactfully to assess the progress we have segregates into separate exclusive circles and not integrate made, to recognise and address the trends in our society with those of other faiths. By Marcus Lin and the world around us, and to remind ourselves to do To keep Singapore peaceful and harmonious, PM Lee better and to tell ourselves where we need to do better.” spelled out the basic rules. Firstly, all groups must exercise Acknowledging that religious groups tolerance and restraint. Secondly, religion must stay separate have contributed much to Singapore’s from politics. Thirdly, the Government must remain secular Pg 2 progress, PM Lee said “their leaders have and, fourthly, the common space that all Singaporeans share guided their fl ocks wisely. They help set a must be preserved. wholesome and moral tone to our society He added that whatever other countries may do, and they do a lot of good work, not just for Singapore has to maintain these principles: “The basis for Regardless their own fl ocks, but for all groups. They this is the practical reality of our society. It’s not any abstract respected and accommodated one another political theory; it’s not any divine revelation. This is the only Of Race, and made practical compromises, so that all way for all groups in Singapore to live in peace and harmony.” can live harmoniously together in a uniquely Taking a leaf from the original man Adam who together Language Singaporean way.” with Eve were banished from their paradise, PM Lee drew a However, the pleasant state of affairs comparison: “We are in a good position. It’s a Garden of Eden can never be taken for granted as the road state. It’s one where we are happy, where things are working, And Religion to hell is paved with good intentions. PM Lee and where if you leave the Garden of Eden you cannot get elaborated: “In itself, there is nothing wrong back in again. So please stay there.” Pg 10 NNTUCtwTUCtw 221p1-19.indd1p1-19.indd 1 88/21/09/21/09 66:02:21:02:21 PPMM 2 nationaldayrally2009 • raceandreligion raceandreligion • nationaldayrally2009 3 The Pledge Is An Aspiration, Not Ideology in. Coming on soon after Labour MP Zainudin What is it? An ideology? No. was an aspiration,” adding that “we are trying MM Lee Sets The Record Straight Nordin had spoken and moved for the motion to be to reach a position where there is a level playing It’s an aspiration. Will we amended from the word ‘House’, MM Lee moved fi eld for everybody. But it is going to take achieve it? I do not know, we will By to amend it further with the words ‘aspirations and’ decades if not centuries and we may never get Marcus Lin for it to read: “That this House acknowledges the “have to keep on trying. Are we a there.” progress that Singapore has made in the 50 years nation? In transition.” With regard to the 1787 Constitution of he National Pledge and all that it stands for, penned by one of Singapore’s founding since it attained self-government in 1959 in nation the United States, MM Lee said: “Nowhere fathers – Mr S Rajaratnam – in the aftermath of racial riots and the ignominy of building and achieving the aspirations and tenets as does it say that the blacks would be differently getting booted out of Malaysia in 1965, came under intense scrutiny in Parliament enshrined in the National Pledge and reaffi rms its “He drafted these words and rose above the treated. But the blacks did not get the vote until on 18 and 19 August 2009. of Singapore Archives National commitment towards achieving the goals and ideals present. He was a great idealist. It came to me, I the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s with Maria Hertogh Riot In 1950... The bloodiest race riot in Singapore. New Nominated Member of Parliament Viswa Sadasivan had moved the motion: of our Pledge when debating national policies.” thinned out the unachievable and the Pledge as Martin Luther King and his famous speech ‘We T“That this House reaffi rms its commitment to the nation building tenets as enshrined in the it stands is his work after I had trimmed it.” said: “So the basis on which the Nominated MM Lee had, in his 1988 National Day Rally dare to dream’. Enormous riots took place and National Pledge when debating national policies, especially economic policies.” speech when he discussed the leadership transition MM Lee begged to differ from Mr eventually President Johnson passed the Civil Member had placed his arguments is false and Mr Sadasivan’s lengthy arguments roused several members of the House to join in a to Mr Goh Chok Tong in 1990, said: “Even from my Sadavisan’s views that the Pledge is ideology Rights Act. fl awed. It’s completely untrue, it has no basis spirited debate and even Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew was suffi ciently stirred up to pitch sick bed, even if you are going to lower me into the and his interpretations of equality and “And it took many, many more decades whatsoever and I thought to myself perhaps grave and I feel something is going wrong, I will get accountability. As for the Pledge: “What is it? An before the Southern states which kept the I should bring this House back to earth and up.” ideology? No. It’s an aspiration. Will we achieve blacks in their position allowed the registration remind everybody what is our starting point, For something as close and dear to his heart as it? I do not know, we will have to keep on trying. of black voters. And subsequently, even what is our base and if we don’t recognise NTUC Media Co-operative Limited the National Pledge, this was something he had to Are we a nation? In transition.” after that, to allow black students to go into where we started from and that these are Chairman Noel Hon Chia Chun put right. Reciting chapter and verse, MM Lee white schools. And it’s 250 years before an our foundations, we will fail,” and that “it is [email protected] Chief Executive Offi cer Revisiting the circumstances under which pointed out that “the Constitution of Singapore exceptional half-black American became dangerous to allow such highfalutin ideas to go Seng Han Thong [email protected] the Pledge was written, MM Lee recounted: “Mr enjoins us (the Government) to specially look President.” un-demolished and mislead Singapore. Managing Director Shona Tan-James Rajaratnam had great virtues. In the midst of after the position of the Malays and other MM Lee emphasised that “the way that “We are here today, we have this building, [email protected] Chief Operating Offi cer despondency after a series of race riots and we minorities.” In other words, he stressed that the Singapore has made its progress is by realistic we have all these facilities all around us, it is Alvin Wong Pek Kin [email protected] were thrown out to independence, our Malays in Constitution behoves “the Government not to step-by-step forward and it may take us evidence of our accountability.