Standard editions both in the fields of ancient mathematics and astro­ nomy and more recherche standard editons in the fields of ancient philosophy have been listed, because the former are probably less familiar to historians of philosophy, and the latter to historians of mathematics. Moreover, very few mathematical and astronomical texts are available on the D version of the TLG, and in some cases only Arabic translations are extant. The ancient authors are to be found below under the name of their editor(s); the names of the authors concerned are listed as well, followed by references to these editions and to the more obvious secondary literature. The numbers after commentaries, texts with commentaries or notes, monographs, or papers refer to the location of my citations in the footnotes (abbreviated n, e.g. 5n4 means p. 5 note 4), in the complementary notes (abbreviated en, e.g. 180cn5 means p. 180 complementary note 5), and in the text Uust the page number), and so may serve as an Index nominum modernorum.

Aelius Theon see Patillon and Bolognesi (1997) Alcinous see Whittaker and Louis (1990), Dillon (1993) Alexander of Aphrodisias see Hayduck (1891), Wallies (1883), Wallies (1891) Alexander of Lycopolis see Brinkmann (1895), Van der Horst and Mansfeld (1974), Villey (1985), Vander Horst (1996) Algra, K. A. ( 1996) 'Observations on Plato's Thrasymachus: the case for pleonexia', in Algra & al. (1996) 41-60 123cn11 Algra, K. A., Van der Horst, P. W. and Runia, D. T., eds. (1996) Polyhistor: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ancient Philosophy, Philos. Ant. 72 (Leiden/New York/Cologne) Allatius, L. ( 1731) Pro eli Paraphrasis in Ptolemaei Libras IV. De Siderum Affectionibus, with Latin transl. (Leiden) 8ln284 an-Nayrizi see Anaritius Anaritius see Besthorn and Heiberg ( 1893-1932), Curtze ( 1899), Tummers (1984), Tummers (1994) Angeli, A. and Colaizzo, M. (1979) 'I frammenti di Zenone Sidonio', Cronache Ercolanesi 9, 47-133 23n76 Angeli, A. and Dorandi, T. (1987) 'II pensiero matematico di Demetrio Lacone', Cronache Ercolanesi 17, 89-103 23n76 see Halleius (1706), Halleius (1710), Balsam (1861), Heiberg (1891-3), Heath (1896), Toomer (1970), Toomer (1990) Apuleius see Beaujeu (1973), Moreschini (1991) see Heiberg (1910-5), Dijksterhuis (1956), Mugler (1972) Arrighetti, G. (21973) Epicuro. Opere, with Italian transl. & notes, Bibl. cult. filos. 41 (Turin) 106n361 Asclepius ofTralles see Hayduck (1888), Tarin (1969) Athanasius see Thomas (1971), Meijering (1996-8) Attalus see Maass (1898) Attic us see Des Places ( 1977) Aujac, G., ed. (1975) Geminos. Introduction aux phenomenes, with introd., French transl. & notes, Coli. Bude (Paris) 23n79 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY

Aujac, G., ed. ( 1979) Autolycos de Pitane. La en mouvement, Levers et couchers heliaques, Testimonia, avec Ia collab. de Brunet, J.-P. et Nadal, R., with introd., French trans!. & notes, Coli. Bude (Paris) 15n45 Autolycus of Pitane see Mogenet ( 1950), Aujac ( 1979) Balsam, H., trans!. ( 1861) Des Apollonius von Perga sieben Bucher iiber Kegelschnitte nebst dem durch HaJley wieder hergestellten achten Buche (Berlin) Baltes, M. (1972) Timaios Lokros. Uber die Natur des Kosmos und der Seele, kom- mentiert von M. B., Philos. Ant. 21 (Leiden) 109n368 Bardy, G., ed. (1952-8) Eusebe de Cesaree. Histoire ecclesiastique 3 vols., with French trans!. & notes, SC 31, 41, 55 (Paris) Barnes, J. (1975) 's Posterior Analytics, trans!. with notes 83n295 --, (1997) Logic and the Imperial Stoa, Philos. Ant. 75 (Leiden/New York/ Cologne) 5n12a Beaujeu, J., ed. (1973) Apulee. Opuscules philosophiques (Du Dieu de Socrate, Platon et sa doctrine, Du monde) et fragments, with French trans!. & notes, Coli. Bude (Paris) 106n359 106n360 Bellosta, H. (1997) 'Ibrahim ibn Sinan: Apollonius arabicus' in Hasnawi & al. ( 1997) 32-48 1On29 Berthelot, M. and Ruelle, C. E., eds. ( 1888) Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs t. 1 Introduction; t. 2 Texte grec, t. 3 Traduction (Paris, repr. Osnabriick 1967) 94n330 Berti, E. (1982) 'Note sulla tradizione delle due primi libri della <>', Elenchos 3, 5-38 124cn67 Bertier, J., trans!. ( 1978) Nicomaque de Gerase. Introduction arithmetique, with introd., notes & ind., Hist. Doctr. Ant. Class. 2 (Paris) n300 Besthorn, R. 0. and Heiberg, J. L., eds. (1893-1932) Euclidis Elementa, ex interpretatione al-Hadschdschadsii cum commentariis al-Nairizii, arabice et latine 6 vols. (Copenhagen) Birt, T. (1882) Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verhiiltnis zur Litteratur, mit Beitriigen zur Textgeschichte des Theokrit, Catull, Properz und anderer Autoren (Berlin, repr. Aalen 1959) 69n238 123cnll Boer, A. and Weinstock, S., eds. ( 1940) Porphyrii philosophi Introductio in Tetrabiblum Ptolemaei, in Weinstock, S., ed., Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum vol. 5.4 (Brussels) 185-228 Bogaert, P.-M. ( 1997) 'Eptaticus : le nom des premiers livres de Ia Bible dans l'ancienne tradition chretienne grecque et latine', in Fredouille & al. (1997) 313-37 97 Boll, F. ( 1894) 'Studien iiber Claudius Ptolemaus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie und Astrologie', jahrbb. Class. Phil. Suppl. 21, 49-244 66n226 67n227 71n247 72n249 Boll, F. and Boer, A., eds. (1940) Claudii Ptolemaei Opera quae exstant omnia vol. 3.1, Apotelesmatica, Bibl. Teubn. (Leipzig, repr. with corr. 1957) Brinkmann, A. (1895) Alexandri Lycopolitani Contra Manichaei opiniones disputatio, Bib!. Teubn. (Leipzig, repr. Stuttgart 1989) Brummer, J., ed. (1912) Vitae vergilianae (Leipzig; repr. Stuttgart 1969) Bulmer-Thomas, I. (1971) '', in Gillispie (1970-90) 4.488-91 40n133 --, (1974) '', in Gillispie (1970-90) 10.293-304 6n15 32n114 94n331 Burkert, W. ( 1972) Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism (Cambridge MA) 25n86 29n104 29n107 32n114 32n115 33n118 131cn357 Busse, A., ed. (1900) Eliae (olim Davidis) in Aristotelis categorias commentarium, CAG 18.1, 107-255 (Berlin) --, ed. (1902) Olympiodori prolegomena et in Categorias commentarium, CAG 12.1 (Berlin)