BOBBIE ATRISTAIN, CPRI RESEARCHER THE CENTER FOR & INVESTIGATION PARANORMAL RESEARCH FOR YEARS NUMEROUS PARANORMAL RESEARCHERS HAVE USED EMF METERS FOR RESEARCH BUT WHY? were convinced it was haunted. “It and “supernatural” experience. If you have ever watched any para- was your standard house with the Subjects using Persinger’s machine normal themed TV show that fea- mysterious noises, the chilling report sensing a presence in the tures “paranormal researchers” no waves of terror that come to mind room, an out of body experience, doubt you have seen them waving when one thinks of haunted bizarre distortions of body parts around an EMF detector. Many of houses. Once there was something and even religious feelings. Pers- these researchers believe that that resembled your standard inger calls these experiences “” are composed of Electrical - a luminous, transparent human- “temporal lobe transients” which Magnetic ; however, this sized thing - which vanished. Fright- means that instabilities and an belief is completely unfounded. ened and intrigued, Hill kept a diary increase neuronal firing patterns There is no proof that ghosts even and set out to discover what was are occurring in the temporal lobe. exist much less that they are com- haunting his house.” Special Points of Interest prised of electrical magnetic en- Conclusion: Hill spent four years trying to dis- ergy. No one even knows where the There is merit to using EMF detec- cover what was causing the phe- origin of this belief came from in tors on paranormal investigations • EMF meters do NOT nomena – he searched everywhere the first place. as evidenced by Persinger’s re- detect “Ghosts” including spiritual experts, search however it is not to “detect However there is merit to using an scientists and medical doctors. In ghosts” but rather to detect the • There is no proof EMF meter on a paranormal investi- the end he found Dr. Michael Pers- presence of EM which can make ghosts are comprised gation. It has been scientifically inger. Dr. Persinger was able to re- one think they have experienced a of electrical magnetic proven using the create the “ghost” Hill had experi- haunting. energy that electrical magnetic energy enced in his home. At Dr. Pers- does affect brain waves creating a inger’s lab a machine was used to • The Trifield is consid- “fritzing” effect that can cause stimulate Hill’s brain with electro- ered on the best EMF people to hallucinate therefore magnetic and geomagnetic forces. detectors on the mar- believing they have experienced These forces caused Hill to experi- ket paranormal phenomena. ence his “ghost”. Hill concluded This research that has been con- that the 'ghost' was literally in his ducted by Dr. Michael Persinger of brain. Canada has been replicated in a Dr. Persinger’s machine is little laboratory numerous times. more than a motorcycle helmet Here’s a real life case study: specially modified with electromag- nets on the subject’s head, which A television show entitled “Haunted lies in a recumbent position in a House, Haunted Mind” aired nation- soundproof room with their eyes ally on television in Canada on CBC covered. The electrical activity Newsworld's Roughcuts on Satur- produced by the electromagnets day 17 April 1999. The show was produces a magnetic field pattern based on the true story of writer- that stimulates “micro seizures” in The TriField is considered the broadcaster Don Hill. In 1994 Mr. the temporal lobes of the brain. “best” EMF meter for paranormal research. Hill and his family sold their house These micro seizures produce what in Alberta, Canada because they has been described as a “spiritual”