2010-2012년 어류표본사업에서 채집된 한국 남해 어류 종 목록 Fish
Original Article 한수지 48(4), 507-528, 2015 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 48(4),507-528,2015 2010-2012년 어류표본사업에서 채집된 한국 남해 어류 종 목록 문대연*·정현경·명정구1·최정화2·권혁준·백진욱·홍성열3·김성용 국립해양생물자원관, 1한국해양과학기술원 생물연구본부, 2국립수산과학원 자원관리과, 3해양수산부 해양수산생명자원과 Fish Species Collected by the Fish Collection Project from the Southern Sea of Korea during 2010-2012 Dae Yeon Moon*, Hyeon Gyeong Jeong, Jung-Goo Myoung1, Jung Hwa Choi2, Hyuck Joon Kwun, Jin Wook Back, Sung Youl Hong3 and Seong Yong Kim National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea, Seocheon 33662, Korea 1Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology Division, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Ansan 15627, Korea 2Resources Management Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Busan 46083, Korea 3Marine and Fisheries Bioresources Division, Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries, Sejong 30110, Korea The Fish Collection Project collected 356 fish species from the Southern Sea of Korea during 2010–2012, 55 more than previously collected. The fishes belonged to 3 classes, 29 orders and 128 families. The 5 dominant orders, Per- ciformes, Scorpaeniformes, Pleuronectiformes, Tetraodontiformes, and Clupeiformes, accounted for ~80% of the identified species. Additionally, 126 species were collected from the Southern Sea for the first time, while 85 species that had been found in previous collections were not seen. The species variety of fish in the Southern Sea may be influenced by its unique oceanographic conditions such as increased water temperatures in coastal areas, so regular surveys would assist our understanding of the fish community. We suggest that various collection methods, includ- ing diving, be used to collect fish species inhabiting rocky shore or deep-sea areas, where commercial fishing gear is difficult to deploy.
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