3704 Cromwell Drive, Carrollton, TX 75007  Phone: 800 410 5110 or 972 395 0545  E-mail: [email protected]

Britain by Choice is your resource for travel in , England, Ireland Wales and France. With 20 years experience, programs have been developed over the years. We can also customize an itinerary to suit client’s special needs and interests. All itineraries

Scotland for Golf —9 days, 8 nights St Andrews and Prices from $2396 per person Tour #: SfG2015-4 Day 1: Arrive Airport and transfer by pri- Day 5: Transfer to the Best Western Kings Manor vate vehicle to the Best Western Scores Hotel over- Hotel for 4 nights, with dinner and full Scottish break- looking The Old Course at St Andrews for 4 nights fast daily. This former convent is located east of the accommodation with dinner and full Scottish break- city with easy access to all the great East Lothian fast daily. This afternoon an hour long “Links Lesson

Kings Manor Hotel, Edinburgh

Scores Hotel, St Andrews courses.

Day 5-8: Select from the following courses: with the Pro” on the art of Links Golf! , Gullane, , Dalmahoy, Day 2—4: Select from the following courses: or Kilspindie Old, New, Jubilee, Castle or Eden at St Andrews Following a round at Kilspindie a tour and tasting at Kingsbarns, Lundin Links, Elie or Kings, Queens or Glenkinchie Distillery will be included. Centenial , Gleneagles Day 9: Transfer to Edinburgh airport for the flight Green fees vary, are not included in the quoted home. price, and will be advised at time of request. Best rates with 8 clients. Sightseeing tours will Select your preferred courses . be arranged for non golfers. Terms and Conditions All accommodation is offered subject to availability. Alternate hotels will be offered where necessary. An auto- matic Vauxhall Astra (or similar) is included, but can be upgraded on request at time of booking, A deposit of $250 per person plus 50% of the green fees is required within 7 days of confirmation. Final payment must be received 60 days prior to departure from the USA. All documentation will be received approximately 4 weeks prior to departure. Full Terms and conditions are available upon request.