You are warmly invited to join us in the SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Parish Church Sunday 25th NOVEMBER 2019 11.15am All welcome

SC004580 Church of


SUNDAY THIRTY A short, informal All Age Service led by the Aberlady Worship Team in Aberlady Kirk Stables at 8.45am on the third Sunday of each month, followed by coffee/tea, a chat and something to eat. Dates for your diary are: 17th November, 15th December, (2020) 19th January, 16th February, 15th March All are welcome.

A big thank you from the Worship Team to all who have attended our early Service during the past year. Hazel Phisatory


Our Harvest Service was held on 6th October. I would like to thank all who helped decorate the church the day before the Service and to all who donated goods or cash. All perishable items were delivered to the Cyrenians in and non perishable items together with cash donations of £30 were delivered to the local Food Bank in .

Hazel Phisatory, Session Clerk.

Bethany Care Van - Now that the colder nights are coming in again, there is an increased need for warm clothing, blankets and sleeping bags to distribute to homeless people in Edinburgh. If you have any such items and are willing to donate them to the Care Van, please drop them off at the Kirk Stables where I will collect them. Alternatively, I am happy to collect them from your home - just let me know on 01875 853 137, Many thanks. Barry White.



Jingle Bags: East Foodbank This Christmas we will again be participating in the Jingle Bag initiative run by Foodbank. This is a special Christmas initiative which is additional to the ongoing regular distribution of food parcels. Please help to support the Foodbank as follows: Regular Collection of Foodstuff: This goes on all year. There are boxes in both Churches where you can deposit donations of food any Sunday [or in , any day]. Leaflets are also available which give information about the kind of items requested and there are regular updates in the Service Sheets. Christmas Jingle Bags: This initiative is to ensure that those in need are given an extra parcel at Christmas to ensure that they have a proper Christmas meal. There will be leaflets about this in the Churches, but the essential items looked for are Tinned Turkey; Tinned Potatoes; Tinned Vegetables; Packet stuffing; Cranberry Sauce; Christmas Pudding; Tinned Custard; Christmas Crackers. Donations can be put in a carrier bag marked Jingle Bag Appeal and left at either Church anytime from now until the 15th of December. Charity Registration Number SC043523 Christmas Gifts for East Lothian Children Home-Start East Lothian is a free, confidential home befriending service for families with children under 5 years of age who live in East Lothian. They are one of 32 independent Home-Start schemes across Scotland and receive funding from and the Big Lottery. At Christmas, Home-Start East Lothian helps to collect gifts for distribution to East Lothian children via partner social work agencies. If you would like to donate something, then you are invited to bring your gift to Church on Sunday 8th December. Gifts should be left unwrapped and there are notes below giving ideas of what is hoped for. 0 – 3: Dolls, teddies, cot mobiles, baby clothes, bath toys, etc. 3 – 5: Dolls, action figures, cars, colouring sets, books, puzzles. 5 – 9: Educational toys and games, colouring sets, school pencils etc, puzzles, etc 9 – 12: Games, toys, stationery, books, craft supplies, puzzles etc. 13 – 16: Books, games, puzzles etc Charity Registration No. SC03094


MINISTER’S MESSAGE CONTINUED United Services in 2019/2020: The two congregations will worship together at 10.30am as follows: • Christmas Day 2019 Gullane o 26th January 2020 Aberlady o 29th March 2020 Gullane o 28th June 2020 Aberlady •

Midweek Communion Services are held every week on Wednesday at 1.00pm and will last no more than 30 minutes. Services will be conducted alternately in Gullane Church Centre and Aberlady Kirk Stables to avoid heating the main churches. All welcome. • 6th and 20th November Aberlady Kirk Stables • 13th and 27th November Gullane Church Centre • 4th and 18th December Aberlady Kirk Stables • 11th December Gullane Church Centre

Congregational Register Deaths 6th August 2019 Mr David Thompson Aberlady 19th August 2019 Mr Bill Cockburn Aberlady 26th August 2019 Mrs Elizabeth Timson Gullane 25th September 2019 Mr Arthur Neil Gullane 10th October 2019 Mrs Isobel Heenan Aberlady 23rd October 2019 Mr Alexander Douglas Gullane Joining us Anne Warnock Gullane from Dalserf, Lanarkshire Donald and Linda MacDougall Gullane from Houston, Paisley Andrew and Jane Bamford Gullane from Baptisms 4th August 2019 Hamish Crossan Aberlady 18th August 2019 Astrid Fleetwood Aberlady 27th October 2019 Daniel Wallace Aberlady Marriages 23rd August 2019 Anna Hards and Richard Hawkins Aberlady 28th September 2019 Anna Back and Toby Hannan Aberlady 2nd November 2019 Julie Lockhart and David Campbell Aberlady



Advent and Christmas 2019 in Aberlady and Gullane Parish Churches Sunday 1st December 2019 [Advent 1] • Gullane 9.45am Morning Worship for the first Sunday of Advent Aberlady 11.15am Morning Worship for the first Sunday of Advent • Gullane 3.00pm Christmas Crafts Afternoon for families • Gullane 5.00pm Advent carols at St Adrian’s Scottish Episcopal Church Sunday 8th December 2019 [Advent 2] • Gullane 9.45am Christmas Gifts Service [see article about Homestart] • Aberlady 11.15am Christmas Gifts Service [see article about Homestart] • Church 3.00pm Christmas Carols in support of Riding Therapy Led by Brian Hilsley and Robin Hill Sunday 15th December 2019 [Advent 3] • Gullane 9.45am All Age Nativity Service • Aberlady 11.15am All Age Nativity Service • Gullane 6.30pm Service of Lessons and Carols with the Community Choir Sunday 22nd December 2019 [Advent 4] • Gullane 9.15am Morning Worship • Aberlady 11.15am Morning Worship Christmas Eve • Aberlady 6.30pm Family Carol Service • Aberlady 11.30pm Watchnight Lessons and Carols • Gullane 11.30pm Watchnight Lessons and Carols Christmas Day • Gullane 10.30am United Family Service Children please bring a gift to show the congregation Sunday 29th December 2019 • Gullane 9.45am Morning Worship • Aberlady 11.15am Morning Worship Sunday 5th January 2020 [Epiphany Sunday] • Gullane 9.45am Morning Worship • Aberlady 11.15am Morning Worship



Dear Friends As I write this article it seems certain that the UK will be holding a General Election during Advent 2019. The stated hope is that this will give voters the opportunity to end the current political paralysis by changing the personnel who occupy the green benches of the House of Commons and by giving a clear mandate to a Government with a working majority. There is, nonetheless, widespread acknowledgement that this could well prove to be a vain hope. The issue of Brexit has divided the nation in such a way that neither the Leave nor the Remain side can be confident of prevailing.

Quite apart from the crippling effects of this political paralysis on the other issues facing the nation and the planet, there is every possibility that it could lead to an even longer-lasting paralysis if we also become embroiled in renewed debate regarding the Union itself. Many will consider the paralysis a price worth paying to achieve their preferred goals but few, surely, will not admit, at least to themselves, that our parliamentary system, and much of what surrounds it, has been found wanting by the challenges currently faced. There is already a clamour for constitutional reform. That, like so many other difficult matters, may simply be kicked into the long grass if the prevailing political issues are resolved. Another possibility to which experience points, is that it will give rise to knee-jerk changes which usually create more problems than they solve.

The witness of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures highlights the needs which give rise to laws and political systems, but it also highlights the truth that there is no such thing as a perfect law or a perfect system of government. As human creations they will, inevitably, be flawed and our flawed human condition will further ensure that they are regularly abused to serve the demands of self-interest and personal ambition. It is to address this truth that God acts in Jesus Christ.


MINISTER’S MESSAGE CONTINUED Jesus, famously, replied to those accusers who sought to trap him, that they should render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s. Despite the hopes and expectations of many of his followers, Jesus refused to become a political revolutionary. Instead, and knowing that every system is only as strong as its weakest link, Jesus addressed himself to the individual human condition. Embodying his message in himself, he challenged everyone to look to themselves with honesty and integrity. For most people this was a deeply uncomfortable experience but for many it proved to be liberating beyond their wildest dreams. Sometimes that experience of liberation is depicted in the Gospel narratives by way of physical healing; as the blind are given sight; the deaf hearing and the paralysed the joy of mobility.

As we enter Advent once more; this time with the prospect of being called upon to exercise our democratic privilege and responsibility to vote in a General Election, we render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s as we place our cross on the ballot paper. That is a one-off action. Rendering unto God that which is God’s is an altogether more demanding call, requiring daily, hourly, continuing action. It is also the call and the response which will have real and lasting effect. The self-interest and personal ambition to which I referred earlier are otherwise described in the Bible as sin --- the desire to be God. There is only one answer to sin – only one cure --- and that lies in Jesus Christ. It is accessed by bending the knee; by rejecting pride and by opening one’s heart to God in Christ. That is the true hope and promise of this and every Advent.

As I close, Dorothy and I join with Michael, Amy and Sofia to thank you all for your kind and generous good wishes and gifts on Sofia’s birth, which coincided exactly with the 29th anniversary of my Ordination as a Minister.

May God bless you and yours this Christmas and in the new year to follow. Yours sincerely, Brian 7 ABERLADY CHURCH 25TH NOVEMBER 2019


Church Finances-Treasurer's update I am happy to report at this point in the year that the church finances are reasonably healthy. There has been some additional expenditure on safety lighting in both buildings but with some increase in income we are keeping comfortably in the black. I hope this will continue until the end of the year. This has also been helped by two generous legacies.

Thanks for all the donations for a presentation to Gordon and Anne McVinnie on their retiral from their roles, Beadle and Cleaner. We are very grateful for their excellent efforts over many years. A presentation was made at the service on the 3rd November.

Thank you for your continued support. Kaye Macaskill

Fellowship and Outreach

We participated in Doors Open Day on 21 September with conducted tours in the church, We provided teas and coffees and home baking in the Stables which raised £225 for Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning.

The Christmas Fair on Saturday 16 November will be from 10.00 - 12.00. There will be Christmas goods, Cake and Candy and a Christmas raffle. Admission £3.50 including tea/coffee and scones/ shortbread

The monthly Light Lunches after the service have restarted (normally 1st Sunday of each month October to March). Homemade soup and rolls/puddings and tea or coffee, all for the bargain price of £3.50. Support for this event is much appreciated.

Kaye Macaskill


Gordon McVinnie as he rang the church bell for the final time as Beadle before he retired on the last day of September from that position, which he held for many years in Aberlady Church. We of the congregation are very grateful for all he has done to keep the workings of the church and church services moving on so smoothly. Many thanks to Gordon and to his wife, Anne, for all their efforts.


During the morning service Brian presented Gordon McVinnie with a bottle of Bruickladdich whisky with two matching glasses as well as a handsome cheque collected from the member of the congregation, thanking him for his many years of dedicated service as beadle of Aberlady Church. Gordon’s wife, Anne, was also presented with beautiful orchid plants thanking her for years of attending so diligently and carefully not only to the church building but also to the roses which enhance the front of our church. We all wish Gordon and Anne well in the future and look forward to seeing them at the Sunday services each week.



The Gullane and Aberlady Community Chorus held its first choir practice at the beginning of October. We have just over 50 members and meet every Tuesday at 7:30pm (during term time) at Gullane Church Centre. We are a totally inclusive choir and we aim to bring together local people of all ages and musical ability, and to provide a warm and friendly welcome to all who wish to sing with us. We are keen to take music out into the community and where possible, to raise money for charity.

Janet Anderson is our Musical Director and she is supported by a small choir team to help manage the smooth running of the choir.

We are delighted to have been invited to sing at the Lessons and Carols Service, 15th Dec, 6:30pm at Gullane Church, and we are also going to be singing carols on the steps of the Dome on Saturday 7th December, 2-4pm to raise funds for Edinburgh Children’s Hospital.

Anyone interested in finding out more about our choir can contact Susan Ritchie: email [email protected] or mobile 07788 415392.


Ecumenical Service held in September.

On 22nd September our three local churches, Gullane PC, Aberlady PC and St Adrian’s episcopal church, joined together for an “open air” ecumenical service.

This was held in the grounds of St Adrian’s church and about 60 to 70 members, friends and children joined together in worship.

Our Ministers, Simon Metzner and Brian Hilsley officiated. Fergus Malcolm was the organist.

It was a fine day, as we generally expect in Gullane and there was a very good mix of children and adults enjoying communal singing and creative activities for the more active.

We were all encouraged to sing with “gusto” to spread the sound around the village.

Stones were being painted and built into a cairn and left in the grounds of the church as a permanent memorial for the future.

Many remained after the service for refreshments and a picnic.

It was a most successful event which we are sure should be repeated at least annually.

Ken Wright

12 ABERLADY CHURCH 25TH NOVEMBER 2019 Muirfield Riding Therapy Carol Service Longniddry Parish Church Sunday 8th December 2019, 4pm

Suggested programme - might have adjustments before the actual date but all sounds most interesting for a happy evening. In-trot: Little donkey (band and Monday singers)

Welcome: Robin Hill Hymn 310: See him lying on a bed of straw Prayer: Brian Music: Jesus is born (saxophone quartet instrumental) Reading: Luke 2: 1-7 (reader from MRT) Short address: Robin (ending with Luke 2: 8-14) Hymn 312: Away in a manger Offering intro: Brian Hilsley Offering for MRT: The Virgin Mary (band instrumental) Prayer: Brian Hymn 301: Hark! the herald angels sing Benediction: Brian Out-trot: Jingle bells (verse and chorus sung twice)

Refreshments! All Welcome!


Gullane Flower Club meetings,

Thursdays at 7.30pm in Church Centre except for 5 December which is 6pm for 6.30pm at Glen Golf Club

7 November Julia Loudon After a Fashion

5 December - Supper and demonstration Lilias Hoskins Christmas Joy

6th February - Members; Night and AGM

Whose we are and Whom we serve Gullane Guild report

At our first meeting of the new session, we were delighted to welcome Nigel and Fran Goodman, who took us on a wonderful journey of photographs and facts gathered on their recent visit to the Holy Land.

As the days grow shorter, the night skies wider, darker, our thoughts are drawn again to the wonder of the Advent weeks and Christmas. How amazing, at this time, to be transported in sight and sound to Israel, from the cosy comfort of Gullane Church Centre, to experience the holiness, peace and wonder of Bethlehem, Jerusalem and all the places where Jesus lived, taught, worked, the place of his birth, where he died and where he rose again.

We all agreed that we were moved and inspired by the narrative and photographs, and, in our own individual ways, memories, thoughts, dreams and experiences of Israel were brought to life. For me, a longing to visit the Holy Land myself was deeply confirmed, and my current fascinating challenge of learning Biblical Hebrew took on a new perspective as I absorbed the energy of these ancient places, buildings, rivers, seas, landscapes, where this wonderful language evolved.

What struck me most was the tangible peace and spiritual tranquility emanating from the pictures, a feeling which is with me still.

Thank you Fran and Nigel, from all of us at Gullane Guild, for your most entertaining and inspiring presentation. It was a very special and memorable afternoon.

Our next Guild meeting is on Monday 18th November when Frank Prior will be entertaining us with music and visuals. Please do come and join us for another great afternoon of fellowship, fun, tea and delicious baking. Janet



Last autumn Nigel and I were lucky enough to go on a ten day tour of Israel. We went as part of a pilgrimage run by the Catholic Church and had the most amazing and uplifting time. We were based in three different places and from each we visited churches and places of historical and spiritual significance in surrounding area.

Our first stop was Nazareth which is a bustling Palestinian town built on a hill and overlooking the Jesreel Valley – a verdant and fertile land. Here we visited the beautiful and modern Church of the Annunciation which is built over the site of an ancient house believed to be where Mary lived when she received the news of her pregnancy.

Whilst staying in Nazareth we spent a day on the shores of the Sea of Galilee which has to be one of the most peaceful places I have ever been, from the banks of the pools of the Jordan to the middle of the sea itself. There are several simple and beautiful churches here as well.

Leaving Nazareth in a hurry to get to Bethlehem before the Israelis closed all the security posts and shut down all travel for Yom Kippur[ the Jewish Day of Atonement], we travelled on via Jericho [ the oldest place of continuous human habitation in the world] where a cable car took us almost to the top of the Mount of Temptation.

Having made it to Bethlehem by 4.30 pm we found it to be a friendly, bustling town with Christmas decorations [ unlit] on every building. The Church of the Nativity was for me a huge disappointment as it is looked after by the Greek Orthodox Church and, as is their style, very gaudy and overwhelming where I had hoped for simplicity and calm. Whilst here we visited a hospital and went also to the Walled Off Hotel, owned by the artist Banksy and facing a part of the wall which is decorated with a wide variety of graffiti at this point.

Our final stop was Jerusalem where we visited many of the sacred sites including the Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem is fascinating….noisy, diverse, beautiful and hot. So many people from so many races. During this stopover we travelled out through the desert to Masada and the Dead Sea. The latter really is as buoyant as they say….and the mud is very smelly!

It would be easy to ramble on …. there was so much to see, so many experiences. It is hard to convey the heat and the colours, the flowers and the desert and above all the sense of timelessness, history and deep spirituality. I am going to end by saying that if you ever have the opportunity to go ….take it. We will!

Fran and Nigel Goodman 15 ABERLADY CHURCH 25TH NOVEMBER 2019 The Scottish Ornithologists' Club (SOC) Waterston House Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0PY Open daily: 10am - 4pm

Darren Woodhead is a pure field painter. He stands in the landscape, immersed in the natural world he depicts, and works from direct observation in brush and watercolour. There is no studio. He observes and reacts in the moment to the sight of a bird or the fluttering of butterflies. To produce such joyful and seemingly effortless work relies on consummate skill as a painter and as a naturalist. Julian Spalding, writer and former museum director, is in no doubt: ‘…few artists alive today have such skills at their fingertips, and not many have had in the past. This is what makes his achievement so exceptional and his paintings so full of life and light. And the extraordinary thing is that this light is nothing more than plain white paper’. In this exhibition Darren presents work created over the past two years. Working along the coast and river, and in the fields of East Lothian (his home ground), Darren observes the birds, insects and landscapes of this stretch of countryside. As ever, Darren worked ‘en plein air’ directly in brush and paint. Rain may stipple the paint or ice rosettes form within the colour, it only adds to the life that Darren’s seeks to capture. As for the light and lightness of his work, Darren is increasingly aware of using the white of the paper itself to suggest space and light, a way of painting without making a mark which has become a defining feature of his work and a further step in his journey as a painter. Walking through the exhibition, as if walking by Darren’s side, you will recognise the sparrow resting in the sun and even hear the trill of curlews in the distance.

About the SOC: The Scottish Ornithologists’ Club is a charity promoting the study of birds in Scotland. It hosts a programme of activities, discussions and outings for its members and the general public.

About Waterston House: Waterston House is fully accessible and houses a resource centre for bird-watching including a shop, the largest ornithological reference library in Scotland and a purpose-built art gallery dedicated to the natural world and wildlife.


Haddington Concert Society. The second concert of Haddington Concert Society’s 2019 - 2020 season will take place in the Town House, Haddington, on Sunday 10th November at 3pm. Tickets (£12 payable by cash or cheque) are available from Kesley’s Bookshop, Market Street, Haddington (Tel: 01620 826 725). They can also be ordered in advance from our secretary, Marion Malcolm. (Tel: 01720 823 546 or at [email protected] to enter). text

Garleton Singers is a performance choir based in East Lothian. We enjoy singing a varied repertoire of major choral works, ranging from Mozart to Karl Jenkins, as well as Christmas carols, operatic choruses, modern popular classics and west end musicals. In 2020 we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary.

We hold three main concerts a year - Christmas, Spring and Summer, with occasional special performances such as our 2017 Edinburgh Festival concert and our 2018 performance of Karl Jenkins' "The Armed Man" to commemorate 100 years since the end of WWI.

Our next concert will be our Christmas Concert on Sunday 8th Decem- ber 2019 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haddington 6.30pm.

Brunton Hall, - Friday 6th December 7.30pm Fiddlesticks Christmas Concert - Fun for all the family! Fiddlesticks Orchestra (East Lothian) present their annual Christmas show with a selection of Christmas tunes interspersed with rock, pop, folk and film favourites. This vibrant community orchestra with musicians of all ages and instruments is ready to start your festive season with a sparkle. A fun evening for all of the family!


OLD BAKEHOUSE TEAROOM in Sew In Stitches, High Street, Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0RB

OPEN Teas, Capppucino, Latte, Monday, Tuesday, Americano, Flat White, Friday, Saturday Mocha, Espresso, 10am - 4.30pm Hot Chocolate. Takeaways Scones freshly baked each day, assorted home made Cakes ∙ (Soya milk, decaffe & Gluten Free available ) Warm welcome to everybody, Light Lunches and takeaways available. Local hand made gifts & cards in shop.

Find us on Facebook and Tripadvisor, t: 01875 870 405 www.sewinstitches.co.uk

NPG Cleaning Services 07772654697

Eco friendly cleaning for your home or business Based in East Lothian


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Main Street, Aberlady, Scotland EH32 0RE

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19 ABERLADY CHURCH 25TH NOVEMBER 2019 TCA Diagnostics Computer Repairs PAT Testing

Computer Repairs • All Computer and Internet Repairs and Servicing • Over 20 years of IT experience • Hardware and Software Upgrades • Virus Protection and Security • Data Recovery • Home and Office users • Excellent, friendly service • Free, No-Obligation Estimate Unit 3 Links Road, Longniddry, EH32 0NH Portable Appliance testing - (PAT Certification)

Reduced cost for pensioners on Wednesdays and Thursdays All at very competitive prices Open Wed - Sat Tel: 0781 268 4847 Phone to book appointment HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (or 01875 616176)

Welcome to Craigielaw Golf Club

Experience stunning East Lothian from our doorstep

• 18 hole Championship links golf course. • Group and Corporate Bookings welcome. • Clubhouse, bar/lounge and restaurant open to golfers and non golfers. • Diningroom now open in the evenings to golfers + non golfers • Function and meeting rooms available to hire. • Grass academy practice ground with Callaway golf balls (£2 per basket). • Individual lessons and group golf clinics available with PGA professional staff. • Golf trolleys £3 per round, Callaway club hire at £15 per round or £25 per day and buggies available £30 per round or £50 per day. Caddies can be arranged. • Please book prior to play. The cost is £35 payable directly to Caddie. • Fully stocked Professional Shop with a wide range of clubs and clothing.

Craigielaw Golf Club, Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0PY Scotland T: +44 (0) 1875 870 800 F: +44 (0) 1875 870 620 E: [email protected]


Repairs a Graham Speciality THE JEWELLER

89 High Street, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3ET 01620 820 200 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Gosford Bothy Farm Shop

Farm Shop, Butchery & Cafe Open 7 Days 9.30am - 5pm Gosford Estate, Aberlady, East Lothian 01875 871234


A visit to Hazel Rebecca in Gullane will reveal Hazel Rebecca t h a t t h e s h o p i s n o t o n l y a b o u t soft Designer Fabrics furnishings, wallpapers and interior design. & Bespoke Curtains An Aladdin's cave of exclusive gifts for all occasions will not disappoint the discerning buyer. We stock a wide and varied selection of fashion accessories including designer handbags and jewellery.

Address: 6 Rosebery Pl,

Gullane, East Lothian EH31 2AN

Phone: 01620 843 438 http://www.hazelrebecca.com

ABERLADY VILLAGE STORE We stock local produce Mark McGlone FCCA from East Lothian Chartered Certified Accountant Now stocking: Self Assessment & Company Tax fresh bread from Bakery VAT, Payroll & Business Advice Black & Gold rapeseed oil and vinaigrette Seawynd Cottage Steampunk Coffee Sea Wynd, Aberlady EH32 OSD Mungoswells Flour and much more…… Tel 07890 409 891 Open: Mon - Sat 6.30am - 7.30pm email: [email protected] Sundays - 7.00am - 6.00pm

Come in, Come in - All welcome!


East Lothian Council Events - As a result of recent East Lothian Council (ELC) seminar, churches are being sent information about all forthcoming East Lothian Council Events. The current Provost, John McMillan, a member of St Mary’s, Haddington, is keen for the council and churches to work together where appropriate in their work with the community. Council officers also expressed a desire to know more of what churches are doing in terms of social care, youth provision, concern for the environment, foodbanks etc. Please see posters in Kirk Stables and church vestibules for information on each event.

Please send items for inclusion in the next issue of OUTREACH (February) before 26th January 2020. Details to contact the editor, Mrs Val Barrie, are on back page. Sincere thanks go to all who contribute with interesting articles and photographs. Please keep them coming… Many thanks also go to the local companies who help Aberlady Parish Church by advertising in OUTREACH. If you can, please give them your support.

“COMMUNITY CAFF” Aberlady Community Association holds a light lunch in the Village Hall, which takes place on the second Wednesday of each month from 11.45am - 2.00pm. Why not come along to join in the fun? It’s great to meet up and have a good chat over lunch. Dates for your diary are: 13th Nov, 11th Dec, 8th Jan, 12th Feb, 11th Mar. For further information: Ros Richardson 01875 870 781

If you know of someone who is ill at home, in hospital or in need of a pastoral visit, please fill in one of the cards at the back of the church on a Sunday and let your District Elder or Session Clerk know, in order that a visit can be made.

For your information: www.aberlady-gullaneparishchurches.org.uk www.facebook.com/AberladyGullaneParishChurches www.facebook.com/AberladyAndGullaneChurchForChildren SC004580 CCU 1389475



Minister Rev. Brian Hilsley 01620 843 192 email : [email protected]

Session Clerk Mrs Hazel Phisatory 01875 870 460

Secretary Mrs Zena Shand 01875 870 777 email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: Tues. 9.30-1.30pm & Thurs. 9.30-3.00pm

Treasurer Mrs Kaye Macaskill 01875 870 371

Gift Aid Mrs Hazel Phisatory 01875 870 460

Beadle Gordon McVinnie 01620 842 551

Flower Convener Mrs Sheena Casely 01875 870 352

Safeguarding Coordinator Mrs Val Morrison 01875 870 633

Magazine Editor Mrs Val Barrie 01875 870 835 email: [email protected]

And finally. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Look back and be grateful, look forward and be hopeful. Look around and be helpful.

Carrying out five random acts of kindness a week will dramatically improve your happiness.

To access OUTREACH online: go to Google. Select ‘Gullane and Aberlady Churches’. Click on ‘Aberlady’ followed by ‘OUTREACH”.