The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1963
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-30-1963 The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4214. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ss a s5idliA.1 &Ai AA A AAA I AAA (sou ow 13./S.A 3 3.4.3sas4 yogi 3 AA eisesesse 5c In Largest it, God , 4141011thass Circulation In 1 We **I IlAti sOlkt1\r, The City Largest Trust Circulation In 29c The County United Press International OUP 04Ib TEAN Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, May 30, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 35c 111 Vol. LXXX1V No. 128 Money Saved By Those Over 65 Deaths On The Eight Honor Graduates Named 39' In Calloway Hits $121,700 Highway Begin At College High Yesterday (Special to the Ledger & Times) it collected almost ',this of a billion dollars less in the year than To Go Upward it would Eight of College High's 35 sen- • NEW YORK. May 30 - The 2.788 this year, and was also Beta Club have received had they been under iors were named honor grads by 25c or so Calloway County residents vice-president last year The actual figure is 8742.000.000. Director Wilson Gantt in a special who are 85 years of age or over are, By United Press International As a chorus member, he has par- , The way it broke down nationally, honors assembly yesterday. 'inc finding that there are some definite Americans honored their dead ticipted in a number of music pro- according to the report, was $482,- eight graduates and Manors aCCUS1111- advantages in being that old with quiet trips to the cemetery grams Don has been on the base- 1 000,000 saved by these taxpayers by and patriotic apeecties on Memo- lated are as tollows: ball team for three They are also aware of some clis-1 years virtue of the $1,200 allowed them for rial Day today and took to the advantages In fact, weighing one Betty Crutcher firs parents, Mr. and Nft-S Ever- personal exemption The rest of the roads on the first holiday of the st the other, most of them Betty Crutcher. daughter ot Mr. ett Oliver. live on Route One. population, afflicted with youth, vacation season be quite willing to give up and Mrs William Crutcher. Route Judy Culpepper could deduct only $800. In dozens of town squares in alvantages if they could lop off 5, with the other honor grads, has Judy Lee Culpepper daughter of The oldsters were able to salvage the land. in hundreds of grassy 15 or 20 of the years. maintained an average standing ot Mr and Mrs. J L Culpepper, Route another $140,000.000 through addi- cemeteries, from the site at the B or more during her tour years 6. was chosen Outstanding in esh- e The advantages in Point are fi- tional deductions granted them for Battle of Little Big Horn to tne high school glish this year. nancial ones They are discussed in medical expenses and $120,000,000 of aircraft carrier Bennington. Am- Judy has been active in Future a publication released by the De- more via retirement income credit. ericans Betty has oeen a member of lal- recalled memories of war Business Leaders of America. serv- sartment of Health, Education and For the plus 65-era in Calloway ture Homemakers of America tor dead and catered prayers for world ing one year as Its secretary She is Welfare County. their savings of $121.700 four years, serving this year as its peace. a member of Specifically, they vice-president She has served her the student council 35c refer to the consisted of $79,100 from the extra The holiday also marked the end and Beta Club For two years amount of money that the over-66 allowance for personal exemption, class as secretary tor two years and she of school for thousands of young- has been a cheerleader, and citizens save, just because they are $23.100 from added medical deduc- Beta Club as secretary for one year. she has sters and the start of vacation worked in Pep Club for four years that old, in the way of Federal tions and 119.500 from retired In- Active in Pep Club and student time Hundreds of thousands toot In Judy income taxes come credit council. Betty has also served this 1961 participated in the advantage of sunny weather and Regional Drama Festival 99c On the basis of the official fig- In addition to the very respectable year as yearbook staff art editor. warm temperatures to flock to the She has been a member at 'era, reported for the nation as a amount that elderly taxpayers in Betty plans to atttna Murray the beach, picnic grounds, woods or any chorus and has participated in many • whole, it appears that the 2.7118 iri the United States were able to rescue place William Hooks (left), State next tall. convenient to relax choreographer from New York, calls _out instructions nitisic programs that category in Oalloway County from the Federal coffers. some of left to Den Oliver A rising toll of traffic deaths right. Gall McClure of Morrq; Ed Heenan of Story saved themselves an estimated $121.- them got a break on their state St. Ignace, Mich.; Joan McGinness of Anna marred the observance of the first Hickman; Joe Don Oliver, who was one of the Anna 700 in such taxes in the past fiscal taxes as well. Overby of Murray; Marty Thompson- of New Madrid, Story has been a member 35c major holiday of the year. Mo. Mr. Overby two Kentucky boys representing and Miss McGinness of FHA for four years and nas serv- year In 18 of the states, reports the have both signed contracts in "Stars In My Crown". By 10 a m. IEDT1, a United Kentucky at the National Youth ed as its parliamentarian his- The Government finds that, from Government there are tax credits - - - and Press International count showed Assembly in April. also plans to at- torian them and from the others in their or exemptions of some sort that 31 persons had been killed in traf- Piano tend MSC where he will Major in She age group throughout the coantry, favor the older people. Students In has been a member of chorus fic accidents since the holiday per- Toast Mistress Club math and science. - — Recital On Sunday Horace Jones for four years and wonted with girls 41c iod began was Meets On Monday A senior class favorite, he ensemble for one year The National Safety Council pre- also named this year by the !acuity Anna has served the Beta Cluis dicted that between 4.50 and 560 as outatandkng Senior. al well as this. year as corresponding secre- All Breathitt The Running Mates persons could die in trattic aoci- Thirty-five young piano students Passes Away Murray Toaetimistress Club Outstanding In Math, Science, and tary and haa also been Pep Club • met dente during the IO2-hour holiday were presented in recut by their Monday, May- 77. at 7.30 p m. Social Sclince secretary. • in the Bank 15c' period from 6 o'clock Wednesday teacher Mrs John C. Winter on of Murray Directors This year Don was elected by the Daughter of Mr and Mrs I. F Room Mrs. Successful Except Moloney night local time until midnight Sun- Sunday afternoon May 26 at trie On 'Wednesday with Thelma Johnson students as Mr Murray College Story. Route One. Anna plans giving the invocation day. Murray Woman's Club A large and Mrs. High. and was also voted the title attend Murray State to studs bust- An additional 20,000 to 24.000 group of parents and friends heard Lochie Hart, president. the Intro- LOUISVILLE tat -- State Trees- of Best Groomed were Elnier Begley of Hyden for could the young ductions and welcome suffer disabling misuses, the people demonstrate their As a member of the winnuar team Sae White trer Thelma Stovall, a long-tune secretary of state, Margaret H Horace Bunch Jones. age 59, died Evelyn council said During a similar non- musical progress during the past Mrs Palmer. toasunistresa, the state National Forensics chosen thorn in the side of the present Cruse. Louisville. for treasurer, Jonn Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. at Vander- in Sue White this veer was holiday weekend. about 400 persons year, and were entertained at a Introduced Cannon Parka, advisor state administration, stayed right League debate meet, he will neip Outstanding M Business She ries Henry Howard, Harlan, for super- bilt Hospital in Nashville following far the Callmray County would die and 18,000 suffer du- reception following the program. High to represent Kentucky at the na- been active in MLA for tour years in character by rolling up the larg- intendent of public, instructions, an extended illness. School anima injuries Mrs Winter served punch and coos- FFA Parliamentary Pro- tional NFL meet Houston est vote of any of the candidates Hugh James Lexington, for com- Survivors are his wife Mrs Lucille at in and has been its treasurer for the les from a tea table appointed in all cedtire Team nonunatiori secondary June.