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Results of the 26 May 2019 European elections

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Trend European Number of Percentage of Number of Political Parties      compared  affiliation votes votes seats with 2014

Law and Justice, PiS ECR 6 192 780 45.38 % 26 ↑

European Coalition (PO, PSL, EPP - S&D 5 249 335 38.47 % 22 New SLD, Modern, Green Party)

Spring S&D 826 975 6.06 % 3 New

National Confederation 614 033 4.55 % 0 Korwin, Braun, Liroy, Narodowcy

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries  Previous Next 

List of MEPs

Janusz Lewandowski European coalition EPP

Tomasz Radosław Sikorski European coalition EPP

Andrzej Halicki European coalition EPP

Danuta Hübner European coalition EPP

Ewa Kopacz European coalition EPP

Jarosław Kalinowski European coalition EPP

Hetman Krzysztof Andrzej European coalition EPP

Elzbieta Katarzyna Lukacijewska European coalition EPP

Róża Grafin von Thun und Hohenstein European coalition EPP

Adam Jarubas European coalition EPP

Jerzy Buzek European coalition EPP

Jan Marian Olbrycht European coalition EPP

Jarosław Duda European coalition EPP

Bartosz Arłukowicz European coalition EPP

Magdalena Adamowicz European coalition EPP

Tomasz Frankowski European coalition EPP European coalition EPP

Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz European coalition S&D

Leszek Miller European coalition S&D

Marek Balt European coalition S&D

Bogusław Liberadzki European coalition S&D

Marek Belka European coalition S&D

Robert Biedron Spring S&D

Lukasz Kohut Spring S&D

Sylwia Iwona Spure Spring S&D

Anna Fotyga ECR

Karol Karski Law and Justice ECR Law and Justice ECR

Kosma Złotowski Law and Justice ECR

Krzysztof Jurgiel Law and Justice ECR

Jacek Saryusz-Wolski Law and Justice ECR

Ryszard Czarnecki Law and Justice ECR

Adam Bielan Law and Justice ECR

Zbigniew Kuźmiuk Law and Justice ECR

Witold Waszczykowski Law and Justice ECR

Joanna Kopcińska Law and Justice ECR

Zdzisław Krasnodębski Law and Justice ECR

Andżelika Możdżanowska Law and Justice ECR

Elżbieta Małgorzata Kruk Law and Justice ECR

Beata Mazurek Law and Justice ECR

Tomasz Poręba Law and Justice ECR

Bogdan Rzońca Law and Justice ECR

Beata Szydło Law and Justice ECR

Ryszard Legutko Law and Justice ECR

Patryk Jaki Law and Justice ECR

Jadwiga Wiśniewska Law and Justice ECR

Grzegorz Tobiszowski Law and Justice ECR

Izabela Kloc Law and Justice ECR

Anna Zalewska Law and Justice ECR

Beata Kempa Law and Justice ECR

Joachim Brudzinski Law and Justice ECR

Elżbieta Rafalska Law and Justice ECR

Lists for the elections on 26 May 2019

European Leading Name of party Translation affiliation candidate Website Programme

Koalicja Europejska (PO, European Coalition (PO, EPP Programme PSL, SLD, Nowoczesna, PSL, SLD, Modern, Green S&D Partia Zieloni) Party) ALDE Greens/EFA

Unia Pracy Labour Union, UP S&D Waldemar Programme Witkowski

Prawo i Sprawiedliwość Law and justice, PiS ECR Jarosław Programme Kaczyński

Razem Together (DiEM 25) GUE/NGL Adrian Zandberg Programme

Wolność Freedom EFDD Robert Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz

Konfederacja Korwin, National Confederation EFDD Piotr Liroy- Braun, Liroy, Narodowcy Korwin, Braun, Liroy, Marzec, Grzegorz Narodowcy Braun

Wiosna Spring / Robert Biedroń Programme

Porozumienie Alliance / Jaroslaw Gowin

Ruchem Sprawiedliwości Movement for Social / Piotr Ikonowicz Społecznej Justice

Kukiz'15 Kukiz'15 / Pawel Kukiz

Solidarna Polska United / Zbiniew Ziobro

Ruch Prawdziwa Europa True Europe / Programme

Polexit-Koalicja Polexit Coalition /

Polska Fair Play Bezpartyjni Pologne Fair Play / Programme Gwiazdowski

Electoral Procedures > Election Dates : 26 May 2019 > Number of MEPs: 51 > At what age can one vote? 18 years > At what age can one be elected? 21 years > Who can vote? European citizens living in Poland.

Electoral rules > Voting method : Preferential vote > Means for attributing seats : D’Hondt/Hare Niemeyer Method > Can candidates be chosen from a list? Yes > Number of constituencies : 13 > Number MEPs per constituency : Województwo Pomorskie ; Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie ; Województwo podlaskie i Warmińsko-Mazurskie ; Warszawa Województwa Mazowieckiego ; Województwa ; Mazowieckiego ; Województwo Lódzkie ; Województwo Wielkopolskie ; Województwo Lubelskie ; Województwo Podkarpackie ; Województwo Małopolskie i Swiętokrzyskie ; Województwo Sląskie ; Województwo Dolnośląskie i Opolskie ; Województwo Lubuskie i Zachodniopomorskie.

Institutions and political situation Republic, parliamentary democracy (Constitution of 17 October 1997)

– Head of State: (Law and Justice, PiS), elected on 24 May 2015 by direct universal suffrage (five-year term renewable once).

– Prime Minister: (PiS) since 11 December 2017

Economy > Currency : Zloty (PLN) (exchange rate in January 2019: 1 € = 4.2736 PLN) > GDP : € 496 630.5 million (2018) > GDP per capita (PPS) : € 12 900 (2018) > GDP Growth : 4.6% (Q4 2018) > Unemployment: 3.5% (February 2019) > Inflation : 1.3% (February 2019) > Public Debt : 49.4% of GDP (Q3 2018)

Geography and population Surface Area: 312,679 km²

Population: 37.9 million inhabitants (2018)

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