Yad Vashem Publications CATALOG 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Research Studies .................................................1 Reference Books .............................................. 16 Design: 2w-design.com Yad Vashem Studies ....................................... 19 Documents ......................................................... 25 Diaries ................................................................... 27 Memoirs ............................................................... 29 The Holocaust Survivors’ Memoirs Project ............................................... 37 Catalogs ............................................................... 42 Albums ................................................................. 45 Other Languages ............................................. 47 Author Indices .................................................. 61 Order Form ......................................................... 64 Yad Vashem Publications P.O.B. 3477, Jerusalem 91034, Israel Tel. 972-2-6443230 / 972-2-6443511 On the cover: Fax 972-2-6443509 / 972-2-6443506
[email protected] Seventh Rupture – chassis of a truck from the Majdanek Concentration Camp, Purchase through our online store: Yad Vashem Museum, in Dorit Harel, www.secure.yadvashem.org/store/ Facts and Feelings, 2010. RESEARCH STUDIES A MAN OF COURAGE IN AN INHUMAN TIME Berthold Beitz in the Third Reich Bernd Schmalhausen Berthold Beitz, a young German who arrived in eastern Galicia in July 1941 to work as business manager of an oil refinery,