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78th REPORT REGULAR CONVENTION of the EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD and the 38th Annual Meeting of the BETHANY LUTHERAN COLLEGE CORPORATION Convention Theme: "0 COME, LET US WORSHIP" Essay: 0 Come, Let Us Worship Essayist: Mark E. DeGarmeaux Compiled by Alf Merseth, Secretary Held at BETHANY LUTHERAN COLLEGE BETHANY LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY MANKATO, MINNESOTA 56001 JUNE 18-22, 1995 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Convention Focus .................................. 3 Convention Day by Day .............................. 4 Roll Call . 12 Representatives Eligible to Vote ....................... 14 Convention Committees ............................. 19 President's Message ............................... 22 President's Report ................................. 28 President's Report-Action of the Synod ................ 53 Synodical Membership-Action of the Synod ............. 52 Essay 0 Come, Let Us Worship ........................... 55 Reports of Committees and Action of the Synod .......... 106 Memorials . 182 Treasurer's Report ................................ 189 Church Locations ................................ 210 Christian Day Schools ............................. 215 Officers ofthe Synod .............................. 216 Directories ...................................... 223 Index .......................................... 246 2 CONVENTION FOCUS 0 Come, Let Us Worship! "The English word 'Worship' in Scripture usually comes from the Hebrew and Greek words which mean to 'bow down.' When the Lord God appeared to His people in the Old Testament they bowed before Him to show respect and reverence-whether He came in the strangers who visited Abraham, in the burning bush, the pillar of cloud and fire, as the Angel of the LORD who appeared at various times, or in the still small voice which spoke to Elijah. "God still comes to us today in the Divine Service, the 'Wor ship Service', in His Word and Sacraments. We too worship God by bowing down. Most of our churches have the custom of kneel ing to receive the Lord's Body and Blood in the Sacrament; some also have kneelers for the pastor during the Opening and Clos ing Prayers of the Service and during the Confession of sin." The focus of the essayist, the Rev. Mark DeGarmeaux, was how the Christian worships in the liturgy and in the hymnody of the Divine Service. The essayist quoted Nikolaus Selnecker, a 16th Century Ger man Theologian and hymn writer, as he speaks of Christian music: "Christian music on earth is nothing but a foretaste of or a Prelude to everlasting life, since here we only intone and sing the Antiphons until through temporal death we sing the Introit and the Sequence, and in everlasting life the true Completory and the Hymns in all eternity." The convention devotions as planned by Convention Chaplain, Dr. Thomas Kuster, also focused on the same theme "0 Come, Let us Worship." The essayist concluded with these words: "Our synod's her itage of worship is a phenomenal treasure. The more we learn it, the more we appreciate it. By learning the 'old' songs, the hymns of the church before our time, we learn to sing them anew, to sing to the Lord a new song that is 'new' in its fresh ness, vibrance and vitality, a song from people who are renewed and refreshed by the Gospel. As we learn good and true Christ ian hymnody, new songs and new hymns also will arise to teach the people and to praise the God of all grace and glory." 3 THE CONVENTION DAY BY DAY Sunday Morning Service SYNOD SUNDAY June 18, 1995 The 78th Annual Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the 39th Annual Meeting of the Bethany Lutheran College Corporation began on Sunday June 18th,l995 with a Synod Sunday Service at 2:30 p.m. The service was held in the # 2 gymnasium of the sports and fitness center on the Bethany Lutheran College campus. A good crowd gathered for the service. The liturgist for the service was the Rev. James Braun, Kla math Falls, OR. The message was brought by the Rev. Rodger Dale, Naples, FL. Prof. Dennis Marzolf, Mankato, MN was the organist and choir director and the Rev. Mark DeGarmeaux was the accompanist. Pastor Dale using Psalm 95,6-7 as his text addressed himself to the theme "Come, Let Us Worship the Lord." He pointed out two aspects of worship: namely, reverence for God and joyful faith. He noted some recent worship fads such as churches hir ing comedians and the "gift of laughter" which are used by some. By contrast he noted that real Christian worship focuses our attention on God and seeks to glorify Him. At 7:00p.m. the assembly gathered again in gymnasium# 2 of the sports and fitness center for the GRADUATION EXER CISES FOR BETHANY LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMI NARY. 4 The participants in the Graduation Service were: Liturgist, Prof. Adolph Harstad; Homilist, Dr. Wilhelm Petersen; Organ ist, Prof. Dennis Marzolf; and representative of the Board of Regents, The Rev. Raymond Branstad. President Petersen addressed the graduates focusing his thoughts on the words of the Prophet Jeremiah "He who has My Word, let him speak that Word faithfully." President Petersen presented the class to the Board of Regents. The chairman of the Board of Regents, the Rev. Ray mond Branstad, presented diplomas to the following: Joseph Abrahamson, Gundars Bakulis, Ernest Geistfeld, Michael Langlais, Gene Lilienthal and Ronald Pedersen. Gene Lilienthal, Michael Langlais, Joseph Abrahamson, Ernest Geist feld, Ronald Pederson, and Gundars Bakulis. MONDAY June 19, 1995 The first working day of the 78th Annual Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the 39th Annual Meeting of the Bethany Lutheran College Corporation opened with a devo tion by the Convention Chaplain, Dr. Thomas Kuster. The assembly sang the hymn "Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word." Using Revelation 5,11-14 as his text Dr. Kuster addressed the theme: "We Worship in Response to God's Great Acts." He reminded the assembly that the Great Act of God which is the focus of all the Christian's worship must be the fact that the 5 Convention in Session. Lamb who sits on the throne was the Lamb that was slain on the Cross of Calvary to prepare salvation for all the sinners of the whole world. President Orvick welcomed the pastors, delegates and visitors to the 78th Annual Convention. Secretary Merseth called the roll to which 74 permanent voting members and 31 permanent advisory members either responded or were present by the end of the 1st working day. The Credentials Committee represented by C. Ferkenstad rec ommended the seating of 98 delegates who had been certified by the congregations. The assembly resolved that these be seated as voting members of this convention and President Orvick declared the 78th Annual Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the 39th Annual Meeting of the Bethany Lutheran College Corporation to be in session in the name of the Father and of the Son and ofthe Holy Ghost. Amen. President Orvick read his message to the convention. He enti tled his message: " A God Pleasing Directive For Our Synod: Have a Mission Minded Spirit." After having traced mission work down through the history of the Christian Church and in our synod he suggested that the synod should perhaps consider the following proposals: 1. A series of synod-wide mission conferences throughout the synod under the leadership of the boards for Home and Foreign Missions. 2. A series of fiscal conferences where pastors and lay people together discuss the matter of how budgeting and planning takes place in the local congregations under the direction of the Board for Stewardship. 3. A study of and implementation of a more effective means of communicating the missionary message carried out by our 6 present Committee on Communications in consultation with the mission boards. President Orvick noted some additions to his report, greetings to the convention were read and the convention elected its work ing committees. The Chaplain closed the session by reading Hosea 6,6. The afternoon devotion was conducted by the Rev. Dennis Schmidt, Hartland, Minnesota. The assembly sang "Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise." Pastor Schmidt read Ephesians 5,15-21, led the assembly in prayer and pronounced the blessing. The convention adopted the convention program, assigned the work of the convention to its working committees and recessed so that the working committees could have time to prepare reso lutions for the convention's consideration. TUESDAY June 20, 1995 Chaplain T. Kuster opened the Tuesday morning session with the Invocation. He invited the assembly to sing "All Praise To God Who Reigns Above." After hearing reports from the Minutes Committee and the Credentials Committee the convention considered the report from its Synodical Membership Committee. Six new pastors and seven new congregations were accepted into membership. These pastors and the delegates from these congregations were invited to the stage, were given the opportunity to address the conven tion briefly and were acknowledged by the applause of the assembly. The Dedication Service. 7 The convention also considered some of the report of its Mis cellaneous Committee, completed its consideration of the reports of its Committee on Missions and its Committee on Wor ship. "The Service of Dedication of the Remodeled and Enlarged Old Main" was held at 11:30 a.m. Prof. J. B. Madson was the service leader and the Rev. M. E. Tweit gave the Dedicatory Address. After the Dedicatory Address, the Lessons and the hymn, "The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto," the assembly marched to the new entrance to Old Main where the Rev. R. Branstad, the chairman of the Board of Regents, performed the Rite of Dedica tion and led the assembly in The Lord's Prayer. The assembly sang "On My Heart Imprint Thine Image," after which Prof. Madson pronounced the Benediction. The Tuesday afternoon devotion was conducted by the Rev. Mark Marozick, New Hampton, Iowa. The assembly sang the hymn: "Songs of Praise the Angels Sang." Pastor Marozick read Hebrews 13,7-16.