Day 1 : Singapore Taipei Tour Code : Twn8pt

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Day 1 : Singapore Taipei Tour Code : Twn8pt DAY 1 : SINGAPORE TAIPEI TOUR CODE : TWN8PT Wufenpu : Taipei largest clothing wholesale market Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Hotel Used or Similar where you can find lots of fashion clothing with Own Expense 5 Miramar Garden Taipei 1 - affordable price. It attracts many youngster and tourist Raohe Night Hotel Market come for shopping & bargain every day. Organic Leisure Farm Raohe Night Market : One of the Taipei top ten 2 In Hotel Mushroom Specialty Yilan Shangrila Leisure Farm sightseeing night market with famous for Taiwanese Hotpot Cuisine 5Luminous Resort and Spa cuisine. 3 In Hotel Ocean Sun In Hotel / 5 Fomosan Naruwan Fish Special DAY 2 : TAIPEI – YILAN Hotel & Resort Pumpkin Farm : A variety of fruits & vegetable 4 In Hotel Taitung BBQ Buffet 5 Garden Villa Kaohsiung Cuisine especially gourd plant can be found at here for every Own Expense “Fountain” season. This farm also developed special unique 5 In Hotel Anping 5 Nice Prince Hotel Chiayi Chicken agricultural product such as pumpkin smoothie, Old Street Local Own Expense pumpkin milk, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin PIZZA that 6 In Hotel Aboriginal Fengjia Night 5 National Hotel Taichung worth to taste. Cuisine Market Sansing Onion Farm : Get to learn of Sansing Onion 7 In Hotel Own Expense Xiaolong Pau 5 Miramar Garden Taipei and experience farmers fun activity over here. Besides, Jiufen Hotel you can personally experience self-making onion 8 In Hotel - - pancake. Shangrila Leisure Farm :Stay overnight at leisure farm to have unforgettable Taiwanese Farm stay experience. At night, you can join some programme such as sky lantern activity, making Tangyuan and have fun spinning top DAY 3 : YILAN – HUALIEN – TAITUNG East Coast Sightseeing Train : taking the train from Yilan toward eastern part of Taiwan, Hualien. You can enjoy the coastal scenery along the way. Qingshui Cliff : The cliff is located at the southern part of the Suhua Highway connect Yilan and Hualien in eastern Taiwan. Here you can enjoy viewing of the cliff, mountain, and Pacific Ocean. Taroko National Park : It is Taiwan’s top tourist destination. The magnificent gorge was formed by rushing waters from the mountains which cut through the marble and granite to create many beautiful narrow ravines with waterfalls and rapids. Taroko Memorial Arch Building : A landmark of Taroko with a classical Chinese style designed look. Eternal Spring Shrine : A unique Chinese style architecture shrine recessed into the side of the mountain, water flows out from it depicting and eternal waterfall. Mr. Brown Avenue : A small countryside avenue in Taitung Chih- Shang. It is also called a “green road of paradise” because it has vast green rice fields without a wire pole along the roadside. In January, it will turn into golden color view with full of canola flower. Golden Harvest Rice Museum : It exhibits the country’s most advanced rice production & you can have chance to buy famous Chih- Shang organic champion rice back to your home country. ( Note: Non-agricultural vehicles are not allowed to drive into Mr. Brown Avenue in order to maintain the traffic safety ) : DAY 4 TAITUNG – KAOHSIUNG Duoliang Station : Although these railway has ended its service since 2006. However, with its entire platform directly facing the Pacific Ocean and the dreamlike view of the train coming out of cave with merged ocean and sky as the background, it is no wom wonder that it claim as the “most beautiful train station in Taiwan.” South-link Highway : Highway that link eastern Taiwan from Taitung crossover Pingtung to Western Taiwan of Fangshan Township. You can enjoy the natural scenery along the highway. Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center : Over 100 hectares, main hall in the center, 8 towers in front, a giant Buddha statue on the back, leading south towards the spiritual mountain, serve as a hub for Buddhist education and cultural exchange. Liu He Night Market : South Taiwan’s most representative tourist night market with recommended food such as seafood porridge, BBQ, pepper bun, sweet potatoes, papaya milk & so on. DAY 5 : KAOSHIUNG – TAINAN – CHIAYI Ten-Drum Ciaotou Creative Park : Visiting hundred years old Taiwan sugar factory but currently have been transformed to sugarperformance hall & music learning center where you can have fun learning drum. Anping Old Street : It is the oldest merchant street in Southern Taiwan where you can find lots of hundred over year merchant. Besides, it is also a food paradise such as shrimp rolls, minced pork rice, rice cake, sour prune drink, milkfish soup and etc. Chiku Lagoon : It is an important ecological & the last historical site of the inland sea. The lagoon makes perfect habitats for aquatic species & waterfowls. So, take a boat ride for inland lake tour & enjoy fresh roast oyster. ( Note: Boat ride is subject to weather condition. No refund & replacement will be made if it is not operates ) DAY 6 : CHIAYI – NANTOU - TAICHUNG Sun Moon Lake (Bonus: free boat ride) : Taiwan most largest lake. Sun Moon Lake got its name because its northern precinct resembles the sun while its southern part has the shape of a crescent moon. Wen Wu Temple : This temple is built to enshrine and worship Confucius, Guan Gong and Yue Fei. Aboriginal Local Product : To understand local aboriginal & national product. Fengjia Night Market : The largest night market in Taichung, a great place for variety of novel interesting & creative snacks and trendiest clothes at reasonable prices such as sweet potato bites, stinky tofu, takoyaki, Fercy’s chip & etc ( Note: Boat ride is subject to weather condition. No refund & replacement will be made if it is not operates ) DAY 7 : TAICHUNG – TAIPEI Jiufen : Sense of strong ancient aura as you roam the old fashioned alleys, shop houses that is built in the olden Taiwanese style connecting one another throughout the whole alley. Taste delicious local delicacies like Taiwanese Taro, fish ball, caozaiguo, red bean meat ball and so on. Tienlu Handicraft : Beholds the prosperity aura of Taiwan fortune statues. Taipei 101 Shopping Center : It is the Taiwan’s tallest skyscraper & an important landmark in Taipei. You can enjoy the fun of shopping at this spacious building. Ximenting : Most iconic & fashionable shopping street in Taipei that attracts many youngster & tourist hangout at here. DAY 8 : TAIPEI SINGAPORE Note: 1. During major international or local festive events, accommodation may not be Breakfast in hotel. Free at own leisure till meeting arranged as stated on above. time for your flight back to Singapore. We hope that 2. Tour groups may be merged and sequence of itinerary is subject to change without you will have wonderful holiday with Hong Thai prior notice. Travel! 3. 5 meaning local 5star rating which is equivalent to international 4 hotel rating. 4. All hotel ratings are based on local standard. In case of hotel rooms are running full, an equivalent standard hotel will be served as replacement. 5. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese itineraries, the Chinese version shall prevail. 6. Hong Thai Travel & local travel agency are not responsible for room allocation if there is different in terms of room type & size. 7. Tour is fully conducted in Mandarin. TWN8PT_15MAY’17_DC 第一天 : 新加坡 台北 团号 : TWN8PT 乘搭豪华客机飞往台北桃园机场。抵达后由康泰专 天数 早餐 午餐 晚餐 酒店住宿或同级 车接往至 【五分埔】台北最大的服饰批發市場,物 自费 1 - 5 美丽信花园酒店 品包罗万象且价廉物美,吸引了不少年轻人及观光 (饶河夜市) 客前来血拼。【饶河夜市】台北十大夜市之一的饶 2 酒店内 有机菇锅 农场私家宴 宜兰香格里拉休闲农场 河夜市是台北市第二座成立的观光夜市。推荐美食 曼波鱼 饭店内 5台东鹿鸣温泉酒店 / 有蚵仔面线、药炖排骨、东山鸭头、蟹脚蟹肉、古 3 酒店内 特色餐 享用晚餐 5台东娜路湾大饭店 早豆花等。 田轩炭火烧 4 酒店内 台东风味餐 5 高雄莲潭国际会馆 第二天 : 台北 - 宜兰 肉自助餐 自费 5 酒店内 喷水鸡肉饭 5嘉义耐斯王子大饭店 今日的行程即将带您体验台湾最有趣的农作生活且 (安平老街) 让你亲近大自然。行程包括【旺山南瓜园】园区栽 山地风味餐 自费 6 酒店内 5 台中全国大饭店 种了格式各样的葫芦课植物,在不同的季节里也种 湖景餐厅 (逢甲夜市) 植了不同品种的瓜果类,总是吸引您驻足观赏。农 自费 精致北 7 酒店内 5 美丽信花园酒店 场还研发出非常有特色的农产品如南瓜冰沙、南瓜 (九份老街) 方小吃 牛奶、南瓜咖啡、南瓜 PIZZA 等值得一尝。今日康 8 酒店内 - - 泰还特别为你安排了一道特色午餐“有机菇锅”让 您吃您 吃 得美味又养生。【三星葱园】了解三星葱的一生,体验一日葱农乐趣。农作完后还可以亲手体验自制葱油饼,相 信会是你这背子吃过最美味的葱油饼。今晚住在“香格里拉休闲农场”体验农场生活。晚上可以参与放天灯、搓汤圆 及打陀螺等活动。 第三天 : 宜兰 - 花莲 - 台东 今日行程带您【搭乘东海岸观光火车】穿越隧道来到台湾东部花莲及台东。沿途中尽情欣赏沿海风景。【清水断崖】 是苏花公路最 险峻、最壮丽也是最具代表型的景观之一。此处设有观景台可欣赏太平洋碧蓝海景和鬼斧神功的断崖。 【太鲁阁国家公园】名列台湾八景之一,主要特色为峡谷和断崖,崖壁峭立且景致清幽。这里包含的景点如【太鲁阁 牌 坊】古典中式的牌楼建筑,由于造型别具特色,长久以来已经 成为太鲁阁极具代表性的地标。除了这座古典韵味的牌坊之外著名 景点还包括 【长春祠】唐式风格别具特色的建筑依地势嵌入山壁 间,清新的泉水从山壁中涌出而形成一道飞瀑,如同一副秀丽的图 像。 【伯郎大道】是台东池上的一条田园小路,近期因金城武代 言航空公司广告在此景点取景因而爆红。伯郎大道四周都种植著一 大片綠油油的稻米令人心曠神怡,间中夹着筆直的道路令人陶醉其 中,因此又被称为“碧绿的天堂路”。到了一月份綠色的稻田換 上新裝转为黃澄澄的油菜花,隨著微風搖曳,彷彿置身在金黃世界 的浪漫。 【金色丰收馆】台东池上出产的有机冠军米以获得全国 冠军米评鉴的肯定。池上白米煮出来的米饭不论色泽、外观、口 感、硬度及黏弹性更是值得赞赏的。金色丰收馆不止展示着全国最先进的碾米道具,您如果有机会不妨在这买米带回感 、 家尝尝。 ( 注:为了维护自燃样貌,伯郎大道除当地农作车辆及自行车外,其他车辆均游客必须步行进入。) 第四天 : 台东 - 高雄 【多良车站】曾经是全台湾最美的车站。因平时业务清淡,在 2006 年就结束运载旅客。在最美的车站瞭望最美丽的太 平洋大海,栽撤了车站确栽不掉它的美丽。 【南回公路】 全线蜿蜒盘绕于青山迭嶂之中。行程都在山风,鸟鸣,岚雾 及绿峦的簇拥下伴行,令人神情气爽。【佛光山佛陀纪念馆】總面積 達 100 多公頃,形成「前有八塔,後有大佛,南有靈山,北有祇園」 的格局。馆内除了供奉佛牙舍利外也展示各式佛法相关文物。【六和 夜市】南台湾最早也最据代表性的观光夜市。推荐美食如海产粥、烤 肉之家、胡椒饼、拔丝地瓜、木瓜奶等包罗万象。 第五天 : 高雄 - 台南 - 嘉义 【十鼓桥糖文创园区】参观一座百年历史台湾早期第一座制糖工厂。 虽然制糖厂已不复存在但还保留着一些历史原貌。大部分已改为表演 场及乐鼓厅。您可以在这里体验一人一鼓的鼓乐运动。【安平老街】 台南必去景点之一。老街上的店家几乎每户都是百年老店。这街道夹 杂了古代及现代风格的建筑更是增添了老街独有的特色。这里也是美 食聚集宝地,推续餐饮有虾饼、鲁肉饭、米糕、酸梅汤、浮水白北魚羹等各式台南特色小吃。食聚集宝地 【七股舄湖】台湾最大 最完整的湿地公园,蕴藏着非常丰富的生态资资源,单单螃蟹就有三十几种,鱼虾贝类更多达两百多种以上。此处景 点包括搭乘竹筏游舄湖及现烤及现吃蚵仔。 ( 注:搭乘竹筏游舄湖视天气而定,若天气欠佳恕不退款 ) 第六天 :嘉义 - 南投 - 台中 【日月潭国家风景区 赠送船游】台湾最大的淡水湖泊。潭面以拉魯島 为界,东侧形如日轮,西撤狀如月钩,故名日月潭。您将搭乘康泰为你 精心安排的轮船包揽日月潭,拥抱日月潭静谧优美的山光水色全景,让 你有个难忘的体验。【文武庙】 庙里供奉孔子、岳飞及关羽因而得名。 庙宇以 缅黄色为主,巍峨耸立,气势非凡,值得细心欣赏。【山地特产 中心】了解台湾当地少数民族工艺品及国宝级土特产。【逢甲夜市】这 里 的小吃不但多樣化且又有創意,每隔一段時間來還會有不同的新奇小 吃出現,好吃好逛又好買。著名小吃包括地瓜球、紅茶臭豆腐、海陸大 丸、章魚小丸子、黃金左右腿、波西飛薯等肯定能让您十指大动。 ( 注:船游日月潭视天气而定,若天气欠佳恕不退款 ) 第七天 : 台中 –台北 今日行程即将带您去一个非常有魅力的山城小镇【九份】,旧日时期原本依靠金矿业而兴盛而如今以摇身一变成为热 闹台北观光客必游 之地。九份著名的推荐小吃如芋圆、鱼丸、草仔粿、红糟肉圆等都是值得一试的小吃。【天禄艺术 中心】与风水古神兽结缘开创不一般的人身 。【台北 101 购物中心】 台湾第一高楼也是台北重要的地标。地上楼层 共有 5 层、另有地下 5 层。在宽阔的大厦里您可享受舒适的购物乐趣 *观景台自费* 。接着在去探访台北最热闹最著 名的商业步行街【西门町】 主要的特色小吃有阿宗面线、阿忠炭烤、牛肉面、老天禄卤味、成都楊桃冰、手打面、鸭 肉扁等 等就怕你不来来尝。 第 八天 :台北 新加坡 早餐于酒店,自由活动至集合时间前往桃园机场乘搭豪华客机飞返温暖的家园新加坡。希望康泰为你精心安排的行程 能让你留下美好的回忆。我们愿下次再度与你同行。 注意: 1. 在国际或当地重大节日活动举行期间,酒店住宿可能无法按照行程安 排。 2. 团队如有合拼或行程顺序更改,恕不预先告知,将以当地旅行社之安排 为准。 3. 5 是以当地酒店星级评价为准,相等于国际 4酒店星级评价。 4. 所有的酒店星级评价均以当地为标准。如遇当地酒店客满等因素,将以 同等级的酒店取代。 5. 若中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以中文版本为依据。 6. 房间是根据酒店的分配,康泰旅游或当地旅行社将不负责所分配到的房 型差异。 7. 团体全程将以华语讲解。 TWN8PT_15MAY’17_DC .
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