
Students protest in Colombia Page 14

Slam poet hoe-down LS2 centre

Murder charge for Uni nurse Ex-healthcare post-grad refused bail Suspected of murdering four Leeds patients

h(l~p1t1th,, bm tl!turnetl Ill S~u Ciflh. \\ as enrolled on a parl­ aJ!egc:d lo have tu~t.'n plucc at LGL time healthcare course al lhe F'olloYtinr th~ J~u1h of Ethe:! l nhcrsit) of Leeds, it t--1 .11!. 86. ut LG I Ill Dt:cemhcr 1002. emerged ~esterda). We:-t Yor~;;hir~ police l11t1n1,;hl.'\1 :m Culin "lflrrh. 2CJ, M1g1nn ll ~ frum j nqulry crurin£ \\.h1d1 Norn!'> w:,~ G la"igow, g.iinetl u dirilomu ,,r high­ quc.,ti(,ucd three lime~ M-. 11.t ll ".i.-. er educ:nwn III Nu1:-ing frt,m uclnrnted {(1 h~i.,.p1t.1I for an.Him: h1p D11ndec l;n1vc-r"1t) boCurc JOining ,ur,gcry folh;,wing 1,1 lull hut d11:d a (.ccds tlni m Scplt·inln:r 2001 lu month Lau:•r 'ttutl) ht:a!lhr,m:. I le t:ukll 10 uhend l" br invesu~n1lun lc:ll w 1hc t::'\hU clnsst:'> ,Hi ~I v. :t\ \lct·in~d to llµve mu11~,1 ~,J twi.1 lmdie .. am.I ~xu:n-..1vc: rt-!>l)fllll!'U from d1L' c1,ur,;c. ~or1i. tt lt:u i.;1n w11h 1ll lit)jirnde11 1 l~g:111 Noni, ,1pp1.·nrtd h~1 11lJ'C c:\~J1i,, 1rn1rl lhc Cruwn Prosccu1inn Mu11~rl'llh.'~ yc~knla) but wui.. :-ervicc bdorc Ut!I Chc11 Suri Chm, 1t'lu,.,i:d b11il ;lfld rcmuntl~~I in cu.5.~ Gregg. ~he- Olfo.:~r tn c:hiut,tc ol Lhc tod~. he wllJ ,IJ)pl.'ar al l.el'cJ!o Crnwn inquiry tCJm. \lei:idcll tf'l hri11g ('1)ur1 on \.\cdnt·,11.ty (h:h1t,er 19. charge!> i4!.t1m,1 the nur,.e. All Lhi: nrnrJc,-. and 1lw a.ucnipl­ ·\ ,;:poke'-.J1i!T..,on f(11 L~ed ... L?I Yud,.,hirc pPli..:c Im-. v11• ~0112.. , ,,rri., ,1orl..ti1l JI bulh b11!-pl­ (irml!d that JI h -.uthfil!d the ,ru.,t tah fn,m lull" .:!110 I I-le \~ ., .. -.u!->­ h,1,., rro\ i~led ih full 1.0•(l~r,mon penJcd h~ ho,1,i1,1I bn:,,,c.~ lati: in thrmtghout thi:ir inqtnl'lc-. 20113. -we do 001 belie"c there ,., am Ile ,UO\rC\l 1~1 1hc J,..1rk,t,1!1 arc.I t1f tca.,on fo1 pOtil-nh lll rel.Hi\ cs In t'i~ Lc:ed, \\ hen he gtti hi:- Job .11 1hc- COJICC.flh!d." 2 fmlll. October 14. 211115

ht' Times has pubh'lhed u .....in. nu· )C.ir-. ll(Ntion of 34th. 11·, "hal Ton) boot snl~ that an)one else ~ouJd chu1,;k Our famou<. .tlumm j., another tribute hl al 111p l\10 UnivcrsUj Guide. the: Blair n11gh! call "'vnriuhk: Mrntcgic m tJic bin Take. the EC Stnnc-r built.I· Leed, We have ~ome of the most dis­ T.,ell pr<"-=lil..lmcd "ddin1t1ve delivery ... nnd tht." rc,1 or w, wou lJ call mg 11 1s rumoured tq con1am 1he unguishcd gradullles in the country gmJc'" lo !he UK\. hc,;1 umvcf'lillu;s crup longest corridor m Europe" The such ,1:, Juck lraw Chure Short and 1 her(' Y.-,1' smne 1mU1.;1p,ait1n a., 10 Y,•t lhc Unl\11..'l"\ILV of lxcti-• remum, Vruvcr-ny clami.. 11s 34(l meter... lonp.. MystJc Meg The psycluc slu

Body found in Lupton flats A BODY clisl.'OH~n.>d in a l...ettb Uni ha.lls in September ha!, been idcntifff.'d as a Ken)an international studenL Ounng the summc::r bteak a cleaning services supcrn~ round the body rn an empt) mom m Lurton Oati.. A 'iJX1kc~r.;c:m r,w Leeds Metropoluan Unmt~ll)' srud: '•We cnn confim1 Ltuu. TilOmn., 'jangn fmm Kenya, v.:ho enrolled ,m the M& firuUlCc cotU,,.C ~ a full-tnrlf o"c~u., \LWJcn1. tlied m Lupton nats a1 the hcginning vf Sopti:.mber " HL'i func.rJI tnc'lk place in Smrohi on Scptcmhcr 13. TilC Un,,cr..11)' tub been 10 clo!'!C com

POLICE have 1dent1ftl'd the man found dead on Woodhouse 1--me on October 5, 3.\ repom:J 111 las1 wet\;.\ U.'W!-.. u1dcnL Me ha .... OOY.. bt.>cn fonnall) n.amen dent "as killed in the earth­ I fall u., part or 3 fun

• (H)all'shit· 4&5 • Foxy Tory 6 • Hard graf 7 • Peace off. 7 Poetry slam FREE 8-page TV guide SEE LS2 • 300 Seconds· off lhe piste: 8 •league Tables: 8 • Comment· Fascists in suits· 9 • letters. 10 • Opinion Thompson/ Kellem,an/ Summer.;/ Ad U: 11 SEE lS2 12-13 5 • 22. CINEMAS LS2 23 • Otley Trail: 12&13 • Pollucs Colombia style: 14 • Rag n bone: 15 • Rn king oul5ide lhe bo,c 16& 17 • Soulful soup: 18 • Dear Dial\/ 19 • Te.a·break: 1 BOOKER PRIZE WINNER CALL 0113 3801450 or email • fever h11>: 21 • Kick n out· 22&23 • Met up on Uni. 24 LS2 4-5 [email protected] II JmllJ. October 14, 2005 3 MONGOLIAN MARATHON

A M F. DI C ~ludcnl lrekktd filled j lifetime' .imhittnn h\ nuM·ll ,, ilh th!! l.'onditlon rnllecl Jonmiom, for thi.., tfXtremeh through Mungo li:111 couutry­ 1uk.1ng part in a grucllin8, She :-aal "I V.;.H, 1m,pin·d tu ~ onhwhilc ~·httri1y"' · sldc ror clu1rih maruhun fill"I.' m,,ne, for r\l;,hcimcr'., Thl· 100 ken run w,1, held h\ Ocmma ,\s·h.,.,t!II, u fourth Smee t\1,.hwcll"i. mnlher was Stic1ct~ ..illci m)' mum \\·a, llmg I ,,kc llo,,gol m:u, Ru,,mn S1bcri~ ycllr :i.1udcnt .1.t Leeds t'n1vcr,n). d1ag11used with Alth<-imcr·'i J1, no,ed wJth 1hr, J,..,ea~e 1.1... 1 )t!ar Sh~· "uli: "111c ,lcnen, of '-nov.­ rn,1cJ tb,iusu11J., to, 1hc ea ... e. -.he has bel.'n Jc1crmincd to "I have rn1~cd ,wer £.5000 ,o i.::&pp~J mountrun'." 11.ml fhc ,;1lpmc lake ·\l1h,1mcr· Socic:ty ~nd lul raise ruoi1, to help thmt dias· f.\r but I am ... 1111 v.orkmr: hard hl wu~ ,tuunmg unJ rc-1111~ hclpcJ to c11\c 1hc pam in mv Jc~" · Ash"'t.<11 hm,hcJ in 1cn1h place nvtroll. cotnple'lin_g 1he run 111 17 hours .tnd 19 mmuh?.s. <-ihc wa!<> one ul 1.1111) t,..,u v.omen lll complcle thc \\hult: d1\t;mce. ',\II the mvnc) I r,111,.ed hw.. runt: Jiret.:tly to :\l,citn.. •r·'." ~odet\ \\.ht·re 11 ,..,ii\ he put tn C;',Cdlcut ·u,c in funding r1.:,c11.:h anJ he1pini; 1mhcn1,, ,;ure.r-. ani.1 pwkv.. 111nal, IO deal wuh the c.11 ... ca"e \~h\\\'II ha~ 1101 berm ri:qrng i.m.;t. shi. rcrurncd. Sh~ cotu\ "'d lht: Grc:;u Nl,rth run ;Uh.l 1!1 ucm hvpmg IQ t.1).t!' purl m !he I umlon \larath,,n 1n ·\pnl \')bY.tll .1.ho ,tddl·tJ. M) t·hullcflte mo.~ l)c m a J1ffcrenl -.w,m:nmirthc clmnn p,,;rh,,1p

.\ !\IUSJC!A,'I, "h°"" melodies rune bct!n hl!tlrd In ~pttl'l' wilJ CD KILLED THE RADIO STAR be plo~ing in Lt.-cds next mon01. RkhanJ H«:Wttb lihoe·pli\)in!!' BEAR NEWS-CESSfflES euincJ truh .1:..11om,miL comL"1J.: w1lh minute ,wrl k,1luf't'., llu: ~.IJ'..ikh 1hi: fir~1 ·!'-:"cy,,;Jmk \\icdh ·prog_rJJnm\· of lh1.: )Car v1nl1111,1 ~l.1.1'JI Rixng.1l1~, ,-.'U'ln!! 1l'o'Cf 1n 1.-tl~ !I ott:hc rr.. h,ick­ on I SR{nu.:nm I.vet)' Thur,J.a) ul hpm. the St'\\·,lml,; 1c.1m gmund hnng :,;ludcnt~ ;, trc'-h uphc.11 1ukc nu dll' \\t:Ck •,., The ~rhn" hchmJ tht.· ~mop IIC',.tllh .md ...alct) regul.tllon!, Sphere I" h• ()hl\ 1dt" u In.JC' ·mu[tiJ1 nc"' .. from aruuod lhc campus, the. cny .i.nJ tlii: LL'L-ili Student Radin got more anenlion than it 'fl cndconour. TI.e co ... ,.,_CJc L'ml.. i1b1:d •,o Jangt.-n1U,, 1, dK' P""'"I 11ll.:IL"l11U,J" mu~,c.at CXJ).'TlCJ11.C. ,llld 1,1i 1Jt'r \\Orld ba.rgaim.. for during u pmmolional hom uc.1,1,, tu i,;port lLI c.ntcrtuinment, !hen:·, write.Ii Jr,lunJ Vwm. b1ht) Utal "sud year. tor 1he hr 11m11: the pmg:r::unml!' wilt linfnrtwiald). thi-. '"'.r.lo UCC'mtd 10 be a health ,md ~fl"· r~nutiun, m lutun:- sp,11.."t 1nc) :-..1i J tJnwnluad from l•Ut \H~h.,11c l)' h,v..ard, auJ the ptumo nffkcrs W1."n'.' utdcred 111 th., 1ar whole wee~ JI ;l.!r hro.,Jcu,-1 To ~ct ln\'ulvcd nuuillc lhctr di,pfu)'. In ['f~\enl paper ('Ut-1 nod our puhhcn) tc.am will hc;,, m ronc.:n "'th the Sutfonm ,'If or 11 !l!VC! the new" tc:am t111p. c:,,11 the J111l)' c Oln.· 1 \k hnpe rhe« -.h."J''i .in,! funlu.'r devc:lop.n'ICnl, will (.'.l,nc ·rtu llx· ""enl ·,U Ulki: rl.ire on lll l.l '\MO 1:'.H2 llppu1mcd h) lhc n.'!Tknal ol r,ur Nc:tl Hui::h.:tnart-<'"'fUi: ma.,;w.sp1ccc. we foh 11 only fillr lhax we cnmpheJ with t.:nable a •,atcr workml! .:min,nrncnt for ;,1,IJ m tht' cm 'O\;l'ffihcr 1 i m U.'001; l"ulwc." • U11ivlrr-.11y·.\ Gn::.u 1Ltll 4 Leeds Sludem MlaV. October 14. 2005 Broad-bad at James Baillie flats Are we in By MAYA PARMAR m.:1.:l'plL-d .x:co1nodauon ,cc,, Tiw 'ilutlcnts ul J~1ll!, Ba1lhc cnn· Snu.lcnll) \.\he, renl hnus.::., pn\ .itdy JAMES flaillic residenlS pa) 1101 •n'>call tlieir uwn Cf.JUipmcnt lur can obli.Lill the tnlcm1;1 for 11!,._ limn In the week when the almost thn-c tim~ as much for mtl'me1 Jt:cc:s., £1(1 a mu111h. compart.'t.l In the JMno Gibb<. !iald.. ·The pm:~ 1~ ridicu internet ncc1.•ss than i,ludcnb Brull!)' equi\;.Uenl of E5 11 \\.eek NUS demand a univer­ lou... Js cxp;n:-1ve ,Inc.I ,1 rnmplch.· rip There \O,,L, no mcfa:ation tif 1hc,;c st.a~ing at other halb of rc.-,,i~ ulf" ch,tfl!\:.-' lor ,tutJenL, applymg fnr re,,_ sal code of standard for dencc. Comr,an:d \\ith olhl'r ~If calt:.red dcocc at Jamt·, Bailhe. Tile ml

A UNI\ ERSAL codes or standards should be brought into force for all Uni,1ersity accommodalion. according to Lhe National Union of Students. Un1vcniil} hall" arc cum:ntl) c,:empt Irum a Jil:cm:c rcqmrcd by all oihcr lanlllurds. ot Hnu,mg in Multiple Occupation t 1IMO s) This liccncl.' cmmres lhat the landlord 11.ccp, the manugemcnl of the huu\e, includ­ ing. the condition or thi.: house lurmture. amcnil)' ,1,mtlards and repairi,, up 10 a certain ~1.mdnrd The "JU ,m.• '-trongl)' against univch1ty hull~ l!.\cnlptiun In the licence on the grnund:-. 1h,11 1hc)' .ire 'lit and pn)pcr m,m­ ugc-r, ', :ind lobbied 101 u11i\'cn,1t11:~ not lo he exempt from HMO lu:cn ... 111g. \ ,pokc,pcr,on for the n1vc.-...11} ul Lc1.: bO).. ,ls J Jcstgn ~ludc:r'II I d11n ·1 11i.:1u111l) hi1\lc enuugh room to work on m) ,l\~ignmenb" The rottmg \\ mJuwsill... ancient he:itmg ... y1-1cm,. \.\111tJuv., \.\htch don't opcn and poorly equipped kitchcm, lea...:! nmny <;ttJ­ dcnt... unlrnpp) with their firM )'C'ar accom­ mnd(llion Hm"cvc1. ,ume of 1hc- newer h:1lh bo,tst new]~ funmhcJ b:1Lhroo11110. plc-nl} of l\lnr· ugc spncc., and tunc1ul.Je!>,, like intt:rnt:t acr.:c:,s m every room. Mike 0Jun. J fir"II yc11r .. ui.:inl ,cicnccs. swUem s.ud· ··The newer fl.ii,.. ond hall,;; m·c u! a mu~h h1pbL·r s11mt1.ird, hlll it', unfair 1hut must ol u, pa~ the :\.ime anU !<.omc end up With a muL·h bcucr deal·· b1ch or the UnhL•1x11,· <:. re,idt:ni.:c.-; haH· n JCR i.:ommntcc. wh1ct) e,1M lo pru, 1dL' u good d1.1nncl for .. ompl.1mt tor man~ ,tu dcm:-. 1/ov.cvcr. the do.. urc ,,f TL'[ie\' 1f.1lh at the end ul U1h car on Lhc groumi.-. that lhc old , 1..t,,r1an an:hllet:lllrt: ,.., h\'L'noiing 100 c,pcns1ve lo ma111t.un \ubgc:-.b tbui .. om, ol th1..· unn..:r~lly 1c,it.!cnt:t .. would bt.-ncfil from n1tlcpr..•11Jc-n1 ocl!!:-. of ,t..1ad,m..l ,l!1 h\ lhc Nl S 011 Mia!/. ocmber 14. 2005 5

Backlash for Labour from visa increase By FAAREA MUSAD

Tffl, t;O\ r:R,\IF :>i r·s deri,lon In in cre..1sc lhe , i,;,i char~cs for lnterna· lionn1 s1Uth.· nh " id t..· ,prc.ad oppodLion from \ ;nhl·r,.it) hclld-. .. dangerous digs? \·Jnm.,~·r, h,wi: Jc'-1dL'll ll1 1ni.;re.i., lhe 1,;., n•nt\\.\ll fer: tr,1111 £!5' h1 £!-Sil, o1!on£ w11b a n,.,. ,rum !'_'°i(J tn .C51Xl lor urpl11:anh who w,,h io n: roam in the t K 11lC nsht: 1.:omc,c 1 .1 tmc- \\ hen ntcrn:u1onal -.tudC"nt ,~nutment 1, h~ dn,ppd t,~ alrm 1 'iO pa c nl III II~ Have your say... 1,:;1-.c ut l.lud~"ftt'I. from ~ Far ~11il, .md ~hl• \l.hllc ll I ~nli. tun1.: lllr'Stu ,n,. tu be 1pph rnl? 10 CK un,1,cr,1,,uc 1 C'Ctl" l OI\Cf!H , \1rht),;.u m1an.:11mnal ~,u. t.lr111~ make up .iru1~mJ. 20 per H'n\ of lb -.tu GeorJ!C Brett. t.Jcnt ll(.IJ'o', nu1\ ulh.·1 cu111-1drro1bly, u~ "econd "\·ea r ·Fire tncrca-.c.d k..-,; 'n1ll kli.:I 1hcn1 from r.i ppl)tng and f:xplo,ion Yu.m J1:1 Ztung.. ,: •1.:iin') cho1nJu Tr <'$ It block the ~ in\ rea.~ pl; n~. bul ,tndt:nt oil l.~t-ds Lah.wr ~II\. t l n 1, 1htht.:~t 11uog Ii) J,, Lui. LiH-d in Bill R,1rumcll. 1\l tnl'tcr 101 llitthcr I lcnn Prier HaUs. h.JU\.Jllt.m ml ··To,·!iC 111CJ"C.i.w~ \\ di en w~ that lhc full t.: 1,1 ol ptO\.'l

By DIPVANDANA SHAH I Of nn1'! 1, 1:,, mghl~ tudcub Imm l.t.ciJ unJ Chris Chapman, u ld-d!, Met I'm J.m.·cd lhl!' trJIU11,1nal Tnili.tfl l11lk third n.~nr :\1u,ic dance,. (11 ga,bct ;uiJ dar1t.h)t1 111 a:"kbratt" ti~ nnd f-:nglio,;h ,Lu· Hmdu J~Sll\.U of~ \T2ln .1 h,ui: With 1uill1cl[l, nr dent at Ll•ed.., l 'ni.. p;:npl:, tft.Wld I.he w M 1.i, cd in ,nrt h lbc"(1ty LJ Lc,::ch lfa:h~.. Ju1l Wl.\o ,it 1heo Hill llall,. H mc,i. lh.it m."ll~'f'i f Leed" 1-lmdu Stud(on: •· \Ve ha.J bn 1 11\Jnl \\~nl to bk.... pail ,n th; L"C"h:hr.ltiioru.. ,tm,arnc prublcm nll feslh,ll Yl-!uth l:i.: L, trnlTI (1'..iobr-1 .J LIii I:: \\ 11h .10 murJ,hl\ h ·khnlri:d m hoonw ,,r the C,odik~, D111i,, \11 frct.1ucn1 fire> :J.ann \ \\di .i.: tho 11.01\htl" lUl.ncmg l!

\h hall'i U\. n!alh nK ·•> I.! ...... w.. oo 11ie IU;..IIIU.•n,11 11,;,.. fU)' 11.cn ·1 rimc..h l~Jp. though. Our \\:td1irtg nUIC"hu)(' Ui hrn~cu anJ U!. t.zkm~.1·:f"'oto~,1 uul 6 LeedS srudem MlaW. October 14. 2005

Dr J...i:un F'ox irtpit: will agree \"\1th H. 'io<)tne people Oarkc, "What I ~ill wJ., what l"\"t saiQ lJ,U', he ,aid· "We ..should all be focu:r.ing playcr oo the world ~L1gc in lhC" fumru " wo,i,. Irv ;md II~ and !hill mamk,h 11M:lf wlil dilt.: ,1.:,: 1'11.,'t.-J 10 ~c..'t ;:i pro,1:,cnty ,ttcndu tluu ouigo1ng. le.ader 1\-llchacl Hnward. who of ,pet!ch 10 people who don"t have: rt. lt DlL' Shado1,1, Wurl.. anion-'> of nur fQn:11,.'ll Pfll!Cy. I don'l hd1C\'C m -allow~ people 10 ~p nu.tre ul whal lhcy ga,c his final s~ ill dl¢ Tory Pm1) &xttt,U) M1tkulm Rifkmd Jroppetl om Iunher iotegnulun min r:.uropc. I Jon·1 1111.lM be ,1good thmg lO brin_g mlc of Ja,,1, ~·· contcn!m.~ m Blackpool l.1.,t "°t..°dk ••1 tc w1J human rights 10 pt."(Jple who tkin ·1 ol th¢ race 101' the lcaclcMp earlier tJu~ bdfovc 111 lhc COill,;cpl lh;u \l.'C '>hl11tld In a Jig ut lus nPJ'IO'lllc number J;:wl,. hmu_ght b,ick clisciplira: J.lld ,uhihty lu havi: lhcm. P1."0ple \\-ho are agru~1 ii wC1.·k. 1hcming lh-.: co.nte ... 1 wide opc:n have ;t clQ.Sj,..'t Union. W.: tlL'Cd tu n:"·oi- trow. hi.: lklJI.J_ ''I lhmk ,,...- l;u·k a f'(1U.!lt?JI thr pany, which wa.,.; t>adly rcqum.. 'U. But 111.:ccl to jusu(y why they i.lft again.~! iL"

Arts: Katie Abbott. Sieve Smith. Rachel Wat? Edner. Jessica Salle, Books: Rachel Dampare, Freddie Huntley MUSK: Sam CO!betl Richard Crisp Deputy Edtlor. Ben Schofield aui,, Patrick McLintock. Christina Morris. Clara l.S2 Editor. Zofia N1emtus Spence, Phillips Television. Katie Nerll, Stuart Worth1ngt00 Tickets just £5 on productio th·s ad News: Sara Jone,. Pete, Newfands Lnwdown Poppy Kemp, Oltvia Marks . Speaal Com,spondant Kevin Widdop Photography. Emma Dalzell. Rachel Moms. Patlid< WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE Features: Chn, Gou~ Dan Johnsoo Nixon Travel. K1rs1y Bennen BOX OFFICE 0113 213 7700 Websrte: Paul Hollings fashion Hermione Palcanham, lau"n Wallis Marllle Cooksley, Ky cape/, Guy Fowles Design Chris Hume Ben Summer. NichOlas Easl flnlll. Dember 14 2005 7 Wait a minute, Mr Postman GIVE PEACE A CHANCE MAIL Liuen.'11 "ilh St:Auul innuendo.. lllnd­ I le ,a1(l "NTL h.l\l\." sht,l lhcm!llk.k'TIL'> :ind olhcr p..'C:1pk ,n 1he area .. ticl'. rl1Spl'Cl and nnmclli.ation. writes Paddy She ,;ruJ ·11 r, p,U1ict1!.11h pcnu~nt allct tht· The lcant:1 wu., di,u:3hukt.l h> c..thle 1:ompar1) Iii..- ai;:CU'il:ld ,"11., of ··1umpinr! ml the W""1f! Coukc. L,,mk,n brin1binl! .11, 111vuh·c;.1., ni.u.:h 1111hc""nnnum Nll. udvi:m,.mi a ••pccml mtcmc1 offer aura.-d ut b.tnd"-agun·· ;b mun~ .,tuJcnr,., urc n,J"- 0111\ln~ 1,u1 Org.tni.,,uJOn Tot!elhcr for Peace ,u-c urg.unL'itll!): a I)' .1s we can. StuJc-nu, e<1ultl ,{1lum1..,:r lt)tlcr-,...... ere •.Jdre,scd 10 "the! .;tuJ-.•m,·· 11,... {n,m 1.hc ,tut.km i,;:ornmunn~ to help l.-O.-.un: that the h.'l>­ 0 mg ,U Uk: :1\·en .iJdre<.. • huJ \l.c-re ,w.:tuall) rcce1vt.-.u.:111) uncn­ c::n1..1u11\XI ,1bout. II does however uppe-.ir th.LI a hm· Tog.:th.:r ror ~.ice wu, lir.t dc\""•1,ipt..'tl m 2tll2 in ta1c


r l)tit.!' Poul mac.I t lm:c a bggcc lum..cU. Toh) bl-g,111 !!('"..tttil1 .if1 a.., the trend p1d,cd up Jwini; Ju-,. h.:cn-. GRAFJi'n'J arthb are Lwls' st..>cn:I \\-capon 1.r.1,cllml! 111 oH'I T:ururc ttJ \\.url on In Jc..1g11., lt h," 110,, turned 11110 11 1..'.t11XJ" ,, 1th Tuh) ptJ.m,::: up in 1he fight lo eliminate ~1gging. amun,J £J<,(1 ltlft:a(h HI h1'i mural-.. BuMncs-o 1n the ..in?a IMvc found dl.11 the ,·1hron1 I k Olli) be eamln1! M hnue,1 ,,..ag,. hut t.h,: p!,lhl.:\.' onJ ,kJlful \.\orni. of lht ,ut1~l.., I!-. detcmng lU!!gcr... ,w ,till ,u,pk111u~. ,U \\C Y.ar .. h,.•c.1 !urn \\Olk. du.· wh1d1 j, lho')C "'ho U',C' gmfflt1 ·" a \landal1"-m 1uol poh~:c ppruadiaJ I lc.1(1' I Ii: ,ud· ··J1 I \1.,1, 111,1 111e .u11,1Jc gr.iJJiu i~ becomin~ tl-<.ful m ,1 \I.Of:'l­ ..i.alb.ling 1-k.'Tt• \\-1th .1 fe\\ p.n, of p;un1 no \llll: lh-oukl cmng ,mwuon that ha_1,; 'ie.'CO lhc police ..:,1llmiz: on the lt1'.,k t\', 11.:C'. Bot txx.-.,u~ nr tlw '-rW,1) ~an,. the p.)11':l' puhhc 1,, ·Tum 111 u Tumi_cr' iJ1' p.u, ol lfu.•ir cruckduwn will bt!hcrc."' i:,n v.uk.bht m ~ an:a: un 11pcrJt11111 G.IJT)'Jng 01 re~uni I leap._ alttat, u.lli'.IW1'!fl Imm trkm." th.in ju" the of a plK\lhle £lfl0o. p1l_11,;c th1lUgh 111,,·l\".Ut lJut IUaff) ,1fthc res1 frum tile' bu1!1hn '' lO uotu.:c 1M .. pmwl, of til.d 1:uin1 L'n\'cring unytJung: hc!'\\orl.\ilf\. ~I ~ud ·t,,gginga,hli"nwr~mgynur Imm tiu, ,top, 111 po,t hc-1~L"s und tho-< cam m~ 01.11 tcnitnl'). t.;\1 11 \\S th.II \~t,: i:nn \.'lJmmunu.:a1c with tilt vanJ..ih,111 :-.ho\\- no 'lign:-. tll ,11wing thi:,e lul.!g1..•r.. 1f thi:.\ ,ra~ aY.a) 110111 the gz-.1!1i1i IA-C Gr:1ffiu 1, m1t cheap to rcnm\e ,mJ lhe i.:1t)· l" dn -;trugghng 10 h'C'p up \\ 11h thL" ,urft: m ta~cni. 011 Ult' :'\~ii \\h1t"-ul1h of Ekphanl H01.1\..~ m H~tk- P.:irk .tberul J.. stm:t I [)cmcxrnl ._.,,u1K:11l!lf Rv Do\\ 11c.·~ .... nd agr('c!, Jk ',J.id· · \\c Wm."l-'('nlllg ~urhotfcn~l\'Cgr.\J ··ttcc.1\IS lhc dl) ul IA..'00... 011 J\C.'nl!;C £25fUlOO aycm 1i11 all ~1,cr lhe ,hop hdon.• ll1hy \I.Ori,.~ ,,n It, nt,\\ tu rumo...,c grnlfili Um!\ UL,p:.t)'CI' mone)· winch 1.hcv nc\'crtuud1 tl " cuuld be "J>Cnt on .l sd)l,oj nr old 11':uple'., hoJllC' \1an~ ol the local J.UU\l)nfll..... ,oupr,ort lhe ..... en ul Gr.stliti ani .. i: who. unlikL· W~\"f'. i.:ruatc decora­ tJw ~r..i.lfill .uu l .... uMJ a, a re,ul! are pumni; up 'h:g:.I U\i! mur.1h ,,11 comm1cno tn wrne on m the hope 1wn hclwc

Laptop thefts leads "I wanted a pair to security_question -\ \'TRJ:,;c; of lop1op 1hcfs from of sparkly_jfilly l:111\l.,....II~ Of l.l.'C.'t.i..., ha.lb led to t.txw l\'l\'.'\lt"Y. • Tv.1> hurglari1,,»<, nt n campIB ~nm shoes, but my pminpted a local '-i..'l.'\Uit)' invotiµion., h!Jm to conduct an un"tia.~lul fl'Wml( mum said they'd ~ll\:h Ali,-c l:JlunJon. 20, an JnlL.'TllalJQrw look rubbish" RelatJu11, ,1utknl ..aid "I feel violutcd. J don '1 feel »'lie m m)' room anymQre I Joel.. rny wmJow!\ and doors even Yl-hl.'n By PADDY COOKE J... S· Ho\\ liutch. What abou1 \iarm1tl!. Jo rm 1n.<,;i Kl I Ohm) CtOII. 11 w;t\ ~, much I\U1 We: LS: I c,m·t ~!be. that 'Tltat ,,. h:mt,I~ rran:nu~ Bm mu\ing tJn. h.1vc you c,cr Psycholog}. had 31..~,upli: nl hundrtlf peuplc lhcrt: TilC She \a.id· "I"m .;() de,·a.-.rutcd. I jU\l 1h1.•mc wa, 't.'mcq:cni.:) -.en ice~ .mJ fa11ci1.-d. ,1 canoon c.:h.Jr.leb..-,-'' \'-'.tnl them to catch~ poopl~n c, nyonl!' made )iUrh a ttnnd dfon.. \\c did K.H · En, no. Thai· .. mon.· ol a gU}' dung. 1M C(!fllunon ~ha.llrntt-. whn:h 1:,. JOO f S ~V. 110, II WIL' a ._,II; qUC:"IJO!l [ Catholicism Exploration sho1, ma 100 mmllfc, ha\'c:n't either. ohviuu.,I} Could you gt\/e FA.ml. disoo\ler). and dtsc~ion arc on /.S.OfSpm"'' )'OUr op1mon nn ~ of the etc-11'Wl qui!\· Kil {011glr1J1M. ('\o, 1•fbi..'\!l'' Bcxr 1,st11l wmi; in hfe.. For mstunct. can you c>r.plam offer 10 sn1dcn1~ in new cvcrung o:)l1lr,e\ run by lhe Leeds Uni,.ersity Cothoht: pretty tou~h bu1 c"l'Q'lWIC managed i• the fi\jJry bctw~n dog, .inJ i.:ut,'? m11n.::urle-;.,. KH Hmmm. thnrs ;HticLy one. Perhaps Society IS 014 anyone make a fool of" lhcm,;c.lvcs !ht ITl(..-diu hai.-c ~n.....,,tinnJ.11\Cd the 1:-.,ue CAFE (Catholi..: Fnitl1 E.'tplomuonJ I.\ enough tale., ul bin~ dnnl.mi,?, hoy, l,lit I.S. OK. muvmg\m l01Tl<>fe[".....-..rnwl mat­ dc:i1gneJ 10 help people of any fnnh ~am ur .:omc Jre,"--J m all) thing cc.\111.mvcr· Although. ouroi1 ll',cd to"ind thcdol? up were )'llU \.\ hen }nu ..,UUit'U ..,k.ung. lL"I'!, . have Y'-'ll had My itlr.u1gc: Jrurm more about the Cutholicism 'ililf"' ~ rn..,;be cab are really lo hl.m'II:. KH M)· parenb took n'II..' 1wh1..-tl I ""a.'- real· J1!'Cently'? The cou~ 1ndud: lhenmIJc \·~ KH Err . )l.11u ... 1hing. ltk.t." really gc1 m the bean of the maner. Snc)\\nJc:~? '° real One umc I dreamt t.haJ. 01} frknd Topi1.·\ for this y~ v. ill mcludr "Woo fovoonlc: ct~tumt W,l!. J gruup ol girh ptmro.tl pa.t.nlUlg. KH We're g.oing 10 Val D'hcre at had wec'd vu the lloor und I gol up and ncech Oiun:h'f' ""CA.--Wm! Y.hl) c~1m.: us w1lh AnI a tlream.Aud Vou'"e tun. me h,ugh lh.mh for L'\)ming. The coun.c...., nre run by meinher!i. of the ever)' Tuc'idu} unf St Mark's TI1UNiay thmughuut the ;tc..11. KH. rJ have lO -..t)' wme and c:hocolaic and <:tudenl!\ DON'T COCKUP...

r 9 I CE AUGUST '04, OVER 57°/o OF RECORDED BURGLARIES AFFECTED STUDENTS* ,108/1),1 tr, "at~ Palla: Close the curtains downstairs ... leave the Ught on when you are out al night.. If vou have an alarm • USE IT. Student Advioe c.entre ftillrl. October 14. 2005 Fascists In Suits BNP use attacks in to further racist agenda in Leeds

hen arc we. fimill)' go. mi to ln our own communili6, hoping In C'rimc:.. gct1{A'1dal ran~ ,1!1ad; ..., hy imm1- iogl) Lrun-.lul"cnl 1,u;adc -nu, t:,,, "hJ.t ,1..c chui.:k them oul'.1 The) preu.ch eucerb,uc :my of thC' n1cinl f,\:,,Ures lhm gr..io1 hl:imK Fnsc~L, o.g..w11,1 White are up aga.tn'il. I Sil) ''v.. e" bc'caU'\l' the Whutred and \ wlcnce uiain,t our had opened up. and }OU can·, fault them C'hrist1an Brit.J~h people and the fr,,., 'ilmlcnl5 at Leeds ttnm:r-11v .tnd Lcch \!atinmd (:tsm'· The a;,,.;p•,. hhtoric.il antel.-'Cth:nls ",\ h1t(!. Chrisliun .md Mu~lim? I lhin~ c,cnt.., Ol;:mf oqwni1ct.l .all tht' 11mt'. You Pctr1y out ol" Britain'! d1t unlO\cly gnlkr)I run1.. fmm Fr.inc,, aot. c.:.111 keep up tu date al the weh,itc On rhe back of lhe lru~ic bomhine..., in lo Hitlt:r "'-Cre nu <.lifft:rl'nt. Then thl!ri!' i" the bnrefo<.:cre,1dl'nt ,it 1he HNP, h aptx'ut'm~ al 1111: BNP would c:11luu,.Jy U!.e the dcmh" hu\.e b<.-eO, Ul.ldt and ~hruru:le,...... u,,pc.;r. 11' ,n1rkmg for a Pmty wlw', h.L-.;e 1s Leed,; Cro\\n Cuu1t for the prclimmary 10 pursue 1.he1r O\.\n raci~t J.g'-"nda_ .'\nJ tuni,;t,;. There 1!- nuthmt: nv death. no lurgt:ly m;1ch: up nf thug~ Y.hti gt:l m1Sl}­ heonn~ ol lm coun ca,.e. havanl_! been Matt Kennard U'Uc to form. here in Leeds, \\ ht.re 1hi: war. no tragedy thatlht:y won·t tum eved when the\. hear du.• wurds Thin.I ~h:Jr'J:!,l-d wuh 111c1tement lo racial hatred bomhers grev. up. r.u:e rc.la.UuM ha\l' imu lhe prett,,;1 for n hy~lerical att,1c~ on Rc.:ich ;111d "hoSC narc1~s1M1c po!itcr bO) lnUowmg th,· SC"~rct .\icnt been ,1n:tch1,,>d to breaking poinl wi1h thl' ··di,;~1lu1c·· mul!Jcuhur.l} -.nc,cly and u-.c Mark C'ollell evim:cd lu~ own Na11 '-) m· T\' tltx'11mcnl,1I), 111 \\h1ch he ~a, hdp of 1.hc:.c neo-f:1.,ci~b who prnncc J.., an excuse lo np at the o,;incw~ lhat tcn­ pJth1cs to Ch.inncl 4 when hl' told his c;iught c:11lin,g blum .1 "\ 1ciou., wic:l..cd around in their noll) Gucci ,ult!- pre ­ uouy.ly hoh.l tog.ether the wonderful rnm­ interlt)('Ulnr. "J'tl ntver ~i\)' th1~ ,1n c:1111- re.hp.ion" l"hl"re will Mt' .i mus~ nilly out­ tl'mlmg Ill be serinu,. silgadm1~ politk.1] bm, like lho:,e on 7ff1 0(')es suidc111 whn h.a,\ abhorrence for \·tolcnt people turned on Tony Blau and the lie\ photo. Ami .;.inly ,1 week af1er the: homh­ he. \Ogg.est m11 invading an)' more suvcr rac1,;m and c;lfc:, abou1 1ht.: l'Ommunnie,; coticsdown - th.at lct.l lO lu, l'atJS1roph1c warm lmq - mgs 1hc BNP rclea,cd a !lolCkcnmg eign lslantit natwns m contrad1ctmn of 111 whu:h Y.C ll\"C ,bould be then: also. a war, 11 has rec:enliy l1tc11 revealed. he ··Don't Get Mai.I - Get E\en·· pu:ce of m1emaucmal law? Doe., he urge tha1 we Lee B,1mc~. lhe B~P appar.1h;h1l w~ e"o1ed friend., \\ho ~on With lt frnlh111g mouth he give.,. hi'• ;u-,: bus~ br-ci:dmg hu1n:li wad uL,tillrng own le-.,. than .. nbcr cxhornmnn" Je.i.r 1n our hrn1hcr, and s1,1cr\ all ,wcr "\Ito,,. 1n no nt11rc a~ylum <;et'~crs .uu.J the coumrj. lk cxpaml,. ·1nu~a) ~,7 ~lOJ> all imrn1grJL1Un. Expel th!! I aulliun \\ a., lhe Jay Bntam v.oi..:c up 111 lhe lat:, iUeial 1mn11grunt!o, illeially m the coun­ that II i~ ,u war:· And he 1, rig.hi .1gam try." Oh and. "Ck,,e Juwn Muslim com­ that 1hc mccnng of two h111atii.:al lundu­ rnuntty \UppNt n~tworl...\ i11 81itain." mcntalbnu, la\t:1~m and j1hatb,m - m Ami ho\\ c,1ulll I IOrgt:t why die.In "! wt: our commuml) is danf!.t:rnU, but Lim! h think of th1.,"? "ll.1ng all 1em1ri~L\ and hc1.:,m,e rh~y lnok ~u tlifft'rcnt but ,ire. m their ,npporters" But. one ,ccond. how f.lcl. perfect reflc..:uon~ of each other, exactly do you huny :1 disn1cinbcrcd ,ui­ one kcding OIi lht· other. nde htimber'' The.· nwrc ~·nung Mu-.lun" arc \':ll°UOUS. h~pcrJ,n)c- a.,1Jc, the '-IWi.l· han1,,cd amJ Jhu~t·d h, mc1,b like the ritin where ,...e live m Leed~ L\ 1m1lL"fll· H:,o;P 1he funher allenmed and angry the~ clou" and coulU ie1 wor;e. Nat11.lnilll)-. "ill bcl'.omc Am.I aftl~r c,,.ery ,mack. b~ hate cnm~ - mtluding r.u:1al a1101.<.:b '-llll'1dc: bomber. 1hc D~T ha~ a new prc­ an: -.aul tu ha\lc incrc.•;1:;c<.I 13-luh..l :.inc.·e ,c~1 to pur,.uc their r.1<.'1a1 chaU\ llll"m Juh 7 lo the four wed,., afle.r the ~1mb­ and incre.i ...c lhc ,y\temalic itllt!mpl., 10 mg~ Wc,t Yurk'ihin.: \ pohce, \en ,ce; - mi;11c h.11red .tf,UII\I ~lu,lun\. TI1cre ,., whkh cover.. U!cd~ - rcponct.l a ,fou· no \\ilf In .Untam fl(t\\', antl thl'f'C: l.'.·ilJ be blmg.111 ratt:-h11tt! 1111.:iden1, to 306. rJng_­ nu \\,tr bc\.aU\t:" lhl· B'\/P will tlt: \(tipped mg fn,m ph},il:ul ,tttut.:b ilnd verbal in 1heir lllT\, time and tirue Str1ugh1 uJter the bombmg~. 1here a,guin Bur 11°, up to u, ihis 1imc. "ere mun::hc., 1n stJltduril\. with lhe Perhaps C\ICryooe <1hl)u!J he' mindful 1-.lunm: commumly III Plm:c, l1k1.: ut Pa,to, Mwun 'i1t•miillcr', (!feat cnn The situation In Bccsmn, llnllx·d: .,ml H'!"dl" Pnrk. where h:"mnal pcx:m al"Wiut h,, .unh1\.aJenc.e to Leeds is inauspi­ 1he chant was •·H1,Jr Park t ·nm l'~ll'e the n,c.· 111 ~;11.JMn. ·· fhl')' ca.iuc fu,t tor in tlur Cnmmunit\:· AC'W\!-i th,• Leed, the Commum<;i<., .ind r did1ft speak up cious and could cr1mmumt)' pcoplC 1ra1,er,1.·tl ~uhural. bcl·au,c, 1 wa.,n, J C11tn!nu111,t/ Thcu get worse polllli.;J.I anc.l rchl?1ou,; tme1., to rnlh the, L:.amc tor the Jt·\\ ,. and I J1c!J1t rouml an 1111.·rcas11111l:t be.lcagucrci.l ,pcaJ.. up ~CllU'>C' I v.·a:.n't a Je""J Then MtL~lim pc1pulat1on they ,.imc rm 1h1..· tnuk unm111,L, ..ind I 8111 .is the .iJmuablc anti-fa,c1sl didn't :'lpeak up ~cau:,,,c I \\..ru;f't'I a trade nq!~mi,uttnn Seart·hhght pmnu:d uut in un1om\L Then 1hcv c,1mc tor the rdcrt·nc,· to fkc,1nn. "TI11:~rc l!i a lc.ir U11.ht11!l'.,, anJ I c.l1t1n·i .. pc~l.. up ~au,c that \\hilt'" the: c,,mmunm will maintain I \\a\ " Prntc\t,ml · lbc:-n lhc:v c,1mc lur ii, cquilihrium 1f lt'f'I iliun~. probli:'ml. mc. and bv U1a1 lime nn une wa\ lc-11111 i:ouli.l ~gin ii oub,tdc~. i11duU1111t the spi:ak up.": Illustration: BNT-' wh1i:h I\ at:tivc 111 the city. were 111 Ben Summers mn"c rntn rh(' urcu. ·• Matt Kennard ,s a lh1rd·year 1-fLStory I've u.lrcad} 1,:r,..en ml unplca,ant w.,tc studenT at Lee<.ls u,wers,ty ol whut the BNP "tam.J, fo1 um! the Ema,r maHk.ennan:[email protected] dcpnmlj thal Iii.:, hchmd thc.·1r mcn:a...

+ -j

11 flillrl. October 14. 2005

.!ll!illl!li)W1n<•!•m>'al"~" "il,ais m-il>ll'1lli!llgtiii,~ llliOIJUf:qiall"'OJ1111$~/;JIOi scqucru:c., which come,;, w ith 11! , 1io11rq1•11t • .,.,.'!\~Kmim,tm111~!ll..,., Ill' ~ Dcbh1e Sd10ggc1, l.ce 11ur Skcl..:h column 1s · '.\ITL, the intt."11\CI 1.'0mJ1.ll1>"· ha..."'"' a blun ll..."t:1. .u (1uldl.mc I cnJ,,~cd reaJmt ~ our i.lftt­ dch\'nt:cl. It 1, ~frc.,hing 10 o.,1,,,e a Jt1Urnahs1 tor l.ct ma.ihn~ to JlJ housdwlth m I lcadin.ial.e.). d~· Clumn JJ,.tf,m "' Um (Septcmhcr JO, \\-horn ,ldv~t:,, nm.I unquanufiablc l 'mon pl"C\· Jlldn·:-.!\C ahen­ The ~auonJI Uni'11l ,,1 Studc::m, ,1~" lhtu .1 mfri, t::r!<.al ..:ode of the No1 for Profit camp..ugn. I h~ J hundred .11.c n:,1dcnt, Aral i1 ~l'llb 10 .t!ISUmc thal tht· ,tiuu.h-ird., l"or univer~il) :11:cl1rnmud.1111,n ,., l.ic~mg 111 J.11 thrtt 1111h..:,;e11rg;.1111 ....111,m,. and h.ai..e "'-'t.'11 union cuuo~,l h1g w1,g, mffic I.heir rc.:ither. l)p11.:..tl !c.h In Ile Eil.,,1 urea cal.'.b dm. Stu1.h:nh h.ivc JL.,.,, helJlal ha-.c Y.Tlllcn. anJ all th.:11 wa,; pnnli..-- ears. 01~ not. Th,11 Tctk\· 11,ilb 1, lt1 ,.:lu,c at lhe c:-nd ol th1 .. )C.Jf a.<;s1\lilu! wuh ;\dm1m~tn11mn. lundr.u,mg. Jut.I dreams do you trunk thm when the Tune.s 1.11tici1.cJ the tx·cJu-.c- ul th~ old \ ll'lori:.in .m.-hil'h!ClUrl! 1, h1c.1 c,pc.11,n·c. geum~ involved inouroutre,k!h pn1grummc~jn mtcgnly ot thl· rcsuhs 01 Th~ Huuon 1nqu11) lucal "lt(1t1l'i. It w.i.. p.riocl to 'iCC

    plc.'lt-.L-d \\ ilh th!;'.: la.~, "'cl'k.. fr,·d1 ·wdnu I wa., !>hockOO lo '>l..'C help regiment ,uch co,1, mu lhml.. that when Bhur h .1cc11',\.-d nf heing 11 L, 11J.\ S111d1·1u it h \\ ~pun-.c frnm tlk.• .1mclc in th!! p.1per ltl'-1 w1.'t:I.. that ,omc b;.ir,; would oftcr a m.k) etx:M.111 ol thmh thut ron~ thal umvcr,111 \\·um1ongcnng murderer he JUffiJk, lor JO) , "?· ,md ,L'i a n:'>ltlr would lik.c 111 111\'l!I.; ,n11.lcnb ~mil ,1.,1c1,:n .. huL,, Thal ,, an cas) rnp to the .\&:E. ucco11111111t!atton 1, currcnth c,clutlctl lrum the ltc:cncc 01at ,1r a111r..c 001. but he duc.,.11'1 orJcr an WlJu....Uh­ ... 1aiJ ITIC'mhc~ hl illlothct vulunlo:r mfomt,1!1(m -\lmhol r'lW,onmg and t>in~ llnnkm~ 1.. \tll'h ,1 lamJlun.l" in pn1..1tc hou .. ,11, han· 1u .1h1Jt' hy llnu,ing in .ibk w11ch hum ( 1101 .tl\rny,!11, TI-fAT I\ lhc Mult1pk Occupa111m (H\10-.1 }falls. ha\'C manager:-. ,ind mcxling 10 find uut "'hat Childl.Jnc ha, tul1ffl.'.1 hui!e pn1hlem in LeeJ., tu hinge OCiul ~ne v.hc.·re dnnk-; are ridirnlrni..ly \.'.hc.1p and rc:pa1r\ w-e kept up t11 a ,d ,1,u1J,1rJ. Umou. l!:\h.::mal ..::orpc1ra1c pressure wllhttt.ll clearlJ ,md Uk!n: I\ lhc 241 offcr.. Thi~ encourage:- ,tu· Ous h;tlb arc whcrl! v.r: :-.ll!'c-p, e:11 . .,111dy aod do a "'hole plc.L-.e riimnc nX?O J.1h 2940 or e-mJJl defined rrn:ttJve . .tnJ ~nJk~ m1dlil!rnt jour· 101 mort There nl!ed" Ill he: .. nml" con,i:-.tenc} to ,tnndard, at cyne(n dtik.llitic.org.uk dents tn hu\ ilnd dnnk more. iJJld c.:Jll cod m the unwimtcd ~,uJb ,uch n, dnul,..,; gcltmg. 1;pikcd nali-.m flJI' Uni\')O :..c:hmocmng i,; lhc J:i} 1tw1 I rc,hkru.:e:-.. \.\.hi1.h i-. \\-h.11 there ii a cumplck· t.kar1h or at the \\·ill M.in wriung for the mim,b) uf truth mnml'nt Ellie. \k:R(ln,1lJ 1Uld a!cnho) flU\'(lning. I Wa.\ lot.alb WtaW;lfC '-'r Cbiltll .ine Supt..'1'\.1M'lr lhc 'iCnllU'il'IC'!,;,'i \'IC!'\\. ,a~" LlrnL ,1ullcnh can fot1i.1than Price c,pcct an c,ccllent qu,tlll) cxJ>cne1H:c. JI the u111v~r"hY ts to C1nltllmc Yori.. ,hm:: & Nonh E,.M LC!'t'cl<. urn1I II hJ(1pc11cJ hl mun) of my hicnJ., achi1.•\ c 11, 1urgc1 of hcl~unung .1 wnrltl·da...;s UISlllUlltln b)' la-;t vwir. ,\lcohol b a tLinJ:cmlb drug amt ,1u. 201(1. "·uh all tha1 that entail,~ then ,uch .i r.:mlc ,hould he Jcm: really do net.'tl tobcaWUl'Cc1f thl· fatal con- put Ill place nu\\

    Bailliff please TeKblal harassmeDL 01969 549125 led,nlV Outru~eou,. ,camluh,u, and a.t,,urd :m.: ;1 lc\lr epithet-. lhal ,pnai to mmtl v.ht!n I.,·nl, ::irudt'III d1,covcred that ldmt!, B11i1l11: ,tudcnh pa) ,1lmoi.1 thrc1.· t1mt:, more t.h,m thcu rioppy am.I ohviu bring wit ,ind -.c,ph1-.1iCJl· c11u11lcrpan, tu rcc.:e1\'e mu~rm:t ,,cce~, tic,1 thmg hum hcing a girl 1~ ruulLiph: fon·OO tu cr.1cl until ib loaming out their cd ,arc~m tu 1hc1r ... olunu1. "-here L' P..,.'t.l· ~1UJ1."1U 10 mh:rnc1 urga.,m".!~ah'~1)f'l.lh111g rcn.~.. ";!~1 .... car-..only lhc)'d probJbl}' nuWy love 1l. pip Thm (•nc h.lli pay £:?25 tur accr~, upon pie\ :-.cn:-.e or humour ' c amving a, um. dc~nhc.J a., a .. np otf" liy th1.: ,1.udcnL, coupled ...... tu ;111 dtt1"c pacplc who !'.>late.PP)' ;mJ olirni. get J \\-Uh the fai:t lha1 1t ha., uni~ JU!'!! hl·~·n m:-,l,ille llK'nb \\-ere mudc 11nncce%ruily diffcuh "CTI',C Of hUn\OU( thnl.. \lf)lt're .,I) dC\Cr bul we not ol L:.1mprug111ng for polu.:aal gel 1hn1 thll wk v.1lh(lut hJ, in'i.lghtful pre· LSR promoter . Wt'tC puUc.:d up th1:-. "-ed,. not for he in£ l'Orrccu1c\s and ci:n'°Nlup.i will nol rest dic;tion,'' ,h,unc.:Je..,, ... ctt-ruhlict!II~. b1u for hi!'allh .ind :-.alCI\ poppy .ind oliviu"" column 1, the bc .. t 1hu1g until ,Ill hurnn11r,,;,aruhm&1rom ha, bcn 1hr p;1pcr h:.i., gomg furn. :111 U10-.c lo"--"TS .. ... ·;···· ..... In act wh1d1 notlde,I mor~· 10..-.urd, the p1tning pullcry ,lboli,hl.XI and 'OCICI) , .. pull\hcd until It 1,1, ho"1- John ,clik,s' PR ag~m !hey hnuld liyh1 up' my d..Lll \.\.oUkJ never ha\'c lnut:ht:J me ,1dt: 1he Rogei ~ccvcnj., Buildmg ...... ,.. me l\')(1 and !ext lhc puper every wed;? ,111ml l., puna,hmc.m. popp) •nliva '1huulJ tk: The up,lurncd cd~ ui..cd h> 'lpdl nui the LSR web uddrc..,.., cnulJ hiHC.1.tkcn .m c)e ~,ut or c\cn hhndcJ ,omc-uuc r111h pu..,h. l.1.uJ1 \t1ufn1t .. a'\/!i Ynut ngh1 In prm)llllt: ,our h;11J \\,ori... 1 ,..ic:ru-;.in, f, hu1 do 1..al..e ~Ml· nc r rime Improve vour tell lie Wo've had our aay, let us know what you think: email Leeds has taken a Ironic take on the 'I love NY' logo by branding edltorOteedu tudent.org.uk or text in your comments t~•:::ed•, Uve ft, Love It! what would Tt·\upuhlisltt•ddo llN llnl'.})arlh y nd yo11rself? n-Jlt~r, ,Jie 1.,l'\1 ,. ~f ,1u· ,ie"·-v ,c1per + -f--.

    am. October 14. 2005 Mobile Madness .; 11 ju,1 m~ or Jo mobile phone always need fax.mg. and the i.:m11ple1e phnnt 1111111, ha~ em~tl a partnt:r,;h1p mg. hut film will put .iuuthc1 ~pJnnt:1r componle~ really inruruue you? ab~ence ul signal m11s1 l1{ the time are with 0:! 1t) tr) out ~omt' new ,eclumlo m the wnrks. Wtrnt',;, wrung Wtth ju\l I Ever been nvcrchargcd or h11d ran­ JU!-.t a rev.- murc. J\nll Three i!o, cc.rhun- g.y aud \·1c.ws !he British mnrkC'I us the: poppmg LO tl1c local Apollo'~ There-\, dom l , 'one or 1hi .. duwnloi.1dm2;. g.iml!~ nnd tecll.nolog) Hnodt. ,md I bet w1tJ11n .1 mohih: phones will reach J new level largi:t m,1rkL'I lur tdccommunic.itmn wallpaper m,1larke> i, n'"·'e",tr). And _year or two tup\, e\·cry mobile phone . o with this ne\t. 1echn"lu1,.') abou1 compamc "-·c arC' lhc. most \·ulncrablc pcoplt 1,1; i1h pcr.on:1fotcd ring 1om.:, 11wnc::r will ha\c:: .1 J1g11al cumc.:rn anti lo reach mainslreJm, be cardul nnt to 10 gctung -.crL'\.\-Cd ove.r. Lme rental fwm the ch:.ut, urc ;u,t ,ad CamerJ (Kl"'thl)' morl! huih mtn then ph01u:. J1.;cidcn1ally pu:-.h that downlomJmi; ma) have dramatically come down technology J!\ ok fur fun. but whu aclu On lop c..,r lh1", the Am!!rican nel· lrmni:lc. chcd, }'UUr bill<. i:arcfull)' and O\.Cr 1hc lm,t decade and chc nc" phc­ ally ,~nd\ 1hcm to lnc11d1-·• Be honc,t "'ork giunt f\:BC tlctniled plan.., uf never give up fighting. for )'our monc)' nomenQn of ·fret:' nunu1e.!-. and mes­ The more the phone~ cun do. 1hc- more lilm:, being anul;1hlc ft.n duwnluad in sage!. '.tn}' network JR)'l1me· ha... Ileen the compamc, can wrongfully charge le~" lh,m ,1, mo111h9. Driwnloud "-CUIJl.'i James Thompson ,s a second year James Thompson introduccc.l, but thc~e ofh:ri ore too us. Ami more 1~ commg. aud wm11g.lul dw.rging 1s ;Jlrcad) t:Ol Outsuurc1ng to Bumba> where Lhc operu1on, can't unJcl"\lmuJ me and ha\rc no J.uthonl"t' 10 do ;.mytbing " the fir--t of u \l!f) hH,i! hsl The: ni~t Llmr \.1mnk} ptm~ Illustration: Ad U From Sweden to Leeds

    n u dark njghl ln J :.mall bllt ju .. 1 the r,e1.1pk lo.mhng ,utcr a Leeds. ll Y.:Us HUGE! B1igcr than P,:bii:h \11 th.:m 1.:oul· my bag~ ou1 to lhc car ,1mJ c;cl off for like it, hu.r 1t wa, ai. if the)' "ere all colou1ed llic:rs to tvcncu1e who Ntiucthch~-.,. when I had ,1ruggled un1ve~11y. Not unlit I ho1tJ pn..1,!oicd 1he chcwmg on something !Jrgc (pcrhap!> pas,ed (nn mailer hbw h1g· and he.iv) ur the lhrcc l11ght, ul ,1.-ur,. upeni:J sound thut J1v1dC'- Sweden from a potato) 111 the o;amc time a!> lh«:) !heir suilc.isc::, were). NcedJc-s\ to ,ay my \J,ior. and ,at c.lll\\ u on m_) bed . I Dc.nmark and wu .. nn the 1rain chu~ 1ricd to i,;peil.k. norm.al Engl1,h l)'OU I foll a tali ~,art':d ti!. I ,,., n~ trying In didn' t can•, th,11 lhe bad1r0Cemc:d Ill l lit}' dov. n on my hell. happ) 11, be ln.ndcd later .tt M,mche! lhe York.\lurc dent not1Cl' thut ull the Lnglhhmcn -,ccmcd tliulecl The' ucco111mndn1iun c..11'ticc pre email. engSdak@leeds ac uk pink skin colour lo '\PQrt a neon pink sk.m coluu, which Arriving in Lee1.h my h.tg:s started sententrnr.:.1 .tnd sent me on my way long 1hough. I rcull-.,cd lhat th1,; was frightening!)· long :.u I tool. .1 1ax1 up Happily I walked -along looking nl <111 perhap~ not the na11ves nom1al hue to tbi, main cnlry of the Llni\l!r,,,1ty of the heau11ful old houses v.ondering

    + 12 l8edS Student Mlal. October 14. 2005

    All huug.h he !he< 111 hu~ "nn IJOubk v. h~l'l w run errand" on .1 rei He like<. In " 11kh th, ... ummer anll 1h111 L, rt p,,pulou~ ·· and bn::uh, On the People from Mmk).• ,ire hlunt" and. he a, • 5pm: h 0 On the for enJ 11( Ollc: l n11,cn,1h ...,uden1 re rmm Bcxicll ngtun c;111 i..,m,\, hn\\ kin!!. dud ra1 Ji\:c there tlunk lhc 1h! "int 01111; i, the d1.. 1anij :1J..:n hi! :m ... ,uc The legendry Otley Road is well known to most students for providing bl \10~1.m. a l:;1 } rc1..alh. a n1gh1 nul tno ·1hro::ttcnc1J Ut pum:b a conduit for drunken antics. Anna Kitanaka and Christina Dixon pa .. ~l!nger \\ hom hf 111nuc11..::<· ol t'Mr'IUl!h. Ed journey away from campus culture · more comr,ll ...·,1LL'il 1t m1,h,1p \\ rlh .:t Q? hu.., ·\ .. Jn i:, .mn) .. 01t.1J ... r .u1d rugh), pL.l)...r, 'ihc h.1.1. lnund "P.:ople hu,·c tulU r11 uno1!11:r WJ) 111 ,cnt her ln1:,,1r.mon Jurmg till' 11:dmu~ m: JOUnl1.;' "'I \CT~m1 ,1,1,c,1r 11,ord ...11 people 1f 1hcy c, en jl.h( tap al St 1h rnunJo; "II I hi.:1ng tno m~nv cnW'illl);' on !hi.'. r1,,1tl ,lu\l.tng do\.\in he, 1.l)Uld 'l\c tine mc:,.,utc IV the slUt..lC'nl.11 It \\nulJ he Get h1,t-p;11'.'ci.J hie. She ~Inc,. howc-,cr. c:nju) c.ocrnh,m~ on th _._.._ l .. n--1.,.,,,.._ trc_;:111, 1.11\\"TIS\\'OO(J S~hunl pupll, who JIL! ag ~ut or b~d \\ ~~~ we ~~~~n .. ~h! ~~~:~ ~.'!'!Jlt·'r:~~\"~ Olli:\ J\UitJ ;m,l " .. t, .. ro., .... u • ,,1.,., -~...11"' to'"""' ,t,.uuy lif'lop, cilhi.::r 1lltl cnnug.h 11r n..iug.ht~ enou~h 111 ka,c "dn1ol lx·gm ag fire .111~ ,vu ,c lelr \'Ullr kc~ l~p111.nr., '\Mo1h1.•1 •hin~ Ulilt h1 :,,pill m1t 111tn 01h:., R\ti.ld tu bi;!,'1111hi:1r way,,ard "")' tc.-all; 1mtall-'.. me,, .. tmkru, ,,h,, go mad nrtJcnn~ 1h111g, ·\, ,.,,~ \\UII,, hrnanl, \\.c,1 Park C.11e. J ~Jng (ll bo)' \\ hl'u their loan l:Omc, 111, hm then Jt111 I illl\\L\."r the \lonr The postwomen are ,loud ,df-:.i,.. un:dl)· nn lhe li!Me~ ilUISiUc. P,1trid. Gncr. ,o I h,,,.c In ,arry 1h.: !lung" ,IMUnJ \\Jth nic fht·)' .1ho yt:.1r 11. telh u, .-1hou1 hi\ .mno.)nncc- IC'\.l.,tfd\ '-tudcnh in 1111mhl·r t)5 ,\\di, J ;mun~..; lo h,nc clung, re .Jdlvcfl•cl, but .111.·n·1 hurnc ,11 rhc just as bad, spying Ht:ad111~k) "The) w,111·1 IHI) lJ.~ .ikohtll when we '"""' t,w JJ,t1u.r· duh· J.n Lcc1b nn hnliJ.t) 2i ~c:m, upo 1111d M) team ul huir IUt!! 9 m: lll'\~T ll"ft di y "'1tJ1 c1;en letter ,,1 t A .m,u .1 \.humung h.1Itun \\ith ,1 hm1 of Leed, u1 hJ., \'OtH lmc, lh~ uhu.rh.Ul kc."I nf \\ecl\1.C11\J. While .:p,11.ilinf our v,,.hJlc, lrom our l:llloun:J .. ,n lhl: "1th pla,lu: 11c, tl1.11 c.1...!1 nlh.:r \\lthm rhr II• ,,nft. .,,en1urc!', Jlmu.! 01le, Ruud 11nL·c j v.e~k 111 "''It \\le,t P;.1rl L.iundrctk. \\C ,py a fricoJt~ tcntlcnum 1~1 l 'nfortun,11.:I\ l,tr \l.an,llrn<' Br.u..U .,1 C'Lund ,~.ir !he h.m \ iii Jlc~u.lmgly- · mg thwu~h ll n,:'-',papt•r and chc...Jrn1g h1, '.\ittd. l..110.:kmg on J,,m, I Broal.Wasl Journ.1h,m tudent. ,b~ 1 foneJ tt1 \.11mmu1t: h• Mth 1hc honu, po111t \\ hen illol!.'d hu" hC' lccJ., v.. hen ht": gl"t dn,c 111 1hc 1.·11~ Thi'• man 1, Shmlc,· ll,111. ,1 71 ~c

    MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2005 :::: - ff with POPPV , Olivia Headline of The Week ullo again. Firstly, 'I bit off my best friend's face' sorry for the H Cha1Ma9<121ne offence we caused some valued readers about our flippant comment about CRACK. A big thank you 1s owed to them for pointing out that actually CRACK JS BAD! Bad like smack, Ouch. domestic abuse and paedos. We may have given the impression that CRACK 1s good Silly us. We hope that this has cleared up any confusion about highly add1ct1ve and illegal class A drugs. Our hearts a1e with Ms Moss and all the other CRACK-HEADS of LIFESTYLE SUGGESTION No. 2 the world as we hope they manage to kick their habits. Anyway, what's happened this week? We've got new Jobs! Olivia sells shoes and runs up and down stairs, and Poppy collects glasses, cleans ash­ trays and stares at vodka. We've also embraced dressing up. Olivia looked AMAZING as a 'silhouette'· very Velvet Underground - and Poppy looked suitably sick Agony as a 'sex pest' and nearly got an ASBO . ...like salt in an open wound Next week Party in Flames. See you Dear Agony, there. I'm desperately unhappy. Eve, since my cat died 3 years ago I'm finding it really hard to cope with the smallest of tasks . I have the largest collection of china cats and figunnes tn the county and once upon a tlme they gave me the greatest Joy. But now every time I look at them I am overcome with sadness. To make I know you've got soul... things worse, my idiot good·for~nothing husband sat on You must know the Motown classic featuring Marvin Gaye. 'll Takes Two'? Well the urn containing Blacky's remains, smashed it and !here's a woman singing on that, and her name is Kim Weston and she'll be then tried to hide his awful deed by rubbing the ashes performing at The HiFi Club on Thursday 20th October Jrom 8pm. If you're into the. shagpile. I'm thinking of ending it all. a fan of the Hifi on a Wednesday (most people are and people who aren't are Suicidal, Burley silly) then you will probably be kicking yourself if you miss this rare opportunity to see one of soul musit's singing sirens. Perhaps more famous on the Nonhem Dearest Suicidal Soul scene. K,m orfgmally started out as an actress but wa~ won over to the Blackyl That name rings a bell. Oh yes, I think music when she met Marvm Gaye in 1963 (useless information: Marvin Gaye was 11 was me who put it In a bag and drowned it In my shot dead by his dad). She had hits with 'Take Me In Your Anns', 'Helpless' and pond. Sorry about that but it really was a nuisance, 'I'm SUH Lovmg You', and will hopefully be belting these out on Thursday. There'i constantly meowing while I was trying to write sensi­ tive replies to people with REAL problems. You weren't also DJ Arthur Dean, famed for his stints at the original home of Northern Soul much better either • Who would call their cat Blacky? 1he Wigan Casino, till 2am. But the thing is, you've got lo dance because if you People could get seriously offended by that you silly don't, you will look like a bozo and you'll probably get chucked out (I don't know woman. I think the best advice I could give to a pathet· for sure bul probably) . We'll be \here. dancing like fools. Tickets are available from www.ticketweb.co.uk and ic example of human life, like you, would be to trust cost £7 with a little bit of a booking fee. Book now ro avoid waiting/crying/shitting yourself with dlsappofntment. your instincts and do what you should have done years This ts an amazing chance to see a true Motown legend. ago; top yourself. Goodbye! xxx.

    Chad, formerly of Dry Dock fame, tries a few prank calls

    Top Five Newsreaders Here are the cream of the crop in bulletin giving babes. 1. Krishnan Guru-Murthy • the Prince of News. There is no-one better. 2. - another Channel 4 diamond. He's sharp. to the point, wears very snazzy ties and he's friends with 'Krlsh'. What more do you want? 3. Moira Stewart - think she's actually retired now, but this woman is the epitome of a fish fingers. mash and peas lea in front of the telly. What a babe. 4. Trevor McDonald - he came to my primary school. He is a brilliant man and he's got lovely hair. 5. Peter Sissons - an old-skool classic.

    3 14.10.05 MAN BOOKER

    ABOUT THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE On Beauty Last Monday night the Man Booker Prize for fiction was announced and the awards ceremony was aired Zadie Smith on BBC 2. Set up in 1968, the Booker Prize was supported by who remained chairman of Booker until 1993. It is one of the most prestigious prizes of the literary world and one of the reasons for Publisher L its pre-eminence is because it is so entirely free of all corruption or bribery. The judging panel is almost entirely autonomous allowing the judges complete freedom to go with whichever novel they feel is most deserving. More than 30 years after its beginning, the Man Booker prize still continues to make its mark. The prize is worth a remarkable £50, 000 for the winner and all those shortlisted get £2, 500 and a leather : bound copy of their own book. The bookies' favourite for the prize had been Julian Barnes with Arthur and ; George but in the end the prize went to John Banville for his novel The Sea. One certainty though is that all shortlisted books will receive a dramatic boost in sales and both the authors and publishers will gain worldwide recognition. We've reviewed all six shortlisted books so read on to see what we thought of them and whether or not you agree with us.

    To find out more, visit www.manbookerprize.com : s he's done 1t again. The highly acclaimence 1989) • well begrn with Helen's letters to her sister· Ghosts (1993) : On Beauty m tum provides us wrth the m_ore Athena (19951 • contemporary. but nonethless emufauve, The Ark (1996i : beginning, • One may as well begin with !he Untouchable (1997) • Je,ome's emails to his father· Clever stuff Eclipse (1000) ! This novel covers a great deal of ground Shroud (1001) : and acturately depicts the various asperu of Prague Pictures Ponrait of a City (2003) • lam1ly life. Ji does. however. aeate a rather The Sea (20051 : negauve impression ol marriage as well as • alarmingly demonstraltng the resultS o.f llvrng ; and playing dangerously and of mergrng tht> OTHEl!.AWAROS : political and the personal • The characters .are portrayed wnh an hon· Birchwood : esty and realism and Smith illustrates subt/ey Al/led Irish Banks Pnz. 1973 • beautifully that not one of us is without faulL Arts Counal Macaway Fellowship 197 3 ! Her clever imagery and thoughtful humour cafl • at hmes be cast mto shadow by an over-com· Dr. Copemirus : plex language and some abstract ideas. I_ fe{t A.me11cao Ireland Fund Lnerary Award 1975 : th,s to ~ an unfonunate dttempt on Smith's James Tan Black Memonal Prize 1976 • pan 10 highhght the academic emmence of the : mmds of her characters. Kepler • The nary of On Beauty was not instantly Guardian Action Pnlf: l 98 t ! loveable or attractive. but it ts Smith's langUtd : depiction of the characters that you warm to The Boo! of fvrdence • and !hat eventually make this novel a page· Booker Pnze for Fiction (shortlist) 1989 : turner Gu1nnr.s\ Peat Av1at1on Book Award 1989 . ; 8/ 10 Llnnan Lltetay Award 1997 Ji .: Kat,eSm1th CMRUUOOffl "lwanls ans me11rv 1111 llatlDes 01 medloc­ lltV". Id Pl lhinklohn BanvlUe would aaree PRIZE 2005 w1m tllat Charles IVes.

    Never Let Me Go Arthur and George A Long, Long Way The Accidental Kazuo lshiguro Julian Barnes Sebastian Barry Ali Smith

    Faber & Faber Cl 6.99 Jonathan Cape Cl 7 99 Faber and Faber C12.99 Hamish Hamilton C16.99

    here must be some1hing about Kazuo rrhur and George deseives absolutely to Long. Long Way deserves to have been o paraphrase some famous person or othe,, I lshiguro that appeals to the Booker Prize have been shon-hsted for the Man Booker nominated for the Man Booker Pnze. It is a had only two problems with this book; the style Tjudges- Ho was short listed for the Booker APrize. Bame' narrative Is energetic,. his pro­ Apage turner but. parado1t1tally not a truly Tand the content. This novel Is very self-con· Prize m 1986, he won it three year; later in tagonists en9ros.slng. his descnpuons 111vid and his captivating read. Barry writes vividly. and his scoously htera,y, full of stylistic idiosyncrasies which 1989 and now he is at it again with his larest variety of sryte ensures he never los~ ow Interest desu1ptions of how the countryside has been I'm sure weu.• supposed to be fascinatingly concep­ offering Never Let Me Go. Based on an early twenueth century gross mis­ uanslorrned into desolate landscapes through the tual and symboHc, but unfortunately, as the underly The story takes an interesting look at a carnage of justice. Arthur and George follows ra11ages of warfare are really poignant. but only at ing story lacks any real substance. the only effect is world where humans are reared wuh the sole qu,et. unassuming sohcitor George E.dalji and the limes. Barry is not the first writer to have been to make the reading experience tedious at best. pur~e, of be'"g used as organ donors_ In a famous novehst Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. best insp,red by the Great War and he probably won't The basoc plot of the book is as follow~ While a world where science is always makmg new dis· known as the creator of the detecll\!e Sherlock be the last but he does succeed in conveying his family 1s on holiday m Norfolk, a woman turns up on

    covtries, donmg people purely for organs is not 0 5 own take on its events. A Lon91 long Way dis the1r doorstep, and by taking advantage of th•ir an entirely unrealistic idea The story. then, does :~m:SPa~:r1:1~!t!:~s :~ ~~~~ 1~ ~o~ cusses the First World War with a fresh perspec­ repres~ed British bourgeois social et1quette.. mvites make you think of what life would be like for Staffordshire village. Their family, Including a tive. looking at the phght of Irishmen fighting an herself into their H11es. Over the course of the follow· such people whose fate has already been so younger brother and a sheltered. ln11alid siS1er, is Enghsh war In domg so, Barry unveils a justlfic.a­ mg weeks. this strange, ends up becoming some clearly and cruelly marked out. lsh1guro's book self contained. pious and SO(lally awkward. tion for the glorification of lnsh deserters, explor­ kmd of guardian angel to each family member, chal· also subtly highlights inherent human selfuh­ George becom6 the sobJea of an anonymous mg the mynad of circumstances that contributed leng1ng their ideology and ell"posmg the inherent nPss. su1ee people are happy to have these living hate campaign and " subsequently wrongfully to the sold1e1s' disillusionment contradictions m their ideals and values. donors around Just as long as they can save accused of and tried for sad1st1cally mutilating On the surface 1t is a story about a private sol­ She ultimately leads them to some kmd of theu own friends and family. livestock and sending death threats to police offi· dier. thrown into sm,ster waters. ne11er really redemption (after the mother eventually tires of all Kathy H. the story's narrator. tells the !ale of cers. a cnme he could not possibly have comm1ted learning how to w.i1m. It 1s more complex than the soul·search1ng 41nd sends the mystery woman what It ~ like for the residents of Hallsham (a on account of his soffering from acute myopia. 1ha1. however; 1t is the history of a nation con­ packmgl, by stealing all of their worldly possessoons, place set aside for the fu1u,e donors to grow Arthur. in contrast. grew up In Edinburgh, was densed mto 1he story of one man. What makes doorknobs included. So far, so diche, bu! what about up). Kathy is telling her story aged thirty-one at ,;ent to a prestigious private boy's school and stud­ this book stand out 1s the way 1n which 11 focuses that crazy style, I hear you ask. Well, 111,tly. the book a ume when she is about to complete her own iPd medicine Jt university II 1s in his unsuccessful on a na1ion ~o often 011erlooked m pnpufar hlsto· is dlv1d£'d into three SN.ttons, utled The begmnmg, journey as a donor. At Hal1sham. the students praetice as an eye doctor where he in11ents ry Predictably, 11 ts a heavy read. It addresses the The middl,. and (wait for it) The end(hut then what arl' Q1ven as nonnal an upbringing as possible Sherlock Holmes. the fictional creation who will highly complicated pohuc.al. emouonal an.d psy else would you e.xpect from lhP. previous author of a before they begin their 1ourney towards becom­ e\lentually lrad to his involvement with Goerg~. chologocal battles that the Irish fought with the book udll"d Other scofles and other Jtofles?). mg donors. While Haltsham appears idyllic. Hts hfe ts also touched with its tragedies and dis· English, resulting m a uag1c stalemate situatJOn Given this structure, you m1gh1 expect the book there 1s always a sense of ~meth1n9 da~ m the appomtments· aTl active and energetic man, he Though the piety of the mam character, Willie to addre!.S thP na1t1re of storytelltng. a popular but baclground. Those teachers who do try to tell falls in love wnh another woman after his con Dunne. Is often vety difftcult to comprehend (or usually enlighte11tng theme in modem hteru1ure. but the students the truth are quickly removed from sumpllve wife ls confined to her room for a beheveJ, h,s moral itruggles make you feel we11d the clostist it get'i are a couple of pseudo epistemo­ the school m ensure that the, students remain decade. Consequently, he is burdened with an ly nos.talg1c for the da~ when fidehty, honour and logteat dillies remin1s ..ent of a S yea, old uskmg an blisstolly unaware of just how theu hves are st!t internal conflict between his innate sense of hon­ courage were the defining c.harJcter5 of a man. It unending '>equence of ·wny7• questions. While the to end Kathy understands that she will never our, his desire. hts reputation and s.ocja\ position i'> quite refreshing for these trai~ to be lauded m idea of begrnnmg,; and endin~ ,s explored. 11 is with have a normal life with a husband and kids, and a tension bet'Net'n his affectionate love for his a world where superficiality seems to take centre a similar degree of tltmsmess. Sadly. this 1s JUSt one which makes 1t all the more heart·wrenching wrfe and hrs passion for the woman who he loves stage example of style wmning over substance (or i,J lack What is really 1mpress1ve ts how lshiguro 100 much to make his mistress.. The story can get a b,t long-winded. with Barry thereoO. the other most notable t~mple bemg how ensures his characters maintam a certain mys· It 15 not unul relauvely near the end of the pausing the narrative every few paragraphs to • each thapter ,s wnnen from the perspective of ooe t1que at/owing thf> story to surprise you right up nov~ that George and Arthur meet or e\fen drone on and on about the landscape and one • of the character\. This technique l\ not uncommon until ns conclusion. There is Madame. a shad· become connected so 1he book fascinates does leel highly tempted to skip those pages. But : and tould work to brilliant psycolog1cal effect, bu1 owy figure who appears at various intervals throughout in anticipation of how and why these the romant-iC1sed landscapes die an important : here, 1ns1ead of g1vmg us a deeper 1ns•9ht into the throughout the story and Kathy hersell who t\'10 enurely different men. leading entirely differ· pan or the book. de)pne my bt1 mg almost at the • charactei we are JU~t leh anno~-ed at how bad they seems to ha11e more depth to her than first ent hves, will meet. end of my tether before I realised this fact. With : a,e at wnting! Th(\ ~tyll? wa') dimat.ting at times meets the eye. The, story of them involvement and strange type hindsight. the story wouldn·t have had the same • causing you to dwert yoUI attention away from the The story Is beautifully written with charac~ of fnendshlp 1s a true one, given a new immedia­ effect If Barry had neglected to pl•ce a marked ' story itself. ter!t so strong you could almost swear they real- cy by Bames. It ts courtroom drama, romance. emphasis on the surroundmg landscape. I would Th1s ls not a book you could just read a~ a story; ly do exist. II is one of thO!te_ book_s I know I domestic ponralt and detectivl" story. It offers recommend thi\ novel. bu! I wouldn·t rt>Commend ,t forces you to contemplu1e 11.S clevemt>SS and could get more out of if I read 1t again lshiguro both tragedy and consolation. rendered all the ,eadmg 1t all in one go; frankly you would be aspires 10 be not merely a book-4 btJt literature. Being 1s a master storyteller able to take on the vol(e more poignant by 115 tru1h It is flwd and gentle to comatos€ with t.he tedium It 1s bf!st taken in reg­ • somfthing of a rank outsider, Smith undoubledly did of his characters w,th confidence and style. At read, de.spite touching on concepts such as race ular doses, which would complement lhe na(ra- • well to gel mto tht> shortflsl However, m trying so times I felt as if the wo,ld ish,guro had created • p!P.JUdice, dass morality, nauonal identity. religion 11ve pace of 1he boo... Barry's literary style 1nv1tes : hard to seem intelligent. Smith mks la1hng rn ach1ev was some kind of premomhon of the future-- a and spunualism. The character5 are wrrnen in you to take your time whtn rNdmg the !.t~ry. , ing tlnsgoal TheAcodenral. satyl1st1c gimmicks and pop something special and from reading this novel Grorge cannot fa,1 to engage and dt'light raMg fffhng of accomplishment will pro\fe 10 you • sociology ,1nd de1101d of anylhttlg i1'1Sfghtful or worth· it's clear to see tha1 he has.. that it was well worth lhe effort. • while.

    8/10 9110 8/10 3110 Fr~dlP Huntley JahouNyan (hr,s T.dd 14.10.05 Interview with WYP director

    What is the play about, and what working on the seemingly most mundane, kinds of concerns does it raise? domestic utterance. It's a young women's play in many ways. I found we had a lot of freedom to work about the experience of becoming. an on the design Our basic challenge was to adult and the re-ah.sa11on of what 11 effectively evoke the passing of time and means to be a mother. I'm a similar .=sge different era~ while having simple stage to that Charlotte (Keatley, the playwright! design. We did this by identifying a major was when she wrote this play, and arn symbolic or appropriately atmospheric fascinated by the significance of commg backdrop for each act. One Is against a to an age when you might considl:!r to scenery depicting grass, for example have children yourself, and the impact that has on your relationship with your Are there any awkward or embar­ mother. rassing moments between mothers My Mother covers a history of four gener· and daughters that will ring true ations of women from speofic back· with the current generations? grounds which are also temporarfly spe· There are problems of communicating cific One woman in the play grew up across the generations... Two of the older during the war, one during the depres· women find that they have no language sion, one 1s the product of the sixt1es. and in which to discuss sex, fo, example One the temporal differences are explored woman is telling her mother she can't The play shows the impact of genera­ understand why her husband left her as tional choices very well, but ii also has a they were always very • hap pf - mean­ certain umversahty It shows how the bal rng they had a good sex life. At one point ance of power shifts as daughters grow the youngest daughter embarrasses her

    up and deals with intense primal bonds mother by saying oh1 you're so sexually leading to feelings of duty and responsi­ repressed, challenging her and pushing bility As mothers grow older, daughter her out of her generational comfort zone. take over their role of responsibility The play asks where do the,e powerful feel­ What's in it for the boys? ings come from. and are they the same The male characters are really important for everyone' - they're off stage but are vividly repre­ sented by what the female characters say. Did you find it difficult to render Plu, It's a really funny play - It's ultr­ your own interpretation of the mately a comedy. Fundamentally the play script? will interest anyone who has or has had a No, because it's very easy for you to bring mother or mother figure, which is pretty your own assumptions to the scenes. much everyone People who come to see the play wlll find Showing until 29th October at WYP.how­ that too. The thing is, the language in the ing at the West Yorkshire Playhouse until script ,s very everyday, and yet its sim­ 29th October . plicity allows multiple layers of interpre­ tation. We have. spent an hour or more

    bronze cannon surrounded by a host of both r------• large and small statues, induding multiple his­ torical and mythical starues.. The room has a Bronze sense of the powerful, p really impreuive, the ha5ts, way to spend your Sunday However, the small vanety ol l•mps. alone w,11 tick!~ youi runny evenmgs than chuckling Al Murray, The Pub incense bume" and be/~ did not quite lulhl bone All this makt>s for a away at this legendary club 1 Landlord... and Another the intrigue raised in read1ng th~ room'<:. fiVPI well spt>ntl Perchance you can, but to, d Thing 0 1 thought pr0110k1ng commentaiy. furthennore. cti::c!~~ n~~~l~ ~;~ha t~~cat 11th December, 7 30pm the hm1ted popula11ty first room offer, a great sense of hotory Bells Ve~. one of Leeds' top n1gh1- Don't go 11 you're sermusly dated back from 1450, made in , nouscoun- I Hmvl's Movmg G!slleat Hyde Park ~~,e .._tubs also doubles up .as a Playhouse insecure, .u Al's quick fire tnes around the wo,ld, certainly highlight the House 14th-21st Oaobec Bildrre and bril· tab venue for top class To take lull advantage ol inlt-raction with the audi· i=n~~!!rize as a practJC,11 and I hant ~ Ghibli animation from Miyazak~ standup ~nu~ rnay le,m· you urepara­ WYP's comic lme.-up, make bly damaged Thankfully, Room lwo "Power and I the acclaimed drrecwr of Sp,rill!d AW,ed ofl w11h following standup events. Morahty' manages to redeem Room One's Mori/tor and Short GraJJC5 at Brudeneil I frpp ('ntrv to the following limited efforts. On ernc1ir1g the room, a I Social Oub 14th oaoberat 7-30pm:A club nrght Come.dy Winterfest plethora of bronze sra1ues. SJ)dnnmg an over vibram and diverse shOVolCaSe of foe.al talent I whelmrng range ol two millennia makes an I from live mu;1c and short film to perform· lm~on. Cootral to the room is a large ance art • ~ wwwJeedsstudeWl~------~ ------"------....- Serenity CAST: Nathan Fillion. Gina Torres Alan from the dead ,~ that grand tag wonh routing for The tact that that you wo n't ca,e, and In 1 I Resurrection Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Adam Baldwin I generally a Hollywood rari preny close they ar• technrcally the bad guys Ntn~an Fillion Morena Baccarm CERT: ty. but this 140m scr-fi We are hauled across the galaxy arso adds a layer of moral com· and Chrwelel Ejrofor, there are 15 ·• Joss "~-"on I wannabe-eplC has chmbed lri· by Capta,n Mal Reynolds ifillion) ple;c ;ty and intrigue ce1tainly some hug~ stars in the DIREaoR "'""' I umphantfy out of the grave of a and his bunch of renegades, as. Unfortunately this 1s no1 qu1le, making 5CREENWRmrt Joss Whedon cancelled Fo, show Firefly. The they protect troubled teen, River enough to make you escape from So head to the rnultlplex with PLOT: Captain Malcolm Reynolds and the oew of I fact that lan ,power. and oeator Tam (Glau), lrom the ev,I Alliance the feeling that you Me watc.hing modest aspirations dnd you will the Serenity are getting desperate as they are Joss Whedon have fashioned c1 and unravel a disturbing conspir an extended TV show, and !hal find a movie that wrll bring you forced to run and hide from ihe Alliance who want I movie that's being dubbed "The acy with universal impllcations. most or these actol'!i probably an Inner peace lhroughou.t. I fellow crew member River, and will stop at nothing New Star Wars" 1s genuinely So far, so humdrum, bot the k•y b long on screens that measure Serenity, then; and thankfully nol I to get her. Spin -off of cult TV da1s1c firefly 11nconceivable. Unfo~tunately here ,s that the crew of Serenny 4'l Hopefully though, you II a single ahen in slghtl Alex Sm,th la ___ - - ______.I Serenity doesn·t quite hve up to have chemistry, charisma, and are probably be having so much lun l7J JOSS WHEDON Q and A a major movie • would you say you recently been able to bring shows Plucky young re.porter Alex Smith takes a believe in fate'? back from the dead? trip to Soho to catch up with Serenity JW: No, I don't subscribe 10 fatalism In JWThe studios are disgusting. and It's get writer/director and Hollywood player, Jos.s those instances it's kind of like losing a ting worse I would say that m 1en years Whedon, who 1s also the creator of Buffy, child and then having another. But it obv1· they'll be only three companies in and about to direct the upcoming Wonder ously helped that Universal were willing to Hollywood/ The fan thing rs amazing Woman movie. step up with the rent money! though, and the internet plays_ a big part 1n AS :How do you feel about the critical it. There Is more of a community splrh AS:He.Y Joss! response that Serenity has received? about fans and they are organised and pas· JW:H il Can I JUSl ask that you leave any JW:l thmk I create stones for everyone. but J sionate. I do think what has happened wilh questions about Wonder Woman un til the do get surprised when people like them . I Serenity, though, is unprecedented end? only really star1ed to develop cruical ludge· AS :Would you have been happy for AS:No problemo! For Serenity was ment after I sat througtt "Bad Boys II someone else to have directed there any pressure from the studio to AS :I hear that you were greally lnflu­ 5ereolty7 recast some of the leads and to get enced by Westerns and the Civil War. JW If that's what Universal had asked I big names'? JW:'feah, n's true that when creating Fnefly would have set the scnpt alight right 1here JW: Not really. They never sa id we needed I was influenced by those periods. I read a in the hallway. Tom Cruise although I th rn k he was lob­ great book called The Killer Angels, about AS:Finally, have you cast Wonder bying for ill They accepted that we needed the Battle of Gettysburg, and that got me Woman ye t, because I meet this girl 10 keep the original Fi refly m t lhinking about certain lhfngs that could be at Leeds Met last week th at I lhink AS :You've turned Buffy from a failed mcorporated into a show. would be perfect! movie into a hit TV show, and now AS:How do you feel about movie stu· !Unfortunately at this pornt JMs has already you've turned a cancelled show into dios, and the fact that fans have left! Alex Smith

    14.10.05 + Great Music, Crap Venue. Clara Spencer­ Phillips' verdict on the X-Ecutioners visit to TUNNEL VISION Leeds last Saturday

    Have you ever fallen down a tunnel and found you~elf in a placE- which is very beautiful, and yet the perfection of the plac.e doesn't manage to permeate you, p~yche and bung you any pll'd'Jure al all 7 No, me neuher. but something s1mtlar. Anyway 1hars beside the point. Wednesday night saw toe incredibly ialented X·Ecut1oners come all the way rrom New York, bringmg some rare U.S. flavour to our very own shire nfYork. The Leeds University brea~ were spinning from the beginning, benchng and slashing d1'ough tlie an my peoonal favounlt' was the dude w,tl, the pulled up stnpy \OCks and the pl~1,c spoon in his mouth {Qu01') OJ Timber was saturatmg the crowd w11h some funky, energetic beats from Pete Rock and CL Smootli, JS, James Brown, Enc B and Rakim and Guru, and except for occasion· ally mixing in the records at different level,; his set was generally upfifting, this was backed up by the female bouncer JU.st in front of us. who w•s shaking her behind hke she had a thor oughly diHerent night Job. His last tune before Foz came on was the UK hip hop anthem, 'Rotton' always a sure thmg to redeem a mod· erate set. Now I am a bit biased because I tliink he rs a remarkable tlirng but Foz. snll so modest despite his exceptional ialen~ was once again blasting out his best mouth-made skrlls with a short but sweet set which rnduded ,ome dasS1a and a couple of D&B Uacks fol lowed by tM crowd please,, 'Wrtness'. Now, about the host, rf anyooe lnows anythrng about htS exaci purpose on the stage. pie.Ke do let me kncM h·s random 1nteqK"tions of boo yeah' and 'oooooh' whrch I guess were meant to be- the glue of the varying elements dui,ng the nrght Just >eemed ro!dundant and slight y mc1nge ~:at to mennon hi5 f;umer flat peak. and wonky suit It was alfl\01 ontt c1 m when the X Ecut1ol'lf.'1S c,.11ne on und the crowd had dim1n1!.hed curis1d in.ably The bas.~ wa.-; turned up way too h19h or someortr hdd possibly lorgouen to take some of t'1e Val\'\' bass brns lrom last week, all I tould th.nk sibout for the rif"\t couple of min utt5 was why my leeUl were thdttenng logelher so f lh• end Roe Raid« played h~ mfa- hard. The mam obstruction to the night thriving 8.g L and Nas amongst others but then he they were mt>t with too much scrc1tch,ng and 110us 'Ninja Routine', which he won the DMC"s w•s that they nevt'! let tunes play tlirough so m1xl'd for dose to ten minutes df1d there was hghtenmg finger action, which after two min with m London years ago. After this his set as !he aowd attempted to mamtam their an unde-n,able lull in the crowd who remained Ules of being amazed ~mply left the atmo<· picked up and he tuned into the aowd and rhythm and got stuck rnto tlie ruts rt stopped Slouc unul he gave them what they wanted to phere Hal their requesli, playrng Simon says. ODB and and Just became disapporntmg. The lights came get up and rowdy to, namely 'Gang Starr' and Roe Raider did nevertheless stand up to his Dead Prez It was also amusing to .see the B· on early, at two am, and Beatmaster 8111 didn't some more energetic tune\. The set up was the, aed,•ntial~ wnh some outstanding skills and Boy OJ Timber kicking 1t on the upper dance have a chance to play his set. which was dtS­ most 1mpress1ve element. six decks and three the St>t he played was rem1n1scent of an ea,ty floor They flrpped tl,e set towards tlie end and appo,nting. Th• night was moderate but in a Apple power books. tedi:I Precision proved his mnelles sound. h,s liming is impeccable, with th,> hrp hop pioneer, scratJ:hed over tlie lop of soulless venue with too much scratching n left wonh, as the newest member of the O<'W, they his scratching wizardry, he tumed around. 'We will rock you' 'I love rock dnd roll' and a blank feehng !hat m a 1maller venue would allt'mated wrth thetr ms. he played Snoop and m"ed It behind h" back and iw.aked u,, some Red Ho, Chili Pepper~ whim hankly dtd· not have been an issue. r- Can live Drum and Bass work? Caspar Nixon checked out Hospital's London Elektricity at Stylus last Thursday...

    A we,k on from their las1 O'n'B triumph showc.ase of modem O'n'B talent. Having tunes from High ContrdSI and A.I in and the Legend'.> of the Dark Black. have seen thPm at the Tuesday club m Sheffield between sets London Elektricil)'. however j brought us yet another amazing night The on the 20th of September 1t was impossible were absolutely brilhant dropping some the renowned London Elektncity rocked to feel the full effects of then 1alen1 due to massive tunes horn their album -;uch a.s 1 Stylus bar on lhursday night Fast becom the sheer numbers of people crammed into 'Power Ballad', 'Wi ll to love· and mg one of the best known D'n'B c.olle<.11ves tht venue And although Stylus was packed 'Remember the Future·. They also banged about. London Elektnc,ty are shaping the 1 was able to get ~pace to rave and enJoy out some tunes fro m their debut album o·n·e scene .a!'. 1t 1s About hair way thP night without sweating like a pig! I 'Billion S Gravy' such as 'Spread Love' through !heir new album tour. which by the Stassa Monkee, who I had not seen before, (Lenny Fontana Eds) which I can't get out way is ubsolutely amazing and a must buy got 1he crowd warmed up with some cool of my headl I lo, c1ny bc1!-ts lover. London Elektriclty beats and good tunes. I also tlllnk their The Jungle dru rn me, never ceases to amaze looked as fre:r;h and ~ good as ever. ~~;;~ner need.-, a fTH'nlion as he was pretty me with his brilliant dwmmmg Tlw, evE!nt not just your averagP technical was fo, sk ills and with amazing \locals from MC o·n·e head but ,lttracted a mixed crowd of lhe eve, popular vettran Ruckspin Wrec and Liane Ca rroll, the night was defi· -----~ .,..,..,-.,iiir.,..,~...i~.J"IIP'.._r"I• peoplt> all willing to fork out for lhls live llt!ed~ a ml!ntion !or playing some btg nitely one to remember. ---,14.;.cp DOWN BUT NOT OUT

    rowmg frantically (a mmor of the room. later In the evening!?) Th,s mam room with its 70k sound system was a remarkable venue and I hope that THE WEEK there will be as many successful nights there this year to come. I can'! say enough about their Idea to buy dn evPn newer, more improved fierce sound system. !he venue will soon be hard to compete IN BEATS against. The laser shows skirting the room over looked the multiplying numbers as the room expanded while the night continued, showcasing the likes of Blame, Rubin and Bailey who kicked off his set Wtth a huge Mtlll•a tune. alongside the mulll·talented Million Dan lettmg loose on the vocals. Bailey was lucky enough to see Orifice Vulgdtron from the Foreign Beggars take to 1he mic and 5p1t some 'iweet vocal\ over his wickedly agreeable o;et, one boy can rhyme there 1s no deny ing 11. the 01her can certainly play some excellent rccord5 Oownsta1r\ m the oxy91m-less hip hop room the ten foot !ipeakers were exuding some sick WIIII TecllilPn DI Bui 1111 tunes 'tpun by OJ NonamP'i, o;uch as Vad1m and the like. (Don't miss Vad1m, he is at the Wardrobe on ~ 20th Ocl) Foreign Beggars came on towards one ummer 1s qwet m Leeds student land. o'clock and played a wkked set, as usual. which which 1,s a bit bormg, but rt .does meao basic.ally set the already sizzling room on lire. Skitz S that you can, a) yet sen,ed 1n tl1e Hyde was also playing o;ome scorching tunes however Park wa19ht ifWay, bJnot have a billioo Oyeis in the majority of lhe crowd had dispe"•d to the out­ \'Ol• pockets/face, and c) live normally for a bn. side courtymd and the other rooms by thal late Nonethell'SS. thrre mooths ~ plenty and those hour )k1nnyman was there as well, bemg as tern· bi Ihon flyers at least bear teslilment to a billion pestuous as he always is. All m all the breaks room tl11ngs ynu COtJld do wtth your nrghttrmes rt held my attention for the r~t of the evening, I gomg to dubs IS your thing If you're In Leeds swapping minimal breaks with chunky. old school and on thlS page. 11 prnbably .._ br\!'akbeat, all beneath the slowly cuchng disco Having said that. we·re glad ln!shors' ,._ ball Being the smallest and with superior venula­ rs out of the way Frvdnrrdn,d new nights and uon to lhe hip hop room the atmo'iphere was rag­ 10,000 frrst ye..- for the oty's venlll'!, to fight ing when lls played h1'i set. up against all tests Dffl hopelully by now they've all deoded that could have come along as the mnier had died \\i>ether Uiey'll be • Headrngley harm,~ a and later m the evening the decks decided to give Gatecrasher krd or an Acid Tecnno aus1ie. and up .tll hope too dnd the final DJs played then set,;: we can ,1!1 get on w1tl1 having a good mght on CD's. Whoever you were with and wherever you OU1 were throughout the evening 1t couldn't have been No!ltie

    1 bet of topnotdi underground nights tins year, ~ it d~n·t mdltef whl"re you are, or when I you Wdnt to party, it's .tlw

    ()t'um MaJOf prt>"SE>nts the phenomenal A!ice RU5sell at The nea,ty twenty pi:-ople, all of which were fighting for atr·hme :1n0111111aJl11 ...... : Wardrobe on the 14th October Togethe< with TM Juk~ u,,. Tru (and drunk) Aha, Russ,!! ha, the kind of ia1en1 that w JI do Just ,.... cmra.-.-...... Thoughts duo •s goar an teed 10 be the making of the most awe­ thll lllllilltllll I some night. Ac.companied by her seven piece 1,ve band. she will be per Ahce Rus'>ell h~ the voice of a new-age angel s1ng1ng formmg matenal from hff gll!'atJy anticipated new Jlbum Even ...... ICM!- T...... song'i. which are ,emm~cent of older llm~ over beats, wh,ch ff you are-n't famihar w,th her m~k you will be uansh:"'d. sen ously if you c.1n help tt. don't miss thl!i one. or jf you don't want l ...... lllln:lllr.allllll QIIUllfln'*I are enormously progressive and funky I remembef the litst ume , ...... lllllal. I 1saw India Arie smging on Jools. Holland. her presence and to ,;pend the EB on the night then buy her album, II might j1Jst um ue v0<.al skills silenced our entire room. which com,1stt'd ot become a soundtrack to your life, as it was to my summer ~------4 4 14.10.05 ~ + Mr

    n preparation of hb Sunday night slot .al the cockpit Joseph Arthur tell, Sam Kershaw why he thinks Pele Oohetty ,; like pornography and how he has big ideas for IThe Suokes Touring. love it or loathe it1 I love 10 tour. touring almost become.'> a wily at hfe It can b!'l really exhousting cause you've Just got to keep going and going and 1t can make you feel down. hut lhe main thutg II that I get ro play mus,c 10 people What do you think of the current musical di mate and the 1new wave' move· ment such bands as the Killers? I'm not really one way or another about 1, bl'CallSe your so busy espwally when your on the road you almost feel removed from 1t Any blueprints/influences up on the new album? Nothing specifically. When you fu,;t start out wining 1eco1ds yOu kind of take off people a lot mow but once you have done that for a whlle you assimilate your own sound and lhen just crea1e-wha1 comes naturally Anything you miss back home whilst your on lhe road? Back home I lll


    i A1221 GRAND a a, The Rakes > Club NME @ ·-...I Warehouse, J l 5th October

    Even 1fll,e Rakes sport­ ed assymetnt ha1rcut'S. wore capes and had 2005 tattooed on !~"i,;:Srei~no~!~ ~f..o~ :: their Wlre--influenced. new wave. mm· imalisc sound that makes U,em so cur· rent but their subject maner. By tackling the inne, city, live-for­ the-weekend, b;nge dnnkmg l;festyle that so nles Daily Md1/ readers they have pushed themselves to the pinna­ cle of relevance. It 1s bands such as The Rakes and the far less credible but no· less lmponan~ Hard-Fi, who will be remembered in ten years time When artists {of all dis,:ipllnes) manage to capture the social or political mood in thei, work they usually become greaL ow· thaL However. when The Rakes' do It every friday night at the 1nd1• 'Strasbourg' and it's 'Up the Bracket'· The toplCS The Rakes oover do not Alan Donohoe sings 'Walk home, disco style Intro is g1eeted wtlh hysteria and necess.anly have the Importance of wme donm, retreat to sleep, wake up. Despite an unnecessary encore the fever rarely let's up for the rest of the issues that the origmal punk scene go out dgain. 1epeat", on 'Reueat', charade The Rakes are on top form the set even during Alan's ramblings. fed off but music that commentates everyone inside 1he Warroouse know. 1omght. Man Swlnnerton throws out It 1~ hoWever. Work Work Work (Pub, on the social d1mate rs always far exactly how he feels. Just like when angular guitar lines like they're going Club, Sleep)' and '22 Grand Job' that more signrficant than some epic love during 1he Joy O,vi~on-esque We Are out of fashion, lasse Petersen is both steal Ille show The crowd treat them songs by . Let's be hones~ All Animals', Donohoe dances like maniacal and mechanical behind the like the disillusioned anthems 1hey are most people who listen 10 Chris someone who's drunk and dorng a drums and Donohoe smgs ~er the s1arting to become History m the Martin haven't got a clue what he's terrible 1mpress1on of Ian Cunts_ every· top of it all. thnvmg on the venue's making. 9/1 D on about with ·foe you· this and •yel- one inside the wa,ehouse knows Intimacy. Rich Cnsp exactly how that feels because they Second song of the mght cu The LAL > Magic E Warm Belly Numbers :::::, Bigh Power ·-...I (Public Transit) Th e Refec, ..c 4th October Bored of Canada

    Sixties mfluenced siblings - Sometimes. 1t all ~eems a bit too easy LAL are lmng soulful hJrmony pop to Leed completely 1ndistlnguishable from each Belle and 'iebastlan und,.rtCIOl' which 1\ that ~rouma1ic ,t 1s almost therapeutic other. except for the fact that summer 1s a btt longer. The Magic Number~ have an unerring ability to make the audience i~~; happy ?nd sad Sa yeah, it's il ch1llout album tht'n. Nat qurte ~ure dbout at the samt> um g,eatn~, i~ but ct for mah 11, 8/10 the whole 'Canadfan' thing, bu! never mmd eh. 4110 ~am Ke,shaw WIiiiam 8. Swygarr M.10.05

    + '' ••• words will neuer hurt me ... '' By Eliot Hughes

    Poetry has always been the property of those who love it. Sadly, for too long, this love come from? Artists such as Simon Armitage, Tony Harrison and Carol Ann Duffy attempt has only been exhibited by middle-aged wannabe poets. pretentious students and peo­ to rescue poetry with their honest. contemporary and wonderful verse - but this is not ple who can remember when all poetry used to rhyme. Carrying a tome of the complete enough. Young people need entertainment. They need genuine inspiration. They need works of Gerard Manley Hopkins under one's arm has certainly never been considered energy. Most importantly, young people need examples set to t hem by people who 'cool' by hose who decide what that word means. Well guess what kids? British Poetry don't look, act and talk like their parents. Enter: 'Slam Poetry' Just got a makeover 'Slam Poetry' was supposedly 'created' by Marc Kelly Smith at the Green Tavern in Fathered. some would argue, by Allen Ginsberg and his controversial piece 'Howl', Chicago in t 987 It is fast-paced, provocative and energy fuelled poetry, performed by 'Performance Poetry' has been gr~wing in America sinc_e the early sixties. The term artists of all ages; but who are fflled with youthful vigour. From this phenomenon grew 'Stand Up Poetry' was coined by Californian poetry enthusiasts Locklin and Stetler and is poetry competitions, or 'Slams', wherein various poets lexically battle each other for a posslbly the best descnpt(on _of the art form. A poet,_ a microphone and an audience. panel of j udges t o determine. The first televised Poetry Slam aired on BBO last year Comedy, politics, personalrty 1s compounded in smoky little bars more normally asso~1at­ and featured such names as Luke Wright and Chloe Poems ed with bad Jazz bands or worse comedians. The point of being a St and-Up Poet 1s to It seems that we are catching on. Organsations such as Apples and Snakes have taken entertain people who crave entertainment whil~ also airing your attitudes, politics or contemporary poetry by the horns in the UK. Performance poetry, open-mic nights and just to share your particular brand of humour with the public. This unreserved, blatant poetry slams are popping up all over the place. Poetry 'Collectives' such as 'Aisle 16', overconfidence is certainly familiar to our American cousins. But surely the UK is not 'The Suicide Kings' and 'The Urbanian Quarter' are arriving on the scene at fast pace ready for such modernity? Surely poetry belongs ,n stuffy seminar rooms or dusty vol­ These young, independent aficionados are doing for the British poetry scene what umes? A vast and still-growing multitude would beg to differ. artists such as Benjamin Zephaniah and John Cooper-darke have been t.rying to do for Since. GCSE years, the youth of Britain have been taug~t to respect the reverence of years; and by the latter's own admission, he will no longer perform with the likes of poetry 1n t he form of a non·changing anthology. Sadly, 111-informe~ associations with Aisle 16 because "they make me look like a c*,.t". Yes indeed, the only thing preten· poetry have already manifest themselves by this point. Poetry 1s bonng just as r~ading tious about the love of 1T10dern poetry is the reopfe who attempt to maintain it as Shakespeare is ,rrelevant to the people of 2005. Who knows where these assoctations elite Poetry has a new voice. .and it seem~ as i people are starting to listen.

    + Chloe is a transvestite, socialist, homosexual Published poet Michelle Scally-Clarke has Andy Craven-Griffiths has been performance poet. Her published volume of been a regular to the Leeds spoken word described as • an infinite length of string poetry 'Adult Entertainment' fuses her pithy, scene for sever al years. Her consistently pas­ with one end tied to a boomerang". In spoof-like attitude with very serious and accu­ sionate performances are complimented fact he s a 21 year poet originally hailing satory political questions. Chloe's gingham­ excellently by her bubbly, ever-cheery and from Leicester. He worked as resident donned visage ought not to fool you; her cheeky personality. Her work deals with artist at Regent College, Leicester, poetry forcefully states that we are all internal conflicts, past life incidents and the before coming to Leeds University to accountable for our apathy. In her own words: nuclear family and extends to very general, study English and Philosophy. Andy has "Most drag queens are quite happy to lam­ universal and inclusive spheres. Friend, fan been performing poetry about 2 years poon women, make racist jokes and be really and co-wordologist Benjamin Zephaniah ago after his brother and fellow poet really crap. So the whole ethos was to create says of Michelle that "her Intelligence, her said he was ·alright' at it. He is the cur something new with the tired old gay manu­ verbal agility and her passion means that rent Poetry Festival and factured drag thing and to inject a real politi­ poetry is alive once more" Certainly, anyone Slam champion and per­ cal thrust into it.•· Her performance, laden who witnesses a performance by this out formed his winning poem live on The with such pieces as "The Queen Sucks Nazi standing performer leaves feeling that they Glasto coverage. Andy is a member Cock" and "Are we Myra Hindley?" are inter­ know Michelle, and themselves, on a very of The Urbanian Quarter, consisting of jected with genuinely funny poems - including intimate level Her collections 'I am' and himself, John Berkavitch, lnua Phaze' one that adopts the persona of Glaswegian 'She is' are available for purchase at maior Ellams and Polar Bear and Is also the Doctor Who assistant - that make Chloe one of bookstores and at Amazon.co.Uk. vocalist for Leeds based band the most entertaining poets on the scene at Middleman. the moment. She returns to Leeds on November 14th as a guest at Sticks and Stones.

    Don't want much Every night she stands alone In the land of the blind the one eyed Don't ask for a lot Beauty lighting the pavement stone man is still a Cyclops And most of what I don't have Hung to waste her slight stoned smile who couldn ·t see in 3D with red and I'm glad I haven't got. Sold her body to flee her mind green eyedrops People say you must strive more Smacked brown nasty and a two-tone outline of the obvious But this is all I want to do She injects her veins so dry try to claim that we're homoge­ Diversify more... Time to walk the streets again nous. But what's more diverse than me? You?

    -from 'Shut Up' - from 'Spanish Junkie' - from 'Overcoming Advert City'

    Wicked Words Next Event: 1llh October - Open Mic Special (anylhing goes. Jusl so long as you use words lo do 11)

    1 Pc 11 1,j Cr1apel Allerton Arts Festival. Wicked Words has been running in various incar- Where: The Old Police S1a11on. 108 Herrogale Road. Chapel Allerton. Leeds, LS7 3HZ n,,,( ,, 'J1 around eight years. Firstly at Casbar Poetry, then combining forces_wilh the leg· ei >· 1 cken Poetry in 200,, to its current form Organiser Brendan McParthn states that How much: £3/2conc If;, 'IJ1cked Words 1s to bring people to poetry and poetry to people. The event has pr. 1rie t)eople of Leeds with the most cons,stenl and successful live poets. Wicked Previous guests: Chloe Poems. Roger McGough, Luke Wright v~· ·n- Deen home to some of the world's biggesl names in the spoken word arena. Its cc -'+:·:1ue has more of a front-room feel to ii than any kind of theatrical-performance-space Contact Info: Email~ [email protected]~ v,· L.:<30 c,'ler1ng open-mic slols to keen local poets. Wicked Words 1s one of the north's pr. r, Pr 0091/y 8V80tS. Website: h11p://wickedwordsleeds.blogspo1.com/

    ~ long agu aue!I r,1.~nnt were nu WM stern OJliO- ,, pieces announc 1ext or ing lhe deam ol pop email and music as we \mOW we mayiust it. but now shows 11\ pink c;iebtll'J we8l Onte SW ! and

    g u,e\r eyes out, the11 d1streSS 1nd1s­ le and unashamed. If me movie Fame ompany1ng wle'/iSIOO ,e

    Libby Kennedy Comment: Wfhy rfs all over or lhe Sudaku.

    Mll}!Tl ... Harol 's -tasty rmgs. :"""' 13 fell off her -' her hip It JU>t d.. - md te has ssed ...-.-~n~ t com fa or each !u ..,:•'~ In the: dem for 20 msey Sln!et res, 01.10.05 ~lon !J may 11 continue. With a cast that boasts both high give this the attention it deserves. on your knee (or for a change I sug- =·• · kicking film-midget Jean Claude Van With a genuinPly confusing saipl gest a mixed kebab from Maxi Pizza) FtilaV Damme and Deuce Bigalow tool Rob (seriously), and something 10 do with and drunkenly pretend it's you dish· Schneider, 'Knock Off' 1s not exactly a "miniature bombs" servrng as a plot. mg out the bea1ings to make up for Knock Off l cut above your a11erage mama! arts it's hard not to be charmed by this or that time you were unreasonably thrille1, but by 12·35am on a Friday at least lulled into a witless. Stella attacked in Tiger Tiger. 01 you could hopefully most of you will be under dribbling coma JUSt watch Scrubs and have a quiet enough of a chemical influence to Just balance your Romee2 pizza night in. Your loss. · ·

    lllllll'!I ONE ~TW_O ~' ~'_V~I ~' _4_1 ~' _five_ 6.00 B1eakfast. 9.15 Mlrro1. Signal. 7.00 CBBC' Trollz; 7.25 Se11ous 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle 6.10 The Hoobs; 6.35 lit• Hoobs; 6.00 Mtlkshakel 9.25 Wright Stuff; Manoeuvre; 10.00 Oty Hospital; Arctic; 7.SS Newsround; 8.00 Best Show; 10.30 This Morning; 12.30 7.00 84. 7.30 Friends, B.00 Just 10.30 Trisha Goddard; 11.30 Five 11.00 Homes Unde, The Hammer. Of fnends; 8.30 CBeeb1es Birthdays; ITV lunc.hume News; 1.30 Loose Shoot Me, 8.25 Will & Grace; B.SS News; 12.00 Home And Away; 11.30 Bargain Hunt; 12.15 Cash In 8.35 Lazy Town 9.00 Muffin The IWomen; 2. 15 A Brush With Fame; Frasier, 9.25 Water Sto11es: 9.30 12.30 BratnTeaser: 1.30 FILM: The Attic; 1.00 BBC News: Weather. Mule; 9.15 Bo~I, 9.25 Come 3.• 00 Trading Treasures; 3.29 Local The Market; 9.55 Do Fish F.. tl; Danielle Sreel's Full Circle (1996) 1.30 Regional News·weatt,er; 1.40 Outside; 9.40 Balamory: 10.00 My Weather, 3.30 CITV· Poroyo; 3.35 10.20 The Hustlers; 10.45 Drama, starring Ten Polo; 3.25 Neighbours. Lou 1s reunited with Wife And Kids; 10.20 Trade secrets; I Pirates; 3.50 Plan•. t Sketch; 4.00 Engineering At The Cutung Edge; FILM: Harvest Of fire (1996) Doug Willis and Philip Martin; 2.05 10.30 Sc.hools. Promary History; D1sneys The Legend Of Tarzan; 11.1 o T1lcky Business; 11.lS Drama, starnng Lolita Davidovith; Doctors; 3.05 Animal Park, 3.20 10.50 Promary History; 11.10 4.301!1•Worst W11rh; 5.00 The Trouble Onlme; 12.00 News At 5.30 Five News BBC News. Regional News· Weather; Noon. 12.30 Coach Tnp, 1.00 l 6.00 Home And Away. B1ett P1imary Geography; 11.WComfng Og;r!J:~~eather 3.25 ChuckleVision; 3.40 T!oliz; ~~~ Mmule Wonder. Mish Ktds, 1.05 I makes plans for the caravan To , 11.40 Black H~lory; 6.30 Evening News: 4.05 The New Scooby And Scrappy· ITV FILM Jassy (1947) COSUJme drama, 12.00 The Daily Pohucs; 12.30 Weather park Doo Show, 4.30 The Basil Brush starring Margaret Lockwood. 3.00 6.30 Family Affairs. Sarni goes Workmg Lunch; 1.30 Snooker The 1.00 Emmerdale. The pressures Show; S.00 Blue Pete,; 5.25 A Place In The Sun Home Or Away; 10 see his father, who makes Grand Pmc. The opemng two quarter- of recent events their Newsround; 5.35 Neighbours take 4.00 Come Dine With Me; 4.30 A a request finals; 5.15 Weakest Lmk toll on Diane. 6.00 BBC News Place In Greece: Year 2; S.00 7.00 Five News: Weather 6.00 Snooker: The Grand Prix.· 7.30 Coronation Street. 6.30 look North: Weather Ric.hard & Judy 7.25 Mad For Poetry. A The openrng two quarter- The lruth 1s finally out, 7.00 Star Spell. With Carol 6.00 The Simpson, Bradford woman explams Smillie and John Parrott. finals continue and an angry Jamie 6.30 Hollyoaks. why she likes DH Lawrence's Watchdog. Consumer 7.00 Little Europe. The global confronts his fathe1. 7.00 poem Conceit Last ln series. mves11gat1on show. with influence of the European 8.00 Tonight With Trevor 7.30 Friends. Chandler feel, 7.30 Great British Nicky Campbell, Julia Umon Last in series McDonald. Reports. glum at havmg to spend Commanders. MaJor 7.30 Tales From The Green Airline. Staff at Bnstol Bradbury and Paul Heiney. 8.30 Christmas in Tulsa. Go1don Corrigan presents a EastEnders. Ruby flees to Valley. Alex and Fonz work a11pon are k',Pt busy ovet 8.00 Scrubs. Turk's wedding is profile of field Ma1Shal the Slaters' after hearing ovenime ratc.hlng up on the the bank hohday weekend, delayed by a patient. Douglas Haig. Peggy's words about her spring sowing. and Chloe and things g~I ~rse when B.30 Will & Grace. Will's parents 8.00 Stargate Atlantis. Tue father. milks the cow to make butter. a motorway mc1denl get back together. cny 1s forced 10 shut down The Green Green Grass. delays passenger, They then relax , 9.00 The Brief. Henry defends 9.00 The Simpsons. Bart completely by the outbreak Marl~ne discover~ the with a spot of 17th-century- Dan Ottway, a boy wHh becomes a daredevil of a potenltally fatal virus. farmhandi concocung a style salmon fishing Asperger's syndrome skateboarder 9.00 Michael Jackson's Mind. v11il1ty potion for Rocky the B.00 In The Footsteps Of accused of kilhng his own 9.30 Rock School. Gene ts lnStght into the pop star's bull. Churchill. R1chard Holmes mother. The case seems rnvned to perform to psyche, w11h contributions Blessed. N~w c;omedy series traces how Winston Churchill straightforward - the boy's pensmners at the school's from psych1atnst Carole about a young couple failed to see through the condition means he cannot weekly recital Lieberman, who analyses his struggling to brmg up their facade of unity created by lie - but an extramarital 10.00 Spoons. Comedy sketch behaviour In the infamous rhlld1en. The pa11 meet their Stalin in 1945 and proved affair makes matter5 more show. following the li11es of a Martm Bashir interview. new neighbour>. A1dal blind to the needs of poRwar complicated. group of people in theil 10.00 Swinging. Carla Ines O'Hanlon and Mel G1edroyc twenties and thirties. role-play with her partnei: star Britain. Last m sene~. 10.30 ITV Weekend News; 8.30 Gardeners' World, Joe Weather 10.30 Green Day: Video Last in series. Have. I Got News For You. Swih gives his opinions on a 11.00 Paparani Secrets. The Exclusive. The band's new 10.30 Swinging Special: Patty New senes. Jad Dee hosts Stngle Jesus of Suburbia Edwards, s•x Therapjst the sanncal current affatrs ,ange of garden vacuums and boys are in Bar~dos to get leaf blowers. some e,cdus,ve pictures of 10.40 Dirty Tricks. With Myleene 11.00 My Secret Body quiz. 9 00 Th G d Of Ed Hugh Granl Klass and John McCrfnck. 11.30 Hot Tub Ranking 10.00 BBC News · e a.r eners en, 1135FILM: Peeping Tom 11.35 The Osbournes. The family 12.10 Top Buzzer; 12.35 FILM. 10.30 Regional News: Weather Conclus,on of the 1wo-part (1960). Psyc.hological and their entourage go on Knock Off (1998) Action thriller, 10.35 Friday Night With docum~ntary . thriller. wnh Carl Boehm. holiday to Hawau. with Jean-Claude Van Damme; . Wlth Emma 10.00 Qf: Quite Interesting. Live 1.20 Dragnet, 2.00 Entertainment 12.00 Desperate Housewives; 1.00 2.00 FILM. The Crow: City DI Thompson. coverag~ of the ceremony Now; 2.25 ITV At The Reading Desperate Housewives; 2.00 FILM: Angels (19961 Supematural lhnlle1 11.35 FILM: What's love Got To 10.30 News night Festival; 3.20 ITV Al The Movies; Dance Of The Wind (1997) Premiere. sequel, with Vmcent Perez; 3.25 Do With It (1993). Tina 11.00 Newsnight Review 3.45 Cd uk Hotshots, 4.10 Tonight Moving drama, starring Ami Arora; Short Story Cinema; 3.45 Sunset Turner biopit, starring Angela 11_35 Snooker. The Grand Pri,c With Trevor McDonald; 4.35 ITV 3.30 Don'1 Kick Us Out; 4.30 Do Beac.h; 4.25 leJO<; S.10 Sons And Bassett. WeatheN1ew 12.15 Snooker Extra Nightscreen. S.00 Jobfinder; S.30 Over. 4.50 Do Over, 5.15 Mau·, Daughters, S.35 Sons And BBC News 24 2.00 BBC Learning Zone fTV Morning News Old Masters Daughters Th\• klnrt1J· Ant & Dec's wHh Iha! belovPd Bril1.,h rnstom· th,, ting m thr audlt'ncr mswc11.I of lrt•ne UDO rS lhP puh d 'ii(, PIJy Your C lld!i, Gameshow Marathon game!i.hOW t 1ch w •k the ,mall pair horn Scunlhorp~ a, celrhr1Ue5 1,1kf': RIQht so p1t.'J>,11e fo, m1ic.h lwllowmg with big for,•heads bring back th1l p.lr1 und play for lhe1r l.111011n1e, chclfl of "h19he1, .. or "lower! 1md rrn }Ult' mo!it populJr shows horn the, stauon's ties. ln fact tht.• v1w,1I a!ipe<.t of th«.> ,rd be mc.l' to~) il to s,~e n nlCl' [lJllJ~ ONE five 6.00 F11nbles; 6.45 Clifford; 7.00 6.00 Breakfast, 9.00 Weekend 14. 6.00 GMTV. 9.25 MOM. 11 .30 6.15 The Hoobs 7.05 British 6.00 Sunn,e, 6.55 M1lkshJk,•I Tiw CBBC Tom And Jerry Kids. 7.25 10.00 Saturday Kitchen; 11.30 Cd:uk, 12.30 Nt>ws· Wr:1ther formula 3 Champ1onsh1p, 7.30 Stivt Urnsl; 7.25 Th,• AdvenlUJlM., Arthur, 7.50 Taz Mania; 8.1 0 Gary Rhodes' New British """"'· 12.35 Calendar News And Bn11,h Sup..rb,ke-. 8.00 Morning Of Bottle Tor, Bill And H,s Besi Legend Of The Dragon; 8.35 12.00 See Hear!; 12.45 film 2005 We,1ther, 12.40 Brnam·, Best Line; 8.55 T4. Furur,1mo. 9.25 14 Frienu Coiky, 7.45 Noddy, 8.00 Scooby-Doo, 9.00 Dick And Dom In With Jon;;ithan Ros~; 1.15 Wtldlife Back Gardens; t 10 Pl,ners Pure T4; 9.55 T4 Fn•nd,, 10.30 Hairy And Hts Buckel Full OI Da Bungalow; 11 .00 Top or the On Two; 1.45 The Rockford Fll Funniest Animals. 1.30 IIV At The T4. Popworld, tt.20 14 Fnends, Dmo~1urs, 8.20 H,rry And His Pops Reloaded; 1 1.45 Spo1tsround; 2. 35 Monk; 3.20 F1LM; Chisum Movies; 2.00 Creatmy A Monster 11.50 14 Simple life: Interns; Buckt>t Full Of Omo!>aurs; 8.35 12.00 BBC News: Weather; 12.1 0 (1970) Western, starnng John Making Wallace & Gromit TI1e 12.20 T4 Rock School; 12.55 T4 Frankhn. 9.05 G'"ald McBoing Football Focus, 1.20 Grandstand Wayne; 5.05 The Memous 01 Curse Of The Wer,..Rabb11, 2.30 Totally frank; i .30 14 Fnrnds. Boing. 9.35 The s..rr.i 01 tel Introduced by Hazel Irvine 1.25 Sherlock Holmes Watching The Ortect1v~; 3.00 l.OO Channel 4 R.iclng From Island, 9.50 Ex1 ,eme Football: Rugby League. 1JD Snooker The 6.00 What The Papers Say. ln>pector Morse: 5.00 Calendar N k And H d 4 00 10.05 Dragon Bood in the P,es~ wuh v,ewers can access Score on the Been framed! Grand De;igns Rl'V1S1ted !~l21r't:! ~~~~i~~;~~~ed Dom1mk Diamond of the 6.00 Th e X Factor. With th!' 6. 00 Morgan & Ptatett 2.25 FILM The Proacher', Wife interacttve service. Tiines may vary; Dally Star final 12 aa.s chosen, the 6.30 Chan nel 4 News 4.30 Flnal Score; 5.1 D BBC News 6.10 Rog Ill Adam Partndge live studio rounds begin 7.00 Building Of The Year (1996) Romantic comedy. Slarrlng Regional News; 5.30 Star Spell and James Bra~ton 7.35 ITV 50: Ant & Dec's With Kevin McCtoud: Whitney Houston; 4.50 FILM 6.30 Strictly Come Dand ng. help Paul Martin find Gameshow Marathon. RIBA Stirling Prize. KPrmU'!, Swamp Yea1"5 (2002) New series. Pro-celebrity bargains at St James' Park. The Geordie duo present 9.05 ALM: Zoofander (2001 ). Premlm. Aclvenrure, starring contest m which 12 sets or Newcastle. the fust ~mdmal, Play Premiere. Dim supermodel Kermit the Frog partner~ including Zoe Ball, Your Cards Right, whleh Ben Stiller Is her mistake Casualty. Sam falls v,ctim drtists 9.05 Snooker: The Grond work JI .1 care home for lhe of tlw su,g,•t'!i nt•w video lo, 9.10 Five News And Sport to Flrut's devious and eld~rly .:1 bid to t~caf}(' ktng of thl' Mountctm 9.25 CSI; Crime Scene Prix. Ha.wl Irvine Is 101flt'-d 1n deranged behaviour when i ih~· ,oplrib- but ,,000 10.45 Spoons. AnothN ch.incr to lnve.stigation. Two bodil'\ womed Ab\ turns up at by Stt ve Davis ,md John Parrott !Of' the concludmg rr.1h,;t•1 \he'> hr,•n qt11dl'd ~ee tlw f1r.t th,ee 1•p1!.od1•,;, dre found on il constructton Te~s·s hOUSP lht. 1d ffln of the comedy !,~1•1 h 'iihow s,ll frnmPS of tonight's Y?-CO!ld . Josh 11.20Spoons Com,'lly,k 1 h 10 2Haw & Order; Special emi l111iJI at lhe Guild Bruce Forsyth and T,~, Daly 10.os Parkinson. Wnh llltle ~how following Uw hw di Victims unit the Hall In wherr a rPturn to annour ( Nhlth Pteton 8r11am du O,w1d Wallr~uns a group f p(a()ple m then d k"<. tive., ,riw ligate when place in romonc,v•,..$ fm,11 couple will bP hrsl to leaw dnd M.m Luc s. rwPnt1t· 11d 1h1r111 a cem.,1 ,~ mpcd !hr {Ontest 1wa11s the w111ne1. hru..id(btt•r Gian 1150Spoons. Come(ly .k tch 11 20Thl" Shield. v racs'.'.S to 10.35 H.ive I Got News For 10.00 BBC News: Weather. H1111niford Jnd music by W,11 how f llow1nq ,fie hv of rum Antwon "•lr;1w dfal You. Jat~ D1°l hosti thl' NaUonal Lot t"ry UptiatC' 11 OS ~.;,:;~ews: Wc:ath~r "' 9ruup of J)('upl, n fheir by ilrr tmg th h y mrmber tmcal uuent affa rs. quu 10.20 Match Of The Day. Gary 11.24 local Weather twrr.it!e ind th,. Jr.'ii oflhf' •hug Ct J1l'J he h;i w11h H•gtJl,11 1e.im captain lmekN p,csents h1g~hght> 1t.25f1: Chin••• Grand Prix 12.20 J MlnutPWond<1 ~1 .h, -Xl)OSt' about l.,)mng Barry NPW1T1an and 4Mu .. 1c. 4Pli!y, 2.20 4Mu~1c Cr1mtn.:1f lntt·nt 2.10 FILM· O.,adly Weatherview co~1racy theories _I_ D• Jagger, 2.20 Cd uk. H1140uk. 2 4S Whire MPn C.m'1 lWhi,1x·11 (19%) Psycl1olo91

    3rd Saturday of the month Floor 1: PARTY darkly lo playful Allernative and 80'& Floor 2: MUTATE In tho Hard Dance Industrial room up11ta1rsl Only £4 00 on tho door 9.00pm 2.30am Advanced tickets from CATS. Crash and Jumbo

    Leeds University Union: Stylus Hidden away like a hormone over youngster's mattress, Arrest~d funny-boned individuals. The more dosed teenage boy's sordid porn Development should provide a ht perverse laughs in the show come stash 1his quirky US sitcom tie mare high-brow entertainment. from Gob Bluth (Will Arnett) who Arrested requires a good deal of rummaging Revolving around a rich family full attempts to bed everything With a through late mght 'Schedules to of Orange County's craziest loons pulse (and sometimes without) in a Ond. the programme features a host of similar way to your pet dog RovEu Development However unlike the glossy pages ol uniquely insane characters which humping your mates' legs as soon blue material found under the should hit even the thinnest of as they walk through the door '

    L----..C..--TW'-"--0 _.I L--1 _V___.,II,__ --=4=--· __.IIL__ -=-=-.::five=-=-----., 6.00 Breakfast 7.35 Match Of The 6.00 f1mbles; 6.20 Fimble1: 6.45 6.00 Fl Chinese Grand Prix Live. 6.1 O The Hoobs; 6.35 The Hoobs; 6.00 Milkshake!. Softies; 6.05 A House That's Just Like Yours; 6.30 Day; 9.00 Sunday AM; 10.00 The Oifford; 7.00 CBBC: Looney Tunes; The final round of the season in 7.00 Trans World Sport; 7.55 1 Heaven And Earth Show; 11.00 7.10 Scooby-Doo And Scrappy Shanghai; 9.00 GMTV; 11.30 The World Superb1kes: 8.25 Freespori. Rolie Pol1e Olie; 6.55 The Save­ CounUyfile; 12.00 The Politics Umsl; 7.25 Bird Bath; 7.35 The Doo; 7.30 Smile; 10.00 Sunday Championship; 12.00 CITV Sk1llz; On 4; 8.55 H1t40uk, 9.25 T4. Show; 1.00 Wallace & Grom1t A Style; 11.30 The Super League Adventures Of Bottle Top Bill And Grand Day Out. 1.20 Cash In The 12.30 Jonathan Dimbleby Futurama; 9.55 T4· Hollyoaks; HIS Best Friend Corky, 7.50 Make Attic; 2.05 DiagnOSII Murd,~ 2.50 Show; 12.20 Sunday Grandstand. Including ITV News And Weather; Introduced by Hazel l,vme. 11.15 12.35 T4. Totally Frank; 1.10 T4: Way For Noddy; B.05 Harry And EastEnders. 4.40 Points Of Vfew; 1. 25 Sunday Soapbox; 1.55 MotoGP 1.45 Rugby League. lJO Friends; 1.45 T4 Britney And His Bucket Full Of Dinosaurs; 8.20 5.00 Songs O Praise; 5.35 Last Of Calendar News: Weather. 2.00 Fl The Summer Wme. Classic comedy Sm>oker The Grand Prix. 3.30 Kevm: Chaotic; 2.1014: My World: Harry And His Bucket Full Of 1 6.05 Ronnie Barker: A Life In Rugby League. 3.40 Snooker The Chinese Grand Prix; 4.30 The X Rachel Stevens; 2.50 14 Friends. Dinosaurs; 8.35 Franklin; 9.05 Comedy. Another chance Grand Prix Tirnes may vary; 5.25 Factor 3.20 T4 Stargate SG-1. 4.20 T4 Gerald McBomg Boing. 9.40 6.00 The X Factor. The judges Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em; 5.55 Enterpr,se; 5.10 The Simpson,. Demollt1on Dad; 9.55 Extreme }.~s~tt:!i~ ~~:1h~an's send the first act home Day, That Shook The World 5.40 scrapheap Challenge J Football; 10.10 Michaela"s Wild retirement from 630 Calendar News And showbusiness in t 988. He 6.25 The Teaching Awards Challenge; 10.40 Morris 2274; reflects on Im, stamng roles 2005. Eamonn Holmes Sport: Weather 6.40 LosL A search party venture 11_10 The New Tomorrow. 1l .40 in Open Atl Hours and hosts the ceremony from the 6.40 ITV News: Weather into the treacherous Jungle Heroes Of History; 12.10 A Porridge. and his time Theatre Royal. Drury Lane 7.00 Emmerdale. Jimmy's to Different life; 12 .40 Divine performing alongside Ronnie Academic staff nominated insensitivity over Max's look for Charlie and Designs; 1.10 Five News Update; Cornett by their colleagues and death mfunates Matthew Claire. w11h the finger of 1.20 FILM: The Woman In Question 6.45 . pupils wait to see who will Michael Aspel and the team and Paddy is unwittingly suspicion pointing at the 11950) Thnller. staning Dirk rec.eive the coveted Platas visit Ipswich strung along by Jo. sinister Ethan Rom. Jack Bogarde: 3.05 FILM. Three Violent for their work In the: Among the objects 7.30 Coronation Street. Carol battles inner demons People (1957) Western. staning classroom I presented 101 their scrutiny l goes to see Danny to berate relaung to his father Charlton Heston: 5.00 Two And A are one of the earliest 7 .25 . him over the dffair, but ends _ Channel News Half Men; 5.25 Two And A Half models ol record player and Featuring performances by 7 30 4 Men; 5.50 Five News And Sport a sop bnc-a-brac bargain up trying to seduce him. 50 Cent and Simply Red. as 8.00 Bremner, Bird And 6.05 FILM: Robin Hood: Men that turns out well as celebrity interv,ews Streetcars ~ plagued by Fortune. , In Tights (1993). lrreverenl to be worth El 5.000. and archive footage of hoax calls, and Liz gets a 7.35 BBC News: Regional John Bird and John Forrune spoof. with Cary Elwes and classic hits - before the UK's shock when she meets her News: Weather Richard Lewis. number one single 1s toyboy's mother. take a look 8.00 Monarch Of The Glen. A 8.00 The Spider-Man story. revealed. 8.00 Heartbeat. at the party conferences tree surgeon arrives to deal Documentary tracing the with the lorest"s blight 8.00 Snooker: The Grand 9.00 Jericho. New series. Fifties· In the political sketch show story behind web-slinging problem - and Paul is Prix. Last in series. set crime drama, starring avenger Spider~Man dismayed to discover the 10.30Match Of The Day 2. Robert Lindsay as Detective 9.00 100 Greatest Sexy _ newcomer Is Iona's ex­ 9 00 FILM: Spider-Man (2002). Highlights of Birmingham Inspector Michael Jericho Moments. A countdown of flance. Molly coaches Jess to Oty v Aston Vflla and Premiere. Superb, breathless compete In the Ghillies" 11 .00 ITV Weekend New,: the hottest moments m film Manchester City v West Ham adventure, with Tobey annual challenge. Weather and television, as voted for Maguire. 9.00 Waking The Dead. Part United 11.10The South Bank Show. 11 .25 World's Wildest Police one of two The team 11.20 Arrested Development. by the public, featuring connect a soon-to-be· A friend offers to help The recent boom In everything from classic Videos. Police chase and released benefit fraudster 11.40 FILM: Photographing Argentinian film-making Fifties pin-ups to rescue a drunk driver JUSl with a strmg of murders.. Fairies (1997). Fantasy 12.09 local Weather; 12.10 Fl controversial art-house before his car is hit by an 10.00 BBC News: Weather drama. Toby Stephens and Chinese Grand Prix; 1.15 Mosque; oncoming train. John 10.15 Panorama. The spread of movies. 1.05 Sex In The 705; Ben Kingsley star. 2.10 Motorsport UK; 2.45 World Bunnell presents the show. STls in the UK. 2.10 British Superbikes; 1.25 Days That Shook The Sport; 3.15 The Springer Show; 12.20 Red Bull Air Race; Sixth 11.10 FILM: Tigerland (2000). 3.05 French Football; 4.50 Gritty drama, starring Cohn World 4.10 The Jeremy Kyle Show; 5.10 round. 12.50 US Major League Farrell: Weatherview 1.55 The Witness Jobfinder; Matt's Old Masters; 5.50 Baseball; 4.05 Motorsport 12.50 BBC News 24 2.00 BBC learning Zone 5.30 ITV Morning News Making It; 5.55 lnuk Mundial; 4.30 Dutch Football

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    14.111.115 It'\ Moud,w. 1hr hMdt•\1 mornmq In Go with your uhllnt t-.. to ,1.1y In dten Nat forqt'11Jn11 h111d h1l1lnt1 V'i thP l1nt1h.1 w,•ek; tho previou\ hP,Wy bfld for anoth~r two hour,; ,rnd thitn mtr,vlt'W!. wuh \tar Qlh'\h Jord,m MolllaV [ wer.kenrt the fra, of thl' liw dJy g~f up get ,1 cup of tt.'a lllld QO bJcl,. ,1t1ll l't>t1•1 Amh1'. a!'i th~y reve;d tlw <( wt•elr. dheiltl, the pam ol drdtJYlng lo bed Wtlh i1 ,mJ 11_1l,1ll lrttlng Phll 1ruth i1hou1 thi.•H w111ldinfl. 1h1111 1 This Morning l .c...- your ~lf oul ol yoin n1rt~ w,um h~d and lorainr r-ntNt,un ynu w11h 1h1 1/v,·~ .ir,ri 1hM t,Ut't,r,s. Go uni Yuu ,,nrl 1n1n thr freezing cold '.u> don·, blunde,t up 10 lhl,.minute X l,utnt c,m 110 1n ,1111.•1 lund1, boirow your {! do it· tod,w t.=tkf' ,1 b11~.ik, .1 p1t•h1nd new~. H!Ctpl'\, _l,1~h1011 tips ,,nd m.1k\ l1-c:Hue11nt1:-.1 ,,., bank hol1J,ty, .l three dily wec•krnd uhhgatory 1nttl1Vh·w, with )IL~ chll

    ____II ,._----'--- TW_rb _,I I'- _V_ ] l 6.00 &r<'l\kfosl; 91S M111m. 11.00 CB8C.. Troll>, l.2S S1•1101is 6.00 GMlV; ~.25 till' leremy Kylr 16.10 lilt• llmill>, 7 00 114, 7.30 16.00 Milk\h,lkc•I, 9 25 fl\0W1111h1 Signul, M,1nul'!rvie. 10.00 C11y Aicllc. 7.55 NPW>1ouml, 8.00 """' Show; 10.30 n,1, Morntn11. 12.lO frlt't1cl,. 8.00 111'1 ~h,101 Mo, 8,25 >11111 10JO f111/l.1 u,111d.11d 11.30 Hoh W11h f;1m~: My td1•n. 9.30 UtJr,(:N\ 10.20 12 30 fh1m1l1w,l>T 1 JO 11\ M. fll••ty Cash In The Alli~ 1.00 BBC News· Mull11, lhe Mule: 9.15 Bool. 9 25 3.00 Tr-i.1ding Jt1.•,lllitifl'\, J.29 LIK,tl lhl,.111 Mil'>lt h•<,UVdl ltu• Yt1un1\ • t ' · Wenther. 1.30 Regional Nt"ws, Com1. Oub1dt· 9,40 B,llmnory, Weather; 3.30 cnv- Pticoyo, 3.35 Lll',(IJ11t''· 10.45 Thr 811\lllf'•,',' Q1111m t1 n,1 M'(">ll"'I\' •,1,lrl!IUJ /1111 Weather 1.40 Neighbours. 2.05 10.00 My Wife And ktd\ 10.20 tog1,· Bt.-njy 3.50 Art AIM{k M1n1 11 .10 \1111 Pm1,.u1'.t 1t1l' Mr I Hu1tv11 J.30 fllM Cnhm1ho Ctu•'> Oocrors. 2J5 Oi;,gnosis Murdr•r I fradr S!.', 4.00 lrlt~y TV: 4.30 My Grnrr.,tmn~ 12.00 Ne\'I\ Ar Nuon. Woll ii •l•IO) n,,11•,11,0• dr,,m.,. 3.20 B~C New.: Regional New, Engl,sh hpoess, 1050 LP!\ Wnl,• ParentsAreAht.>n'I; 5.00 Th(• l'aul 12.30 c, tth Tnp 1,00 House ~IJ11111(1 l'dc1 f,11k 5,30 l1w N••w Weather. 3.25 ChucldeV1>1on: 3.40 A Story: 11 .so Focu,,, 12.00 1hr O'Gr•dy Show Au,tton, I .JO '"pporrmq A,rs. 6.00 Home And Aw~y. s.,lly , Troll,; 4.05 rt,e Fa1rly OdrJ Parent,, Da,lv Polrll<.>, 12.30 Worklnq 6.00 Calendar: weather 1.4S f1I M lh,• Rddol P,rlh 11959) I 6.30 ITV Evening News: Coowtlv. \lll!lmq 811l lr,wt:r\, 3.30 ,hdt.id,>tJ tht> b ( I Cl I 7JO Inside Ou1. /In In lh• country, 3.30 lh• Big 0111 I e,miw hi.ivt>'> 1111' Strt1et hm1ur C-Un!ll"f\. pu lo ••l me 11 ,\y 1r1w111gauon m10 • 4.30 R•.,dy. Str,uly, Cook. 5.15 .-i ,,he, c,1rt,qtn with I Mllktl' 6.30 Hollvoi1ks, l,1f11 4:..Jtcilt'fo 7 .00 Fhre Nuw1 pri,e giveaway rhal Weak•St link Qui? hu,1"'1 hy Ann• m ih" a rc., (,11111•mn in,, i:1111111rom1•,m~1 ?.15 lhe Gadget Show. Jun ~eems loo good to be uim. RQlllnson. 1 8.00 Tonight With Trevor .OO ~:~~~1~~l News n1•11tll1Yfw1111\ lt1tn ,1 p1wl 8.00 EastEnders. Ruby b~lieve, 6_00 Egghead,. 7 4 Johnny m•y hav• a splil 6.30 Strictly Come Oancing - Mocr~~:~:~n S1rne1. stt,v4' 7..55 3 Minute Wonder: Self .11m111J with 11 tollt•clio11 ul pl'rsnnallty and cDf'lfldes m It Takes Two. NPw wm·~- 8.30 Cti1Ke!i on lllotll th,ln hl' c.111 Pol"tralt!t. Nt!W 'if'flC'!i, couu11r.in q idq,•I•, lu Ut1tl nut II h, "dlt• whM hP iVi~\ m.ukmg the- 1.111~m1111 t1! ,1 tlwy lw«" 1t1 ,,~· ,111n1h .. , d,,y 8.30 ~:'tlt Tho Door. RSPCA F,rn11n• devorcd 10 rh,• 1 olfrcers rcvl:'al ~onw ol t!w bnllroom dJnclng \how m·w r-xh11J1Hon dl the \tut Pl'll'V put!i 11 •,l'l ol Ron,m•'o; c.ii: hut.bJnd to, J N,H1r111,1I Po111i111 w.u•irµeout 111,mo.. 1~1011qh dlspu,es ,hey get embrotlcd 7.00 Th• Battle For Britain's m(ln-to m,m d,,u ,md G,1U1•1y tlw u\11111,111' ,h-strudmn t1·')t in dS they tTy 10 !),We dying Soul. Pl•tc1 Owen· Jun ,.,, M,uun lt\,irnlli why Robyn e.oo 01 patches. Award p,•r.s. tr.tCf~ lhl' l'ln~19t>nce of hw, ht•,•rl .wo1d,n1J hfm wumlr,~J lilm·tn,lkm Knn 8.00 Fifth Gear, 9.00 9.00 Waking The Oend. Pall st"cut.in-;m In !hi" t'illly 10th 9.00 Vincent. A wt•dlthy man Jumt l'un gives ,in tn!il!Jht Mlddle~Ag d Mummies' two of two fhe te.1m clf P cflntury. cull\ on the IE'ilm lo 11110 1h1-11l1y-tu-d,1y Boys'. Uiddcn Uvus forced 1a rcleas~ Hl1nt from 8.00 Map Man. N1r.hola$ C.1i11w mv~UqJtt• llw dl•.ith af h1\ h,11dr.h1µ-; l11c~d by Onc.um1•111d1Y rxon11nhu1 lllC' custody explores the ,wry ol how ~on c1U1l'n\ of Nmlh l(orPJ grow11111plu.-m11m•nnr1ut 10.00 BBC News wnt~r .md lltlVPlll"r Phylh~ 10.30 ITV News: Woother 9.00 Wilt Swop. 10.30 Regional News: weather Pea11..1II ~in9le-h11ndt~ly 11 .00 Numblrs. Ni1W .,crli'S" 10.00 Wlthoul A Trnce. l,llk ,Intl 111,ddh·-,uwcl 1111n •,tlll living tn 10J5 Jock Dee Live At The treML-d the fi11t london Al Amrrtc~m d1t11n,1, '11,uriog 111,, 1t•.1m ·,1•,1rch 101 ,1 1hr f11mllv llnm11 Apollo. Wtth Julran Clary B.30 Universily Challenge. St Ruh Moirow J\ iJO flil 1m~'>111q 16 Yl\,u-uh-l g1rl. 10.00 R,,cc SW((Jl. Olytnpl< "lltl,•!•• LJ!.t m sen~. Hild.I'\ Cullrgc, 0)1'.ford v .:u;wn1 who tl'trHlt, hi~ who oppr·i.lflJ to IJt+ n mod,,I Luifor~ t:hr!'ifn1 .inrl form<'• 1 11 .20 Film 200~ Wilh Durhan, llruvN,ily. Mr11hf'I01l1ht ,11 91 11luo; 'ilUrilU11 ill ht•f prfvrllt• f',o"r• rfmwnimh1l'.:t,1mlrJ)I Jonalhan Ross. Wllh 9.00 l,rael And The Arabs; brothtt, to l111lp lh1• '.")r;l,ool until 11 1r110'tfJlrr>'i 1,nd~r\jt,J r.icr t11\11f, lrlr11lt1tinn-, Johnny Depp Elusive Peace. Israeli Burriiu ~ulw• t!UlH-1 1h11t '»IW w,1~ 111'.n JnvulVl'd 11.50 FILM: The Garden Of troops cut olr An,fot's 12.00 Cho1mpJon~ I 1•ayu1• Wt1i•kly, wilh d1uy~ t 1.0S ~hock Docs-. PN\ph' ,1lldlcit•t1 Redemption (1997). compouo~ 12.25 999 lronrl11111, 12.55 lhr• 11.00 FILM: Scondal 11989). tu .,o:,, Jf'rrmy Ky!~ Show. 1.50 60 f,n·1 LM'ijod dr,1m,1, c;t.1111119 Orama1 s@mng An1hony 10,00 Grumpy Old Women. 12.10 P..-tt!f Bvm.t,11,y\ Amnwn, LaPaglla Wea1hervlew 1 OJO Newsnight Minule M,1keov1ir; 2.40 Lov1• 2 Jo,111n1• WhallL·y aml B1lrk11·r 12.55 NFI Sund,1y Nrghl G,11111• 01 Shop. 3.15 IOVo 1 Shr,11; 3.30 ror,d.t 1JO Sign Zone: Antiques 11.20 BBC Four On BBC Two: llt•• w.. ,.k; 2.00 NII I"' Mtond,,y Redro~1t5, 3.5!) tntc•rt,1tnml'nt 1.05 Jh" ~t·.r h1\r<"", 1.SO torn Roadshow Specials Tales From Europe N!ghl Am!'nf,111 fon1h,1II Rogue Traders 11.50 BBC Four On BBC Two: Now; 4 25 Tuoiqht With TrvvlJI W1•tlrl1111J'.t Au~I An b~1Jlfnn. 2.50 The Queen's Cavalry Family Tie.s McOonald. 4.50 ITV N1qhl'im•t•n, 1 Mu1Ult· Wl/ndC"r; 2.55 l.rU\t• 01uk l!ldl11nilf11Jh'o Coll'> VSt l n111 .. R,IIIU Holidays At Home 12.20 BBC News 24 5.00 J11blind11r, 5.30 ITV Morntng PaPI, 3.00 nw llou\e 01 Oh11«,1w !Kirk oil 2 00,un), S.35 Mu!ll"porf 1 BBC News 24 1.00 BBC Loaming Zone NPW', Cornpul~IV1 'io, 4.00 '1LP,l!nlno l'ank '1e'~heh1nd·yoo Bruno ~ the Silenced hrs cntrcs by taking the world sectioned undN the Mental Health Act Pick of the Day "" subwct of th,s lasonating documen· hea~ weight ntle at WembleyS!ad1um the boxer rs gradually recovenng. As he [ 1ary d,,utmg the highs. and !mvs of in 1995. The 90 mmute programme revealed 1n a Sunday paper this week. < Bruno's turbulent 1oomey to the IDp also looks at Bruno's downlall. &om the mness. paruany mduced by m•n· : .~ From refonn school, to Brrtam's best losmg his title lo Mike Tyson, being Juana and cocaine is hrs tougllest fight _ loved boxer. Bruno has not had II easy. forced into retuement by an eye lnJury yet Nigel Benn contnbotes to this Gloves Off ~ The documentary examines some of and more recently. Bruno's banle with astounding insight into the TV, sports his greatest fights and shows how he mental illness, Two years after he was and Panto personality of the 90s.


    ONE '------'--TW---=---0____JI ._I_V_I L---1---=4=------'I .___I-==-cflve=-=-----r 6.00 Breakfast, 9.15 Mirror, 7.00 CBBC: Troll,. 7.30. Serious 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle 6.00 Cubeez; 6.10 The Hoobs; 7.00 16.00 MIikshake!, 9.25 The Wright Signal. Manoeuvre; 10.00 City Arctic; 7.55 Newsround; 8.00 Best Show; 10.30 This Morning; 12.30 B4; 7.30 friends; B.00 Just Shoot Stuff: 10.30 Trisha Goddard; Hospital; 11.00 Homes Under The Of Friends; 8.30 CBeeb1es ITV Lunchtime News; 1.30 loose Me. 8.25 WIii & Grace; 8.55 11.30 Flve News; 12.00 Home I Birthdays; 8.35 LazyTown; 9.00 Hammer. 11.30 Car Booty; 12.15 Women; 2.15 A Brush With Fame; Frasier. 9.25 Water Stories; 9.30 And Away, 12.30 BramTeaser. Muffin The Mule; 9.15 Boo!; 9.25 Chancers; 955 Chancers; 10.20 1.30 FILM:The Ladies (1 987) cash In The Atuc. 1.00 BBC News: 3.00 Trading Treasures; 3.29 Local Weather; 1. 30 Regional News: Come Outside; 9.40 Balamo,y; Urban Music Festival: The Young Orama, starnng Talia Balsam: 3.30 Weather. 3.30 CITY· Pocoyo; 3.35 Weather; 1.40 Neighbours, 2.05 10.00 My Wife And Kids; 10.20 Drsc,ples; 10.45 The Business; Ave News Update: 3.35 FILM: Lost SpongeBob S; 10.30 Schools. See 11 .1 0 Self Portra,u: The Me And Found (1999) Comedy. Celebrat10n; 2.35 Doctors; 3.05 You. See Me; 10.50 Primary MOM's Name That Tone; 4.00 Generations; 12.00 News At Noon; starring David Spade; 5.30 Flve Animal Park; 3.20 BBC News Hrsto,y; 11.10 MeelTheAncestors; Jungle Run; 4.30 My Parent> Are 12.30 Coach T11p; 1.00 House News Regional News; 3.25 12.00 The Daily Politics; 12.30 Aliens: 5.00 Paul O'Grady Show Auction; 1.30 Water Stones; 1.45 6.00 Home And Away. The ChudcleVision; 3.40 Troll~ 4.05 Working lunch; 1.00 Schoo~: With Jad<1e Collin~ FILM Man lo The Moon (1961) stalkergleefullyexplamsher Whatl Whe,el Whenl Whyl; 1.30 Best Of Friends; 4.30 The Crust. 6.00 Calendar: Weather Comedy, starring Kenneth More; schei:nes. . FILM: The Good Guys And The Bad 5.00 Byker Grove, 5.25 6.30 ITV Evening News: 3.30 A Place In The Sun: Home Or 6.30 Family Affairs. Aamma Guys (1969) Western. starnng Newsround; 5.35 Neighbours Weather Away; 4.30 Come Dine With Me; and Babs walk ,no~ a Robert Mitchum; 3.00 castle 10 6.00 BBC News 5.00 Richard & Judy 7.00 A!:dNB~~~ m Samrs flat The Country; 3.30 The Big Dig; 7.00 Emmerdale. Ethan is In 6.30 look North: Weather 4.30 Ready. Steady, Cook. With trouble with the Bishop. 6.00 The Simpsons 7.1 5 Tim Marlow On Degas, 6.30 Hollyoaks. Mrs Owen Sickert Toulouse- 7.OD Watchdog. An outrageous Nick Nairn; 5.15 Weakest Lmk Jimmy demands the truth adulu-ooly hotel 6.00 Eggheads. Quiz show. from Matthew. and Jo discovers all Nie.ale's Lautre~ The art expert 7.30 EastEnders. Alfle is 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing - makes an effort to stop savmgs ,rutted mto her bag. takes a tour of the latest 7.00 Channel 4 News exhibition at London's delighted when hrs scheme It Takes Two. Claudia Paddy going to Ponugal. 7.55 3 Minute Wonder. Self Tate Britain sees Nana taken to the Winkleman Is joined by the 7.30 Champions League Portraits. With artrst ·sob B.00 Murder Mystery Of police station. female contestants. live. Manchester United v 8.00 Holby City. Chrissre rs & Roberta Smnh· Ashkelon: The True 7.00 People's War. LIiie (Kick-off 7.45pm) scared that the abnormal 7.30 Bill Dddie', How To 8.00 Property ladder. Sarah Story. Archaeologisu and 9.45 Frank Bruno: Gloves cells have rerurned aher her Watch Wildlife. Waler Beeny helps two aspmng h1stonans examme the pregnancy test is negative. voles and bats in Wiltshire Off. The former boxer tells developers in London. discovery of the skeletons of 9.00 love Soup. Ailee's chance 8.00 Mastermind. John his story - from his nme m 9.00 The Unteachable,. The 100 newborn babies m the m~1ing with a former Humphrys presents a reform school, to his wee teenagers attempt to teach sewers beneath the ancient colleague leads 10 an second·round heat. Heavyweight champion a dassroom full of primary Roman city of Ashkelon. school children on their 9.00 CSI: Miami. Horatio and unforrunate evemng with an 8.30 What The Ancients Did status and rise to fame, own. The experts hope the the team try to find the avant.garde artist. For Us. Adam Han·Davis through to mental illness experiment will provoke gang members responsible 10.00 BBC News takes a look ar the and rehi3b11itat1on. achievements of the Ancient empathy for theu teachers when a shootoUI ta~s 10.30 Regional News: Weather Continues after the news. and give these place m a hospital 10.35 Orama Connections. Britons, examining the 10.30 ITV News: Weather construction of Stonehenge, underachievers some emergency room. The making of House of 11.00 Frank Bruno: Gloves responsibility. Last in series. 10.00 CSI: NY. When a boy is Cards, the Nlnetles political early forms of currency, Iron Age houses and the creation Off. Conduded. 10.00The Closer. An found beaten to death, Mac drarna adapted by Andrew of chariots. 11.30 Champions league. investigation i5 launched and Stella come up against Davies from Michael 9.00 Beyond Boundaries. The Angus Scon presents Debbi's novel Into the murder of a ~a~:;,9tha~o bk~~,~~port team must cross crocodile­ h1ghhghts of th~ evening's 11.0SMedium psychiatrist involved in a 11.00 law & Order. Briscoe and infested waters. matches In the th11d week 5 11.SOFILM: 10.55 Green Investigate the Ca5e 10.00 Supernova. The hapless of the group stages, ~r~~v~~~:~~! ~r~~- (19BB). Thriller. Jeremy of a gay man beaten to astronomer thinks he mdud1ng Spana Prague <1995). Thnllet stamng death durmg the abdua,on Irons stars Weatherview v has seen God in the Jean·Claude Van Damme of his adopted infant son. 1.45 Sign Zone: See Hear! Arsenal moulh of a wormhole 12.30 FILM: The Colour OI 12.50 Al Mu1Tay's Showbiz Fights, 11.55 Fifth Gear. 2.30 Sign Zone: Bring Your 10.30 Newsnight Courage (1999) Drama, stamng 1.50 King Of The Hill; 2.15 Kmg 12.55 The Dead zone; 1.40 H"5band To Heel 11.20 Robert Capa - In Love Of The Hill; 2.40 The lnvas,on; Golazo football Show; 2.05 Lynn Whitfield; 2.05 Champions 3.00 No Waste Like Home And War: 48 Preludes And 2.55 3.Minute Won.der: Animation PGA Golf; 2.55 I League; 3.45 Mi11.masters; 4.05 us 3.30 Journeys From The Fugues In The Making; 3.00 The House Of European Seniors Golf; 3.45 Centre Of The Earth 12.45 BBC News 24 ITV Nighucreen. 5.00 Jobfinde~ Obsessive Compulsrves, 4.00 VB Supercars; 5.15 Indy Car BBC News 24 2.00 BBC learning Zone 5.30 ITV Morning News 14leaming Senes -a Who doesn·1 Ill,· cocauw,-, lhe COGJlne rna:1or control/mg powtr, both wort1ng smnlc. al how !ht- U!)'s fat handL-d aa,110,,, ~ Jungle Sffl Pdul KPnyon. invt>Sbg uve tor k.\te Moss w.. 11 ct\ the t.1blo1ck WT I tnfter (lhey mr,an purn.1h,t1 tleer In hav you behl."Ye a1 le,1-.1 unU lhey've mmot1 ~uad5 haw brougM them c, rllral Columb rxam mng th toity succf't'dt'd n hounding hPr 1111 an 11110 the heart of the con!Hct. The Cocaine ~ year contt,n for the cOf'ltrol of the, e,,rly grdve. L1tw1 a,,de howPVer: 1t al le.bl 1 Also. the ltlf9t" mt1 Aml"lte,1n \TU make1. fOf an lntt-rest1ng hJlf hour. .Jnd Jungle 1 c~tj~~.~: ~g~~\t\sc~: dem cont1ngt•ni (mo\t of you you ... mcc- IS only con,pe1inq with U to h1 h'Ch I 1bor,1ton\>s Jnd only two thurh,h tiliNal wN,l"'b) can h 1ve J Emmt!fd.:ile I'd .wy go with the y1..-yo ;j:(ttWfi,l,1 ....._____O_NE____.!I~ _TW_O ____,\\.___ _V_____,\ l'----=4~ 1 I fNe~ 6,00 Br~akfa\l, 9.15 Mirror, 7.00 CBBC 11011,, 7.25 Scr,ou, 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 lh1• 1<'11·mv Kylr 6.00 tubm 6.10 n,e Hoobs; 1 6.00 M1 lk,h11kel, 9 2S n,oWnght Sign,11, Manoeuvr•. 10.00 Crty Arch<.; 7.55 Nrws1011nd. 8.00 B~t Show; 10.30 th" Moin111g. 12.30 1.00 B4 7.30 friends B.00 Just l iull. 10.30 lush• l,odd,11tl 11.30 Hos pital, 11 .00 Homes Undorlh• 1 01 Frlc•nd,. B.30 CBecbi., ITV lunchumr New\, 1.30 Loose Shoo! Ml', 8.25 Will & Grace 8.SS F111,· NPw•. 12.00 tlom" And Aw,1y, Hammer. 11 .30 Car Booty; 12.15 B1~hd,1y,;, B.35 l.uyTown 9.00 Women, 2.1S A BIU!oh Wtth F.tml' Fra'J1£·1. 9.25 WilU~J Stone,. 9.30 12.30 Br,imtea,l'I 1.30 rlLM Cash In The M,c. 1.00 BBC News: Muffin n .. Mule· 9 1 s Boo!. 9.25 3.00 lrad,ng frea!.UTI!'~ 3.29 Lou! Chdncer-;, 9.55 Chanccrs; 10.20 Ham In lllgh \l!a,nn (1996) Wea ther, 1.30 Regional News· Come Out'>1dr 9.40 Balainory, W•alher, 3.30 CITV Pocoyo, 3.40 froubll• Onlln~. 10.45 The My,t\l~ 1.lil111ng Rotwn W<.19nt.,. Weather 1.40 Neighbours. 2.05 10.00 M1W1feAnd Kids 10.20 Trat.lor Tom 3.55 Pot11fc,.,•, Ami Bt1!>m1 ... .,, 1110 Seit Pot11.11b TI1t: aod S1cf,m1e Powtot\, 3.30 rllM Doctor\, 2..35 Diagnosis Murder fllM. The Big Steal (t 949) lhnll , Dragon>, 4 OS An Altatk. 4.30 Mr Generlltion,. 12.00 Nt"WS Al Pl·UY M,1')()n the (,ne OI Tile 3 20 RB C News Regional News· starring Roben MitchLim· 11 .30 My Pil A1e AhPns, 5.00 lh• Noon. 12.30 co.,h Tnp 1 00 i'n1wned P,on (lq90) Whodunil W•ath.•r 3.25 ChuckleVision. 3.40 Ille Daily PoliilCS 1.00 Mc,et The Paul O'Grady Show Jo..1n River:. !louse• Aurnon, 1.30 3 Minute ,i.imng Raymond Bun, 5.30 f1\1£' Troll r 4.05 Bl'St Of Fnends; 4.30 AnP 'IIOI'>. 1.30 Woik.mg Lunch, and Mcfly 10m thr coml'dlJn Wond<'f ]he lnd Of My Wdc 1.35 INew The CruSI. 5.00 Blue P.te,; 5.25 6.00 Calendar Weather FILM Untie Slid> (1947) Penod 6.00 Home And Away. C~11. Nowsround. 5.35 Ne,ghboors 2.00 W1ldhh· On Two; 2.30 Hou>< lnvadM. 3.00 e,,.,rle In Th 6.30 ITV Evening News: dro;1ma Jl>an Siu11non1. Sidi'\, 3.30 A , ts a trap lot 1hr '> lal~et. 6.00 BBC News Weather Country. l .30 Th• Big 01Q, 4.30 Place In nw ~un Horne Or Away. 6.30 Family Affairs. Eik>t.>n 6.30 Look North: Weather 7.00 Emmerdale. Jumnv ,md 4.30 Come Dini:' With M~. 5.00 conflont a 9roup of Ready. Ste,1dy. Cook. 5.15 W"1k0>t 7.00 Road Rage School . Krlly take sol,ic 1n each R1chd1d & Judy hool1g.uu who hJvl1 brokt'n unk Qu,z hosted by Anne Cockney cabbie Pl,ter other's comp.my 6.00 The Simpsons. Mr Bum<; into thP pub Williams IS a changed Rob1nwn 130 Coronation Street. opt1n• ,1 c..1s1no 7.00 Five News; Weather 6.00 Eggheads. Qu,z, host,d by man afte1 und•rgomg Robyn 1d\\ Martin \hf 6.30 Hollyoaks. Justin ,1nd 715 Arctic Kingdom: Life On New Age treatments to c:urb Oermo1 Murnagh ..m bel1l'veft hi.,. story ,Jboul Nrcol1· uy 10 lr,we town The Edge. D0uinw111,1ry his a~gr15s1on 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing - Tominy':. murde, bt•fort' following ,1 yt'm rn 7. 30 Seaside Rescue. 7.00 Channel 4 News II Tokes Two. Th• tel•bnty reveallnq ,;he lovP\ him 7.SS 3 Minute Wonder. Self !hi' l1v1•\ of .1nrrn,1l'i Whiskey Bravo 1escue-s a 78· leadmg ml"n 8.00 . Jo Ma,ters qt>fl1. yea, -old par-a91ide1 Portraits. Julian Opte lnh,1b1trng 1111' Arttic a,e ln tt>rvlC'Wed undP1covf'f .t!» a wardc, at Jmm.ilt'!t h,., artwork B 00 Commando VIP. New and RNLI hleboatman Dave 7.00 The Cocaine Jungle. s.. Stonl'wall prison lo Hurford meets the Queen 8.00 The View From River ,•nP\ S11( n•\('hr1t1r!\ live, P1rk 1nv~t1g.m• a c,p,1te of drug Cottage. 11111n ~nd hghl togl'lhPI 1n a 8.00 What Not To Wear. New 7.30 How To Rescue A House. overdost>S series 8.30 Jamie's Great Escape. J1•mo1t• Arrny cmnp. hoping Mrucwell Hutch1~n hf'lp\ 9.00 Cold Blood. Matth•w Nl'W ~enlM'.i Jamie Ohvt>1 to mould 1h1 m.. ('IVe\ 11110 9.00 FILM: The Negotiator Kelly stars as a no1oriou1. M1kt· .:md Ca111ona Ing fulfil hf.'ack to Italy in h15, t11m~·1 lh(• ul111nilll· lighting uflll (1998). A hostage serial k1lll'1 who brealc..s his theu dream of renovat:mg d van m warth of lh P B.30 Dumber And negotiator ,s. framed fof s1ll'nC:P dher 1S ye.us 1n 1a1I table dl'feiict building m 1he rural country\ gastronomic hC'ttrt Oumberest. N1 w \('fl('\ murder. and turns the 10 pl..ty ,1 ch1lhng g.irnP of north ('JSt of Scotl~nd Roel k-qend Noddy Holder by 1ak1n9 captives of his cat-and moU\e with thf' 9.00 Grand Designs. New B.00 Natural World .t·n~ Empry n~ter prt~<'nb chps ol l.iught on own to ensure his pleas of authont1~ Pat Oocum•ntary foll owing tho B•' after th• Ulan In the forPSlS of Years . A chdncr 10 rellVl' grow,, too big fo, 1O 00 Lost. Kah· ,ind Sawyer fig ht adt''lp('l,lll'W,ll r1t],11n\t l'Vil news. Borneo musit and 'ilpor11ng 10.00 BBC News 8.50 WIid. Ponra11 of two otters OVl·t p1B~.t;·ss1on of a nt">Wly ,,h1•n\, bl,1\lmq off ro, lhP h1ghhghls from 1h• c1t.•,1ture-,· homl' plant'l an ,1 10.30 Regional News: Weather l1v1ng on thC' ldyllJC wes1 1979 t980sea,011 dt\COVf'lt'd locked br1eftd'tt> m1,"!1on to st1ve humJnity 10.3SThe National Lottery: coa~t of Scolland 11 .300range Playllst. N1•w 11 .05 Robbie Williams On The Midweek Draws 9.00 Tough Kids Tough Love. wri~. JaynP Middlt•mf\\ Road To Berlin. Tlw 11 .20 Moclntyre's Toughest 10.40 FILM: The Negotiator A Journey wnh th£> founder prlsC'nl!t the 1op1wl cha11 1ngJ•r'\ hu1ld up 10 h1'> Towns . Mnol1q,1m\m (1998). Concluded Nauonal of ch,mty Kld\ Company bdsed show, bP.gmnmg with 1L'rlin ,how a~soc1,1ted with Por™11outh lottery Update 10.00Room 101 Paul Merton IS Lf'f> Ryan's chatcP ol cl.is... ,c 11.40 Digital Music Awards IC 11 .55 FILM: White Sands iomed by Ph1ll1p Schofirld trath 2005 H1qhl,ghts. 11.50 M.:,c.lntyr~'s Toughest (1992). Psycho1og,cal 10.30 Newsnight 12.00 The Ju1os And Lulu Show. 1.00 Kmg OI The Hill 1.25 King O( Towns. Hri'>lol' cr,h ~ th11ller starring Willem 11.20 BBC Four On BBC Two: 12.30 'd ul Hot1ho 12.SS 1hc 11111 1.50 Fu,,sporl> On 4 C: LOP Jllt.fPltl Oalor Weathe!"l1ew E.tv s 68 Comf't,,,O. pt!Cl,ll, 1.4!> 2.20 ,.,,,po1t, On 4 150 H ndJ 12.2s n, e,•dgei ,how, 1.10 1.35 Sign Zone: Beyond Death On The Mountain ft Ch=• Grand Pr x 3.55 Formul 4 Powerboat my 3.1 S 2005 X Game, 1.45 Goll 2.35 Boundaries Th Story Ollom World Sl)Orl. 4 2S IT\' KOlV 3 40 ]rans Wo,ld Spo<'" NASCAR 3.25 Ra And R V UK; 2.35 Sign Zone; Horizon Si mpson N,ghlsCfeen. 5.00 Jobi oder S.30 4 3~ BriMh form,1 a 3 3.50 At en~nian football 4.30 3.25 12.20 BBC News 24 A Year At Kew Momrng Nt-w Ch:,mp1on,h1p; 5.00 Zero •o il'rO Portuguo,e footu. I 3.55 BBC New, 24 2.00 BBC Learning Zone 1rv natural s lee ion lowdown on sport,, weather and opin· rive animation chromchng anything ~ ~~ . ~~~ ~= :~~ers of Presenter ions on campus. that's ever worth knowing. CM Search' are inaugurated. we'll make That's Entertainment. we meet and Golden Bodge's: what can 6 people ; them keep their promises made last greet Soulwax 'Any minute now' ta see do with one. camera, 30 mmutes and ~ ~ on how far they'd go to present how they enjoyed Leeds and review \/N'ld imaginations. LS:TV the new film version ol Pride and Leeds-Uganda. Last luly 11 :, Th e Essential We meet potential Prejudict University of Leeds students travelled _, Tory chief Liam Fox. and give you the The History of the World: a defrni· to Uganda This 1s the11 story. Everyday, Union 1pm

    l]Jl]Jl!I lllllll!I ONE TWO I I V I I 4 I I five 6.00 Breakfast 9.15 Mirror, 7. 00 (BBC: Trollz, 73 0 Senous 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle 6.00 Cubeez; 6.10 The Hoobs: 6.00 MIikshake!; 9.25 The Wright Signal, Manoeuvre; 10. 00 Crty Arctic; 7.55 Newsround: 8.00 Best Show; 10.30 Th,s Morning; 12.30 7.00 84; 73 0 Fnends; 8.00 Just Stuff, 1030 Trisha Goddard; 1130 Hosprtal; 11.00 Homes Under The Of Fnends; 8.30 CBeebres ,1v News; 1.30 loose Women, Shoot Me, 8.25 Will & Grace: 8.55 Five News: 12.00 Home And Hammer: 11.30 Car Booty; 12.1 5 Birthdays; 8.35 LazyTown; 9.00 I 2.1 5 A Brush With fame; 3. 00 Frasier; 9.25 3 Mrnu1e Wonder: Away; 12.30 BrarnTeaser. 1.30 Cash In The Att,c; 1.00 BBC News: Muffin The Mule; 9.15 Bool; 9.25 Trading Treasuresj 3.29 Local Mish Kids; 930 Chancers: 9.55 FILM: The Gemini Man (1976) Sci-fl Weather; 1.30 Regional News: Come Outsrde; 9.40 Balamory: Weather. 3.30 CIW Pocoyo; 33 5 Re-Wnt1ng History; 10.00 spy adventure. starring Ben Weather. 1.40 Neighbours; 2.05 10.00 My Wife And Kids; 10.20 Feodor. 3.45 Blips, 4.00 All Chancets; 10.25 National Gallery; Murphy; 3.30 FILM. 20, 000 Doctors, 2.35 Oiagnosis Murde,; Trade Secrets; 10.30 Schools: Grown Up!, 4,30 Giblet Boys. 10.30 Rude BriL>nnia; 11.00 leagues Undet The Sea (t996) 3.20 BBC News. Regronal News: Watch, 10.45 Somethrng Special, 5.00 Paul O'Grady Show National Gallery; 11 .05 The Theory Classic adventure. starring Richard Of Everythrng; 11.55 Na The Sun: Home Or Away; 4.30 finds out about the burglary preparations for murder thE' In The Country; 3.30 The Big 019; amateur musicians of Hade Come Orne With Me, 5.00 Richard and calls round to check on mystery weekend are 4.30 Ready, Steady, Cook; 5.15 Edge Brass Band rompete & Judy Eiteen. hampered by h,s dislrke of a Weakest link in a local competmon, !he 6,00 The Simpsons 7.00 Five News: Weather fellow actot 6.00 Eggheads. Quiz show. Holme Valley ContesL 6.30 ~u~~ 7.15 Great Ocean Adventure. 130 EastEnders. Margaret 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing - 8.00 The Bill. Jo Masters ~~reo,~~:i·n~:~~ Monty Halls travels to the visits the fowlers' to give It Takes Two. Fanzine realises Cath Wilson has 7.00 Channel 4 News Galapagos Islands m search 7.55 Martin and Sonia an devoted to the ballroom used her to establrsh herself 3 Minute Wonder. Sett igua11a Portraits. Presenter of the rare marine invitation. Ruby's 17th dancing show as top dog on the wing and 8.00 FILM : II Could Ha ppen binhday ,sn't a hap,,y one 1 7.00 The Culture Show. sets ou1 to get revenge ~~~~::f ~r~~~: r;tnts a To You (1994). Cop Nicolas as she refu~ tote I Stacey Actress and screenwriter 9.00 All About George. Cage agrees to spill the exactly what Peggy sard to Emma Thompson talks lo Gordon decidru. to retire mark the opening of a Nauonal Ponrart Gallery proceeds of a lottery wrn upset her. Charles Hazlewood about when Kay lrnds a lump in exh1btuon. Last 1n se,ies. with a waitress. linle 8.00 Rogue Traders. Matt her breast. handing her latest pmject Nanny 8.00 Risking II All . Mart>n realising the effect it wrll over the business Allw"ght exposes McPhee, the story of a Webb returns to how have on his marriage. to his two sons. see unscrupulous tradesmen magical chddminder who two Manchester couples Charming ro mantic comedy, I 10.00 Mike Bassett: Manager. who prey on the elderly. I transforms a household who bought a run-down with Rosie Perez. Including 8.30 The Queen's Cavalry. The 8,00 A Year At Kew. Student With Wirral County nine-bedroom Victonan five news update at 8.55 . armoured div1srons visit Dan Leighton enters the propping up the entire hotel in Conwy are faring. 10.00 House. The team attempt Canada for a ualmng banle Young Horticulturalist of the football league Mike pins 9.00 A Very Social Sec.retary. to treat a pa ti ent suffering 9.00 Spooks. Rona defies Year competition. hrs hopes on an ex-England Satirical comedy drama from recurring strokes, but Adam's wishes and goes 8.30 Around The World In 80 football legend - but first about former home matters are complica ted Treasures. Dan he must sober him up secretary David Blunkett's when his parents refuse to undercover to handle I enough to play security ar a conferenc"' She affair with Specta tor consent to his surgery. Cruickshank explores 10.30 ITV News: Weather discovers he, ex·husband Is Uzbekistan, and Syna, publisher Kimberly Quinn. 11 .00 Middle-Aged Mummies' 11 .00The Frank Skinner 10.30 FILM : The Net (1995). A Boys: Hidden lives. also ~ttending - and visit.mg the Bisitun Glf\lings Show. The comedian planning to exact his and the oty ol Persepolls computer analyst Is hurled Documentary examining the welcomes footballer Ryan into a race against time to growing phenomenon of revenge for the past 9.00 Horizon. Following probe Giggs and US boy band the 10.00 BBC News Cassini-Huygens' mission to prove her identity after her middle-aged men still livrng Backstreet Boys. details are replaced by a in the famtly home. Caroline 10.30 Regional News: Weather [ Saturn's largest moon Titan. 12.00 Shoot The Wrrters!; 12 .30 false police record. Thr1llei 10.35 Question Tim e 9.50 Underground Britain. A Aherne narrates the storie Astounding Celebnties; 12.55 starrrog Sandra Bullock. of three extreme examples 1135 This Week : Weatherv,ew sex addict who run~ a club Jam1roquai - In Profile; t .20 12.40 FILM: Sarlarosh (1999) of mummies' boys. 12.25 Sign Zone: Panorama on the Costa del Sol. Providence; 2.00 Too Many Premiere. ThnUer, sta 1ring Aamir 12.00 ' Football Night I.IS Holidays At Home 10.30 Newsnight Cooks; 2.50 Cybemet, 3.15 Khan: 3.45 O,spatches: 4.45 Terra 12.40 Dutch Football: 2.10 1.45 Road Rage School 11 .20The Culture Show Motorsport UK; 3.55 ITV 2050; 4.50 Rome: The Model Ponuguese Football; 3.40 Sea Monsters Nrghtscreen: Jobfonder, 2.15 12.20 SBC News 24 5.00 5 .30 ~~~r~1-so Grabbit The Rabbit, Argentinian Football: 5.10 2.45 BBC Ne ws 24 2.00 BBC Leamin Zone ITV Morning News Ar entinian Football Hi hli hts

    n30ks your books -your bookshop

    not If, "'" 117pn:J' \.:..,-1 111100 14.10.85 HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE Guy X (RT 2hrs Sm) (15) Daily· The longest Yard (RT Zhrs 1 Sm) Kinky Boots (12A) (RT 2hrs Sm) Brudenell Road 1.30; 4.20; 6.50; 9.15 (12A) Sat only: 11 00 (NFT) Daily- (10.00; 12.30" Sal/Sun Students = 4.50 Only); 3.20; 6.00", 8.40 Serenity (RT Zhrs 20ml (1 S) Charlie & The Chocolate History of Violence (1 B) Daily: 12.30; 3.15; 6.00; 8.45 Factory (RT Zhrs 20ml (PG) Goal! The Movie (12A) (RT 2hrs Fri. Sat, Sun, Thurs: 6.30 Sal/Sun only, 11.40 20m) (NFT) Daily: (2.50 Not Weds); (8 45 Wed and Thurs only) Kinky Boots (RT 2hrs 10ml (12A) 8.30 Daily 12.45; 3.05, 5.45; (8.30 not LEEDS FILM QUARTER: Howl's Moving Castle (U) Wed) Vengeance Is Mine (RT 2hrs A History Of Violence (18) (RT 1hr Dally: 8.30 (not Mon and Wed) 30m) Mon only, 6.15 55m) (NFTJ Daily 4.30; 6.50; 91 O; f6.15 Mon and Wed only) Oliver Twist (RT 2hrs 30m) (PG) Battle In Heaven (RT 1 hr 50m) Fri/Sat Lat es: I t .35 Daily: 2.15; 5.15, 8.15 Wed only 815 Coffee and Cigarettes (18) Four Brothers (15) (RT 2hr 10m) (11.00 Fri and Sat only) Night Watch (RT 2hrs 1 Sm) (18) VUE CINEMAS (Nn) Daily: 8.50, Fri/Sat Lates: 11.30 (3.00 Wed only) Daily: (1.05 not Sal/Sun). (3.40 not Kirkstall Road. Sat/Sun/Mon); (6.15 not Wed); 9.05 Students= £4.10 (with a valid Pride & Prejudice (U) (RT 2hr Kiki's Delivery Service (U) NUS card) 30m) (NR) Daily: (11.30 Sat Only); (12.00 Sat only) Goal! (RT 2hrs 10m) (12A) 2.20; 5. IO; 8.00; Fri/Sat Latos: 11.00 Dally: (10.45 Sat only); 1.20; (6.30 Sky High (PG) (RT 1hr 40m) (NFT) Alt Quiet On The Western Front not Mon) Sat I Sunday Only: 11.50am 40 Year Old Virgin (15) (RT Zhrs (PG) 15m) FrUSat Lates: 1110 (6.00 Tues Only) Four Brothers (RT 2hrs) (15) Wallace & Gromit In The Curse Of Daily· (4.10 no1 Thurs); 9 1O The Were Rabbit (U) (RT 1 hr 35ml The longest Yard (12A) (RT Zhrs VUE CINEMAS (previously STER (NFT) Daily· (9.40; 11 .00; 12.00 15ml Daily: (11.20 Sat/Sun Only); 2.00 CENTURY) A History Of Violence (RT 1hr Sat/Sun Only); 1.30; 2.30; 4.00; 5.00; The light. £4.20 (with a valid 45m) (1B) Daily 5.00; 7.15; 9.30 6.20; 7.30; 9 50; Fri/Sat Lates· 12.10 Charlie & The Chocolate Factory NUS card). All day Tuesday = (PG) (RT 2hrs 20ml Sal/Sun Only: £3.80 for students Deuce Bigatow: European Lord Of War (15) (RT 2hrs) (NFT) 10.05 Gigalo (RT 1 hr 45m) (15) Daily: Daily· (1010 Sal/Sun Only); 12.50; Wallace & Gromit In The Curse (11.45 Sat/Sun only); (1.50 not 3.30; 6.10; 9.00; Fri/Sat Lates: t 1.50 Of The Were Rabbit (RT 2hrs) Thurs); 6.40 (U) Daily: (10.40; 11 20 Sat only); Domino (15) (RT 2hrs 30m) (NFT) 1.00; 1.40, 3.20; 4 00; 5.40, 6.20, Land Of The Dead (RT 1hr 55m) Dally 12.40; 3.40; (6.30 Not Tues); 9.30 8.00; 8.40 (15) Daily 4.15; 9.20 Serenity (15) (RT 2hrs 20ml (NFT) Domino (RT 2hrs 30ml (15) Daily: Howl's Moving Castle (RT 2hrs Daily. (9.50, 12.20 Sal/Sun Only); 3 00; 12.20; 3.10; 6.10; 9.00 20m) (UJ Daily- (11 15 Sat only)2.00 5.40; 8.20; (11.15 Fn/Sat Lates)

    Lord Of War (RT 2hrs 1Sm) (1S) Pride & Prejudice (RT 2hrs 20m) Oliver Twist (PG) (RT Zhrs 30m) Daily: (12 10 Sal/Sun only); 3.00; (U) Daily: (11 JO Sat only); 2.205.20; (NFT) Daily, (5.30 Not Weds); Fri/Sal 5.50; 8.50 8.20 Lates: 11.20

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    ~ . October 14. 2005

    •. Oil ,I (l)Undl c~talC lha, "cn1ure:-. down Otley Rnnd

    ,;1t t1ut,idL" Jrinking in lhl· Jrutc really well wilh the ! tnto the commun1L)' e1 h.md, ··,1rc bmad as the) mi \\ilh them 1f he cuu.

    ; Boddi1)gton Hull. n Leed, A .1ournc) mto um\ cr,1t} hl'\t 45 mmutc, bu1 \\ ht1 hvur. M.tn) 'ilUlicm~ who b(: ·a p,11n 1n the .ar)e·· .!nt, ,afcl) on the busc, ..:an

    hand lfa1rdre-!t,tng'. :-tuden1 ·c\ \lihc.n II CUU!o..l!f ~lUtknt n~ liµht!-. tlUI nf' .i fcllm, J "·" hcu\.ll) under the

    , dnn't fi:rrifv Boddinl!tnn us dull 1hc i,u:-. s\ ,1cm I'\ :1,:· folio\\ ing a rllsh hour 111n to Bradlord . •111 ..:atch .i numhcr I ,tnd a

    won't cohol want 1un,bJa under­ kers

    ~oes 10 Brndford! tt ·... only

    cnrnt Oil Otley Road. Car, h1cyde, while thc- unf1,nu- 11g. the pavement Thi.' on!) ,~ene lrom ..11wthcr cold mg (If hcdragglcd co,1umc.d "'n the ro:1d; impc:n 1t)u· to h they INOuh.l put a co;,11 on. ~t bmhda~ s..:.ivc.n.g.er hum ir lo find .111 11cm heginni11~ bc1 \\ i1h wn:-h tied logl.'thi:, 1 "ktn anJ ha,e ui. :-.mp1ns .11 11: ,c1 ufl l.lov. n Otli.:} Rond. people lor i~m, hcgrn,unJ:! )..c 'L". "Q' nnd x·1.111d raL

    I Jungle politics Top-up fees, privatised education, gagging of protesters. Sound familiar? In Colombia, student politics is much the same as Britain, it's just that the stakes are that little bit higher. travels to Bogota to witness a new level in student protest. n Thurstlu)' Septcmbt:r 22, !h('"c.Je\crution. n:ucd opcr;llinni; w11h parumih1:1r1c!i>" StudcnL, ut 1hc Uni, Ct\idad del In lhc followmg week. prn1e-.b unJ ··n."CchctJ regul,ir payment from 0 Valle l ampU.'- in Culomh1a \\;Crl' held b,· stutll!nt, m C"llie, muJ p;,tran111it.11m~" - The numerous AUC s1agcd a protest ng:un:\I the Trat.tdo de un1\en;1tic .. W'ound C:nlombm. mdud~ death threat,;, rel·ei,cJ by s1udc.nt.,, Libre Comcrc11> (TL ;, 11 L'S· 111g. a pca'-'efu1 threl·-dJ) !'ill m ut a '''t"•rkcr., and lccturer... Ian t;)(llrnple Col(lmhrnn b1latCti1I Free Trmk c:hurch that cndct1 v.1lh the rcc1onul can he seen 01 ,\greem,nt thut Jc:uJem1,-. antl cam­ gowmmi:.nl agrccinJ:l to u 11!'.ll ~1! tbe http· 1/wv. ,, .new ml .org1fc.ttun;,.flt11JfC prugner!- Jre cum:cmed will have a s1udcm·-. JemWld!"t. On Si:ptcmhcr 27, s/Je.ithlhrcat.g1l) won, mgly ,uppi.m deva~t.alin!! dl1J1..1 upon the well heing our humnn ngh1s ddegntinn held a 1he theory ur g. und the dclcg.1t1on mcmhers lave, al n:-.1,., h) publu.::1) lhc rnnfl1c1. nnd 1ha1 schoob -.hould Jdc.h:,I la.JI. ,,....u .. m1po~ upon cnrol­ Cohm1h1a Between JunuBI) I. 1991 hod lef1 the c.irnpu-.. th1..· police entered c.knuuncing the killing b\! identified Jnd protected a~ "1onc, mcn1 lee, and September 29. 2()()3, 691 teaching. am.I fired 11,c ammunition at .. rndenb The l'nited Nation~ High or re~c··· r·unhcnnore. unOrk . .tnd th,11 'unu-union ,..ioh:ncc' te,:;r ~~ curns1cr al point-Mank r:u1~·. he mainlllmcd l'x:-t'-"cCn ,chooh, und 1111y with.in Caulju_ 11 .1i,1nc1 io Wc'1i1 l'On:.rnutmn and law.,., hu1 ahn the um­ antJ 'crimmal ;111ack, on teachin~ knod.;m~ 1nm Ufll'On.i,cmus for 1hree Cc,lombia. t!nltred m10 .! fi"\c-month vcr.al human right 10 eduea1mn. d:sy, ,trlk.c wlu:·re ,rudcnL,. worl..er.. and tilalJ, prin\.'.1pall) m umvcn.iltC!<. 1!1 llnJcrrinnanl! 1hc. mun.fer of S1udem respon..e to thcu1m,uy ha., let·turcr. tk:cupil.:d !he cumpu1, •tnd )el ~mmnn. JJ101111y S11\o am.I ,tudents .iero.\s In ,m cl fort 10 campaign for jw.uce he.en phcnnml'nott, 1bc lt1llr~WlnfJ Jil.) \lfl ,1 pcat.:C·l·amp t11 ,m cllon to res1,1 The police entered Colmubi-1 1, the fundamental "hill around 3,0UU s1udcnls pc:a.cetull) the lno\:c, The partic1punt:s were vie for Jhonny S1lv11's murder. und to IOWllrds prt\,111 .. ittiun. ;1 tnt)\'C lhat I~ marcht>d thn)u~h du: ,acnlre ol C11i1 and fired live !nm ol ~('vc~ ri:prc!1111< upprt,!11011. !he . ColomMo dents as they flew Rnpponeur ,1 • ~ th~at to CUuc.aunn a.i. unity "hown ilmong1,t Col11mb1an .. iu. ... card1ed ,1uJeni.. · hou c .. S0lldun1y Campaign is pu:i...eung 1hc towards University a publi,.: good and to ... chools os a pub. Colombian cmbn.:.~Y on lhe ovcmb<.·1 dt"nh h1 ghhgh1, the putentml ~tTCfli?lh 0 The links hc1we.cn the Colomhi;UJ he Sl'r\'JCl.' Ille ab~urdit}' l)f the mar of 'i.!Udt!nl nm\·ements, \ome1hing we buildings ~t~,.cm.men1 and the ng.h1-wing par-.t­ 22. 1llcrr w,ll be;, coach from l.~eti" ke:l dnHn policies rccommcnJc:d b) ,hould hame" v.nhin the UK' ,a1c.J nuluan,:_-._ the AUt:. an: w1del) dt>1.:u· !?uing to the prolt:\l the: Worltl S;ml tind IMf. ""cerc mo,t Clam: 11:tll. J rec~nt gradu,nc from memed. A 20()1 Hum.m Righh Wu1ch !early 1llu~tr.Ued b) lhe intmductmn Bri<,tol Un1\leN1y and p,,mcipant in rcpon n1,1c:d thut Colombin', 1rll. 5th. •Ft,r m('rc dnails nmtat:I. of Ai:1 No_ 788 of 2002 where a 11u.h1c- ~ml 24th Brigade-.. ··acu..,cl) coordi· .lf'([email protected] Frilall. October 14, 2005 'Ci

    Any Old Iron? 1.:ait !?Wt·, th!: pcrh.. 'ct ~lltU~ ror nding ""'U tr.i,cn,c He 1cllo, n1'.." 11 ,,. a forru1) In the first of a new series of interviews, Dan .along bu,) ,tn..·d, .ii .1 'o\.1lk1ng p;.'"° hu:,,ntt.'" he: inhent~ Imm h1, fall ...-r ,md J l')'mg th1r. m ~ \•i.111 would pn,b.Jhl} tlra" 1nk.inJ:!I~ ~y, the hnn 1!.~tllcJ ·S1cpwc & Johnson goes in search of Leeds' little-known huu 10 dtc J.ttentiun of Ull: pofo.:e. I-le '.lton · I k sh:.m:s olJ mun Stcpto,.··, ~ml:>­ doc.. ,11'1,.all <.tUI l,m<.lly il~ he cnt~~ u mud hly h..:Hnl hul in pl.11:c ol the: l111t1,crll-.;<,; lik..- othcl' m hh trade anJ hl' c111I~ ,11Cilk" p:lmc:-. hi, \l.~ll-wom h;u1W ,in, cn,cn:J local legends. This week we meet the ,oftl) to th.: hm-< ,mJ gL"nUy 1uµ, lhl• 111 numcrnu ... 1:.11tt,n,. l·fo, dN1ru.11ve cap rum., tu O!'p:Sl.tf in lt1k· and -.(.:arf itppe.il' a., ulc.l .1 ... Ilk 111.in hun­ Victorian-era waste collector, coming to a Simmons u.a, hum III Uk' :\11l'lh EoN "dr. TIN;) whole t)J)CroliOO 1:,. "-1f1ll:th1Dg aoJ ha., \x.."Cn \\11,rk1ng. th.. • -.crur 11.u.lc .tl1 1mm u tune Iha!~ p..L,..cti .inJ \t!U ha,c street near you. hL" bk mu, nu: ul\M.Utd lhi..· cuunt.n 1.., Ull." kl \\oo11Jcr 11(1" lung. 1t u. ill he hcfon: Ult" mood wkt",; n~· I kJ<11.."':-TI't ha,e n:gul;.ir R.1}!: anti Bon.: man hun ...... :.lf enJ ... up 011 uul Suumon~ •.., a pmpcr lUrmunti. ,·o.mntl!li bu,-. of ooµ• l\.'"-)'Chng puhC)' and he l' pru, uliug ;LO hi, hur,,i: and Cilfl being <;\l,.~ra.l ma.,1er pi...-r piping nnd whal hklb hke Ilk! gutl.ed man w'IU. "ltudcnt. h"c' \\,tuch are "'-'Punite unportanl publ1c ~f'\'ICl'" 111 wt .tJ:W \I hco folly up and d1lwn the cubhlcd baci.. tcr- rem.:un ... ni' a computc.-r. lh fll4)!-.I pooph: ;inJ di\tinct, ,hnuld en"" JU.'-1 hnefl) t)\l.."T flC-"tlJlk ~;u1'1 be bc.Jlhcn.ldt.·1al J,!l'lttng a be before the h,ive lhc ~\Ufee, to ~fl.1r.11d\l "~,Ut..:-t id\ ,.m ll1! h.,•11, me lilt!}' 1U'C11°1 re 111) p1ib.:U~ lhink. he h..t come fmm !,(lint' m~um. mJ im.\,m,! IS not !,!U.lrnnlccd a., peopk• Rag and Bone ~llll' rocyd.tblc 1mm w, (ht.• suup tn.m L' but Ult, n:.tll) '" the gcnui().; un11.:k. s.c:11 mnn: and nwrt' Junl. 1hmugh Eha) c..--al tor U1I= Joh \',in., are mor C',pen ... 1,c h\'IOg 1.0lunon~ lh.,1 \ ll'IUrWl iif'f1lUltdl faCI) morning I.he 5-S Yl';tr..old pn.'-­ ,mJ c;tr to.11 ~!"""· The m,~N: to people tu llx,J lh.u, St.lf" amt lhc rr.dun: "! h1, man himself ~' .. ln suU nval muc.icm mcthcl!Js. \'\C'fl m J>,uh h1., can dnd hi\ l11trSc S1.u, (or the­ t.a!.mg un~ anted glo.l.. to ch.mt) ,hop~ worl reliC'I. tin him lJUJl-,'lllg_ ,!uwl) up ands up on the hJJ.1~ ·~ L'U!l• ..1.n11cr L"Uilun.: day cm U,e n...J He Jcai.e~ hb .;.m1\!l.U m at,v ,-tccounlcd for the wilk:: ... pt~ad dcnu-.e l!',·i:ry ,tn:et ~ that pl"Oplc tt.1, c tmk: :o scrap heap? lhi:Mcunv.\>tkl ,alley anJ ride-- thc\trcct, ol the nw and hon..: m,m in the J97(h )(.'C hm1 J.lld hnng llUl v, h.1li:'\,'Cf 1111.!),' nuglu w1 ... h lo J1,.p:,,;c 111.: hur.-.c.: ,md \I{ l..eru, In "¢'.trch of "iCl"'J.P. He 1.ulh.'t.'l\ Sm1mon'>- Ii g.iuu:Jul 10 ,tul.k:'nh "'™l un: ,,t 1i uk Jril1rl. October 14. 2005

    F1nkleateln, left, t. • ta SUPt)Of'ter of th• Occupied Territories Academic war

    America plays host to a battleground of Dcrshowlf7\ uucn1p1s m ccnscr.:h1p. ~qmum Fiokcls1cin IS one or lhL' OIDS( wh.ut hu1na.t1 ri~hb. Of£am:1.atioru. - wlm.:h conflicting ideas about peace in Israel ·•ecy1.md Chuu.pah"' wa.... unlil)I rch:.1'iCll ..-ons1Me111 c..1'lUC'i "r the lsr.icli gnvemmcnt havcu lolol crecbhtlo, ev~rvwhi..--n-elsc Ill 011 Augus.1 J".'. and 11 JU.'>l :,e, ltuppc:ucd th,u and mlhtmy in the UmwJ UUe1> llm lhc \1,-orlLI - ;ire ~1'·in2 abol.u. whal is hnp­ and the Occupied Territories. futc had put hoth FmkcblCm anti me m m-.t.mtl) sw.:rifire.." illl)' h~ of a qwct pt::nin,g m the Ot;;uj,ie-J Teoitorie<. und :'.ew York Cit)'. An inlcrview w1L, lifo but lhcse bilious a.«.smllt~ w~re unu~u· thar ·~ ilbl nm koov.u .. r meets the man at the hub of .arranged po:,.1-ha,c,1< ,mt.I un a typu.:all}' alJ~ \'ltuperJthe tven for the ,t11mt)" But \W'el) there .,,re pleat)' or ,,Ull!r the furor, Norman Finklestein ~on:hing Augustd.1). l ~teppt:d down mM "'"orld of Americ.au arb an un. "'1m1 '\m;·ing at the door al tu~ m1Xlc.c.1 ~pokcspct'Slm dttim!) us agul.nst whor the prtJl!.!1-~1T n,e Y.,1\-pi,h Allm Dt:iill1l,u.ill 1 fnunU. ilcclulmini! - M a n."!>pc~tf\JI 1::1\le.tl don 1 km1w T·mkclsluin h.: l'i :1 llnnicr Df'.)'Jrtrncm m (me of lhe less gllt7.) ,treru. oJ h.:li\. }runkft1n~r. ProfoS..1;ur nf Criminal ra;mtl 1'.h()W:i, - .mu:mgs1 in~ulL, ht!\ "grc~1l t.olll nod cle.tr ()US, ouuer:• And rutl(lngsi Che ~ tensive NL·"" York Cuy. he grttlecJ mt: in a vest, Liw, uc:1..11-sed m~ ur"n:ipcali11g ,1 Iii!.." ntler- eye" H(!ynnd CJ1lfl.:puh is woJghklll wi 1b c.Orpu~ c,f u1u11.:ks by at:u1fo:mk:.-. aml c11m­ homl! mmk: je.;.11 .:;horts. nm.I 01p-llop~ ! Its 1 hod publii.!i!ll;..'ll tu!'. lctt.!r '-"riltng i..:.tm~ hum.tredli ul :m:.u,e- R'IJ'l)r'l> From hl.lnlRII Afler t..ilkin); 10 f·Ulke)Mcin It ln'ITI· ment-Jlor. - ht' Jiligemly po~I"' lhi!u1 all rin dt'llil.mut11'wa,, similnr/yinl(mm1l i1nd will· pni&tl tli.::slgm.:-.i.! h1 stop the Univc~it)· 01 ra~hL~ r1ry.am1;uions 1h:11 fiinkeJ:; 1c111 Iii.,;, wcb\1ro -1 found the Ufllll\ll'I) Lcm1 Q)ntin,g. Af1.er apologillng fc,r 1bc rncs, (1l 1dhngly JU.1.lapusc.~ w1disu.ucme111~ 111n.1fo Califomia Pn•" pul.ihslung a btlOk critical t:~u~::~.\/::~: ~~1l\~~~~ t,~;~kt\~:: l~~ \\ltef!\ler·sdesi.:ri11uc,n uf' hun ,u. "(X11i.on. ,1 v.•ru. p.rh,unr t we nt;Jdi: our wa} mtt, t.he of hh "-'ho1an.hip 111ut bouk - lJrymul rutU !>C'nl fu lW t ·c Pre<,. a_i;. W!L" m, bv Oetshawil, In hi!. book 1'111: Ca.w- fnr dJ.,gu..,ting :.e:H ,hulmg lt!\\' ~otlll.:lhlng you h, mg mom which wus dccorntcd With i.lMrl, 1,;fam'11tl,? them lo be. at ~- mis­ rlwt,//liJI Jc11Km..qruic:I fini~ hi, ne" rele.l-.e th,u d.1y, ii.:ull~ 1111"-rcpn:-.cntc­ ~Wi.rust 1cmpcnnnen1 to 1hc t•a_.\ \ru­ tha! ha" gnpp.-c.l \J11Cf'K.ol· Ht" h;id, m fact. Umlt..j State-. n:o..'l\c The Casr For I.trod tunn1l rigor'! Jcni httd.) h) 1rymp 1.C.1 rubbish my "-TIUll~ built h1i,; ~ll"'Tlar n:puwuon oo revealing. -'° rJjltumusl)· 1 '·J U11.ir{lJcd.1cate.1 wbafobuok ruAl,tn ;m C>cr.;hvwttt.~ he \J}'S "ilh a oom~mp111 Jiom1111·m au..1eb As I h.id 1.7eale4 llm, b) Jn.m l\!11.-r. lh1, 11n1c:. ln ht- a •·tr.11JO it as 'the aca• Wtlh u verhal .1ump, .. Why? J w"'11J SU) ti llu11Jhafuo. I d,,.ociJed tt> get m conrru.:1 with UN.I ·tma.,;" ou, u,o~. in rmfl.."">.,or nf I)\)hucal anJ tunung wlU m lA•r:-.huwrt.7 \ 1.:a.\C bas gripped l>cr.howltr a peg r~,r gomi Lhmu,gh n on till: eduorr.iJ lioanl m the Nl~1, Y(,l("k lllulTlma.tmg humlltl n,g.hts J1icuoum1:.U'V .'i(;icm:e ,li rkP;1ul ~ · nh,.c..·fMt)' by the 11.1n11.· wngghng. !he anncnl J.X.il.)m thal you can America• 'nt,Uff - Lhe ~iclon! C:Xpt.'fl 00 IJte C,,ool­ of Nomun Fiakchtc.:tn- !.r) burymg d11: U'Uth. but you i:an 11C\'..:r 1CCt111J. wh.ich - ahbnuglJ il

    ~JUI ;IO) <11 it. the)· Jon"! fe.ad .ul)1h1ng - never ,h,rlr.., hi, i..-cnnn,i1mcm 10 im· pnlf',1ga,11..IJ and the) rt:.L"'-m. no n\J.llL"T ,1,h.11 v1rt.l1d kdeion, till" i lnlt1C.iu.,1 i, unKJuie in 1hc annal ot 1,nu can u'"'""'c.uu.l .11 lc.!a-,1 ,1,.p«"t, nf LIii! An 1.tunk the) '1t' rtJ.lly ,trctt.:hmt! lhc: ntar he find.-. in h1stnn··, do~•l Bui lhc: i.k•u hum.in w1c~cJne,•>.1 Due, I 111ld .. km i;l'1k1':ldi.; wrong, building a tiJL\. ·nie.) read Pr,11. t' two ,1n.l 1hmk thJ.t t11Jt the H(1loc,1thl 1,1,,i, .ih..cni from to.kc hi', tnhl) sicl,.li: fhc t:all, hun-<11 a I mt..d,;.:m 1 , urul ,1t1} 1t:urn"l(;i.1,tu.· m wall around these l'i 1he hnuL-. ul thi: "pectrum - the) Je-."h culturt:" iu the l\'\Cnt"\ \'Car. JJO:r ··u,nuuuni.,t '"uh *1,rrt.a.11 •c ... ) .in,\ ,bLc h1'.\ mt..:.1pre1.1u,,n ur the ,.:um::nl ~tu.,tmn people Is wrong, h;s:v1cn·1 g1)1 thc \,l~Uc!!'>t dui.: \\hat', gntn!'.! die s~'111id WurtJ War wuml, Vl·n oU'4tJly l!J~CI ti1 Jrav. ilUl'Ol!On lU tty lllill \ a d11.:J\I! 1ust b)' \. lnue nl t1m1.• 1hat lhi: h1.1d P..ilc,11m: cun011.:t ,., stones Is wrong ··t ha\.c loc;, 01 c>.pcric11w in these 'iOn., of the fik.1 tha1 hi: 1s ,,mJv.1l'hcdlk.>i:p m the and .,pace c:,--c()'lhtng IS 11m4uc \ml \C\. ·ren1J.d,1hl) unfotnphL"alc!d'', th1, hcini: 1hm~, and I lhmk my pn.•thd1,ut~ will c111i:;,ai...uJ., for one:(' ·• ,\I.an Dt.·r-,h\1\\'lt/ mull~. lhcm: are ,L,f'k."d'> of lhc 1".111 1..·.,r)(..1:1JJI~ rctrc,hmJ! (mid ,urprNngJ rnr bear uut \\'h,tt the) .ire p:oin~ 10 do now sa}" II If you lnol.. m hl!I huol he ,,1) , ··) 11t,10,.:..11i...t. "'ludt .in.· unniuc ,1,pech of 1hn-.t ~IU!_!ht up on J diet ,if 1:om,1dt!J'C1I i thl!)' are 1:;om11 In 1g.r\dl'l" 111) book ,ind don't remember huvmg .i ,m •It! 1.-onwr it Bui thcre artt unique a..,~b uJ mcht 'l\·Clf-unc-h11lf iH.ln1.l!'n .. ,f the ot~n,m. m lront ufml· .U'c a..:1u:tll) \Cr} kv. pc(lplc 1 ignore Dcr.hm\ ill\ nc\\ ht."M1k and that\ \.11J0'1 with 8n} llf Ill~ tncnemg. U'lul you mu,t hi:mg 11laced .; a11 cnllrdy ,, hen lliJ II hccor1'k.' ,uch a con­ l\ml.:'ncan populatmn. in m} '-IC\lo at Jc..i,.t lou<. and canilit.110 give u homha... tic ··we n:douht.thh.- m1dlcct. and un umJlJ.kc-.ihlc People read Peace morahty David eventually ,la)'i,. the !-picu0t.1-. -ruld ub1quuou, p:1rt nl our h1!1- h~ quite um4ue teJtun·s .u,d ,ictu;.lll)' ca.n Jo 1(· crc~>cncJu WI.hi: 1m.c.r,:1cw, u., I\ Now and think that 1oric..il hcnrngc-·, 1nlc.n=-sting.l~ Ulltll,Ut! feature, lOr l').:IITI· so Oftl.!n th.: c.:a,;e wuh lctti,1 acaCl ,troll along the Cc'111C')" ol ,houtmg ,L'-i loud J" he can .it ,'t ,1tmc· haven't got the a;mmg under intematmn,d l>fl.""un:. f11r a.,,.1Jmpuon nomuilJy L' thul m ,mtcr tu l,lund bc.K·h • .md '1reallld.l ,1 hugt" ,1gh ol tkal American m.un~am. mmbming vagpest clue il!I occup;.11..iom, of the l g) puan !)m.ai. execute a genocide you ncel•mi: Semiu~. poL\nOOlb l'"'O hc.11k.d rnon,tl'r What's going on 11 (11..'iill'l i.:om."t.1 th¢ lnmc., 111 lhc \1kk.lle be.mg obv1ou:i. lnc Hnloc.iu.,t WiL\ used wamin1 to 1t m trymg 10 unden.tund 11.jnlcd '°t,rman Fmkd<.rem. 1A-ho. I no"' ~I - g1VI!.\ U'.\ hope.: to dcOecr c:rillc-1,m of ls:ru..:h JggJ'C"'-lrlfl Hitler\ \vorld-v""' md Xan ideology ,L" rc~ncd. mu,t he the: C\il tvrin of the unc

    Leeds U' I ~ Union Assemblies rtleetinps

    Assemblies are the perfect way for you to have your voice heard, inform on how LUU 1s run or get involved in running a campaign for your favounte cause. Assemblies are in­ formal meetings of like-minded individuals coming together to raise awareness change how things are done in LUU. maybe even change the wMdl

    All students are welcome to come along to the monthly meetings, what­ ever you're passionate about. this 1s the perfect place to get heard and you don't need to be elected or worry about agendas or minutes. The Chair of each Assembly is also a member of Union Council, this means you have the chance to speak face to face to your elected representatives about the things which you care about

    If you have any further questions contact Erin Mc Feely, Democracy and Communica­ tions Officer on [email protected]

    Next weeks assembly meetings are

    Tuesday 18th October 5pm Democracy and Communication Assembly 5pm Education Assembly

    Wednesday 19th October 5pm Events Assembly

    Thursday 20th October 4pm Womens Assembly 5pm Disabled Students Assembly

    Friday 21st October 5pm LGBT Assembly 5pm International Students Assembly 11 Leeds SIDdent ftill8. October 14. 20005

    larly well}. Add the grated potatoes. s"rnng untll tl'le boner or 011 above. adding some medium cvrry pcw,lder, to taste. wrth the has been absorbed. Pour over your stock and wme 11 you are ornons. Add cooked carrots and courgettes before blending., and usmg Jt stir well and cowr. Simmer over a medium heat for 15- serve wiu, a dnzzte of natural voghurt ,r desired. 20 minutes, stJrnng occasionally For the broccoli soup, add the broccoll before pureeing the mix­ ture with a processor or a potato masher. If the soup is too thick. ngC add some of the cooking water reserved from I.he broccoli. Use a whole onion. half a clove of garlic. and about half a tea­ Season to taste. and return to a low heal. Add the cheese and spoon of finely chopped Jresh ginger per portJon (these all have stir frequently. unUI I.he cheese has melted. Remow from the anti-viral properties that provide a boost to the Immune system}. 500ml stock (If you like, you can use wine as well - heat before sUrnng in the cream, and serve 1mmediately. For an Fry the garlic and ginger with the onions. adding curry powder and Just make sure the total amount of liquid is about extra-special gourmet touch. sprinkle some extra cheese. cnspy dried ch,111 ~akes to taste. Add cooked, mixed veg before puiee­ bacon brts and homemade croutons on top. firnshmg with a drlz- ,ng - use dar!< green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach rt 500ml) possible. as these contain high levels of vttarmn C. 1le of cream. L ek Potato soup: y Broccol oup: Just leeks the onions and prepare add chopped wnh as above 100g cooked broccoli 1ieseM, the cooking water) Heat tl'le bUttcr or 011 In a large saucepan, and add 1he dlCCd 5075g grated or crumbled cheese (I suggest using stilton, but a omon. Fry until lhe onion has started to soften. w,U, any hefbs Of t Potato strong cheddar Is very good ,n this recipe as well) spices you are using 1for the l)(occoli soup. chrves work parucu- SUbstitute sweet potatoes for the normal ones. Prepare as 50ml single cream Jop 1onall 1 rasher bacon. finely d!Ced ano fned.

    s' unio

    Doors: 9.30pm - 3am £2.50 ADV/ £3.50 DOOR for bulk bookings ring: 011 3 209 84 3 5 TICKET AVAILABLE FROM ALL SU BARS EED /


    ~~t... <" ~ , N'l\\OV.-u11 Jil'. 1/rt/1'~/M ~ Bl I l rl'U \kOI

    + Mia!& October 14, 2005 b k ...... ,. .... Sarah Nolans: Tea rea - D+l·CI Cl) :I .. 4 5 0 G) Deattiary >-! g - C: Would ha\e l,1ught'll. but "''L' hung~"~r. anJ v..u., 2 5 - :I An> ,t trawc Wii\h: of Chew1h ca_ 111UTlellM!- I) proud at One nl quoh;:-. vn l:iu.!>h pi.,stcr rem.I,., It 3 clearly a how \\di l'\c coped budget It\ ~ill a 101 nf numhcr. in II Un1il ll()\\, 5 2 4 .s e w11hou1 telc\C)1tin Have tw,.c. had \tn1thu-1ndifTt.."n'l'k.'C lo Lhc word 'budget Cl) U) re.,1:-.t.ed the ltmJll..ltJon u, \\rite a Knew "hal a budget Wa5. but J1Jn'1 pay much .:.: .... ruJc letter tO the: B.8.C about the outra­ auenuon 11.1 the mcnL'i uf .Klopung Olll' To m)' 3 l-"(:'OlL\ c.~t of a hccm.c. and am not c.'t:MNantl) 1n l'0-.1. W~tt.'tl too much mone) on 1!) m member· C: >­ flab ol L\1-o\\e'i through~ unlike E:.d CC'IOd he', gor· i!'tt"IUS), C,IOOOI go runmng to Wddy. Either CUI 8 ... g cerned uni) with th<: an.,. rultll~ and learning. J Mme ! !<> TX?"' a ~.u1ingful hie J

    Leeels U ,ve• i+y +vele -Fo r lo


    MIii!. October 14. 2005 21

    .around 3!<. "ell .1~ lbc Met Jden.. c to lou1.:11 dnY. n umfer m•m.1gcd thu:c mo,eo me\ haJ Then cll\1n, ....·ere th~ po-.1, through \nd~ [:J,..,ards ,md .... VARSITY ...• rewarded v. hen ,horth .tht"r An m, 1)!.nr,1tcd Mi.:l .. nlc two murc fru111 W.arrency SY BEN SPENCER, CHRIS ward.. !he) -.cun.. ·d · 11cvcr look.t.:J bud, unJ ,1 stron~ ma tk~t\Cd '.'- I , h. cnmt1lct1ng h1\ hal trid, LEAGUE TABLE P£All AND \Vhcn The \1ct "'ere {"J.1rc .\llcn rr:,; t1u11.. kl~ lul­ I .el!th.. l"' Jid 1nan.1~c a NAOMI SUDWORTH '"" ll.1NarJcJ a pcnUlt). tn ,i.:01e lo\\tJ frnm a l m dcfcn-.ivc cun•mlatwn Ir\ an 55 mm Men·, Football ~nulJ ,urch ha\c ended the..· crnn ,, uh \ndreu Doh,un Uk:-. but lhc d.iv hdonl!,C:~I 111 \\omen's Foothnll game. hov.·l'\Cr 1bc l.i:e1.1' comcrt111g lo ntuh· II 12-0 al the k1 LEEDS MET 9 When lhe l!Jmc frnallv Barch l\\.n nunutc .. had l!tl!lc L'n1 ke.. ·p,:, ,a... cd well 111 111'• hall tune hcfor~ the l'ni ,...,m:· ,twa.rdc.:J LEEDS UNI 4 k.1ck.eJ nff half an lwu1 latC rig.ht Th,, uu.lut:cJ his i.1Jc Ten minute, from lhe .\lhletit< afrcc:~1d.. 2S),1rJ,um. The 11 \\a, Leeds Mtt wh1, Jnmi to grc,Hcr dtun, '""11h the rc:,1;1rt Doh,un ptw,crclf over -\lthuugh 11111) IV.fl points result wu, an un,toppuhle nulcd The (in,1 h,111 WU!. fct"hng now tlrnl they could Jroin .1 hnctlul to c,1cmJ the scpar:1tcd the 1tphl hauk Football: curling 'ilh1t mw the top cor­ ,crapp). 1he e;,;\.·cpl1(111 bemg gel ,omc..·thrn,:? lroru the..· Mc,., .1J,·.1otaj!.c The clci.llt hcl\l.cen Lt•cd'.'. l'm anJ Mens 4-3 MET L.uu.ru Steele·, well •;ttu k ner ttl the ncl The game came:- rtm, w.1.. ma1m11!eJ !yin~ R:.u:h..td l\.lu1r lol\owcd Lcc:d .. \1e1 men·, u1blcll" w~i:. rtaycd hOI !!i\lfll! lht: Met .1 \~uh the -.~oring or 11;~ third 1hh b:,; runnin_g 1n l\\t) lne, lc;um,, It \\;1,. J.cc:d~ Mel v.ho 3-1 r,H:c, the Met Jc..,per.itt: tt, dc:~crved lead Mo,1 of lhc Leed, Uni puul l"ollowin_g from hcr own h,,U , ,, h1ch t.Ullt: out on 1111l in lhc over get back tnlri it Some c:111ertammcnt came from the gond "'ork d1mn the ri,ght Ol,bM,n convertci.J to com• ull ,tamlm~~. w1nnini by Hockey: re.,pcc1nc cro\..,d., imugin.t.· me.at)' t.idde.., wel't" put rn b~ "mg W1lh Leed.. t:m wcrt.• pletc 1hc rnut I g2 poini.. ra 136. The Mel holh .. 1Jci,, umJ 11 \\ a\ rc:fre!>h Mens 11·2 UNI tt,e. if m.. ultmg. chantmg dt,Nrald )' U)' rng 10 tmd an \.\OITIC.0 '\Calcd the \'IL"lllr) The match sparked mg th.ii the game 1,:on1inued equafo•cr 1hc,) were tlcnic1.I a !\tcn'!t Rugh} League hcal111g the Leed, Uni Womens 2·1 UNI to be played in gnnJ !ip1rlt inln life w1lh bolh siJe~ ~11;1lty With llllh! (l\:Cf IQ Leed., .\te1 prmed 1110 \ltlln).! women b) ;J hugl" t-t pomb The \kl ,uun bcgJJJ hl uchangmg goal, JU~I aJlcr minutes tc1 go and 11 ft11 Leed.. Vn1. runrun!! out The ,11hlcuc, lrad, 1Au, 11npo.,e Netball: 46-43 MET hJlf 11mt: 10 lca\lC the :-,i;Ore 1hcmseh·c, l'II th~ appeared lile 11 v, u,n ·1 tmmg -l8-t m the: men, Rugby buuanl,'. "'llh ,uppNt ;rnd at 2-1 Thi:!! turn ol cv~nh game. Jnc RU'1\th:r cqualt, 10 hc their Ja~ nm. t~clln~ League. An ,ur ol 11H.•\·11,1bll~ ,r,cc1att.1r"- wilnc,;,i:d L«d, pro'Or finishing. Thi: gami: second h.tlf \\ ith renewed their opponent-. tcrr11ury 1.... 0 rmm K~'Vlll T,U made It Met hud -.cakd 1hc \'1ctc>ry \ 1gour, ttntl tht.·) began the Mens 12-6 MET lini.. heJ Y.1thuu1 ,in} further Laura 'ush munagcd lo 32 U at the m1cr\al. l,cforc lht end ,,t !hi: c,·enb Womens 33-0 MET 'iCOte. the Mel pnn,mg too .. cconJ half pa?

    Charity Hitch to

    Join O\ler 100 other students and end the semester in style (8th-111h Dec)

    Help raise o\ler £8,000 for Cancer Research UK and RAG oommunily projects *It's Free!

    INTRO meeting 14th Oct 5-6pm in the ARC. 22 Leeds Sllldem Mla'I. October 14, 20005 Help uS 'kick racism out of !the

    By KY CAPEL & GRAHAM it-. Champion., League g,unc, ,, here ,111 m.11.dt Ji;_ainM lhe Met. which tht.) lfht 3- l'.! dub\. \\ ill lak~ pan m the Wee~ ol 1. the girl-. wore one black. ..cx:k JOO one THE 'iATVbMt A.'iTI­ ·\ctioo.. All rrwtcho oo the 18th .mJ IQ{h \\-hlle '.,,Ol,,k 1.1, ,IK,...., lhc1r support for lhc R,\CIS\1 \\ EEK IJcked off , es­ (k1ober ,-.ill 1mohe tcam., cntcrine: lht: Ktc.:l It Our cump..tign lcrdu) and will co11rinuc until· the p11t·h ,ic1.·~1mp,U11t'U by d1il comp,:h fon1h.J.llc1 \lhcn JohaJll\',(.,n lb.: ~•l!mfi­ f.ta.),1 of Hill\:cfon,1 h.L, ,utkred lrom uon k1 u1kk!rlme lhc. ..::.tnL'C hdimd tht: proJ~LI \\ilS. lhal monJ..ey clunt,. II\. h;,1! \k,,1rn1, \l.m:: •\\t· ,uc:- un ptllffiOIL:..i U1 mtu.. h ruci,m m the "P'"' ,~ often ltati..-d I A.',l!;tk' .and lhc: I 1ll~b..1111 rn111W11on ~ho;il, Ill help cniJu:mc ult IOOU!> of he~. rkl\ "'• m~h lmm .. upporter.-. hut tn !.t... l)'(';.(J ·K1d.11Ui11·bundedou1.1:t1 rnu,m .u1J hrml! the ch1JJrcn do-;cr h.:nn, oJ pl.n-er... m,u1.1ie1, mid official.._ b mnc ~l Jl,~s.. 11,500 k,fon,. llWl.fX..l tngclher a .. one m~ltH.uhuml u1111 I kn: ,,. ,1 1.o'flmn11.:nt from an unn,uncJ m.1.~.vini:,. lfXl.nno h.1Jgcs, :?(lf),DfW:1 Thl' l'm\ocNl) lll l..ectl\ 1' a \\Jlhng. \\c.,1 Y, slmt· I ,e.•a~ ui= n.:foruc nn nk:1,m "'-lid,c1, amJ t:\fl,n1111 m "a"h ,uppc.1n \Uppont:nll tlm camrxugn. ninn_. :.1gmli­ m ;inmtcur foo1ti.1 II ··some cthnu: 01('! \\c1d,;. h.1, J!?.JW l.'011\C.:UJetJ Willi cantl) I" tl1e l lll\'cr,;11\ \ womtm·.., k1nl mi noliue .. lw c .1 chip ,,n lhi!u t-. bt1ultkt Ul,i..:k !11 fut) M,,nth Jittl Ram,11.lun 1111: t,ull lcam 1<...ill' EJlh. \.~pbun nt thc Lee~!" ,ind th<.\ 11un1. 1hc, \ l.' i.ml lo be ll't1..1ll-d ,111n ti! Blai.:~ 1l1,101) \h,nth, wh1cll 1~ l 'nivcr.11)' V.t\men·, foothull h.'..1111 J!, lulh dtllcren~tJ} trnm ti!l"k.:r Pl-;,i,lc." ;lC'lt! e\'cry, Ck:1ol~r. an: 10. pmmnte PICTURES: JOHN BARNES SUFFERS AS RACIST HOOLIGANS N"hmJ the 1tCht.·n1e. ,tie SU),thul •• 11 ".Ul 1111, i.:n11nn1.:m underline, ~ ,mgomg k.nc™-k•li;t uf Blad. lfo,ll.,ry .uind1, .JgO l:.n;:1.ioo· tifll.·'1 hl:11.~ \\...:cl. uf \1."tLon .m: c...,,cn11.tl m 1,:-ontmwtl ,port l-or lhc: tampa1g11 tu t1': o ,ucco., II r.aci,nt, lootball. ,;.o 11 1~ ,t Ramad.u,. \\h1Ch J.\ COIL~ t.111..· rla)~ \\Ctr: r.u:1.111) .,bu\Cd .,, ,11~ I) undc11inmg uui oppu\111110 h1 r,tt:i,m c:,pc,..:1alh ,...-ry 111.·c..b 111 bre.iJ.. -.uch h.llTlcl'. hut with Lhc hoh~ ,, J),.'TIOd nl 1hc hl,ITTU4: \"~at. -.cc Ban,1hcu tn M,kl.rh.l m lrrnu 111 n111l1ort.\ i1nJ 1111.~11.tallf} 1mport.in1 1~ lu .;tdJre,.._·· 1.o:,~mg .,t C\(llh m I A1fkkln', t nde'rprtutk.l mt:r the \lu.,ltms fa uig for un cnltre munlh. ~ .u~·hmg cm li:IC!V"'°" 1bc tc<.p.in~ Bct\\CCD Or.100cr Uth-2StJi \\e aiU ho\\ the WO!~ can hencrit 1hc Vmh'Nt; urmncr lh..: ..c hanicr. \\ ill be hanlc.."'1' ti1 I luwc t..'f. l11.'>lln£ uni~ wk ~a...: ,tunn~ tmm the n,11mo "w .1 urnhod c,111 tur m1c,C.l)Oll( lntKlxd h) thcg;unc t.ni.:on Kate then satJ "' )c..:J1, 11 i'i 1!00!.L a... thl..'n.' hn:.tl dtt\~TI lJUl,O,t'.'\l,. I.hi' L" '(l,h,.1t die Ja) lighL untl 1."l'r1.11n gmup,, ,uch a, .:h1I adltll\ tntoc the t.~ll lur ,k.1inn ..iµ.um.t r.ici..m an:i1't JU.'il g.u'h 11{ a ddlm:1i1 ,olt,ur pl..t) KhJ, Jt 0u1· ('.nupaign l'-Jll ahoul ..._, all Jn-n ,Uki pregn:mf won,tn l!U:' c.,.,, lu,la.l ·(JIVen th:.it lhl!!>C ·en~ 1,1,~ orn:t Ing. Wllhm our t ,rn but J1..o ul a tl1!1crtril thaJ t, left lo ht.• !iollll .UiJ help IJ\ni Ht;m,.in Ou-.c.lc-.. Chanman ii th1, rcsron-.e "'a.' Ofk' It• I"- pmuJ of and UEl·A ha\ ;1!-.c., jouletl ttk 1.·.unp.11_!!11 orp.,numl) tu pl.l) • lf'I rut 1h1s ugl) S.JJc uf U'k· bcauuful t,;ame. Kid,, h Out ho1., .,ud n.•o;.::ntly 'Le "llwn Mgn.tlk'd hcl\\ ,mtmll\-~· ... uch a!> tht· trail b~ urµan1,mr: u ,tnn~ ol ,K11\ nae fnr Dunni;. tht: women\ \.1!r...11) r11nd,ul l ,Ilk.I •11 ,;c-.·1,·h 1n bcJ once and tor .ill uk Mia!& October 14.2005 ZJ

    •••••••• • • • • • ••••• ••••• ••••• •••• •• Expectant Engand the heat. It\. the fir.t nme ~incc uy·> We ma)' have a mun le" bm 1999 !hat Englum.l have St.afk--d a with uu1· 4ualil)' v.c <.houltl .,t.iJI m111ch w1lhou1 <1 Man Utd pluyer m de!.troy Austria ru lhc final whi!'.tlc lhc team, and 1hc game·., bcmg hdd goc.<. Enghind st4:urc thi: v1ull 3 a1 Old Tranon.t. a had omcn·1 Surely p.)inh hut in lcrm1i o( "1ll~faaJon I not fell hugely lei down. On lhl!> form We ::.um brightly. and seem more we can kis~ our World Cup chani..~~ I ,L'>!o.uted under the trJtli1ional forma­ goodbye. Linn. ) el in nl} mine.I England are O!ltn Pohtllcl. und h,t\,ing quuli I being too patient m the.tr huild-up. tied "ill v.e ..cc n more odv.::nturou., Suddenly the rruucb explodes. imo England'"/ Rooney look> tu ha"e. gal­ GUY FOWLES lite w1tl1 Owen held back in the~. vnmScd the learn. w1Lh a bcuu11ful penalty! Why 1, Lumpard taking 11 lurn and drive JU'-1 mer lie L.. O!;tng. to Nurthem truly Anti-Racism Quotes: m:-1c.ad of 81.,.'t:.kham'' ll 1, re\'caleJ v.,orld cla.-...,. Englam.J look li\'cly, thh Ireland lilllct inonlh se.111 alter the m;11dt lhm S-..en w.ic.n't 1., hcucrt We ge1 tht f!oal 1.hat\ ~n the England team 10 even aware 1ha1 Beckham had coming with a i.:heeky Owen h;M..k .. Rafael Benitez, manager: "It is up to us all new foundt.~ mmutc~ lcfl and tr1c.:, we :,bould beat comprehensive. ducc1. )'ti they appear la~. l\s needing w l.1Jp th" gr~mp a.\ a mnui.::r "People still do receive racial abuse in all walks of I)·, ir1 the la,t two crucial Wodd Cup t\u.,1.nu take control al 1M sull'1 ul 1hc ul pnde. l"mally England get a quahfien.. The foci lhm they Wt9"~ life and if we can use the positive image of football St."Coml hall ,md hil the bar l !ind Jc-.;,crved go,ll af1er 1re;\l buili.1-up crucial. Wllh England ~ding 10 wm my,,clf \luring in di,bclicf: 1hj, j,;; ,ind a chipre out Lumpard group. S3ys ,1 Int about our recent tive this Is." for th!! ,hocking pcrfonntmCt:!<> ul who i,,lam!. the voll!i!y home. We win fonn. One wnrd-JXlOL.11t·tually let's late aod Au.... tn::i Jrc taking the g111nc 2 I TI1i, mt1tch r.:ncourugcd mr.: u11d add unin,piring and tlevmd of 1dc.L, to U."! You ba"e to que .. u._,n Sven·, re ... 1nrcd '°me faith in the lr.:am, yet whil::.t we're at 11 kall1 quolificauon ~bould hove been Ca!ii .. halt" tune tu.lk. wluch I doubt Sven Goran Eriksson, England coach: "As a coach, I Sn. firs1 up, Au!.tria Riu i., was hcfiltfcll and lll!-;p1ruliu1ml. er l11!1.11 1l wu." Ycl that\, Enga.Jnd for dropped m favour of Sol Camptx·II, When 1he ref h1.-,.e\ d1c pint am! you: tht!y like to Keep hear1\ racing never think about the colour of a player's skin. What Ro0nc) ?-u,pcndc:d. rok an

    John Barnes, England's most capped black player: "Racism Is not only a problem in football, it's a prob­ lem in society. Until we tackle it in society, we can't tackle it in football."

    Cyrille Regis, former West Brom and England legend: "As players, we broke down the barriers by perform­ 1/wall'y FloJ.JrnJ-lJµ by NAOMI SUDWORTH and NICK BENTLEY ing on the pitch, now we have to break down the bar­ • Tennh - 'lnc learn, pmv1«JcJ much taking an early a1.hauluge, hul wa... 1,ltcd a onng \.1c.t defence ~id1 ,;omc riers at management and coaching." eutcnammern for the indnor -,poota. ublc to pull botJ.1 amwkl lO wm 6-4. pn.'U\C f.uw.hm£. MowcHT. ii wu.., tnr\ 1k lluuhle:. \l.·..t..,_ playi.."U l'ir.t 7-5. l..ctxb Um contmUOO lO baulc.: not enough u., 1hr: Mel held on to anocJ u....ct.l h1\ 4wck ...crvc 10 win hy .Jll<.l lhree [>OUIL'>. 46--41. Th: 18 poiob. Cmuo pu( in a .. 1.rrmgper­ ~1' the fir-.1 <;el t1gh1.. hu1 Ala.1><.lair Mel~ a frenetic early pa.:e. fomuu1re fo, the Met. il,,) he hustled Leapman frorn the Met. v.a.., ~imply matched v.1th uglu ,;hnonng to lead arounJ ull co1nc~ of the cul.lf1 Ln the ti.xi L"lm.~1!-tent anJ did nnl give I+.9 afte1· the fi~ quanl!f. Amanda earl~ c~dwngcs. l-l•mcvi:r, the Met Collingwood any s-p.lOl'" m the .;;ei;:vnd E'"uu~ 100 from Ulr.' Imm. ~onng at were alw.a), oo Ilic ba,:kloot u.nJ ~I, winning 11 (,-0 .t.lmo!.1 i:,..'CI'). t'Pf'ltlrW1my. In the !il.'t.·~ their fru\trd.Uon "J." et.'1dcnt lu ll~ oth(f Tlll'rt ·.., ...ingb matd1· ooJ quaner the Mel o.irmnued in a Emnuon..., rcYrlC ,lfong wuh the foul ~L..coo.,;-Md"''O'C'u.l<;0,idl.,rmw. :'linular ,·em. ulrndtngo their lead lo cnunl Zl:, 1hc l!amc- rcadk.'d .t lJ.:ll"it' ~ fir.I patr Md the lhttd pair both 2.7 17 .~!hi.: l'rustrug~001mdcrthc tina1c,Je;mn8 the rdt".rCCS ,,_.11115(ll1lC ::, put oo c,,,11~ thrcc-'.ict n~.. riu, relenll~., ~.-..un: hig ck-i:L'il<)n~ Titc '--i'll"J l~.ti:J it \\.ii!> Leo.I~ Mel '-'"ho came nu1 cm ll..alf-Ti~ ,uh:J1tuti n. ~JU\'C"Tlal.· ot lhe afa:rnr~)ll •.._ <:pottb be-n Lile wi.1,11h~·1 toult.1n-td1mpt"n lh1:r11o1,II'· \:-. !lil'"rain l('\I h1.11h li.:llflh\lr'u.i;gled lnctin­ 1m11ch,!!-: In 1hc- Vas1L\ .:!()115 wh~·rc it hL·~:unc 1L, ,1! .\,Uno im.:redihly \·o..:;1J ~llflt'k.1~. who rrol lht! ,hppc-~ ball. flll"",C'"''"n goi11g hutJ.. dt.'.:.11 Llml l..ct.•tl\ ~lei h:1d \\On mc1.1U rtyun.J­ olh•1l:C.I hri1h en<:nur:1t!in1·111 !Of the \ ,,j the Rust,) re,i1h CONTD P. 23