
Students protest in Colombia Page 14 Slam poet hoe-down LS2 centre Murder charge for Uni nurse Ex-healthcare post-grad refused bail Suspected of murdering four Leeds patients h(l~p1t1th,, bm tl!turnetl Ill S~<itlund duri'ng hi~ su~pc-n~ion to 11wal1 lhe results of the invc:icjtation The women he hi ~\llegcd LO ha\.c By NEWLAN OS k.illed. aged be,wcen 7() und \)O. were all ltom rhe l.. ecd!i area and A ~LAN charged with the mur­ patietll\ u1 lhc two LcNb ho 1,;pitnl,, der or four elderly patieoLs, 1 Jamc~·s J.m.l lcl!c.J.1i. (ien~ru.l mtir­ and the atte.mpttd murder of a ma.rv~ The auemr,1e<l mun.:Jtr 1s ol!>u Ciflh. \\ as enrolled on a parl­ aJ!egc:d lo have tu~t.'n plucc at LGL time healthcare course al lhe F'olloYtinr th~ J~u1h of Ethe:! l nhcrsit) of Leeds, it t--1 .11!. 86. ut LG I Ill Dt:cemhcr 1002. emerged ~esterda). We:-t Yor~;;hir~ police l11t1n1,;hl.'\1 :m Culin "lflrrh. 2CJ, M1g1nn ll ~ frum j nqulry crurin£ \\.h1d1 Norn!'> w:,~ G la"igow, g.iinetl u dirilomu ,,r high­ quc.,ti(,ucd three lime~ M-. 11.t ll ".i.-. er educ:nwn III Nu1:-ing frt,m uclnrnted {(1 h~i.,.p1t.1I for an.Him: h1p D11ndec l;n1vc-r"1t) boCurc JOining ,ur,gcry folh;,wing 1,1 lull hut d11:d a (.ccds tlni m Scplt·inln:r 2001 lu month Lau:•r 'ttutl) ht:a!lhr,m:. I le t:ukll 10 uhend l" br invesu~n1lun lc:ll w 1hc t::'\hU clnsst:'> ,Hi ~I v. :t\ \lct·in~d to llµve mu11~,1 ~,J twi.1 lmdie .. am.I ~xu:n-..1vc: rt-!>l)fllll!'U from d1L' c1,ur,;c. ~or1i. tt lt:u i.;1n w11h 1ll lit)jirnde11 1 l~g:111 Noni, ,1pp1.·nrtd h~1 11lJ'C c:\~J1i,, 1rn1rl lhc Cruwn Prosccu1inn Mu11~rl'llh.'~ yc~knla) but wui.. :-ervicc bdorc Ut!I Chc11 Suri Chm, 1t'lu,.,i:d b11il ;lfld rcmuntl~~I in cu.5.~ Gregg. ~he- Olfo.:~r tn c:hiut,tc ol Lhc tod~. he wllJ ,IJ)pl.'ar al l.el'cJ!o Crnwn inquiry tCJm. \lei:idcll tf'l hri11g ('1)ur1 on \.\cdnt·,11.ty (h:h1t,er 19. charge!> i4!.t1m,1 the nur,.e. All Lhi: nrnrJc,-. and 1lw a.ucnipl­ ·\ ,;:poke'-.J1i!T..,on f(11 L~ed ... L?<l murJc1 af\' 11llc~cll lll h.l\.C 1.1l..c11 Teaching. !h)!<ipitul ,11s trust 1,,;11J 1,la~·l!' hi:t\,ccn June unJ l)t"t:~mJ\cr ··The Wc:!>I Yud,.,hirc pPli..:c Im-. v11• ~0112.. , ,,rri., ,1orl..ti1l JI bulh b11!-pl­ (irml!d that JI h -.uthfil!d the ,ru.,t tah fn,m lull" .:!110 I I-le \~ ., .. -.u!->­ h,1,., rro\ i~led ih full 1.0•(l~r,mon penJcd h~ ho,1,i1,1I bn:,,,c.~ lati: in thrmtghout thi:ir inqtnl'lc-. 20113. -we do 001 belie"c there ,., am Ile ,UO\rC\l 1~1 1hc J,..1rk,t,1!1 arc.I t1f tca.,on fo1 pOtil-nh lll rel.Hi\ cs In t'i~ Lc:ed, \\ hen he gtti hi:- Job .11 1hc- COJICC.flh!d." 2 fmlll. October 14. 211115 ht' Times has pubh'lhed u .....in. nu· )C.ir-. ll(Ntion of 34th. 11·, "hal Ton) boot snl~ that an)one else ~ouJd chu1,;k Our famou<. .tlumm j., another tribute hl al 111p l\10 UnivcrsUj Guide. the: Blair n11gh! call "'vnriuhk: Mrntcgic m tJic bin Take. the EC Stnnc-r built.I· Leed, We have ~ome of the most dis­ T.,ell pr<"-=lil..lmcd "ddin1t1ve delivery ... nnd tht." rc,1 or w, wou lJ call mg 11 1s rumoured tq con1am 1he unguishcd gradullles in the country gmJc'" lo !he UK\. hc,;1 umvcf'lillu;s crup longest corridor m Europe" The such ,1:, Juck lraw Chure Short and 1 her(' Y.-,1' smne 1mU1.;1p,ait1n a., 10 Y,•t lhc Unl\11..'l"\ILV of lxcti-• remum, Vruvcr-ny clami.. 11s 34(l meter... lonp.. MystJc Meg The psycluc slu<licd whc.ru the: Umver~itv of LA:cds would thL' UK·,. moM pol)uhir umvl'rs1t), wllh If 0111) The Time, hud took lhis criteria Enph.,.h here m the 60s. Who could be p/J1.:cd cspt.,~1a11) w1U1 ;1 new Vk"C' more npplu.:-am" than an) uthcr. h there mlo .1 l'ounl we'd be worh.l d.1,!'! have prcdu:ted that? Apart from her, ("h.in"-clk,r \\ hu h,ts h.i<l ,1 yl'..tr lo !Tl.II..(' ,umclluog th.ti TI,c T1mt's ,._ missm1;'' altt"ad) ohviou!.ly 1.:h.i.n}.!c, fhc.: t 'mvcr.i11cs strnteg) 1s lo Perhaps ,i:,; our campth..., Ye,. 11 ha., Ltx•k abn .ti 1hc r:.(fward Boyle Lihrru') So lei.. not let The Time,.; gel us down bt.·rnme u v,nrkl cln!!, um, c~i1, within mtirc: concrc:k than your .t\.'cn1:ge multi I\ hu1ldmg which ho:,. II!'! h;i..,cmcnt on And if )'llU .. ce Rupert Murdt1<.:h uround the 11e,i;1 dccad1: ""' it v..u bu .,·sethud: lure) 1:ar pmk hut ulsn 11, own :,lyk of levd lJ. h wkl" .. a cerrnin h:vcl l,r gemu\ pin hun tu the wull and te.11 bjm about when we c.unc err JRlh. chann lo lhu!'!c who know 11 \<fur.:h hJ..e to create a builJn11,: m which 11\e hot our comdors 1 "fh;u\: a Jrop of ..l plm,:c, Jrom last ;,a. priz..cd krucl knack you huy al II car 10m S noor.. are non-e.ll.istcnl. Body found in Lupton flats A BODY clisl.'OH~n.>d in a l...ettb Uni ha.lls in September ha!, been idcntifff.'d as a Ken)an international studenL Ounng the summc::r bteak a cleaning services supcrn~ round the body rn an empt) mom m Lurton Oati.. A 'iJX1kc~r.;c:m r,w Leeds Metropoluan Unmt~ll)' srud: '•We cnn confim1 Ltuu. TilOmn., 'jangn fmm Kenya, v.:ho enrolled ,m the M& firuUlCc cotU,,.C ~ a full-tnrlf o"c~u., \LWJcn1. tlied m Lupton nats a1 the hcginning vf Sopti:.mber " HL'i func.rJI tnc'lk place in Smrohi on Scptcmhcr 13. TilC Un,,cr..11)' tub been 10 clo!'!C com<k..1 "1th the fruml} .m<l cui:oili, i1s sympathy tu Thoma1t' fncn<b. wKI rwm~ ly aL lhh sad ume " A comoor'\ UIQUC;',I t, hcmg earned out u11otheculL.-.eofllc dcd..th A Wc.sl Yorkshire Police 1-pok~'J)Cl'SOll said: "\Ve dill initially treath1,death as \ll\-­ p1cit)fu bu! lifter f11nller im . lJA?atJon we h..;i"e concluded rh,11 then: were no \"U!,'J11· ciou:. cin:umstancc-.. ' Scaffolding death 11.pdate POLICE have 1dent1ftl'd the man found dead on Woodhouse 1--me on October 5, 3.\ repom:J 111 las1 wet\;.\ U.'W!-.. u1dcnL Me ha .... OOY.. bt.>cn fonnall) n.ame<l IL't Aodcn.ori Oa Silva, ~ho wm. 2~ )'<'..tnl old He cnmc fmm !he Unle l..ondon .tre:1 uf l..cL't.bi. 111., 1;11mi) and tncnd, have 1-x."Cll nolJ • ficd of tu, death. A i::t)l'(lrk.Y':, inq~1 will be held al .i later tl,11c 10 CormuHy iJcnufy lhc \'.ausc l,f Mr D..i Silva'~ death Ex-Finance officer raises the cash By FAAREA MASUD were 1n1ppcd m their hnusc. Thu.\e v. ho ha\·t: famJI) nm! vi<lcd b) lhc Pal..Jstnm gO\crnmcnl EX HNANC'E officer James Johnson w.is Tht:tr young d,m!J:hlcr. Fn1111. friend., in Pnk1~t,m .ire an it1ously And I w,sh l.ec<l!-. Ml!'t nnd Lttcds Um man11ge.d to c1,,r:apc even 1hough a .awa1t111i ncv.~ as !'!Jct -.tmu:s ol sold as a \Ja,.·c lw.1 l1'1day. i\', EX Leed, l ni\ertjt) stu­ would un11c to ra1:;e lund, for tht­ wall had la.lkl'l on top ot her casuul11c~ and victims left hort1c!lc..,s d10,a..,1cr." 11,e c. laH· .u,ction w:.i.-. held al Brem>n dent "as killed in the earth­ I fall u., part or 3 fun<lrn.isin£ cn:nt collect~ A,;lum\ luur "'-'11" managed tore are hcurd on lht· news l!VCI") da) Khush Bukh1. il fif'tt )ear mg cash tor a Togl;.lthcr For Peace 1JUhU· quake that has claimed the u..:h the lam1lyhim1c wllhrn hou1, uf Am1n.1 Kh11tun, u mtc..hu ~tutlcm ;.1 1 Mlcrubiulug) !-.IUdcnt ut Let:d:­ uve lives of an eslimalcd 80.000. the <,lrikc. They could hear their Leeds Metrnpulitan Uni,·erric i1 y, h!L\ niver~• t) nJ..n ha... famil)' III 1hc A g.mup of 1i:-n ,;tuden~ v.ho lrn\'cllOO Prorcs,vr KhwaJa Mohammed father ,boming amidst the- rubble but already heard dtWa!-.laung news She ..i.rea Aslam \1.,1, rc:,~:tn.'hmg gl!'nehc:-. were unable 11.l rc.ach lum m ume stud. "M)· ltalhcr·& !-.i,te.r died ID 1hc IO lli.rael .rod the Occup\00 Tc:rritoric:s m Sbc Mtid ''M) uncle, who live!\ August h.1,-e orgrutised n ,;cri~ of event.s to He :,tuch!!.d tor tu .
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