Appendix A

Performance of the Ericsson Cycle

Chapter 3 shows that and reheat combustors can improve the per• formance of gas turbines. Cooling the air during the compression process with intercoolers reduces the power requirement of the stages. • ing the gas during the expansion process with reheat combustors increases the power output of the turbine stages. Thus, intercoolers and reheat combustors can improve and cycle specific power. A gas-turbine cycle with an infinite number of intercoolers and an infinite number of reheat com• bustors is known as an Ericsson cycle, after the Swedish inventor . This appendix shows that the thermal efficiency of an Ericsson cycle with ideal components approaches the Carnot efficiency, which is the maximum thermal efficiency achievable by any heat . To find the thermal efficiency of an Ericsson cycle, we will derive expressions for the heat inputs of the combustors, the power inputs to the , and the power outputs of the turbines. Then, we will let the number of compressor stages, turbine stages, and combustors approach infinity and show that the thermal efficiency approaches the Carnot efficiency. Thermal efficiency can be calculated as the ratio of the cycle specific power to the cycle specific heat-input rate: W' (A.I) 'fJTH = Q1 '

where 'fJT H Thermal efficiency (~); Q' Cycle specific heat-input rate (~); and W' Cycle specific power (~).

Cycle specific power can be calculated using Equations 3.5 and 3.6. Cycle specific heat-input rate is the sum of the specific heat-input rates of the n

235 236 A Performance of the Ericsson Cycle combustors in the cycle: (A.2) j The specific heat-input rate of each combustor is the heat-input rate to the combustor divided by (roughly 1 ) the flow rate into the :

Q' QHj (A.3) Hj = (mcpT)o ' where Specific heat-input rate of Combustor j (-); Heat-input rate to Combustor j (W); Roughly the enthalpy flow rate into the gas tur• bine (W); Mass flow rate (kgj s); Cp = Specific evaluated at a constant (J jkg-K); and T Total temperature (K). With an ideal regenerator (100% effective), the heat-input rate to each of the combustors (including the first combustor) is equal to the power output of each successive turbine stage. Thus, thermal efficiency is

~7=1 Wej (AA) TJTH = 1 + ",n W' 6j=1 Ej where ~7=1 Wej Sum of the specific powers of the n compressor stages (-); and ~7=1 W.b Sum of the specific powers of the n turbine stages (-). In this approximate analysis, we assume a constant specific heat capacity of the working fluid (air and combustion products for open-cycle gas turbines). The specific heat capacity of air actually increases by about 10% for every 600 K of temperature increase. For a constant specific heat capacity and ideal compressor stages (100% efficient), the sum of the specific powers of the n compression stages is

~ [(R/CP)] ~ Wej = n 1 - r-n- , (A.5) j=l where r Cycle pressure ratio, the ratio of the outlet pres• sure of the last compressor stage to the inlet pres• sure to the gas turbine (-); and R G as constant for air (J jkg- K) .

1 As explained in Chapter 3, the denominator in Equation A.2 is only roughly the enthalpy flow rate into the gas turbine because specific heat capacity varies with temperature. A Performance of the Ericsson Cycle 237

Similarly, the sum of the specific powers of the n ideal (100% efficient) turbine stages is """,n , [ -(R/CP)] L..tWEj=nT 1-r n , (A.6) j=l where T' = Cycle temperature ratio, the ratio of the outlet temperature of each of the n combustors to the inlet temperature to the gas turbine (-). We insert the expressions for the specific powers of the compressor and tur• bine stages (Equations A.5 and A.6) into our expression for the thermal effi• ciency (Equation A.4) and take the limit as the number of compressor stages, turbine stages, and combustors approaches infinity:

[l_r(R/,;P)] 1 'TJTH = lim 1 + --''"""[-----,('"''R,-;-/C....:..,..)"] = 1 - T' . (A.7) n-+oo T' 1 - r~

This is the Carnot efficiency (see Equation 3.3). References

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239 240 References

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Aircraft gas turbines, 46, 64 Combustion products, 92 Allison, 64 Combustor, ix Annular-sector shaped seals, 20 Combustors, 235 Automobiles, 39 Compact heat exchangers, 25, 34, Automotive gas turbines, 46, 50, 80, 98, 122, 140 120 Compactness, 2, 9 Axial-flow regenerator, 2 Compression, 45, 55 Axial-flow regenerators, 68, 80, 98, Compressors, ix, 235 99, 140 Conduction, 10,34,86,87,122,124, 140, 141 Bahnke and Howard, 13 Conduction under seals, 13 Bahnke, G. D. , 34, 92, 114, 137, Conservation of energy, 126 140, 143, 189 Conservation of mass, 232 Baths, 27 Conservation of momentum, 131 Boelter, L. M. K. , 33 Constant, Hayne, 30 Boiler efficiency, 30 Convection, 124 Convective conductances, 7, 84 Carnot efficiency, 38, 46, 62, 235, Convective heat-transfer coefficient, 237 15 Carnot, Sadi, 38 Convective-conductance ratio, 8, 94 Carry-over leakage, 22, 64, 84, 87, Cooling towers, 33 122, 137, 227 Coppage,J. E., 34, 93 Ceramic Applications in Turbine En• Cordierite, 88 gines (CATE), 64 Core Compactness, 9, 25, 95 Ceramic-disk cores, 80 Core rotation rate, 102, 133 Ceramics, 17,32,47,50,67,88, 120, Core rotation speed, 99 167 Core specimens, 174 Chappell, M. S. , 41, 49, 91 Core volume ratio, 80 Checkerwork, 28 Core-conduction parameter, 12 Chrysler, 30 Core-Rotation Effect, 85, 139 Clamping seals, 20 Cores, ix Clothing, 27 Corning, 32, 67 Coal burning, 76 Correlations, 35, 93 Cockshutt, E. P. , 41, 49, 91 Correlations of effectiveness, 121, 123 Cold start-ups, 17, 168 Cost, 2, 50 Combined-cycle engines, ix Cost of a regenerator, 101 Combustion, 48 Counterflow headers, 230

246 Index 247

Counterflow recuperator, 121, 137 First law of , 40 Cowper stove, 28, 69 Flow areas, 84, 96 Cowper, Edward, 28 Flow exposure, 10, 15, 18 Crawford, M. E. , 88, 117, 125 Flow-friction data, 87 Cycle calculations, 37, 40, 101 Ford, 33, 64 Cycles, 37 Ford 704 gas turbine, 56 Foss, J. F. , 125 Department of Energy (DoE), 64 Fourier number, 14, 142, 156 Development length, hydraulic, 124, Fourier's law, 11 125 Free convection, 124 Development length, thermal, 124, Friction coefficient, 87, 98 125 Fully developed flow, 125 Diameter of a core, 87, 102 Diesel engines, ix, 46, 50 Garrett, 64 Dimensionless core rotation rate, 84 Gibbs' equation, 41 Dimensions, 96 Governing equations, 126 Direct leakage, 64, 227 Ground-based gas turbines, 64 Direct Regenerator Design, x, 79 Direct seal leakage, 22 Hagler, C. D. , 68 Discontinuous rotation, 20, 69, 201 Harper, D. B. , 34, 86, 99, 101, 227 Distribution of flow, 84, 99, 229 Headers, 18, 25, 35, 50, 229 Dynamics, 17, 161 Heat balance, 12 Effect, 142 Heat capacity, 87 Effective convective heat-transfer co- Heat diffusion, 13, 15, 141 efficient, 16 Heat transfer, x, 4, 121 Effectiveness, 4, 80, 102, 121, 170 Heat-capacity rates, 5, 93 Effects, 122 Heat-capacity-rate ratio, 6, 94, 137 Efficiency, ix, 41, 49 Heat-Recovery Boiler (HRB), 50, 59 Elling, Aegidius, 30 Heat-Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG's) Energy equation, 154 50 Energy exchanger, 33 Heat-transfer data, 87 Ericsson cycle, 62, 235 Heat-transfer parameters, 92, 94 Ericsson, J. , 235 Height of a Transfer Unit, 33 Exhaust-gas heat exchange, ix, 1,30 Helicopter gas turbines, 64 Exhaust-gas heat exchanger, 63 Helms, H. E. , 64 Exhaust-heated cycle, 76 High-pressure compressor, 1 Expansion, 49, 56 Hirschkron, R. , 64, 80 Experience in regenerator design, 101 Howard, C. P. , 34, 92, 114, 137, Experimentation, 173 140, 143, 189 External combustion, 48 Hryniszak, Waldo, 30 Extrusion, 19 Huebner, George J., 30 Humps, 223 Finite-difference numerical integra• Hydraulic diameter, 88, 98, 125 tion, 137, 140, 153, 199 Finite-difference numerical-integration lntercooled Regenerative (ICR) cy• methods, 34 cle, 55 248 Index

Intercooled Regenerative (ICR) gas Negative core rotation, 227 turbine with reheat, 102 Newton's laws, 5, 10, 47, 126 , ix Non-uniform passages, 19 Intercooling, 1, 55, 235 Non-uniformity flow distribution, 18 Internal combustion, 48 Non-uniformity of flow, 180 Isentropic, 46 Number of Transfer Units (NTU), 8, 95 Kays and London, x Numerical procedures, 92, 121 Kays, W. M. , 2, 12, 34, 88, 93, 105, Numerical-graphical methods, 34 112,114,117,125,137,139, Nusselt number, 10,87,98, 155 140, 172, 198 Oblique-flow headers, 229 Lambertson, T. J. ,34,92 137 188 , , , Office of Naval Research, 34 195, 198 One-dimensional heat diffusion , 141 , Laminar flow, 9, 25,87,95, 131 144 Le Mans, 32 Open-hearth furnace, 28 Leakage, x, 2,22,30,33,48,64,80, Optimal Design, ix, 34 86, 87, 99, 102, 122, 227 Optimal Regenerator Design, x, 101 Ljungstrom rotary air preheater, 30, Optimization parameters, 102 67 Outputs of Direct Regenerator De- Ljungstrom, Fredrik, 30 sign, 99 London, A. L. , 2, 12, 33, 35, 88, 93,105,112,114,117,125, Peclet number, 125 137,139,140,172,198,229 Parallel-plate passage geometry, 15 Losses, 39, 43, 62 Parallel-plate passages, 80, 131 Low cost, ix Partial screen, 84, 99, 231 Maintenance, ix Passage geometries, 9 Maldistribution of a flow, 229 Passage tube, 7, 15 Manufacturing, 2, 10, 15, 19, 32, 35, Passage tubes, 124 67 Pebbles, 27 Manufacturing processes, 28 Penny, Noel, 32 Mason, W. E. , 33 Performance, x Matlab, 156 Performance of a core, 95 Mesh Screen Matrix (MSM) regen- Permeability, 9, 25, 95 erators, 80, 86 Pollution, ix, 50 Metallic blade, 46 Porosity, 23, 87, 151 Metallurgic furnaces, 30 Porosity number, 16, 151 Minimum core volume, 84 Positive core rotation, 227 Modular regenerator, 71, 149 Potter, M. C. , 125 Momentum equation, 153 Power consumption, x, 4, 26, 80 Mondt, J. R. , 13 Power output, ix Mordell, D. , 76 Power-generation gas turbines, 46, 80 NASA, 64 Prandlt number, 125 National Gas-Turbine Establishment Preheat, ix, 1 (NGTE),30 Preliminary design, ix Index 249

Pressure drops, x, 24, 43, 50, 80, 84, Seal-leakage parameter, 24 95, 229 Seals, 69, 124 Pressure ratio, 64, 102 Seban, R. E. , 33 , 99 Second law of thermodynamics, 41 Principle of operation of gas turbines, Shah, R. K. , 35, 93, 125, 140 43 Siemens, Friedrich, 28 Process furnaces, 27 Siemens, Karl Wilhelm or Sir Charles Properties, 124, 125 William Siemens, 28 Properties of gases, 49, 91 Simple cycle, 42, 63 Simplifying assumptions, 124 Radial-flow regenerator, 69 Size of a regenerator, 101, 102 Radial-flow regenerators, 80, 98, 99, Small-Engine-Component Technology 140 (SECT),64 Radiation, 124 Smart seals, 30 Rectangular passages, 88 Software, 37 , 1, 2, 10, 66, 121, 137 Solar-Heated Cycle, 76 Reese, Jacob, 28 Solid areas, 95 Regenerative cycle, 52 Solid-area ratio, 12 Regenerator, definition, 27 Spark-ignition engines, ix, 46, 50 Reheat, 235 Specific enthalpy, 91 Reheat Combustor, 56 Specific heat capacity, 46 Reynolds number, 87, 125 Specific heat-input rate, 235 RGT-OPT, 37, 41, 79, 102, 120 Specific power, 38, 235 Ritz, 30 Speed of core rotation, 101 Rohsenow, W. M. ,34 Stainless steel, 167 Romans, 27 Stanford University, 34 Rotary air preheater, 30 Static properties, 40 Rotary regenerators, 2, 10, 64 Steady-Flow Energy Equation (SFEE), Rotation, 10, 34 40 Rotation of a core, 122, 137, 201, Steady-state, 17, 40 229 Steady-state operation, 137 Rotation-period-to-Pause-period Ra- Steam generators, 30 tio (RP R), 201 Steam injection, 30 Rotorcraft, 39 Stirling, Robert, 28 Rotorcraft gas turbines, 80 Stones, 27 Rover Cars, 32 Sulphur attack, 33 Russo, C. J. ,64, 80 Switching regenerator, 202

Scarf, 27 Taylor expansion, 154 Scrubbers, 50 Temperature profile, 11, 13, 17, 85, Seal clearance, 22, 86 116 Seal coverage, 14, 86, 102, 122, 140 Temperature-vs.- plots, 41 Seal leakage, 227 Thermal conductivity, 9, 92 Seal length, 102 Thermal difIusivity, 14 Seal shape, 19, 180 Thermal efficiency, ix, 38, 101, 120, Seal width, 140 235 250 Index

Thermal properties, 88 Thermal stresses, 140 Thickness of a core, 95, 96, 122, 140 Three-dimensional headers, 229 Total properties, 40 Total seal leakage, 22, 227 Transient operation, 17, 168 Transient time period, 17 Truck gas turbines, 56 Turbine blades, 46 Turbine cooling, 46, 63 Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT), ix, 46, 64 Turbines, 235 Two-dimensional headers, 229

Uniform flow distribution, 35, 122, 229 Uniform flows, 84 Uniform passages, 25, 95 Uniform-width seals, 20

Viscosity, 92

Weight of a regenerator, 101 Wetted perimeter, 10 Width of a core, 87