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Bibliography Cook, E.,Man, Energy, Society (Freeman, San Francisco, 1976) Fast, J. D., Entropy, 2nd ed. (Macmillan, l.ondon, 1970) Goodger, E. M. Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics (Macmillan, l.ondon, 1974) Hatsopoulos, G. N., and Keenan, J. H., Principles ofGeneral Thermodynamics (Wiley, New York, 1965) Jones, J. B., and Hawkins, G. A., Engineering Thermodynamics (Wiley, New York, 1960) Keenan, J. H., Thermodynamics (Wiley, New York, 1941) Lee, J. F., and Sears, F. W., Thermodynamics (Addison-Wesley, London, 1962) Obert, E. F., Thermodynamics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1948) Soo, S. L., Thermodynamics ofEngineering Science (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Oiffs, N.J., 1958) Spalding, D. B., and Cole, E. H., Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd ed. (Edward Arnold,l.ondon, 1973) Turton, J. S., Macroscopic Thermodynamics (Wiley, l.ondon, 1973) Tyldesley, J. R., An Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion (l.ongman, New York, 1977) Van Wylen, G. J., and Sonntag, R., Fundamentals ofClassical Thermodyamics (Wiley, New York, 1967) Wallace, F. J. and Linning, W. A., Basic Engineering Thermodynamics (Pitman, Bath,1968) Wark, K., Thermodynamics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966) 152 Index Absolute zero temperature 58 Darreus function 86 Actua1 gases 19 Dead state 90, 96 Adiabatic friction1ess process 33 Definitions 1 Availability 85,133,147 Degradation of energy 50 closed system 92,93,94, Derived properties 85,86 95,100,121 Diesel cycle 73 Availabilityaccounting 110,114,117 Disordered energy 3, 10 Availability concept 89 Availability function 86 Effectiveness 145,148 closed system 90, 91 and isentropic efficiency 136, open system 90,91 138 Availability of heat reservoirs 99 in work-absorbent processes Availability of work reservoirs 99 132 Availab1e component of heat transfer in work-producing processes 101,102,103 132 Availab1e energy 85,100,112,114 Efficiency of reversible engines 48, conservation of 35 51,52 10ss of 104 E1ementary Carnot cyc1e 64 Availab1e energy accounting 110, Energy accounting 113, 117 111,113 Energy conservation 35 open system 25 Brayton-J oule cycle 73 principle of 23 Energy conversion, efficiency of 34 Carnot cycle 53,54,55,72,73,131 guidelines 150 Carnot heat engine 78,79,80,142 Energy degrading 122, 123, 137, Carnot heat pump 142 143, 144 Carnot princip1e 51, 52 and Carnot cycle 130 Case study 138 and effectiveness 131, 134 Chemica1 equilibrium 4 combined work and heat transfer C1ausius statement 10 127 C1ausius violator 11 direct heating 139 C10sed system 6 in cycles 128 Coefficient of performance 56, 57, in heat transfer 125 141 in surroundings 130 Combined cycle 37, 38 in systems 130 Compressibility factor 21 in work transfer 126,141, Compressor irreversibility 118 145, 146, 147 Continuum 20 indirect heating 140 Cycle 1 sampie problems 144 153 Energy equation, steady flow 27 Heat equivalent of work 122 Energy flow diagram 113 Heat pump 56 Energy grading 123 Heat transfer 25,46 internal 24 Heating of block 104 Energy in transit 2 Heimholtz function 85, 86, 87,88, Energy level and grade 123 100 Energy storage and transport 36 Enthalpy 24, 25 Ideal gas 19,20,32 Entropy 61,62,66 Inclined block experiment 42, 43, 44 and prob ability 81 Increase of entropy principle 70 and utility 84 Individual gas constant 20 Entropy change, ideal gas 75,76 Inelastic deformation 46 irreversible process 66 Inequality of Clausius 62,63 open system 77 Integrated energy system 36,37,38 reversible process 66 Intensity of energy accumulation 123 Entropy coordinate 71 Intensive properties 3, 86 external 73,74,108,109,129, Internal energy 24 130 Internal entropy 73,74,108,109 internal 73,74,108,109,130 Internal irreversibility 41, 127 Equations of state 18 Internal reversibility 41 Ericsson cycle 53, 72 Internally reversible cycle 49 Expansion of gas 47 International temperature scale 14 Extensive properties 3, 86 Irreversibility and unavailable energy External entropy 73,74,108,109, 105 129,130 combined process 109 External friction 46 Irreversibility components 108 External irreversibility 41 Irreversibility function 59, 60, 106, External reversibility 41 107,109,110,145 Externally irreversible heat transfer gross 135, 136, 138 105 net 135,136,137 Externally reversible heat transfer Irreversible heat transfer process 104 105 Irreversible work transfer process 107, 109 First Law 5,7,122 Isentropic efficiency 134, 136, 137, closed system 22 145 open system 22 Isentropic process 75 Flywheel experiment 9,60 Isentropic work 136 Free expansion of gas 45,46 Isolated system 24, 71 Friction 13,42,43,44,46,60,130 Fundamental properties 85,86 Joule's law 33 Gain in a vaila b ility 146 Kelvin-Planck statement 10, 52 Gas turbine cycle 73, 128, 129 Kelvin-Planck violator 11, 51 General heat/power cycle 88 Kinetic theory 20, 21 Generalised displacement 3 Generalised force 3 Loss of availability 146 Generalised work 3 Loss of available energy 104 Gibbs function 85,86,87, 100 Lost work 48 Gross irreversibility function 135, 136,138 Mass transfer 25 Maximum power 120 Heat Maximum useful work 146,147 Heat capacity 31 Maximum work 15,18,136 154 Mechanical equilibrium 4 Specific heat ratio 33 Mechanical equivalent of heat 122 Specific heats 31 Mixing 46 Specific stream availability 98, 144, Mixtures 18 145, 148, 149 Speed and reversibility 46,47 Net irreversibility function 135, 138 State 1 Neutral equilibrium 4 Steady flow 16, 17, 26, 27 Non-isentropic process 75 Stirling cycle 53,54, 72 Nuclear fission 124 Stream availability 86,97,101,132, 135 Open feedwater heater 147, 148 Stream availability function 86, 96, Open system 6, 17 115 Order and disorder 60 Surplus work 142 Ordered energy form 3,10 Surroundings I Otto cycle 73 System 1 Paddle wheel experiment 6 Temperature and thermometry 13 Path 1 Texts for reversibility 41,42,45 Path function 5 Thermal efficiency 50 Perpetua1 motion machines 12 Thermal equilibrium 4 Point function 5 Thermocouple 14 Polytropic index 34 Thermodynamic equilibrium 4 Polytropic process 16, 34 Thermodynamic temperature scale Powerplant system 115, 116 15,16,57 Probability, and disorder 81,82,83 Total enthalpy 24, 25 and entropy 81 Turbine expansion path 126 Process 1 Turbine irreversibility 118 Property 1, 85 Pure substance 18 Unavailable component of heat transfer 101,102,103 Quality of energy 123 Unavailable energy 108, 112, 124 Unavailable energy change 125, 127, Rankine cycle 73 130 Reversibility 39 Universal gas constant 19 external 41 Unsteady flow analysis 28,29,30 internal 41 tests for 41,45 Van der Waals' equation 21 Reversible paths and cycles 67 Reversible processes 40, 68 Work-absorbent system 59 Work equivalent of heat 122 SampIe problems 118,119,120,114 Work functions 86 Second Law 8, 9 macroscopic 2 Second Law Carnot loss 124 Work-producing system 59 Specific availability 92,93,94 Work transfer 122, 123 Specific heat, at constant pressure 31 at constant volume 31 Zeroth Law 4 ISS .