Thursday, January 18, 2018 $1.00 For more, log on to: Cameron, Missouri City Council meeting in January By Annette Bauer 2017. We collected $32,399.00 in the city, at the end of the year, Alli- Editor building permit fees. These fees do ance compares their actual budget
[email protected] cover the cost of inspections and with their estimated budget and The second meeting of the new plan review, and we are looking returns any unused funds to the year of the City Council contained at the fee structure, which is low city, the check is the result of that a full agenda with several resolu- when compared to other munici- contract. tions and ordinances, as well as palities. The construction estimat- One of the discussions the Coun- discussions before the City Coun- ed dollar amount for all structures cil underwent was concerning a cil. It was also the first meeting ended up at $7,925,393.00. Out of resolution before the City Council which had Shellie Blades operat- the 203 permits issued we have to amend the grade and step matrix ing as the City Clerk. Zac Johnson, the following new buildings either of the City Pay Classification Sys- Utilities Director, was filling in for completed or under construction tem. According to Johnson the ma- City Manager Mark Gaugh. 11 homes, 5 commercial, 3 du- trix has been updated and tweaked Johnson, during the City Man- plex’s, 1 triplex, and 1 four-plex. many times over the years, but one Comparing 2016 to 2017 we had of the places there have been dis- ager report, informed the Council pay matrix might allow enough the possibility of increasing the a 19% increase in the number of crepancies as compared to other about the upcoming Community leeway on the pay scale to allow number of pets allowed in the City.