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[email protected] Numbers displayed above are based on latest data collected. For more information visit www.intechopen.com 3 The Physical Properties of Woven Fabrics for Emotional Garment According to the Weaving Loom Characteristics Seung Jin Kim and Hyun Ah Kim School of Textiles, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea Institute for Knit Industry, Iksan, Korea 1. Introduction Many efforts for making good quality fabrics for emotional garment have been performed by SME weavers and finishers. And weaving machinery companies are researching about loom mechanism applied by low warp and filling tensions and loom mechanism for good quality fabrics. The fabric defects complained by garment manufacturers are stop marks, streaky phenomena on the warp direction, thickness variation and color differences between edges on the right and left sides of the fabrics, which are partly due to the tension variation of warp and filling directions. Therefore, many researches(Basu, 1987; Islam & Bandara, 1996, 1999) related to the fabric defects and weaving loom mechanism were carried out and many patents related to the loom were presented by loom makers. Many researches related to the warp and filling tensions during weaving were performed with relation to the fabric defects.