Biggest State Spending Program Bills Passed
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Voters to Decide on Monmouth Board's Plan SEE STORY BELOW Warm, Foggy Dense fog tonight. Warm, hu- THEDAILY HOME mid, chance of showers through tomorrow. High near 80. FINAL (Bee retails Page 2) Monmouth County''s Home Newspaper for 89 Years VOL. 90, NO. 252 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1968 TEN CENTS Biggest State Spending Program Bills Passed TRENTON (AP) -The New- and in the Assembly at 5:42 million a year starting Janu- million in state school and lo-rel legislation which doesn't Jersey Legislature adjourned a.m. ary. cal aid programs. specify how local governments today after a marathon 20-hour The tentative plan is to re- It was part of a financial pro- Gov. Richard J. Hughes, a should spend the funds. session, completing passage of turn for a°special meeting in Democrat, has threatened to Republicans have vowed to the biggest spending program September. gram that exceeds $2 billion, by veto a $33 million increase in override any vetoes and plan in state history. However, the The Assembly gave final pas- far the most ever authorized. state aid covering all school to return in September to do lawmakers left until fall a flock sage to the lone remaining ma- The total includes a record $1.- systems and a $25; million pack- the job. The GOP has 3 to 1 of controversial bills that Re- jor financial item—a bill pro- 08 billion budget to pay for the age of refunds from sales tax majorities in both the Senate publican leaders characterized viding for state takeover of 75 cost of running state .govern- revenues for municipalities. He and Assembly and sufficient as essential but which found- per cent of the nonfederal wel- ment for the fiscal year start- contends the school aid mea- votes to override if there are ered among the rank and file. fare costs now borne by coun- ing July 1; $990 million in bond sure short-changes city school no major defections. The gavel sounded adjourn- ties and municipalities. issues to be submitted to the systems that need relief most More than 200 bills were meet in the Senate at 5:35 a.m. The cost would amount to $45 voters in November and $58 and the refund bill as pork bar- (LEGISLATURE, Pg. 2, Col. 1) SICKNESS ON THE SEA — After years of planning and work, a voyage to Bermuda was cut short for James S. Greenwood, 53, of CliHwood Beach. Mr. Greenwood, LBJ Gun Plea Stirs Hassle who set out with his son James on a boat they both made, bacame seasick after just four days out. He^says he won't attenfpt the voyage again. (Register Staff Photo) WASHINGTON (AP) - Pres- by states if they meet the fed- "Certainly no less should be "Only the potential murder- safety or welfare. ident Johnson has called for :ral standards but the federal required for the possession of er's chance to kffl and only A group headed by former the federal registration of ev- government would step in if lethal weapons that have the potential robber's chance astronaut John Glenn Jr. ery privately-owned gun in the they failed to establish the li- caused so much horror and to terrorize are threatened," meanwhile, announced a na- nation and set off a controver- censing in 10 years under the heartbreak in this country." he said. tional effort to prod Congress sy in Congress. proposals. he said. "Surely the slight in- Johnson said the federal li- to enact stronger gun control Seasickness Scuttles Johnson asked for the strict- Johnson said registration convenience for the few is min- censing standards he proposes legislation. er gun control laws yesterday and licensing long have been imal, when measured against would prevent purchase or pos- Guns killed 198 people in the in a strongly worded message accepted on" automobiles and protection for all." session of firearms by crimi- United States - including 114 to both the House and Senate. boats—even dogs and bicycles He said his proposals would nals, dope addicts, alcoholics, homicides, 65 suicides and 19 4 Years of Planning The White House said specific in some communities—and li- in no way limit the legitimate the mentally ill, and all others accidental shootings—in the legislative proposals would fol- censes are required to fish, ownership and use of guns in whose possession of guns week ending at midnight Sun- CLIFFWOOD BEACH — A self-taught "Taking,the sights wasn't.bad, out in the low. hunt and drive. America. would jeopardize public health, day, an AP survey • showed. New Jersey sailor spent more than four open," he explained, but he couldn't stomach "Homes and city streets years preparing for an adventure that was the math work downstairs. And the com- putations could not be made on deck: across the nation which might cut short in less than four days, The culprit : have rung' with gun fire will was seasickness. ' "There was quite a breeze. You couldn't be spared the tragedy of sense- James G. Greenwood, 53, of Cliffwopd hold onto the charts and maps up here." . less slaughter," the President Beach, set out last Wednesday on his home- Greenwood discovered his malady after said. he had taken his first sightings early Thurs- made yacht, bound for Bermuda. day morning. Three more sightings at noon Johnson's proposals were at- "I thought of the plan several years were similarly unproductive. "I tried once tacked by Rep. Robert L. F. ago," said Greenwood; "and started actually more at half past three," he said. "I fig- Sikes, D-Fla., who said "the planning last fall." ured if it didn't work then, there wasn't any principal deduction to be Accompanying him on the 70-mile voy- sense in going on." drawn from the message is age was his son, James R. Greenwood, 25. The afternoon sightings were made on that there is a deplorable lack I ;3rhe; two were back at the Keyport calm water. Whenhe' still couldn't make his of law enforcement in this ;-Yacht- Club here Saturday after discovering computations, Greenwood conceded defeat country." Ithat the father, despite years of prodigious and turned back'toward-home port. Sikes is a former director of labor in the service of the sea, was unable The disappointed' adventurer admitted the National Rifle Association, to overcome a tendency to seasickness. that his seasickness might have proven to be. the principal opponent of strin- The senior Greenwood spent nearly five a windfall. By turning when they did, father gent gun controls, particular- years building his 24-foot sloop, the Jay Gee. and son niay have missed Hurricane Brenda, ly the registration of weapons. Then, his sights set on Bermuda, he taught which has delayed for a day the Newport- Also calling for stronger law himself celestial navigation. But then he Beriniida yacht race. • • enforcement and criticizing the put his navigational knowledge into practice. But Greenwood said he "won't try it gun control proposals were Jast week, he found that he could not get be- aga,in'.", Despite years of enterprise and Reps. L. Mendell Rivers, D- low deck to compute his ship's position with- planning for the ship, he says, "I don't S. C, and Howard W. Pollack, out becdming motion-sick. know how I could lick this problem." K-Alaska. But Sen. Joseph D. Tydings, D-Md., sponsor of a pending bill along the lines of John son's recommendations said COMMUNITY LEADERS— Four award, winners at last night's Shore Area Development Committee dinner chat Monmouth Board Asks the President "has answered with Lloyd F. Christianson, right,- presfdent of Electronic Associates Inc., the principal speaker. Among those cited the demand of the American for service were, left to right, D. Louis Tonti, executive director of th« New Jersey Highway Authority; Joseph. people to heed the menace of the gun traffic." •' Taylor, director of the Monmouth Community Action Program; Freeholder Director Joseph.C. h-win, «hdi Rep. James J. Howard, D-NJ. (Register Staff Photo). 'Yes' Vote Tomorrow Congress already has passed legislation barring mail-order NEW SHREWSBURY - Only suitability. Engineering opinions come from $36,000 held in sale of pistols and Johnson about 25 persons, of an esti- show the majority of it is at escrow from the sale of prop- called again for quick action mated 5,000 registered voters least as good as the present erty and a right of way to on pending legislation that in the Monmouth Regional High school property. Jersey Central Power and Light would prohibit such sale of Shore Area Development Unit's "As a school board," he Company. The remainder, ichool District, attended last rifles and shotguns. light's public hearing on a continued, "it is our duty to $39,000 is to be covered by a The President's new recom proposal to purchase 40 acres consider future needs of the sale of bonds. mendations call for fed- of land. district. We are certain that "An application to the eral registration of guns to be Support by Industries Is Urged The district school board is within 10 years we will need federal government has been recorded in a single computer holding a special referendum the land." made," Mr. Field continued, center, and licensing under SHREWSBURY - Lloyd E. work accomplished by the are making a positive contribu- 'The environment in which from 4 to 9 p.m. tomorrow. The school population is "requesting 50 per cent of the definite federal standards of tion in solving such regional today's company must sur- Norman J.