Forsyth De Fronsac
MEMORIAL 111: ·1 HE F.\:.IIL\" UF FORSYTH DE FRONSAC ll\' - - FREDERiC GREGORY FORSYTH DE FRONSAC ll<JSTliN l'ltESS c,r S. J. l'Al<Klllf.L & Co,\11'\N\. 1903 \\'e are indel,tcd to the rnurl<.'~1· Ill the Dana Estes Co. iur lour electros: to the JJonaiiot: \la~azine for two, and to tiu.: l'lant Stt:an,ship c·o. iur 1>11e. "' ~ ~· ~· LO-YA~-'A-LA MORT[:1 --'\,.~ ~--,.... "-'·, -·~""::,., -~ ...-:~· ·--~- .>RMS OF "0R5YlH OF FAILZERTON .:.RMS OF FORSYTH OF TAILZERTON CC11_,...,t.,. St•rliflg, Sco11and , ~ \ - Tl1e l,l;i, ]; l\\"•lieadcJ ,; heen adUed the •....:r~:--t ,-,1~h: ,,i the l ;1rl\1\-i11 and motto uf the L,il :_:1,;11 ! ) \.'l\;L:,.,t\', \\ it Ji l'I 11" 1ennn hranch as repre •ll t:I lwl\\t_TI; Lhe he~,d ..... 1Putr;; _,e11ti11g the eldest line. \\ ,l .... t\H.'. ,;B:--il..!,11 i<t lht: dt:rl\ eel through UL a r ~t·i,!.!,llclll" de. 1:1,r:-.dlll, 1i.1ge of the ht:i1c:."":--. qf \ ..1--1 •I\Hll ,.h.: 1:ri111.--al. \larga1et h,r,vth ""d .. , ,11 • .t lhc· En1penn 1·.1pt. Jehan °lle11y, ( ·11:11 lt-lll .. L_!.!,llt: a11d hi-1,d1 11ith c·ctpt. Je1me.s Fr,r i·r (,t. l .11ul:---. Kiu~ c)f saith nf Fai l,ertn 11, \,iui1~1111a i11 S::5 ..\ IJ. \\hose tlnly d ~t ll ,~ht e 1 l"hL· n11,der11 ...,Ji.ield c,f married \\'alk• Fnr,\·th, I· r ,r :--, 1l1 i:-- t:11dila1011t'll l'n1\·o-.t of (; I as g~c) ,, ,,11 di,e 1 .tgk· in tl1i:-; il111:-.
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