I Was Born in That Village&Quot

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I Was Born in That Village&Quot K:\IAC\AGreer\SHARE\6901-LGA Task Orders\To_010 Albania LGA \06901-010\06901-010 Kosovo Final.rpt.doc “I WAS BORN IN THAT VILLAGE”—PROSPECTS FOR MINORITY RETURNS AND SUSTAINABLE INTEGRATED COMMUNITIES IN KOSOVO Prepared for Assessment Team: Carol Rabenhorst, Team Leader Kimberly Cartwright Mark Baskin Enver Hoxhaj Snezana Karadjic Kosovo Returns Assessment United States Agency for International Development Contract No. LAG-I-00-99-00036-00 THE URBAN INSTITUTE 2100 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 833-7200 June 2003 www.urban.org UI Project 06901-010 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ii II.. IINTRODUCTIION TO THE ASSESSMENT..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 A. Background..................................................................................................................................................................1 B. Purpose........................................................................................................................................................................2 C. The Terminology of Return and Reintegration.......................................................................................................2 D. Characteristics of IDP Groups..................................................................................................................................3 E. IDP Groups Represented in the Study...................................................................................................................3 F. Methodology of the Assessment..............................................................................................................................5 IIII.. CONTEXT FOR SUSTAIINABLE RETURNS AND REIINTEGRATIION..............................................................................................................................................5 A. International Institutions and Framework................................................................................................................5 B. The Role of International NGOs...............................................................................................................................6 C. Perceptions among IDPs of the Work of NGOs and Other International Institutions......................................9 D. Political Issues and Final Status of Kosovo ..........................................................................................................10 E. Minority Returns 2000 to 2002................................................................................................................................12 F. Current Expectations of the International Community........................................................................................12 IIIIII.. LAYIING THE GROUNDWORK FOR SUSTAIINABLE RETURNS:: PRECONDIITIIONS AND PROCESS....................13 A. Availability of Short Term Financial and Other Support during Displacement and Upon Return................13 B. Inputs into Perceptions and Decision Making by IDPs .......................................................................................14 1. Adequacy and Neutrality of Public Information and Media...........................................................................14 2. Community Based Preparation for Return......................................................................................................15 3. Living Conditions of IDPs...................................................................................................................................16 4. Security..................................................................................................................................................................17 5. Economic Opportunities.....................................................................................................................................18 6. Access to Land.....................................................................................................................................................18 C. Demographic Distinctions........................................................................................................................................18 D. Political Factors.........................................................................................................................................................19 E. Access to Local Government Administration and Other Institutions................................................................20 F. How Realistic Are IDP Perceptions and Expectations?.....................................................................................21 1. Security and Freedom of Movement................................................................................................................21 2. Economic Opportunities.....................................................................................................................................22 3. Property Rights ....................................................................................................................................................22 IIV.. PROSPECTS FOR SUSTAIINABLE,, IINTEGRATED COMMUNTIIES..............................................................................................................................................22 A. Regional Distinctions................................................................................................................................................22 B. Jobs and Economic Opportunities.........................................................................................................................24 C. Security......................................................................................................................................................................25 D. Local Governance.....................................................................................................................................................26 E. Political Factors: “Politicization”..............................................................................................................................28 F. Property Rights..........................................................................................................................................................28 G. Freedom of Movement.............................................................................................................................................31 H. Rule of Law; Judicial System ..................................................................................................................................32 I. Community Participation and Dialogue.................................................................................................................32 TABLE OF CONTENTS ((Conttiinued)) V.. CONCLUSIIONS....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................33 VII.. RECOMMENDATIIONS TO USAIID....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34 A. Returns and Sustainable Communities as a Cross Cutting Theme.................................................................34 B. Continuing Programs................................................................................................................................................34 1. NGO Support and Sustainability.......................................................................................................................34 2. Democratic Institutions; Political Participation ................................................................................................35 3. Media.....................................................................................................................................................................35 4. Rule of Law...........................................................................................................................................................36 5. Business Support and Private Sector Development......................................................................................36 6. Economic Policy and Restructuring..................................................................................................................36 C. New Programs...........................................................................................................................................................37 1. Local Governance...............................................................................................................................................37
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