City of Niš Strategy for Safety

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City of Niš Strategy for Safety CITY OF NIŠ STRATEGY FOR SAFETY May, 2010. The Strategy is developed with assistance of: City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš 2 City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš City of Niš Strategy for Safety is the result of a joint effort of the City of Niš, Working Group and the Team of Consultants from the Faculty for Occupational Safety in Niš. The development of the Strategy has been supported by USAID’s Preparedness, Planning and Economic Security Program (PPES). The methodology applied during the process of Strategy development has a participatory approach. The round tables and the participatory workshops have been organized in each phase of Strategy creation. CITY OF NIŠ MAYOR MSc Miloš Simonovid 3 City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš WORKING GROUP Prof. Dr. Žarko Rankovid, City Councilor MA Mirjana Markovid, Cabinet of the Mayor Marija Coha, Cabinet of the Mayor Irena Ilid, Cabinet of the Mayor Architect Miroljub Stankovid, Institute of Urbanism, Facilitator Goran Markovid, Municipality Pantelej Stamen Zlatanovid, Municipality Niška Banja Vlastimir Petrovid, Municipality Crveni Krst Ljubiša Jakovljevid, Municipality Palilula Tihomir Krstid, Municipality Medijana MSc Zoran Miladinovid, DS Dr. Miloš Miloševid, LDP Milosav Lukid, SRS Nebojšа Bogdаnovid, SPS-PULS-JS-PSS, Dr Slаvišа Stаmenkovid, G 17 Plus Rаdojko Nikolid, DSS Žаrko Dаmnjаnovid, Ministry of Defense Srđаn Nikolid, Ministry of Interior, Protection and Rescue Department Nebojšа Nikolid, Ministry of Interior LTC Drаgаn Dаmnjаnovid, Military Post 1097 Milаn Stefаnovid, NGO Protektа Pericа Stojčev, Center of Consumer Protection Snežаnа Momčilovid, Social Welfare Center Jаsminа Dimitrijevid, Health Center LJiljаnа Stošid MA, Institute for Public Health Miloš Spаsid, Clinical Center MD Snežаnа Mitrovid, Institute for Emergency Medical Care Miodrаg Stаnkovid MA, Clinic for Protection of Mental Health Vаsilije Dаkovid, Department of Economics, Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Drаgаn Gejo, School Management Niš Stojаn Prokopovid, Red Cross Miroslаv Stevаnovid, Public Company Serbia Forests Nenаd Ignjаtovid, Public Water Management Company Workstation "Velika Morava" Sinišа Stojаnovid, Power Company Jugoistok Vlаdimir Kostid, Public Utility Company Medijаnа Jovicа Milаdinovid, Public Utility Company Nаissus Dimitrije Šаrаnаc, Vulkаn Niš Aleksаndаr Trаjkovski, Filip Moris Vesnа Petrovid, Public Utility Company Goricа 4 City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN PARTICIPATING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY Miloš Jevtid, Municipality Pantelej Slаđаnа Ilid, Municipality Pаntelej Drаgicа Živid, Municipality Crveni Krst Stаmenkovid Miroslаv, Municipality Crveni Krst Anа Nikolid, Municipality Medijаnа Bobаn Stefаnovid, MoI – Sector for Protection and Rescue Rаdmilo Vidojkovid, Land forces Command Slаđаn Hristov, Land forces Command Suzаnа Milutinovid, Institute for Public Health Aleksаndаr Stojаnovid, Institute for Public Health Aleksаndаr Milid, Institute for Public Health Slаvišа Antid, Public Utility Company Medijаnа LJubomir Đurovid, Public Utility Company Medijаnа Stoiljkovid Zorаn, City of Niš Department for Emergency Situations Ljerkа Nikid, South Morava Niš Drаgoljub Miljojkovid, Water Management Company Srbijavode Jovаn Jovаnovid, Center Forum Georgi Pаvlov, Center for Social Welfare Niš PARTNERS FROM USAID Oliverа Kostid Osmаn Bаlid Zorаn Vаcid Dаnijel Dаšid EXPERTS FROM FACULTY FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY IN NIŠ Prof. PhD Nenаd Živkovid Prof. PhD Slobodаn Milutinovid Prof. PhD Vesnа Miltojevid Prof. PhD Suzаnа Sаvid Prof. PhD Miomir Stаnkovid Prof. PhD Drаgаn Spаsid Amelijа Đorđevid MSc Aleksаndrа Jаnkovid, Technical Secretary of the Project 5 City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš 6 City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš MASSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Dear fellow citizens, Before you is a City of Niš Strategy for Safety, developed in accordance with European methodology and models. Its purpose is to find a best avenue to bring City of Niš level of security closer to great Cities of Europe. This strategy is one of the main prerequisites to make Niš a safe City. Vision of the Strategy is economically, social y and environmentally safe City of Niš that is permanently improving its institutions for promotion of safety, acting proactively and properly resolves risks and threats to the security for a purpose of increasing the quality of life of its citizens . City of Niš with its undeveloped infrastructure, degraded industry, neglected ecology, and impoverished social policy has a need for such a strategy that will in an adequate way find resolution for all social, economical, ecological problems and also the ways for overcoming emergency situations. I believe that we will succeed to move Niš and include it in current world tendencies and make it a City with great perspective – City of Future. Also I believe that this strategic document will bring numerous partners from the whole world, and also possibilities for large investments and material assistance. In this way a lot of job opportunities will be created. Basic task of the Safety Strategy is to face the problems that are endangering the safety of the City and to optimally utilize the precious resources, values and potentials that allow the overcoming of these problems. Thinking of a City as a property of great importance for all that live and work in it, we expect that also you, citizens of Niš, and professional audience, help to really put this document in life through realization of specific projects of interest for all of us. I believe that we will succeed to make Niš as safest City as possible. City where everyone will feel economically, socially and ecologically safer. City that will with its unique system of protection and rescue mitigate and remove risks, threats and consequences of emergency situations. Niš as safe City will attract foreign investments and enable to make it a City of future. Miloš Simonović, MSc Mayor of City of Niš 7 City of Niš Strategy for Safety Analysis of the Safety Situation in the Territory of the City of Niš TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 9 SECTION 2 – ANALYSIS OF SAFETY SITUATION ON THE CITY OF NIŠ TERRITORY ............................. 13 1. ECONOMIC SECURITY ......................................................................................................... 15 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 15 1.1 PRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 16 1.2 COMMERCE .......................................................................................................... 25 1.3 TRANSPORT .......................................................................................................... 30 1.4 LABOR ................................................................................................................... 34 2. SOCIAL SECURITY ................................................................................................................ 37 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 37 2.1 HEALTH ................................................................................................................. 38 2.2 SOCIAL SECURITY .................................................................................................. 43 2.3 LOCAL COMMUNITY ............................................................................................. 52 2.4 PERSONAL AND COLLECTIVE SAFETY ................................................................... 52 3. ECOLOGICAL SECURITY ....................................................................................................... 58 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 58 3.1 STATUS OF ATMOSPHERE .................................................................................... 59 3.2 SOIL ....................................................................................................................... 70 3.3 WATER .................................................................................................................. 73 3.4 BIODIVERSITY STATUS .......................................................................................... 81 3.5 WASTE .................................................................................................................. 85 4. SAFETY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS .................................................................................. 87 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 87 4.1 TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ............................ 88 4.2 NATURAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS .................................................................. 93 4.3 ANTHROPOGENIC EMERGENCY SITUATIONS .....................................................
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