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Dhananjayarao GadgiJ Ubrary 11m~1~lnmm~m~ml~1 •!, GIPE-PUNE-OI7816 r ------ - .... BIHAR AND QRISSA DISTRICT QAZETTEERS.. • f":~ H AZ ARIB AG H. Agents for the Sale of Books published by the BIhar and Orissa i) Government. l , . A~enU 10 India (1) Meall1'L Thacker, SpInk &. Co., Calcutta. (3) lI("1sra. M. C. Sircar '" Sonl, 76, Dam"'ft Road, Calcutta. (2) Melsrs. W. Newman & Co., Calcutta. (9) P""Prictor of the N~wal Kilbore l'rel', (3) Me8srs. S. K. Lahiri &. Co., College Streell, Lucknl)w. Ca.lcutta. (10) 'MellTl. M. N. Burman &. Co., Ballkipar. (4) lrI,,88ra. A. M. and J. Ferguson, Ceylon. (11) nahu R"m Dlly.ll Agarwa~, 18·.\, Katr. (5) Messrs. R. CambrllY &: Co., 6 and 8-2, lload, Allahabad. Hastillgs Street, Calcutta. (12) StanJ.trd Liternture Co., Ltd. 13/1, Old (6) Messrs. Thompson & Co., Madr&ll. Court Uonle Stroet, Ca!cutt:l., ('/') Messrs. D. B. 'f"raporevaln., SODS & Co., 103, (13) Manllgor of the Ind'an School SOPP], D.·~t, Meadow !Street, Fort, I'ost BOll No. Ie, ao~~, Bow Bazar Street. Clllcutta. Bombay: (H.) MelITa, Butterworth &'Co., J.d., 6, nltltinga ,street., Calcutta. (15) MesSI's. Ram Krishna and Son., AnarkBli Street, Lahore. AgelJt. III EII'!an4 : (1) }Iessrs. A Con8t1\ble & Co., Ltd., 10, Ol'llngll (7) Mesn •. lI!'nry S. KIng &; Co., 65, CornhiU " Street, Leicester Square, London, W. wndoD, E. C. (2) Messrs. K!'gan, Yaur,-Trench. Trubner.\: Co., 68. \ Rrter Lane. Loudon, E. C. (8) M('8sTI. Grindlay & Co., Ii" Parliament (Orient'll Dppartment) and 25, Museum Street, LondoD, S.
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