The --Cahuilla Indians
UNIVFRSITV. OF CALl FORNIA ~PUBLICATIONS INM ~AMERICA~N .ARCHA'EO)LOGY .AND ETHNLOG V61. ''I&, No'.. 6, :pp~. 315-8 Api 1,120 THE --CAHUILLA INDIANS- 'BY LUCILE HOOPERO UIIVERSITY Of CALiFORMIA, PESS llERkELEy ; IV, ;SITY * 'NIA PU'L, ,T*'!;S T,o,lo g publi, n; ah oIl a_ subjects4,si1e- under the dUreetlol Af the DAepatie of Ahrpolog re-st iezchange for thepuli- - ca.;t.'-ieoligoriaofthrpoloogalcl epartments and ius,enans-, and foUitoII devote to general -antheop.og or to archeologyad. etkoogy The are fir sale at the Erkesstat:" ;;E-elnis should diraced The.-haaie artm U ie Libray, Berkeley, Californis,' -0 : Uv-.; -&A. A,:odrd idta h b a ty eUiert of A1IA ARC1A;OO`. ---P H Lr. .oeberbditr.- ?rce,- bAF' $50Q~}Volumeeach,1, <$4.b;~~~~~2VOam-g2; t*-b 1, Inclsie,- $X5(-eac; Vsolm 12 and following, - - ,--; -7'8V4U-&-t nt'' olk -9 1 i '1 * t ;t-** i Cited a U-v~(&f Il AMz Arch., 0tbn 1ric ;Vol.1. 1. L)e 'id Ontue-f othe nup, by Pli Goddard ? i.148; platies ;13q#.- ~+¢iY ~ Septe ~ 1903--*. -- -- --.. $ -- 1.25 2 flu.......exts, ......... Sa,byeGl d. P. -89-368. h=:M 1904,-..'h... 3.00 _ ,i iex, fpp. $6-378. V-l 2. 1--ti. The oraoof .tb.Potterw eek vavo, byWliam 3.Ji.;SaW`.1p.1-27;' ~plate -4 Aprl, 190 .....-....-.. A40 '2.\ The L~nkaag of the Coa'0st of alifornia -outh ofa ransco, by A. -. - Krj#er. Pp. 294,-'wthA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UP.a ma.a , 1004*St;X - -:.- u -\ .6060a4 3y of Indian, ut i Oalifora4aiby A.
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