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THE DESERT CALENDAR Sep. 1-3—Southern Utah junior live- stock show, Richfield, Utah. Sep. 1-3—Morgan county fair, Mor- gan, Utah. Sep. 1-31—Beehive Midway, fair- grounds, Salt Lake City, Utah. Sep. 2—Harvest dance, St. Stephen's Day, Acoma Pueblo, New Mex. Sep. 3-6—$25,000 P. G. A. Open Golf tournament, Reno, Nevada. Sep. 3-6—Elko county fair and state livestock show, Elko, Nev. Sep. 4—St. Augustine Day dances, Isleta pueblo, New Mexico. Volume 11 SEPTEMBER. 1948 Number 11 Sep. 4-5—Lucerne Valley Days, Box S ranch, Lucerne Valley, Calif. Sep. 4-5—Second annual gem and COVER CHUCKAWALLA. Photograph by Milton Knapp, mineral show, Junior Rockhounds Palm Springs, . of Prescott, Arizona. Sep. 4-6—236th Annual Santa Fe CALENDAR September events on the desert 3 Fiesta, "America's oldest com- munity celebration," Santa Fe, TREASURE Haunted Silver, New Mexico. Sep. 4-6—Nevada state fair, Fallon, By RICHARD VAN VALKENBURGH ... 6 Nevada. Sep. 4-6—Annual Labor Day rodeo, ADVENTURER He Lived with the Zunis Williams, Arizona. Sep. 4-6—Annual rodeo, Magdalena, By MARY OTIS BLAKE 10 New Mexico. POETRY Sep. 4-6—Labor Day homecoming Dripping Springs, and other poems 14 celebration, with parade and ARTIST rodeo, Bishop, California. Art in a Desert Cabin Sep. 4-6—Nevada rodeo, Winnemuc- By EDMUND C. JAEGER 15 ca, Nevada. Sep. 4-6—Sierra Club of Southern BOTANY Tree with Willow Leaves—and Catalpa Flowers California, Desert Peaks section, By MARY BEAL 20 to climb Montgomery and Bound- ary peaks, White Mts., California GEM FIELD Field Trip to Bed Rock Spring and Nevada. Sep. 5-6—Quarter horse show and By DON INGALLS 21 rodeo, Benson, Arizona. Sep. 6—Annual flower show, Wil- DESERT QUIZ A test of your desert knowledge 24 liams, Arizona. Sep. 6-8—St. Augustine Day dances, WILDLIFE Mystery Bird of the Salt Lake Desert San Ildefonso, New Mexico. Sep. 9-11—Juab county fair, Nephi, By WILLIAM H. BEHLE 25 Utah. CONTEST Sep. 9-11 — Southern Utah livestock Prize announcement for photographers ... 27 show, Cedar City, Utah. TRAVELOG Sep. 9-11—Iron county fair, Parowan, Where Water Turns to Dust Utah. Sep. 9-12—Antelope Valley fair, Lan- By THELMA BONNEY HALL 28 caster, Calif. LETTERS Sep. 10-11—Peach Days, Brigham, Comment from Desert Magazine readers . . 32 Utah. NEWS Sep. 11—Dick Wick Hall Day, Sa- From here and there on the desert 33 lome, Arizona. Sponsored by HUMOR Lions club. Hard Rock Shorty of Desert Valley 37 Sep. 15—Ceremonial races and dances. MINING Horse Lake and Stone lake, Ji- Current news of desert mines 39 carilla Apache reservation, New LAPIDARY Mexico. Amateur Gem Cutter, by LELANDE QUICK . . 40 Sep. 15-16—Tooele county fair, Too- HOBBY ele, Utah. Gems and Minerals 41 Sep. 15-18—Roosevelt county fair and COMMENT rodeo, Portales, New Mexico. fust Between You and Me, by the Editor ... 46 Sep. 16-19—San Bernardino county BOOKS fair, Victorville, California. Reviews of Southwest Literature 47 Sep. 18-25—Utah state fair, fair- grounds, Salt Lake City. The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert, California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948 at the post office at Palm Desert, Sep. 19—Annual fiesta and dance. La- California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, guna Pueblo, New Mexico. and contents copyrighted 1948 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents Sep. 20-30—Sunset dance, eve of San must be secured from the editor in writing. Geronimo day at Taos, New RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor BESS STACY, Business Manager Mexico, followed by Feast Day HAROLD and LUCILE WEIGHT, Associate Editors. of San Geronimo, with fiesta and Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for dance. damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub- Sep. 25-26—Second annual open show scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue. rodeo, Barstow, California. Par- SUBSCRIPTION RATES ade and dance. One Year - - - $3.00 Two Years - - - $5.00 Sep. 30-Oct. 3—Yavapai county fair, Canadian subscriptions 25c extra, foreign 50c extra. Prescott, Arizona. Subscriptions to Army personnel outside U.S.A. must be mailed in conformity with P.O.D. Order No. 19687. Address correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calitornia.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 Photographs taken in Santa Rosa mountain can- yons from which comes the pure sand-filtered water for the Palm Desert community. Why Make Your Home in PALM DESERT? Because Palm Desert has in a generous measure all those elements essential to the full enjoyment of the freedom, the peace, and the healthful environment of a satisfying home community. On the desert, the first consideration always is water, and so this first in a series of little stories about the assets with which Nature has endowed the Palm Desert community is devoted to the subject of

• • • W A T E RB i i

PALM DESERT'S WATER SUPPLY comes from underground. It is flowing to the lower levels. Sometimes these underground streams pumped from a well more than 600 feet deep in the clean bajada find their way to the surface as springs. There are many springs on which has been forming at the base of the Santa Rosa mountains the slopes which surround the Palm Desert cove on three sides. for thousands, perhaps millions of years. But even the spring water seeps into the sand again and continues It is water from the melting snow of the Santa Rosa and San its course to the great underground reservoir of the desert below. Jacinto ranges. During the winter months millions of tons of snow accumulates on these ranges at elevations from 6,000 to 10,000 feet. That is why Palm Desert has pure water. It has been filtered through many miles of clean granite sand and gravel. It remains in When warm days come the "water from these melting snow its great underground storage reservoir beyond all possibility of banks, sometimes 10 or 12 feet deep, trickles into the sand and contamination until it is pumped to the surface to serve the needs crevices and finds its way to underground channels, gradually of the home-makers and visitors in the Palm Desert community. SO LONG AS THE SNOW FALLS ON SANTA ROSA AND SAN JACINTO PALM DESERT WILL HAVE CLEAN WATER — AND PLENTY OF IT.

For information regarding home or business property in Palm Desert community write to PALM DESERT CORPORATION PALM DESERT- CALIFORNIA Clifford W. Henderson, Founder, President Los Angeles Office: 6123 West Third Street Telephone Webster 3-2661 Tract Office on Property or See Your Broker Edith Ward, Tract Agent


First prize in Desert's July photographic con- test was won by Jack J. Zehrt of St. Louis, Mo., with the accompanying late evening picture oi a deer in northern Arizona. The photographer saw the animal from the highway and followed it until he got the right composition and snap- ped it with a flash bulb from a distance of 15 feet. A Speed Graphic was used.

HaUt/uuu George H. Kuhl of Glen Ellyn, 111., won second place in the July contest with his Busch Pressman camera picture of the famous sand- stone "elephant" along the trail to Rainbow bridge near the Utah-Arizona state line.

Special , , , A Desert Sparrow Hawk photo entered by Robert Leatherman of San Bernardino, Califor- nia was of such merit it was purchased for a future Desert Magazine cover. -flaunted

When a Sonoran teamster led him to a rich outcropping of silver ore in southern Arizona nearly a century ago. Major Sam Heintzelman thought a fortune was within reach. But bad luck has dogged the history of the Cerro Colorado mine. Here is the story of its discovery and of a present-day visit to its almost forgotten ruins.

By RICHARD VAN VALKENBURGH Photographs by Ray Edwards

Pueblo, Heintzelman's suave expression did not mirror the excitement stirring within him. The army officer had received mineralogical training in Ger- many and he recognized the ore. as stromeyerite—silver-copper glance, as the miners called it. Heintzelman located Warner and made clear his interest in the high grade silver ore. Possibly with an eye to future amiable relations with the mili- tary, the shrewd merchant told him the specimen had been brought in by a Sonoran teamster named Ouidican. Heintzelman located Ouidican in a house on La Calle de India Trieste, but the teamster was suspicious of the Yanqui army officer and denied knowledge of the ore. And it was not until considerable palaver had taken place that the Sonoran agreed to guide the major to the location for $500 in gold and a half interest in the mine. Striking south at sunup, the partners pushed their fast-gaited Spanish mules down the west side of the Santa Cruz valley, past the old mission of San Xavier, and onward until they reached the region of Twin Buttes in the Serrita mountains. Here Ouidican stalled. While they were jogging across the desert he had been thinking of tales he had heard about sharp dealings by the Yanquis. How could he be sure he would receive the $500 in gold? And despite Heintzelman's loud threats and honeyed promises, the Sonoran turned his mule and headed back toward Tucson. The next day Heintzelman hunted All that remains today of the historic Cerro Colorado mine shaft where out Ouidican again. He would guar- #3,000,000 in silver is said to have been produced between 1856 and 1861. antee payment of the $500 in gold The adobe walls were built to protect the miners from Apache raiders. at the store of Solomon Warner upon absolute proof of the existence of the lode. Ouidican agreed and they went "Quien sabe?" evaded the clerk, not INETY years ago Major Sam to the store where Heintzelman com- Heintzelman of the U. S. army yet accustomed to the brisk ways of mitted himself before witnesses. picked up a piece of lustrous the Yanqui intruders. "Probably it will please Don Solomon to tell the On the second trip Ouidican did not grey ore from the counter of Solomon tarry by the Serritas. Alert to the Warner's general emporium in Tucson, patron. You will find him about the pueblo." menace of the Apache, he avoided the Arizona territory. Balancing it in his rutted tracks of the Sonora road. When hand, he questioned the clerk, "Where As he picked his way through the evening came he said to Heintzelman, did this come from, muchacho?" narrow, crooked lanes of the Old as they looked to the west toward a

THE DESERT MAGAZINE great rounded mountain with towers that gleamed ruby-silver red in the sunset, " Tis Cerro Colorado, the Red Mountain." Skirting the slopes of the mountain, the riders pushed their mules through the velvet blackness of the desert night until they dropped to the mesquite groves of the upper Sopori Creek. For both the trail-wise Sonoran and the veteran of many an Indian melee knew the Apache never attacked at night. Just as the moon began to rise from behind the long shadow in the east that was the Sierra Santa Rita, Ouidican guided Heintzelman to the base of a small red mountain which he called El Cerro Chiquito. When the major looked northward to orientate himself he could see by the moonglow lighting the hills, that their camp was just south of the Cerro Colorado. With the first rosy streaks of dawn Heintzelman followed Ouidican down a rock littered slope toward a motte of scrub mesquite. When the Sonoran stopped, Heintzelman hurried to his side. Looking down he saw a crude shaft filled almost to the grass roots with a litter of rubble and debris. Climbing down, Ouidican began to pitch out the fill. The deeper he gophered the more tense the major became. Suddenly the Sonoran stopped. Taking out his knife he pried some- thing loose. And as he handed out a chunk of the same lustrous ore Heint- zelman had seen in Warner's store he said, ' 'Tis petanque, almost pure silver!" After stuffing their saddle bags with the petanque and refilling the shaft, the partners struck out for Tucson at a high lope. Upon reaching the Old Pueblo, Ouidican insisted they go im- mediately to Warner's store for the $500 in gold promised him by Heint- zelman. Fred Wright, veteran lost-treasure hunter of the Arizona desert pauses to visit the shrine of Santa Rita, patron saint of all miners. The sacred figure When they stood before the counter, is in a grotto on the historic Sopori ranch. Heintzelman was deliberate as he dug into his pocket. After some moments tell of the discovery of petanque in a he pulled his hand out. Then he laid in the first shafts of the morning light, mine called El Cerro Colorado in the on the counter a boleta of Tubac paper we could see the patchwork of the Arivaca country. Also — something money, upon which was engraved a green and brown that marks the cotton about a lost treasure. What's holding rooster designating its value at 50 fields around Continental in the fertile us? Let's get going. There's more to cents. Santa Cruz river bottoms. that story—" Thirty-six miles south of Tucson we "This is enough to pay a d— The frost was still silver on the dropped down from the washboard Mexican," he said. leaves of the mesquites lining the Twin road through a cut to join black topped This story, for the most part, was Buttes road when we went southward U. S. Highway 89. Traveling south on excavated years ago from the memory from Tucson on approximately the the pavement for 10 miles we turned of old Curro Lopez of Saric, Sonora, same route traveled by Ouidican and to the right at Otho Kinsley's ranch who sickened and died before it was Major Heintzelman. Once beyond the and lake, and headed southwestward finished. I was intrigued and curious serrated basaltic slopes of Black moun- over the Arivaca-Ruby road. as to what might be the ending, but tain, we hit the graded road and In a few moments we came to the it was not until early last winter that started up the long slope cutting giant cottonwoods and green fields a chance mention of the story stirred through the dusty green desert towards surrounding historic Sopori ranch. Rich up an answer from Fred Wright, my the Serrita mountains. in the tradition of Arizona's early 79-year-old prospector friend. Skirting the gaunt gallow frames of mining days and scene of bloody "Seems to me that somewhere down the Twin Butte mines, we started to Apache raids, this old ranch in recent around Caborca, Sonora, I've heard slope down from the Serritas. Below, years has been famed locally as the

SEPTEMBER, 1948 ing a 50 foot shaft in the rich ore. Then Thomas and Ignacio Ortiz, own- ers of the Rancho La Aribac upon which the mine was located, ran him off their property. Soon afterward the Sonora Mining & Exploring company with head- quarters at Tubac, Arizona, purchased the Cerro Colorado property and the Rancho La Aribac. To keep check on the $7000 per ton silver ore coming from the mine, Charles D. Poston, the company manager, placed his brother John in charge of the Cerro Colorado workings. Sometime after 1860 the good Santa Rita turned her face from the prosper- ing Cerro Colorado. Deep in the candle lit depths of the mine 15

• •-. HEINTZEtMAK Mi N f (Nf Aft AH1BAC') Mexican-Indian miners sweated as they From ths Soatii Side. filled their rawhide bags with the shin- ing silver ore from under the hanging An old lithograph of the Cerro Colorado mine in 1856. Courtesy Arizona wall. Without warning the ceiling caved Pioneer's Historical Society. and buried the miners! Owing to tons of fallen rock it was site of the boveda, or shrine, of Santa the region in general. Finally, Fred impossible to recover the bodies. Many Rita. switched the conversation to the Cerro surviving miners, believing the mine to Colorado. Then—from the lips of this At the boveda Fred called for a stop. be haunted by ghosts, left for their old timer who had been a part of the He walked up the gentle slope for a homes in Sonora. Today the "lost ones" later history of the mine, we learned closer look at the saint. And I was still lie in their tomb 70 feet below the story of Heintzelman's mine. surprised, remembering Fred's pro- the surface of the earth. fession of having no faith, when the After bilking Ouidican, Heintzelman old prospector made an offering to this let no grass grow under his military On the heels of this catastrophe patron saint of all miners! boots in cashing in on the silver. For came the Civil War and the removal a few months in 1856 he toiled at sink- of troops from Arizona territory. Leaving Santa Rita, we traveled up Cochise, the Chiricahua Apache chief, the mesquite covered bottoms of the believing his warriors had scared away Sopori creek. Somewhere in the next the blue clad soldiers of the Bilakana 15 miles we must have cut the trail began to make good his threat to traveled by Ouidican and Major Heint- exterminate all whites in southern zelman 90 years before. For rising in Arizona. the west, with its towers and scarps glowing in the morning sun, lay the When Apache war arrows began to Cerro Colorado. fly, Charles Poston made plans to Seventeen twisting miles southwest of leave Arizona. Leaving his brother Kinsley ranch brought us to the junc- John in charge of the Cerro Colorado, ture of the Arivaca road and the trail he and a mining engineer named that climbs by the Cerro Chiquito to Raphael Pumpelly, went on toward Las Guijus mines. And we located the a fortified reduction works and town. ruins of the Cerro Colorado mine in the A few days before, John Poston had V made by the roads. One could easily caught his Sonoran foreman, Juanito, pass by unaware of being close to heading south with a heavy load of one of Arizona's most historic sites. silver bullion. Exasperated by deser- With Fred setting the pace, we tions and stealing on every hand, prowled the slopes south of the Cerro Poston decided to make an example of Chiquito all morning trying to connect Juanito. Taking his rifle he shot the the Ouidican-Heintzelman story with Sonoran out of his saddle in cold blood. the mine shaft area south of a rocky With the killing of Juanito, all work slope cluttered with ruins of 'dobe stopped at the mine. The miners stole buildings. Things seemed to jibe and everything they could carry. Then they we found one small specimen of silver slipped away in the night to head for ore on the mine dump. their homes in nearby Sonora. With Finally our wanderings brought us them went this story: Somewhere on to an old cabin almost hidden in the the slope between the shaft of the mesquite west of the mine. There we Cerro Colorado and the Cerro Chiquito were welcomed by 84-year-old Charles to the north, Juanito had buried $70,- E. Udall. He not only had lived on 000 in stolen silver bullion! the ground for 43 years, but at one Sketch made in 1857 showing Hearing the tale, a band of Sonoran time owned and operated the Cerro Mexican method of bailing water outlaws, reinforced by former employ- Colorado mine. out of a mine shaft. Courtesy ees of the mine, headed north as fast After making ourselves comfortable A rizona Pioneer's Historical as their horses would carry them. in Udall's living room, we talked about Society Reaching the Cerro Colorado soon

8 THE DESERT MAGAZINE after the departure of Charles Poston and Pumpelly, they killed John Poston and two Germans. With all the Yan- quis dead or fleeing the country, they tore up the whole mine and its works in their efforts to locate the treasure. But their search was fruitless. And the tradition still persists, as proven by the occasional visits made to Udall •' • " . ••' '"•'' ; t'iMsrv , '••/•!'*'/'••'-°TANK by folks who ask to dig, that the $70,000 in silver bullion still awaits the lucky hombre who digs in the right spot on the slope between the Cerro Colorado and the Cerro Chiquito. NOGALES Udall became interested in the Cerro Colorado before the turn of the century. Examination of the shallow diggings of Heintzelman and John Poston convinced him there was still rich ore to be mined. In 1900 he formed a company of which Diamond Jim Brady was a stockholder. After 40 years Mexican-Indian UDALLS CERRO mineros again came from Sonora to CAB,N ^C0L0RAD0 MINE ; ;- work in the Cerro Colorado. On the : foundations of the building where John (RUIN) '\ ; /_,,.»- Poston met his death at the hands of the Sonoran bandits, Udall built a commissary, office, and an $8000 resi- dence. Back of these buildings, now in ruins, lies the old campo santo wherein rest the remains of 18 who have died by the Cerro Colorado since the day of Heintzelman. In one tiny grave reposes an $800 parrot, the Udall family pet, which was shrouded in Chinese bro- 1 cade and laid away in a coffin made wast from a jewel box. TRINIDAOv^ Udall would not admit that he had searched for the lost treasure of Juan- ito. His only answer was: "The story checks and still is commonly told in To ORO BLANCO a RUBY northern Sonora. So when treasure hunters ask permission to dig, I tell them to go ahead on a fifty-fifty basis. Who knows?" When the talk reached the point where widows and children of those who died, Fred felt sure of his ground he probed: and not for his pockets alone. Not wishing to wear out our welcome "We been fossickin' around looking for we soon left Udall. Fred insisted that "For this viejo, who has always been we go over the slope in which Juanito's 'sign' of a lost treasure said to have under the protection of the good Santa treasure is supposed to be buried. So been buried around here by a feller Rita, I would not place one foot in we spent the afternoon turning over named Juanito." that mine or search for the buried rocks, poking a sharp iron in the Jesus walked to where he could treasure. I want nothing to do with El ground, and looking for "treasure sign." look down on the mine shaft below Cerro Colorado. Since the earliest days When the sun started to nudge the before he quietly answered, "Si. El the mine has had bad luck—many say peaks of Las Guijus mountains, I sug- Cerro Colorado, she may still have a a curse." gested we defer our treasure hunt until treasure and be a rich one for the And as Fred and I looked through another day. Fred grumbled something petanque. But what sane man would the dusky twilight settling to shroud the about "the lack of sticktuitiveness in go down there and get mixed up with old mine and its ghost town, we could these young fellers" as we headed for the ghosts that haunt the mine? not help speculate on the rationality our car. But before we reached it we "Si, seguro. The story of Juanito's of the Mexican's belief. For when came upon an old Mexican making treasure is true. With one exception. the grim history of the place flashed camp in one of the better preserved That poor fellow, he stole the silver back across our minds, it seemed pos- 'dobes. from the Yanquis who got rich from sible indeed that something beyond the After identifying ourselves, Fred and the work of the mineros who sweated power of man made the Cerro Colo- the old Mexican, whose name turned and died in that black hole in the rado the graveyard of men's hopes out to be Jesus, swapped mining yarns. ground. But it was to share with and bodies.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 9 However a party of investigators, under the leadership of Colonel James Stevenson, had been sent by the Smith- sonian to collect data on the Pueblo Indians. Cushing, one of the party, decided to study Zuni while the others were visiting the villages in Ari- zona. In due course the party arrived at Fort Wingate. After two weeks travel by camp wagon they were persuaded to rest there a few days. Cushing was in haste to reach Zuni. In spite of the remonstrance of the officers at the fort, he procured a government mule and set off alone to accomplish the 40 miles of uninhabited distance. He had never been in a saddle before and his beast required "much prodding." Now the day was waning and he was uncertain as to the location of the village. Then the road, black with lava and rough, suddenly came down into a sandy plain through which flowed the Zuni river. As he came in sight of the stream a boy herding sheep and goats came toward him. He extended a hand with the greeting "Hai, hai." Cushing took his hand and shook it heartily, saying "Zuni?" The boy answered "E," mean- ing yes, at the same time breathing on the stranger's hand. He returned the hand. Cushing's quick perception of the importance of this breath-taking act proved the key that unlocked the outer fortress of the Zuni reserve. When a short time later he rode into town and tied his mule to a post the tribesmen were on the housetops watching a dance in one of the plazas below. At first the Zuni leader ap- peared unfriendly, but when Cushing used his newly acquired form of greet- ing the attitude of the Indians changed, -I a general breath-taking and giving Gushing in full Zuni regalia. Photograph through courtesy American Bureau ensued. of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institute. The sacrosanct character of the dances brought a serious crisis for Cushing. He was eager to make sketches of the ceremonies. The In- dians kept remonstrating with him about making the "shadow" of them. "->ally at the invitation of Pa-lo-wa- ti-wa, the chieftain or gobernador, he By MARY OTIS BLAKE moved his belongings into the common Frank Cushing narrowly es- living and sleeping room of the Chief- caped death at the hands of N a hot September afternoon in tain and his wife. He slung his ham- angry tribesmen when he first 1879, a weary adventurer was mock opposite the fireplace where the went to live with the Zuni In- making his way up a narrow cooking was done. dians in New Mexico. But his valley of the Sierra Madre mountains But the Indians continued to show cool disregard of their threats of northwestern New Mexico. The resentment when he brought out his soon won them over—and he sojourner was Frank Hamilton Cush- sketch book. When his book was seized ing, direct from Washington, D. C. and figuratively torn up he became became an honored member of His objective was the pueblo of Zuni. angry and displayed his hunting knife. the pueblo. Here is the story Situated high up in the fastnesses of This brought matters to a head and of a man who was one of the the Rocky Mountain plateau, Zuni had he heard whispers of the Knife Dance first to give Americans an inti- been sunning itself for untold cen- in which two dancers pledge themselves mate acquaintance with the life turies, not entirely unknown, but little to perpetrate the death of a — of the Pueblo Indians. understood by the intruders who had their ancient enemy. visited it from time to time. The gobernador advised him not to

10 THE DESERT MAGAZINE appear at the Knife Dance. He refused to stay away, whereupon his adviser said, "O, well, a fool always makes a fool of himself." When the ceremony started Cushing took his station on the parapet with his hunting knife beside him. Two masked and painted men, nude to the waist and carrying war clubs, mounted the ladder leading to Cush- ing's position on the parapet, shouting "Kill him, Kill him." The people began to crowd around so that escape would have been impossible. He drew his knife and waved it over his head. The sunshine caught it and its brilliancy was reflected on the crowds. This salute to the sun, unpremeditated on Cushing's part, gave pause to the dancers on the ladder, who said, "We've made a mistake." Leaving the plaza they soon came back dragging a yelping dog. In killing it, they accom- plished the death of a Navajo and fulfilled their vow. Shalako dancer in costume. Cushing says, "That day had won for me the truest of friends and decided As the winter in Zuni became gobernador and other influential men the fate of my mission to the Zunis." more severe, Cushing suffered acutely. of the town to have his ears pierced. He was given Zuni food exclusively Emerging from a long ceremonial in an He finally consented and found it was and a complete Zuni costume was sub- overheated kiva, a cold wind brought the symbol of his adoption into the stituted for his American clothes. The Zuni fellowship as a Child of the Sun. effect was hailed with enthusiasm as on a chill and he came down with he walked the streets of Zuni but his pneumonia. He was made a member of the Macaw American friends felt sure he had The chief instructed his slowly conva- clan and christened Ten-as-tas-li, Med- lapsed into savagery! lescing guest in the intricacies of the icine Flower, a rare bloom with magi- Next he was installed in a newly language. Before the end of the first cal properties—a name which could be whitewashed small room and given two year his pupil had become proficient borne by but one person in a genera- sheep skins for his bed on the floor in the Zuni tongue. Eventually, be- tion. "to harden his meat." With two wool tween intervals of ill-health, Cushing Frank Cushing was born in 1857. blankets for cover (handmade as was translated most of the long Zuni crea- Never a very strong child, he was everything in Zuni) his sponsor said, tion myth, very difficult because of allowed to roam at will in the woods "If you're cold, just say you're not; its archaic terms but rooted deep in surrounding his home in central New that's the way a Zuni does." With ancient traditions and rituals and York where he came in contact with fine scorn the chief cut down his ham- awaited with interest by the scientific the remnants of the Indian tribes still mock, Cushing's last link with civili- world. living there. He developed an uncanny zation! Cushing was importuned by the aptitude for unearthing Indian relics and great dexterity in the primitive Zuni pueblo in 1879. In the foreground is the Stevenson party with Indian arts. At sixteen he was digging Cushing who came to Zuni as an ethnologist. Photo by Ben Wittick. in rubbish heaps left by the Indians in Courtesy A rizona Highways Magazine. their camp sites and finding a wealth of material, fast vanishing through the ignorance of the settlers. At 17 he wrote a paper on the antiquities of Orleans county which was published in the Smithsonian report for that year. At 22 he was put in charge of the newly created Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian. Soon after this he came to Zuni. November and December were months of exciting discoveries for this sojourner in a strange environment. He discovered in the ceremonial life of this supposedly uncivilized people a highly organized system of social and religious culture. Intensely curious, Cushing obtained an invitation to the ceremonies connected with the secret installation of the newly elected Koyi- machi (Guardians of the Sacred Dance or Delight Makers). Ten from among

11 '• the priesthood are elected yearly to the pueblo lands each year. But ac- perform their sacred office of jokesters. cording to Zuni legend a great body Going from plaza to plaza they enliven of water existed somewhere to the east, the intervals between the dances with the Ocean of Sunrise. Cushing was quips and clownish acts. informed, "Our fathers told their chil- dren about the Ocean of Sunrise. We The newly elected Koyimachi, with have not seen it. We know it in the their warty masks and mud daubed prayers they taught us and in the bodies, perform their first offices of things they handed down to us which entertainment to usher in Shalako came from its waters." (Ground shells ceremonies which come on early in were used in their prayers for rain.) December as a salute to the waning sun and mark the departure of the When Cushing suggested a trip to old year. this almost mythical ocean was possible Shalako is both a house warming they promised him entry into the and a harvest home festival. Zuni Order of the Sacred Kaka. shows herself the bounteous host to all After much discussion six were outsiders who come to partake of the chosen to go: Nai-iu-chi, senior priest gaiety and feasting. of the bow; Ki-a-si, junior priest of bow; Pa-lo-wa-ti-wa, the political head- At dusk, the immense whiterobed chief of Zuni and Cushing's brother by Shalako figures, at least 10 feet high, adoption; Lai-iu-ai-tsai-lu, formerly come in to perform the ceremony of gobernador of Zuni, now an old man blessing each new house built in Zuni nicknamed Pedro Pino; Lai-iu-ah-tsai- during the past year. At dawn a lun-k'ia, priest of the temple and salute to the waning sun is given and Cushing's father by adoption, and Na- the New Year begins. After their 18- na-he a good looking Hopi adopted hour visit the Shalako leave and the accordance with Zuni custom. The chief and members of the tribe were into the tribe by marriage who made sacred Kaka comes on. Then the himself quite popular with the ladies. crowd leaves, taking with them quanti- humiliated when Cushing rejected both ties of the beautiful Zuni handiwork. offers, and relations were rather All Zuni became intense with the The gobernador thought Cushing strained for a time. However, the preparations for the journey. Most im- should become a member of the tribe visitor soon healed the breach with portant was the safe transference of the by marriage and two of the most at- a suggestion that was mutually pleas- properties for the ceremonies at the tractive girls in the pueblo were ing. ocean. This was accomplished even to selected to make advances to him in the time-hallowed, fringed and net cov- The specter of drouth hangs over ered gourd which was to hold the first water dipped from the ocean. Zuni women of today—dressed in the native costumes for the annual February 22nd, 1882, was the day Tribal Ceremonial at Gallup. They learn to carry ollas of water on their set for the departure. Not unlike the heads in early childhood. leave taking of other reverent Amer- icans were the prayerful farewells of these simple wards of Uncle Sam. In the later afternoon there were parting embraces, heart to heart and breath to breath. Then Nai-iu-chi, senior priest of the bow, blessed the people from the housetops and the company started their journey, railroad trans- portation having been arranged. The hand luggage was primitive. The most important was a bag of prayer- meal. Each stream they crossed, however small, was saluted with prayers, the car windows were opened and the sacred meal was scattered reverentially. Though it was late when they reached Washington, they were awake and ready to draw in the holy influence from the place they held in such rev- erence. Their most thrilling experience there was shaking hands with "Was- intona" in the person of President Chester Arthur. They ate American food and liked some of it but thought the Americans "dared their insides" too much. They left Pedro Pino, now between 80 and 90 and too old to take part in the ceremonies, with his friends, Col. and Mrs. Stevenson. On a trip down the Potomac he danced

12 THE DESERT MAGAZINE attendance on the ladies, caught cold, survived pneumonia, later climbed to the top of the Washington mounment. Boston was the place selected for the formal visit to the Atlantic ocean. At the time set for the ceremonies, Boston's chilly March weather had moderated. A steamer, chartered by the mayor, took the Zunis and their invited guests to Deer island, the point farthest east and most propitious for the rites. In a tent the six participants, included Cushing, costumed themselves in their elaborate insignia. The priest of the bow bearing the ancient gourd, led the procession. The priest of the temple followed with a basket containing two vessels of spar and the sacred cane cigarettes whose smoke, investing prayer-plumes planted on the shore, would carry their mes- sages to the gods of the ocean. Prayer meal had been scattered abundantly and there had been prayers before and after a song sung in unison, and sacred whizzers carried by Cush- ing and Kiasi, were indispensable to the ceremonies. Then the two master priests waded knee deep into the ocean, scattering the precious meal over the face of the waters. When they had sprinkled water to the six regions of the universe and upon the spectators they dipped the sacred vessels full. As they stood a moment in prayer, Cushing and Kiasi dipped their whizzers in the water and each uttered a prayer. Majestically the procession marched to the tent where Waihusiwa, the famous story-teller of the Zuni. It is believed the silver- several stanzas of a very old chant mounted cane was one given the tribe by President Lincoln. were sung with the refrain as translated by Cushing, "Over the road to the books. Forced to return to Washing- Colorado, 11.25 per cent to New Mex- middle of the world, thou willst go." ton, his indomitable will kept him at ico, 25 per cent to Utah and 14 per The ceremonies were concluded with his desk in the Smithsonian until 1886 cent to Wyoming. an all-embracing prayer for the entire when he gave up entirely for a time. The agreement has been reduced to animate world, "even the creeping and During the last years of his life he writing and is to be formally ratified most vile and insignificant beings." was sent to Florida for his health. In- by the Upper Basin Compact commis- That the tribe might be sure to stead of resting, as the doctor had sioners at Santa Fe October 6. Also, have enough water to use in their future ordered, he gave five busy years to a it must be approved by congress and rain ceremonials, the city had presented study of the pre-Columbian sea-dwell- the legislatures of each of the states in- them with seven demijohns. These were ing people of the Florida keys. He was volved. Commenting on the agreement filled, but before the company left preparing his discoveries for publica- Secretary of Interior J. A. Krug said: the shore a surprise was given Cush- tion when a slight accident caused his "I am delighted by a report from ing. His baptism with ocean water death April 10, 1900. Harry W. Bashore, Federal Commis- was the first step in his initiation into sioner of the Colorado Upper Basin the Kaka. UPPER BASIN STATES AGREE States Compact Commission, that firm While in Washington Cushing was ON DIVISION OF WATER agreement has been reached by the married to Miss Emily Magill. She Upper Basin states — Colorado, New accompanied him to Zuni in the fall Under the terms of an agreement Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona and supervised his diet with the help reached by members of a special com- —with regard to the division of the of a Negro cook and supplies from mittee, the waters allotted to the upper waters allotted to them from the Colo- Wingate. But his health had been so basin states of the Colorado river rado river. More than 25 years have seriously impaired that in May, 1884, watershed are to be pro-rated as fol- elapsed since, in Santa Fe, New Mex- he was forced to leave. He never re- lows: ico, the original 7-state agreement di- turned for any length of time. While The total amount available to the viding the river between the upper and in Zuni from '82 to '84 he was busy upper states under the Colorado River lower basins was initialed in 1922. The collecting and codifying his discover- compact is 7,500,000 acre feet less Upper Basin states agreement is a sec- ies. Many magazine articles of liter- 50,000 feet allotted to Arizona. The ond great forward step in the develop- ary charm as well as scientific value, remaining 7,450,000 acre feet are to ment of the Colorado river which is came from his pen, as well as several be divided as follows: 51.75 per cent to the primary resource of its region."

SEPTEMBER, 1948 13 m

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;:..;•; Photograph by George Merrill Roy And to cover the unseemly scars Live in the cities and towns if you will She bid them work for years And hobble your soul in a street To make a veil of lacy ferns Or find a piece of land to till (In California's Santa Rosa mountains) And water it with tears. And plow the sod with your feet. Oh, that all earth's beauty spots By BEATRICE G. BOYCE But give me the land of cedar and sage Pasadena, California By human hands defaced Could have their beauty thus restored Of cacti, and sun and the sand And the ugliness erased. Let me dwell in a place where the air is clear Once long ago some fairies And the soul of man can expand. With prankish wanton mien Thought to ape the humans Whose customs they had seen. WHERE THE AIR IS CLEAR So on the walls of canyons Would We Jlad! In dark, secluded places By E. W. BARTLETT They carved their fairy names Angel's Camp, California By TANYA SOUTH And many times their faces. Brothers of mine, who share with me We see too darkly now, alas! But the Queen of all the fairies The land, the sea and the sky, Too dark the Way is set. When she heard what they had wrought Choose a place to call your home Too oft we walk the stormy pass. Ordered that these guilty ones To live, and toil, and die. Too often we forget Before her throne be brought; The track that inspiration lit, And she condemned them every one And leave it a name, honored and clean Or Faith had pointed out. To live forever barred Give it the best that you've got Ah, would we had the strength and wit Behind those very walls And don't let them tell you the desert land To follow Truth—nar doubt! Whose beauty they had marred. Is the place that God forgot.


Carl Eyiel and the studio cabin at Palm Springs in which he lived and worked for many years.

and scientists. The attraction was the quiet and unassuming desert artist, , whose pictures of desert scenes, whose knowledge of desert life had become known far beyond the Many artists have tried to convey to canvas the harmony of line borders of his small village. and color found in the desert country, but probably none have worked Slight of build, blue-eyed and with more faithfully or effectively toward that end than did Carl Eytel skin tanned and leathery from con- who lived for many years in a little cabin studio at Palm Springs and stant exposure to the sun and winds, got an average price of from $10.00 to $15.00 for his oils and water- he seemed the kind of man one would colors. And his character was as true as the creations of his pen and expect to find on deserts. Austerity brush. , the writer, was friend, companion and neighbor was everywhere apparent about him of the artist for many years. from his plain clothes and clean By EDMUND C. JAEGER shaven face to the tiny unpainted house which was his home. His usual Pen and ink sketches accompanying text are from one of Eytel's notebooks re- attire was a pair of khaki trousers, printed through the courtesy of the author and the Desert Museum of Palm tan corduroy jacket and a brown broad Springs. brimmed stetson hat with band of rattlesnake skin. N the grey flat sands close beside redwood shakes; on its northern side Eytel seldom talked about himself, the mountains and at some was a single large window, on its even to his friends. Sometimes he gave distance apart from the then eastern, a paneled door painted white. evasive answers to their queries. If tiny and delightful desert village of On sunny days when the occupant he thought them too inquisitive he Palm Springs, there was in the long ago was at home the door was always open jokingly gave them misleading state- days a small one room abode made for and to that open door came men of ments. Hence it is not surprising that the most part of finished but unpainted learning, great artists, world travelers little information as to his early life

SEPTEMBER, 1948 15 ever appeared in the numerous articles Hubbell who they knew well, calmed written about him for the press. them and after a few cursings they According to the family records let him go. kept in his native Germany he was One thing that stamped Carl Eytel born September 12, 1862, in the as a man apart was his singleness of vicarage of Maichingen in Wurttem- purpose. Art was his primary interest burg. His father, a clergyman, had and he sought always to interpret seven children of which Carl was the sincerely and accurately the desert he fifth. Upon his father's death, young loved. This inward urge to draw and Carl was sent to live and find schooling paint well, drove him relentlessly to with his grandfather, rector of the the time of death. Eberhard-Ludwig gymnasium at Stutt- gart. Later he attended the Ober- I never knew Carl Eytel to paint gymnasium at Heilbronn where he from imagination. "You must go out passed his leaving examination in 1880. Mojave yucca of doors," he would say, "and record From 1880 to 1884 he studied forestry accurately the details of what you at Tubigen. really see." This made him an endless Eytel once came near being hanged as prowler in desert places and every- Upon graduation he was drafted for a horsethief. He had spent the day in where he carried his sketch books. At the usual year of military service. Santiago canyon of the Santa Ana the time of his death he left hundreds Loathing the soldier's life with its mountains sketching the home and of such books of record of the things regimen and lack of freedom, he emi- grounds of Modjeska, the famous he saw. Many of them are rain soiled, grated in 1885 to the , Polish actress. When night came he for often in bad weather the only entering employment with a German hunted out a ranch house in the vicinity protection they had was the covering farmer in Kansas. It was here he made hoping to obtain lodging. As he ap- of a coat pocket or the knapsack in his first series of drawings of cattle, proached in the darkness a pack of which they were carried as the artist studies in which he gained great pro- savage dogs came out, followed by walked, alone or beside his horse ficiency in later years. several men and boys. Billy, over long desert trails. These As soon as his savings would permit One of the men told him to hold up notebooks with their sketches and he came to California, lured by his hands. The rancher got a lantern accompanying notes comprise an in- accounts of its wild mountains and and looked him over, demanding that valuable pictorial record of historical deserts, and the chance it would give he tell what his business was and why interest, for they depict much of a him for further study at the herds of he was out in such a place at that time desert that no longer exists. Especially stock on its spacious ranches. After of night. valuable are pictures of old ranch a short sojourn at El Monte he came One man said he knew the stranger buildings, Indian dwellings and scenes to Palm Springs. Charmed by what to was Sylvester Morales, a much sought on the cattle ranges of the old South- him were idyllic surroundings, he set horsethief. Another said he recognized west. Exhibition of these beautifully himself to the task of learning to the horse Eytel rode as one driven off kept notebooks in museums and represent in oils, water color and recently from the neighborhood. He libraries always creates interest. pencil the beautiful desert landscape suggested the only way to stop such Eytel's minor sketching journeys he saw. At every opportunity he ex- thievery was to hang the culprit on were usually in winter months. Sum- plored the canyons and dunes. He the spot. The men relented when he mers were devoted to long trips— traveled extensively over much of the showed them the beautiful drawings Yosemite and the High Sierra or to Southwest and few came to know its in his notebooks and convinced them the Hopi or Navajo villages of Arizona arid basins and mesas and its desert of their error in identification. and New Mexico. No land, no people mountains more intimately than he. During the late spring of 1918, fascinated him as much as the South- When was against the advice of friends who feared west, its Indians and their colorful gathering his material for the writing for his health, Carl made a trip from land of sandstone and lava. He liked of his book, The Wonders Of The Palm Springs to the Indian villages of the Indian way of life wherein serenity , Eytel often traveled northern Arizona traveling on his and love of out-of-door freedom and with him, doing the pen sketches which horse Billie. It was at a time when unhurried ways were cornerstones of are an important part of that two- the war fever was at its height and happiness. He played with their volume work. Eytel gave James much the ignorant and hot tempered often children, painted and drew pictures for help in the preparation of the text of were trying to prove their patriotism by the elders, became part of their joys the book as well as the illustrations. acts of violence. As the artist was and sorrows. And the Indians liked For his contribution Eytel got little plodding along a lonely road on the him in return. He remained with them return. Arizona range, he was met by a party for long periods. They fed him and Later it was J. Smeaton Chase of cowboys who accused him of being gave him shelter at night and nursed writing his Cone-Bearing Trees of a German spy. him when he was ill. This was as California and his California Desert Eytel, remembering how his sketches true of the people of Cali- Trails who sought out Eytel as the man had saved his life before, produced his fornia as it was of the Pueblo Indians. to help him learn the desert's secrets. notebook. But this only heightened As an artist Eytel was largely self- Eytel sometimes travelled with a suspicion. One cowboy suggested that taught. Except for some drawing companionable horse or burro, using they rope-tie him and take him to the lessons in youth and a brief journey the beasts to carry either him or his authorities; a second cried bluntly, to Germany in 1897 to gain some pack of provisions. But he also took "Kill him an' be done with him." additional technical assistance in art long journeys on foot, carrying his "You kill me," cried Eytel, his eyes he had little help from the schools. few belongings in a knapsack on his flashing sudden fire, "and Hubbell the Writing of his work in the Pacific back. For every journey he spent many trader whose guest I am, will learn of Outlook, J. Smeaton Chase said: days of preparation and planning. your deed and have you all strung up." "(Eytel) is before all an enthusiast for Although one of the gentlest of men, The mention of the name of F. M. color, the perfect gift of which Ruskin


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£ * This rare photograph from the C. C. Pierce collection shows Carl Eytel (driving) and George Wharton James on one of their buckboard excursions out of Palm Springs when James'' book "The Wonders of the Colorado Desert" was in preparation. Name of the passenger with the gun is not known. declared to be 'the rarest and most pencil in order to learn to render No one will ever know how many precious power an artist can possess.' more accurately their graceful form. pieces of almost finished work he threw Colorists, no doubt are a numerous Many a trip I have made with him, to the flames. band in the world of modern art; but often to isolated palm groups in almost how few colorists are lawful! how inaccessible canyons that we might On Saturday morning there was few are sane! how few sincere! study these noble trees in a truly un- always much activity in Eytel's studio. spoiled setting. "God never made a It was then that he cleaned and put "Mr. Eytel is all these, for in his thing more beautiful," he would say, his little house in order for week-end equipment is a foundation rock of and when, after a long trudge over visitors, the possible buyers of his inflexible truthfulness; and so, his art rocky trail we came into the presence pictures. The money from the sale of is absolutely quiet and reverent which of the palms, he would stand in amazed these was his sole means of support. is as much as to say, true. The blanched and reverent silence for moments con- He sold his canvases at what seem sand wastes which the remorseless sun templating their immense grandeur of to us now ridiculous prices—generally has drained almost color dry, and the form. $10.00 to $15.00, occasionally $50.00. long, lost canyons reverberating with Customers were never plentiful. It was color at its highest power, are equally I remember a time when a pot- usually the case of many admirers and known and equally loved by him, and boiler sort of artist, ordinarily a few buyers. Eytel was never a good knowledge working by love has given painter of marine scenes, spent a week salesman. He was modest and shy, him a wonderful insight into the reality on the desert doing in that time a hence all his life he lived near the of deserts. There is no horror, there half dozen big canvases. He begged borderline of poverty. is no weirdness, there is nothing of Eytel to come and see them, the the stereotyped in his understanding of Sometimes when sales were slow and expectation being of course that he Eytel was depressed and perhaps even it; but there is the infinite, ageless would give him some words of com- beauty of light, the solemnity of the hungry, old Dutch Frank (Debolt), his mendation. One of the paintings, I ever sympathetic prospector friend slow moving sand ocean, the stead- recall, included about everything that fastness of the skyward looking moun- would try to comfort him: "Carl, done ever grew on deserts, in addition to a you ever worry. Ven you be dead tains, the innocence of the blue sky, desert storm—a monstrosity in color and the lonely, wistful desert cloudlets; your baintings vill sell for beeg, ya, indeed. Eytel looked at it for full five for maybe grade beeg money. You and he has the art, which is true art, minutes in utter silence. The suspense of making us understand them, too." bet, and den day all vill say, 'Carl was really terrific. I knew he was in Eydel, he vas a grade, voonderful no mood to be untruthful in flattery. Eytel's favorite subjects of art were bainter.' Vat I tell you Carl, is de Then came the lone laconic and biting real trut!" cattle, the Colorado desert's native question: "How did you ever do it?" palms, the Arizona and New Mexico and he walked away. It was evidently Carl Eytel was unmarried. Perhaps Indians and their dwellings. No one a case in which he thought the less it was as well for he possessed little ever sketched palms more patiently and said, the better. ability to care properly even for him- with greater persistence and no one self. But narrowness of fortune he took ever drew or painted them better. He Eytel was a severe critic of his own kindly, repeating often and in jocular drew literally thousands of them in work. There was never any vanity. vein the old saying: "Poor folks have

SEPTEMBER, 1948 17 poor ways." In a certain sense he was national fame in the literary and art the paintings away and never tried a man of many sorrows. Sincere and world, induced him to part with his to make contact with a publisher. He honest to a fault he was too often the pictures for a pittance under promise carried them off to decorate the walls victim of his belief in the sincerity they would use them to bring him of his newly built western ranch house. and honesty of others. Simulating to the attention of publishers and get The score or more of paintings he took helpful friendliness and with effuse him paying work as an illustrator of represented weeks of patient work promises and compliments, people, books. and had a value of several thousand some of them, I regret to say, of I knew one such man who took dollars. But for them Eytel was paid

Buck al U the. Sfiitdt af, tUe By ELWOOD LLOYD

One time I asked Carl Eytel why he stayed so many Carl's canvases fairly exuded the desert atmosphere years in the Palm Springs area. He replied: "Just so and fragrance. They were more than pictures. They I may learn to paint, some time, one tiny bit of its were bits of real desert. One day I remarked on the spirit, its peace." fidelity of his colorings, particularly the tinting of the Almost 40 years have come and gone since Carl sands. taught me the first of many important lessons. It was At this Carl gave a whimsical chuckle and said, "Yes, in canyon, where he wanted to show me the the sand! Fourteen years I could not get the sand right, hidden waterfall. The floor of the canyon was, and no matter how I try. Then one day a little breeze blew still is, covered with great boulders. my canvas from the easel and it fell upon the sand— In those days there were many wildlife denizens of but not with the wet paint down, I am thankful to say. the desert in the neighborhood of Palm Springs. The Instantly I discovered my trouble, when I saw the little spotted skunks were particularly plentiful. They sand coloring of my painting lying flat upon the real were playing and frolicing in and out around the sand. Such a simple thing. Always I had been seeing boulders over which we climbed. Those were the days it from the wrong angle. Just like life, the wrong angles when I thought hunting of wild things was a prime make wrong colors and spoil harmony." sport, and considered a pistol as necessary equipment One time—it was when Carl was very poor, finan- for a rural hike. cially—he received a commission to paint a desert One of the little spotted skunks ran into a tiny opening mural in one of the new state buildings at Sacramento. between two great boulders. I crouched down, pulled Without explanation he declined the commission. my pistol from its holster, aimed carefully, and fired. Knowing his economic need, I questioned him about Then I called, "Come here! Look! A clean hit! I got it, and twitted him about being afraid of the noise and him!" crowds of the city. Carl slowly bent down on his knees and peered into "No," he remonstrated, in his gentle manner. "It is the crevice. Then, over his shoulder, said to me, "Yes. not that, although I should not enjoy being in a city You did. What will you do with it?" so long. But if I took the commission I would want to "Nothing," I answered. "There isn't anything I can do the best work I could possibly accomplish. If it do. Those rocks are too big to move. I couldn't get was good, as I should like to have it be, it would, at it, even if I wanted to try. I was shooting just for perhaps, make other people want to see the real desert practice." here. Then, perhaps, they would come here and ask "So-o," mused Carl, "but what are you going to do me to show them the scene from which I had painted. about giving back that life you took from him? It was That would bother me. I am too happy here as I giving him joy but it gives you nothing. Alive he did am, to have time for bother." no harm." Not long before Carl went to his long rest in the The holstering of my pistol was the only answer I Indian burial ground—where he had asked to be placed could make, but Carl did not press for further reply. among its close friends—we were sitting, chatting, in Years later, when we had grown to know each other the gloaming, and I questioned him, "What was the better, Carl invited me to accompany him on a little biggest moment of your life, Carl?" sojourn in Chino canyon, where we made our frugal "The biggest moment of my life? Ach, yes, Elwood. camp beside the spring amid the palms. One day we I will tell you. were sitting on the ground with our backs against the "One day, just a while ago, I am at the edge of the same palm trunk—Carl making a sketch of the dunes desert painting, with the canvas on the easel before me. and serrated mountains across the valley—I, a quarter On my head I have my stiff brim hat to shade my eyes way around the tree, making notes of local color for a from the sun. In my left hand I have my palette, story. We were both quiet for a long time, for we had with my thumb stuck through the hole, holding my reached a stage of acquaintance where conversation was brushes. not often necessary. "Not far is a creosote bush and in the bush a little In his low, hesitating voice, Carl said to me, "Ach, bird is hopping from branch to branch. He flies from Elwood, we have a visitor." the bush and lights on the rim of my hat. He jumps Following his gaze I looked, and there near us, close down on my shoulder and my arm. He perches on against the base of a palm, a coiled rattler was enjoying my thumb stuck through the hole in the palette. Then the morning sun and the beauty of the day. Quietly he sings a song right in my face! we continued our occupations. After a while Brother "Ach, yes, Elwood! That is the biggest moment in Diamondback uncoiled and lazily slithered away toward my life. I know I am in harmony with all things." the cool shadows of the underbrush. And of such as these is the Spirit of the Desert.

18 THE DESERT MAGAZINE less than a hundred and that at a time when he was ill and almost destitute. Another so-called friend duped him out of a parcel of valuable land. Among my most prized memories were the evenings I spent with him in camp. There seated before the flame of the little fire of creosote twigs we talked of men and events, of history and nature. Not widely schooled but widely read Eytel possessed a knowl- edge not only of the Greek and Roman classics but of the best literature of England, America and his native Germany. He was a voracious reader and had a retentive memory. His little petroleum lamp was lighted at early dusk and the flame often burned late at night. Above the screened window at the north end of his studio cabin was a shelf on which was an ever- changing selection of choice books loaned to him by friends or purchased by the artist himself from his meager earnings. The name Eytel in the German means proud and in dignity Carl Eytel always carried himself. Because of a deep-seated pride, it was hard In Palm Canyon for him to accept help from others, career. He came to his end in his During the last week in July Strauss even when in dire need. "I must stand sixty-third year, dying in Banning received a memorandum from the fed- on my own hind legs," he would say. where kind and thoughtful friends eral land office granting permission to "I must exert myself to get what 1 made it possible for him to have in buy for $100 the five acres he has been need, not depend on others." And his last hours such comforts as modern so his many friends had to find the holding under lease. The land is located medical science can provide. Some of in the sand dune area of California's subtle ways necessary to get him to the funds were provided through a accept the help he so often needed. three miles southeast bequest left by his friend Frank Debolt of Cathedral City. Nearby land under Some bought pictures, others hired (popularly known as Dutch Frank), an him to make drawings, still others private ownership has been sold in re- old prospector long known in Palm cent months for many times the price made him an honored guest in their Springs and the Morongo country. homes. Mrs. Nellie Coffman of the Strauss is paying. Desert Inn, known for her perennial On a September afternoon in 1925 a few friends, including the Indians The North Hollywood homesteader wisdom and kindness would have him secured his jackrabbit lease on five make place cards for special holiday with whom he had always been on dinners. Many of the former guests most intimate terms, gathered in the acres in June, 1945. In October, 1947, of the Desert Inn still treasure Eytel's Fiesta House at the Desert Inn to hear he bought a Southern Pacific railroad pen and water color sketches it was a simple burial service supplied by a utility shack. The building, partially customary for Mrs. Coffman to present missionary of the Moravian church. dismantled, was dragged across the to her guests at Christmas time. At his own request and with the full desert with a tractor. With a group of desire of the Palm Springs Indians, friends the 14x16 foot cabin was as- Except during bad weather I never Carl Eytel was buried in the Cahuilla sembled and occupied within a few knew Eytel to sleep indoors. Trying to cemetery, the only white man ever to hours. Since then it has been rebuilt inure himself to hardships in the belief have been accorded this honor. A it would toughen his constitution, into a comfortable desert retreat. How- great and touching tribute it was. ever, it is accessible only by a jeep he often slept through the winter After his death an avenue in Palm nights without sufficient bedding. "By trail and is still without water or elec- Springs was given his name to perpet- tricity. George," he would say, "it was cold uate the memory of the beloved artist. last night. I shivered to the bone but The Strauss memorandum is of in- never mind, that's good for me." He UNCLE SAM STARTS SALE terest to thousands of jackrabbit leasors never had a stove to warm him and in the Southwest who have been pay- always cooked his pot of coffee and OF JACKRABBIT HOMESTEADS ing $5.00 a year for the lease of their simple food over a flame rising from After more than 10 years of prelim- homesteads, and looking forward to the beneath a couple of irons placed astride inaries, Uncle Sam is about ready to day when Uncle Sam would grant two stones. In his later years he was sell one of his 5-acre jackrabbit home- patents to the lands. Any leasor who afflicted with a pulmonary disease steads—the first sale of record under has erected a cabin or other substan- which doubtless was aggravated by the Small Tract Act approved June 1, tial improvements on his tract is eligible the hardship and exposure of those 1938. to apply for purchase. The sale is not strenuous walking and horseback jour- The probable No. 1 buyer is Jack authorized, however, until a federal in- neys to reach his chosen wilderness Strauss, television engineer and secre- spector has appraised the land. Ap- places for painting and sketching. tary of the Academy of Television Arts praisals announced so far have been for It was this affliction which finally and Sciences. His home is in North $10 or $20 an acre, according to loca- ended his valuable and picturesque Hollywood. tion and condition of the land.

SEPTEMBER, 1 948 19 Itze. with, l/vlllouf ---and Lidtdlpd rlou/et5

By MARY BEAL who have lived in non-desert areas are familiar with the showy Catalpa as an ornamental garden or street tree. Few recognize its close relative which grows in a large area of the desert South- west. This desert cousin commonly is called Desert Willow because of its willow-like leaves, but beyond this its resemblance to the willow ends. It is a member of the Bignonia family, along with the Catalpa and a few other cousins of decorative distinction, including that most spectacular tree, the Jacaranda and the Tecoma. When not in bloom, a novice would never think of them as relatives, the foliage and general appearance are so different. The flowers, with their noticeable similarity, give the cue to the kinship. The Desert Willow, or Desert Catalpa as it sometimes is more suitably called, need not take a back seat as an ornamental. It too goes all-out in blooming, from mid-spring until far into the summer, and at the peak of its season is transformed into an immense bouquet of orchid-like loveliness, nearly every branchlet tipped by a raceme of a dozen to 3 dozen blossoms. Because of its willow-like leaves this Catalpa is called Its preferred situation is sandy soil and you may chance Desert Willow. Beal photo. upon it from mountain washes and the neighborhood of For more definite points of identification notice the very springs to river-bottom dunes and flats. narrow leaves, 2 to 7 inches long, tapering to a point at It often consorts with the Smoke tree and in the both ends, often curved, widely spreading or arching southern part of its range you may find it associated downward. The airy flowers are funnelform with two with the Palo Verde. If it's blossom time and you are flaring lips and average an inch and a half in length lucky enough to catch a group of these three interesting but may measure 2 inches. From a distance the blossoms companions, you'll have a treat to delight your soul. It appear entirely white, but on closer inspection, the color isn't an every-day affair, this special chromatic ensemble, varies from blush-pink to a deeper rosy-pink or occas- but an extra largess to crown a flower lover's pilgrimage, ionally orchid-pink, the spreading lips always paler than an enchanting picture in delicate pink, blue-violet and the throat, often whitish. radiant golden-yellow. If you watch a corolla emerge from the opening calyx Variations in leafage (some leaves are curved and some you'll find the long wide throat folded over double, with not) and hairiness and stickiness of branchlets have led a the crumpled lips crowded in between. The very short few botanists to segregate two varieties from the original slender tube bends nearly at a right angle into the inflated species, arctuata and glutinosa, but I think you would throat, which flares abruptly into the lips, the upper lip prefer to consider the species as a whole. Scientifically it having 2 erect lobes, the lower one with 3 much larger is classed under the name, spreading lobes. The lower side of the throat is pleated Chilopsis linearis into 2 hairy yellow ridges and marked by purple-red lines Commonly a small tree 8 to 30 feet tall, or a large extending into the cylindrical lobes. The cylindrical capsule shrub, usually with a few branches from near the base is very slender, 4 to 12 inches long, very flexible when spreading into a broad crown, the lower branches often young, and packed with many winged seeds, margined arching to the ground. The main trunk and larger branches with fine silky hairs, extending V2 inch or more from have rough, ridged, dark grey or blackish bark, the upper each end. more slender branches having a lighter purplish hue, with The Desert Catalpa has useful qualities as well as beauty, somewhat scurfy, sparsely scattered glandular dots. Be- at least the Indians so regarded it, and more recent desert cause of their graceful branches and the abundance of dwellers have found its wood suitable for the building their beautiful flowers they are desirable for ornamental of fences and corrals. The Indians used it for similar use and easily adapted to cultivation. purposes and as sheathing for shelters. The Indian women I have seen a few outstanding Desert Catalpas 35 to 40 prized the long, slender, pliable young branches for feet tall but they are exceptional. One such blue ribbon basketmaking, and the pods, leaves and dried flowers are tree in the eastern stood alone in a shallow reported to have been used for medicinal purposes. In wash, in sight of the main highway and not far from the long run, however, its contributions toward beautifying the road between Cima and Valley wells. Tall, for a the desert landscape far outweigh its utilitarian endow- desert tree, with a stout trunk and widespread branches, ments. its shapely crown lavishly adorned with exquisite pink You'll find the Desert Catalpa in widespread areas, flowers, the air filled with their delicate fragrance. I from the Colorado and Mojave deserts into . southern haven't seen it for several years, at close range, but the Utah, through Arizona and southern New Mexico to recollection of it is as vivid as if I had hobnobbed with western Texas, and across into northern Mexico and Baja it only yesterday. California.

20 THE DESERT MAGAZINE The author, left, and members of his party picking colorful specimens out of a block of conglomerate. Field Trip to Bed Rock Spring / By DON INGALLS bility of the deposit can prove to be With cool weather approach- its own greatest enemy if consideration 91 HAVE a special treat for your ing, the folks who like to camp and unselfishness are not shown by / fluorescent lamp," Bill Lewis and explore the desert country those who seek it out. remarked as we bumped across for rare minerals or colorful can- A little exploration of the immediate the Trona railroad crossing, slightly yons will be making plans for vicinity and we discovered that the more than four and a half miles south their fall trips. Here is the story mound just east of the highway also of a trail that leads into an old of the Wagon Wheel mine. provides jasper with fluorescent quali- mining area where many inter- Bill and Bob Puthuff, photographers ties as well as many small nodules. esting minerals are found. The from Los Angeles, had accompanied road requires cautious driving Although our stop at this field was me the previous day on a search over —but the hiking is good even if only an added feature of the day, it the southern slopes of Lava mountains the car balks at some of the might well be a worthy venture in its on the Mojave desert, hunting new grades. own right. I know of few areas of rock areas for Desert Magazine col- this kind, as accessible and easy to lectors. Our effort had gone unre- find. warded, but now another sunrise The outcropping proved to be jasper A few miles south of the fluorescent splashed the desert peaks with rose shot through heavily with white opal- deposit we left the Trona highway and and gold, and the infant day was born ite. The specimens we took from the turned east onto the sandy trail leading to newer hopes and greater expecta- west side of the road turned out to across the northern slopes of the Lava tions. be the better. Under our fluorescent mountains and finally into the gran- The old Buick truck, our companion lamp, the drabness of the rock is re- deur of Bed Rock spring canyon. on many an adventure, slowed and placed by a brilliant green. To our right, Klinker mountain came to a halt beside a shallow cut There is plenty of material here for reared majestically over the chain of showing on either side of the road. many, many collectors but the accessi- igneous formations that shape the

SEPTEMBER, 1948 21 trying to escape a snow storm swirling down upon him from the north. When finally overtaken by the storm, he had reached the southern slopes and in des- peration took refuge in a pit dug years before by another prospector. After I Fluorescent ,.., fis,, many uncomfortable hours the storm KDepos.t abated, and as Hamp crawled from the kSEARLES ..-.. ^ i<:^Mineral Area . ""./' pit, his foot knocked loose a fragment ••-.-•••^•::^Vls.;:;.>;;1.l.::.V.;v;r.:'(Dark Mound)2^"-...... "">'' of rock. Playing a hunch, he had it • ^ 5< assayed and it proved to be horn silver % of great richness. Williams staked out I •• SummiBedroctk a Spr Entranc. Canyoe nto i-^V^': ' "£ ""^i^.) " -/-''' .•""" :# ^fe:5?uS »if Ghost Camp a claim, which later developed into the "; 2.9 w't- '* \ -"-Watering Troughs Big Kelly mine, now the Rand Silver mine. So was discovered one of the richest silver deposits in California. By mid-afternoon we had explored most of the interesting spots in the canyon but with no luck. We had picked up many interesting specimens >•-: <:x::; but for the most part they had been isolated float. We decided to rest from our labors at Bed Rock spring and the old ghost camp on the flats below it. The truck L -t, ' - '," H *, V H ~ ' - ..." was parked at the trail's end beside two cement water troughs. In the old days a mining camp covered the sandy flats, s;\ and weathered timbers still show mute- ly above the restless sands. SlQ&Jj The troughs were used to store water piped out from the spring. A tunnel 400 hundred feet long was hewn into the mountainside to tap the waters —hence the name Bed Rock spring. At C^" the time of our visit, the spring was a mere trickle and it is recommended that visitors bring their water with them. Long shadows marching up the face of the contorted rock above the spring, :: warned of approaching darkness and §siS8 camp was made near the remains of

/•Mr^s/ifv the ghost town. By the time we had a fire roaring, night had closed about the TO ATOLIA & SAN BERNARDINO hills and only the sky reflected the sinking sun. Lava range, while to our left, the packed and there has been previous Dawn on the desert! The master sedimentary accumulation of the Side- travel, it is possible to go on down the Painter draws his brush across the winders sprawled whitely against the canyon and join a reasonably good heavens and the veil of night is replaced blue sky. sheep trail which can be followed to the with the riotous colors of morning. The trail leading to the summit and Inyokern-Saratoga Springs road. Nimbus clouds had pushed over the to the entrance of the canyon, is well High on the slopes of this remote hills to the north during the night and marked and in good condition. Joshua canyon, widely separated dumps mark now scudded overhead in an endless trees, junipers, and their smaller breth- the graves of diggings long abandoned. game of follow the leader. These clouds ren, the tetradymias, rabbit brushes, When gold first was discovered in generally herald the approach of wind and senecios, crowd together along the Goler wash, nine miles northeast of and rain in the desert country, so camp trail, and as the descent into the can-Randsburg in 1893, dry washing camps was broken quickly and we drove yon is made, reluctantly give way to and diggings sprang into being through- farther down the canyon and then up the familiar creosote bush and an out this area. Over the Lava range into the slopes of the Sidewinders. Here occasional spiny hop sage. into Bed Rock spring canyon, at the Bill parked the truck on a ridge and The auto trail down Bed Rock can- spring itself, and over the flat wastes suggested we continue our search in yon is one which will tax the ability of a into Last Chance and Red Rock can- this area. desert driver and his car, as it dives yons spread the gold prospectors, leav- As we worked our way around the in and out of small and large washes. ing behind their trail of abandoned foot of a ledge, Bob called our attention Late, low-slung models might find dumps and sometimes the bleached to several pieces of ore lying loose upon themselves in trouble. Since usually bones of the earth's acquisitive inhabi- the sand. Bill identified them as the road dead-ends at Bed Rock, the tant, man. "Copper City" specimens. He turned collector should not take his car down It is said that prospector Hamp the pieces slowly in his hands. a pitch where he would find trouble Williams took a short-cut through these "No doubt about it, fellows," he returning. At times, when the wash is very mountains in the winter of 1919, mused. "This is the exact type of ore

22 THE DESERT MAGAZINE The road going down Bed Rock spring canyon. The motorist should drive cautiously for the condition of this road changes from season to season.

peculiar to the Copper City mine. If we could find a deposit of this stuff MILEAGE LOG we'd really be doing all right." We never did reach a conclusion as From Johannesburg to Cut-off: From Cut-off to mineral grounds: to how the rich green ore happened to 00.0 Johannesburg (Mileage set in 00.0 Leave cut-off going east. be there. The inspiration furnished by front of St. Charles Hotel). Take 02.2 Reach summit and entrance to Highway south toward Red Bed Rock Spring canyon. Wild this discovery lasted an hour or so and Mountain. scenery and rough road ahead. then we reverted to our normal slow 01.0 Turn left (north) on Trona Drive carefully. pace. The mystery of the green copper Highway. 05.1 Sandy branch, left, to gem field. ore remains unsolved. But if some- 08.0 Take sandy trail to right (east). Follow trail straight ahead to Klinker Mountain stands directly Bed Rock Spring Ghost Camp one with a few days at his dis- east of road. and spring itself. (.4 mile) Rock- posal should search very carefully, From Wagon Wheel Mine to cut-off. hounds are advised to camp or perhaps— 00.0 Wagon Wheel Mine. Go south leave their cars at this point as on Trona Highway towards Joh- the remaining trail to the collect- At noon, we turned into the mouth annesburg. ing area is very badly weathered. of a draw to the north, and there 04.7 Trona R.R. crossing. 05.4 Trail branch. Follow one to left. directly before us, about a mile up the 06.9 Searles road (sand) branches to 05.7 Follow trail to left up canyon. slope, was the Sidewinders' surprise. right (west). Continue on paved Blow-out (mineral field) can be highway. seen as dark mound directly Bill was the first to notice the dark 07.0 Highway is cut through out- ahead. mound standing in direct contrast to cropping of jasper and white 06.1 Arrive at field of various agate. the light colored sands. opalite that fluoresces a beauti- jasper, and mixtures. Bigger and ful green. Good grade specimens better specimens can be obtained Almost every step of the way to its are available in quantity. Deposit by digging but there are many foot, we picked up float that gave us extends on both sides of road. fine samples exposed and lying good cutting specimens and the eternal Small agate nodules may be loose on the surface. promise of better things to come. This found on mound just east of From Johannesburg to fluorescent road. outcropping: time, the promise was kept. We had 09.4 Turn left (east) off highway 00.0 Johannesburg. St. Charles HoteL found our collecting field. onto sandy trail. 10.4 Outcropping. Surrounded by sedimentary deposits, the mound is obviously a blow-out. The

SEPTEMBER, 1948 :23 main body consists of loose granular and ranging from small chunks to huge jasper, translucent agate, banded and dirt, running black to various shades boulders, is the cutting material. plain, and moss agate. There are many of grey. Scattered piecemeal about, We uncovered samples of sardonyx, blends and contrasts of blue, red, yellow, white and black through most of the agate and jasper that will delight the hearts of collectors. Although much For those who wish to broaden their knowledge of the mineral lies on the surface, you of the great fascinating desert region, this must dig to obtain the prize specimens. DESERT QUIZ monthly quiz is an excellent school of instruc- tion. It touches the fields of geography, history, mineralogy, Indian life, This is an easy chore in the loose soil natural history and the general lore of the desert. The average reader and the rewards more than compensate will get 10 to 12 correct answers. From 13 to 15 is a good score, 16 to 18 for the effort. excellent. Over 18 is very exceptional. Answers are on page 27. The cut-off down the wash from the Bed Rock spring trail is distinctly 1. The chuckawalla once formed part of the diet of the desert Indians. marked and easy to follow, but rock- It is: A small rodent Fruit of the saguaro A lizard A cake hounds will do well to leave their cars made from mesquite bean flour in the vicinity of the spring and cover 2. Much of the desert Southwest became part of the United States after the remaining mile on foot. the Mexican war through: The Treaty of Paris The Gadsden The darkness of January was again purchase The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The Lima Con- creeping up from the canyon's floor ference when we finally turned the truck 3. The symbols which Indians cut or scratched into the desert rocks are toward the west and home. known as: Pictographs Idiographs Sand Paintings Petro- glyphs MAPS WRONG; WHEELER PEAK 4. Which of the following rivers does not have something in common HIGHEST IN NEW MEXICO with the others: Gila Green Little Colorado Mojave 5. General Lew Wallace wrote part of the famous novel Ben Hur in After several months of measuring, New Mexico while he was: Campaigning against the Pueblo Indians computing, climbing, hiking and argu- Military governor of the state Constructing Fort Wingate ing, the U. S. Geological Survey has Editing the Santa Fe New Mexican decided that Wheeler peak with an 6. Pah is a Paiute Indian word meaning: Fire Water Earth elevation of 13,151 feet is higher than the South Truchas, long recorded on Air the maps as New Mexico's highest 7. The name Breyfogle is associated with: The early fur-trappers mountain. South Truchas is 13,100 Building the Central Pacific A famous lost mine of the Death feet. Valley region Construction of Hoover dam The question was reopened recently 8. The national monument located in the Wasatch mountains near when Harold D. Walter, assistant state Provo, Utah, is: Capitol Reef Cedar Breaks Timpanogos purchasing agent and longtime moun- Cave Natural Bridges tain climber, took a reading from the 9. The village of Chimayo, in New Mexico, is noted for its: Pottery summit of the South Truchas and de- Woodworking Weaving Leather work cided it was not as high as Wheeler 10. One city does not belong in the following list: El Centra Salt peak. Lake City Phoenix Santa Fe The Geological Survey confirmed his 11. From the Mexican war to the Civil war, Arizona was part of the conclusion, and now all the maps will territory of: California Nevada Utah New Mexico have to be changed, and scores of 12. The book Desert Country was written by: Mary Austin Edwin climbers who have made it a hobby Corle George Wharton James John C. Van Dyke to climb the highest mountain in every 13. The state tree of Utah is: Joshua Box Elder Red Cedar state will have to return to New Mexico Blue Spruce and scale the new champion peak of the state. 14. The central agency of the Navajo reservation is located at: Keams Canyon, Arizona Kanab, Utah Window Rock, Arizona Aztec, New Mexico TO TEST FOUNDATION ROCK FOR TRAMWAY TOWERS 15. The most satisfactory, long-burning wood available to campers on the Colorado desert of California is: Palo verde Creosote bush Exploratory drilling is to be started Ocotillo Ironwood at the sites of the 10 steel towers de- 16. The best known mineral in the mining history of Death Valley is: signed to support the projected San Copper Lead Borax Silver Jacinto tramway, according to Earl Coffman, chairman of the Mt. San 17. First European settlement on the Colorado river in the region of Jacinto Winter Park Authority spon- present-day Yuma was established by: Father Kino in 1701 soring the project. Father Garces in 1780 The U. S. Army in 1850 Charles D. Postonin 1854 This work was authorized after steel 18. The method of dating prehistoric ruins through tree rings in roof companies declined to make a firm bid on the tower construction until more timbers was pioneered by: Charles Lummis Dr. Harold Colton information was available as to the A. E. Douglass M. R. Harrington sub-surface rock structure. 19. A dop stick would be used by an: Indian medicine man Miner When completed the tramway is to Surveyor Lapidary connect the floor of the desert in Chino 20. The Indians whose reservation is located at Sells in southern Arizona canyon, near Palm Springs, with Long are: Papagos Mojaves Apaches Yaquis valley on the upper elevations of the mountains.

24 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Why should a hawk, with adequate weapons for both de- fense and offense, choose for its home the most arid region of the United States where food is scarce and the nearest water 35 miles away? The scientists have not figured out the answer to that one yet. Nevertheless such a bird is found on the Great Salt Lake desert of Utah, and here is the record of its strange By WILLIAM H. BEHLE existence.

ANY years ago (1929) Charles Mounted specimen of the Ferruginous Rough-Leg hawk at the University Kelly, who is well known to of Utah. readers of Desert Magazine,

followed the trail of the ill-fated '•'.:••••• •'„-• .•':.'• i Donner party across the barren wastes of western Utah. Dropping down from a ridge known as Greyback, his party traversed a sand dune area and finally struck the flat level salt encrusted expanse that is the heart of the Great Salt Lake desert. Here is where the Donner party bogged down, abandoned some of its wagons and equipment and lost valuable time. Kelly's party in a light car continued nearly 10 miles in a straight line, finding little of interest until in the distance a grove of trees began to take form and in the midst of the grove were towers rising far above the trees. In another mile they came to a small sand bar where some time ago brush was growing. As they drew nearer the trees disappeared but the towers remained. From this point let us take up the narrative in Charles Kelly's own words as he relates the story in his book Salt Desert Trails. "Stopping here to investigate, we walked toward one of these towers, which disappeared as we approached, then reappeared near at hand. What we found was almost as strange as anything we could have imagined. Here was the nest of some kind of large bird, probably an eagle, which had been built up a little each year from pieces of sagebrush and greasewood, the wind filling the interstices with sand until the whole structure had grown to be more than 10 feet high. A few stray feathers in the deserted nest in the top of this pinnacle showed that it had recently been occupied. To the right and left were three or four similar structures, with some smaller ones which were not as old. Here, year after year, comes some bird to build her nest, finding both solitude and safety in this dreary waste. How she rears her young in such an environ- ment, 35 miles from the nearest water, and nearly that far from any kind of food, is a riddle which must be solved by the ornithologist." Charles Kelly was not the only one to marvel at this strange remnant of

SEPTEMBER, 1948 25 • — the story to the editors of the Pony Express Courier of Placerville, Cali- fornia. Subsequently there appeared two articles based on his findings, one entitled "8th Wonder of Modern World," the other "Giant Bird Nests of Nevada-Utah." The relics of the Donner party that Dr. Stookey retrieved had been given to the University of Utah and President LeRoy E. Cowles became interested fft" in the mysterious bird nests. He directed that an expedition be sent out " to ascertain the facts. The party con- sisted of Dr. Stookey and his friend Raleigh Johnson, who accompanied him on his tractor trip; Dr. Ralph V. Chamberlin, head of the zoology de- partment; Dr. Walter P. Cottam, head of the botany department, and Dr. A. M. Woodbury, and the writer, ornithologists. Our conveyance was a university car driven by Kent Evans, superintendent of buildings and grounds. The trip was made October 3, 1943. Beyond Knolls we left the main highway which continued on to Wend- over and headed north across the barren white expanse. Not knowing the precise spot where the nests were located our plan was to continue in a northerly direction until we inter- cepted the tracks of the Donner party and then follow them back until we came to the nests. We had not gone far until we encountered the notorious mud beneath the seemingly dry surface crust. Apparently this grey, sticky mud never dries out. It has given trouble to every party attempting to traverse

•• • the region. The weight of seven men in a heavy car was too much. The tires did not sink down greatly but could not get any traction. By dinl of much pushing the car finally gained momentum and we yelled for the driver to keep going. He took us literally and drove ahead for what seemed miles, leaving us to walk to the nests. Coming upon the still clearly discern- able tracks the Donner party had made 102 years earlier was a thrill indeed. The narrow wheels of their vehicles had cut through the surface and turned up some of the dark mud so the route of the wagons was revealed by the dark streaks in this otherwise white Above—Year after year the desert hawk adds twigs to the mound as drifting alkaline expanse. sand fills the previous year's nest. The day was overcast. Then a wind Below—Members of the university party study the construction of the of gale proportions blew up, bringing strange bird nest of the desert. a few drops of rain. Conditions were unfavorable for taking pictures but we bird life in the most barren section tractor to negotiate the treacherous tried. To photograph the nests one of in America. Dr. Walter M. Stookey of terrain. His quest of 1936 took him us had to hold down the tripod. The Salt Lake City likewise became inter- to the towers which Kelly had found accompanying pictures were taken by ested in following the Donner trail to be bird nests. Dr. Cottam. across the salt flats but employed a Dr. Stookey took pictures and sent Several nest mounds were found.

26 THE DESERT MAGAZINE They showed considerable variation as to size. But in every case the mound structure indicated nest upon nest in the large, tapering piles of sand, salt, and vegetation, the latter Allenrolfea or pickleweed. The mounds evidently have been used as nesting sites for many years and have been formed by sand and salt blowing in and filling up the spaces between the nesting material gathered by the birds each year. The drift material also tends to accumulate around the base. Thus little by little the mounds have been built up to their present size. The tallest mounds were roughly six feet in height and nine feet across at the base. The actual nests, however, were only about two feet across from rim to rim. They were constructed of dead Allenrolfea roots and stems. There was no special lining of the nest depression although paper, feathers and fur, the latter evidently from the bird's prey, had accumulated in some of them. Tracks left by the Donner party over 100 years ago are still visible on the Some of the nests showed evidence of Great Salt Lake desert. recent occupancy, and fragments of eggs and many feathers were collected. or giant nests is largely dispelled. Final those men like Edwin Bryant and The environmental situation together proof would be the actual securing of Captain Stansbury who traversed the with the size and construction of the a hawk from a nest. Donner route a century or so ago so actual nest structure suggested that the The writer has not found any refer- they may not be more than a few nests were the work of the Ferruginous ence to the nests in the journals of decades old. rough-legged hawk, Buteo regalis. The egg shells and feathers corroborated this view. Many species of birds includ- ing these hawks do not require drinking water. They obtain enough for their Ij&u*. Pludo. May Witt... needs through their "water of meta- You needn't be a professional photographer to win in Desert bolism." As far as food is concerned, Magazine's monthly contest. If you know the desert and can reproduce the hawks range widely and while the its sunlight and shadow, strange plant and animal life, its cliffs and desert may seem devoid of food, ruins and native habitants, in strong blacks and whites—your chance actually it abounds in rodents. Many of winning is excellent. are nocturnal, however. Thus it would Entries for this month's contest must be in the Desert Magazine seem the mystery of the so called fossil office. Palm Desert, California, by September 20 and winning prints will appear in the November issue. Pictures which arrive too late for one month's contest are entered in the next. First prize is $10; second prize, $5. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication, $3 each DESERT QUIZ ANSWERS will be paid. Questions are on page 24 HERE ARE THE RULES 1. Lizard. 1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white. 5x7 or larger, 2. Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848. printed on glossy paper. 3. Petroglyphs. 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, 4. The Mojave is not a tributary of time and place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc. the Colorado. 3—PRINTS WILL BE RETURNED ONLY WHEN RETURN POSTAGE IS 5. Military governor. ENCLOSED. 6. Water. 7. Lost mine. 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the 8. Timpanogos. contest month. 9. Weaving. 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. 10. El Centro is not a state capital. Desert Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures. 11. New Mexico. 6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be 12. Code. from the desert Southwest. 13. Blue spruce. 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will 14. Window Rock. be made immediately after the close of the contest each month. 15. Ironwood. 16. Borax. ADDRESS ALL ENTRIES TO PHOTO EDITOR, DESERT MAGAZINE 17. Garces. 18. Douglass. 19. Lapidary for holding stones being polished. 20. Papagos. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA

SEPTEMBER, 1948 27 Water splashing on the rocks beneath the falls breaks into a heavy spray the color of chocolate—and almost instantly turns to dust in the dry desert air. Photo by Carson Studio, Flagstaff. Where Water Turns to Dust

If Harry Oliver or Steve Ragsdale told a yarn about clouds of dust wind whipped cedar. The sooty black that rose from the surface of the river, one would know it was pure domes of the Cinder hills, outriders of fiction. But such a thing does happen on the Great American Desert, Sunset crater, were constant compan- and here is the experience of a writer who witnessed this strange ions. One, which was Merriam crater, transformation. fascinated us. A shadowless repellant ~'ack, it reminded us that nature can By THELMA BONNEY HALL be ugly and beautiful in the same Begay, a kindly old So I started off to see if I could find breath. The colorings made our spirits Navajo, had promised he would the falls without benefit of a Navajo sink, but its perfect shape held the let me know if seasonal rains guide. My companion was George eye and lifted the heart again. made the falls run. Now the* rains had Huster, a member of the hiking club Tremendous lava flows thrust long arrived. The Little Colorado river was at Flagstaff, Arizona, on whose hikes I arms toward the rose and white cliffs a roaring torrent. Roads had washed often had served as chaperone. of the Moenkopi plateau edge in the out. Visitors to the Hopi snake dance A good cinder road leaves the former distance, and the river had to be some- had been trapped at the villages high route 66 between Flagstaff and Win- where this side of it. on the northern Arizona mesas. In on a, headed for Leupp. From this we Slowly we lost the high confidence fact the rains this season had caused had a vague set of directions. Some- with which we had started. The search more excitement than usual. But still thing involving "two cattleguards and deteriorated from the exasperating to no word from Hosteen Begay. an immediate left turn." the ridiculous and still no falls. He had given his promise and I Half the day we spent in will-o'-the- By early afternoon we'd wasted all knew he would keep it—but the pass- wisp wanderings to the left of the the time we dared, so gave up our ing years mean little to a Navajo and second cattleguard (although there high resolves of finding the place with- the fulfillment might come next year was no "immediate left turn") search- -vit a guide and headed for the Sunrise or the year after. While I, with the ing for some sign of river, canyon or trading post at Leupp where we hoped characteristic impatience of my race, 'alls. W. M. Kennedy, the trader, could wanted to see the falls this year—not It was all wide treeless plain, with provide us with a Navajo. esconga (that indefinite tomorrow of sage-brush, rabbit weed, scattered On the way we passed a third cat- the Navajo). prickly pear cactus, an occasional tleguard and it did have an "immediate

28 THE DESERT MAGAZINE The Falls are formed by a great lava dam thrown across the river during a pre- historic volcanic eruption. Photo by the L. L. Cook company. left turn." We surmised that was the Our request for a guide was useless. The little road follows the fence, road we'd been looking for, and it Not a man was in sight. Indian wagons drops off the side of one lava flow, later proved to be. in plenty, with full-skirted women and swings away to follow the sandstone Mr. Kennedy was full of sympathy. dark eyed little papooses, but no men. floor between two flows. Then we •"I sure do wish they'd put a sign on "The road you want is one at the third found ourselves on top of another that side road," he said. "Some days, cattleguard out from route 66," he basalt stream, with the Little Colorado much as three-four cars come in here comforted. "You won't have any just off it to our right. hunting for the falls." -ouble following it." Ahead of us a Navajo wagon, drawn


SEPTEMBER, 1948 29 by the inevitable horse and mule com- Dr. Harold S. Colton of the Museum yellow Coconino sandstone. Then one bination, was trailed by a cloud of of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff has day there was one more volcanic brown dust. They pulled out to let us called them a "chocolate Niagara" and eruption in the series that had been pass, nodded as they returned our yah that's a good description. One hundred taking place in the San Francisco tayhe. It seemed more than the usual and eighty-five feet high, spreading peaks area. A flow of basalt, which friendliness to visiting whites, so we over a width of perhaps 300 or 400 probably had its source under Merriam stopped. feet, they pound over the northeast crater (the black cone we had seen wall of the canyon, at first over thin on the way in and whose significance But only a closed, impassive look ledges that make a running cascade of we now appreciated for the first time) greeted our inquiry about the Grand the upper part, then drop away in flowed northeast for many miles. It falls. They were a young couple, and two perpendicular plunges. reached the Little Colorado, tumbled Navajo of that age generally speak from wall to wall completely damming some English. For the rest—the canyon thrusting itself endlessly on through the feature- the stream. Because neither George nor I smoke less plain—there is nothing spectacu- That would have been something to we had picked up a bag of hard lar. But the falls themselves are stag- see! The fiery cataract of lava tumbling candies for just such chance meetings. gering enough, and after that first view into the river must have sent water Now George passed the bag around, for which we'd been so unprepared, we and steam sky high in hissing, explos- and the two men sat on a rock to found relief in human associations. ive masses. Not a comfortable place munch. After a bit George made some In what we had supposed would be casual remark. In due time it was to have been, that day! an unfrequented section of the reser- Eventually the flow reached its matched by a few Navajo words from vation, we found ourselves being his dark-skinned companion. More amazing limits, and cooled. It filled watched (or ignored, we didn't know the river bed for 20 miles downstream silence, while I tried to worm a smile which) by a Navajo family of three. out of the black-eyed woman who was and a yet unknown distance upstream. about my own age. Just before we They stood on the opposite rim, a The river probably backed up against drove on George extended the bag husky man with a child on a cradle- this dam in the year after that, making again with the remark, "Take one for board in his arms, and his wife. He a long lake of what remained of the the road." This was met by a sheepish walked ahead, she trailing a few feet canyon, dropping its yearly load of grin, as much as to say, "You win," behind with skirts swishing. Presently silt until it became a shallow stream and in English, "You are almost there. they were far enough downstream to bed again, and the waters found an Keep to the left." Then with another look back upon the falls. The man outlet by lopping around the end of yah tayhe all around, we pushed on. handed the child to the woman, took the flow and following natural drain- off his hat, raised his arms above his age back to the river. We were excited now, for we heard head in what certainly looked like a the thunder of the falls. In a half mile gesture of prayer or supplication, re- Though the lower canyon was we passed beyond the side of the flow peated several times. It may have partly filled with basalt, weak joints and looked straight across a box can- had some ceremonial meaning—or between lava and sandstone existed. yon to brown, thundering waters roar- may not, I do not know. The roar The river searched these out and ing and plunging over the opposite of the falls made it a scene apart—a started its work; 20 miles of basalt wall. tableau in an empty theater, the second to break out and carry away, with act of a drama which had no first the falls ever deepening as the work I find it hard to give you a word goes on. picture of the Grand falls of the Little and third acts. Then the actors made their exit. We had been told it was almost Colorado because I know your every impossible to get good pictures of the instinctive idea of a waterfall is work- Later a Navajo wagon drove into falls. Misunderstanding the reason, we ing against me. the river above the falls. It was our went prepared with heavy climbing Here are no crisp green waters friends of the road and this must be boots and a rope. Reaching a good breaking into white spray, no purple a customary fording place, dangerous vantage point was not the problem, shadows on the deep pool below, no as it may seem. however, as one remnant of the old quiet back waters with lush green Both these parties flitted into the flow stuck a jagged thumb a few yards foliage. Here is only one color—brown. desert as silently as they had appeared into the bowl below the falls, offering Brown everywhere! And at first sight from it, and we, with time ever a sunken box seat for the show. one is nonplussed to divide the same- shortening, turned our attention to the We quickly understood the nature of ness of color into its elements. There falls. the photographic difficulty. There is water and rock and sand, the sparse We began to feel this: that the Grand wasn't a particle of color contrast. The desert foliage, and sky. Yet only the falls have more appeal to the intellect whole scene was a study in browns. sky has a color of its own. All the rest than to the eye, but lose nothing in The brown water had only slight is brown. Even the air is brown. the distinction. The lack of beautiful variation in tone. Racing over the tip For here the doom of the high coloring is more than redeemed by of the falls in its deeper channels, it plateau of the four corners country is knowledge of their turbulent history looked like liquid cement, but immed- sealed in silt by the Little Colorado and by that beauty the mind finds in an iately it broke into beaten, heavy spray with its heavy load of topsoil. The exhibition of great power, both past the color of chocolate, bounced upon water is the color of rich coffee with and present. the rocks under the falls and splashed cream. As it drops, hammering and Again it is Dr. Colton who is into the air in a fume of rising dust banging, much spray is thrown up authority for the story of how the falls that made one think of dust devils on from repeated landings. And in the were formed. the desert. super-heated desert air, moisture dries It was not very long ago, somewhere And everywhere, over everything, out of that spray instantaneously, between 7000 and 3000 B. C. The lay the scum of that dust. The north- leaves the silt suspended in mid-air— Little Colorado was even then a desert east canyon wall, that should have so fine that it rises, reaches the rims, river, and had cut its canyon through shown its varying shades, from red, settles in a crusty brown coating over the soft Moenkopi sandstone, the through slight tintings of rose, to grey, everything. harder Kaibab limestone, and into the was coated with the dull brown stuff.

30 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Grand Falls the day the accompanying story was written—the author in the foreground. Upstream the glowering wall of the festooned with the stuff, every pore KAISER'S RAILROAD TO Merriam flow, plainly showing the and line on exposed flesh was high- IRON DEPOSIT COMPLETED power of its straight course across lighted. The steaming falls, confined the canyon, instead of revealing blue- in that canyon hole, made the air hot Operation of Henry Kaiser's new 52- blacks, shading into fiery red, was and muggy. We perspired, we mopped mile private railroad to tap the rich hung with dust like the walls of a our brows—and added muddy smears iron deposit in Eagle mountains north dirty storehouse. The southwest wall to all the rest. It sounds grim, but of Desert Center, California, is sched- interested me most. Though it too was though it was no place for a picnic uled to start early in September. The crusted, its surface was extremely lunch, it was worthy every smear. railroad will be used to haul ore for rough and fractured. Here was the There remained much to explore. the Kaiser mills at Fontana, California. approaching end of the lava flow, and The southwest wall with its lava much of the fracturing lay at a 45 Officially the railroad was completed overcap invited us downstream, while July 29, but rolling equipment for degree angle to the level of the rim. upstream the top of Merriam flow Thus, from the river bed we looked up heavy ore hauling was not expected to invited inspection, especially to follow arrive until later in the month. at the broken ends of black columns, the course of the river in its escape their clawing fingers like bogeys around the end. And it would be an The railroad, built at a cost of $3,- reaching for us tiny humans at the adventure to try the Indian ford. 800,000, connects with the main line of bottom of a great cave. But time began to pinch. A storm the Southern Pacific at the new station On that side, too, there was a slight was building. It seemed wise to leave of Ferrum, east of Mecca. The Eagle beach of silt, washed in around the before the road became slick. We mountain deposit is said to have 25,- boulders. As we walked across the did, and reached the Leupp road just 000,000 tons of 54% iron ore. damp sand, dry footprints appeared as the first drops fell. According to the builders, this is the behind us, light brown in the dark By the time we reached Merriam longest private standard gauge railroad brown, and our feet became clumps crater again the storm had passed. We to be built in United States since 1918. of slippery mud. The spray from the wished we might hunt for the begin- Several miles of the roadbed follow falls had wet only a thin surface, ning of the flow that formed the the route of the old Bradshaw stage which clung to itself and to our feet, falls, though Dr. Colton had told us coach road up Salt creek wash between but parted easily from the dry silt that so far as has yet been discovered the west end of the Chocolate mountain beneath. it may be buried under later flows. range and the Orocopia mountains, and Nor did our persons escape the The Grand falls had been a fine the dry streambed is spanned with a silt. Our clothes were spattered and experience. It would have been fun 550-foot trestle. Some of the Lost Peg- smeared. Brown dust got down our to have a Navajo guide, but we for- leg gold legends place the site of the necks, into our hair, our eyes, our gave ourselves for feeling a little smug fabulous gold-covered hill in the area mouths. Eyelashes and eyebrows were over having found them without one. tapped by the new railroad.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 31 Second, if it is a border inspection, In the November 17, 1945 issue of it should be at the border and not a Business Week, the photograph of an hundred or more miles from it, as are elder of Santa Clara Pueblo dressed in the Daggett and Yermo stations. This a cook's hat and apron may offer evi- would relieve the hundreds of rock- dence of the money and opportunity hounds, who roam the Mojave, of the Lost Silver of Del Bac ... given the Pueblos, but to me it was as annoyance of submitting to a grilling disgusting as was the account given of Van Nuys, California each day on returning from a field trip. Dear Desert: the many Indian women acting as men- Your story of the lost treasure of Third, I personally resent the arro- ials with the resulting economic unbal- Del Bac recalled my own experience gant attitude of the so called inspectors ance within the family patterns of the in requiring at their fancy that every- clans. It seems a great infringement a year ago. An old friend was in thing be removed from the automobile possession of a crudely drawn map. upon the culture and way of life of the to "be presented for inspection." It Pueblo Indians. They had managed to The general direction was about four is my belief that if the inspectors are miles southwest of Tucson. retain a natural dignity, a self-suffi- competent they could make an ade- ciency without too great a loss of their According to his story the map had quate and accurate inspection of any individual and collective standards, been acquired from an old Papago In- automobile themselves without any as- economic and personal. I feel that this dian, over 90 years of age. In his sistance. youth he had found and returned to action on the part of the atomic energy his home with a solid silver statue Fourth, almost everyone who has suf- commission will cause a great and dis- about two feet high. He had stated fered the nuisance of plant disease in- astrous change in the entire pattern of there were more of them, and also a spection is disgusted with and infur- culture and creative activity of both large quantity of gold and silver, and iated by it. I, like Mr. Sorenson, would the Indians and Anglos there. had given my friend directions for be much interested in what other read- reaching the place. ers of Desert think about it. Last win- KATHRYN PROVENCHER ter, one of my friends said that he The instructions were to go to the wondered if it wasn't about time that base of three small hills, and about 200 California decided to join the Union There's a Law... varas from the center hill would be the with the other states and stop acting Vidal, Calif. ruins of an old lime kiln. The treasure like a foreign country. Maybe now that Dear Desert: was reported to be located 150 varas we have a candidate for Vice-President, I'm referring to Mr. Sorenson's letter, north of the kiln. we should. in the July issue of Desert Magazine, When we reached the place it was FREDERIC W. BURCKY entitled "The Farce of Border Inspec- easy to recognize the landmarks. North • • • tion." I think I understand how Mr. of the kiln 150 varas was a rock wall The Tragedy of Santa Fe ... Sorenson feels about border inspection. built in front of a cave. But some one New York, New York My first experience with border inspec- had been there ahead of us. The cave Dear Desert: tors caused me to put on the war paint had been opened and was empty except Except for two visits to Santa Fe, and gird myself for battle. In my desire for two small articles—the handle of New Mexico, in the past five years, for revenge and to do battle, I became an old Spanish chest and a small Span- Desert magazine has been the only a convert to the cause of border in- ish spur. thing which has helped me keep my spection. I did this through research It is said there was a rich silver mine sanity in this almost unbearable city. into the when, why, where, and how of in the mountains to the south of Del At present it looks as though two border inspection. Bac. This mine was the source of the years more must pass before I can silver which the padres are reported to make a final and complete break and Mr. Sorenson states in his letter, have used in making their altar orna- settle somewhere west of Pueblo, Colo- "Also while I am outside of the state ments. Perhaps sooner or later some rado. I must confess that my patience there is nothing to prevent me from one will rediscover this old silver mine. gets a little tired at times with the shipping in by freight, express, or by In the meantime I would like to see articles on rocks and palms; there is raii anything I may see fit." It is true more lost treasure stories in Desert so much to be written for and about that he may ship anything that the Magazine. the Pueblos, and their respec- transportation officials will accept. The tive arts in silver, pottery and weaving, California law provides that all plants, F. R. WINSLOW but no matter how disinterested I hap- • • • fruits and plant products shipped into pen to be in rocks at present (there's the state must bear on the outside of Those Border Inspectors . . . always a chance I'll become engrossed the package what it contains. Pasadena, California too) no periodical within my reach is Dear Desert: grabbed for so happily each month, Jnspectors are notified of all plant Mr. A. C. Sorenson asks in the July and I may add, read so thoroughly. products shipped into the state. If the issue of Desert, if anyone else feels the The April 17 issue of The New York- package contains materials under fed- same way that he does about the Plant er contained the story of the great eral or state quarantine, or material Inspection Stations in California. I do, horde of people who are to be crowded that is infested or infected by or and more so. into the environs of Santa Fe to work disease, then the inspectors handle the It is my considered opinion that on the atomic project there. Frankly, material according to the laws. these places, whatever their original it is inconceivable that no general pro- The Agricultural Code of California worth may have been, have now de- test has been raised. Certainly Utah states, "It is a violation of California generated into public nuisances. and Nevada, not to mention southern law to conceal any plants or plant pro- First, I can see no valid reason to Arizona and New Mexico are so ducts, or to fail to present the same for inflict the alleged inspection on one sparsely settled as to provide room for inspection." It doesn't matter how they mode of travel and disregard the this project without crowding these are brought into the state, it is still a others, unless the automobile owners people into Santa Fe, whose charm is violation of the law not to present them cannot be organized in their own de- its narrow crooked streets and its col- for inspection. fense as can the railroads and airlines. orful native population. F. B. REESE 32 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Hacienda de Otero, a ranch near Tubac which dates from a grant by the King of Spain in 1810, has been sold to Mrs. Walter C. Davis of Richmond, Indiana. The ranch remained in the Otero family from 1810 o*t until Teofilo Otero died in 1941. Since then it has had several owners. ARIZONA Will Expand Navajo Sawmill... • • • WINDOW ROCK — The Navajo tribal Inspection of 120,108 automobiles and Archeologists' Summer School . . . council has approved unanimously a $380,- 7645 trucks during June by Arizona agri- GLOBE—Digging is under way at the 000 expansion program for the tribal saw- cultural inspectors showed that one car in third annual summer school of archeology mill near Ft. Defiance. Besides moderniz- every 18 was found to be carrying material sponsored by the at ing the mill equipment, the funds will be infected with pests or was considered pre-Columbian sites at Point-of-Pines, 104 used to construct 50 residences, a community potentially dangerous to the agriculture of miles northeast of Globe on the Apache center and combination mess and club. The Arizona. Indian reservation. Student-workers at the program will be financed from $691,000 on • • • school, who come from universities all over deposit from profits of the sawmill. Accord- ing to James M. Stewart, general superin- A total of 6,900 Navajo have been em- the United States, disinter the skeletons and ployed this summer by western railroads. artifacts which are exposed by Apache In- tendent of the Navajo agency, the mill, which now employs 227 Navajo at peak Most of them work on extra or section dian laborers. Dr. Emil W. Haury, director gangs. of the anthropological department, Univer- times, will be able to employ 500 after im- sity of Arizona, is in charge of the school. provements are completed. The council also • • • According to Dr. Haury, the most revealing passed a resolution making available $104,- find of the 1947 session was a large altar 000 from the sawmill funds for agricultural, CALIFORNIA stone with a facial mask painted on it in industrial and educational loans to individ- white, red and green. The altar stone was ual Navajo Indians. Lost Mine Hunters Die ... buried long before the Spaniards came to NEEDLES—Search for the fabulous Lost America, apparently disproving a long-held Dutch Oven mine, supposed to be hidden in theory that the Indians adopted the cere- Indian Ball Court Found . . . the Clipper mountains north of Danby, led monial mask from the Spanish invaders. COTTONWOOD—An 800-year-old In- two elderly Riverside county prospectors to dian ball court, one of about 50 known in their deaths early in July. When Thomas Arizona, has been discovered near Beaver R. Duffee, 73, and William Schmidele, 76, Wellton-Mohawk Canal to Start . . . creek ranger station and is being studied by did not return to Beaumont after a two-day YUM A—Work on the first 15 miles of A. H. Schroeder, national park service trip searching for the lost mine, authorities canal for the Wellton-Mohawk division of archeologist. The court is oval-shaped, 75 were notified. A sheriff's posse from the Gila project will start about the first feet wide and 105 feet long. The ancient Needles, 50 miles east of the Clippers, found of January, according to George Tank, act- players are believed to have used them for Duffee's body, face down, along the Yucca ing district manager of the bureau of re- a game in which a small ball was butted valley telephone line three miles west of clamation. The bureau plans to spend $2,- and kicked in attempts to put it through a Danby. An intensive search by airplanes and 640,000 on the Gila project during the fiscal hole smaller than a basketball hoop. Archeo- groups from Needles, San Bernardino and year which began July 1. Surveys for the logists think the Arizona Indians got the Barstow finally located Schmidele's body in Wellton-Mohawk division canal will con- game from Mexico. a little canyon in the Clippers. Both men tinue during the year, and boundaries of carried canteens which were found beside the 75,000 acre division will be established. • • • Howard B. Stricklin has replaced Perry E. their bodies, empty. Brown as Grand Canyon national park chief • • • Arizona Indians Can Vote . . . ranger. Brown has been appointed assist- A newly-formed political party in Baja PHOENIX—By unanimous decision the ant superintendent of Mesa Verde national California is demanding that the Mexican state supreme court has held that Arizona park. government make the territory a free state reservation Indians cannot be barred from • • • with the right to elect its own officials. Baja California reportedly now has 200,- voting on the contention that they are under Henry B. Cordes, 82, one of the last mem- guardianship of the federal government. The 000 population and under the national con- bers of the old army pack train service, was stitution, it was said, any district with court, reversing a 20-year-old ruling held buried in Fort Huachuca in June. that Indians who meet the educational qual- 80,000 population can be a free state. ifications fixed by the state constitution have the right to register and vote. The consti- tution requires a person qualifying to vote be able to read the U. S. constitution printed in English and to be able to write his or Lovely TWIN PALAIS at Palm Desert her name. The Indian voting suit was brought by Representative Richard F. Har- less on behalf of two residents of Fort McDowell reservation. No Insurance for Them . . . PHOENIX—Arizona does not have to insure high-salaried motion picture actors under its workmen's compensation law, the state supreme court has ruled. The state industrial commission argued that if an actor making thousands of dollars a week should be killed or injured while on location in Arizona, the compensation fund could be wiped out. Suit to test the commission's refusal to insure the stars was brought by Gene Autry Productions, Inc.

Survey Del Muerto Ruins . . . Enjoy quiet and lest in a scenic wonderland ten miles from CHINLE—David De Harport of the Pea- Palm Springs. One and two bedroom suites—living room, body museum, Harvard university, is mak- kitchen, dinette, private patio—open all year—write or phone ing a ruins survey in Canyon del Muerto, a for reservation. branch of Canyon de Chelly. A survey of the ruins in Canyon de Chelly was made by Robert and Florence Sturgeon, managing owners. Mendeliff in the 1880's, but no complete check has been made of those in Del Palm Desert, Caliiornia. Phone Indio 72797. Muerto. The project calls for mapping the location ruins, describing architecture and types of construction used, and pottery types found.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 33 BOOKFINDERS—Scarce, out of print, unusual books quickly supplied. Send wants. Clifton, Box 1377d, Beverly THE D6S6RT TRADING POST Hills, Calif. "GOLD PANNING FOR PROFIT,"' Classified advertising in this section costs 7 cents a word, SI.00 minimum per issue Healthy, profitable, occupation. Be- ginners' big illustrated instruction book, $1.00. Desert Jim, 627 Lillian, GEM ARTS—Lapidary equipment and Stockton, California. INDIAN GOODS rock and mineral shop for sale. Leav- ing town makes sale necessary. Rea- 15 ARROWHEADS, $1.00. 3 spears, sonable price. Good location. Fully $1.00. 7 birdpoints, $1.00. Grooved axe, equipped and stocked. Contact G. N. MISCELLANEOUS celt, 100 beads, drill, knife and blunt De Vorss, 4286 Marlborough, San —all for $3.00. Have Folsoms. Yumas, Diego 5, Calif. pipes, Indian carvings, pipe-toma- CACTI AND SUCCULENTS — From hawks, antique guns, long steerhorns. the deserts of the world. Don-Rita (Indian relics always wanted—cash or GIFT SHOP FOR SALE — Long estab- brand. By appointment only. Write exchange.) P. L. Summers, Stamford, lished successful business. Located us your needs and we will try to help Texas. across the road from the new DES- you. Michael Donnelly Cacti Gardens, ERT MAGAZINE plant in beautiful 334 Lowell St., Daly City, Calif. ALWAYS THE BEST in Indian things. Palm Village. Lease has two years to Old and new Navajo rugs a specialty. run, can be renewed. Unparalleled lo- Fine jewelry and baskets. Our thirty cation for a gem and mineral business. WESTERN THINGS — Handmade In- tons of rocks and minerals include Modern building includes a mail order dian beaded belts $4.00. "Tex-Tan" many hard to get items. Always wel- date list of more than 4000 names. Fine Texas Ranger belts $2.00. Handmade come. Daniels Indian Trading Post, opportunity for anyone who knows Navajo wool ties $1.25. Sterling silver 401 W. Foothill Blvd., Fontana, Calif. tne gift shop, tourist, mail order, gem turquoise rings $1.00 (plus tax). Hand- and mineral business. Small cash out- made Indian beaded moccasins $3.95. 4 VERY FINE ancient Indian Arrow- lay handles. Write to Box Q, c-o Copper bracelets 25c. Levi Strauss heads $1.00. 4 tiny perfect bird arrow- DESERT MAGAZINE, Palm Desert, cowboy gingham shirts $5.95. Genuine heads $1.00. 1 Ancient Stone Toma- Calif. Key at DESERT MAGAZINE Levis $3.45. Write us for information hawk $1.00. 2 Flint Skinning Knives office. and prices on Silver Concho belts, Na- $1.00. 1 large Flint Hoe $1.00. 2 Spear- vajo rugs, finest Zuni and Navajo heads $1.00. 10 Arrowheads from 10 Reservation jewelry, hand tooled belts REAL ESTATE and silver buckles. Mail orders filled, states 1.00. 20 Damaged Arrowheads we pay postage. For an adventure in $1.00. 10 Fish Sealers $1.00. 10 Hide shopping comfort, drive up the San Scrapers $1.00. 4 Perfect Saw Edged USE THAT MONEY to build now—pay Bernardino mountains to Cliff's Trad- arrowheads $1.00. The above 11 offers $250 cash, balance monthly on Ranch- ing Post in Crestline, Calif. $10.00 Postpaid. List free. Lear's, ito homesites. No well to drill, no Kirby, Arkansas. pump, tank or tower. Elec. and water mains now in—moderate restrictions. LEARN the profitable jewelry and gold- WANTED TO BUY: Old Indian buttons, Total prices from $750, insured title, smithing trade at home. Simplified any number, from one button to an wide view, near P.O., stores. Write course teaches jewelry designing, entire collection. Please write or bring for maps of this All-Year desert foot- manufacture and repairing; gemset- them in. Also wanted abalone shell hill tract. Clarke Battelle, Lucerne ting, etc. Gemcrafters, Dept. F., Kali- buttons with metal shank. Hall's Valley, Calif. spell, Mont. Silver Button Shop, Agua Caliente Springs, Julian, Calif. DO YOU WANT a home and good busi- COLOR SLIDES—Travel, Nature, Geo- ness on the Desert or 10 beautiful logv, etc. Free list (with sample 30c, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES view lots on coast at Cambria Pines? three for dollar). Kelly D. Choda, Box We have both. For particulars write 5, Los Alamos, New" Mexico. FOR SALE—Six good Tungsten claims, P. O. Box 406, Yermo, Calif. four Wulfenite running heavy with FRED AND JESSIE PORTER welcome Scheelite, two high grade Mica. Write FOR LEASE—Patented Amethyst Min- you to the "Pow-Wow" Trading Post, C & H Mines, Box 63, Kingman, Ariz. ing property, Four Peaks, Arizona. Yermo, 14 miles east of Barstow, Hi- For information contact Juchem way 91. Rocks! Rocks! Rocks in the FOR SALE—New, all electric, 4 unit Brothers, 315 W. 5th St., Los Angeles rough, slabbed, preforms and cabo- 13, Calif. chons. Fluorescent and rare speci- Motel, plus spacious living quarters. mens. Caladonite, Linerite, Benitoite, Mobil Gas Station, Curio Shop, Trailer Neptunite and many others. See your Park. Stocked and Equipped. Write I HAVE FOR SALE 40 acres of unim- own cut. Gifts and Souvenirs. Box 6025, Yermo, Calif. Charles proved land in Ozark Co., Missouri. Wright, Owner. About 3 miles from a good fishing stream. Six Hundred Dollars takes PENDLETON SHIRTS—At Cliff's Trad- FRIENDS THIS IS IT—Will rent you this 40. A. D. Minney, Box 666, Mid- ing Post you will find one of the 90 feet of highway frontage, $1.00 a land, Texas. greatest selections in So. Calif, to month and supply you curios, an- choose from— 35 different patterns tiques, mineral specimens for sale on and colors in all sizes—all at nation- half share. Or will sell the entire BOOKS—MAGAZINES ally advertised prices. Inquiries cheer- stock and business $2000.00 down on fully answered. We pay postage any- very reasonable terms. Also have city where in America. Cliff's Trading lots and mountain desert homesites— SCENIC GUIDES — Now our handy Post, Crestline, Calif. some have lovely Pinyon pine and guides cover the entire "Southwest.'' Juniper trees, some with cactus and —Southern California, Nevada, Ari- Joshua trees at bargain prices, easy zona, Utah, New Mexico. Maps, des- FOR SALE: Karakul wool bed blankets, terms. Look—some are gold—silver— criptions and pictures are attractively colors blue, green, natural and mar- lead or copper mining claims with combined in an alphabetic arrange- oon. Money back guarantee. Price mineral rights included in the selling ment for quick reference. Price $1.00 $17.50. Write Addis Kelley, 4637 E. price. Mine for fun or rest in the sun. each. Also a special guide to Cali- 52nd Place, Maywood, Calif. Cool nights, days are never very hot. fornia's Century Old Gold Camps— Elevation 5650 ft. to 8000. Also have the Scenic Guide to the Mother Lode KARAKULS. Producers of Persian possibility to get you air-conditioned —Price 75c. Postpaid from Scenic Lamb fur are easy to raise, adaptable novelty 5-10-15c store. But hurry, Guides, Box 288, Susanville, Calif. to any climate or altitude. For fur- won't last long. $2000.00 or even a ther information write Addis Kellev, little less will swing the deal—a going PANNING GOLD—Another hobby for 4637 E. 52nd Place, Maywood, Calif. store on main street highway and well Rockhounds and Desert Roamers. located in town of about 4000 people. Know how to pan gold, where to look METEORITES WANTED, iron or I will help stock it. Has some stock for it and be able to recognize valu- stone, highest prices. Stuart Perry, and very nice complete fixtures. Un- able quartz ledges. The places you go Adrian, Mich. equaled" opportunity for widow with are where rich virgin ground is'found. children or veteran, but must be sold Two instruction booklets 25c or send FELT LAPEL PINS—Cute pony pins, at once. Also Gas Station and Auto your name for free literature and cat- sequin trimmed, black, red or white, Court for sale. Don't delay, write alogue of mining books and supplies $1.50. Felt bees, yellow or black, $1.00. Hurry Back Trading Post, Goldfield, for beginners. Old Prospector, B 21- Lillian Thrower, P. O. Box 305, Santa Nevada. 151, Dutch Flat, Calif. Cruz, California.

34 THE DESERT MAGAZINE First American Home? . . . desert soil. The investigation is sponsored sea awaits a report from the bureau of by the agriculture school of the University reclamation. The bureau, according to A. E. LITTLE LAKE—What may be the old- of California. Henning of the division of beaches and est human habitation in North America re- parks, owns property which the state must portedly has been located two miles from Atomic Experiments on the Salton ... acquire for the park. Little Lake, 180 miles northeast of Los An- WESTMORLAND—The Atomic Energy • • • geles. An expedition from the Southwest Jay L. Larson, veteran Bishop miner, has museum headed by Mark R. Harrington has commission has taken over the former navy auxiliary air base at Sandy beach on the found an old lead jug in the White moun- found a series of post holes believed to tains. The jug is only 13 inches high but mark the site of a Pinto culture house, for development of a testing and proving ground for atomic power there. The it weighs 15 pounds. On the bottom is 3000 to 10,000 years old. The holes mark inscribed: "J. Burro Smith—1900." Larson a rectangle 7 by 12 feet, and Pinto artifacts commission has acquired another 48,310 acres around the base, located 20 miles believes the old jug may have contained —stone utensils, arrowpoints and tools— acid, used by early Inyo-Mono assayers. were found on the floor. The party has northwest of Westmorland, from the Im- been investigating the site—only known de- perial Irrigation district and the public posit of sub-surface Pinto culture relics— domain, and contracts for $2,500,000 for since March, and thousands of implements, expansion and rehabilitation are being let. animal bones, weapons and a few human The navy used the Salton during the war bones have been found. years by landing seaplanes when the coast was fogbound. Sea Food . . . Pickles Save Rock Hunters . . . CALEX1CO—A converted four-ton C-47 transport plane loaded with a cargo of BLYTHE—A young San Diego couple lobsters and abalone landed at Calexico air- who went on a rock hunting trip to the port in July to clear the international port isolated Hauser geode beds spent 24 hours of entry. The cargo of frozen sea food was walking out to Highway 60-70 after their flown here from San Felipe and Ensenada, car became stuck in a sand wash several miles from Wiley's well. The amateur Think of relaxing under a "Violet Ray" Baja California, and was destined for Ari- sun in America's finest winter climate— zona and Rocky Mountain markets. rockhounds went into the summer heal without extra water or food and without care-free life in a choice nook of the un- New Plants for the Desert? . . . telling anyone of their destination. A jar spoiled desert. EL CENTRO—Warren H. Brock, Im- of sliced pickles left over from a picnic THAT IS perial Valley rancher and agricultural ex- lunch is credited by Lt. C. W. Johnson, perimenter is on a 22,000 mile air trip via USNR, with saving his life and that of his PALM VILLAGE TWA, searching for fruits and vegetables wife, Mary Ann. "They were awfully hard suitable for introduction into Imperial val- to eat," Johnson, a physician, declared. "But Over one million dollars of improve- ley. Brock, with Dr. Harold P. Olmo of it was the salt in them that we needed ments to provide such city conveniences the University of California, will comb Iran, badly." The Johnsons walked for five as paved streets, electricity, natural gas. Iraq and Pakistan for plants alien to Cali- minutes and rested 10, walking all day until telephones, shops, restaurants, well- fornia which might thrive in the reclaimed they reached Wiley's well at 2 a. m., and stocked market, sparkling water, 99.6% the highway at 10 a. m. pure. Rebuild Desert Shortcut . . . Lovers of the desert are building SILVERY DESERT HOLLY. Likes sun- TWENTYNINE PALMS—The Baseline beautiful homes. lust 12 miles beyond shine; rich, porous soil; salt. One dol- Highway association has been organized in and through Palm Springs on Highway lar postpaid. Desert Plant Nursery, 111. Rancho Mirage, Indio, California. Twentynine Palms to campaign for rebuild- ing the shortcut from Twentynine Palms Thirty minutes ride from the snow and USED army raincoats. Good serviceable east to the junction of the Aqueduct road mountain resorts. condition. Satisfaction guaranteed. near Rice. To date more than $5000 of an $2.50 each, cheaper grade $2.00. Pay estimated $12,500 needed to complete the HOMESITES from $795 to $3100. when received. Buford Butts, Sharon, route has been contributed, and grading Tenn. work reportedly was starting at both ends, Business and income opportunities— with 15 miles of the eastern end in shape for reasonable terms. ROCKHOUNDS—Rest at Miller's Auto travel. A trail was opened through to the Court. By day or week. Mile high, cool highway before the war, but it has been No place offers so much in restful nights. Furnished cabins. By big gold abandoned except for army maneuvers, it desert living. mines, on highway 95. A rockhound's was said. From Dale the shortcut follows paradise. Free mineral display, free the northern boundary of the Joshua Tree PALM VILLAGE LAND CO. parking space for trailers. Miller's national monument. Chevron Station and Auto Court, P. O. BOX D.D. Goldfield, Nev. • • • PALM SPRINGS. CALIF. State action on the proposed recreational TELEPHONE. INDIO 7537 HOLLYWOOD Postmark. Letters re- park on the northeastern shore of the Salton mailed, 25c each, ten for $2.00, month- ly $5.00. Forwarding, $3.00 monthly. Arr-Dee, P. O. Box 17, North Holly- wood, Calif. SLEEP IN YOUR CAR . . . GEOLOGIC & SCENIC color slides for Educational Entertainment. Catalog CALIFORNIA Free. Heald-Robinson, Dept. 2, 2202 N. Santa Anita Ave., Altadena, Cali- fornia. CAR BED

GENUINE CALIFORNIA GOLD: One Transferable luxurious, nice nugget $1.00, four nuggets $2.00. air - foam innerspring Desert Jim, 627 Lillian, Stockton, Cal- unit converts your car ifornia. to a double bed. FOR SALE—5000 watt Electric Genera- 1-3 hours to install. tor. L. H. Haskin, 286 East Jefferson Ave., Pomona, California. NO CUTTING ADVENTURE — For an adventure in shopping comfort come to Cliff's Now Available!... CUSTOM CRUISING SEAT... Trading Post in Crestline, Calif. You'll Marvelous new dual front seats converting at a fingertouch to single OR double bed, find America's greatest names in reclining chairs, or chaise longue. An emergency ambulance, ideal for the tourist. clothing for the outdoors—Rare and out of the ordinary gift treasures— Featured in Newsweek. June 21. P. 73. Write for Brochure "F." vast and varied selections of Indian Reservation Silver Jewelry and Nav- CALIFORNIA CAR BED COMPANY ajo Rugs. It's Cliff's for the best. In 2725 W. 54th St.. Los Angeles 43 AXminster 34700 Crestline, Calif.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 35 NEVADA Sunday noon nearly one-third of the water generating electricity in 1950. Capacity of had been forced into the new channel, and the plant at that time will be 180,000 kilo- Colorado Moves Over . . . 1000 yards of fill an hour was being dumped watts, and California, Arizona and Nevada DAVIS DAM — Bureau of reclamation into the stream. Velocities in the center of already have applied for 681,760 kilowatts engineers shifted the Colorado river to its the stream increased as the river was nar- from the dam, according to Interior Sec- new channel around the site of Davis dam rowed, and the final closing was not ac- retary Krug. The power available will be on June 27, after a 55 hour battle with complished until Monday afternoon at 3 divided on the basis of 50 per cent for the swirling waters. The river shift started p. m. Arizona, 25 per cent for California and at 8 a. m. Saturday morning, when endless 25 per cent for Nevada. Temporarily, the lines of dump trucks and carryalls, work- He Discovered Greenwater . . . 45,000 kilowatts slated for Nevada will go ing from both ends of the bridge across to the California cities of Los Angeles, TONOPAH—W. E. Johnson, the man Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, but Ne- the 800-foot river, gradually built an em- who discovered Greenwater, east of Death bankment around the trestle timbers. By vada can claim any part of the power on Valley, about 1904, visited Tonopah in one year's notice. June, still interested in mining. Johnson, now 83, is said to have sold his original Mark Would Have Loved It... 'EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER" Greenwater copper claims to Philadelphia VIRGINIA CITY—In the old days when capitalists for more than $100,000 with the wrote for the Virginia City late Key Pitman acting as Johnson's at- Enterprise, he sometimes would concoct a SLEEPING BAGS torney. One big shaft was sunk 1000 feet fantastic description of the death of a in the belief that commercial quantities of AIR MATTRESSES widely-known Comstock figure, then leave copper would be found at the water level, town until the hubbub died. Recently a SMALL TENTS but water was not encountered. Green- man came to Pete Burke, editor of the water received its name from a small spring Virginia City News, successor to the En- and many other items so impregnated with copper that it was unfit terprise, and asked permission to write the for drinking. The entire district eventually account of the death of a Comstock figure, was abandoned. Bronco Lazzeri, which he had just witnessed. VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT The story, a heartrending account of how Davis Power Allocated . . . 717 West 7th Street a great mounted deer head with silver-tipped DAVIS DAM — The interior department horns had fallen from the wall and pierced LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA has announced a future allocation for power the unfortunate Lazzeri, was printed. Friends from Davis dam, which is expected to start and relatives arrived at Virginia City to find Lazzeri alive and indignant. The volun- teer journalist has not been found. Water-powered Arrastra . . . ROUND MOUNTAIN—The ruins of an IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT arrastra once operated by a waterwheel, near the mouth of Boman creek in Smoky valley, 80 miles north of Tonopah, shows POWER IS A GREAT ASSET the inventiveness of early-day Nevada miners. Believed to be 70 to 80 years old, the arrastra was constructed of heavy TO MODERN FARMING squared pinyon trees from the nearby hills, put together with wooden pegs and square- cut nails. Pulleys were fashioned of hand- cut lumber and are reported as true and How many jobs does electricity perform on the farms of the well-balanced as present machine-made Imperial and Coachella Valleys? How many man-hours of ones. A 16-foot steel shaft, four inches in labor does it save? The answers would stagger the diameter, tipped with a 24-inch bevel gear imagination! Just a few of the jobs include AIR-CONDI- extended into the pit of the arrastra. When the waterwheel turned, the ore was ground TIONING, LIGHTING, COOKING, HEATING, MILKING, as great rocks, suspended from heavy beams, MIXING FEED, REFRIGERATION, and many other tasks. were dragged over it. The plain fact is that electricity is the farmer's most valuable tool. Plow up the T. and G.... HAWTHORNE—Lloyd Mount and son are employing a tractor and one-tooth plow The momentum of agricultural growth and development to turn over the railroad ties along the in the Imperial and Coachella Valleys is increasing every right-of-way of the old Tonopah and Gold- day. Because of that fact and because the future is bright, field railroad. The equipment pulls them out of the ground and rolls them over so Imperial Irrigation District is carrying out a long-range prospective buyers can see what they are Power Development Program that will assure the economic getting. Mount said that a portable saw- future of the areas it serves. mill will be set up in Hawthorne and good ties and bridge timbers will be cut into smaller stock. All chemically treated ties DISTRICT POWER IS THE PULSE OF PROGRESS IN THE have been sold to naval authorities at Haw- IMPERIAL AND COACHELLA VALLEYS. thorne, while the others are being shipped to Nevada and California points. • • e A new land office has been established at Reno to take over the functions of the present land office at Carson City, which Imperial Irrigation District will be discontinued, effective August 15. • o o All American Canal Power Ike Guilac, 75, veteran stage driver and southern Nevada pioneer, died in Haw- thorne recently. He is said to have pur- chased the first auto in Goldfield, was chief of the Goldfield fire department when most of that city was destroyed by fire. He drove stage from Tonopah to Manhattan, Goldfield and other mining camps. Developed and Distributed in Cooperation with • • • Bing Crosby has purchased the 3000 acre Coachella Valley Countq Water District Laing ranch, one of the oldest in Elko county. This brings his holdings in the county to 25,000 acres. 36 THE DESERT MAGAZINE NEW MEXICO Mexico should have its heart cut out for When New Mexico gets a new state this purpose. The war department should capitol it will have two paintings ready to Ask Two Million More Acres ... show cause to prove that it needs this vast hang. The paintings, depicting coming of LAS CRUCES—Opposition of four major amount of land for defense before the land the Spaniards to New Mexico, are by Gerald state groups to further land withdrawals is withdrawn for permanent military use." Cassidy of Santa Fe and were presented to by the government was expected to be aired Besides New Mexico Cattle Growers, the the state by John Hardin of Oklahoma City. at a public hearing August 2 in Las Cruces. New Mexico Wool Growers association, • • • Latest proposal calls for withdrawal of over New Mexico Miners and Prospectors asso- ciation and the Taxpayers' Association of Navajo and Hopi Indian coal miners in two million more acres of south central New Mexico and Arizona recently were New Mexico for permanent use by depart- New Mexico were expected to make a concerted drive to show reasons why the trained in first aid by bureau of mines, ment of defense. The land is in the same according to interior department report. general area where the first atomic bomb land should not be set aside for military use. was tested near Alamogordo in 1945, and would include parts of White Sands national Ask National Monument . . . monument, Jornada range reserve and Cibola ESPANOLA—Efforts to establish a new LUCERNE VALLEY national forest. It would increase govern- national monument were intensified July ment held acreage in the state from 1,250,- 11 by the 350th anniversary celebration of San Bernardino Co.. California 000 to 3,263,619 acres. "If this bombing the coming of Don Juan de Onate to the range extension goes through it will be the Espanola valley. Senator Chavez said he GUEST RANCHES, HOMES, FARMS largest military reservation in the world," will ask the park service to investigate pos- Write Secretary for Free Folder sibility of having the reported site of Onate's stated G. W. Evans, Magdalena, president Chamber of Commerce of New Mexico Cattle Growers association, first seat of government, near here, made a "and it seems unfair that the state of New national monument. Onate's capital, how- ever, is predated by St. Augustine, Florida, founded by the Spanish in 1565. FOR DENS AND COLLECTORS— He Says Billy is Dead . . . ALBUQUERQUE—Reports that Billy the Authentic Historic Map oi HardKock Shorty Kid was alive four years ago are just part of ARIZONA and NEW MEXICO a "perennial pipedream," W. A. Keleher, Year 1866 author and New Mexico historian said in Find the UNEXPLORED Areas— June, following declaration of 85-year-old 16x21 inch photo of ORIGINAL J. W. Welday of Carlsbad that he saw the Desirable for Framing famed badman in a Las Cruces drygoods $2.50 Postpaid store four years ago. MAP SERVICE. Room 14 Seek Indian Land Ruling . . . 845 N. 4th Ave. Phoenix, Arizona SANTA FE—Officials of bureau of In- dian affairs said July 2 they will seek supreme court ruling on question of setting aside lands for Indians' use in New Mexico "Rain-makers, huh!" scoffed Hard outside their reservation. Judge Orrie L. Permanent Gold Rock Shorty. He had been dozing on Phillips in June refused to issue injunction embossed binders for the bench in front of the Inferno store to restrain a white rancher from grazing while the porch club discussed the his cattle on lands set aside for use of the latest scientific efforts to produce rain Acoma Indians. Lands involved were pur- DESERT with dry ice. chased by department of agriculture under "Ain't no use riskin' yer life in one its submarginal program and later turned These easy-to-insert binders are o' them airplanes to git water," he over to interior department, which made made especially for Desert Mag- added. "All the water yu need is right them available to the Indians. Judge Phillips here on the ground in plain sight. I held this constituted enlargement of an azine readers who want to pre- proved it once myself." Indian reservation without an act of con- serve the maps and other travel "Wasn't gittin' much gold outa my gress, which is forbidden by federal law in information for future use. claim, so I decided to do a little dry New Mexico and Arizona. farmin'. An' if yu ain't never tried it, They open flat, and each binder dry farmin' on this Death Valley des- Nctvajo-Chinese Language Alike? ... has space for 12 magazines. ert is purty dry business. GALLUP—H. Carroll Whitner, who be- Mailed postpaid for "But I figgered it out. I gotta lot lieves Navajo Indians are of Chinese descent, o' watermelon seeds and crossed 'em has presented more conclusive evidence. $1.50 up with barrel cactus. Funniest lookin' Whitner, now teaching Navajo at Rehoboth, crop yu ever seen—fat juicy melons has produced charts and a Chinese-American all covered with cactus thorns. dictionary to demonstrate his theory. He THE "Course nobody'd rob a melon states that more than half the Navajo lan- patch like that, and I couldn't eat 'em guage is almost identical with the Chinese Palm Desert, Calif. all, so them melons just kept fillin' as spoken along the coast between Shanghai up with water 'til they busted. Them and Tientsin. melons wuz spillin' water all over the landscape. An' that irrigated the ground for a new crop. "But them naturalist fellers' up at COUNTY MAPS the park headquarters say it is dan- For Schools, Hunters, Fishermen, Public Offices, and Travelers gerous to fool with Nature — an' CALIF.: with Twnshp., Rng., Sec, Mines, Roads, Trails, Streams, Lakes, R.R., Schools, they're dead right. After a few seasons Rngr. Sta., Elev., Nat. Forest, Pwr. Lines, Canals, Boundaries, etc. of crossin' and multiplyin' them spiney Sizes: 20x30 to 73x100 inches melons wuz spillin' so much juice the Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, desert around there got water-logged. Glenn, Kings, Lake, Marin, Mariposa, Merced, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Sacramento, San Then one extry hot day a whole batch Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sierra, Solano, of 'em got ripe and busted all at oncet Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Ventura, Yolo, Yuba—each $1. and danged if it didn't send a regular Tuolumne, Santa Barbara, Plumas, Pla- Fresno, Kern, Riverside—$2.50 • $5. cer, Modoc, Madera—$1.50. T „„ An(rpipo S1 „_,,* at cloudburst down the canyon and filled Tulare, Tehama, Imperial—each $2. L°S An«eles—S1 and »3- my minin' shaft with water. San Diego, Mendocino, Humboldt— Siskiyou—$2 and $4. "Well, that was no good. So I sent $2.50. Inyo County, $15; E or Wft $7.50; San down to the border an' got a flock Trinity, Shasta, Mono, San Luis Obispo, Bernardino, 73x110, $15; No. or So. '/2 o' them cactus-eating goats from Son- Monterey, Lassen—$3. $7.50; NW., SW., NE., or SE'A, $3.75. ora—an' they arrived just in time to Also Oregon, Idaho and Washington County Maps. keep this whole Death Valley from 2417 San Pablo Avenue — TEmpIebar 2-3870 fillin' up with water and turnin' into WORLD'S MINERALS OAKLAND 12. California an inland sea."

SEPTEMBER, 1948 37 UTAH Geologic Wonder Destroyed . . . Church is Mining Coal... BLANDING— The "Goblet of Venus," 15 ORANGEVILLE — Sponsored by the Withdraw Utah Land . . . miles west of here on road to Natural Emory, Carbon and North Carbon stakes, SALT LAKE CITY—The interior depart- Bridges, was toppled over late in June, the coal mine owned and operated by the ment, at the request of the atomic energy apparently by unknown vandals, according Latter Day Saints church near Castle Dale commission, has withdrawn from entry and to J. Wiley Redd, national park ranger. An expects to be producing 200 tons of coal reserved for exclusive use of A EC 115 outstanding example of wind erosion in the daily. Sheril McArthur, mine superintendent, square miles of public land in southeastern Southwest, it stood 16 feet high and was is building a new road for the use of 60- Utah and southwestern Colorado, supposedly supported by a delicate stem only nine inches foot trucks, has installed a new loader and containing uranium. Lands withdrawn are in diameter. It had been visited by thou- is equipping the mine with electric power. located in Grand county and in Mesa county, sands in the past 25 years and photographed Colorado. Diamond drilling tests for uran- numerous times. ium bearing ores will be carried on this Sweeter Music for Salt Lake ... summer, and lands found to contain no SALT LAKE CITY—Fourteen hundred uranium will be released from the with- St. Christopher's Title Clear . . . new pipes are being installed in the re- drawal orders to be opened again for entry. MOAB—It took an act of congress to building of the famous Tabernacle pipe Lands found to contain uranium will be- clear the title and sell to St. Christopher's organ here. The rebuilding of the huge come available for development and mining Indian mission the land it now occupies, musical instrument is being done by the by private interests under arrangements with but Father H. Baxter Liebler after several Aeolian-Skinner Organ company of Boston. the government. years' fight at last has papers which assure The Spires Saved Her . . . the Episcopal mission ownership of the Air Carnivals are Banned ... 165.50 acres of land for St. Christopher's SALT LAKE CITY—All air shows in BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK mission to the Navajo Indians. The land, —The spires and minarets of Bryce possib- Utah have been banned by the State Aero- just off the Navajo reservation, originally nautics commission until "ways and means ly saved the life of a 14-year-old girl in was purchased from private individuals in July when she hung to one of the spike- are found for adequate protection of life like pieces of sandstone at the edge of a 1942, but title was disputed when someone and property." The announcement followed 30-foot cliff until rescued by a park ranger. discovered the land was not patented and a private plane accident in which two Nancy May Mabey, daughter of Dr. and attempted to file for homesteading. Father flyers were killed in a Salt Lake air show. Mrs. William Mabey, Buffalo, New York, Liebler's claim was based on an estimated The attitude of commission members is that slipped over the edge at a point about 200 $10,000 in improvements on the land. such aerial programs as have been staged feet west of Sunset point and slid more during the last two years contribute noth- than 100 feet down the steep canyon wall Ute Tribesmen Eager to Learn ... ing to the advancement of aviation, while before grabbing the projection. Her chief OURAY—Ute tribesmen on the Uintah jeopardizing life and property to a serious worry: "I thought I'd sure break my glasses Ouray reservation are a progressive group extent. when I went over the cliff." of Indians, in many instances further ad- vanced than the better known tribes of the Utes Hold Annual Sun Dance ... They're Kept in Hot Water . . . Southwest, according to the conclusion of BENJAMIN—The handful of families in Dr. Florence Hawley, noted anthropologist, ROOSEVELT—Under the discipline of a this southern Utah county town literally under whose leadership a class of students religious belief that impells them to dance are kept in hot water, for their supply comes from Albuquerque spent three weeks in July three days without water, the Ute Indians from a well of 98 degree temperature which studying the culture of these people. They of the Uintah Ouray reservation completed hasn't varied within the memory of the in- found the Ute society liberal, with its their annual Sun dance late in July. For habitants. They like it for bathing, and members eager to adapt themselves to a 24 hours each day the dancers shuffle for- flowers thrive on it—but if you want a changing world. Dr. Hawley regards the ward and backward under a canopy of drink of cool water you'll have to walk to a Uintah basin as one of the best untapped poles that give little shelter from the desert neighbor's and drink from a cold well. In archeological regions in the United States. sun. As they dance they blow high shrill contrast to most hot springs, the water here notes on their eagle bone whistles. After is almost 100 per cent pure. Pioneers could However, she is critical of amateur archeo- logists who in their enthusiasm for explora- three days of exhaustive dancing a great locate the warm water section in winter feast was held—all a part of their ritual time by the paths of melted snow across tion and artifacts damage historically valu- able material. in homage to the source of all life on this the sage and greasewood of the district. earth—the sun. Better Roads to Indian Glyphs ... VERNAL—Better roads are to be pro- PUMICE BLOCKS vided for visitors to see what Utahans claim are the best preserved set of Indian petro- CINDER BLOCKS glyphs in the United States. The glyphs are on the cliffs around Merkley park, one group of them covering a rock face 80 feet DIACRETE BLOCKS long. Vernal Junior chamber of commerce has taken the initiative in providing better road approaches to the area. A Desert Material, natural volcanic red cinder. New from the Transulite Laboratory. DESERT DESIGNED . . . Desert for maximum insulation and light weight. Precision built, accurately square. In natural colors for any background or architectural design. For commercial and residential construction, garden walls, fire- Pumps places, barbecues—adaptable for Class "A" construction. ALL TYPES Immediate delivery anywhere on the desert. For descriptive literature write— ANY USE

TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE SAMUEL T. HALSTED with 3464 E. FOOTHILL BLVD.. PASADENA. CALIF, —or— BOX 186. CORONA, CALIF. ROSCOE R. McCREA CO. Phone Sycamore 38133 Phone Corona 781 or 311 1408 So. Santa Fe — Los Angeles 21 Mutual 1629 — at Nite Olympic 2560 EL CENTRO ADDRESS: 1000 North 4th Street — Phone El Centro 71

38 THE DESERT MAGAZINE tween 7060 and 7077 feet in depth and 3.700,000 cubic feet between 7077 and 7089 feet. During the first test a 20-foot column mints HIID minmG... of oil accumulated in the well, and 156 feet was found during the second test. Reports Goldfield, Nevada ... Winnemucca, Nevada ... indicate the well may produce 600 barrels of 27 gravity oil per day. The famous old Klondyke mine, first dis- Getchell Mine, Inc., in the Potosi dis- • • • covered in 1886 and a nearly continuous trict, Humboldt county, is expected to re- producer of gold, silver and lead until 1942, sume full scale operation within the next Twentynine Palms, California ... is making a comeback, according to Harold two or three months, it was reported. The Search is being made for thieves who Lankford of Goldfield, manager of the company's pilot test mill has been treating mine. For the past year Lankford and others 200 tons of gold ore a day while added broke into the Virginia Dale mine, dyna- have been assaying, testing and blocking ore. equipment was being installed in the 1500- mited an 11-ton compressor and hauled In recent months, erection of a double ball tons-per-day cyanide mill. New construction away the metal scrap after burning the mill was started, and within a month the includes a wide conveyor belt which will building in which it was installed. Damage company will begin shipping 15 tons of transport ore from the North shaft to the of $4000 was reported by the owner, Harry concentrates a day to the smelter, it was bins at the mill, by which a daily supply M. Hess of Morongo valley. During the reported. Old timers assert that it was while can be delivered to the mill in a single absence of a guard, thieves again entered Jim Butler was on the way to obtain a shift. Mine development reportedly has the property and carted away groceries, lease on the Klondyke in 1900 that the shown the presence of large ore-bodies as- tools, bedding and a barrel of water. Con- first Tonopah discovery was made. suring capacity supply for years. Before the stable Jack Cones, working on the case, re- • • • war the mine, it is said, was Nevada's fore- ports finding several parties who heard the most gold producer. blast and who say they can identify the Bishop, California ... • • • truck used to haul the plunder. Gold ore assaying more than $1000 a ton Salt Lake City, Utah ... • • • was discovered in the Sarita mine at Ma- sonic, according to C. H. Whinery, presi- San Juan Pipeline company has asked the Chloride, Arizona ... dent of the operating company. The high federal power commission for authority to Tennessee Schuylkill corporation, owners grade, found in surface workings, has been build a 451-mile pipeline from the Four of the Tennessee mine, have announced ac- exposed for more than 10 feet. It averages Corners area to a point near Needles, Calif. quisition of an additional 2000 feet of the eight inches wide and contains veinlets of The proposed 26-inch line would cost about Tennessee vein through lease and option metal. It is an offshot of the main vein $28,000,000 and would gather natural gas of the Johnny Ball-Silver Knight group which the company is preparing to mine from Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New which immediately adjoins the Tennessee on by open-pit methods. The main ore body, Mexico for final distribution in the San about 60 feet wide, is said to contain ore Francisco bay region. The company also the south. The company is extending its 1000 that can be profitably mined and milled, proposed to build 100 miles of feeder and foot south level toward the new property and installation of a large reduction plant gathering lines, a compressor station, a with 100 feet to go before reaching the in the near future is planned. natural gasoline extraction plant and a gas Johnny Bull claim. The face of the drift is • • • dehydration plant. Deliveries through the said to be showing a good grade of lead plant were planned to begin not later than and zinc. For many years the Tennessee has Goldfield, Nevada ... January 1, 1951. been the largest producer of lead and zinc • • • in the district with a gross production esti- John Slavens, 86-year-old prospector is mated at $25,000,000 since its discovery displaying ore from his Paradise claims, five San Francisco, California ... miles south of Goldfield, which he contends in 1894. run heavy with uranium. Slavens says that The program of the 1948 Metal Mining • • • a friend recently had a piece of the ore convention and exposition, to be held in Independence, California ... assayed and it averaged $1000 a ton uran- San Francisco the week of September 20, ium. Slavens said that he had known there will cover problems of labor relations, man- An old hand-drawn hose cart was out of was uranium in his holdings. "I have my power, taxes, outlook for metals, effect of commission, and the only hose available own method of spiritual analysis which is the rearmament programs and foreign aid would not fit the town hydrants, so the 25 very accurate," he declared. "In over 25 on the mining industry, exploration and de- citizens of the old mining camp of Tuscarora years of consulting the spirits concerning the velopment, tariffs, stockpiling of strategic formed a bucket brigade and put out flames value of various ores, their opinion has materials, marginal mines, public lands and which threatened to destroy the community never differed more than $4 a ton from many phases of mine and mill operation. late in July. The express office, fire station those of our earthly assayers." Celebrating the golden anniversary of the and three other buildings were destroyed. c • • American Mining congress and the centen- • • • nial of discovery of gold in California, the Beatty, Nevada ... Round Mountain, Nevada ... convention and exhibits will be held in San A United States mining engineer has ex- Francisco's civic auditorium. With a 24-hour capacity of 25 tons, the amined the property of the Henebergh • • • Quinn mill south of here started operation brothers at Round mountain, where Jay Beatty, Nevada ... early this month. Using both amalgamation Carpenter, director of the Mackay school of and cyanide treatment the mill is rated to mines, several years ago discovered what George Ainsa. San Francisco man who recover 92 per cent of the gold in ore. appears to be an immense deposit of uran- planned to equip the Yellowgold property, • • • ium ore. Samples of the Henebergh ore, ex- 25 miles north of Beatty, with a 100-ton James Boyd has decided to stay on as posed to the testing apparatus carried by mill if water could be developed at reason- director of the bureau of mines, although he the government engineer, showed quantities able depth, reportedly has abandoned the hasn't received a government paycheck for of uranium, according to report of those pioject. The drill was pulled at 550 feet seven months. Boyd, who has not gained who saw the tests at Tonopah. The ore was after indications of water had been cut but senate confirmation, is serving his third in- uncovered in a long tunnel which the not enough to warrant development. It terim appointment. By law, he could only brothers drove searching for gold, and the was said, however, that Curly Carr, owner be paid during the first. Appointment of ore carries values in gold and silver. of the property, is continuing with his de- Boyd, former dean of the Colorado school • • • velopment work and has drilled into ore of mines, has been opposed by John L. which indicated values to $500 a ton. Three Tonopah, Nevada... separate veinlets which did not crop on the Lewis and Senator Eugene D. Millikin, Re- surface, all of milling grade, reportedly were publican of Colorado. On June 7, Wells Cargo, truckers, began cut in the well hole. • • • hauling barite from the Nye county deposit William H. Worthington, 72, pioneer 35 miles east of Tonopah to the railroad e • • Douglas, Arizona, mining engineer and as- at Luning. The barite is going to the Vernal, Utah ... sayer, died June 20 at Douglas. Worthington Chemical and Pigment company, Alameda. became chief chemist for the Calumet and California, where it will be refined. Three A heavy showing of gas and good show- Arizona—later Phelps Dodge—copper smelt- thousand tons will be shipped under the ing of oil reportedly were being studied by er at Douglas in 1903. He worked at the present contract. The Nye deposit is said experts at the Carter Oil company's Ruth smelter until 1910 when he set up an assay- to be one of the largest in the west. A Nelson No. 1 well, five miles southwest of ing engineering office. For a few years he gasoline shovel is used to load the trucks at Vernal. Tests on the well indicated 5,500,- operated the Monte Cristo gold mine near the mine. 000 cubic feet per day of natural gas be- Prescott.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 39 Mafaue 5beiett Qem and Minesial SUap. . . . On Highway 91, 11 Mi. East of Barstow One Mile West of Yenno, Calif. E. W. Shaw, P. O. Box 363, Yenno. Calif. mmm

SOMETHING NEW!! Fluorescent Minerals, activated by Ultra Violet Light in COLOR on 2"x2" slides. By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal Send for FREE CATALOG of Mineral Slides. The day dawned bright and beautiful on she had. The wise man who bought the July 16th at Long Beach. During the next piece offered it for sale at 30 times the price ' H. G. GERNANDT three days the city had the most perfect he paid for it. 804'/z E. Palmer Ave., Glendale 5, California climate in the country. The weather man The public kept pouring through the said the highest temperature was 78 and the doors. Easily five out of every six had never lowest 61. Inside the big auditorium the attended such an event before; had never NEW FACETING MATERIAL temperature was just right too for the doors heard the words "lapidary" or "cabochon." Aquamarine, Citrine, Topaz, Amethyst were open all around and although the Everyone, we suppose, assumed that only and Smoky Quartz expected crowds were there no one seemed rockhounds would attend. Upstairs some- Lapidary Equipment and Supplies uncomfortable and a fan was never seen where we conducted a lapidary round table Sheet Silver, Trim and Findings during the "world's greatest mineral and gem every day which very few attended because Write for Lists show." it was held in the morning before the crowds S-T GEM & MINERAL SHOP Chairman Roy Wagoner beamed at the arrived. The gem cutting pictures of Dr. 6924 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, Calif. success of his show. It was all that the pub- Willems and beautiful slides of Al Hake licity said it would be and Victor Gunder- were shown but the public was indifferent. son had been successful in having plenty in Folks didn't want to tear themselves away COMMERCIAL SAWING . . . the press all over the state. The member from the wonderful displays in the main societies had been publicizing the show all room. UP TO 12 INCHES year, for there was a lot of convincing to The experienced lapidaries themselves who Material for Sale do after the bad taste left the previous year. were looking for ideas managed to find a Chang Wen Ti had his marvellous exhibi- few. There was the Chittendens' sketch book DAN FABUN tion of carved jade ready for the public's with well drawn jewelry designs in which 329 E. 4th St. San Bernardino, Calif. inspection. THUNDER had not arrived be- various cabochons could be tried out. There cause it was stored in some dark baggage was the idea of the common ring binder car on its way from New York. But the notebook in which gem slabs were glued world's most beautiful gem was there. The instead of the paper filler. These could be makers of the new synthetic rutile had a filed in a library; were handy to get down faceted stone of the new material on dis- and display to friends. This is an inexpen- play for the first time—and maybe the last. sive way of following out the same idea All that has been said about it seemed to Herbert Monlux had in beautiful home- be true—that "it makes the diamond look made "books" of cabochons he displayed. like a doorknob and the opal look anemic." O. C. Barnes had his table all set for No one will ever get any of it. Indeed few dinner with his now famed dinner service of will ever see it again. For if the "interests" onyx and all the accessories, such as lamps, are smart the rutile will never come on the etc. There were cases of beautiful faceted A National Magazine for the Gem Cutter market to replace the diamond in popular materials but they didn't draw the attention Collector and Silversmith favor—and the "interests" are smart. that cabochons do for cabochons always The Los Angeles Lapidary society had a have an interest that cold faceted stones Volume One Complete (4 issues) $1.85 marvellous display of its lapidary work, lack. Faceted stones are entrancing when Single Issues 50c Each although it did not measure up to previous displayed singly but they seem to cancel one showings. What there was of it was of a another when they are put together in a Six Back Issues Available for 50c Each higher quality than they have ever shown. display. They were sandwiched between the mineral Now published 6 times a year for $2.00 As usual there was too much "boughten" society exhibits and the commercial displays. stuff in the lapidary displays but our predic- P. O. Box 1228 Hollywood 28. Calif. Displays of the member societies of the tion was borne out that lapidary items would LELANDE QUICK. Editor and Manager federation were spread around the wall. outnumber mineral specimens at least four Many of the cases were overcrowded. This to one. If it was possible to analyze sales, is the result of including in a society ex- lapidary equipment, supplies and gem mater- hibit a specimen from each member's col- ials were in about the same proportion to BEFORE you Buy AN/ LAPIDARY lection with the resultant sprinkling of mineral sales. mediocre stuff and far too much of every- Somewhere behind the scenes they re- thing. To the surprise of everyone one of placed Orlin Bell, who has done so much the best cases of minerals was displayed by tactful managing of the federation through Rolland Willis in the exhibit of the invited the years and so splendidly filled the job of guest. He had a case of copper minerals the federation president. The new president, Jack like of which has not been seen in a long Streeter, is also a member of the Los Angeles time. Lapidary society. Jack does business every People were interested in the silver rutil- day with the lapidarv and mineral dealers. ated quartz sphere of Elmer Homer of the Jack has an unparalleled opportunity this MSCATALOG Glendale Lapidary and Gem society but next year to bring all factions together—the very disappointed because there was no light dealers, the mineral collectors and the gem gp pful Ubyddry Inst- j on it to show its magnificence. With so much cutters. We feel that Jack will do well. ructions—Should be inevery rocknuls library. jade talk this last year we were constantly In the last paragraph here last month we "PhtA complete informaHon on the -famous 1 badgered with questions about where folks said that the attendance at Denver was 1100 Hillill6 WoleSaw,Hi%isrfacebr; Hilltfcuis just as Montana agate and Nipomo agate said many people, we are sure. During the TVum Sanders 5 Hill^lsfTfemond Saws have predominated in previous shows. We convention the exhibits were open but 32 know of one case where a woman carried hours in three days. Our prediction needed P i j Send NOW to a beautiful cabochon of white jade with 35,200 attendance to be true. At 5:15 p. m. MUUOCVU/ EQUIPMENT CO. green streaks for years trying to identify it. on Sunday, July 18, the attendance at the 'IS45W.49ST.'SEATTLE7, WASH. When she saw the profusion of Horse Can- California federation show hit the 36,000 yon agate she was glad to sell the piece for mark!!! And so—it was "the world's largest a trifling sum, thinking that was the material mineral and gem show." 40 THE DESERT MAGAZINE HAZEN'S FOSSIL MUSEUM See Fossil Plant and Animal Remains Gems and Minerals For Sale On Highway U.S. 93-466, % mile west of its junction with U.S. 66 at GEMS AND MINERALS Kingman, Ariz. GUY E. HAZEN Box 695. Kingman, Arizona

• Instant ^identification of fluorescent minerals LONG BEACH CONVENTION that your loss amounts to only about seven per cent, provided you make no allowance » new beauty in collections DRAWS RECORD CROWD for interest, depreciation, or value of the with MINERALIGHT Annual convention of California federa- time you spent and the energy you used up tion of mineralogical societies, held in Muni- acquiring the 60-70 tons of stock which cipal auditorium, Long Beach, July 16-18, doesn't seem to sell. and advertised as the "world's largest min- eral and gem show," was far larger in point of attendance than any had anticipated. L. A. COUNTY FAI*R TO It was estimated about 36,000 persons saw HAVE ROCKHOUND DIVISION the exceptionally high quality exhibit. No A division for cut and uncut stones will event before had drawn such crowds to the be part of the Los Angeles County fair, auditorium, building personnel stated. Ex- September 17-October 3, in Pomona. It Make field trips profitable — find hibtiors included 17 member clubs, over 70 will be housed in a magnificent new exhibit new deposits in the field — see added beauty in your mineral col- commercial dealers and three visiting clubs. building, one of the largest of the kind in lection under Ultra Violet light. . . Los Angeles Lapidary society, Oregon Min- the country. Substantial cash awards will these are a few of the uses of eral society, Gem Cutters Guild and Division be made. , MINERAMGHT. Write for Bulle- Iiii No. D-10II — See your .Mineral- of Mines with its gold display, exhibited as Classifications will include polished mar- I lislit dealer. separate units. Pacific Mineral society, Los ble and granite, uncut gem materials mined Angeles, won the annual plaque for its in California, cut and polished gem mater- mineral case. It is planned to add a lapidary ials, polished onyx specimens, polished petri- award for the next convention, according to fied wood, placer gold, lode gold specimens PRODUCTS, Inc. Roy Wagoner, Long Beach, chairman of and lode gold ores, gold bearing gravels and 0 the show. milled products, petroleum and petroleum 5205Santa Monica Blvd., Los New federation officers elected at the products. ^^^^ convention are: Jack Streeter, Mineralogical Society of Southern California, president; Robert O. Deidrick, East Bay Mineral so- ciety, vice-president; Dorothy Craig, South- west Mineralogists, secretary; Modesto Leon- ardi, N.O.T.S. Rockhounds, treasurer. Open Friday and Saturday Only Sacramento was chosen as site of 1949 state convention, to be held in conjunction with the national mineralogical convention On the Week Days of Monday through Thursday We Will Be and the California state fair and Gold Rush celebration. It will be housed, at the state OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY fairgrounds, in the "largest building avail- able in the state, twice as large as the Long Beach auditorium." Phone and Mail Orders Will Be Filled Promptly Every Day • • • FACTS AND FANCIES FOR OUR 15th ANNIVERSARY CATALOG (issued Sept. 1947). together with THREE 1948 THE ROCKHOUND DEALER SPRING SUPPLEMENTS makes a tolal of 80 pages 9x12" in size. PRINTED AND According to the July bulletin of Dona PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. Contains the MOST COMPLETE LISTING OF EQUIP- Ana County Rockhound club, edited by MENT. TOOLS. AND MATERIALS for use in GEM CUTTING, ROCK POLISHING. Don Alfredo of Casa de las Cruces, Las AND JEWELRY WORK that has ever been published. Cruces, New Mexico, approximately 846,- 000 tourist units go gem touring each year. SEND 35c FOR YOUR COPY A "tourist unit" is roughly comparable to a pleasure vehicle-load consisting of from The catalog also contains many articles on craft work not elsewhere available and one to nine persons. Of these, 31.6 per cent worth several dollars to every gem cutter and jeweler. are completely sane and 27.8 per cent are completely insane. This leaves 40.6 per cent, says the "survey," who are slightly THE LATEST AND THE BEST—You can see ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT in our daffy, and of these approximately 21 per store—NO NEED TO SHOP AROUND. See the NEW HILLQUIST TRIM SAW, THE cent are interested in rocks and minerals MERZ DUPLIGRINDER, ALL MAKES OF DIAMOND SAW UNITS. NEW MODEL H to such a degree as to be purchase-minded. MINERALITES IN STOCK. Thus 8.5 per cent of these tourist units are available as potential customers—a total of CALIFORNIA GEM TRAILS—New Guide Book to Gem Localities $1.50 71.910. Of these, about .5 of one per cent GEM CUTTING—by WILLEMS; a brand new book 3.50 will pass any given point on a highway in HAND MADE JEWELRY—Wiener. New March. 1948 2.75 a season, or 359.5 units. Of these 50 per cent STERLING SILVER CHAIN. Medium weight. 10 ft. A BARGAIN 2.00 or 179.7 units will see your sign and have WHITE AND GREEN BOULES—Now in stock. time to stop. Of these, 11.5 per cent will BLACK ONYX BLANKS—50c ea.. 3 for $1.00. Also some black and white. have enough money left to make a purchase, THICK BLACK ONYX SLABS IN STOCK. and thus 20.67 units per year actually drop in and look around—or would, but for the sign on the door "Out Rockhounding." Half of these who get in, or perhaps five units, 1633 E. WALNUT STREET decide they were just looking or want to PASADENA 4, CALIFORNIA know why you haven't any stock of Anna- GRIEGER'S mese sphlinkterite. On the sales made to the other units, perhaps eight, you figure

SEPTEMBER, 1948 41 GOOD NEVADA TURQUOISE in the rough, $2.50 oz. any amount. Tur- ADVERTISING RATE quoise cabochons 50c carat. John L. GEM MflRT 7c a Word Minimum $1.00 James, Box 379, Battle Mountain, Nev. SEE THE GHOST TOWN BAR — At Goldfield, Nevada, on Highway 95. 10,000 bottles—all empty. Many are desert sun colored! Dishes, pottery, IOST GEMS from jewelry cut and re- FOR THE BEST in New Mexico Agate glassware, antiques. When in Nevada placed. Faceted stones to order. Cus- visit or write James T. Lawyer, In- be sure to stop at Goldfield. Rock- tom sawing, 5 to 10c per sq. in. dustrial Minerals, 923 W. Birch, hounds— you are invited to bring Souvenir and keep-sake stones ground Deming, New Mexico. boxes, bags or barrels. Fill them up and polished. Book Ends made from at $15.00 per 100 lbs. For rock gar- what have you? Watson's, 11074 TEXAS AGATE—The best from many dens, patios, fireplaces, barbecue or Emelita St., North Hollywood, Calif. beds. A generous assortment postpaid for making bookends, lamp bases, for $10. El Paso Rock & Lapidary paper weights, novelties, etc. Due to TRIKING GEMS, brilliant minerals, Supply, 2401 Pittsburg St., El Paso, failing health I will sell any stones dazzling fluorescents. Highway 91, Texas. Phone M-4840. you can find in my yard 5 lbs. for center of town, next to court house. $2.00, 10 lbs. $3.50, 25 lbs. $7.50, 50 St. George, Utah, Superior Minerals. lbs. $10.00. In 100 lb. lots only 15c (No mail orders until Dec.) INDIAN RELICS, Curios, Coins, Min- lb. Yes Sir, 100 lbs. $15.00. Come and erals, Books, Old Buttons, Old Glass, help yourself; haul it away, all prices EAUTIFUL ARIZONA AGATES: Pol- Old West Photos, Weapons, Catalogue FOB. About 10 tons to select from ished samples and listings $2.00. Un- 5c. Lemley Antique Shop, Osborne, consisting of Petrified Wood, Onyx, polished samples $1.00. Arizona Agate Kansas. Jasper, Agate, Opal, Travertine, Mines, Cave Creek, Ariz. Marble, Chalcedony, Obsidian, Ara- gonite, Opalite, Rhyolite, Wonder- MINERAL SPECIMENS: Micro-mount stone, Chrysocolla, Mineral Ores, IFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, %" or and Thumb-nail sizes; write today for Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Copper and over, boxed, identified, described, free list. J. E. Byron, Mining Engin- many kinds of minerals. Don't miss mounted. Postpaid $4.00. Old Pros- eer, 1240 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colo- this great opportunity. If you cannot pector, Box 21B150, Dutch Flat, Calif. rado. come write Hurry Back Trading Post, Goldfield, Nev. MONTANA AGATE in the rough for AT THE DESERT RAT'S NEST — gem cutting. From the Yellowstone Coober pedy opal, pinpoint and blue river area. Good cutting material $1.00 fire (10 carat anthill garnets, will ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It lb. Extra good $2.00 lb. All prepaid. wholesale smaller grade), cut and un- will pay you to visit the Ken-Dor Minimum order 5 lbs. Nels Christo- cut moonstones, Ceylon. All Brazilian Rock Roost. We buy, sell, or exchange ferson, Richey, Montana. facet material in stock. A new blue mineral specimens. Visitors are al- sapphire up to 10 carats, flawless. ways welcome. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, MINERAL SETS—24 Colorful Minerals Australian and Siam uncut zircons, 419 So. Franklin, Modesto, California. (identified) in lxl compartments — Burma rubies, Tasmania white zir- Postage paid, $3.50. Prospector's Set cons, Queensland sapphire. Geo. W. MINERAL SPECIMENS, slabs or ma- of 50 Minerals (identified) in lxl com- Chambers, P. O. Box 1123, Encinitas, terial by the pound for cutting and partments in cloth reinforced sturdy Calif. Visitors inquire at Kizer's filling polishing, RX Units, Felker Di-Met cartons. Postage paid $5.75. Elliott's station, corner 101 and F St. for Saw Blades, Carborundum wheels, Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Long address. Cerium Oxide, Preform Cabochons, In- Beach 2, Calif. dian jewelry, neck chains. Be sure PERRY 8" TRIM SAW. Now $24.75 at and stop. A. L. Jarvis, Route 2, Box ROSE QUARTZ: $1.00 per lb. rough. all dealers. L. E. Perry, 118 N. Ches- 350, Watsonville, California, 3 miles From finest deposit known. European ter, Pasadena 4, Calif. S. on State highway No. 1. and Asiatic market before war. Rose uartz, 283 Wildwood Park, Fort PROSPECTORS—SPORTSMEN—HOB- §arry, Man., Canada. RED OBSIDIAN in stripes, whirls and BYISTS—Know your valuable ores, any type of pattern. You just name rocks and minerals. 126 Mineral Spec- JADE SLABS: White or green, also rho- your wants and we will find them, imens in % inch spaced compartment donite slabs, four square inches or 25c a pound or 5 pounds for a dollar. trays, completely identified. Price more in each slab, 50c. Jade by the Willamette River agates 50c a pound. $8.00 postage prepaid and guaran- pound $5.00. Chas. O. Larson, 613 Newt and Al's Agate Shop, 400 North teed. Louis A. Sauers, P. 0. Box 177, French St., Yreka, Calif. 2nd Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Tujunga, Calif. ROCK COLLECTORS—Attention! I am JADE, a Nephrite! Vein about 40' wide, OREGON PLUME AGATE, from noted covering California, Oregon and Wash- exposed. Color jet black with flow- Central Oregon gem fields. Finest ington this summer with the finest ing deep greens and some white thru- quality plume, $1.50 sq. in. Assorted, variety of rock and mineral specimens out. Located in California. Priced vari-colored types, $1.00 sq. in.; cabo- in the West, for sale, in the Trailer $10,000 for lease. $2500 down, bal. chon sized slabs, 50c each. Small Rock Store. Send your address—I will from royalties. Box V, Desert Maga- rough chunks, $5.00 lb. Fair warning notify when in your district. The zine, Palm Desert, Calif. folks: this Plume is in strong demand Rockologist (Chuckawalla Slim), 1152 and is going, going— Choicest Red So. 2nd Ave., Arcadia, Calif. SPECTACULARLY BEAUTIFUL are Moss Agate $3.00 lb. Other gemmy those all-crystal groups of minerals. types of Moss $1.25 lb. From Plume GOOD CUTTING material from Nevada Large crystals and every thing fully vein, mixed moss and plume, vari- 5 lbs. $3.50. 10 lbs. $6.00. 10 sq. in. crystallized. Nothing more beautiful colored, 2 lbs. $3.00. Include postage $2.00. 25 sq. in. $4.00. Send for price obtainable. Drop by and see them and on rough Agate, please. Satisfaction list on other cutting material, min- the rest of my outstanding world-wide guaranteed. C. G. Springer, 862 Roose- erals, hand made silver jewelry, etc. collection, or send $15.00 to $30.00 velt Ave., Bend, Ore. John L. James, Box 379, Battle Moun- for a choice selection. Hand, cabinet tain, Nevada. and museum sizes, and at prices you BEAUTIFUL AGATE from Arizona, can afford to pay. C. C. Boak, Tono- New Mexico, Utah. Arizona Petrified MONTANA MOSS AGATES in the pah, Nevada. Wood, colors and pictures. Agates in rough for gem cutting $1.00 per lb. Red Moss, Golden Moss, Black Band- plus postage. Also Slabbed Agate 25c ed, Red Banded, Red and Black Band- per sq. in. (Minimum order $1.00), MINERALS, GEMS, COINS, Bills, Old ed, Carnelian, Moss Jaspers. Many Elliott Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Glass, Books, Stamps, Fossils, But- colors in many patterns. Let me send Long Beach 2, California. tons, Dolls, Weapons, Miniatures, In- you some of this Agate or Wood, dian Silver Rings and Bracelets. Also every inch will make a gem. 15c per COMBINATION of Rhodonite and Jas- Mexican. Catalogue 5c. Cowboy Lem- sq. inch, will assort. Minimum order per. Very colorful and unusual. Sam- ley, Las Cruces, New Mexico. $1.50. Money back if not satisfied. Ap- ples $1.00. Al Thrower, P. (). Box 305, proximate postage please. Make your Santa Cruz, California. SIX BEAUTIFUL Colorado Mineral next rock hunting trip in our yard. Specimens, $6.00. Write for list of Good cutting material as low as 35c MICRO-MOUNT boxes 90c dozen, $7.00 other Specimens. Jack the Rock per lb. Tons to select from. Come any per hundred. J. E. Byron, 1240 Pearl Hound, P. O. Box 86, Carbondale, time. Geo. C. Curtis, The Agate Man, Street, Boulder, Colorado. Colo. 645 1st St., Hermosa Beach, Calif.

42 THE DESERT MAGAZINE David Grover discussed Salton Sea; Glenn AMONG THE Weist spoke on his trip to Grand Canyon, Canyon Diablo and Sunset crater. After the meeting some of the members collected, in Ofrcd - TKexic* a nearby quarry, blue and green calcite, 10 small pieces—average Vz"-3A"—$1.00 ROCK HUNTERS garnets and minute tourmaline crystals. 5 larger—average 3/i"-l" 1.00 6 still larger—1"-2" or over 2.00 • • • 1 small vial clear lire opal 1.50 The Mineralogical Society of Utah plan- Annual mineral show and potluck picnic, 50 rough mixed Mexican Opals, ned a two-day field trip to the variscite sponsored by Feather River society of Oro- including honoy. cherry, etc.. locality seven miles north of Lucin, July ville, was held June 13 and attended by average 1" 1-50 24-25. A side trip to the wulfenite and more than 35 persons including presidents copper mines in the Pilot range was to be of the Cherokee Gem and Mineral club ALL 5 LOTS POSTPAID—$6.00 taken, providing these areas were found and the Golden Empire Mineral society of Although these are sold chiefly as open for prospecting. Chico. During the summer months, while cabinet specimens and have plenty of • • • meetings are in suspension, Mrs. Alma fire, many of them will work up into new Hogge, public relations director, will be cabochons. Victor Arciniega, consulting mining engin- available at her home, 685 Pomona Av., eer and geologist, outlined geology of the Oroville. Permanent mailing address of the Money Cheerfully Refunded if Not Darwin district for Pacific Mineral society society is Box 1508, Oroville. Entirely Satisfactory. at their July meeting. A near record number of members attended, to learn geologic form- • • • Polished Mexican Opals and other ation and minerals they expected to collect It has been reported there is now a gem stone cabochons on approval to on field trip to that district in near future. dollar-a-car charge for entrance to Horse responsible persons. • • • Canyon. • • • DR. RALPH E. MUELLER July meeting of Santa Monica Gemologi- 3701 Valentine Road Kansas City 2, Mo. cal society featured quartz, which was The six mineral societies of San Jose, chosen as the theme for their exhibit at Monterey, San Francisco, East Bay, Mother- state convention in Long Beach. Their lode and Sequoia had such a successful and July "field trip" was a day at the conven- enjoyable barter-picnic in Modesto June 20 tion, with picnic in Bixby park. The that they have set May 22, 1949 as the date society has decided to buy a Mineralight. for their next swapping party. It will be Design submitted by Miss T. Novinsky was held in American Legion park, Modesto. selected as society's insignia. • • • San Gorgonio Mineral and Gem society • • • held its second annual campfire meeting at Texas Mineral society, at its July meet- the Hendricks ranch, June 16. Jim Meadows ing in Baker Hotel, Dallas, had round table spoke on lost gold mines, and there was a discussion of the rock trips of members. moonlight hunt for fluorescent specimens J. D. Churchill told of his collecting in planted by Beauford Hansen. Guests of the Arizona and New Mexico; W. H. LaDew society were Mayor C. K. Hendricks, Mr. reported on his trip to the Denver conven- and Mrs. W. E. R. Crawford, Mrs. Ed Bail- tion and to various Utah localities; Dr. iff, Mrs. Janetta Luna, Mrs. Alice E. Hig- Vernon Bryant told of his trip to Utah. bee, W. C. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. H. • • • Goellrich. At their June 28 meeting, the Southwest • • • Mineralogists welcomed back John Akers, Junior Rockhounds of Prescott, Arizona, 1121 Broadway, Eureka, California founder of the society who has been living will hold their second annual show Sep- the past four years in Lima, Peru, where tember 4-5 in showroom of Arizona Power • CUTTING & MOUNTING he was connected with the Goodyear Rub- company. Their window display during the ber company. He gave an informal talk on show will be a store window dummy dressed • SAWED SLABS Peru—the climate, customs and minerals. He as a rockhound on a field trip. Officers for said most minerals there are too difficult the next six months, elected at July 9 meet- • AGATE JEWELRY for the average rockhound to collect because ing, are John Butcher, president; Pete Mur- of the jungle and mountains. He showed dock, vice-president; Nancy Merwin, secre- • SPECIMENS beautiful color slides of the country. tary-treasurer. Retiring President Chip Mur- • • • dock handed over to the club the prize • UNCUT MATERIAL Vesuvianite specimen awarded to the Juniors At Pomona Valley mineral club's annual at the Rocky Mountain-National convention Geo. A. Greive — Delia C. Greive picnic, held July 11 in Fairmount park, at Denver in June. At the July 24 meeting On Highway U. S. 101 Riverside, members told of their vacation Nancy Merwin spoke on anglesite, and new trips. Pauline Saylor spoke on Yellowstone member Sheila Wishek won the quiz. Opposite Stump House in Eureka, Calif. and the surrounding area; Larry Boileau described a short trip to Grand Canyon;

SAWING—up to 8"xl2". 4c per sq. inch. te We saw anything. You pay postage to us —we return free. FOR SALE — Bookends. slabs and cutting material. Beautiful turquoise specimens — 50c Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla. up. Write your needs. Morton Min- erals & Mining, 453 E. Garvey Blvd., Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry El Monte, Calif. HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER BRAZILIAN AGATE, Specimen pieces, Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings also good for coloring, $1.00 a pound. Pieces run from one to ten pounds and Brooches each. Black Onyx Blanks, 16x12 and 14x12 size—$2.50 dozen. Mail orders SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH filled promptly. JUCHEM BROTH- CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES ERS, 315 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Write for Folder with Prices FROM ODD places come beautiful speci- mens. Amethyst colored crystals — ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP rose banded and mottled chalcedony— 26 Jergins Arcade Long Beach 2, Calii. tiny terminated crystals on chalce- dony. Correspondence invited. "Tuc- Entrance Subway at Ocean and Pine son" Thompson, 1621 Niles Rd., West Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily Phoenix, Arizona.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 43 June field trip of Dona Ana County Rock- NATIONAL AND REGIONAL hound club of New Mexico turned out to OFFICERS CHOSEN AT DENVER HEART - PEAR - LOBE - OVAL shapes, be more of a geologic study trip than a cut and polished chalcedony agate. SI.00 rock hunt, when members explored Tier- Twelve hundred rockhounds converged each. A FREE COMPARATOR with each. garten cave, high in the San Andres moun- on Denver, Colorado, June 13-16 for the •tains. Jesse A. Isaacs, Las Cruces city annual meeting of Rocky Mountain federa- Box 134-D, Victory Center Annex manager, was guide. In the dust-free, cool tion and first national convention of Amer- North Hollywood. California ican Federation of Mineralogical societies. atmosphere of the cave, field trippers found Lincoln room of the Shirley-Savoy hotel plentiful broken stalactitic material on the was packed with colorful gems and min- floor of the chambers and tunnels. erals from nearly every corner of the earth, e • • exhibited by both private collectors and San Gorgonio Mineral and Gem society's dealers. A 22-page program, arranged by Pioneer Days exhibit was attracting atten- Dr. Richard M. Pearl, program chairman, tion at J. C. Penny store windows, Banning, outlined the four days' activities, which in- in July. Every member of the society con- cluded some 30 talks by experts in their tributed at least one item to make up the fields, motion pictures, a barbecue, a ban- display. A second display of smaller type, quet, and four major field trips. was shown in the Roberge building on North At the Rocky Mountain federation meet- San Gorgonio, Banning. ing the delegates accepted the invitation • • • of the Albuquerque Gem and Mineral so- ciety to meet in their city for the 1949 MOUNTINGS Gem Collectors of Seattle have a busy conclave. New federation officers are: Guy 18" NECK CHAIN—Sterling, doz $ 3.50 summer schedule. Their first trip was to M. Shockley, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Ellensburg-Yakima areas, July 3-5 for president; Chas. J. Hutchinson, El Paso, Gold Filled, doz 4.50 woods, agate and minerals; July 18, picnic No. 20IS Sterling Silver Bezel, it 30 Texas, vice-president; Jack Pierce, Albu- at Saltwater state park to which Tacoma querque, secretary-treasurer. No. 201 Gold Filled Bezel, ft. 55 Agate club was invited; July 31, one-day trip No. 238 Gold Filled Bezel, ft 50 to upper Snoqualmie valley for amethyst New officers of the American federation CLEVICES for pendants, GF. doz 1.25 crystals and garnet; August 1, lapidary are: Richard M. Pearl, Colorado Springs, CLEVICES for earrings. GF. doz 1.20 groups picnicking at home of A. Kietz; Au- Colorado, president; Jack Streeter, Tujunga, PENDANT FRAMES, with chain. gust 28-29 to Monte Cristo, Silverton, for California, vice-president; Don Major, Ten- 22mm Round or 18x25mm Oval, minerals; Labor Day weekend to Tean- ino, Washington, secretary; Chester R. Sterling Silver or Gold filled, doz. .. 12.00 away, Blewitt pass for minerals, jasper, Howard, Denver, treasurer; Ben Hur Wilson, TIE SLIDES—Gold filled, doz 6.00 wood, agate, fossils (in time for conven- Joliet, Illinois, historian. CAST RINGS—Men's heavy Sterling, tion at Bozeman, Montana); September 18- asstd. shapes, unfinished, doz 9.00 19, to Bumping river and Morse creek for Additional Items when Available minerals and crystals. HOLLYWOOD LAPIDARY SOCIETY Agate Jewelry Wholesale • • • TO HOLD SHOW IN OCTOBER (Price List Available) The 18th session of the International Walt Shirey will direct first annual lapi- Geological congress will be held August 25- dary and gem exhibit of Hollywood Lapi- O. R. JUNKINS & SON September 1 in London, England. More than P. O. Box 1295 Newport. Oregon dary society, to be held at Plummer Park, 2500 geologists from 28 governments and 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Octo- 160 universities and scientific institutions are ber 16 and 17. Admission free. expected to attend. The congress meets Show plans were made at June meeting, every two years, each time in a different when following officers were elected: RX-47 country. Many field trips are on the pro- Thomas Virgin, president; W. A. Stephenson, gram. vice-president; Russell E. Kephart, treas- • • • A COMPLETE urer; Stuart Peck, Raymond Reese and The annual picnic meeting of the Orange Arthur Tanner, directors. The following LAPIDARY Coast Mineral and Lapidary society was appointments were made: Dorothy Van attended by 127 members and guests the SHOP Nostrand, recording secretary; Mary Lovett, evening of July 19 in Irvine park. After corresponding secretary; Jean Robinson, IN ONE a brief business session in charge of Presi- editor. dent Bob Neece, Hospitality Chairman SMALL Nancy Wyckoff presided over a dinner under • • • MACHINE the trees. A square dance called by Brad- George H. Needham was to deliver an ley Hughes followed. To make it a suc- address on the preparation of micro-mounts cessful rockhound picnic, Gene Benedict, at the August 3 meeting of the San Jose The Most Practical Ever Devised for Lapidary society, to be held in the De Anza Gem Cutting and Polishing member of the junior rock club, found a large specimen of fossil shells in the dry hotel. Members of the society were to have Send for Circular A wash near the picnic grounds. The Orange the opportunity to view specimens under Coast society is less than one year old and a binocular microscope, and 2x2 inch micro- RX LABORATORY has 129 members. Meetings are held the photographs in color were to be projected 1317 Seaman Ave. El Monte. Calif. third Monday evening in the month in the on the screen. Field trip for August was grammar school auditorium, Corona Del planned to New Years island on the coast Mar, California. between Pescadero and Santa Cruz where • • • members expected to find petrified bone. MINERAL Twelve members of the society attended the Clark County Gem Collectors of south- federation convention in Long Beach. IDENTIFICATION ern Nevada, according to E. C. Bell, Las SIMPLIFIED Vegas, were well represented at convention By O. C. SMITH, AB., A.M. of the California Federation of Mineralogi- ATTENTION —ROCKHOUNDS 2nd Revised Edition cal societies. Anna Parks and Dora Tucker Our New Free Illustrated Price List of Price $3.50 were delegates. Modern Jewelry Mountings is Now Avail- Plus Tax in California • • • able, Prices Reduced on Most Items. Columbia Geological society, Spokane, Over 100 different shapes and sizes for IDENTIFICATION AND Washington, took a July field trip to the your selection, in sterling silver, gold QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL Old Look Lake copper mine, located 36 filled and 10K gold. ' ANALYSIS OF MINERALS miles north of Spokane. Malachite, azurite We carry all popular items from the follow- By O. C. SMITH, A.B., A.M. and pyrite of iron were found. There will be ing manufacturers. Ostby & Barton Co., 300 minerals, 120 Blowpipe tests, 40 Bead no meetings during August and September. Campus Jewelry Co., Uncas Mfg. Co., The tests and the response to Ultra-Violet light • • • Conley Co. all shown in finest full color. Strategic minerals was the subject of A. B. ABERCROMBIE'S AGATE SHOP Price $6.50 Meiklejohn's talk before San Fernando Val- "Headquarters for Agate Mountings" Plus Tax in California ley Mineral and Gem society, July 8. He 16505 So. Lake wood Blvd. Order from — O. C. SMITH • Dept. D emphasized the lighter materials now being P. O. Box 727. Bellflower. Calif. 5157 Santa Ana St. — Bell, California used, with special reference to beryllium and P. S. We will be happy to help you with or Your Local Dealer aluminum and the minerals common to your stone cutting and mounting problems. those groups. 44 THE DESERT MAGAZINE NORTHWEST GEMS TO SHOW MINERAL, GEOLOGY CLASSES wernerite, calcite crystals, spinel, diopside, wollastonite); Reese farm, Richville, New AT BOZEMAN SEPTEMBER 4-5 OFFERED LOS ANGELES ADULTS York (brown tourmaline), and the Dan- burite location, Edwards, New York. The free exhibition of Northwest gems Under direction of the adult education • • • and mineral specimens to be shown in Boze- piogram of Los Angeles city schools, John man, Montana, September 4-5, as part of Benkart, mineralogist, author and teacher, World's smallest brilliant cut diamond, as the program of the annual convention of will instruct classes in mineralogy and geo- reported in Pebbles, bulletin of Snohomish the Northwest federation of mineralogical logy at three evening high schools starting County mineral society, Everett, Washington, societies, promises to be the largest ever September 13. Classes will meet at North was hand-cut in 1921 by an Amsterdam brought together, according to W. F. Brewer, Hollywood high school Mondays, at Holly- artisan. Although it has 58 facets, the stone Bozeman, publicity chairman. It will also wood high school Tuesdays and Thursdays, must be examined through a microscope, be the best housed, he asserts. The main and at Belmont high school, 1575 W. Second as it weighs only 1-400th of a carat and is hall of the Bozeman armory will contain St., Wednesdays and Fridays between 7:00 smaller than the head of a pin. It is in the p.m. and 10:00 p.m. collection of Pieter de Witt, New York 125 uniform display cases, about 23x43 diamond consultant. inches, each well lighted. These will be During the fall term, work will consist rented to commercial exhibitors, but free of a study of principles of geology, origin use will be allowed non-commercial exhib- and occurrence of minerals, prospecting itors and to club displays. Day and night methods, and a study of the nature and pro- HAROLD D. MARYOTT & CO. police protection will be provided. perties of minerals, including laboratory Bozeman is a college town, seat of Mon- work in identification of important types. Miami. Arizona tana state college. It is located on U. S. 10, Interested adults of the areas are invited to WESTERN JEWELRY which splits near Garrison in western Mon- attend these classes. tana. One line, No. 1 North, comes east • • • — Wholesale Only through Helena, state capital, and No. 10 Members of Mojave mineral society, at South comes through Butte. The two unite their June meeting, heard Vincent Morgan, again a little west of Bozeman. chemist for Pacific Borax corporation of • • • Boron, explain importance and usefulness of ROCKS AND MINERALS TO specific gravity in gem identification. He LABRADORITE PUBLISH BI-MONTHLY illustrated with gems and appliances the method of obtaining and using specific 'CANADA'S WONDER gravity in identifying minerals. On the same Announcement is made in July 1948 issue GEM MATERIAL" of Rocks and Minerals, published by Peter program, John (Buffalo Bill) G. Maxwell of Zodac at Peekskill, New York, that begin- Randsburg displayed Ultra-Violet Mineral- ning with the September issue it is expected ight and its effects on fluorescent minerals. We are pleased to announce that we this magazine for mineralogists, geologists • • • have been chosen agents ior the United and collectors will be published bi-monthly. Midwest Federation of Geological socie- States by Mr. Lloyd T. Mewburn. Banff, Reason given was the unsettled conditions ties was to hold its annual convention in Canada. in the printing industry. This was considered Chicago, August 21-23. with Chicago Rocks a temporary measure, "for a year or so, and Minerals society as host. This material is unsurpassed for opal- until conditions become normal." Price is • • • escence showing the Butterfly Blue, to remain the same but there will be an International Association of Crystallogra- Reddish Gold and Yellow. increase in number of pages, it was stated. phy was to hold its first annual convention • • • at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Labradorite has always been in big de- James G. Manchester, one of America's from July 28 to August 3. Display of all the mand because of its scarcity. most noted mineralogists, aged 76, died June latest scientific aids to the study of crystal- 28 in Southampton, L. I., New York. He lography, including latest in X-ray and the WE OFFER . . . was a member of New York Mineralogical newer microscopes, was scheduled. Burrlee 1 lb. $2.50 club, Mineralogical Society of America, New Pottery was invited to show its crystal 10 lbs. or over—per lb. 2.35 York Academy of Sciences, American As- models, and Charles Knowlton of Fullerton, 25 lbs. or over—per lb 2.20 sociation for the Advancement of Science, California, was to show them. All orders F.O.B. Long Beach. Calif. and the Rocks and Minerals association. • • • • • • Northern Ohio guild of American Gem DEALERS ATTENTION . . . Mineralogical Club of Hartford, Conn., society in May elected the following officers for the coming term: Harold D. Myers, Write for wholesale prices on this has announced the following outings for proven material. the fall season: September 12—Upper Mer- president; Harold H. Hubbard, vice-presi- ryall quarry, Sept. 26—Chester and Blan- dent; Elspeth Mackintosh, secretary-treas- urer. At the meeting Dr. Glenn C. Tague Open Daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ford, Mass., October 10—Roxbury, Conn., Closed Sundays October 24—Lincoln, Rhode Island. The gave an illustrated lecture, "Pearl, Coral, society meets at 249 High Street, Hartford, Amber and Jet." Conn. • • • • • • Eastern gem fields are being described by Horace W. Slocum in a series of articles GORDONS New officers of Georgia Mineral society, Atlanta, are: Captain Garland Peyton, pres- appearing in Rocks and Minerals magazine. GEM & MINERAL SUPPLIES ident; Wm. Gussow, vice-president; Sam June 1948 issue includes Diamond hill, Salisbury, New York (Herkimer diamonds) 1850 E. Pacific Coast Highway Cronheim, treasurer; Chas. Wilkins, record- LONG BEACH 6, CALIFORNIA ing secretary; Dr. Frank Daniel, historian; and Port Leyden, New York (tabular quartz S. C. Knox, corresponding secretary. Officers and garnets). July issue includes notes on Phone 738-56 will be installed at annual banquet in Sep- collecting at Whitestone farm, Natural tember. Bridge area, New York (pyroxene, tremolite, • • • NOW... YOU CAN SAW THE MOST INTRICATE SHAPES WITH THE NEW Sponsorship of a movie production of the story of gold in California by California Centennial commission or other agency was HILLQWST TRIM SAW urged in May by board of directors of San Here's the trim saw that has everything that any Francisco chamber of commerce. Produc- rockhound could ask for: Exclusive raising and lowering arbor permits perfect angle cuts at any tion of proposed film could be financed by depth—adjustable spray guards—all-metal con- some $30,000 to $75,000 of the two million struction—extra long rigid arbor—double ball bearings—grease pressure lubrication—precision dollars provided for use of the commission, rock clamp—cut-off guide—large table size—and according to Bert C. Austin, chairman of many other features. With the Hillquist Trim Saw you can do work you'd never attempt on any the chamber's mining committee. other machine. Immediate delivery! $57.50 • • • f.o.b. Seattle complete with 8" saw, belt, and According to Rocks and Minerals maga- motor pulley. Crating, $2.00. Ship, wgt., 65 lbs. zine, smoke of a volcano actually is pumice, a greyish rock blown so fine by steam that when it settles it has the appearance 1545 WEST 49* ST of ashes. Masses of solid pumice are full of cavities and can float on water. SEATTLE 7, WASH

SEPTEMBER, 1948 45 Setween If on and Met

By RANDALL HENDERSON One of the reasons we selected this site for the permanent new home of Desert Magazine is those mountains. Our /yOHN C. Van Dyke in his classic essay The Desert, homes and workshop are on the floor of the desert at an *f published in the early part of this century, wrote: elevation of only 300 feet. But three miles away the Pines- w "The deserts should never be reclaimed. They are to-Palms highway starts zig-zagging up the steep northern the breathing spaces of the west and should be preserved slope of the Santa Rosa range, and within a few minutes orever. we reach an elevation of 4,000 feet. "To speak about sparing anything because it is beautiful s to waste one's breath and incur ridicule in the bargain. At a distance, the lower slopes of the Santa Rosas appear The aesthetic sense—the power to enjoy through the eye, utterly barren. For truly they are desert mountains. But a the ear and the imagination—is just as important a factor closer inspection as the road winds up the grade discloses n the scheme of human happiness as the corporeal sense an ever-changing panorama of sparse but virile plant life. of eating and drinking, but there has never been a time As we start up the grade we see the vegetation of the when the world would admit it. Lower Sonorun zone—the creosote, burroweed, encelia, catsclaw, mesquite, palo verde and others. Before we reach The 'practical men,' who seem forever on the throne, the 2,000-foot level the first of the Upper Sonoran zone enow very well that Beauty is only meant for lovers and plants appear—first the agave or mescal, then as we round young persons—stuff to suckle fools withal. The main bend after bend we see wild apricot, juniper, nolina and affair of life is to get the dollar, and if there is any money yucca, and eventually we meet a scraggly piny on pine. in cutting the throat of Beauty, why, by all means cut her throat. That is what the 'practical men' have been doing Plant life is not as adaptable as human life. We humans ever since the world began." range over the earth from the arctic circle to the equator— Men are still seeking to reclaim the desert country. and while we do more or less complaining about drastic Increasing population pressure seems to make it necessary changes in temperature, our bodies soon adapt themselves, that we do this. The only alternative is a rigid program and eventually our minds become reconciled. But in the f birth control—for which we are not yet ready. plant world each species has its own zone of life, and it But on the other side of the ledger it is gratifying to note will not survive too drastic a change in soil and climatic that public sentiment for the preservation of parks and environment. nonuments and recreational reserves is slowly but surely • • • ;aining ground. Even the 'practical men' are learning that One eveninj; recently I accompanied friends on an over- inly animals can survive on food and shelter alone, night camping trip to a little pinyon forest 4200 feet up •lumans must have something more—some of those in- on the Santa Rosa slopes. After a month on the floor of tangible values they find in the peace and beauty of the the mid-summer desert we wanted to enjoy the novelty latural landscape. Commerce would not long thrive in the of sleeping under blankets. world in which there was no artistry, no imagination. One learns more about the character of an associate on • • • a single camping trip than in months of association in an I can look out through the window of my new office in office. Life in a primitive environment brings out traits 'aim Desert and see the 10,000-foot summits of OF Grey- not revealed in normal association. ack and San Jacinto in the distance. Between these two We had flapjacks for breakast. One of my camping rules nighty peaks is San Gorgonio pass, the gateway between is that each member of the party be given the option of the Southern California desert and the Los Angeles coastal making his or her own hotcakes. Making camp flapjacks jlain. is a fine art. It takes much practice and I have a chronic During the last 100 years a motley procession has passed distrust of tenderfoot campers who volunteer to cook the hrough this gateway — mountain men, trappers, gold- hotcakes for the crowd. Generally they don't know the seekers, freighters and colonists seeking new homes. first rule—the proper regulation of the fire. I don't like Traveling westward they counted the days and hours burned flapjacks—and so I reserve the right to make my intil they would reach San Gorgonio and be out of this own—and grant the same privilege to the others. damnable desert region. After they've learned to cook 'em to a nice golden brown, Today, the descendants of those pioneers have a new the next lesson is flipping them over in the air. That takes oncept of the desert. Throughout the winter months they courage, faith, good timing and perfect rhythm. Only lead eastward through San Gorgonio pass—thousands of folks with a little music or poetry in their genes ever learn them every week—to get away from the damp gloomy days to flip hotcakes gracefully. of the coast and the smog of the great city and into the But you don't have to be a poet or a musician to enjoy slean sunny atmosphere of the same desert their forebears camping. It is good tonic for the ails of a jittery civilization ihunned. —even if you have to eat burned flapjacks.

46 THE DESERT MAGAZINE warfare is vividly described in FORTS AND FORAYS, the diary of James Augustus Bennett, just published by the University of New Mexico press. Bennett was 18 when he enlisted in the dragoons in New York in 1849. From 1850 to 1856 he served in territorial New Mexico. During that period he kept this diary which presents an amaz- ingly realistic picture of the violence of the times. Bennett knew Kit Carson who acted as guide on many dragoon forays. He fought CALIFORNIA CELEBRATES HER The book contains the almost forgotten Indians—and scalped one himself. He GOLD RUSH CENTENNIAL stories of the old mining camps: Monoville, nearly froze to death in winter blizzards Bennettville, Lundy, Aurora, Hamilton, Co- and roasted under the summer sun. He lumbus, Mammoth, El Dorado canyon, danced with the Mexican ladies at fandangos With California celebrating the centennial Bodie, and others less well known. But of the discovery of gold at Sutter's mill in Bill Chalfant's primary interest was in at Santa Fe and other communities, and 1848 and the gold rush of 1849, many people and his book is crowded with tales fought with their escorts in the brawls guides to the gold region are being pub- of the characters, good and bad, who which seemed inevitably to follow the lished. Beautifully printed and elaborately made the land. There are sections on dances. illustrated, MOTHER LODE ALBUM by Shorty Harris, famous desert rat, crime What he saw he recorded in brief, ex- O'tbeto Weston has been issued by Stanford and punishment on the frontier, tall tales University Press. This primarily pictorial pressive style—army life and punishment, the miners told, and the story of the Lost Mexican villages, weather conditions, native record of the buildings and relics of the Cement mines. One of the most interesting camps as they appear today, contains more inhabitants, ruins, gambling dens. He fre- chapters is that titled: "A Boy in Cali- quently was wrong in his dates and included than 200 excellent full, half and quarter fornia in '49." It is the work of Bill Chal- page photographs by the author, who has fant's father, P. A. Chalfant, pioneer editor a good deal of hearsay with personal obser- lived in the Mother Lode town of Columbia who came west with the gold rush. It is vations, but as a picture of frontier army for many ye^rs. not "written" in the usual sense, since P. A. life by one participating in it, FORTS AND Chalfant shaped it at the type case as he FORAYS is invaluable. The diary was There are brief descriptions of the history set it into type for his paper in 1886, from transcribed for publication by Clinton E. of the camps and their present circum- Brooks, with Frank D. Reeve as co-editor. stances, divided into sections on the North- memory alone, without copy or notes. ern and Southern mines. Among the at- Those who do not have the books from University of New Mexico Press, Albu- tractions of the book are the many vignettes which GOLD, GUNS AND GHOST querque, 1948. 85 pps., illustrations, index. of illustrations from early accounts of the TOWNS was selected will find this volume $1.75. gold rush and the early West, one repro- fascinating reading and important source # # # duced with each page of text. Palo Alto, history, an almost necessary item in any California, 1948. 178 pps., 8V4xllVi library of Western Americana. BOOK NOTE . . . inches, map and papers, $5.00. Stanford University Press, 1947. 175 Carl Moon, 69, noted writer, artist and H. Cyril Johnson's SCENIC GUIDE TO pps., $3.00. * * * photographer who specialized in American THE MOTHER LODE follows the pattern Indian life, died in San Francisco, June 24. of his other useful and compact Scenic Moon began his collection of Indian prints Guide series. All subjects are listed alpha- LIFE WAS ROUGH IN THE FRONTIER ARMY and paintings as a photographer in Albu- betically and information about population, querque in 1904. He was art director for altitude, history and present attractions is Life in the United States army during the Fred Harvey restaurant chain through- included. There are maps of the Northern out the Navajo country. and Southern diggings and 30 photographs. the rugged and brutal days of frontier Susanville, California, 1948, 52 pps., 75 cents. A motoring and historical guide to the principal early mining camps, LOST AND LIVING CITIES OF THE CALIFORNIA LOST MINES! GOLD RUSH by Philip Johnston, has been issued by the touring bureau of the Auto- The Lost Dutchman—the Lost Breyfogle—the Lost Pegleg. Fact or mobile Club of Southern California. John- fiction, stories of these and other lost mines and hidden treasures are ston knows and has visited all the Mother Lode country and this 62 page booklet is part of our desert heritage. Men still hunt for them and dream about excellent reading with many anecdotes and them. Books about lost mines are waybills to adventure and— much local history. The volume is divided perhaps—to fortune. into 3 sections: The Mother Lode, The Northern Diggings and The Trinity Mines. There are maps but no illustrations. The booklet, printed two columns to the page, appears to be about the same material which Johnston published in Westways APACHE GOLD AND YAQUI SILVER, by J. Frank Dobie $4.00 magazine years ago. Fascinating tales of the lost mines of the Southwest and Mexico. * * * Illustrations in color and black and white. CHALFANT TELLS OF GOLD, CORONADO'S CHILDREN, by J. Frank Dobie New Price $1.49 GUNS AND GHOST TOWNS The classic of lost mines and buried treasures of the Southwest. LOST MINES OF THE OLD WEST, by Howard D. Clark 60 All his life W. A. Chalfant of Inyo col- The best known lost mine stories in pamphlet form. lected tall tales and pioneer lore of the desert and Sierra country he loved. GOLD, THUNDER GODS GOLD, by Barry Storm $2.75 GUNS AND GHOST TOWNS, issued by The Lost Dutchman and treasure stories of Arizona's Superstition Stanford University Press, is a compilation mountains. of some of his best work. The new volume JACOB WALZER AND HIS HIDDEN GOLD MINE. is a selection of stories from two earlier books by Chalfant, Outposts of Civilization by Chas. Frederick Higham $1.00 and Tales of the Pioneers, and they, in Another version of the Lost Dutchman. Illustrated, paper bound. turn, were taken from columns and columns SUPERSTITION'S GOLD, by Oren Arnold Limited Number $1.25 of material he ran during the 55 years he Illustrated, fictionized pamphlet about the Lost Dutchman. was editor of the Inyo Register of Bishop, California. Order from: Chalfant was the historian of California DESERT CRAFTS SHOP Palm Desert, California east of the Sierra and adjacent Nevada.

SEPTEMBER, 1948 47 Here's a Date Package you'll want We call it our Deluxe Assortment. It is the most This DeLuxe Assortment surely will take top honors popular pack we have sold at our roadside shop— as a gift pack during the coming fall and winter sea- and now it is available for our mail order customers. son. They are available at It includes a delicious assortment of Coachella val- ley's best dates and date confections. 1) pounds $5.70 II pounds 3.50 Here are the Valerie Jean delicacies you'll find in I pound 1.30 the latest box from our Desert Oasis: Postpaid to you • DATE-WALNUT CAKE—rich as a caramel. • DATE CANDY SQUARES, of coconut and dates. RUSS NICOLL • NEW DATE LOAF—candied fruits, nuts, dates. Valerie Jean Date Shop • DATE SURPRISES—stuffed with candied fruits, Thermal, Caliiomia • Phone Thermal 28-W-l nuts, dates. • And of course every box includes a generous P.S.—We have found the prettiest desert note station- helping of the natural dates—the cream of the ery, decorated in natural-color photos of cactus flow- crop. ers. Mailed to you postpaid for $1.65.