University of Utah, Asia Campus Film 3920 Korean Cinema Film 3920 | Room: U107 | Tues 1~4pm, Thurs 1~2pm _______________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Simon McEnteggart Email:
[email protected] Office: U724 Office Hours: Mon/Wed 1~2pm (or by appointment) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Course Description Following the end of the Korean War in 1953, South Korea rapidly developed from one of the poorest nations in the world under a military dictatorship into an economic powerhouse that embraced democracy. The transformation of the nation is keenly reflected through the national cinema. The Korean Cinema course examines how the cultural, social, and political issues and events that have transpired across the decades have informed the formation of the Korean cinema industry, as well as the cinematic output. Through lectures, screenings, and seminars, students will explore key concepts, cinematic aesthetics, industry formation, censorship, authorship and other discourses in the formation and development of Korean cinema, from 1953 through to the contemporary period. Note: This is a theoretical course, not a practical filmmaking course. • Core Reading Material: Textbook: Rediscovering Korean Cinema, by Sangjoon Lee (ed.) Select book chapters/articles/readings from other sources will also be uploaded on canvas. • Course Objectives: Through lectures, seminars, and screenings, students will explore the political and cultural issues from the 1950s until today, and how such events informed the cinema industry as well as leading to cinematic trends and output. Students will critically engage with key films from Korean cinema history, examining how such films reflect and explore the issues of the respective era, in order to more fully understand how Korean cinema has evolved into its current contemporary state.