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Documentation Kerala DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTAATTIIOONN KKEERRAALLAA An index to articles in journals/periodicals available in the Legislature Library Vol. 12 (3) July – September 2017 SECRETARIAT OF THE KERALA LEGISLATURE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DOCUMENTATION KERALA An index to articles in journals/periodicals available in the Legislature Library Vol.12(3) July to September 2017 Compiled by G. Maryleela, Chief Librarian V. Lekha, Librarian G. Omanaseelan., Deputy Librarian Denny.M.X, Catalogue Assistant Type Setting Sindhu.B, Computer Assistant BapJw \nbak`m sse{_dnbn e`yamb {][m\s¸« B\pImenI {]kn²oIcW§fn h¶n-«pÅ teJ-\-§-fn \n¶pw kmamPnIÀ¡v {]tbmP\{]Zhpw ImenI {]m[m\yapÅXpambh sXc-sª-Sp¯v X¿m-dm-¡nb Hcp kqNnIbmWv ""tUm¡psatâj³ tIcf'' F¶ ss{Xamk {]kn²oIcWw. aebmf `mjbnepw Cw¥ojnepapÅ teJ\§fpsS kqNnI hnjbmSnØm\¯n c−v `mK§fmbn DÄs¸Sp¯nbn«p−v. Cw¥ojv A£camem {Ia¯n {]tXyI "hnjbkqNnI' aq¶mw `mK¯pw tNÀ¯n«p−v. \nbak`m kmamPnIÀ¡v hnhn[ hnjb§fn IqSp-X At\z-jWw \S-¯m³ Cu teJ\kqNnI klmbIcamIpsa¶v IcpXp¶p. Cu {]kn²oIcWs¯¡pdn¨pÅ kmamPnIcpsS A`n{]mb§fpw \nÀt±i§fpw kzm-KXw sN¿p¶p. hn.-sI. _m_p-{]-Imiv sk{I«dn tIcf \nbak`. CONTENTS Pages Malayalam Section 01-36 English Section 37-57 Index 58-82 PART I MALAYALAM Aadhaar 4. CS-Xp-]£w tZiob t\Xr-Xz-¯n- te¡v Db-c-Ww. ]n. IrjvW-{]-kmZv 1. B[mdpw kzIm-cy-Xbpw Nn´, 7 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 12þ15 sk_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ ImÀjnI {]Xn-k-Ônbpw ImÀjnI hn¹-h- tZim-`n-am-\n, 30 Pqsse 2017, ¯nsâ {]m[m-\yhpw hnh-cn-¡p¶ teJ-\w. t]Pv 30þ31 B[mÀ ImÀUn-\mbn tiJ-cn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ _tbm-sa-{SnIv hnh-c-§Ä kzIm-cy-Xsb A]-I-S-¯n-em-¡p-¶p-sh¶ ]cm-Xn-bpsS 5. IÀjI t£aw: kmaq-ly-kp-c-£- ]Ým-¯-e-¯n X¿m-dm-¡nb teJ-\w. bpsS ASn-¯-d. \ne_vP tLmjv tbmP-\, Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 19þ21 C³Uy³ ImÀjnI taJ-e-bn A\p-`-h-s¸- 2. auen-Im-h-Im-i-§-fpsS DbnÀs¯-gp- Sp¶ \b-hy-Xn-bm\w, ]pXnb ImÀjnIt£a t¶Â¸v. amÀ¤-§Ä F¶n-hsb Ipdn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. A\n-hÀ Ac-hnµv amXr`qan, 10 sk]vXw-_À 2017, t]Pv 20þ26 kzIm-cyX auenIm-h-Im-i-am-sW¶ kp{]ow 6. AÀ_pZw hnX¨ lcn-X-hn-j-bw. tImSXnbpsS Ncn-{X-{]-[m\amb hn[n-bpsS j_n IrjvW³ ]Ým-¯-e-¯n B[mÀ hyàn-bpsS amXr-`q-an, 9 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 30-þ43 kzImcy Pohn-Xs¯ F§s\ _m[n-¡p¶p lcnX hn¹-h-¯nsâ sISp-Xn-IÄ, _n.-Sn. F¶-Xnsâ ka-{K-amb hni-Zo-I-c-Ww. hn¯p-IÄ D−m-¡m³ t]mIp¶ tZmj-§Ä, cmk-hfw a®nsâ ssPhn-I-Xsb \in-¸n-¡p- ¶-sX-§s\ XpS-§nb Imcy-§-fn {]ikvX Agriculture imkv{X-Ú³ tUm. sI.-]n. {]`m-I-c³\mbÀ Xsâ ià-amb \ne-]m-Sp-IÄ Xpd-¶p-]-d-bp¶ A`n-apJ kw`m-j-Ww. 3. Ccp-]-Xn-\m-bncw cq] sIm−v Hcp sImÃw Pohnt¡−n hcp¶ C´y³ IÀj-IÀ. 7. AÀ[-\-á-cmb t]mcm-fn-IÄ. sI. kl-tZ-h³ KoY amXr-`q-an, 24 sk]vXw-_À 2017, am[y-aw, 4 sk]vXw-_À 2017, t]Pv 36-þ39 t]Pv 48þ53 C´y³ ImÀjnI {]Xn-k-Ôn-sb-¡p-dn-¨p-ff UÂln-bn-sebpw, Xangv \m«n-tebpw IÀjI teJ\ ]c-¼-c-bpsS H¶mw `mKw. ka-c-§-sf-¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. 2 \hw-_À 8 \v t\m«v d±m-¡p-¶-Xn\pw amk- 8. If-\m-in-\n-IÄ ZpcnXw sIm¿pw. §Ä¡p ap¼v Xs¶ C´y-sb-t¸m-ep-ff Zneo]v IpamÀ. F.-Un., Dj. Fkv cmPy-§Ä UnPn-ä-ssekv sNt¿-−Xnsâ amXr-`qan, 13 BKÌv 2017, t]Pv 28-þ34 Bh-iy-I-X-sb-¸än hnk I¼\n ]pd¯nd- If-\m-in-\n-IÄ DbÀ¯p¶ A]-I-S-§-sf- ¡nb ]T-\-tc-J-IÄ hmbn-¨mWv tamZn t\m«v ¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. d±m-¡n-b-sX¶v teJ\w Nq−n-¡m-Wn-¡p-¶p. 9. kwtbm-PnX Irjn k{¼-Zm-bhpw 13. km[y-X-I-fpw. In«m-¡Sw: tamZn-bpsS Ah-km\ Bbp-[w. tUm. tP¡_v tPm¬ s{]m^. sI. Ac-hn-µm-£³ Nn´, 15 sk]vXw-_À 2017, t]Pv 11-þ14 ImÀjn-I-hn-f-I-Äs¡m¸w arK ]cn-]m-e\w, aäv ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 10 Pqsse 2017, A\p-_Ô {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä F¶n-h-sbÃmw t]Pv 8þ13 DÄs¸-Sp¯n IÀj-I\v ]c-am-h[n BZmbw _m¦p-I-fpsS In«m-¡Sw Xncn-¨p-]n-Sn-¡m-\p-ff Dd-¸m-¡p¶ kwtbm-PnX Irjn coXn-sb tI{µ kÀ¡m-cn-sâbpw BÀ.-_n.-sF. bpsS ¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. bpw {ia-§sf-¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. 14. 10. IÀj-Isc NXn¨ A´-I³amÀ. e£w tImSn _nkn-\kv BÀ. kp\nÂ. e£y-an«v {Kmao¬ _m¦v. am[y-aw, 21 BKÌv 2017, t]Pv 32þ37 Zn]n³ am\-´-hmSn tIc-f-¯nse IÀj-IÀ¡v 10 hÀj-¯n-te-sd- Iem-Iu-ap-Zn, 20 BKÌv 2017, bmbn DÂ]m-Z-\-£-aX Ipdª s\Âþ]-¨-¡dn t]Pv 36þ41 hn¯p-IÄ hnX-cWw sNbvXv DtZym-KØ tIcf {Kmao¬ _m¦n-s\-¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. kwLw NXn-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶psh¶p shfn-s¸-Sp-¯p¶ teJ-\w. Child Welfare 11. IÀj-I-tcmSv `c-W-hÀ¤w Im«p¶ 15. kwØm\ inipt£a kan-Xn- ISp¯ Ah-K-W-\. bpsS t{Zml \S-]-Sn-IÄ. sI.-Pn. ]c-ta-iz-c³ \mbÀ ssa¡nÄ hÀ¤okv sN§mS¡cn tIc-f-i-_vZw, 16 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 22þ24 C´y-bn \S-¡p¶ IÀjI Bß-l-Xy-sb -----tIc-f-i-_vZw, 27 BKÌv 2017, -Ip-dn¨pw IÀjIcpsS t]cn-ep-ff `c-W-hÀ¤- t]Pv 25þ27 ¯nsâ apX-e-¡-®o-cns\ Ipdn¨pw IÀjI P\-tkh inip-`-hsâ sNbÀam³ tPmkv {]t£m-`-§-sf-¡p-dn¨pw hni-Zo-I-cn-¡p-¶p. amth-en-bp-am-bpff A`n-ap-Jw. Banking Cinema 12. C´y "Iymjvsekv' BIp-t¼mÄ. 16. Xmc-§Ä¡p-th−n NneÀ F.-sI. ctaiv \S-¯nb am\n-¸p-te-j-\mWv kn\n-asb tZim-`n-am-\n, 24 sk]vXw-_À 2017, hj-fm-¡n-b-Xv. t]Pv 59þ61 F³.-sI. `qt]jv 3 amXr-`q-an, 30 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 10-þ19 21. P\-k-©b-¯nsâ BW-eÀ¨- kwhn-[m-b-I\pw \nÀ½m-Xm-hp-amb BjnJv A_p ae-bmf kn\n-a-bnse \ne-hn-ep-ff IÄ. {]iv\-§-sf-¡p-dn¨v kwkm-cn-¡p-¶p. KoX ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 31 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 22þ25 17. Ne-¨n{X \Sn B{I-an-¡-s¸« kw`-h-¯nsâ tUmIyp-saâdn \ntcm-[-\-§-fpsS ]Ým-¯-e-¯n ae-bmf kn\n-am-cw-K¯v cmjv{So-bw. sImSn-Ip¯n hmgp¶ BW-[n-Im-c-s¯ Pn.-]n. cma-N-{µ³ ¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. N{µn-I, 8 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 22þ29 `£-W-¯n-\p-ta am{X-aà kn\n-abv¡pw tUmIyp-saâdn-IÄ¡pw tI{µ kÀ¡mÀ \ntcm-[\w GÀs¸-Sp-¯p¶-Xmbn teJ\w 22. Zneo]v \nc-]-cm-[nbm-Wv. Nq−n-¡m-«p-¶p. Pn. kptc-jvIp-amÀ tIc-f-i-_vZw, 3 sk]vXw-_À 2017, t]Pv 10þ16 \Snsb B{I-an-¨-Xp-ambn _Ô-s¸« Imcy-§- 18. hna¬ C³ kn\na If-IvSo-hnsâ fn \S³ Zneo]v \nc-]-cm-[n-sb¶v hnizm-ky-X-bn kwi-bw. \nÀ½m-Xmhv Pn. kptc-jvIp-amÀ. A\ojv taml-\-N-{µ³ tIc-f-i-_vZw, 23 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 46þ48 Ne-¨n{X {]hÀ¯-I-bmb `mKy-e-£van-bp- 23. tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ¡v FXnsc am-bp-ff A`n-ap-Jw. Ko_Âkv Zn]n³ am\-´-hmSn Iem-Iu-ap-Zn, 2 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 54þ57 tcmlnXv shap-e-bpsS Bß-l-Xy-bp-ambn 19. kn\n-am-¡m-cpsS sIm¨n-bn kw`- _Ô-s¸«v X¿m-dm-¡nb "Z A¬s_-b-d-_nÄ _obnMv Hm^v sseäv\-kv,' ImivaoÀ ]Ým¯-e- hn-¡p-¶-Xv. ambn Hcp--¡nb "C³ Z sjbvUv Hm^v t^mf³ F.-sI. kmP³ Nn\mÀ', sP.-F³.-bp. hnse hnZymÀ°n {]t£m- Iem-Iu-ap-Zn, 9 Pqsse 2017, t]Pv 18þ27 `-¯nsâ ]Ým-¯-e-¯n Nn{Xo-I-cn-¡-s¸« ae-bmf kn\n-a-bpsS lºmb sIm¨n-bn "amÀ¨v amÀ¨v amÀ¨v' F¶o aq¶p tUmIyp-saâ-dn- kn\n-am-cw-K¯p \S-¡p¶ kam-´c At[m- IÄ¡v {]Z-À-i-\m-\p-aXn \ntj-[n-¨-Xn\v ]n¶n- temI {]hÀ¯-\-§-sf-¡p-dn¨pw kao-]-Ime ep-ff Imc-W-§-sf-¸-än-bp-ff At\z-j-Ww. hnhm-Z-§-sf-Ip-dn¨pw kwhn-[m-b-I-\mb F.-sI. kmP³, hn.-Pn. \Ip-ep-ambn kwkm-cn-¡p-¶p. 24. th«-bm-S-s¸-Sp¶ kn\n-a, Pohn-Xw. Znhym-`m-cXn 20. A{`-]m-fn¡v ]n¶nse No¯ am[y-aw, 28 BKÌv 2017, t]Pv 36þ47 hÀ¯-am-\-§Ä.
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    c m y k c m y k Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India: Regd. No. 14377/57 CONTRIBUTORS Aziz Quraishi Diwan Singh Bajeli Dr. M. Sayeed Alam Feisal Alkazi Geeta Nandakumar Rana Siddiqui Zaman Salman Khurshid Suresh K Goel Suresh Kohli Tom Alter Indian Council for Cultural Relations Phone: 91-11-23379309, 23379310, 23379314, 23379930 Fax: 91-11-23378639, 23378647, 23370732, 23378783, 23378830 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: c m y k c m y k c m y k c m y k Indian Council for Cultural Relations The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) was founded on 9th April 1950 by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first Education Minister of independent India. The objectives of the Council are to participate in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes relating to India’s external cultural relations; to foster and strengthen cultural relations and mutual understanding between India and other countries; to promote cultural exchanges with other countries and people; to establish and develop relations with national and international organizations in the field of culture; and to take such measures as may be required to further these objectives. The ICCR is about a communion of cultures, a creative dialogue with other nations. To facilitate this interaction with world cultures, the Council strives to articulate and demonstrate the diversity and richness of the cultures of India, both in and with other countries of the world. The Council prides itself on being a pre-eminent institution engaged in cultural diplomacy and the sponsor of intellectual exchanges between India and partner countries.
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