Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Carolina Dini Wulansari

Student Number: 121214102








Wulansari, Carolina Dini. (2016). The Meaning of Minke’s Opposing His Parents’ Ways of Thinking as Seen in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes a novel entitled This Earth of Mankind by . This novel was published by Hasta Mitra in 1980. This Earth of Mankind is a novel which tells about Minke, who lives in Dutch colonial era. He is the only Native Javanese who studies in the Dutch High School (Horege Burger School) in Surabaya on that time. Minke’s behaviors are influenced by Dutch education and civilization. The contradiction between Dutch and Javanese civilization occurs in some situations in his surroundings. In this study, the researcher discusses two research questions: (1) How is Minke described in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind? (2) What is the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking? In dealing with those problems, the researcher uses theory of colonialism, discrimination, personality, character, characterization, motivation, and education. The researcher applies psychological approach and uses library research as the method. There are two sources required, those are primary data and secondary data. The primary data is This Earth of Mankind novel and the secondary data are gotten from books and internet. The finding of this study shows that Minke is classified as a dramatic and the major character. Moreover, based on theory of characterization, he is described as a smart, logical, modern, hardworking, and independent character. While the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking is divided into surface meaning, which concludes that Minke opposes his parents’ ways of thinking as a form of avoiding to become a bupati and behaves like a slave as others Javanese and the deeper meaning, which concludes that Minke wants to get his freedom and to be able to make his own decisions. It is caused by Dutch civilization and Dutch education that is forming Minke’s ways of thinking. It is suggested to the future researchers to find the point of view from Nyai Ontosoroh toward Minke’s western education. It is also recommended for English teachers to use this novel as a one of the materials to teach Prose, Drama, or Play Performance.

Keywords: character, freedom, decision, native, oppose, ways of thinking



Wulansari, Carolina Dini. (2016). The Meaning of Minke’s Opposing His Parents’ Ways of Thinking as Seen in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini menganalisis sebuah novel berjudul This Earth of Mankind oleh Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Novel ini diterbitkan oleh Hasta Mitra pada tahun 1980. This Earth of Mankind adalah novel yang menceritakan tentang Minke yang hidup di zaman penjajahan Belanda. Dia satu-satunya pribumi Jawa yang belajar di sekolah menengah atas untuk bangsa Belanda (Sekolah Horege Burger) di Surabaya pada waktu itu. Perilaku Minke dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan dan peradaban Belanda. Pertentangan antara peradaban Belanda dan Jawa terjadi dalam beberapa keadaan di lingkungannya. Dalam studi ini, peneliti mendiskusikan dua rumusan masalah: (1) Bagaimana Minke digambarkan dalam This Earth of Mankind karangan Toer? (2) Apa makna dari Minke menentang cara berpikir kedua orangtuanya? Untuk mengatasi permasalahan itu, peneliti menggunakan teori kolonialisme, diskriminasi, kepribadian, karakter, penokohan, motivasi, dan pendidikan. Peneliti menerapkan pendekatan psikologi dan menggunakan studi pustaka sebagai metode penelitian. Terdapat dua sumber yang diperlukan, sumber itu adalah data utama dan data pendukung. Data utama adalah novel This Earth of Mankind dan data pendukung didapatkan dari buku-buku dan internet. Penemuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Minke digolongkan sebagai karakter dinamis dan utama. Terlebih, berdasarkan pada teori penokohan, Minke digambarkan sebagai karakter yang pandai, logis, orang yang modern, pekerja keras, dan mandiri. Sedangkan makna dari Minke dalam melawan cara berpikir kedua orangtuanya dibagi menjadi makna tertulis, yang menyimpulkan bahwa Minke menentang cara berpikir kedua orangtuanya sebagai bentuk dari penolakannya untuk menjadi seorang bupati dan berperilaku seperti budak seperti orang Java lainnya dan makna sesungguhnya, yang menyimpulkan bahwa Minke ingin memperoleh kebebasannya dan dapat membuat keputusannya sendiri. Ini disebabkan oleh peradaban Belanda dan pendidikan Belanda yang membentuk cara berpikir Minke. Disarankan bagi para peneliti selanjutnya untuk menemukan pandangan dari Nyai Ontosoroh terhadap pendidikan barat Minke. Juga direkomendasikan untuk para guru bahasa Inggris untuk menggunakan novel ini sebagai salah satu dari materi-materi untuk mengajar Prose, Drama, dan Play Performance.

Keywords: character, freedom, decision, native, oppose, ways of thinking



First of all I would like to express my deep grateful to Allah Bapa, the most powerful spirit that has supported me to finish this study. His blessing is more than enough to make me strong in facing so many problems in my life. He has planned path of my direction kindly. Moreover, Allah Bapa, the source of all kindness, becomes the reason why I have never given up.

I would like to say my deep thankful to my advisor, Dr. Antonius

Herujiyanto, M.A. for his patience in guiding me to gain my responsibility in this study. He has sacrificed his time to help me to finish my thesis. My special gratitude goes to my academic advisor, Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo S.Pd., M.A. for being patient and fatherly guiding for almost four years. My deep gratitude goes to Made Frida Yulia S.Pd., M.Pd. for giving me an opportunity to receive her help and all of the lecturers of PBI who share their invaluable knowledge.

I dedicate my deepest gratitude to my beloved father B. Slamet, who gives the best support in my life. He expresses his love through his greatest attention, without stopping to buy me some snacks. My awesome grateful goes to my beloved mother B. Marini, who has struggled to make me happy. Then I am also be thankful to my little brother, Heribertus Kurniawan A. for his crazy ways to make me laugh.

My greatest appreciation goes to my best friends; Putut Bastian, Latifa,

Elis, and Ery, Penguin Kejam Members, and all of my friends that I know in

PBI. They become part of my maturity by showing me the meaning of


achievement, friendship, dedication, and hard work. I give my appreciation also to

Kasmiran, Tisa, Vania, Dita, Erlyn, Intan, Arin, Selvy, Kasih for their help and some friends, whose names I cannot mention one by one. I also thank all of librarians who did their job to serve my needs in order to finish my study.


Carolina Dini Wulansari



I dedicate this thesis to Allah Bapa, my grandparents, my parents, my little brother, my best friends, penguin kejam members, and everybody that I have




TITLE PAGE ...... i




ABSTRACT ...... vi

ABSTRAK ...... vii






A. Background of the Study ...... 1

B. Problem Formulation...... 5

C. Objectives of the Study...... 6

D. Benefits of the Study ...... 6

E. Definition of Terms ...... 7



A. Review of Related Studies ...... 9

B. Review of Related Theories ...... 12

1. Theory of Colonialism and Discrimination...... 12

2. Theory of Personality ...... 13

3. Theory of Character...... 15

4. Theory of Characterization...... 16

5. Theory of Motivation ...... 17

6. Education According to Ki Hajar Dewantara...... 20

C. Theoretical Framework ...... 20

D. Context of the Study ...... 21


A. Object of the Study ...... 23

B. Approach of the Study ...... 24

C. Method of the Study ...... 24


A. The Description of Minke’s Character ...... 26

1. Smart...... 27

2. Logical...... 30

3. Modern ...... 32


4. Hardworking ...... 33

5. Independent ...... 36

B. The Meaning of Minke’s Opposing His Parents’ Ways of Thinking 38

1. Surface Meaning...... 39

2. Deeper Meaning ...... 42


A. Conclusion ...... 49

B. Suggestions ...... 51

1. Suggestion for Future Researchers...... 52

2. Recommendation for English Teachers...... 52

REFERENCES ...... 53

APPENDICES ...... 56



APPENDIX 1 The Portrait of Pramoedya Ananta Toer ...... 57

APPENDIX 2 Summary of This Earth of Mankind ...... 58

APPENDIX 3 The Portrait of Zincography...... 61

APPENDIX 4 Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Biography ...... 62

APPENDIX 5 Reflection ...... 65




This chapter is divided into five parts. They are background of the study, problem formulation, objective of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. The background of the study discusses Minke’s character and motivation toward his social environment in Dutch colonial era. Minke is one of the characters in the novel. Minke’s story leads the issues that involving two castes which are Dutch and Native Javanese. The problem formulation consists of research questions that become the main focus to reveal the thesis statement. The object of the study presents the aim of this study. The benefits of the study explain about benefits which the readers can get from This Earth of Mankind. The definition of terms explains key terms that are mentioned in the study.

A. Background of the Study

Character, motivation, and literature have close connection. The definition of each word will further help to understand how these words influence each other. According to Allport (1960), character occurs only in the situation when the personal effort is judged from the standpoint of the some code (p. 51). It means that people’s character is determined by society criteria. They learn how to behave in order to get their character which is bestowed through family, society, or


2 environment. Regarding of the theory of character, it also becomes as the foundation of self-motivation.

Beginning with the previous statement, there are a lot of literary works that can describe character and motivation of people. Literature is one of many mass communications that take an important role in the history of national development on a certain country. In the literature, through the elements of literature are expressed with text that contains various issues related to human life. As a literary work, especially the novel is not solely the author's imagination. It may be influenced by many aspects or issues in society that affect the author himself.

According to Wellek and Warren (1956), the definition of literature is everything in print (p. 20). Literature is social creation that represents life in large measure, such as a social reality, natural word, and inner or subjective world of individual.

These worlds have been objects of literary imitation (p. 94). It means that literature work can be defined as a representative of social aspect or the vision of people’s life concerning their environment. The example of literature work that reflects personality and motivation is This Earth of Mankind novel. In this novel, the changing attitude of the main character because of the violent situation is revealed particularly in Dutch colonial era.

The history of colonialism has existed since ancient times in 1900 that almost every country or region in the world was overpowered by European colonialism at one time or another (Sawant, 2012, p. 121). The expansion of colonialism by European occurs in for many times. One of the colonizers was Dutch that imperialized Indonesia for around 3.5 century. At that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3 time, the process of governing the Native included many aspects such as in education, social, commerce, and also the culture. The Native people also led the determination of colonizer by submerging in culture of silent, when there were no

Native people who wanted to utter their voice. This situation can be found from books as a result and evidence of Indonesian history.

In this period, there are many literary works that have been produced. One of the literary works is This Earth of Mankind by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This

Earth of Mankind comes from many ideas when European such as Dutch, Arabs,

Indians, and Chinese come to Indonesia especially in Java and all of these countries bring their aspects of life of their own countries such as their politics; ideas on religion, philosophy, and morality; their prejudices, hatred, and sometimes their imagination and foresight (p. 9). The contradiction of many aspects of human life between the Native and the colonizer can be revealed from this novel. That is the reason why This Earth of Mankind is a novel as a replica of

Indonesian history, which is able to reflect the issues of Dutch colonialism.

Toer’s novel reveals the specific effects of colonialism by Dutch. The tension is showed by the colonizer to the Native. This novel also tells the lack of basic human rights when the Native people are controlled by Dutch in their own country, it is seen through the story of the characters in this novel.

One of the main characters in This Earth of Mankind is Minke, an eighteen years old boy. He is a Javanese descendant, the only one Native who learns in

Dutch school. He studies at Horege Burger School (H.B.S), a school for descendants of the European colonizer that can be expected to accept this level of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

4 education. This school is known as intermediate and continuous education. In the colonialism era, the King of Dutch gave the authority to build Gymnasium

Willem III as an intermediate school for Dutch descendant in 1860, Batavia. In the progress, this school was named Horege Burger School, which arranged the students to learn for five years (Depdikbud, 1993, p. 61).

Minke’s story shows the colonialism in many aspects. He is disliked by his friends in the school, because all of his friends claim themselves as a European descendant. He also has many problems in his school because of his status. Minke is educated by Dutch but he was born in Javanese family. His father has become a feudal Java’s delegates or a bupati. Bupati is headed the regency with his supervisor, who is Dutch as an assistant resident. Minke’s parents want him to become a bupati or to work for Dutch. This restrictive demand is contradictory to

Minke’s expectation. He is against his father’s conservative ways of thinking.

Through Minke’s relation with his family, it describes the ways of thinking from the modern world and colonial power fronted when dealing with Java’s feudal rules. Minke is influenced by Dutch education while his family put in mind of his status as a Javanese who is bounded with feudal rules, when all of the attitudes are reined in tradition. Therefore, Minke is adopted to western society, which becomes an interesting point. It makes his character different from others. This also explains why he tends to oppose his parents’ ways of thinking.

Toer’s This Earth of Mankind becomes an interesting literature work to be discussed. There are some reasons why this novel is chosen. First, this novel is able to portray situation in Dutch colonial era, which affects many sectors such as PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

5 politics, culture, social, education, and others. The problem that Indonesia people encounter is obvious, because Toer puts the atmospheres suited with the real history in Indonesia. Second reason is about the politic education. Dutch gave an opportunity for Native to study in their school in order to get skilled laborers inexpensively. Moreover, this way is used to control the Native. Third, national movement awakening can be explained smoothly by Toer. The struggle to become independent people is described in the main character. That character is Minke, who strives to determine their own life by using education as a tool to come up against Dutch power in their ancestor land.

There are so many aspects that can be analyzed from This Earth of

Mankind, while the researcher is deeply interested in analyzing Minke’s character and motivation in order to reveal the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

B. Problem Formulation

From the background above, the research problems are formulated as follows:

1. How is Minke described in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind?

2. What is the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of



C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to reveal the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking as seen in This Earth of Mankind.

D. Benefits of the Study

Through this study, the researcher expects some benefits that worthy for

English lecturers and future researchers to enrich their knowledge on Indonesia history, especially in Dutch colonial era.

The first benefit of this study is intended to English lecturers, who can use this study in teaching-learning interaction. Based on this study, Minke struggles for his freedom by solving some problems in his life. It can be implemented in the interaction when the lecturers give students a freedom to find some ideas. These ideas are gotten from solving some problems in learning activities. It can increase students’ ability in solving problems. The purpose of this study is also to make

Drama class more interesting for the students. They can act a part as Minke’s character in dealing with Javanese’s feudal rulers and colonial power. This learning not only can help students to increase their ability in acting but also can help students to remember Indonesia history.

The second benefit is to future researchers. The researcher expects that this study can give valuable contribution to other researchers who want to conduct further studies on the same novel. This study is expected to provide significant reference on Minke’s character that learns how to struggle for his right, although he has to oppose his parents’ ways of thinking. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


E. Definition of Terms

The researcher provides the definition of terms in this section. It helps the researcher to explain more about terms that are stated in the study. This is to help the readers to avoid misinterpretation. There are two terms that are declared. They are meaning and oppose.

a. Meaning

Welby (1983) describes that meaning is always a matter of the creativity of a speaker in a particular context that trying to find a reasonable method for extending thought (as cited in Dale, 1996). Different people have their own reason in their actions. In this study, the definition of meaning is focused on the analysis of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

b. Opposing

According to Hornby (1989), definition of opposing is to express strong disapproval or disagreement with something, especially with the purpose of preventing or changing a manner of action. The word opposing in the title explains that Minke’s disagrees with his parents’ ways of thinking.

c. Way of Thinking

According to Nakamura (1964), ways of thinking refers to any individual's thinking in which the characteristic features of the thinking habits of the culture.

In this study ways of thinking will designate especially about concrete, empirical PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

8 questions, which may, on many occasions, involve also value judgments and questions of values in ethics, religion, aesthetics, and other such human concerns.

However, ways of thinking are conditioned by individual culture's habits and attitudes when individual communicates with his thoughts (p. 5). In this study

Minke’s parents’ way of thinking refers to their beliefs that positions and ranks are very important. In the novel they call it ‘the nobility of character’. The nobility of character can be achieved only if people, especially , bow down in submission to those older and powerful (p. 130). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter consists of three parts. First, review of related studies is intended to review other related studies previously done in the same object.

Second, review of related theories shows some theories that are used. Third, theoretical framework is a part which explains the contribution of those theories to solve the problems in this study.

A. Review of Related Studies

Toer’s This Earth of Mankind is such a great novel that looks interesting.

Some studies in the same novel had been done for several times by some other researchers. Most of the researchers focus on the character of the novel such as the study entitled Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s This Earth of Mankind: Changing the

Perspectives of the Main Characters towards Nationalism (Kuntari, 2003). This study is conducted to find out the society and people’s character that can change a person perspective toward his society. Another study is presented by Parwitasukci

(2003) entitled The Life and Death of Female Character in the First Three of

Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Tetralogy: This Earth of Mankind, Child Of All

Nation, and Footsteps. It explains that woman has her own ways to pass the difficulty of life in colonial era. The study which focuses in character is also done by Harmanto (2007) who tells about Nyai Ontosoroh as an example of woman


10 who is struggling in Dutch colonial era, in the study entitled Woman’s Struggle

During the Colonial Era in Java as Seen in Nyai Ontosoroh’s Character of

Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s This Earth of Mankind. The other studies which are related to Toer’s novel are The Factors that Effect Nyai Ontosoroh could not Get any Appreciation from the Other People in the Novel “Bumi Manusia” by

Pramoedya Ananta Toer as a Review of Psychological Literature. The study is endured by Herlina (2006) who explains about some factors that form Nyai

Ontosoroh’s identity as a woman who has low status in society. Another study is endured by Angelianawati (2015) that analyzes the motivation changing in Nyai

Ontosoroh as one of the main characters in This Earth of Mankind novel. The title of this study is The Analysis of Motivation Changing in The Character of Nyai

Ontosoroh in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Novel This Earth of Mankind.

The comparative study has been analyzed by Widyaningsih (1996) entitled

Studi komparatif perubahan konsep kepriyayian dalam novel “Bumi Manusia” karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dan novel “Para Priyayi” karya Umar Kayam: suatu pendekatan sosiologi. This study tries to reveal the similarities and the differences between Bumi Manusia and Para Priyayi novel. Rumbiak (2010) also uses this novel to conduct the study. His research discovers the Marxism value in

This Earth of Mankind. Rumbiak’s study is entitled Marxism Value in Pramoedya

Ananta Toer’s Bumi Manusia.

Next study uses translation strategies to deepen cultural problems in This

Earth of Mankind novel. This study entitled The Effects of Using Translation

Strategy to Overcome Cultural Problem in Translating Words Related to Tools in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer into This Earth of Mankind by Max

Lane (Ardiansah, 2008). Another researcher is Valentino (2008) who uses This

Earth of Mankind to conduct his study entitled Translation of Idioms from Toer’s

“Bumi Manusia” into “This Earth of Mankind”. The study discusses about some idioms that the researcher finds from the novel. Then, the researcher uses the idioms to look for the translation strategies which are used by translator to translate Bumi Manusia into This Earth of Mankind. The study that relates to translation is also done by Tunjungsari (2013) who discovers the advantages of domesticated translation of the terms related to ‘tool’ found in This Earth of

Mankind. This study entitled The Domesticated Translation of the Terms Related to ‘Tool’ in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind: A Study of Accuracy and Readability.

Beside the translation cases, This Earth of Mankind is also used as a source to conduct the study which is related to education. The study is arranged by

Bulu (2015) entitled The Types of Figure of Speech in Bumi Manusia by

Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Relevance in Indonesia Literature Learning in

Senior High School Class XII. This study explains about the relevance between types of figure of speech in Bumi Manusia and in Indonesia literature learning in class XII Senior High School.

These studies are seen as works that help the researcher to operate on other aspects with the purpose to discover previous studies. This study never analyses before, although this study relates with Kuntari (2003), which stated that Minke is a Native student who grows in two cultures, Western and East Indies. This situation makes Minke hesitant to find his identity as an Indonesian. The process PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

12 of Minke becoming nationalist is lead by Nyai Ontosoroh, who is a concubine in this novel. The national awakening movement is represented by the main character of the novel. This study relates with nationalism and deepens the research in Minke’s character. Kuntari’s study helps the researcher also to place

Minke’s environment as one of the factors to support the finding of this study.

Meanwhile, this study is different from Kuntari’s (2003) because the main interest of the researcher is to reveal the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking that is elaborated in This Earth of Mankind.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part aims to show some important theories which help to solve the research questions. These theories also have been determined in order to support the thesis statement. Those theories are reviewed as follows.

1. Theory of Colonialism and Discrimination

Colonialism can be defined as the conquest and control of other people’s land and goods (Loomba, 1998, p. 2). Moreover, according to Sawant (2012), colonialism is also the cause of profit or benefit commercial operation bringing wealth and riches to western nations through the exploitation of others. It was the first and famous part of commercial venture of the Western nations (p. 121). In this theory, the expansion through Indonesia territory makes the exploitation and development reign over the nation and takes the profit of Indonesia. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The word colonialism is not merely caused by other countries. The colonizer sometimes comes from inside of nation itself. Loomba (1998) describes that colonialism can take place in the same country without engaging outside country:

‘Colonialism’ is not just something that happens from outside the country or a people, not just something that operates with the collusion of forces inside, but a version of it can be duplicated from within. So that ‘post- colonialism’ far for being a term that can be indiscriminately applied, appears to be riddled with contradictions and qualifications (p. 12).

The word colonialism relates with discrimination affair. Wilson (1973) explains that the comprehension of racism as a set of institutional conditions of group inequality and an ideology of racial domination, in which the latter is characterized by a set of beliefs holding that the subordinate racial group is biologically or culturally inferior to the dominant racial group. These beliefs are deployed to determine and legitimize society's discriminatory treatment of the subordinate group and to justify their lower status (as cited in Bobo, 2003, p. 319).

The discrimination is a complex system according to treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which people treat other people, because of their skin color, religion, sex, and others.

2. Theory of Personality

Personality theories take specific roles in describing the main character in the novel. Personality also determines individual life that makes people unique to one and another. Allport (1960) states that personality is the dynamic organization PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

14 within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adaptation to his environment (p. 48).

The theory of psychoanalysis becomes the most famous of all personality theories. Freud’s contribution to personality theory is his exploration to human mental life that he explains according to their function or purpose. There are Id,

Ego, and Superego. According to Freud (1923), Id or “it” is psychical area that has no contact with reality, it battles constantly to reduce tension by satisfying basic desires such as hungry, thirsty, or sexual desire. The function of Id is to seek pleasure, it says that the Id serves the pleasure principle. Despite being unrealistic and pleasure seeking, the Id is illogical and can simultaneously possess incompatible ideas. It cannot make value judgments or distinguish in either good or bad. Id as a primary motivates or primary process needs secondary process in order to bring connection with external world. This process is known as Ego or

“I” (as cited in J. Feist & G. Feist, 2006, pp. 27-28).

Ego becomes a decision making of personality, because it is the part of conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Ego can make decision on each of these three levels. It also continuously develops strategies for handling the demands from Id (as cited in J. Feist & G. Feist, 2006, p. 29). After Id, human has to deal with their environment. In this stage, human learn about what they can and cannot do, it is called Superego or “over-I”. Superego represents the moral and ideal aspect of personality. It is guided by the moralistic and idealistic principles that are gained from life standard in society, from rules or law that human makes to regulate their lives with others. Superego is used to come against in pleasuring PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

15 the Id or the Ego. In this process, Superego guides over ego for judging its actions or intension, when Ego acts in contradictory to standard of Superego which the result is guilty feeling (as cited in J. Feist & G. Feist, 2006, p. 29).

3. Theory of Character

Character is a word that is often used synonymously with the word personality. According to Allport (1960), character is the moral appraisal of the individual evaluation. Character is personality evaluated and personality is character devaluated. Allport also declares that character occurs only in the situation when the personal effort is judged from the standpoint of the some code

(p. 51). For example, when the man shows character by facing temptation or when it is said that the aim of education should be the development of character, it really means that the man has behaved, or the child should be trained to behave, in ways those are approved by prevailing social and ethical standards.

In addition, Henkle (1977) classifies character into major characters and secondary characters. Major characters are created by giving main attention to present convincing dramatization of human issues in the book. The secondary characters are designed to bring readers to surface crucial issues in the novel.

Different from Henkle, Rohrberger & Woods (1971) write that story involves persons called characters, who act out in a particular setting, conflict, and plot. Characters must be credible, which means that characters are illustrated and prevailed as real human beings. The main character in a story that plays role in all the events in the story to be relevant is called protagonist. There are two styles an PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

16 author can characterize such as direct and dramatic style. Direct style concerns on physical appearance while dramatic style has to place the character in current situation to show what she is by the way the character behaves or speaks (p. 20).

4. Theory of Characterization

The definition of characterization comes from Murphy, who writes about the characters and personalities of the people in a novel. According to Murphy

(1972), the character can be understood by some methods. There are nine methods that the author attempts to make the characters understandable by readers (p. 161).

First is personal description. This method is describing physical appearance and clothes directly. The readers are given the telling in details to describe the personal character explicitly, for example in applying some words such as strong, handsome, and cute. Second is character as seen by another. The author affirms the character in the novel by giving an opinion or vision from other characters.

Each character has their own point of view to clarify other characters. It can help the readers to understand more about the character. Third is speech. The readers are helped to understand character by the conversation or speech in the novel. The readers can interpret the main character in the book through what people say. The main character is giving the readers clue to his character in the way how a person speaks, in a conversation with others, and puts forward an opinion. Fourth is the past life from the character, the author lets the readers to learn something about a character’s past life in order to give a clue to events that have helped to shape a character. This can be done through direct comment by author, character’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

17 thought, conversation, or the agent of another person. Fifth, conversation of others is a method from the author to give readers clue to know the character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him. Sixth, reaction is a method that is made to let the readers know how a character reacts to various situations and events. Seventh is direct comment. The author describes or comments on a person’s character directly. Eighth method is thought. The author gives us direct knowledge of what a character is thinking about. Each character has different various ways of thinking. In this respect, the author is able to do what the readers cannot do in the real life. Ninth method is mannerism. The author describes a character’s mannerism, habit, or idiosyncrasy which may tell us something about character.

5. Theory of Motivation

The definition of motivation is difficult to explain, but it has to include some related terms such as desires, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purposes. These states work together and become a process in leading reason; nevertheless motivation can be done spontaneously (Jung, 1978, p. 4).

According to Maslow (1943), human motivation can be classified into five parts which are psychological needs, safety needs, needs for belongingness and love, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. In these needs, the main purpose takes a significant factor in order to complete human needs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

18 a. Psychological Needs

Psychological needs concentrate on the basic human need such as need for food, water, and sex. Both homeostatic and desire are clue that enough specific for body needs. When a body lack of organic, individual will be inclined to develop special desire or need for that lack (p. 372). Human will suffice their minimum need, before being motivated by other higher-demand need. If human needs have been fulfilled then these needs are considered as not important anymore.

b. Safety Needs

Safety needs emerge after psychological needs are satisfied. These needs include needs for security and protection such as from pain, fear, anxiety, and disorder and need for order, lawfulness, and discipline. Human prefers to the safety environment, protection from danger, and protector such as parents, because those can make human feel safe. Safety needs are often expressed in affording to find a protector or powerful person that can be believable.

c. Needs for Belongingness and Love

Needs for belongingness and love take place in third hierarchy of Maslow, after psychological needs and safety needs. For example; need for love, tenderness, and togetherness. There are some stories and limited information about needs for belonging, but from that story mostly a bad effect to children is caused by unstable situation like disorientation, hatred of parentage from certain people, or a new comer. Obstacle to needs accomplishment becomes main PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

19 concern that shows some failure to adapt to the environment. Most of psychopathology theory emphasizes that obstacle of love happen because of the weak ability to adapt with others.

d. Esteem Needs

Esteem needs can be classified into two parts. Those are self-respect and self-esteem. Self-respect relates to desire for strength, achievement, adequacy, confident for facing the world, and for freedom and independent. First, self- respect includes prestige, status, approval, recognition, or appreciation.

Accomplishment of needs toward self-respect brings self-confidence, worth, strength, capability, sufficiency of being useful and necessary in the world.

Meanwhile, the hindrance to obsess these needs cause the feeling of inferior, weaknesses, and helplessness. Second, the greatest self-esteem can be achieved from prestige. Both competency and prestige are based on strong desire, firmness, and responsibility better than nature, constitution, or destiny.

e. Self-actualization Needs

The higher needs of Maslow’s hierarchy are self-actualization needs.

Various potential comes from different people, what a man can be, he must be.

This belongs to self-fulfillment. This tendency might also be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming. The specific form of these needs can vary from one to another.

These needs can be seen clearly based on the accomplishment of psychological, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

20 safety, love and esteem needs. We might call people who are satisfied in these needs, basically satisfied people. In addition, the differentiation of people are greatest occurred in this level.

6. Education According to Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hajar Dewantara is known as a founder of national education. He builds

Taman Siswa on 3 July, 1922. The purpose of Taman Siswa also focuses on the formation of intellect, but also in education maintenance and morality rehearsal.

In order to obtain the goal, Ki Hajar Dewantara uses kinship system.

“Teaching” gives the knowledge, guiding mind and training ability in order to form students to become educated. “Educating” is guiding arise the character in students life, with the purpose to form students to become cultured and civilized.

Kinship system is expected to build good relationship on both teacher and students.

Ki Hajar Dewantara is setting out a method that is called ‘Among’ method.

The directly famous philosophy that relates to this method is ‘Tut Wuri

Andayani’, which encourages students to learn by themselves. Teacher duty is following, monitoring, and helping students. Students are trained to be discipline in their own spiritualism (Soeratman, 1981, p. 89).

C. Theoretical Framework

The researcher has determined some theories that are used to support in answering two formulated problems. Those theories are theory of colonialism and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

21 discrimination, theory of personality, theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of motivation, and theory of education. Each theory has an important contribution to this study.

The researcher analyzes the tension of colonialism in This Earth of

Mankind which uses theory of colonialism and theory of discrimination, because these are needed to help the researcher in explaining the study especially in the colonialism era. Theory of character and characterization is needed to reveal

Minke’s character described in the novel and to answer the first research question in this study. Theory of personality, motivation, and education aim to answer the second research question to discover the meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ the ways of thinking in This Earth of Mankind.

D. Context of the Study

This Earth of Mankind is the first part of the Buru Quartet. This novel was published by Hasta Mitra in 1980, but was banned by Attorney General after one year realized in 1981, because it was considered as a novel which includes the

Marxisme, Leninisme, and Communism tenets. This novel was published in New

Order era (1966-1998), which prohibited communism movement in every sector, when Indonesia was led by Suharto.

The author of this book is Pramoedya Ananta Toer. He is a famous man of letters in Indonesia. Toer was born in Blora, Central Java, on 6 February 1925. He worked as a typist in Domei press agency, when Indonesia was occupied by

Japan. Toer’s works often cause pro and contra to appear. Toer had once been PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

22 prisoned for two years in colonial era, one year in Old Order, and fourteen years in as a political resistance. Some of Toer’s works were banned to publish because those influence national security. For example, in year 1960 he was jailed because he agreed with China communist tenet.

The story of this novel takes place in Dutch colonialism in the late 19th century (1898), in Surabaya and surrounding areas. The setting of the story tells about condition of Indonesia especially in Java Island. In the real context, the revolving year Dutch made an expansion area in Indonesia and succeeded to reign over some islands. There also appeared some patriots, such as R.A. Kartini, Ki

Hajar Dewantara, Teuku Umar, Dr. Sutomo, Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo and so many others that fought for their faith, faith of human freedom. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter is divided into three sections. They are object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. Object of the study describes the primary data as a main concern in this study. Approach of the study is a part to explain an approach to analyze the novel. Method of the study discusses the procedure to analyze the research.

A. Object of the Study

Researcher uses novel entitled This Earth of Mankind as a primary data.

The author of this novel is Pramoedya Ananta Toer, who is prisoned by Dutch for two years, 1947-1949. He is prisoned again by Indonesia government in year 1969 up to 1979 in Buru Island. Many of Toer’s works emanate from prison, including

This Earth of Mankind novel. Toer admires Russia socialist figure, Lenin. This reason leads Toer to propagandize Lenin through his concrete action, such as becoming a member of Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat (Lekra). It affects also to

Toer’s works, because mostly his works use politics as social reality. This Earth of Mankind is banned in 1981, because this novel is convinced to bring Marxisme-

Leninisme precepts.

Toer’s experience more or less influences his works. The situation in the novel is set in Java. This novel tells the story about Minke. He is eighteen years


24 old that gets an opportunity to school in H.B.S (the prestigious Dutch-language senior high school) although he is Native, son of noble Javanese. Minke is smart, gentle, honest, and humble. Another important character is Nyai Ontosoroh. She is a Dutch concubine underestimated by people, meanwhile she educates herself independently by learning literature and business. Nyai, then becomes Minke’s mentor and teaches him how to become the real Indonesian.

B. Approach of the Study

The psychological approach is used to deepen this study. Psychological approach involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent pattern. It describes on a different body of knowledge (Rohrberger & Woods, 1971, p. 13).

The dissimilarity of people’s personality and character makes various respond behaviors toward environment system. This approach helps to reveal the character and also the meaning of Minke’s action in opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

This approach can help the researcher to answer the formulated problems and reveal the thesis statement.

C. Method of the Study

This study uses library research in collecting the data, besides finding the data from other various sources such as books, online research, and journal.

According to George (2008), the characteristic of library research is a form of structured research with specific tools, rules, and techniques. It involves PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

25 identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or personal opinion on the research question, it is necessary to collect the component of every other research method at same points (p. 6). Based on the characteristic of the library research, the researcher executed the study.

There were some steps that were done to obtain the goal of this study. The first step was determining the primary data that would be used. The researcher chose This Earth of Mankind as a primary data. Second, the researcher read the novel for several times in order to understand more about the character, setting, plot, and important events stated in the novel. Third, the researcher established research question. Fourth, the researcher looked for some sources that are relevant. Next step was finding where they were located in order to easily obtain.

Some books were gotten from the library in Sanata Dharma University and the others were from the internet. Fifth, the researcher evaluated the books whether they were necessary or not. Sixth, the researcher used some theories and an approach from the books to support the argument. Seventh, the researcher wrote briefly the conclusion from the analysis. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter discusses the answer to research questions. There are two sections in this chapter. The first section describes Minke’s character in this novel.

Second section becomes the main section that focuses on the true meaning of

Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

A. The Description of Minke’s Character

This part describes Minke’s charater. Minke can be classified as a unique person. He has his own way to behave toward his environment. This statement is supported by Allport (1960) that explains personality as a dynamic organization within the individual psychophysical systems that determine his unique adaptation to his environment. Minke’s personality and character is also influenced by his society. Minke’s character is determined by stand point of people in his environment. According to Allport (1960), character is personality evaluated and personality is character devaluated. Character occurs only in the situation when the personal effort is judged from the standpoint of the some code.

Nevertheless, Minke is a character in the novel entitled This Earth of

Mankind. The character of Minke is able to represent the real human being in the world, because Rohrberger & Woods (1971) write that character must be credible, which is accepted as believable people. Rohrberger & Woods (1971) also exclaim


27 two styles an author can characterize. They are direct and dramatic. The direct style concerns Minke’s physical appearances, which rarely emerges. In addition,

Minke is described by using dramatic style. Through current situations in Minke’s story is able to make readers understand about Minke’s character by knowing the manner of how Minke behaves or speaks toward his alteration of ambience in his environment.

In addition, there are two major characters in this novel, Minke and Nyai

Ontosoroh. Minke can be declared as major character because he is able to lead the story involving the issues in colonial era. The same agreement comes from

Henkle (1977), who classifies characters into major characters and secondary characters. Major characters are created by giving main attention to present convincing dramatization of human issues in the book. Therefore, the character of

Minke is analyzed with the theory of characterization. He belongs to the character in the novel. Minke’s character of being smart, logical, modern, hardworking, and independent is explained in this study.

1. Smart

According to Hornby (1989), the definition of smart is having or showing intelligence; clever; ingenious. Minke can be categorized as a smart person because he can sharply analyze the situation that he encounters. The researcher is aware of Minke’s character of being smart by finding some evidences. Starting from the name Minke, this name is bestowed to him by his teacher, Mr. Ben

Rooseboom. He is the very first teacher in E.L.S (Europesche Lagere School), PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

28 who always gets cross with Minke. On one occasion with the eyes popped out frighteningly Mr. Rooseboom yelled “Quiet, you monk…Minke!” (p. 39). This name becomes popular, that engenders the disappearance of Minke’ real name.

His surroundings believe if that name is a sign of respect from a good and wise teacher. Although, he has his own opinion, with examining carefully the situation when Mr. Rooseboom yells that name.

I always believed that the name meant something unpleasant. The day my teacher spoke that word Minke, his eyes popped out like a cow’s eyes. His eyebrows jumped off his broad face. And the ruler in his hand fell to the desk. Goodness and wisdom? Far from it (p. 40).

Afterward, Minke comes to the conclusion that the name of Minke shows something unpleasant, his teacher only wants to insult Minke by calling him monkey. Minke displays his intelligence by understanding the situation and also elaborated it with the knowledge that he gets in this situation.

I could not find the word in the Dutch dictionary. Then I entered the H.B.S., Surabaya. My teachers there did not know what it meant either. Unlike us Javanese, they would never make a guess based just on feelings. One even quoted to me from some Englishman: What is a name? (It was a long time before I could remember the Englishman’s name. Then we began English lessons. Six months passed and I come across a word similar in pronunciation and spelling to my name. I began to think over it: eyes popping out and eyebrows ready to disengage from his broad face – for sure he was insulting me. And I remember how Mr. Rooseboom hesitated in saying the name. Fearfully I dared to guess: Perhaps he intended to insult me by calling me monkey (p. 40).

Minke is also having ingenious trait, in the manner of finding his curiosity about his name with various ways, in order to draw his guess based on the knowledge.

Through the thought about his past life and manner (Murphy, 1972), Toer is capable of describe Minke as a smart character. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Other evidences come from the conversation between Minke and Robert

Mellema. This clue is useful to know Minke’s character that includes opinion from other characters to clarify (Murphy, 1972). The character none other than

Robert Mellema, he said “You’re clever, Minke, fit to be an H.B.S students.” (p.

108). From this conversation it can be assumed that Minke is a smart person through Robert Mellema’s point of view. Moreover, Minke’s conversation with

Nyai Ontosoroh also reveals that Minke is a smart character. In the setting when

Nyai Ontosoroh brings a copy of Surabaya Daily News and shows the short story entitled An Extraordinary Ordinary Nyai That I Knew (p. 109). Minke admits that he is the writer of that article, and then Nyai Ontosoroh directly gives a comment on his achievement.

“Who’s the author, Mama?” I asked, pretending. “Max Tollenaar. Is it true you only write advertisements?” Before the conversation become involved I quickly confessed: “Yes, I wrote it, Ma.” “I thought so. You’re indeed clever, Nyo. Not one in a hundred people can write like that. Though if you mean me in that story…” (p. 109).

Character’s point of view for several times, have proven enough that Minke is smart. His capability is not simply average with other.

Furthermore, following along the plot of the story, Minke’s pen name is

Max Tollenaar. One day, unintentionally his article is brought by Miss Magda

Peters in the Saturday afternoon discussions. Based on the speech of Magda

Peters, she exclaims that Minke is a brilliant student.

“Students, teachers, Director, today I introduce to you all, especially to you students, an H.B.S. pupil by the name of Minke, whom no doubt you all know. But I’m not introducing the Minke whom everybody knows, but rather a Minke of a different equality, a Minke whose use of Dutch to state his feelings and thoughts is brilliant, a Minke who has written a literary PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


work. He has proven that he is capable of writing perfectly in language that is not his mother tongue. His has brought to life a snippet of reality, which other people, even though they too have experienced that reality, could never explain. I’m proud to have a pupil like him.” (p. 214).

In addition, Magda Peters’s speech directly acknowledges Minke’s perspicacity.

According to Murphy (1972), the readers can also understand the character by speech in the novel. Minke as a Native is not inferior to Mixed-blood or Pure

Dutch. His ability in learning has led him to develop himself in absorbing knowledge both inside and outside school. In conclusion, Minke is formed as a smart character based on his thought, people opinion, and his own manner which can be proven by using Murphy (1972) theory about characterization.

2. Logical

Minke’s education has formed his character of being logical, different set from Javanese credence. His manner has been influenced by Dutch education.

Following Hornby (1989) definition of logical, this word means in accordance with what seems reasonable or natural: the logical outcome; capable of reasoning correctly: a logical mind. Referring to logical meaning, Minke puts his life in reasoning anything based on his intellect and knowledge. Toer portrays Minke’s logic of thinking through his thought (Murphy, 1972). “I put my trust in scientific understanding and in reason. With these, at least, there are certainties that can be grasped.” (p. 19). His logic of thinking is encouraged by his surrounding, which emanates by influence from his teachers, friend, and education. His logic is also being agreement with his teacher precept that forbids him to believe in astrology, which is nonsense (p. 19). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Indeed I don’t believe in astrology. How could anyone believe in it? It has never lit the way for progress in science and in learning. And it demands of as that we submit to its predictions. There is nothing else we can do except to throw it into the pig’s slops bucket. Once I had my fortune told, just for fun. My horoscope was turned over and over. The fortune-teller opened her mouth. She had two gold teeth: If sir is patient, she said, he will surely meet the maiden. So I just prefer to trust my intellect. Even with the patience of all mankind, I would never meet her (p. 19).

Toer’s style in describing Minke as logical character can be also seen in the conversation between Nyai Ontosoroh and Minke. It happens, when his teacher logic tenets become his manner in facing other.

“Yes, Mama, my teachers teach me European civilization.” “How do they respond to your compliments? Abuse?” “No, Mama. There is nobody who doesn’t like being compliment, my teacher says. If someone gets insulted because of a compliment, they say, it’s a sign of dishonest heart.” (pp. 32-33).

This situation seems natural or reasonable, in line with the meaning of logical according to Hornby (1989). The author of this novel has various ways to determine Minke as a logical character. For example through his grandfather, the logic precept that he absorbs from his grandfather can make him success in study, because his grandfather’s precept becomes reasonable to deal with Minke’s study.

My grandfather had taught me that if you believe you will be successful in all your studies, then you will be successful; if you think all of study as easy, all will be easy. Be afraid of no kind of study, because such fear is the original ignorance that will make you ignorant of everything (p. 208).

Building on his grandfather advice, Minke believes in the truth if his grandfather words. It makes him really study hard in order to be never left behind in the study.

Minke’s logic of thinking lead by his environment, which have impacted on his attitude. He believes in nothing, which cannot be explained by knowledge and sees something that is reliable, which gives him reason to explain. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Modern

Besides being logical, Minke is also included as a modern person. He knows technology and admires it somehow. One of the products of science which amazed him is printing, especially zincography. This creation can help Minke to see everything from all over the world on that printed sheets of paper. This civilization is nothing compared to the generation before him, who knows nothing about technology. He also likes to take a note, which is a part of his European training (p. 17). Based on these, Minke is able to follow the period because of his

Dutch education.

The researcher finds some evidences that can be used to conclude Minke as a modern character. The use of language in that period is an important indicator to classify people in their social status. Dutch becomes language of the governing caste, and Malay is the language of interracial communication. Minke is a Native who can speak Dutch, so that he has received his level that is equal to Dutch. This condition is proven in the novel, when Minke becomes an interpreter when his father celebrates an appointment as a bupati. Starting from manner and language, he imitates Dutch civilization.

Mr. Assistant Residence finished his speech, and I finished putting it into Javanese. He shook hands with Father. And now it was Father’s turn to speak. He didn’t know Dutch, but that was still better than the other bupatis, who were illiterate. He spoke in Javanese and I put it into Dutch. Now I delivered it in a totally European manner directed at Mr. Assistant Resident B––and the European in attendance. I saw Mr. Assistant Resident nodding, and observing me as if I were who was giving the speech, or perhaps he was enjoying my act as a monkey in the middle of a crowd. Father’s speech ended and so too did my translation. The senior officials stood up and congratulated Father, Mother, my brother, and me (p. 135).



The ability of using Dutch constitutes to modernism that is intended to Minke. His adaptation toward highest caste in the story makes him not left behind.

According to Hornby (1989), modern is an attribute of the present or recent times: attribute of the contemporary style of art fashion or et cetera, especially one that is experimental and not traditional. Minke’s awareness in the development of society proves that he is modern person. This statement emerges in the conversation during lunch time. In the very first time, he visits Nyai Ontosoroh’s house.

“Minke,” Nyai said, “is it true people can now make ice? Ice that is really cold, as the books say?” “It’s true, Mama, at least according to the newspapers.” (p. 34).

One of my teachers had said: Just a little longer, just a little while, and people will no longer have to force their bones and squeeze out their sweat for so little result. Machines will replace all and every kind of work. People will have nothing to do except enjoy themselves. You are fortunate indeed, my students, he said, to be able to witness the beginning of the modern era here in the Indies (p. 18).

His education gives him opportunity to know the recent knowledge that other

Native knows nothing about.

4. Hardworking

Hardworking is a part of Minke’s character. Minke realizes that he has to work very hard to defend his human right toward Dutch power. His hardworking is intended to face the problem which comes in turns. He fights with his own way, the way that he believes can help him solve his problems, which is writing. He tells the truth in order to defend his right using his intelligence as a writer. The problem begins in the condition when Mr. Mellema dies because of poison. There PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

34 are so many accusations which are pointed to Minke, Nyai Ontosoroh, Robert

Mellema and some other characters as the suspected of the crime. This news spread quickly because of engaging some races, such as Javanese, Chinese,

Japanese, and Madurese.

Through Minke’s reaction toward this problem (Murphy, 1972), the researcher can uncover that Minke is a hardworking character. He tries to clean

Nyai Ontosoroh and his reputation from the charge.

I used my week’s leave from school to write, to repudiate all the false and tendentious reports. But then there appeared another report, allegedly from police sources, that the police were carrying out investigations and were hunting for Fatso ad Robert Mellema, who was the eldest of the Mellema children, both of whom were strongly suspected of conspiring to kill Robert’s own father (p. 275).

The accusation is mostly directed to Nyai Ontosoroh, whose people know as a concubine, a Native with the low status in society. People merely make accusation because of some cases that involve Nyais in murdering their master (p. 278).

Minke notably is willing to deal with the problem, he doesn’t want to give up.

Minke’s willingness proves that he is a hard worker.

“If you agree to fight them at my side, Minke, child, Nyo, you fight them to the end. If they later find themselves cornered, be careful––they will gang up on you. It’s happened so often before. Do you dare?” “We will never rest, Mama, in dealing with this problem. I think Minke is not a criminal. I reckon, Mama, he won’t run.” (p. 280).

Minke’s enthusiasm leads him to fight to uncover the truth. By facing this situation Minke learns how to defend from public attack. His attitude fit to the definition of hardworking by Hornby (1989), which writes that hardworking is working with care and energy. Meanwhile, Minke’s purpose is to prove that although he is a Native, he is not a criminal. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Another clue from Toer by using reaction (Murphy, 1972) is seen in the setting when Minke tries to defeat European law and defense his legal marriage with Annelies. He looks for possible ways to prove his married status that has been denied by European law. Nyai Ontosoroh counsels him to write in Malay in order to announce his legitimate married according to Islamic law. Minke’s efforts influence many parties such as Kommer who helps him write in Malay and also

Mr. Maarten Nijman, the managing editor of the paper S.N. v/d D–, who publishes some article that can help Minke to hold out (pp. 336-338).

One conversation that can record Mr. Maarten Nijman speech about this problem is able to acknowledge Minke’ of being a hardworking person.

“You have helped us a lot all this time. Now it is our turn to help you as much as we can,” he said. “But there is nothing else we can do to help lighten your own and your family’s burdens. All of the editor staff and the workers at the paper have high regard for your resistance, and express their true and sincere sympathy–– so young, like a sparrow harassed by a storm, but yet till fighting back. Another person would have been broken even before the fight started, Mr. Tollenaar.” (p. 338).

Mr. Nijman is commenting on Minke’s struggle. His own self has become a witness of Minke’s wrestling toward Dutch power.

In addition, revealing Minke’s reaction toward the problem, Toer is also able to describe Minke’s character by conversation. This conversation happens between Minke and Annelies.

“Why are you sighing?” Annelies suddenly asked. “On fire.” “What’s on fire?” “My head. My own head. All sorts of things keep coming up. There is already so much work and I’m still not allowed to go undisturbed for a single moment. Read!” and I pushed the letters over to her (p. 222). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Minke has many works to do until he has to give time to work as a writer and time to school. These schedules need extra energy which makes him exhaust and needs to rest for a while (p.217).

5. Independent

Minke’s wants to become a free human being, who doesn’t live under people’s control. According to Hornby (1989), independent means not dependent on other people or things: not controlled by other people or things. Toer gives direction to the readers to understand Minke as independent character by thought

(Murphy, 1972).

The school discussions were still suspended by the director. And amazingly, I felt that whatever was going to happen, I was dependent on nobody. I felt strong. My writings were being read by more and more people. More and more were being published ––even though they hadn’t brought in a single cent all this time. If the public knew I was a Native, I thought, maybe their interest would dissolve away; perhaps they would also feel deceived. Only a Native! I was prepared to face this also. Jan Dapperste had already warned me of Suurhof’s plan to expose me to public (pp. 247-248).

When so many rumors come after him about his private affair with Nyai, Minke’s friends in school avoid him too. Through Minke’s thought, the researcher can appeal that Minke is independent. He is not afraid to be alone because he depends on no one. This condition is similar to the definition of independent from Hornby


Not only by thought, but also from conversation has the researcher revealed Minke’s character. Through the conversation involves Robert Mellema PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

37 in his room. Robert asks Minke’s plan after graduating from H.B.S. Based on this interlocution, it can verify Minke as an independent character.

“What do you want to be when you’ve graduated from H.B.S.?” he suddenly asked. “Robert Suurhof says you’ll be a bupati.” “It’s not true. I don’t want to be an official. I prefer being free, as I am now. And anyway, who’d make me a bupati? And you yourself Rob?” I asked in return (p. 106).

This Native admits that he wants to become free human being. Not leading in any manner by other people has become his decision. It has been explained before that an independent person is indicated as free, which not giving or receiving any order.

The independent character of Minke also emerges in a speech (Murphy,

1972) from Assistant Resident Herbert de la Croix, after seeing the ability and manner of Minke in his father celebration as an interpreter. A Native who has the manner and knowledge from Dutch can switch over Herbert’s perception that a

Native Javanese is able to show an attitude of independent person.

“Minke, if you maintain your present attitude, I mean your European attitude, not a slavish attitude like most Javanese, perhaps one day you will be an important person. You can become a leader, a pioneer, an example to your race. You, as an educated person, surely understand that your people have fallen very low, humiliatingly low. Europeans can no longer do anything to help. The Natives themselves must begin to do something.” (p. 148).

Minke’s character of being independent has very often caused disagreement between his parents and Minke himself. Java’s feudal rules are not compatible with Minke’s character. Minke’s character of being smart, logical, modern, hardworking, and independent has been revealed through some evidences above. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Minke’s character leads the researcher to uncover the meaning of Mike’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

B. The Meaning of Minke’s Opposing his Parents’ Ways of Thinking

The author of this novel is commencing the story with Minke’s point of view toward his environment. Minke’s life closely relates with colonialism, when his people, Javanese, are underestimated and exploited by Dutch who is more powerful. Meanwhile, most of the Javanese people bow down in obedience to those powerful. This Javanese feudal rule is believed as a way to accept noble character (p. 130). Minke’s ancestor land has been reined over by Dutch.

Meanwhile his race shows the character of slave. The strong sense of colonialism in Minke’s story is clarified by the theory from Sawant (2012), who writes the colonialism is cause the profit of benefit trade operation bringing wealth and riches to western nations through the exploitation of others. Through Minke’s story has been also described that there is discrimination to Inlander or Native.

The discrimination is showed by Minke’s friends in school who treats him especially in a terrible way (Wilson, 1973) because of his status as a Native. This situation is caused by his friends, who claim themselves as European descendant that is feeling superior, so European is nothing compared to Native.

The complexity atmosphere in Minke’s society requires his action in facing problems, which is motivated by some terms. Those terms include desires, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purpose are work together in leading reason or motivation (Jung, 1978). Referring to motivation, Minke also has his own PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

39 motivation in opposing his parents’ ways of thinking. Furthermore, Minke’s motivation can be divided into surface meaning and deeper meaning. Surface meaning is supported by Freud’s theory of mental life, which is Ego that becomes a decision making of personality, because it is the part of conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Surface meaning can be found directly in the novel. Meanwhile, deeper meaning influences Id and Superego. Id as primary process talks about unconscious or basic desires of human being and Superego represents the moral and ideal aspect of personality. In addition, deeper meaning can be understood by analyzing Minke’s motivation.

1. Surface Meaning

Ego is governed by reality principle. It is known as “I”, direct contact with reality. Ego becomes a mediator between Id, unrealistic demands of the id and

Superego, realistic demands of external world (J. Feist & G. Feist, 2006). Thus, it relates to Minke’s Ego that can be seen in reality. Surface meaning from Minke in opposing his parents’ ways of thinking is revealed in the novel.

Minke’s father wants his son to become a bupati. His father has already had a vision to Minke’s future. The vision emerges in the conversation, when

Minke’s father said “Prepared by your grandfather to be a bupati, to be honored by all people, the cleverest child in the family…the cleverest in the town…yes,

God, what will become of this chill!” (p. 124). This statement is clearly from a father who wants his son to become, while Minke himself refuses to become a bupati for so many times. First, in the interlocution with Robert Suurhof, Minke PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

40 tells to Suurhof that “I’m not going to be a bupati” (p. 23). Even with Robert

Mellema who is asking for certainty that Minke wants to become a bupati. Then

Minke says “It’s not true. I don’t want to be an official. I prefer being free, as I am now. And anyway, who’d make me a bupati?” (p. 106). He also admits his refusal in front of his mother.

“No, Mother, I don’t want to become a bupati” “No? Strange. Yes, as you wish. So what do you want to become? If you graduate you can become whatever you want, of course.” (p. 128).

Referring to his refusals, Minke does it for several times. When these evidences appear, it can be concluded that Minke really meant it. He proves that he does not want to become a bupati, denying his father and mother ways of thinking.

Besides, Minke doesn’t interest in administrators for Dutch colonial bureaucracy.

His world is not rank and position, wages and embezzlement. He prefers to the world in this earth of mankind and its problems (p. 125).

Minke also shows his disagreement toward his mother’s ways of thinking, through the quarrel when Minke’s brother reads his diary. Her mother comes to draw aside both of her children. Minke only expresses his right upon his privacy that has been violated, but his mother considers him as a renegade, indeed no longer Javanese.

“My son of the past wasn’t a rebel like this.” “Your son didn’t know right and wrong then. I only rebel against that which is wrong, Mother.” “That is the sign you’re no longer Javanese, not paying heed to those older, those with greater right to your respect, those who have more power.” (p. 130).

Minke’s mother warns him how to behave like a Javanese. Javanese people have to give respect to the older, no matter what is right or wrong. In this setting, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Minke states his way of thinking while his mother’s statement only leads to behave as a slave. Minke is able to acknowledge his right as an independent person, it makes him oppose his mother’s advices. Indeed, he also has ever said his purpose in life in front of his mother, he says “I only want to become a free human being, not given orders, not giving orders, Mother.” (p. 128). Being agreed with his mother advices as if he wanted to be controlled or lived in under people shadow.

“Javanese bow down in submission to those older, more powerful; this is a way to achieve nobility of character. People must have the courage to surrender, Gus. Perhaps you no longer know that song either?” “I still remember, Mother. I still read the Javanese books. But those are the misguided songs of misguided Javanese. Those who have the courage to surrender are stamped and trodden upon, Mother.” “Gus!” “Mother, I’ve studied at Dutch schools for over ten years now in order to find out all this. Is it proper that Mother punish me now I’ve found out?” (p. 130).

From this evidence, Minke’s reason opposes his mother’s conviction because of his education. For some years he is taught Dutch civilization, so he has experienced his own freedom. Feeling his Javanese behavior is no longer his identity.

Based on these evidences, it can be concluded that neither his father nor his mother ways of thinking are compatible with Minke’s perception, especially toward Java’s feudal rules. Minke neither wants to become a bupati nor behave like a slave as his father and mother teach to him. The disparity of argumentation between Minke and his parents also become the reason of Minke’s reactions toward his surroundings. Minke’s reaction points to the ways in solving some problems that he has to encounter in his environment. Minke’s reactions are PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

42 clarified in the deeper meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

2. Deeper Meaning

According to Freud (1923), Ego continues to develop strategies for handling the Id’s unrealistic and unrelenting demands to satisfying the needs.

Meanwhile Superego is used to control Ego that represents moral and ideal aspects of personality (J. Feist & G. Feist, 2006). Thus, Ego manages its behaviors to achieve Id’ needs. Referring to this theory, true meaning of Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking is in order to fulfill his needs that become his motivations. Minke wants to get his freedom. This action can be gained by opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

Minke opposes his family ways of thinking in order to get his self-esteem need that becomes useful and necessary in his world. Self-esteem relates with desire for freedom and independent that can be achieved from prestige (Maslow,

1943). The researcher has found that Minke has fulfilled his self-esteem through the ways of Minke in maintaining his prestige. Both of the prestige and desire of freedom have been demonstrated by Minke.

Minke has a desire for freedom and independent. He admits it in front of his surroundings and utters in his mind.

“It’s not true. I don’t want to be an official. I prefer being free, as I am now. And anyway, who’d make me a bupati? And you yourself Rob?” I asked in return (p. 106).

“I only want to become a free human being, not given orders, not giving orders, Mother.” (p. 128). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Through these evidences, Minke’s self-esteem has occurred. Furthermore, Minke also shows different prestige and competency from uncommon Javanese people.

He has prestige and competency that can be compared with Dutch. It is started from his prestige which imitates Dutch civilization. Minke’s prestige reveals through direct comment from Assistant Resident Herbert de la Croix. He says that

Minke can be a leader, a pioneer, an example to his race, if he can maintain his

European attitude not a slavish attitude like most Javanese (p. 148). This comment occurs toward Minke’s ability in using Dutch language which is known as language for those who are in high level of caste. Moreover, Miriam de la Croix also admits Minke’s prestige in her letter. Miriam writes that Minke can show no sign of the slave mentality that the Javanese develops during the era of their defeat, from the time the Europeans set foot on Java (p. 191). Minke’s competency and prestige become the basic strong desire (Maslow, 1943) for freedom and independent. It takes an important responsibility in his action than his destiny as a Javanese.

In order to maintain his freedom Minke has to deal with his own decisions that contradict to his parents’ ways of thinking. One of his actions is solving some problems that tease his freedom. The problem when Mr. Mellema dies of poisoning (p. 275). Minke defenses himself and Nyai from public attack by writing the truth to prove that they are not criminal. Then, the court agrees to free them from further involvement in the case because of Ah Tjong’s statement which says that Minke, Nyai, and Annelies has no connection with the murder (p. 283). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Another problem that burden Minke’s freedom is a matter about his marriage status. Based on the application to the court by Maurist Mellema, son of the late Herman Mellema, he brings action to come up against Sanikem or Nyai

Ontosoroh to take over the guardianship of Annelies Mellema (p. 326).

Nevertheless, Annelies has married Minke under Islamic law, but European law insists that they marry illegally because Annelies is still considered to be legally under age. Minke and Nyai are willing to oppose European court to get their right as husband and mother of Annelies.

“We will fight, Mama, together.” “Even if we don’t have a lawyer, we will be the first Natives to oppose the European court, child, Nyo. Isn’t that also an honor?” (p. 332).

Minke writes to exclaim that their marriage is legal according to Islamic law, then that article appears on Dutch in S.N v/d D and Malay version appears in the

Malay-Dutch press (p. 338). This is the evidence that Minke wants to go after his freedom by struggling for his right. He wants freedom to have happy family without being interfered, although he has to go against Dutch law, which there is no Javanese who dares to come up against them.

In addition, Minkes’s desire of being free leads him to be able to make his own decisions. The decisions are to marry Nyai Ontosoroh’s daughter and to become a writer. Both of these decisions are being opposed by his parents, especially his father.

Minke marries Annelies, an illegitimate child from Nyai Ontosoroh. This decision accepts rejection from his father, only Minke’s mother who comes as a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

45 representative of his family. His father’s rejection appears in the interlocution when Minke’s mother prepares for his adornment for wedding.

“Ah, if only I could take her to B––, Gus, everyone would come out of their houses to greet her. What about it? Will you both later come to B–– or not? “No, Mother.” “Ya, ya, I understand, Gus. So your mother must be the one to come here to see you, and my daughter-in-law, and my grandchildren.” “It would be Father who would object, Mother.” (p. 308). Moreover, his father argues that Nyai brings bad effect for Minke, gives shame and denigrates Minke’s family name (pp. 124-125). Although Minke has understood his father’s demands to avoid Nyai, in fact Minke marries Nyai’s daughter. His decision to oppose her father’s demand is caused by his love to

Annelies. He has ever uttered his feeling toward Annelies in front of Dr. Martinet, a doctor for Mellema family.

“You like this girl? Answer frankly.” “Yes, I do, Doctor.” (p. 201).

Minke only wants to fulfill his need for love (Maslow, 1943), despite ignoring his father restrictive demands. This decision makes Minke aware of being disobedient in the eyes of his family, but not in the eyes of his mother (p. 314).

Another decision, Minke wants to become a writer. In the very beginning in the story Minke has an interest in printing, especially zincography (p. 17).

Referring to his interest, Minke needs to develop it. He encourages himself by believing in a news which states an outstanding Native woman can write in Dutch.

This Native woman writing has even been published. Based on his belief, Minke is stimulated to write (p. 72). Moreover, Minke proves that he can be a writer. His pen name is Max Tollenaar. His first article has been published in Surabaya Daily PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


News (p. 109). Minke’s hard work in writing makes a progress. His writing are being read by many more people and more are being published (p. 247). The director of Surabaya Daily News Mr. Maarten Nijman also promotes him to work part-time for the paper on permanent basis (p. 248).

Through these evidences, the researcher finds that Minke has accomplished his self-actualization need (Maslow, 1943). Minke’s tendency in writing is phrased as a desire to become a writer, even though he gets problems, but he defenses himself in the way he knows, which is writing. Self-actualization is the higher needs of Maslow’s hierarchy, which states various potential comes from different people, what a man can be, he must be. This theory is belonging to self- fulfillment.

According to Maslow (1943), people who are satisfied in these needs are basically satisfied people. Minke also admits that he need nothing else than to enjoy his hard working. It means that he has satisfied with what he has.

I’ve been honest to myself, haven’t I? And to the world? Look: I want no more than enjoy what I’ve created by my own hard striving. I need nothing else. A happy life, in my view, does not come from that which is given to one, but from one’s own struggles. My separation from my own family had taught me that –a problem more complicated than all my school lesson put together (p. 156).

Minke is grateful for the separation from his family. In this case without help from his family, Minke can take an opportunity to find out a job as a writer.

Minke in improving himself needs freedom, which he cannot receive from his family. Meanwhile, Minke’s parents especially his father insists Minke to be an official or a bupati. In addition, not following his father ambition toward rank in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

47 society can help Minke to prove himself. He proves to his world that he can become a writer, whose article has been handed around.

In order to become a writer Minke is supported by his teachers. Minke’s teachers, especially Nyai Ontosoroh and Miss Magda Peters, take an important role in leading Minke’s achievement. Nyai is Minke’s mentor, she teaches Minke some lesson that he cannot get from school.

“How’s that possible? Mama speaks, reads, and maybe also writes Dutch. How is that possible without schooling?” “Why not? Life can give everything to whoever tries to understand and is willing to receive new knowledge.” Her answer truly startled me. Such words had ever been spoken by my teachers (p. 72).

In Minke’s opinion, Nyai is an outstanding Native woman who has ability to develop herself, after having obtained some capital in the form of understanding from her master (p. 112). She is such an inspiring and impressive character (p.

189), who is able to give good example for Minke. Moreover, after knowing

Minke’s capability in writing, Nyai can lead a discussion about literary language that Minke knows nothing about (p. 110). She tries to increase Minke’s insight about some Malay books that he has never read. This Nyai also encourages Minke to write about humanity’s life and willing to help Minke to check again his writing before it is published. That is used to avoid miss assumption. According to

Ki Hajar Dewantara, teaching is giving the knowledge, guiding mind and training ability in order to form students becomes educated (Soeratman, 1981), this theory is analogously with Nyai’s treatment toward Minke. Another teacher from Minke is Magda Peters. She is a different teacher who doesn’t underestimate Minke. She is a teacher for Dutch language and literature in H.B.S school (p. 210). Both of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

48 these teachers have their own influence in the process of Minke’s learning to become a writer.

In conclusion, Minke’s reason to oppose his parents’ ways of thinking is to get his freedom. It is caused by his western civilization background that be based on his ways of thinking.

Graduate from school as was hoped for by so many people. Whatever else, I still liked school. To mix openly with all my friends. To be free (p. 188).

Through his education in school, Minke becomes aware of his right. He understands the meaning of freedom like the Dutch people commonly. Minke mostly shows his character of being independent who does not want to be controlled. He studies in Dutch schools for over ten years (p. 130). Minke has adopted Dutch behavior. Meanwhile, Java’s etiquette is a form of restraint, which is believed by Minke’s parents. In a different setting Minke has ever declared that he will maintain his right. He says “I’ll fight anyone at all who violates my individual rights,” (p. 129). Minke is able to struggle for his rights without considering his parents’ ways of thinking who remind submerged in a culture of silence. It can be concluded that Minke opposes his parents’ ways of thinking in order to get his freedom and to be able to make his own decisions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is conclusion, which discusses the finding of this study. The second part is for future researchers and

English teachers, who take this study to teaching in their class.

A. Conclusion

In this study there are two formulated problems that are analyzed. The first question tries to find Minke’s character that is described in This Earth of

Mankind. Minke can be declared as a major and dramatic character. Meanwhile,

Minke’s character is explained by using the theory of characterization from

Murphy (1972) and the definition of terms by Hornby (1989).

First, Minke can be categorized as a smart character because he can sharply analyze the situation that he is facing. He also draws the conclusion after analyzing his curiosity based on his knowledge and intellect. His ability as a smart character helps him to absorb the knowledge both inside and outside school.

Through his thought, other characters’ opinion, and his own reaction can prove

Minke as a smart character. Second, Minke is logical character, because he believes something that is reasonable. He explains something through reason, which is reliable. His logical ways of thinking is influenced by Dutch education, especially his teachers who form him to become logical. Third, Minke is a modern


50 character because his education gives him opportunity to become a witness of the modern era. He knows the recent product of modernism and is able to use Dutch language which is known as language in high level of caste. In addition Minke’s capability in adapting to his environment becomes the reason why Minke can be a modern person. Fourth, Minke has hardworking character. He is always doing a lot of work, until he has to divide his time to work and to school. Minke also shows that he can work very hard to maintain his right toward Dutch power. Fifth,

Minke’s character of being independent is revealed from Minke’s reaction toward his environment. He depends on no one, while getting problem that makes him be avoided by his friends in school. He intimates Dutch attitude and behavior that are close to independent people, who are not being controlled by any person.

Minke’s ancestor land has been reined over by Dutch. Meanwhile, his race shows the character of slave, which can be seen in his family atmosphere. Minke opposes his father’s demand that wants him to become a bupati. Moreover, his mother reminds Minke to behave like a slave without considering his right. The complexity atmosphere in Minke’s society requires his action in facing problems that is supported by his motivation. Minke also has his own motivation in opposing his parents’ ways of thinking. It deals with the second research problem, which is intended to reveal the true meaning of Minke in opposing his parents’ ways of thinking. Theory of motivation from Maslow (1943) and theory of personality from Freud (1923) are needed in order to reveal Minke’s motivation.

The answer to the second research question is divided into two parts. There are surface meaning, which the answer can be seen literally in the novel, and the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

51 deeper meaning, which the answer can be revealed after analyzing the novel.

Minke is opposing his father’s demand, which forces him to become a bupati, but

Minke who has an independent character refuses his father’s pretension.

Moreover, his mother teaches Minke to behave as a slave, who bows down in submission to those older or powerful. He is forbidden to utter his opinion while

Minke still declares his own opinion to defend his right, although his action makes his mother upset. These findings can be gotten in the novel literally. In the deeper meaning, Minke has fulfilled his self-esteem, which relates to the desire for freedom and prestige. In maintaining his freedom, Minke has to solve some problems that he faces. In addition, Minke’s desire of freedom leads him to be able to make his own decisions. Those decisions are marrying Annelies and becoming a writer. All of his actions can be accepted by opposing his parents’ ways of thinking. In conclusion, Dutch civilization and Dutch education be based on Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking.

B. Suggestions

This section consists of two parts. They are suggestion for future researchers and recommendation for English teachers. The first section is intended to future researchers who are interested in doing research on This Earth of

Mankind. Second section is a recommendation to English teachers who want to use this novel as the material to teach in Prose, Drama, and Play Performance. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1. Suggestion for Future Researchers

This Earth of Mankind is a novel which portrays many aspects in life especially in Dutch colonial era. This study only discusses the meaning of

Minke’s opposing his parents’ ways of thinking. Meanwhile, there are so many other aspects that are interesting to be revealed. The future researchers can analyze the point of view from Nyai Ontosoroh toward Minke’s western education.

2. Recommendation for English Teachers

This Earth of Mankind can be implemented in teaching-learning activity. It can be used as one of the materials to teach Prose, Drama, or Play Performance.

This study also helps the students to learn Indonesia history, especially in Dutch colonial era. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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The Portrait of Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Taken from:!Pramoedya- Ananta-Toer (Accessed on 27 July 2016) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



Summary of This Earth of Mankind

In Pramoedya Ananta Toer's, This Earth of Mankind, the protagonist comes of age against the backdrop of a colonial Java being ruled by the Dutch.

Minke introduces himself and then launches into his story. His story is essentially a love story. He sets the backdrop of his class and education, and then moves into the first meeting of the Mellema family.

The Mellema family consists of daughter Annelies, son Robert, Mistress

Nyai Ontosoroh, and Mr. Mellema. Minke is awestruck by the beauty of Annelies at his first meeting. He gets to meet her because a classmate, Robert Suurhof, invites him to come along. Suurhof's goal is actually to humiliate Minke, but to

Suurhof's surprise, Robert Mellema grudgingly invites Minke into his home, and to his greater surprise, Annelies becomes smitten with Minke and her mother also approves.

Thus, Minke is brought into the Mellema family's life, although he has doubts about them. He consults with his friend and business partner, a French artist named Jean Marais, who advises him not to judge the family based on pre- conceived notions, but rather to spend time getting to know the family and then make a judgment call. Minke does this, and discovers that Nyai is self-educated, follows many European customs, and runs the successful family business. He moves into the family home at her invitation, and develops a deep bond with PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Annelies, while Robert Mellema becomes increasingly jealous of him. Minke continues his studies at school while living with the Mellema's, but one day gets taken away by the police, without warning. The police take him to his father, who has arranged for the police to bring him. His father has been promoted, and wants

Minke to be the translator at his ceremony. While staying with his family, Minke makes new friends of a governing official's Dutch daughters.

Upon his return to Surabaya, Minke thinks that he is being followed by a

Chinese man. His suspicions are confirmed when the Mellema family guard,

Darsam, tells him that Robert has ordered Darsam to kill Minke. Darsam is loyal only to Nyai, however, and as Nyai treats Minke like a son, Darsam has sworn to protect him. Nonetheless, Minke decides he should live at his boardinghouse for the time being. He returns to school and tries to concentrate on his studies.

Minke receives letters from Nyai imploring him to return to her home because of Annelies' declining health. Eventually, Minke can no longer stay away and visits her. He is charged by the family doctor with the task of nursing her back to health, for it seems that only his love will cure Annelies. Thus he begins living with the Mellema's again. He eventually marries Annelies, and shares much happiness with her for a few months.

However, the happiness is short-lived when Herman Mellema is discovered dead and shortly after, his son Maurits takes the family to court to get the family business and have control of Annelies' future. Minke, Nyai and their friends fight the courts, but are powerless to change the decision. Annelies will be shipped to the , and her marriage with Minke is ruled invalid since she PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

60 is not legitimate and it was not a Christian marriage or sanctioned by the government. In the end, Nyai and Minke must watch her sail away, and thus the novel ends.

Taken from: mankind/ (Accessed on 27 July 2016) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



The Portrait of Zincography

Colour printing still remained time consuming and expensive as it required a number of different plates which were added over the original design; nevertheless, it allowed people to hang colour prints and pictures on walls and it became increasingly popular. Hand colouring still remained popular and

Ordinance Survey maps were still coloured by hand as late as 1875. Zincography later replaced this method, using zinc plates instead of stones, and remained the most popular method of colour printing until the 1930s.

Taken from: ink/ (Accessed on 27 July 2016) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Biography

Pramoedya Ananta Toer, also spelled Pramudya Ananta

Tur (born February 20, 1925, Blora, Java, [now in Indonesia] died April 30, 2006, Jakarta, Indonesia) Javanese novelist and short-story writer, the preeminent prose writer of post-independence Indonesia.

Pramoedya, the son of a schoolteacher, went to Jakarta while a teenager and worked as a typist there under the Japanese occupation during World War II.

In 1945, at the end of the war, when Indonesia declared its independence and revolted against renewed Dutch colonial rule, he joined the nationalists, working in radio and producing an Indonesian-language magazine before he was arrested by the Dutch authorities in 1947. He wrote his first published novel, Perburuan (1950; The Fugitive), during a two-year term in a

Dutch prison camp (1947–49). That work describes the flight of an anti-Japanese rebel back to his home in Java.

After Indonesian independence was recognized by the Netherlands in

1949, Pramoedya produced a stream of novels and short stories that established his reputation. The novel Keluarga gerilja (1950; “Guerrilla Family”) chronicles the tragic consequences of divided political sympathies in a Javanese family during the Indonesian Revolution against Dutch rule, while Mereka jang dilumpuhkan (1951; “The Paralyzed”) depicts the odd assortment of inmates PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Pramoedya became acquainted with in the Dutch prison camp. The short stories collected in Subuh (1950; “Dawn”) and Pertjikan revolusi (1950; “Sparks of

Revolution”) are set during the Indonesian Revolution, while those in Tjerita dari

Blora (1952; “Tales of Bora”) depict Javanese provincial life in the period of

Dutch rule. The sketches in Tjerita dari Djakarta (1957; “Tales of Jakarta”) examine the strains and injustices Pramoedya perceived within Indonesian society after independence had been accepted. In these early works Pramoedya evolved a rich prose style that incorporated Javanese everyday speech and images from classical Javanese culture.

By the late 1950s Pramoedya had become sympathetic toward the

Indonesian Communist Party, and after 1958 he abandoned fiction for essays and cultural criticism that reflect a left-wing viewpoint. By 1962 he had become closely aligned with communist-sponsored cultural groups. As a result, he was jailed by the army in the course of its bloody suppression of a communist coup in

1965. During his imprisonment he wrote a series of four historical novels that further enhanced his reputation. Two of these, Bumi manusia (1980; This Earth of

Mankind) and Anak semua bangsa (1980; Child of All Nations), met with great critical and popular acclaim in Indonesia after their publication, but the government subsequently banned them from circulation, and the last two volumes of the tetralogy, Jejak langkah (1985; Footsteps) and Rumah kaca (1988; House of Glass), had to be published abroad. These late works comprehensively depict

Javanese society under Dutch colonial rule in the early 20th century. In contrast to

Pramoedya’s earlier works, they were written in a plain, fast-paced narrative style. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Following his release from prison in 1979, Pramoedya was kept under house arrest in Jakarta until 1992. The autobiography Nyanyi sunyi seorang bisu (The Mute’s Soliloquy) was published in 1995.

Taken from: (Accessed on 27 July 2016) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI




Minke is an eighteen years old Javanese who lives in two different cultures. Javanese culture reminds him to the restrictive culture that burdens his freedom. Moreover, the disparity premises from his parents insist Minke to be controlled by Dutch in a form of being a bupati. It becomes the reason why Minke is not comfortable with his own identity as a Javanese. Beside, Dutch culture gives him an opportunity to develop himself to understand his right as a human being. In the result, Minke opposes his parents’ ways of thinking in order to get his freedom and to be able to make his own decision in his life.

According to Jung (1978), motivation has to include some related terms like desires, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purposes. These states work together and become a process in leading reason. Minke opposes his parents’ ways of thinking that become the way for him to express his own opinion and decision.

Through Toer’ This Earth of Mankind, the researcher can understand the image of colonial era. The condition when Indonesia people were colonized in their own country. The politic was held by colonizer to control Indonesia people.

They were given a social rank in order to manipulate them to work under Dutch power. Moreover, Indonesia people especially Javanese took side to those more PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

66 powerful in order to get safeness. Through story of Minke also gives some benefits to the researcher.

First, the benefit is to the researcher as future parents. The children need a good example to be imitated, because it can influence children’s behavior. Being open minded parents are important, that lead the parents to absorb so much knowledge, which is useful for children. Parents must pass on to their children everything they need to know. Parents also have to give the children a freedom in order to give children an opportunity to develop themselves. Giving restrictive demands can hamper children progress in learning, although guiding and monitoring the children are required to maintain the right ways to be encountered.

Second, the benefit is to the researcher as a future teacher. In this novel,

Minke is discriminated by his teachers, beside Miss Magda Peters who treats him as equal as other students. Miss Magda Peters has given a good example for the researcher. Teacher has to treat the student as equal as others. Teacher duty is to deliver the knowledge and to take the responsibility of students’ development.

Although, students come from different background, that make them have various behavior. Sometimes they will be classified as a smart, stupid, naughty, poor, or rich. Teacher ought to ignore students’ background, because teacher’s duty is to encourage them to absorb the knowledge by showing them the good ways to learn, which compatible with them.

In addition, the researcher becomes more understand to the important of good figure. Human especially children need a good figure to be imitated. A good PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

67 example makes good things as a result, in that ways children can grow up by knowing how to behave in the society.