WWF-Australia Level 1, 17 Burnett Lane Brisbane QLD 4000 Postal: same as above Tel: +61 7 3003 1480 Fax: +61 7 3229 4431
[email protected] @ WWF_Australia wwf.org.au ABN 57 001 594 074 Mr Dale Bell Senior Planning Officer Department of Natural Resources and Mines South Region Centenary Square Building 52-64 Currie Street, PO Box 573 NAMBOUR QLD 4560 Email:
[email protected] Cc: James Purtill Director-General Department of Natural Resources and Mines Email:
[email protected] Date: 11th December 2015 Re: MSF application to lease Unallocated State Land (USL) at Churchill and Granville in the Wide Bay Burnett region Dear Sir, WWF-Australia welcomes this opportunity to provide the following comments regarding the assessment of the Most Appropriate Use (MAU) that DNRM is conducting under section of the Lands Act 1994 for parcels of Unallocated State Land (USL) at Churchill and Granville in the Wide Bay Burnett region, which MSF’s is seeking to lease to grow sugarcane for ethanol production. Summary of key issues: Key issues associated with the proposed use of the USL at Churchill and Granville include: • Significantly increasing sediment, nitrogen and pesticide loads, which will cause further degradation of marine water quality thereby breaching Governments commitments to reduce water quality impacts under Reef Plan and the Reef 2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan. • Causing significant impacts to threatened species through the removal of essential habitat. • Altering catchment hydrology, which will cause significant adverse impacts to groundwater dependent ecosystems, wetlands and the Great Sandy Straits Marine Park.